Dictionary Index mmcif_img.dic

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<small>mmcif_img.dic</small></h2> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-1 my-nav-title"><div class="pull-right"> <h4>Browse:</h4></div></div> <div class="col-md-11"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"> <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_img.dic/Index/index.html">Dictionary</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_img.dic/Groups/index.html">Category Groups</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_img.dic/Categories/index.html">Data Categories</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_img.dic/Items/index.html">Data Items</a></li> <li > <a href="/dictionaries/mmcif_img.dic/Data/index.html">Supporting Data</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default general"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">General <a href="#" class="mytip pull-right" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="General information"> <img class="" src="/assets/images/glyphicons-dot-com/png/glyphicons_195_circle_info.png"></a></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <dl class="dl-horizontal dl-lg"> <dt >Dictionary title</dt> <dd >imgCIF/CBF Extension Dictionary</dd> <dt >Dictionary description</dt> <dd >Extension to the mmCIF dictionary describing image data collection and compact binary representation of diffraction image data</dd> <dt >Original developers</dt> <dd >Andy Hammersley, Herbert J. Bernstein, I. David Brown, and John Westbrook</dd> <dt >Dictionary maintainers</dt> <dd >IUCr</dd> <dt >Dictionary name</dt> <dd >mmcif_img.dic</dd> <dt >Dictionary version</dt> <dd >1.8.4</dd> <dt >Last update</dt> <dd >2021-03-16</dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel panel-default default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Downloads <a href="#" class="mytip pull-right" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" title="Download options"> <img class="" src="/assets/images/glyphicons-dot-com/png/glyphicons_181_download_alt.png"></a></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1"> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-wwpdb-green" href="/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_img.dic">Dictionary Text</a> <a class="btn btn-lg btn-wwpdb-green" href="/dictionaries/ascii/mmcif_img.dic.gz">Dictionary Text (gz)</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="panel-group my-spacer" id="pg1"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <!-- begin top accordion panel --> <div class="panel-heading"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <h4 class="panel-title"> Dictionary Revision History </h4> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <a class="accordion-toggle pull-right" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#pg1" href="#p1"> View/Hide revision history list </a> </div> </div> <!-- end heading row --> </div> <!-- end panel heading --> <div id="p1" class="panel-collapse collapse in"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- BEGIN inserted markup --> <div class="my-table-scrollable"> <table class="table table-striped table-condensed "> <thead> <tr> <th>Version</th> <th>Revision&nbsp;Date</th> <th>Revision&nbsp;Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-03-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Copy-editing refinements (bm)<br /><br /> + Add _item_related.related_name and<br /> &quot;_item_related.function_code replacedby&quot; to deprecated items.<br /> + Add &quot;_item_default.value .&quot; to *_variant items<br /> + Change uses of \%Angstroms to \%angstr\&quot;oms<br /> + Change category save frames to upper case names<br /> + Fix misssing superscript terminating ^</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-02-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Correction as per Brian McMahon<br /><br /> + Fix for _array_structure_list.array_section_id<br /> + Remove spurious _item_aliases.alias_name from<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarisn_ratio_esd<br /> + Remove spurious reference to _diffrn_scan_frame.time_rstrt_incr<br /> + Provide missing _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.monitor_value definition<br /> + Deprecate _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.value</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-02-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Corrections and additions for ITVG 2021<br /><br /> + Add McStas as an axis coordinate system<br /> + Add _array_intensities.underload as optional<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.details as optional<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.variant as optional</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-01-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Copy-paste error corrections (JRH)<br /><br /> + Fix double underscore in _diffrn_data_frame.center_derived<br /> + Fix wrong in _diffrn_scan.date_end_estimated<br /> + Fix wrong _item.mandatory_code in _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.frame_id<br /> + Fix wrong _item.mandatory_code in _variant.variant_of</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-01-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes for 2021 ITVG and conformance with Gold Standard and NXmx (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add _diffrn_data_frame.center_derived as optional<br /> + Add _diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_distance_derived as optional<br /> + Change _diffrn_scan.date_start to mandatory<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan.date_end_estimated as mandatory<br /> + Fix .array_id and .binary_id columns to be implicit in all cases to<br /> facilitate mini_cbfs<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">2018-12-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes for CBFlib 0.9.6 release (HJB)<br /><br /> + Remove _array_structure_list.array_section_id<br /> + Revisions to _category.NX_mapping_details in most categories for<br /> array sections.<br /> + Change to uniform use of entry:NXentry<br /> + Change to uniform use of identification of NXdetector by detector<br /> element<br /> + Change to uniform use of data_ARRAYID_BINARYID<br /> + Add _array_structure_list.array_section_id<br /> + Add _map_segment.mask_array_section_id<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.scan_id<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.type<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.translation_width<br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.beam_width<br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.beam_height<br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.beam_flux<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-04-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Additions of esd&apos;s to polarization tags. Change to NeXus mapping to use<br /> NXtransformations instead of NXpoise (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.polarisn_norm_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarisn_ratio_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_norm_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_I_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_Q_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_U_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_V_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_I_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_Q_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_U_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_V_esd.<br /> + Change NeXus mapping for ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST<br /> ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS, AXIS,<br /> DIFFRN_DETECTOR_AXIS, DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT_AXIS,<br /> DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_AXIS.<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-04-05</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Corrections to Stokes parameter description. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Clarify the meaning of _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_I<br /> and _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_I to explicitly include non-polarized<br /> component.<br /><br /> + Provide missing factor of 2 in _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_V<br /> description and _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_V description.<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-02-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Minor changes to NeXus mapping. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Conform NeXus mapping of DIFFRN_DETECTOR to neXus<br /> NXdetector base class terminology<br /><br /> + Add _diffrn_detector.gain_setting to handle<br /> the reverse mapping from NeXus of the equivalent field in NXdetector.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-02-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Major changes to NeXus mapping to conform to JS functional<br /> mapping prototype, add Stoke parameter tags for polarization<br /> and beam intensity, and add an new tag for FEL axes (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add<br /> _axis.equipment_component,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_I,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_Q,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_U,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_V,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_I,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_Q,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_U,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_V.<br /> + Remove erroneous type code from _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.value.<br /> + Update dictionary version</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-29</td> <td class="my-monospace"> To avoid a conflict with PDB software, remove the null value<br /> enumeration for _variant.role (HJB)<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-27</td> <td class="my-monospace"> At request of JW for the PDB move _category.NX_mapping_details<br /> to be adjacent to other category tags. (HJB)<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-23</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Minor cleanup and remove spurious tag<br /><br /> + remove spurious _array_structure_list_section.array_set_id<br /> references. (JS)<br /> + Change case of category names to conform to PDB conventions. (JW)<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Major cleanup of dictionary typos, misplaced loops, etc<br /> by John Westbrook<br /><br /> + Change _item.mandatory_code of all *.variant to implicit<br /> + Add and _diffrn_refln.diffrn_id<br /> + Correct many values that were wrong or missing<br /> quote marks<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Add FEL detector positioning tags and change back to NXgoniometer<br /><br /> + Add<br /> _axis.rotation_axis and<br /> _axis.rotation and<br /> + Change NXsample back to NXgoniometer<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-08-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Minor cleanup (HJB)<br /><br /> + Correction to description of<br /> _diffrn_data_frame.array_section_id<br /> + Change NXgoniometer to NXsample<br /> + Fix typos in NeXus mappings<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-06-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Additions to start merge of CBF, HDF5 and NeXus (HJB)<br /><br /> + Define new ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_SECTION category<br /> + Add new _category.NX_mapping_details DDL tag to carry<br /> details on NeXus category mappings.<br /> + Define new tags _array_structure_list_section.array_id,<br />,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.index,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.end,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.start,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.stride,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.variant,<br /> _diffrn_data_frame.array_section_id,<br /> _diffrn_detector.layer_thickness,<br /> _map_segment.array_section_id,<br /> _map_segment.mask_array_section_id<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.6.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2011-07-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Corrections to support DLS Dectris header as per G. Winter (HJB)<br /><br /> + Define new tags _diffrn_scan.time_period,<br /> _diffrn_scan.time_rstrt_incr,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.time_period,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.time_rstrt_incr<br /> + fix bad category name in loop in<br /> + remove stray text field terminator at line 4642<br /> + fix unquoted tag as a value in<br /> + make formerly mandatory and implicit deprecated items non-mandatory<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.6.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2010-08-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Cumulative corrections from 1.6.0, 1, 2 drafts (HJB)<br /><br /> + Move descriptive dictionary comments into<br /> _datablock.description with category tree described<br /> + add default _array_data.array_id value of 1<br /> + add option of CBF_BACKGROUND_OFFSET_DELTA compression<br /> + add VARIANT category and tags<br /> + add DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_MONITOR category<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-07-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Typographics corrections (HJB)<br /><br /> + Corrected embedded degree characters to \%<br /> + Corrected embedded Aring to \%A<br /> + Added trailing ^ for a power<br /> + Removed 2 cases of a space after an underscore<br /> in tag name.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-07-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes to support SLS miniCBF and suggestions<br /> from the 24 May 07 BNL imgCIF workshop (HJB)<br /><br /> + Added new data items<br /> &apos;_array_data.header_contents&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_data.header_convention&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.center_fast&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.center_slow&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.center_units&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_distance&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_voffset<br /> + Deprecated data items<br /> &apos;[1]&apos;,<br /> &apos;[2]&apos;<br /> + Added comments and example on miniCBF<br /> + Changed all array_id data items to implicit</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-05-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Further clarifications of the coordinate system. (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-04-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Improve definition of X-axis to cover the case of no goniometer<br /> and clean up more line folds (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-07-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"> This is a cumulative list of the changes proposed since the<br /> imgCIF workshop in Hawaii in July 2006. It is the result<br /> of contributions by H. J. Bernstein, A. Hammersley,<br /> J. Wright and W. Kabsch.<br /><br /> 2007-02-19 Consolidated changes (edited by HJB)<br /> + Added new data items<br /> &apos;_array_structure.compression_type_flag&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.fract_displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.displacement_increment&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.reference_angle&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.reference_displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_axis.system&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector_element.reference_center_fast&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector_element.reference_center_slow&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.reference_angle&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.reference_displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map.details&apos;, &apos;_map.diffrn_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map.entry_id&apos;, &apos;;,<br /> &apos;_map_segment.array_id&apos;, &apos;_map_segment.binary_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map_segment.mask_array_id&apos;, &apos;_map_segment.mask_binary_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;;, &apos;_map_segment.map_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map_segment.details.<br /> + Change type of<br /> &apos;_array_structure.byte_order&apos; and<br /> &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;<br /> to ucode to make these values case-insensitive<br /> + Add values &apos;packed_v2&apos; and &apos;byte_offset&apos; to enumeration of values for<br /> &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;<br /> + Add to definitions for the binary data type to handle new compression<br /> types, maps, and a variety of new axis types.<br /> 2007-07-25 Cleanup of typos for formal release (HJB)<br /> + Corrected text fields for reference_ tag descriptions that<br /> were off by one column<br /> + Fix typos in comments listing fract_ tags<br /> + Changed name of release from 1.5_DRAFT to 1.5<br /> + Fix unclosed text fields in various map definitions<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2006-07-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"> This is a change to reintegrate all changes made in the course of<br /> publication of ITVG, by the RCSB from April 2005 through<br /> August 2008 and changes for the 2006 imgCIF workshop in<br /> Hawaii.<br /><br /> 2006-07-04 Consolidated changes for the 2006 imgCIF workshop (edited by HJB)<br /> + Correct type of &apos;_array_structure_list.direction&apos; from &apos;int&apos; to &apos;code&apos;.<br /> + Added new data items suggested by CN<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.details&apos;<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.pixel_fast_bin_size&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.pixel_slow_bin_size and<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.pixel_binning_method<br /> + Added deprecated item for completeness<br /> &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.details&apos;<br /> + Added entry for missing item in contents list<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.displacement&apos;<br /> + Added new MIME type X-BASE32K based on work by VL, KM, GD, HJB<br /> + Correct description of MIME boundary delimiter to start in<br /> column 1.<br /> + General cleanup of text fields to conform to changes for ITVG<br /> by removing empty lines at start and finish of text field.<br /> + Amend example for ARRAY_INTENSITIES to include binning.<br /> + Add local copy of type specification (as &apos;code&apos;) for all children<br /> of &apos;;.<br /> + For consistency, change all references to &apos;pi&apos; to &apos;\p&apos; and all<br /> references to &apos;Angstroms&apos; to &apos;\%Angstroms&apos;.<br /> + Clean up all powers to use IUCr convention of &apos;^power^&apos;, as in<br /> &apos;10^3^&apos; for &apos;10**3&apos;.<br /> + Update &apos;yyyy-mm-dd&apos; type regex to allow truncation from the right<br /> and improve comments to explain handling of related mmCIF<br /> &apos;yyyy-mm-dd:hh:mm&apos; type, and use of &apos;Z&apos; for GMT time zone.<br /><br /> 2005-03-08 and<br /> 2004-08-08 fixed cases where _item_units.code used<br /> instead of _item_type.code (JDW)<br /> 2004-04-15 fixed item ordering in<br /> _diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_id<br /> added sub_category &apos;vector&apos; (JDW)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.3.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-06-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"> 2005-06-25 ITEM_TYPE_LIST: code, ucode, line, uline regexps updated<br /> to those of current mmCIF; float modified by allowing integers<br /> terminated by a point as valid. The &apos;time&apos; part of<br /> yyyy-mm-dd types made optional in the regexp. (BM)<br /><br /> 2005-06-17 Minor corrections as for proofs for IT G Chapter 4.6<br /> (NJA)<br /><br /> 2005-02-21 Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation<br /> (NJA)<br /><br /> 2005-01-08 Changes as per Nicola Ashcroft.<br /> + Updated example 1 for DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT to agree with mmCIF.<br /> + Spelled out &quot;micrometres&quot; for &quot;um&quot; and &quot;millimetres&quot; for &quot;mm&quot;.<br /> + Removed phrase &quot;which may be stored&quot; from ARRAY_STRUCTURE<br /> description.<br /> + Removed unused &apos;byte-offsets&apos; compressions and updated<br /> cites to ITVG for &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.3.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-08-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes as per Frances C. Bernstein.<br /> + Identify initials.<br /> + Adopt British spelling for centre in text.<br /> + Set \p and \%Angstrom and powers.<br /> + Clean up commas and unclear wordings.<br /> + Clean up tenses in history.<br /> Changes as per Gotzon Madariaga.<br /> + Fix the ARRAY_DATA example to align &apos;_array_data.binary_id&apos;<br /> and X-Binary-ID.<br /> + Add a range to &apos;_array_intensities.gain_esd&apos;.<br /> + In the example of DIFFRN_DETECTOR_ELEMENT,<br /> &apos;; and<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector_element.detector_id&apos; interchanged.<br /> + Fix typos for direction, detector and axes.<br /> + Clarify description of polarisation.<br /> + Clarify axes in &apos;[1]&apos;<br /> &apos;[2]&apos;.<br /> + Add local item types for items that are pointers.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.3.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-07-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes as per Brian McMahon.<br /> + Consistently quote tags embedded in text.<br /> + Clean up introductory comments.<br /> + Adjust line lengths to fit in 80 character window.<br /> + Fix several descriptions in AXIS category which<br /> referred to &apos;_axis.type&apos; instead of the current item.<br /> + Fix erroneous use of deprecated item<br /> &apos;; in examples for<br /> DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS.<br /> + Add deprecated items &apos;;<br /> and &apos;;.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-07-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes as per I. David Brown.<br /> + Enhance descriptions in DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS to make them less<br /> dependent on the descriptions in DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_AXIS.<br /> + Provide a copy of the deprecated DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA<br /> category for completeness.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-07-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleanup to conform to ITVG.<br /> + Correct sign error in ..._cubed units.<br /> + Correct &apos;_diffrn_radiation.polarisn_norm&apos; range.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-03-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Correction of typos in various DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS descriptions.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-02-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Correction of ATOM_ for ARRAY_ typos in various descriptions.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-02-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Corrections to encodings (remove extraneous hyphens) remove<br /> extraneous underscore in &apos;_array_structure.encoding_type&apos;<br /> enumeration. Correct typos in items units list. (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-04-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Another typo corrections by Wilfred Li, and cleanup by HJB.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-03-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Several typo corrections by Wilfred Li.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-02-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Several typo corrections by JW.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-02-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Draft resulting from discussions on header for use at NSLS. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Change DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA to DIFFRN_DATA_FRAME.<br /><br /> + Change &apos;; to &apos;_diffrn_detector_axis.detector_id&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_device&apos; and change<br /> &apos;; to<br /> &apos;_diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_id&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_diffrn_radiation.div_x_source&apos;, &apos;_diffrn_radiation.div_y_source&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_radiation.div_x_y_source&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_norm&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio&apos;, &apos;_diffrn_scan.date_end&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan.date_start&apos;, &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_rstrt_incr&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.displacement_rstrt_incr&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_increment&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_rstrt_incr&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.displacement_increment&apos;,and<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.displacement_rstrt_incr&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_diffrn_measurement.device&apos; to category key.<br /><br /> + Update yyyy-mm-dd to allow optional time with fractional seconds<br /> for time stamps.<br /><br /> + Fix typos caught by RS.<br /><br /> + Add ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS category, and use concept of axis sets to<br /> allow for coupled axes, as in spiral scans.<br /><br /> + Add examples for fairly complete headers thanks to R. Sweet and P.<br /> Ellis.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-12-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Release version - few typos and tidying up. (BM &amp; HJB)<br /><br /> + Move ITEM_TYPE_LIST, ITEM_UNITS_LIST and DICTIONARY_HISTORY to end<br /> of dictionary.<br /><br /> + Alphabetize dictionary.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-09-29</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleanup fixes. (JW)<br /><br /> + Correct spelling of DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT_AXIS in &apos;;<br /><br /> + Correct ordering of uses of &apos;_item.mandatory_code&apos; and<br /> &apos;_item_default.value&apos;.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-09-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Respond to comments by I. David Brown. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add further comments on &apos;\n&apos; and &apos;\t&apos;.<br /><br /> + Update ITEM_UNITS_LIST by taking section from mmCIF dictionary<br /> and adding metres. Change &apos;meter&apos; to &apos;metre&apos; throughout.<br /><br /> + Add missing enumerations to &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;<br /> and make &apos;none&apos; the default.<br /><br /> + Remove parent-child relationship between<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list.index&apos; and &apos;_array_structure_list.precedence&apos;.<br /><br /> + Improve alphabetization.<br /><br /> + Fix &apos;_array_intensities.gain_esd&apos; related function.<br /><br /> + Improve comments in AXIS.<br /><br /> + Fix DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA example.<br /><br /> + Remove erroneous DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT example.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;; to the category key.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">1999-01-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Remove redundant information for ENC_NONE data. (HJB)<br /><br /> + After the D5 remove binary section identifier, size and<br /> compression type.<br /><br /> + Add Control-L to header.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1999-01-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleanup of typos and syntax errors. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Cleanup example details for DIFFRN_SCAN category.<br /><br /> + Add missing quote marks for &apos;; definition.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1999-01-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications for axis definitions and reduction of binary header. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Restore &apos;_diffrn_detector.diffrn_id&apos; to DIFFRN_DETECTOR KEY.<br /><br /> + Add AXIS category.<br /><br /> + Bring in complete DIFFRN_DETECTOR and DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT categories<br /> from cif_mm.dic for clarity.<br /><br /> + Change &apos;_array_structure.encoding_type&apos; from type code to uline and<br /> added X-Binary-Element-Type to MIME header.<br /><br /> + Add detector beam centre &apos;[1]&apos; and<br /> &apos;[2]&apos;.<br /><br /> + Correct item name of &apos;_diffrn_refln.frame_id&apos;.<br /><br /> + Replace reference to &apos;_array_intensities.undefined&apos; by<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.undefined_value&apos;.<br /><br /> + Replace references to &apos;_array_intensity.scaling&apos; with<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.scaling&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add DIFFRN_SCAN... categories.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1998-08-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications to the 0.3 imgCIF draft. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Reflow comment lines over 80 characters and corrected typos.<br /><br /> + Update examples and descriptions of MIME encoded data.<br /><br /> + Change name to cbfext98.dic.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1998-07-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications for imgCIF. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add binary type, which is a text field containing a variant on<br /> MIME encoded data.<br /><br /> + Change type of &apos;; to binary and specify internal<br /> structure of raw binary data.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_array_data.binary_id&apos;, and make<br /> &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.binary_id&apos; and &apos;_array_intensities.binary_id&apos;<br /> into pointers to this item.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-12-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications to the CBF draft. (JW)<br /><br /> + Add category hierarchy for describing frame data developed from<br /> discussions at the BNL imgCIF Workshop Oct 1997. The following<br /> changes are made in implementing the workshop draft. Category<br /> DIFFRN_array_data is renamed to DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA. Category<br /> DIFFRN_FRAME_TYPE is renamed to DIFFRN_DETECTOR_ELEMENT. The<br /> parent item for &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.array_id&apos; is changed from<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list.array_id&apos; to &apos;;. Item<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector.array_id&apos; is deleted.<br /> + Add data item &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.binary_id&apos; to identify data<br /> groups within a binary section. The formal identification of the<br /> binary section is still fuzzy.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> First draft of this dictionary in DDL 2.1 compliant format by John<br /> Westbrook (JW). This version is adapted from the Crystallographic<br /> Binary File (CBF) Format Draft Proposal provided by Andy Hammersley<br /> (AH).<br /><br /> Modifications to the CBF draft. (JW)<br /><br /> + In this version the array description has been cast in the categories<br /> ARRAY_STRUCTURE and ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST. These categories<br /> have been generalized to describe array data of arbitrary dimension.<br /><br /> + Array data in this description are contained in the category<br /> ARRAY_DATA. This departs from the CBF notion of data existing<br /> in some special comment. In this description, data are handled as an<br /> ordinary data item encapsulated in a character data type. Although<br /> data this manner deviates from CIF conventions, it does not violate<br /> any DDL 2.1 rules. DDL 2.1 regular expressions can be used to define<br /> the binary representation which will permit some level of data<br /> validation. In this version, the placeholder type code &quot;any&quot; has<br /> been used. This translates to a regular expression which will match<br /> any pattern.<br /><br /> It should be noted that DDL 2.1 already supports array data objects<br /> although these have not been used in the current mmCIF dictionary.<br /> It may be possible to use the DDL 2.1 ITEM_STRUCTURE and<br /> ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST categories to provide the information that is<br /> carried in by the ARRAY_STRUCTURE and ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST. By<br /> moving the array structure to the DDL level it would be possible to<br /> define an array type as well as a regular expression defining the<br /> data format.<br /><br /> + Multiple array sections can be properly handled within a single<br /> datablock.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-03-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Copy-editing refinements (bm)<br /><br /> + Add _item_related.related_name and<br /> &quot;_item_related.function_code replacedby&quot; to deprecated items.<br /> + Add &quot;_item_default.value .&quot; to *_variant items<br /> + Change uses of \%Angstroms to \%angstr\&quot;oms<br /> + Change category save frames to upper case names<br /> + Fix misssing superscript terminating ^</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-02-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Correction as per Brian McMahon<br /><br /> + Fix for _array_structure_list.array_section_id<br /> + Remove spurious _item_aliases.alias_name from<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarisn_ratio_esd<br /> + Remove spurious reference to _diffrn_scan_frame.time_rstrt_incr<br /> + Provide missing _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.monitor_value definition<br /> + Deprecate _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.value</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-02-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Corrections and additions for ITVG 2021<br /><br /> + Add McStas as an axis coordinate system<br /> + Add _array_intensities.underload as optional<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.details as optional<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.variant as optional</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-01-30</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Copy-paste error corrections (JRH)<br /><br /> + Fix double underscore in _diffrn_data_frame.center_derived<br /> + Fix wrong in _diffrn_scan.date_end_estimated<br /> + Fix wrong _item.mandatory_code in _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.frame_id<br /> + Fix wrong _item.mandatory_code in _variant.variant_of</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.8.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2021-01-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes for 2021 ITVG and conformance with Gold Standard and NXmx (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add _diffrn_data_frame.center_derived as optional<br /> + Add _diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_distance_derived as optional<br /> + Change _diffrn_scan.date_start to mandatory<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan.date_end_estimated as mandatory<br /> + Fix .array_id and .binary_id columns to be implicit in all cases to<br /> facilitate mini_cbfs<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.11</td> <td class="my-monospace">2018-12-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes for CBFlib 0.9.6 release (HJB)<br /><br /> + Remove _array_structure_list.array_section_id<br /> + Revisions to _category.NX_mapping_details in most categories for<br /> array sections.<br /> + Change to uniform use of entry:NXentry<br /> + Change to uniform use of identification of NXdetector by detector<br /> element<br /> + Change to uniform use of data_ARRAYID_BINARYID<br /> + Add _array_structure_list.array_section_id<br /> + Add _map_segment.mask_array_section_id<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.scan_id<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.type<br /> + Add _diffrn_scan_collection.translation_width<br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.beam_width<br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.beam_height<br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.beam_flux<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.10</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-04-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Additions of esd&apos;s to polarization tags. Change to NeXus mapping to use<br /> NXtransformations instead of NXpoise (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add _diffrn_radiation.polarisn_norm_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarisn_ratio_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_norm_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_I_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_Q_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_U_esd,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_V_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_I_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_Q_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_U_esd,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_V_esd.<br /> + Change NeXus mapping for ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST<br /> ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS, AXIS,<br /> DIFFRN_DETECTOR_AXIS, DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT_AXIS,<br /> DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_AXIS.<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.9</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-04-05</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Corrections to Stokes parameter description. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Clarify the meaning of _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_I<br /> and _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_I to explicitly include non-polarized<br /> component.<br /><br /> + Provide missing factor of 2 in _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_V<br /> description and _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_V description.<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.8</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-02-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Minor changes to NeXus mapping. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Conform NeXus mapping of DIFFRN_DETECTOR to neXus<br /> NXdetector base class terminology<br /><br /> + Add _diffrn_detector.gain_setting to handle<br /> the reverse mapping from NeXus of the equivalent field in NXdetector.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">2014-02-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Major changes to NeXus mapping to conform to JS functional<br /> mapping prototype, add Stoke parameter tags for polarization<br /> and beam intensity, and add an new tag for FEL axes (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add<br /> _axis.equipment_component,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_I,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_Q,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_U,<br /> _diffrn_radiation.polarizn_Stokes_V,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_I,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_Q,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_U,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.polarizn_Stokes_V.<br /> + Remove erroneous type code from _diffrn_scan_frame_monitor.value.<br /> + Update dictionary version</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.6</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-29</td> <td class="my-monospace"> To avoid a conflict with PDB software, remove the null value<br /> enumeration for _variant.role (HJB)<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-27</td> <td class="my-monospace"> At request of JW for the PDB move _category.NX_mapping_details<br /> to be adjacent to other category tags. (HJB)<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-23</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Minor cleanup and remove spurious tag<br /><br /> + remove spurious _array_structure_list_section.array_set_id<br /> references. (JS)<br /> + Change case of category names to conform to PDB conventions. (JW)<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-15</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Major cleanup of dictionary typos, misplaced loops, etc<br /> by John Westbrook<br /><br /> + Change _item.mandatory_code of all *.variant to implicit<br /> + Add and _diffrn_refln.diffrn_id<br /> + Correct many values that were wrong or missing<br /> quote marks<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-10-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Add FEL detector positioning tags and change back to NXgoniometer<br /><br /> + Add<br /> _axis.rotation_axis and<br /> _axis.rotation and<br /> + Change NXsample back to NXgoniometer<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-08-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Minor cleanup (HJB)<br /><br /> + Correction to description of<br /> _diffrn_data_frame.array_section_id<br /> + Change NXgoniometer to NXsample<br /> + Fix typos in NeXus mappings<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.7</td> <td class="my-monospace">2013-06-18</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Additions to start merge of CBF, HDF5 and NeXus (HJB)<br /><br /> + Define new ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_SECTION category<br /> + Add new _category.NX_mapping_details DDL tag to carry<br /> details on NeXus category mappings.<br /> + Define new tags _array_structure_list_section.array_id,<br />,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.index,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.end,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.start,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.stride,<br /> _array_structure_list_section.variant,<br /> _diffrn_data_frame.array_section_id,<br /> _diffrn_detector.layer_thickness,<br /> _map_segment.array_section_id,<br /> _map_segment.mask_array_section_id<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.6.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2011-07-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Corrections to support DLS Dectris header as per G. Winter (HJB)<br /><br /> + Define new tags _diffrn_scan.time_period,<br /> _diffrn_scan.time_rstrt_incr,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.time_period,<br /> _diffrn_scan_frame.time_rstrt_incr<br /> + fix bad category name in loop in<br /> + remove stray text field terminator at line 4642<br /> + fix unquoted tag as a value in<br /> + make formerly mandatory and implicit deprecated items non-mandatory<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.6.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2010-08-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Cumulative corrections from 1.6.0, 1, 2 drafts (HJB)<br /><br /> + Move descriptive dictionary comments into<br /> _datablock.description with category tree described<br /> + add default _array_data.array_id value of 1<br /> + add option of CBF_BACKGROUND_OFFSET_DELTA compression<br /> + add VARIANT category and tags<br /> + add DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_MONITOR category<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-07-28</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Typographics corrections (HJB)<br /><br /> + Corrected embedded degree characters to \%<br /> + Corrected embedded Aring to \%A<br /> + Added trailing ^ for a power<br /> + Removed 2 cases of a space after an underscore<br /> in tag name.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-07-08</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Changes to support SLS miniCBF and suggestions<br /> from the 24 May 07 BNL imgCIF workshop (HJB)<br /><br /> + Added new data items<br /> &apos;_array_data.header_contents&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_data.header_convention&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.center_fast&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.center_slow&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.center_units&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_distance&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_measurement.sample_detector_voffset<br /> + Deprecated data items<br /> &apos;[1]&apos;,<br /> &apos;[2]&apos;<br /> + Added comments and example on miniCBF<br /> + Changed all array_id data items to implicit</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-05-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Further clarifications of the coordinate system. (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-04-26</td> <td class="my-monospace"> Improve definition of X-axis to cover the case of no goniometer<br /> and clean up more line folds (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">2007-07-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"> This is a cumulative list of the changes proposed since the<br /> imgCIF workshop in Hawaii in July 2006. It is the result<br /> of contributions by H. J. Bernstein, A. Hammersley,<br /> J. Wright and W. Kabsch.<br /><br /> 2007-02-19 Consolidated changes (edited by HJB)<br /> + Added new data items<br /> &apos;_array_structure.compression_type_flag&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.fract_displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.displacement_increment&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.reference_angle&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.reference_displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_axis.system&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector_element.reference_center_fast&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector_element.reference_center_slow&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.reference_angle&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.reference_displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map.details&apos;, &apos;_map.diffrn_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map.entry_id&apos;, &apos;;,<br /> &apos;_map_segment.array_id&apos;, &apos;_map_segment.binary_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map_segment.mask_array_id&apos;, &apos;_map_segment.mask_binary_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;;, &apos;_map_segment.map_id&apos;,<br /> &apos;_map_segment.details.<br /> + Change type of<br /> &apos;_array_structure.byte_order&apos; and<br /> &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;<br /> to ucode to make these values case-insensitive<br /> + Add values &apos;packed_v2&apos; and &apos;byte_offset&apos; to enumeration of values for<br /> &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;<br /> + Add to definitions for the binary data type to handle new compression<br /> types, maps, and a variety of new axis types.<br /> 2007-07-25 Cleanup of typos for formal release (HJB)<br /> + Corrected text fields for reference_ tag descriptions that<br /> were off by one column<br /> + Fix typos in comments listing fract_ tags<br /> + Changed name of release from 1.5_DRAFT to 1.5<br /> + Fix unclosed text fields in various map definitions<br /></td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2006-07-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"> This is a change to reintegrate all changes made in the course of<br /> publication of ITVG, by the RCSB from April 2005 through<br /> August 2008 and changes for the 2006 imgCIF workshop in<br /> Hawaii.<br /><br /> 2006-07-04 Consolidated changes for the 2006 imgCIF workshop (edited by HJB)<br /> + Correct type of &apos;_array_structure_list.direction&apos; from &apos;int&apos; to &apos;code&apos;.<br /> + Added new data items suggested by CN<br /> &apos;_diffrn_data_frame.details&apos;<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.pixel_fast_bin_size&apos;,<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.pixel_slow_bin_size and<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.pixel_binning_method<br /> + Added deprecated item for completeness<br /> &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.details&apos;<br /> + Added entry for missing item in contents list<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list_axis.displacement&apos;<br /> + Added new MIME type X-BASE32K based on work by VL, KM, GD, HJB<br /> + Correct description of MIME boundary delimiter to start in<br /> column 1.<br /> + General cleanup of text fields to conform to changes for ITVG<br /> by removing empty lines at start and finish of text field.<br /> + Amend example for ARRAY_INTENSITIES to include binning.<br /> + Add local copy of type specification (as &apos;code&apos;) for all children<br /> of &apos;;.<br /> + For consistency, change all references to &apos;pi&apos; to &apos;\p&apos; and all<br /> references to &apos;Angstroms&apos; to &apos;\%Angstroms&apos;.<br /> + Clean up all powers to use IUCr convention of &apos;^power^&apos;, as in<br /> &apos;10^3^&apos; for &apos;10**3&apos;.<br /> + Update &apos;yyyy-mm-dd&apos; type regex to allow truncation from the right<br /> and improve comments to explain handling of related mmCIF<br /> &apos;yyyy-mm-dd:hh:mm&apos; type, and use of &apos;Z&apos; for GMT time zone.<br /><br /> 2005-03-08 and<br /> 2004-08-08 fixed cases where _item_units.code used<br /> instead of _item_type.code (JDW)<br /> 2004-04-15 fixed item ordering in<br /> _diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_id<br /> added sub_category &apos;vector&apos; (JDW)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.3.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2005-06-25</td> <td class="my-monospace"> 2005-06-25 ITEM_TYPE_LIST: code, ucode, line, uline regexps updated<br /> to those of current mmCIF; float modified by allowing integers<br /> terminated by a point as valid. The &apos;time&apos; part of<br /> yyyy-mm-dd types made optional in the regexp. (BM)<br /><br /> 2005-06-17 Minor corrections as for proofs for IT G Chapter 4.6<br /> (NJA)<br /><br /> 2005-02-21 Minor corrections to spelling and punctuation<br /> (NJA)<br /><br /> 2005-01-08 Changes as per Nicola Ashcroft.<br /> + Updated example 1 for DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT to agree with mmCIF.<br /> + Spelled out &quot;micrometres&quot; for &quot;um&quot; and &quot;millimetres&quot; for &quot;mm&quot;.<br /> + Removed phrase &quot;which may be stored&quot; from ARRAY_STRUCTURE<br /> description.<br /> + Removed unused &apos;byte-offsets&apos; compressions and updated<br /> cites to ITVG for &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.3.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-08-13</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes as per Frances C. Bernstein.<br /> + Identify initials.<br /> + Adopt British spelling for centre in text.<br /> + Set \p and \%Angstrom and powers.<br /> + Clean up commas and unclear wordings.<br /> + Clean up tenses in history.<br /> Changes as per Gotzon Madariaga.<br /> + Fix the ARRAY_DATA example to align &apos;_array_data.binary_id&apos;<br /> and X-Binary-ID.<br /> + Add a range to &apos;_array_intensities.gain_esd&apos;.<br /> + In the example of DIFFRN_DETECTOR_ELEMENT,<br /> &apos;; and<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector_element.detector_id&apos; interchanged.<br /> + Fix typos for direction, detector and axes.<br /> + Clarify description of polarisation.<br /> + Clarify axes in &apos;[1]&apos;<br /> &apos;[2]&apos;.<br /> + Add local item types for items that are pointers.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.3.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-07-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes as per Brian McMahon.<br /> + Consistently quote tags embedded in text.<br /> + Clean up introductory comments.<br /> + Adjust line lengths to fit in 80 character window.<br /> + Fix several descriptions in AXIS category which<br /> referred to &apos;_axis.type&apos; instead of the current item.<br /> + Fix erroneous use of deprecated item<br /> &apos;; in examples for<br /> DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS.<br /> + Add deprecated items &apos;;<br /> and &apos;;.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-07-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Changes as per I. David Brown.<br /> + Enhance descriptions in DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS to make them less<br /> dependent on the descriptions in DIFFRN_SCAN_FRAME_AXIS.<br /> + Provide a copy of the deprecated DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA<br /> category for completeness.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-07-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleanup to conform to ITVG.<br /> + Correct sign error in ..._cubed units.<br /> + Correct &apos;_diffrn_radiation.polarisn_norm&apos; range.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-03-10</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Correction of typos in various DIFFRN_SCAN_AXIS descriptions.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-02-22</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Correction of ATOM_ for ARRAY_ typos in various descriptions.<br /> (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2003-02-07</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Corrections to encodings (remove extraneous hyphens) remove<br /> extraneous underscore in &apos;_array_structure.encoding_type&apos;<br /> enumeration. Correct typos in items units list. (HJB)</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-04-19</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Another typo corrections by Wilfred Li, and cleanup by HJB.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-03-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Several typo corrections by Wilfred Li.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-02-16</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Several typo corrections by JW.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2001-02-06</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Draft resulting from discussions on header for use at NSLS. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Change DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA to DIFFRN_DATA_FRAME.<br /><br /> + Change &apos;; to &apos;_diffrn_detector_axis.detector_id&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_device&apos; and change<br /> &apos;; to<br /> &apos;_diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_id&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_diffrn_radiation.div_x_source&apos;, &apos;_diffrn_radiation.div_y_source&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_radiation.div_x_y_source&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_norm&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio&apos;, &apos;_diffrn_scan.date_end&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan.date_start&apos;, &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_rstrt_incr&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_axis.displacement_rstrt_incr&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_increment&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_rstrt_incr&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.displacement&apos;,<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.displacement_increment&apos;,and<br /> &apos;_diffrn_scan_frame_axis.displacement_rstrt_incr&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_diffrn_measurement.device&apos; to category key.<br /><br /> + Update yyyy-mm-dd to allow optional time with fractional seconds<br /> for time stamps.<br /><br /> + Fix typos caught by RS.<br /><br /> + Add ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS category, and use concept of axis sets to<br /> allow for coupled axes, as in spiral scans.<br /><br /> + Add examples for fairly complete headers thanks to R. Sweet and P.<br /> Ellis.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">1.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-12-21</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Release version - few typos and tidying up. (BM &amp; HJB)<br /><br /> + Move ITEM_TYPE_LIST, ITEM_UNITS_LIST and DICTIONARY_HISTORY to end<br /> of dictionary.<br /><br /> + Alphabetize dictionary.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-09-29</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleanup fixes. (JW)<br /><br /> + Correct spelling of DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT_AXIS in &apos;;<br /><br /> + Correct ordering of uses of &apos;_item.mandatory_code&apos; and<br /> &apos;_item_default.value&apos;.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.7.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">2000-09-09</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Respond to comments by I. David Brown. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add further comments on &apos;\n&apos; and &apos;\t&apos;.<br /><br /> + Update ITEM_UNITS_LIST by taking section from mmCIF dictionary<br /> and adding metres. Change &apos;meter&apos; to &apos;metre&apos; throughout.<br /><br /> + Add missing enumerations to &apos;_array_structure.compression_type&apos;<br /> and make &apos;none&apos; the default.<br /><br /> + Remove parent-child relationship between<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list.index&apos; and &apos;_array_structure_list.precedence&apos;.<br /><br /> + Improve alphabetization.<br /><br /> + Fix &apos;_array_intensities.gain_esd&apos; related function.<br /><br /> + Improve comments in AXIS.<br /><br /> + Fix DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA example.<br /><br /> + Remove erroneous DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT example.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;; to the category key.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.6.0</td> <td class="my-monospace">1999-01-14</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Remove redundant information for ENC_NONE data. (HJB)<br /><br /> + After the D5 remove binary section identifier, size and<br /> compression type.<br /><br /> + Add Control-L to header.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1999-01-03</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Cleanup of typos and syntax errors. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Cleanup example details for DIFFRN_SCAN category.<br /><br /> + Add missing quote marks for &apos;; definition.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.5</td> <td class="my-monospace">1999-01-01</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications for axis definitions and reduction of binary header. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Restore &apos;_diffrn_detector.diffrn_id&apos; to DIFFRN_DETECTOR KEY.<br /><br /> + Add AXIS category.<br /><br /> + Bring in complete DIFFRN_DETECTOR and DIFFRN_MEASUREMENT categories<br /> from cif_mm.dic for clarity.<br /><br /> + Change &apos;_array_structure.encoding_type&apos; from type code to uline and<br /> added X-Binary-Element-Type to MIME header.<br /><br /> + Add detector beam centre &apos;[1]&apos; and<br /> &apos;[2]&apos;.<br /><br /> + Correct item name of &apos;_diffrn_refln.frame_id&apos;.<br /><br /> + Replace reference to &apos;_array_intensities.undefined&apos; by<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.undefined_value&apos;.<br /><br /> + Replace references to &apos;_array_intensity.scaling&apos; with<br /> &apos;_array_intensities.scaling&apos;.<br /><br /> + Add DIFFRN_SCAN... categories.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.4</td> <td class="my-monospace">1998-08-11</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications to the 0.3 imgCIF draft. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Reflow comment lines over 80 characters and corrected typos.<br /><br /> + Update examples and descriptions of MIME encoded data.<br /><br /> + Change name to cbfext98.dic.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.3</td> <td class="my-monospace">1998-07-04</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications for imgCIF. (HJB)<br /><br /> + Add binary type, which is a text field containing a variant on<br /> MIME encoded data.<br /><br /> + Change type of &apos;; to binary and specify internal<br /> structure of raw binary data.<br /><br /> + Add &apos;_array_data.binary_id&apos;, and make<br /> &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.binary_id&apos; and &apos;_array_intensities.binary_id&apos;<br /> into pointers to this item.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.2</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-12-02</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> Modifications to the CBF draft. (JW)<br /><br /> + Add category hierarchy for describing frame data developed from<br /> discussions at the BNL imgCIF Workshop Oct 1997. The following<br /> changes are made in implementing the workshop draft. Category<br /> DIFFRN_array_data is renamed to DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA. Category<br /> DIFFRN_FRAME_TYPE is renamed to DIFFRN_DETECTOR_ELEMENT. The<br /> parent item for &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.array_id&apos; is changed from<br /> &apos;_array_structure_list.array_id&apos; to &apos;;. Item<br /> &apos;_diffrn_detector.array_id&apos; is deleted.<br /> + Add data item &apos;_diffrn_frame_data.binary_id&apos; to identify data<br /> groups within a binary section. The formal identification of the<br /> binary section is still fuzzy.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="my-monospace">0.1</td> <td class="my-monospace">1997-01-24</td> <td class="my-monospace"><br /> First draft of this dictionary in DDL 2.1 compliant format by John<br /> Westbrook (JW). This version is adapted from the Crystallographic<br /> Binary File (CBF) Format Draft Proposal provided by Andy Hammersley<br /> (AH).<br /><br /> Modifications to the CBF draft. (JW)<br /><br /> + In this version the array description has been cast in the categories<br /> ARRAY_STRUCTURE and ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST. These categories<br /> have been generalized to describe array data of arbitrary dimension.<br /><br /> + Array data in this description are contained in the category<br /> ARRAY_DATA. This departs from the CBF notion of data existing<br /> in some special comment. In this description, data are handled as an<br /> ordinary data item encapsulated in a character data type. Although<br /> data this manner deviates from CIF conventions, it does not violate<br /> any DDL 2.1 rules. DDL 2.1 regular expressions can be used to define<br /> the binary representation which will permit some level of data<br /> validation. In this version, the placeholder type code &quot;any&quot; has<br /> been used. This translates to a regular expression which will match<br /> any pattern.<br /><br /> It should be noted that DDL 2.1 already supports array data objects<br /> although these have not been used in the current mmCIF dictionary.<br /> It may be possible to use the DDL 2.1 ITEM_STRUCTURE and<br /> ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST categories to provide the information that is<br /> carried in by the ARRAY_STRUCTURE and ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST. By<br /> moving the array structure to the DDL level it would be possible to<br /> define an array type as well as a regular expression defining the<br /> data format.<br /><br /> + Multiple array sections can be properly handled within a single<br /> datablock.</td> <td class="my-monospace">mmcif_img.dic</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <!-- END inserted markup --> </div> <!-- end panel body--> </div> <!-- end panel-collapse --> </div> <!-- end top accordion panel panel-default --> </div> <!-- end accordion panel group --> </div> </div> <!-- end top container--> </div> <!-- end wrap --> <!-- END TEXT HERE --> <!-- File: page_javascript_bs.html Update: Oct 6, 2013 jdw --> <script src="/assets/js/jquery/core/jquery-1.11.0.min.js" ></script> <script src="/assets/css/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js" > </script> <!-- local application js --> <script src="/js/MyApp.js"></script> <!-- end of file page_javascript_bs.html --> <!-- File: page_footer_bs.html Update: Oct 6, 2013 J. 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