Chipotle Privacy Policy - Chipotle Mexican Grill
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--vertical-height-mob: ;"></div></div> <div class="text text-mini-spacing"> <div data-cmp-data-layer="{"text-addd1de8fe":{"@type":"cmgaemacs/components/text","repo:modifyDate":"2024-04-23T20:18:12Z","xdm:text":"<p>This Privacy Policy describes how<b> Chipotle Mexican Grill Canada Corp</b>.&nbsp; and its subsidiaries and affiliates in Canada (“Chipotle”, “we”, “our”, “us”) may collect, use, and disclose personal information of visitors who access or interact with our mobile application (“App”) or our websites (“Websites”) that link to this Privacy Policy, as well as other personal information that we collect about our customers.&nbsp; The App, those Websites, our restaurants, and our related service offerings are referred to in this Privacy Policy as our “Services.”&nbsp; Please note, this Privacy Policy is applicable to consumers in Canada. We maintain separate privacy policies for our Canadian employees and <a href=\"\" data-cmp-clickable=\"false\">job applicants</a> and for customers, employees, and job applicants in the United States, European Union, and United Kingdom. If you are a Canadian employee of Chipotle, you may request access to our Employee Privacy Notice by sending an email to <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><b><u>Collection Notice</u></b></p>\r\n<p>We collect personal information as detailed below and elsewhere in this <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy</a>. When you provide your personal information to us, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose it as described in this Privacy Policy.&nbsp; To learn more, including how you can opt-out of the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please see the “<a href=\"#YOUR_STATE_PRIVACY_RIGHTS_AND_ADDITIONAL\">Your Canadian Privacy Rights</a>” section below.</p>\r\n<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"621\">\r\n<tbody><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p><a name=\"_Hlk140489894\" id=\"_Hlk140489894\"></a><b>Category of personal information</b></p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p><b>Purpose for collection and Processing (Including Business and Commercial Purposes)</b></p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p><b>Categories of Recipients</b></p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p><b>Used for Targeted Advertising (yes/no)</b></p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Identifiers such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To communicate with you&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For research purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Payment Processors&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Protected categories of information, such as your age range, marital status, and other demographic information&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Commercial information, such as records of your orders and other transactions with us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To communicate with you&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For research purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill or meet the request&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Payment Processors&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Precise Geolocation Data (this is sensitive personal information)&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services reasonably expected (e.g., to provide you with the nearest restaurant location, location nudges, and to have your order ready when you arrive)&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>General Geolocation Data&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To communicate with you&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For market research purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Payment Processors&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding your interactions with websites, applications, or advertisements, and other information described in the Information Collected Automatically section of our Privacy Policy&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To communicate with you&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For market research purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Other information you provide to us, including user-generated content and information provided via contests, giveaways, and / or promotions &nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill or meet the request&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Sensory data such as recordings of customer care calls or CCTV footage&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill or meet the request&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Inferences from personal information collected such as a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, demographics, characteristics, and interests&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For research purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Accessibility (i.e. whether you want your order placed on an accessible shelf)&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill or meet the request&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Nutrition Preferences (i.e. whether you are avoiding dairy, soy, or gluten, or if you are interested in options that are vegan or keto)&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To design and develop new product and service offerings&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill or meet the request&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Analytics companies&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Data Brokers&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Third Party Advertisers&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>Yes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Yes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Fundraising and Donations&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To provide you with products and services&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To communicate with you&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill or meet the request&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr><tr><td width=\"166\" valign=\"top\"><p>Contests, Promotions, Surveys, Focus Groups, or other Market Research&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"167\" valign=\"top\"><p>To operate our businesses&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To conduct business analytics&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For market research purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>For safety and security purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"174\" valign=\"top\"><p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations)&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Vendors providing services to us&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n<td width=\"114\" valign=\"top\"><p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n</td>\r\n</tr></tbody></table>\r\n<p>We retain personal information to achieve the purposes for which the information was collected. In certain cases, we may need to retain personal information for purposes required under applicable law, for tax or audit purposes, or for other purposes permitted under law.</p>\r\n<p>This Privacy Policy includes the following sections:</p>\r\n<ol>\r\n<li><a name=\"_Hlk140489933\" id=\"_Hlk140489933\"></a><a href=\"#Collection_of_Information\">Collection of Information</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#USE_OF_INFORMATION\">Use of Information</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#SHARING_OF_INFORMATION\">Sharing of Information</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#RETENTION_OF_INFORMATION\">Retention of Information</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#Security\">Security</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#CHILDRENS_PRIVACY\">Children’s Privacy</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES\">Interest-Based Advertising and Cookies - Your Choices</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#YOUR_STATE_PRIVACY_RIGHTS_AND_ADDITIONAL\">Your Canadian Privacy Rights</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#LINKS_TO_OTHER_WEBSITES_AND_SERVICES\">Links to Other Websites and Services</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#CHANGES_TO_CHIPOTLES_PRIVACY_POLICY\">Changes to Chipotle’s Privacy Policy</a></li>\r\n<li><a href=\"#CONTACT_US\">Contact Us</a></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<b>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"Collection_of_Information\" id=\"Collection_of_Information\"></a>COLLECTION OF INFORMATION</b></p>\r\n<p>For the purposes of this policy, “personal information” means any information about an identifiable individual including, without limitation, your name, address, telephone number, and email address. Personal information does not include deidentified or aggregated consumer information that Chipotle does not attempt to reidentify. We collect and use your personal information when you:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Visit one of our restaurants</li>\r\n<li>Visit our Website or use our App</li>\r\n<li>Order through our Website or App</li>\r\n<li>Participate in our Chipotle Community Fundraising Program</li>\r\n<li>Sign-up to receive our marketing communications</li>\r\n<li>Enter a contest or participate in a promotion</li>\r\n<li>Participate in our Chipotle Rewards program</li>\r\n<li>Contact Us with a comment, question or complaint</li>\r\n<li>Use the Find a Location feature on our Website or App<ul>\r\n<li><b>Restaurant Purchases:&nbsp;</b>You do not have to provide us with any personal information when you pay using cash at one of our restaurants. If you use a credit or debit card, we collect your debit or credit card-related information and your signature to process and administer your payment. We may also use video surveillance (e.g. CCTV) in our restaurants for quality assurance, loss prevention, safety, and security purposes. If you order catering through a local restaurant, we also collect the delivery address.</li>\r\n<li><b>Ordering Online:&nbsp;</b>If you place an individual or group order through our Website or App, you will be asked to provide your first and last name, email address, phone number, payment card information, and, optionally, your accessibility and nutrition preference for pick-up orders.&nbsp; If you place an order for delivery, you will be asked for the physical address you would like the order delivered to.&nbsp; If you choose to: (i) place a group order, or (ii) create a Chipotle Rewards account to save your favorites and order faster, we will collect all of the foregoing elements and, if you are a Rewards member, the data elements identified in the Chipotle Rewards paragraph below. If you place a Group Order, we will collect the name of each participant in the Group Order in order to correctly match the names of the Group Order participants with the items that they have ordered. When you place a Group order, you represent and warrant to us that you have the authority on behalf of the other individuals named in the Group Order to provide their names and personal information to us as necessary for us to fulfil the Group Order. We may also offer you the ability to order through a third-party food delivery service, in which case we obtain your information from the third party in order to fulfil your order. If you purchase an e-gift card for a friend or family member, we collect the name and email address for the recipient in order to deliver an email containing your e-gift card on your behalf. We do not use the recipient’s information for any other purpose.</li>\r\n<li><a name=\"_Hlk137829619\" id=\"_Hlk137829619\"></a><b>Chipotle Rewards</b>: If you join our Chipotle Rewards program, <a name=\"_Hlk120711758\" id=\"_Hlk120711758\"></a>we will collect your first name, last name, email address (required in order to receive all eligible Chipotle Rewards), password used to create the account, telephone number, and marketing preferences, device settings country, and you may also elect to provide other information, including your birthday (month / day only), payment card or gift card information, and optionally your delivery address, accessibility preferences for pick up orders and nutrition preferences. We collect this information to establish and administer your Chipotle Rewards account, including to create and send you a digital Chipotle Rewards card, create an ID number, scannable code or other unique identifier to associate you with your Chipotle Rewards account, to award points to you on qualifying purchases and to enable you to redeem points. We will then associate that and other categories of personal information with your Rewards Program account, such as other unique identifiers, purchase history, general geolocation data, preferences you provide (e.g., favorite Chipotle restaurants), and stored payment methods.&nbsp; Note that we also may collect all of this information outside the context of the Rewards Program. <a name=\"_Hlk120600372\" id=\"_Hlk120600372\"></a>We may also use this information to send non-personalized advertising, retargeted advertisements and personalized advertising and marketing offers and other special offers available only to members of the Chipotle Rewards program. For more information on the categories of third parties that receive your information, please see the “Notice at Collection” section above.</li>\r\n<li><b>The Chipotle Community Fundraising Program: </b>We collect personal information if you choose to participate in our Chipotle Community Fundraising Program, which allows organizations to apply to raise money for a particular fundraiser. You may apply for the Chipotle Community Fundraising Program by filling out an application on our Website.&nbsp; If you apply to participate, we will collect the name of the individual applying and their address, email, phone number, and information on behalf of the organization that will benefit from the fundraiser (e.g. organization name, address, EIN).</li>\r\n<li><b>Round Up: </b>Customers are offered the opportunity to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar and have Chipotle donate the excess amount to the chosen fundraiser.</li>\r\n<li><b>Push Notifications: </b>If you sign-up to receive push notifications, we will send push notifications to your mobile device, which may include, depending on your elections, SMS text messages or emails.</li>\r\n<li><b>Contests, Promotions, Surveys, Focus Groups, or other Market Research:&nbsp;</b>If you enter a contest or participate in a promotion, we or a third party we retain to provide these services on our behalf, may, with your consent, collect your name, address, email address, phone number, and any additional information or content required for the contest or promotion (such as information you post on social media). We use this information to administer your participation in the contest or promotion, including prize fulfillment. As part of a contest or promotion, we may obtain your consent to share or otherwise publish the content you submit. You may provide these same data elements to us (or a party retained by us) when you participate in surveys, focus groups, or market research, and you may also share additional information generated by your participation in the surveys, focus groups, and/or other marketing research efforts. We may use the information you share with us a result of your participation in a survey, focus group, or other marketing research efforts to personalization your experience with our Services and to send you personalized advertising.</li>\r\n<li><b>Contact Us:&nbsp;</b>When you contact us with a comment, question or complaint, you may be asked for information that identifies you, such as your name, address and a telephone number, along with additional information we need to help us promptly answer your question or respond to your comment.&nbsp; You may be asked to provide all of this same information if you contact us through our chat bot, Pepper.&nbsp; We may record or create transcripts of your calls to us, your chats with Pepper, or any other method by which you connect with us and may retain the information disclosed during these interactions to assist you in the future, to improve our customer service and service offerings, to meet our legal obligations or to protect our legal interests, as well as for other business purposes that are detailed in this Privacy Policy. We may also use vendors to provide these services which means these vendors may have to access to these recordings or transcripts, including in real time. By using Pepper, you consent to Chipotle’s monitoring and recording of the chat and to the collection and analysis of all personal information provided through the chat. We utilize a service provider to process, analyze, and store the contents of the chat on our behalf. By using Pepper, you direct Chipotle to disclose to and share with our service provider, including, any personal information you provide. If you do not consent to Chipotle’s collection and analysis of your data or to the processing of this data by our service provider on Chipotle’s behalf, then please do not use the chat feature. Please also note that if you contact us or we engage with you through Apple Business Chat, Google Business Messages, Facebook Messenger, or similar, your communications with us and any personal information you share with us through those platforms is subject to the terms of use and related privacy policies provided by those platforms.</li>\r\n<li><b>Find a Location / Location Nudges:&nbsp;</b><a name=\"_Hlk131696730\" id=\"_Hlk131696730\"></a>If you<b>&nbsp;</b>search for a restaurant on our Website or in the App, we collect your postal code or city and province, or, if you choose to provide it, your device’s precise geolocation, in order to provide you with information on nearby restaurants and to ensure you are on your way to the correct location when you have placed a digital order for pickup. <a name=\"_Hlk119331909\" id=\"_Hlk119331909\"></a>When you give the App permission to collect your precise geolocation, the App may use your mobile device’s location services to collect real-time information about the location of your device (using GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth or other methods, including in store beacons) to provide requested location services and ensure your orders are placed at the correct location.&nbsp; <a name=\"_Hlk120600602\" id=\"_Hlk120600602\"></a>Chipotle does not retain, store, or use your precise geolocation beyond what is necessary to fulfill the purposes identified in this section. However, Chipotle does retain general location data such as your zip code, city, state, and country and this general location data may be used to identify an audience for targeted advertising.</li>\r\n<li><b>Health</b>: As described in the Online Ordering and Chipotle Rewards sections above, you may elect to tell us if you would like to have your order placed on an accessible shelf.&nbsp; We will not ask if you for any specific medical condition, disability status, or diagnosis associated with your request to have your order placed on an accessible shelf.</li>\r\n<li><b>Nutrition</b>: As described in the Online Ordering and Chipotle Rewards sections above, you may elect to tell us if you have certain nutrition preferences such as that you are eating a plant based V+ Vegan diet, Paleo, or that you are avoiding Gluten or Dairy.&nbsp; We will not ask you for any specific medical condition, disability status, or diagnosis associated with your nutrition preferences. We may use your nutrition preferences to personalize your experience on our Website and App and we (or entities who send advertisements on our behalf) may also send you advertisements related to these preferences (e.g. we may suggest vegetarian options when you are on our Website or send you advertisements associated with your nutritional preferences).</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><a name=\"Information_Collected_Automatically\" id=\"Information_Collected_Automatically\"></a><b><i>Information Collected Automatically</i></b></p>\r\n<p>We may collect certain information about you automatically when you visit or use our online Services, or when you interact with emails, advertisements, or other electronic messages we send to you through the Services. This information may include your IP address, device characteristics (including device identifiers), web browser characteristics, unique identifiers and other data stored in cookies, operating system details, language preference, referring URLs, length of visits, pages viewed, and other information that may be automatically accessible to us from your browser or device.</p>\r\n<p>We and our vendors may automatically collect this information using various tools and technologies such as cookies, web server logs, tags, beacons, SDKs, pixels, local storage, JavaScript, APIs, session replay/screen capture (i.e., how you use and navigate the services, but not your keystroke data), and other similar technologies.&nbsp; Additional information on other technologies we may use is set forth below in the section titled: <a href=\"#INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES\">Interest-Based Advertising and Cookies - Your Choices</a>.</p>\r\n<p><a name=\"_Hlk120601476\" id=\"_Hlk120601476\"></a>We may also use certain third-party web and mobile app analytics services – including but not limited to Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Branch Analytics, and Facebook Custom Audiences – to help us understand and analyze how visitors use the online Services (including session replay) and serve ads on our behalf across the Internet and in different channels (including on the web, in mobile apps, on out-of-home digital surfaces, and in connected TV apps). We also use these services for remarketing, interest-based advertising, demographics and interests reporting, user segment analysis, look-alike modeling and impression reporting. We and third-party vendors may use first-party cookies or other first-party identifiers as well as third-party cookies or other third-party identifiers to provide Chipotle with insight into behavior information relating to inferred visitor age range (e.g., GenZ, Millennial, GenX, etc.), your interests, and&nbsp;to deliver advertisements to you, create a profile of you, measure your interests, detect your demographics, personalize content, and detect and associate online and offline behaviors such as site visitation, dwell time and actions taken.</p>\r\n<p>We use a session replay service to analyze how visitors use the online Services. Session-replay technologies, which are third-party software services used to record a video replay of a visitor’s interactions with our Website. The video replay may include Website visitor clicks, mouse movements, scrolls, typing, and other activity taken during the session on the Website. We use session replay technologies for research and development purposes, such as to help us troubleshoot problems with the Website, understand how users interact with and use the Website, and identify areas for improvement.</p>\r\n<p>Finally, our third-party vendors may detect your location (including precise location) to provide us with aggregated information about how our advertising campaigns are performing in certain geographic areas. Please check your browser and device settings to control the location data you allow your browser and device to collect and share with third parties.</p>\r\n<p>For more information on how the Google Marketing Platform uses the data collected through the online Services, visit:&nbsp;<a href=\"\"><b></b></a>.</p>\r\n<p>In addition to the automatic collection mechanisms listed above, we may also:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>As an advertising publisher, use tags in connection with the Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Service for Google Ad Manager; and</li>\r\n<li>Use Microsoft’s Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET) feature, in which case Microsoft collects your personal information (<i>see&nbsp;</i><a href=\"\"><b>Microsoft Privacy Statement</b></a>).</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Depending on your personal device and App permission settings, when using the App, we may collect or have access to your:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><b>Precise geolocation.</b>&nbsp;When you give the App permission to collect your precise geolocation, the App may use your mobile device’s location services to collect real-time information about the location of your device (using both GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth or other methods, including in store beacons) to provide requested location services and ensure your orders are placed at the correct location. To turn off geolocation, please adjust the permissions on your device. If location services are disabled, other means of establishing or estimating your general location (e.g., connecting to or proximity to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, beacons, or our networks) may still be active. &nbsp;</li>\r\n<li><b>Camera.</b>&nbsp;When enabled, this may allow the App to access the camera to scan and input payment method details. Providing access to your Camera function is entirely optional.</li>\r\n<li><b>Wi-Fi connection information.</b>&nbsp;When enabled, this may allow the App to view Wi-Fi connections.</li>\r\n<li><b>Other.</b>&nbsp;The App will send and receive data to and from the Internet, and may view network connections, have full network access, control vibration of your device, or prevent your device from sleeping.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Some of the technology described above is used by us or our partners to correlate information collected about you over time and across websites or online services.</p>\r\n<p>Please review Section 7, <a href=\"#INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES\">Interest-Based Advertising and Cookies - Your Choices</a>, for additional information about how you can manage the use of these technologies.<b></b></p>\r\n<p><b><i>Information Collected From Third Parties</i></b></p>\r\n<p>Our vendors (who may include data brokers) and other third parties may share with us your personal information. For example, if you order food or catering, order gift cards, make a purchase for merchandise, make a payment, or provide feedback on your experiences, you may submit personal information to one or more third parties that may share your information with us, based on their privacy policies and terms of use.</p>\r\n<p>In some circumstances, we also may collect information about you from publicly-available sources, including content about our Services that you make publicly available on third-party websites (e.g., social media platforms).&nbsp; We or vendors assisting us may also receive information from geolocation data providers to help us understand aggregate visit patterns in restaurant markets of interest, but these providers get the location data from sources other than our own App and Websites. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Additionally, for certain features of the online Services, you may log in through your third-party social media account or share content from the online Services through third-party social media platforms.</p>\r\n<p>We may combine information that we collect from and about you. When you submit information to a third party, you are subject to that third party’s terms of use and privacy policies, for which we are not responsible.</p>\r\n<p><b>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"USE_OF_INFORMATION\" id=\"USE_OF_INFORMATION\"></a>USE OF INFORMATION</b></p>\r\n<p>We may use personal information we obtain about you for the following purposes:</p>\r\n<p><i>Business Purposes</i></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>communicate with you regarding our restaurants and other Services;</li>\r\n<li>respond to your requests or inquiries;</li>\r\n<li>register you for accounts on the Services;</li>\r\n<li>process payment information for online food orders or online purchases through our merchandise or gift card store;</li>\r\n<li>process your fundraiser applications;</li>\r\n<li>provide you with search results for a restaurant on our Website or in the App, or, if you choose to provide it, your device’s precise geolocation, in order to provide you with information on nearby restaurants and to ensure you are on your way to the correct location when you have placed a digital order for pickup;</li>\r\n<li>maintain healthy and safe conditions in our restaurants;</li>\r\n<li>address legal matters;</li>\r\n<li>prevent, investigate, identify, stop, or take any other action with regard to suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity, claims or other liabilities, or any activity that violates our policies;</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><i>Commercial Purposes</i></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>facilitate and personalize your user experience and improve the Services;</li>\r\n<li>conduct statistical analysis of the content, layout, and features of the Services for our marketing purposes;</li>\r\n<li>register you for our email and postal mailing lists or for promotions or offers conducted in connection with the Services;</li>\r\n<li>send marketing information to you, such as promotional offers or information about new product offerings, programs, or restaurant openings;</li>\r\n<li>advertise to you both on and off the Services, which may include tailoring ads to your interests and measuring the performance of our ad campaigns;</li>\r\n<li>make inferences about you or members of your household based on your device; or</li>\r\n<li>for any other purpose, with your consent where appropriate.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>We may also use any of the personal information we collect to generate and use anonymous or de-identified information about our customers for commercial purposes.</p>\r\n<p><b>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"SHARING_OF_INFORMATION\" id=\"SHARING_OF_INFORMATION\"></a>SHARING OF INFORMATION</b></p>\r\n<p><b>Information Shared By You</b></p>\r\n<p>When you post or comment on social media or interact with the Services this content may be visible to the public.&nbsp; We or our vendors may analyze or share certain content that you post or make available, including by publicly posting on our online Services or other public online locations.&nbsp; For example, we may repost content that you post about us on social media. We may also use any of the information you share for analytics or for the business or commercial purposes described above.<b></b></p>\r\n<p><b>Information Shared By Us</b></p>\r\n<p>In order to provide you with the Services or for the business and commercial services described above, we may share your information with our affiliates, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, identifiers, date of birth (month and day only, if you elected to provide us with this information), records of your orders and other transactions with us, credit/debit/gift card number and account information (including associated billing addresses and expiration date), information described in the <a href=\"#Collection_of_Information\">Collection of information</a> and <a href=\"#Information_Collected_Automatically\">Information Collected Automatically</a> sections above (some of which is personal information, inferences, and other information you provide to us, including user-generated content and information provided via surveys, focus groups, and/or other marketing research efforts).</p>\r\n<p>We may share your personal information (including all the information listed in the preceding paragraph) with vendors who assist us with offering the Services or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, such as delivery services, analytics providers, marketing and advertising services (including to provide you with targeted, personalized advertising), providers of payment services, providers of other support for our transactions (e.g., accounting services), providers of technical services (e.g., data storage and customer relationship management databases), providers of outsourced customer service.&nbsp;We generally require our vendors to provide at least the same or equal protection of user data as stated in this Privacy Policy.&nbsp; Some of our vendors (for example, those mentioned in the <a href=\"#Information_Collected_Automatically\">Information Collected Automatically</a> section above) may view, edit, or set their own tracking technologies/cookies on our Services.&nbsp; When our vendors’ cookies run on our Services they may collect identifiers such as your IP address, Cookie ID, Device ID, and Pixel ID; network activity information such as HTTP header information, button click data, referring website activity; and location data.</p>\r\n<p>In the event of a business transaction, such as if we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (e.g., further to a merger, reorganization, liquidation, or any other business transaction, including negotiations of such transactions), we reserve the right to disclose any information we obtain through the Services. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Policy.&nbsp; To the extent legally permitted, the acquiring party may use the information pursuant to their own privacy policy instead of this one.</p>\r\n<p>We may also disclose personal information when required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal processes, governmental request, or in response to activities that are unlawful or a violation of Chipotle’s rules for use of the Services, or to protect and defend the rights or property of Chipotle or others.&nbsp; This may involve the disclosure of personal information to law enforcement, other governmental entities, or other third parties, depending on the circumstances.</p>\r\n<p>We may share your information for other purposes as disclosed at the time you provide your information or otherwise with your consent.</p>\r\n<p><b>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"RETENTION_OF_INFORMATION\" id=\"RETENTION_OF_INFORMATION\"></a>RETENTION OF INFORMATION</b></p>\r\n<p>We retain personal information to achieve the purposes for which the information was collected. In certain cases, we may need to retain personal information for purposes required under applicable law, for tax or audit purposes, or for other purposes permitted under law.</p>\r\n<p><b>5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"Security\" id=\"Security\"></a>SECURITY</b></p>\r\n<p>We are committed to the protection of your personal information from unauthorized access or use. We will use reasonable organizational, physical, technical and administrative measures to protect personal information within our organization. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with is no longer secure, please notify us by sending an email to <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\r\n<p><b>6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"CHILDRENS_PRIVACY\" id=\"CHILDRENS_PRIVACY\"></a>CHILDREN’S PRIVACY</b></p>\r\n<p>The online Services are not intended for, and are not intentionally targeted to, children under 16, and we do not knowingly request or seek to collect personal information from any person under 16 years of age through the Services. If we learn that the online Services have received personal information directly from a child who is under the age of 16, we will delete the information in accordance with applicable law.</p>\r\n<p>Chipotle permits individuals 16 years of age and older to join our Rewards program. Our <a href=\"\">Rewards Terms</a> state, “If you are between the ages of 16 and the age of majority in your province or territory of residence, you may participate in Chipotle Rewards only with the consent and&nbsp; supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Chipotle Rewards Terms.” Chipotle Rewards members may elect to provide their birthday (month / day only), but we do not collect age or full date of birth from Rewards members.</p>\r\n<p><b>7.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES\" id=\"INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES\"></a>INTEREST-BASED ADVERTISING - YOUR CHOICES</b></p>\r\n<p>Our Website may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data (text file) that a website – when visited by a user – places on your device to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. Those cookies are set by us and called first-party cookies. Chipotle uses first-party cookies mainly to make the site work as you expect it to. For example, we use the information we collect through first-party cookies to allow you to navigate between pages efficiently, analyze how well our website is performing, and understand the content that you found most helpful based on the amount of time you spent reviewing that content.</p>\r\n<p>We also incorporate cookies and similar technologies, such as pixels, tags, and web beacons, from outside Chipotle’s domain (“third-party cookies”).&nbsp; Third-party cookies gather information to enable our vendors to provide a range of services to us, including targeting ads and measuring the success of our advertising campaigns.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>We also use cookies and other tracking technologies to display advertisements about our products to you on nonaffiliated websites, applications, and online services. This is known as “targeted advertising”. We do not use personal data for profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning individuals.</p>\r\n<p>Below is a detailed list of the categories of first and third-party cookies we use on our Website. You can prevent the collection of data by Non Essential Targeting, Social Media, Analytics &amp; Functional Cookies by clicking on “Your Privacy Choices” in our Website footer and toggling off the related functionality.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><a name=\"_Hlk140503470\" id=\"_Hlk140503470\"></a><b>Essential Cookies</b>.&nbsp;<b></b></p>\r\n<p>Essential cookies are necessary for the Website to function properly and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to a visitor’s request for services, such as a visitor setting their privacy preferences, logging in, or filling in forms. For web-initiated cookies, you can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but blocking these cookies will prevent the site from working correctly or might prevent the site from working at all.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;<b>Non Essential Targeting, Social Media, Analytics, &amp; Functional Cookies</b>.<b></b></p>\r\n<p>Targeting and Social Media third-party cookies may be set through our Website by our advertising partners, and by social media partners that we have added to our Website to enable you to share our content with your friends and networks. We also may use certain first-party cookies to send you personalized and targeted advertising. The cookies may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you advertisements on other websites based on those interests. They may track your browser across other websites and create a profile of your interests.</p>\r\n<p>Analytics cookies allow us to count visits to our Website and understand traffic sources (the website you came from) so we can measure and improve the performance of our Website. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around our Website. We may collect identifiers, such as a session ID that is automatically generated when a visitor lands on our Website, visitor’s IP address, the device identifier of the device a visitor used to visit our Website, and activity on our Website associated with these identifiers, and similar information. We will disclose this type of information to third party service providers to help us run these analytics.</p>\r\n<p>Functional cookies enable our Website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization for visitors and may help provide more specialized, but non-essential, services that a visitor requests and to collect and “remember” visitor choices and preferences (e.g. what language the visitor prefers, user name and password to allow automatic log in, what region a user is located in). Functional cookies may be set by us or by third party service providers whose services we have added to our Website.</p>\r\n<p>You can control and manage cookies associated with your browser. If you are interested in controlling and managing cookies&nbsp;from your browser including any set by our Website, please refer to <a href=\"\"></a>&nbsp;for information on different ways to configure your browser’s cookie settings.</p>\r\n<p>Many advertising companies that collect information for interest-based advertising are members of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) or the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), both of which maintain self-regulatory programs along with websites where people can opt out of interest-based advertising from their members. To opt-out of website interest-based advertising provided by each organization’s respective participating companies, visit the DAA’s opt-out portal available at <a href=\"\"></a>, or visit the NAI’s opt-out portal available at <a href=\"\">Opt-Out Tools — AdChoices in Canada (</a>.</p>\r\n<p>To opt-out of data collection for interest-based advertising across mobile applications by participating companies, download the DAA’s AppChoices mobile application opt-out offering here: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\r\n<p>Some of our vendors do not participate in the DAA or NAI self-regulatory programs for online behavioral advertising or have developed their own processes for allowing consumers to opt-out:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href=\"\"></a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Some devices and apps do not have access to web-based browser cookie opt-outs.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>To learn more about the advertising opt-outs provided by your mobile device's operating system (like iOS and Android) or the device manufacture, click&nbsp;<a href=\"\">here.</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>If you no longer want us to collect information through the App, please uninstall it.</p>\r\n<p>You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the&nbsp;<a href=\"\">Ads Settings</a>&nbsp;Feature on Google. By clicking&nbsp;<a href=\"\">Ads Settings</a>, you will be taken out of to a page on Google where you can log in and can control the information Google uses to show you ads. In addition, you can use&nbsp;<a href=\"\">Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on</a>&nbsp;to disable tracking by Google Analytics. Certain preferences for some of the Nielsen tools we use can be adjusted <a href=\"\"><b>here</b></a>. You can also make adjustments to your preferences related Adobe Analytics by visiting the <a href=\"\">Adobe Privacy Center</a>. <b>&nbsp;<a name=\"_Hlk123201326\" id=\"_Hlk123201326\"></a></b></p>\r\n<p>Please note, any reference to third party links, programs, or software listed above are provided for your convenience and consideration without implied or express endorsement or warranty from Chipotle. As with any third-party service, you should assess the provider’s policies and practices before using the service.</p>\r\n<p>You may need to repeat the preference options described above from each device and browser that you use in connection with our Service, as well as in a particular browser or device if you clear cookies or reset the browser.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>To update certain personal information we have about you, or if you wish to change certain preferences (including certain communication preferences, such as your receipt of push notifications), (1) log into your account on our Website or within your instance of our App and change your account settings (including location tracking) with the “Personal &amp; Preferences” section, (2) change your device’s settings for our App, or (3) contact us as described at the end of this Privacy Policy. &nbsp;For most mobile devices, you can disable the collection of geolocation information by turning off location services on your device.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>If you have previously opted -in to receiving text messages and would like to be removed from the Chipotle mobile text program, text STOP to 888333 to opt-out. After texting STOP to 888333 you will receive one additional message confirming that your request has been processed.</p>\r\n<p><b>8.&nbsp;&nbsp; YOUR CANADIAN PRIVACY RIGHTS</b></p>\r\n<p>The <i>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act</i> (PIPEDA) allows you to request us to:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Provide a description of our uses and disclosures of your personal information.</li>\r\n<li>Provide you with access to and/or a copy of certain personal information we hold about you.</li>\r\n<li>Correct or supplement personal information we have about you that you can demonstrate is inaccurate or incomplete.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Under PIPEDA, you may withdraw your consent at any time to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, subject to legal and contractual restrictions. This includes the right to opt out of the disclosure of personal information, targeted advertising and profiling. Note that if you choose to opt out of our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as necessary for your participation in the Chipotle Rewards Program, you may no longer participate in the Chipotle Rewards Program.</p>\r\n<p>If you would like to exercise any of the Canadian privacy rights described above or to submit an appeal of any decision with regard to your privacy rights, you may submit your request by completing our&nbsp;Data Request Form found by clicking on the Your Privacy Choices link in the footer of our Website.&nbsp; We will require that you present government-issued identification to verify your identity before we grant you any access to your personal information.</p>\r\n<p><b><i>Requests Made by Agents</i></b></p>\r\n<p>If you are an agent making a request on behalf of an individual, we reserve the right to take steps to verify that you are authorized to make that request, which may include requiring you to provide us with written proof such as a power of attorney authorizing you to make the request.&nbsp; As part of the process, we may additionally require the individual to verify their identity directly with us. For security and legal reasons, Chipotle will reject requests that require us to access third-party websites or services.</p>\r\n<p>You can exercise your rights by performing any of the following steps:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Click on “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information / Opt Out” when prompted by the cookie banner appearing on the bottom of Chipotle’s webpage. Completing this step will opt out you out of “targeted advertising” and the disclosure of your personal data facilitated through web-initiated device tracking;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>\r\n<li>Click on “Your Privacy Choices” in our website footer and toggle off Non Essential Targeting, Social Media, Analytics &amp; Functional Cookies. Completing this step will opt out you out of “targeted advertising” and the disclosure of your personal data facilitated through web-initiated device tracking</li>\r\n<li>Complete the Data Request Form found by clicking on the Your Privacy Choices link in the footer of our Website. Completing this step will opt out you out of Chipotle’s disclosure of your personal information directly to third parties; or</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><b><i>Nondiscrimination</i></b></p>\r\n<p>We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights.<b><i></i></b></p>\r\n<p><b>9.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a name=\"LINKS_TO_OTHER_WEBSITES_AND_SERVICES\" id=\"LINKS_TO_OTHER_WEBSITES_AND_SERVICES\"></a>LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES AND SERVICES</b></p>\r\n<p>The Services may offer links to websites and other services that are not maintained by Chipotle. By visiting one of these linked websites or services, you are subject to their privacy and other policies. We are not responsible for, or able to monitor or control, the policies and practices of other companies.</p>\r\n<p><b>10. <a name=\"CHANGES_TO_CHIPOTLES_PRIVACY_POLICY\" id=\"CHANGES_TO_CHIPOTLES_PRIVACY_POLICY\"></a>CHANGES TO CHIPOTLE’S PRIVACY POLICY</b></p>\r\n<p>From time to time, Chipotle may change this Privacy Policy. Changes will be indicated by the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page.</p>\r\n<p><b>11. <a name=\"CONTACT_US\" id=\"CONTACT_US\"></a>CONTACT US</b></p>\r\n<p>If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or the manner in which we or our service providers treat your personal information, or to request access to your personal information in our records, please complete our Data Request Form found by clicking on the Cookie Preference link in the footer of our Website, contact our Privacy Officer at&nbsp;<a href=\"\"><b></b></a><b><u>,</u></b>&nbsp;or by regular mail at:</p>\r\n<p>Chipotle Mexican Grill Canada Corp.<br>\r\nAttn: Privacy Officer<br>\r\n100 University Ave, 5th Floor<br>\r\nToronto, ON<br>\r\nM5J 1V6</p>\r\n"}}" id="text-addd1de8fe" class="cmp-text"> <p>This Privacy Policy describes how<b> Chipotle Mexican Grill Canada Corp</b>. and its subsidiaries and affiliates in Canada (“Chipotle”, “we”, “our”, “us”) may collect, use, and disclose personal information of visitors who access or interact with our mobile application (“App”) or our websites (“Websites”) that link to this Privacy Policy, as well as other personal information that we collect about our customers. The App, those Websites, our restaurants, and our related service offerings are referred to in this Privacy Policy as our “Services.” Please note, this Privacy Policy is applicable to consumers in Canada. We maintain separate privacy policies for our Canadian employees and <a href="" data-cmp-clickable="false">job applicants</a> and for customers, employees, and job applicants in the United States, European Union, and United Kingdom. If you are a Canadian employee of Chipotle, you may request access to our Employee Privacy Notice by sending an email to <a href=""></a>.</p> <p style=" text-align: center; "><b><u>Collection Notice</u></b></p> <p>We collect personal information as detailed below and elsewhere in this <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>. When you provide your personal information to us, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose it as described in this Privacy Policy. To learn more, including how you can opt-out of the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please see the “<a href="#YOUR_STATE_PRIVACY_RIGHTS_AND_ADDITIONAL">Your Canadian Privacy Rights</a>” section below.</p> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="621"><tbody><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p><a name="_Hlk140489894" id="_Hlk140489894"></a><b>Category of personal information</b></p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p><b>Purpose for collection and Processing (Including Business and Commercial Purposes)</b></p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p><b>Categories of Recipients</b></p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p><b>Used for Targeted Advertising (yes/no)</b></p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Identifiers such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To communicate with you </p> <p>For research purposes </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Payment Processors </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p> No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Protected categories of information, such as your age range, marital status, and other demographic information </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>No </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Commercial information, such as records of your orders and other transactions with us </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To communicate with you </p> <p>For research purposes </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> <p>To fulfill or meet the request </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Payment Processors </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Precise Geolocation Data (this is sensitive personal information) </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services reasonably expected (e.g., to provide you with the nearest restaurant location, location nudges, and to have your order ready when you arrive) </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>No </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>General Geolocation Data </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To communicate with you </p> <p>For market research purposes </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Payment Processors </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Internet or other electronic network activity information, including, but not limited to, browsing history, search history, and information regarding your interactions with websites, applications, or advertisements, and other information described in the Information Collected Automatically section of our Privacy Policy </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To communicate with you </p> <p>For market research purposes </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> <p> </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Other information you provide to us, including user-generated content and information provided via contests, giveaways, and / or promotions </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> <p>To fulfill or meet the request </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Sensory data such as recordings of customer care calls or CCTV footage </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> <p>To fulfill or meet the request </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Inferences from personal information collected such as a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences, demographics, characteristics, and interests </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For research purposes </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Accessibility (i.e. whether you want your order placed on an accessible shelf) </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill or meet the request </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>No </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Nutrition Preferences (i.e. whether you are avoiding dairy, soy, or gluten, or if you are interested in options that are vegan or keto) </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To design and develop new product and service offerings </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To conduct marketing, personalization, and advertising, including interest based advertising and cross-context advertising </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>To fulfill or meet the request </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Analytics companies </p> <p> </p> <p>Data Brokers </p> <p> </p> <p>Third Party Advertisers </p> <p> </p> <p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p>Yes </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Fundraising and Donations </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To provide you with products and services </p> <p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To communicate with you </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> <p>To fulfill or meet the request </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> </td></tr><tr><td width="166" valign="top"><p>Contests, Promotions, Surveys, Focus Groups, or other Market Research </p> </td><td width="167" valign="top"><p>To operate our businesses </p> <p>To conduct business analytics </p> <p>For market research purposes </p> <p>For safety and security purposes </p> <p>To improve our customer service and other internal business purposes </p> <p>To fulfill our legal obligations and other notified purposes </p> </td><td width="174" valign="top"><p>Government Agencies (if necessary to meet legal obligations) </p> <p> </p> <p>Vendors providing services to us </p> </td><td width="114" valign="top"><p>No </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>No </p> <p> </p> </td></tr></tbody></table> <p>We retain personal information to achieve the purposes for which the information was collected. In certain cases, we may need to retain personal information for purposes required under applicable law, for tax or audit purposes, or for other purposes permitted under law.</p> <p>This Privacy Policy includes the following sections:</p> <ol><li><a name="_Hlk140489933" id="_Hlk140489933"></a><a href="#Collection_of_Information">Collection of Information</a></li><li><a href="#USE_OF_INFORMATION">Use of Information</a></li><li><a href="#SHARING_OF_INFORMATION">Sharing of Information</a></li><li><a href="#RETENTION_OF_INFORMATION">Retention of Information</a></li><li><a href="#Security">Security</a></li><li><a href="#CHILDRENS_PRIVACY">Children’s Privacy</a></li><li><a href="#INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES">Interest-Based Advertising and Cookies - Your Choices</a></li><li><a href="#YOUR_STATE_PRIVACY_RIGHTS_AND_ADDITIONAL">Your Canadian Privacy Rights</a></li><li><a href="#LINKS_TO_OTHER_WEBSITES_AND_SERVICES">Links to Other Websites and Services</a></li><li><a href="#CHANGES_TO_CHIPOTLES_PRIVACY_POLICY">Changes to Chipotle’s Privacy Policy</a></li><li><a href="#CONTACT_US">Contact Us</a></li></ol> <p> <b>1. <a name="Collection_of_Information" id="Collection_of_Information"></a>COLLECTION OF INFORMATION</b></p> <p>For the purposes of this policy, “personal information” means any information about an identifiable individual including, without limitation, your name, address, telephone number, and email address. Personal information does not include deidentified or aggregated consumer information that Chipotle does not attempt to reidentify. We collect and use your personal information when you:</p> <ul><li>Visit one of our restaurants</li><li>Visit our Website or use our App</li><li>Order through our Website or App</li><li>Participate in our Chipotle Community Fundraising Program</li><li>Sign-up to receive our marketing communications</li><li>Enter a contest or participate in a promotion</li><li>Participate in our Chipotle Rewards program</li><li>Contact Us with a comment, question or complaint</li><li>Use the Find a Location feature on our Website or App<ul><li><b>Restaurant Purchases: </b>You do not have to provide us with any personal information when you pay using cash at one of our restaurants. If you use a credit or debit card, we collect your debit or credit card-related information and your signature to process and administer your payment. We may also use video surveillance (e.g. CCTV) in our restaurants for quality assurance, loss prevention, safety, and security purposes. If you order catering through a local restaurant, we also collect the delivery address.</li><li><b>Ordering Online: </b>If you place an individual or group order through our Website or App, you will be asked to provide your first and last name, email address, phone number, payment card information, and, optionally, your accessibility and nutrition preference for pick-up orders. If you place an order for delivery, you will be asked for the physical address you would like the order delivered to. If you choose to: (i) place a group order, or (ii) create a Chipotle Rewards account to save your favorites and order faster, we will collect all of the foregoing elements and, if you are a Rewards member, the data elements identified in the Chipotle Rewards paragraph below. If you place a Group Order, we will collect the name of each participant in the Group Order in order to correctly match the names of the Group Order participants with the items that they have ordered. When you place a Group order, you represent and warrant to us that you have the authority on behalf of the other individuals named in the Group Order to provide their names and personal information to us as necessary for us to fulfil the Group Order. We may also offer you the ability to order through a third-party food delivery service, in which case we obtain your information from the third party in order to fulfil your order. If you purchase an e-gift card for a friend or family member, we collect the name and email address for the recipient in order to deliver an email containing your e-gift card on your behalf. We do not use the recipient’s information for any other purpose.</li><li><a name="_Hlk137829619" id="_Hlk137829619"></a><b>Chipotle Rewards</b>: If you join our Chipotle Rewards program, <a name="_Hlk120711758" id="_Hlk120711758"></a>we will collect your first name, last name, email address (required in order to receive all eligible Chipotle Rewards), password used to create the account, telephone number, and marketing preferences, device settings country, and you may also elect to provide other information, including your birthday (month / day only), payment card or gift card information, and optionally your delivery address, accessibility preferences for pick up orders and nutrition preferences. We collect this information to establish and administer your Chipotle Rewards account, including to create and send you a digital Chipotle Rewards card, create an ID number, scannable code or other unique identifier to associate you with your Chipotle Rewards account, to award points to you on qualifying purchases and to enable you to redeem points. We will then associate that and other categories of personal information with your Rewards Program account, such as other unique identifiers, purchase history, general geolocation data, preferences you provide (e.g., favorite Chipotle restaurants), and stored payment methods. Note that we also may collect all of this information outside the context of the Rewards Program. <a name="_Hlk120600372" id="_Hlk120600372"></a>We may also use this information to send non-personalized advertising, retargeted advertisements and personalized advertising and marketing offers and other special offers available only to members of the Chipotle Rewards program. For more information on the categories of third parties that receive your information, please see the “Notice at Collection” section above.</li><li><b>The Chipotle Community Fundraising Program: </b>We collect personal information if you choose to participate in our Chipotle Community Fundraising Program, which allows organizations to apply to raise money for a particular fundraiser. You may apply for the Chipotle Community Fundraising Program by filling out an application on our Website. If you apply to participate, we will collect the name of the individual applying and their address, email, phone number, and information on behalf of the organization that will benefit from the fundraiser (e.g. organization name, address, EIN).</li><li><b>Round Up: </b>Customers are offered the opportunity to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar and have Chipotle donate the excess amount to the chosen fundraiser.</li><li><b>Push Notifications: </b>If you sign-up to receive push notifications, we will send push notifications to your mobile device, which may include, depending on your elections, SMS text messages or emails.</li><li><b>Contests, Promotions, Surveys, Focus Groups, or other Market Research: </b>If you enter a contest or participate in a promotion, we or a third party we retain to provide these services on our behalf, may, with your consent, collect your name, address, email address, phone number, and any additional information or content required for the contest or promotion (such as information you post on social media). We use this information to administer your participation in the contest or promotion, including prize fulfillment. As part of a contest or promotion, we may obtain your consent to share or otherwise publish the content you submit. You may provide these same data elements to us (or a party retained by us) when you participate in surveys, focus groups, or market research, and you may also share additional information generated by your participation in the surveys, focus groups, and/or other marketing research efforts. We may use the information you share with us a result of your participation in a survey, focus group, or other marketing research efforts to personalization your experience with our Services and to send you personalized advertising.</li><li><b>Contact Us: </b>When you contact us with a comment, question or complaint, you may be asked for information that identifies you, such as your name, address and a telephone number, along with additional information we need to help us promptly answer your question or respond to your comment. You may be asked to provide all of this same information if you contact us through our chat bot, Pepper. We may record or create transcripts of your calls to us, your chats with Pepper, or any other method by which you connect with us and may retain the information disclosed during these interactions to assist you in the future, to improve our customer service and service offerings, to meet our legal obligations or to protect our legal interests, as well as for other business purposes that are detailed in this Privacy Policy. We may also use vendors to provide these services which means these vendors may have to access to these recordings or transcripts, including in real time. By using Pepper, you consent to Chipotle’s monitoring and recording of the chat and to the collection and analysis of all personal information provided through the chat. We utilize a service provider to process, analyze, and store the contents of the chat on our behalf. By using Pepper, you direct Chipotle to disclose to and share with our service provider, including, any personal information you provide. If you do not consent to Chipotle’s collection and analysis of your data or to the processing of this data by our service provider on Chipotle’s behalf, then please do not use the chat feature. Please also note that if you contact us or we engage with you through Apple Business Chat, Google Business Messages, Facebook Messenger, or similar, your communications with us and any personal information you share with us through those platforms is subject to the terms of use and related privacy policies provided by those platforms.</li><li><b>Find a Location / Location Nudges: </b><a name="_Hlk131696730" id="_Hlk131696730"></a>If you<b> </b>search for a restaurant on our Website or in the App, we collect your postal code or city and province, or, if you choose to provide it, your device’s precise geolocation, in order to provide you with information on nearby restaurants and to ensure you are on your way to the correct location when you have placed a digital order for pickup. <a name="_Hlk119331909" id="_Hlk119331909"></a>When you give the App permission to collect your precise geolocation, the App may use your mobile device’s location services to collect real-time information about the location of your device (using GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth or other methods, including in store beacons) to provide requested location services and ensure your orders are placed at the correct location. <a name="_Hlk120600602" id="_Hlk120600602"></a>Chipotle does not retain, store, or use your precise geolocation beyond what is necessary to fulfill the purposes identified in this section. However, Chipotle does retain general location data such as your zip code, city, state, and country and this general location data may be used to identify an audience for targeted advertising.</li><li><b>Health</b>: As described in the Online Ordering and Chipotle Rewards sections above, you may elect to tell us if you would like to have your order placed on an accessible shelf. We will not ask if you for any specific medical condition, disability status, or diagnosis associated with your request to have your order placed on an accessible shelf.</li><li><b>Nutrition</b>: As described in the Online Ordering and Chipotle Rewards sections above, you may elect to tell us if you have certain nutrition preferences such as that you are eating a plant based V+ Vegan diet, Paleo, or that you are avoiding Gluten or Dairy. We will not ask you for any specific medical condition, disability status, or diagnosis associated with your nutrition preferences. We may use your nutrition preferences to personalize your experience on our Website and App and we (or entities who send advertisements on our behalf) may also send you advertisements related to these preferences (e.g. we may suggest vegetarian options when you are on our Website or send you advertisements associated with your nutritional preferences).</li></ul> </li></ul> <p><a name="Information_Collected_Automatically" id="Information_Collected_Automatically"></a><b><i>Information Collected Automatically</i></b></p> <p>We may collect certain information about you automatically when you visit or use our online Services, or when you interact with emails, advertisements, or other electronic messages we send to you through the Services. This information may include your IP address, device characteristics (including device identifiers), web browser characteristics, unique identifiers and other data stored in cookies, operating system details, language preference, referring URLs, length of visits, pages viewed, and other information that may be automatically accessible to us from your browser or device.</p> <p>We and our vendors may automatically collect this information using various tools and technologies such as cookies, web server logs, tags, beacons, SDKs, pixels, local storage, JavaScript, APIs, session replay/screen capture (i.e., how you use and navigate the services, but not your keystroke data), and other similar technologies. Additional information on other technologies we may use is set forth below in the section titled: <a href="#INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES">Interest-Based Advertising and Cookies - Your Choices</a>.</p> <p><a name="_Hlk120601476" id="_Hlk120601476"></a>We may also use certain third-party web and mobile app analytics services – including but not limited to Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Branch Analytics, and Facebook Custom Audiences – to help us understand and analyze how visitors use the online Services (including session replay) and serve ads on our behalf across the Internet and in different channels (including on the web, in mobile apps, on out-of-home digital surfaces, and in connected TV apps). We also use these services for remarketing, interest-based advertising, demographics and interests reporting, user segment analysis, look-alike modeling and impression reporting. We and third-party vendors may use first-party cookies or other first-party identifiers as well as third-party cookies or other third-party identifiers to provide Chipotle with insight into behavior information relating to inferred visitor age range (e.g., GenZ, Millennial, GenX, etc.), your interests, and to deliver advertisements to you, create a profile of you, measure your interests, detect your demographics, personalize content, and detect and associate online and offline behaviors such as site visitation, dwell time and actions taken.</p> <p>We use a session replay service to analyze how visitors use the online Services. Session-replay technologies, which are third-party software services used to record a video replay of a visitor’s interactions with our Website. The video replay may include Website visitor clicks, mouse movements, scrolls, typing, and other activity taken during the session on the Website. We use session replay technologies for research and development purposes, such as to help us troubleshoot problems with the Website, understand how users interact with and use the Website, and identify areas for improvement.</p> <p>Finally, our third-party vendors may detect your location (including precise location) to provide us with aggregated information about how our advertising campaigns are performing in certain geographic areas. Please check your browser and device settings to control the location data you allow your browser and device to collect and share with third parties.</p> <p>For more information on how the Google Marketing Platform uses the data collected through the online Services, visit: <a href=""><b></b></a>.</p> <p>In addition to the automatic collection mechanisms listed above, we may also:</p> <ul><li>As an advertising publisher, use tags in connection with the Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings Service for Google Ad Manager; and</li><li>Use Microsoft’s Bing Universal Event Tracking (UET) feature, in which case Microsoft collects your personal information (<i>see </i><a href=""><b>Microsoft Privacy Statement</b></a>).</li></ul> <p>Depending on your personal device and App permission settings, when using the App, we may collect or have access to your:</p> <ul><li><b>Precise geolocation.</b> When you give the App permission to collect your precise geolocation, the App may use your mobile device’s location services to collect real-time information about the location of your device (using both GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth or other methods, including in store beacons) to provide requested location services and ensure your orders are placed at the correct location. To turn off geolocation, please adjust the permissions on your device. If location services are disabled, other means of establishing or estimating your general location (e.g., connecting to or proximity to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, beacons, or our networks) may still be active. </li><li><b>Camera.</b> When enabled, this may allow the App to access the camera to scan and input payment method details. Providing access to your Camera function is entirely optional.</li><li><b>Wi-Fi connection information.</b> When enabled, this may allow the App to view Wi-Fi connections.</li><li><b>Other.</b> The App will send and receive data to and from the Internet, and may view network connections, have full network access, control vibration of your device, or prevent your device from sleeping.</li></ul> <p>Some of the technology described above is used by us or our partners to correlate information collected about you over time and across websites or online services.</p> <p>Please review Section 7, <a href="#INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES">Interest-Based Advertising and Cookies - Your Choices</a>, for additional information about how you can manage the use of these technologies.<b></b></p> <p><b><i>Information Collected From Third Parties</i></b></p> <p>Our vendors (who may include data brokers) and other third parties may share with us your personal information. For example, if you order food or catering, order gift cards, make a purchase for merchandise, make a payment, or provide feedback on your experiences, you may submit personal information to one or more third parties that may share your information with us, based on their privacy policies and terms of use.</p> <p>In some circumstances, we also may collect information about you from publicly-available sources, including content about our Services that you make publicly available on third-party websites (e.g., social media platforms). We or vendors assisting us may also receive information from geolocation data providers to help us understand aggregate visit patterns in restaurant markets of interest, but these providers get the location data from sources other than our own App and Websites. </p> <p>Additionally, for certain features of the online Services, you may log in through your third-party social media account or share content from the online Services through third-party social media platforms.</p> <p>We may combine information that we collect from and about you. When you submit information to a third party, you are subject to that third party’s terms of use and privacy policies, for which we are not responsible.</p> <p><b>2. <a name="USE_OF_INFORMATION" id="USE_OF_INFORMATION"></a>USE OF INFORMATION</b></p> <p>We may use personal information we obtain about you for the following purposes:</p> <p><i>Business Purposes</i></p> <ul><li>communicate with you regarding our restaurants and other Services;</li><li>respond to your requests or inquiries;</li><li>register you for accounts on the Services;</li><li>process payment information for online food orders or online purchases through our merchandise or gift card store;</li><li>process your fundraiser applications;</li><li>provide you with search results for a restaurant on our Website or in the App, or, if you choose to provide it, your device’s precise geolocation, in order to provide you with information on nearby restaurants and to ensure you are on your way to the correct location when you have placed a digital order for pickup;</li><li>maintain healthy and safe conditions in our restaurants;</li><li>address legal matters;</li><li>prevent, investigate, identify, stop, or take any other action with regard to suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity, claims or other liabilities, or any activity that violates our policies;</li></ul> <p><i>Commercial Purposes</i></p> <ul><li>facilitate and personalize your user experience and improve the Services;</li><li>conduct statistical analysis of the content, layout, and features of the Services for our marketing purposes;</li><li>register you for our email and postal mailing lists or for promotions or offers conducted in connection with the Services;</li><li>send marketing information to you, such as promotional offers or information about new product offerings, programs, or restaurant openings;</li><li>advertise to you both on and off the Services, which may include tailoring ads to your interests and measuring the performance of our ad campaigns;</li><li>make inferences about you or members of your household based on your device; or</li><li>for any other purpose, with your consent where appropriate.</li></ul> <p>We may also use any of the personal information we collect to generate and use anonymous or de-identified information about our customers for commercial purposes.</p> <p><b>3. <a name="SHARING_OF_INFORMATION" id="SHARING_OF_INFORMATION"></a>SHARING OF INFORMATION</b></p> <p><b>Information Shared By You</b></p> <p>When you post or comment on social media or interact with the Services this content may be visible to the public. We or our vendors may analyze or share certain content that you post or make available, including by publicly posting on our online Services or other public online locations. For example, we may repost content that you post about us on social media. We may also use any of the information you share for analytics or for the business or commercial purposes described above.<b></b></p> <p><b>Information Shared By Us</b></p> <p>In order to provide you with the Services or for the business and commercial services described above, we may share your information with our affiliates, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, identifiers, date of birth (month and day only, if you elected to provide us with this information), records of your orders and other transactions with us, credit/debit/gift card number and account information (including associated billing addresses and expiration date), information described in the <a href="#Collection_of_Information">Collection of information</a> and <a href="#Information_Collected_Automatically">Information Collected Automatically</a> sections above (some of which is personal information, inferences, and other information you provide to us, including user-generated content and information provided via surveys, focus groups, and/or other marketing research efforts).</p> <p>We may share your personal information (including all the information listed in the preceding paragraph) with vendors who assist us with offering the Services or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, such as delivery services, analytics providers, marketing and advertising services (including to provide you with targeted, personalized advertising), providers of payment services, providers of other support for our transactions (e.g., accounting services), providers of technical services (e.g., data storage and customer relationship management databases), providers of outsourced customer service. We generally require our vendors to provide at least the same or equal protection of user data as stated in this Privacy Policy. Some of our vendors (for example, those mentioned in the <a href="#Information_Collected_Automatically">Information Collected Automatically</a> section above) may view, edit, or set their own tracking technologies/cookies on our Services. When our vendors’ cookies run on our Services they may collect identifiers such as your IP address, Cookie ID, Device ID, and Pixel ID; network activity information such as HTTP header information, button click data, referring website activity; and location data.</p> <p>In the event of a business transaction, such as if we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (e.g., further to a merger, reorganization, liquidation, or any other business transaction, including negotiations of such transactions), we reserve the right to disclose any information we obtain through the Services. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Policy. To the extent legally permitted, the acquiring party may use the information pursuant to their own privacy policy instead of this one.</p> <p>We may also disclose personal information when required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal processes, governmental request, or in response to activities that are unlawful or a violation of Chipotle’s rules for use of the Services, or to protect and defend the rights or property of Chipotle or others. This may involve the disclosure of personal information to law enforcement, other governmental entities, or other third parties, depending on the circumstances.</p> <p>We may share your information for other purposes as disclosed at the time you provide your information or otherwise with your consent.</p> <p><b>4. <a name="RETENTION_OF_INFORMATION" id="RETENTION_OF_INFORMATION"></a>RETENTION OF INFORMATION</b></p> <p>We retain personal information to achieve the purposes for which the information was collected. In certain cases, we may need to retain personal information for purposes required under applicable law, for tax or audit purposes, or for other purposes permitted under law.</p> <p><b>5. <a name="Security" id="Security"></a>SECURITY</b></p> <p>We are committed to the protection of your personal information from unauthorized access or use. We will use reasonable organizational, physical, technical and administrative measures to protect personal information within our organization. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with is no longer secure, please notify us by sending an email to <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><b>6. <a name="CHILDRENS_PRIVACY" id="CHILDRENS_PRIVACY"></a>CHILDREN’S PRIVACY</b></p> <p>The online Services are not intended for, and are not intentionally targeted to, children under 16, and we do not knowingly request or seek to collect personal information from any person under 16 years of age through the Services. If we learn that the online Services have received personal information directly from a child who is under the age of 16, we will delete the information in accordance with applicable law.</p> <p>Chipotle permits individuals 16 years of age and older to join our Rewards program. Our <a href="">Rewards Terms</a> state, “If you are between the ages of 16 and the age of majority in your province or territory of residence, you may participate in Chipotle Rewards only with the consent and supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Chipotle Rewards Terms.” Chipotle Rewards members may elect to provide their birthday (month / day only), but we do not collect age or full date of birth from Rewards members.</p> <p><b>7. <a name="INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES" id="INTEREST_BASED_ADVERTISING_YOUR_CHOICES"></a>INTEREST-BASED ADVERTISING - YOUR CHOICES</b></p> <p>Our Website may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data (text file) that a website – when visited by a user – places on your device to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. Those cookies are set by us and called first-party cookies. Chipotle uses first-party cookies mainly to make the site work as you expect it to. For example, we use the information we collect through first-party cookies to allow you to navigate between pages efficiently, analyze how well our website is performing, and understand the content that you found most helpful based on the amount of time you spent reviewing that content.</p> <p>We also incorporate cookies and similar technologies, such as pixels, tags, and web beacons, from outside Chipotle’s domain (“third-party cookies”). Third-party cookies gather information to enable our vendors to provide a range of services to us, including targeting ads and measuring the success of our advertising campaigns. </p> <p>We also use cookies and other tracking technologies to display advertisements about our products to you on nonaffiliated websites, applications, and online services. This is known as “targeted advertising”. We do not use personal data for profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning individuals.</p> <p>Below is a detailed list of the categories of first and third-party cookies we use on our Website. You can prevent the collection of data by Non Essential Targeting, Social Media, Analytics & Functional Cookies by clicking on “Your Privacy Choices” in our Website footer and toggling off the related functionality. </p> <p><a name="_Hlk140503470" id="_Hlk140503470"></a><b>Essential Cookies</b>. <b></b></p> <p>Essential cookies are necessary for the Website to function properly and cannot be switched off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to a visitor’s request for services, such as a visitor setting their privacy preferences, logging in, or filling in forms. For web-initiated cookies, you can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but blocking these cookies will prevent the site from working correctly or might prevent the site from working at all.</p> <p> <b>Non Essential Targeting, Social Media, Analytics, & Functional Cookies</b>.<b></b></p> <p>Targeting and Social Media third-party cookies may be set through our Website by our advertising partners, and by social media partners that we have added to our Website to enable you to share our content with your friends and networks. We also may use certain first-party cookies to send you personalized and targeted advertising. The cookies may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you advertisements on other websites based on those interests. They may track your browser across other websites and create a profile of your interests.</p> <p>Analytics cookies allow us to count visits to our Website and understand traffic sources (the website you came from) so we can measure and improve the performance of our Website. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around our Website. We may collect identifiers, such as a session ID that is automatically generated when a visitor lands on our Website, visitor’s IP address, the device identifier of the device a visitor used to visit our Website, and activity on our Website associated with these identifiers, and similar information. We will disclose this type of information to third party service providers to help us run these analytics.</p> <p>Functional cookies enable our Website to provide enhanced functionality and personalization for visitors and may help provide more specialized, but non-essential, services that a visitor requests and to collect and “remember” visitor choices and preferences (e.g. what language the visitor prefers, user name and password to allow automatic log in, what region a user is located in). Functional cookies may be set by us or by third party service providers whose services we have added to our Website.</p> <p>You can control and manage cookies associated with your browser. If you are interested in controlling and managing cookies from your browser including any set by our Website, please refer to <a href=""></a> for information on different ways to configure your browser’s cookie settings.</p> <p>Many advertising companies that collect information for interest-based advertising are members of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) or the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), both of which maintain self-regulatory programs along with websites where people can opt out of interest-based advertising from their members. To opt-out of website interest-based advertising provided by each organization’s respective participating companies, visit the DAA’s opt-out portal available at <a href=""></a>, or visit the NAI’s opt-out portal available at <a href="">Opt-Out Tools — AdChoices in Canada (</a>.</p> <p>To opt-out of data collection for interest-based advertising across mobile applications by participating companies, download the DAA’s AppChoices mobile application opt-out offering here: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>Some of our vendors do not participate in the DAA or NAI self-regulatory programs for online behavioral advertising or have developed their own processes for allowing consumers to opt-out:</p> <ul><li><a href=""></a></li></ul> <p>Some devices and apps do not have access to web-based browser cookie opt-outs.</p> <ul><li>To learn more about the advertising opt-outs provided by your mobile device's operating system (like iOS and Android) or the device manufacture, click <a href="">here.</a></li></ul> <p>If you no longer want us to collect information through the App, please uninstall it.</p> <p>You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the <a href="">Ads Settings</a> Feature on Google. By clicking <a href="">Ads Settings</a>, you will be taken out of to a page on Google where you can log in and can control the information Google uses to show you ads. In addition, you can use <a href="">Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on</a> to disable tracking by Google Analytics. Certain preferences for some of the Nielsen tools we use can be adjusted <a href=""><b>here</b></a>. You can also make adjustments to your preferences related Adobe Analytics by visiting the <a href="">Adobe Privacy Center</a>. <b> <a name="_Hlk123201326" id="_Hlk123201326"></a></b></p> <p>Please note, any reference to third party links, programs, or software listed above are provided for your convenience and consideration without implied or express endorsement or warranty from Chipotle. As with any third-party service, you should assess the provider’s policies and practices before using the service.</p> <p>You may need to repeat the preference options described above from each device and browser that you use in connection with our Service, as well as in a particular browser or device if you clear cookies or reset the browser. </p> <p>To update certain personal information we have about you, or if you wish to change certain preferences (including certain communication preferences, such as your receipt of push notifications), (1) log into your account on our Website or within your instance of our App and change your account settings (including location tracking) with the “Personal & Preferences” section, (2) change your device’s settings for our App, or (3) contact us as described at the end of this Privacy Policy. For most mobile devices, you can disable the collection of geolocation information by turning off location services on your device. </p> <p>If you have previously opted -in to receiving text messages and would like to be removed from the Chipotle mobile text program, text STOP to 888333 to opt-out. After texting STOP to 888333 you will receive one additional message confirming that your request has been processed.</p> <p><b>8. YOUR CANADIAN PRIVACY RIGHTS</b></p> <p>The <i>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act</i> (PIPEDA) allows you to request us to:</p> <ul><li>Provide a description of our uses and disclosures of your personal information.</li><li>Provide you with access to and/or a copy of certain personal information we hold about you.</li><li>Correct or supplement personal information we have about you that you can demonstrate is inaccurate or incomplete.</li></ul> <p>Under PIPEDA, you may withdraw your consent at any time to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, subject to legal and contractual restrictions. This includes the right to opt out of the disclosure of personal information, targeted advertising and profiling. Note that if you choose to opt out of our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as necessary for your participation in the Chipotle Rewards Program, you may no longer participate in the Chipotle Rewards Program.</p> <p>If you would like to exercise any of the Canadian privacy rights described above or to submit an appeal of any decision with regard to your privacy rights, you may submit your request by completing our Data Request Form found by clicking on the Your Privacy Choices link in the footer of our Website. We will require that you present government-issued identification to verify your identity before we grant you any access to your personal information.</p> <p><b><i>Requests Made by Agents</i></b></p> <p>If you are an agent making a request on behalf of an individual, we reserve the right to take steps to verify that you are authorized to make that request, which may include requiring you to provide us with written proof such as a power of attorney authorizing you to make the request. As part of the process, we may additionally require the individual to verify their identity directly with us. For security and legal reasons, Chipotle will reject requests that require us to access third-party websites or services.</p> <p>You can exercise your rights by performing any of the following steps:</p> <ul><li>Click on “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information / Opt Out” when prompted by the cookie banner appearing on the bottom of Chipotle’s webpage. Completing this step will opt out you out of “targeted advertising” and the disclosure of your personal data facilitated through web-initiated device tracking; </li><li>Click on “Your Privacy Choices” in our website footer and toggle off Non Essential Targeting, Social Media, Analytics & Functional Cookies. Completing this step will opt out you out of “targeted advertising” and the disclosure of your personal data facilitated through web-initiated device tracking</li><li>Complete the Data Request Form found by clicking on the Your Privacy Choices link in the footer of our Website. Completing this step will opt out you out of Chipotle’s disclosure of your personal information directly to third parties; or</li></ul> <p><b><i>Nondiscrimination</i></b></p> <p>We will not discriminate against you for exercising your privacy rights.<b><i></i></b></p> <p><b>9. <a name="LINKS_TO_OTHER_WEBSITES_AND_SERVICES" id="LINKS_TO_OTHER_WEBSITES_AND_SERVICES"></a>LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES AND SERVICES</b></p> <p>The Services may offer links to websites and other services that are not maintained by Chipotle. By visiting one of these linked websites or services, you are subject to their privacy and other policies. We are not responsible for, or able to monitor or control, the policies and practices of other companies.</p> <p><b>10. <a name="CHANGES_TO_CHIPOTLES_PRIVACY_POLICY" id="CHANGES_TO_CHIPOTLES_PRIVACY_POLICY"></a>CHANGES TO CHIPOTLE’S PRIVACY POLICY</b></p> <p>From time to time, Chipotle may change this Privacy Policy. Changes will be indicated by the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page.</p> <p><b>11. <a name="CONTACT_US" id="CONTACT_US"></a>CONTACT US</b></p> <p>If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or the manner in which we or our service providers treat your personal information, or to request access to your personal information in our records, please complete our Data Request Form found by clicking on the Cookie Preference link in the footer of our Website, contact our Privacy Officer at <a href=""><b></b></a><b><u>,</u></b> or by regular mail at:</p> <p>Chipotle Mexican Grill Canada Corp.<br /> Attn: Privacy Officer<br /> 100 University Ave, 5th Floor<br /> Toronto, ON<br /> M5J 1V6</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="block"> <div id="app" class="aem-block"></div> </div> <footer class="experiencefragment aem-xf-footer"> <div id="aem-xf-footer" data-analytics-section="footer" class="cmp-experiencefragment 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