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We grow quality plants and have earned the trust of over half a million gardeners, homeowner's, and some prestigious clientele, including The History Channel, Arlington National Cemetery, and the Washington Monument.</p> </div> <div class="collections-slider-wrapper"> <div class="collection-item"> <a href="/collections/trees-for-sale" class="collection-link"> <img src="" alt="Trees" class="collection-image" alt="Trees image" srcset=" 165w, 330w, 535w, 750w" loading="lazy"> <div class="collection-title">Shop Trees</div> </a> </div> <div class="collection-item"> <a href="/collections/shrubs-for-sale" class="collection-link"> <img src="" alt="Shrubs" class="collection-image" alt="Shrubs image" srcset=" 165w, 330w" loading="lazy"> <div class="collection-title">Shop Shrubs</div> </a> </div> <div class="collection-item"> <a href="/collections/perennials-for-sale" class="collection-link"> <img src="" alt="Perennials" class="collection-image" alt="Perennials image" srcset=" 165w, 330w" loading="lazy"> <div class="collection-title">Shop Perennials</div> </a> </div> <div class="collection-item"> <a href="/collections/moss-for-sale" class="collection-link"> <img src="" alt="Live Moss" class="collection-image" alt="Live Moss image" srcset=" 165w, 330w" loading="lazy"> <div class="collection-title">Shop Live Moss</div> </a> </div> <div class="collection-item"> <a href="/collections/vines" class="collection-link"> <img src="" alt="Vines" class="collection-image" alt="Vines image" srcset=" 165w, 330w" loading="lazy"> <div class="collection-title">Shop Vines</div> </a> </div> <div class="collection-item"> <a href="/collections/ferns-for-sale" class="collection-link"> <img src="" alt="Ferns" class="collection-image" alt="Ferns image" srcset=" 165w, 330w" loading="lazy"> <div class="collection-title">Shop Ferns</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class='slider_arrows '> <button class="slider-arrow prev">&#10094;</button> <button class="slider-arrow next">&#10095;</button> </div> </div> </div> <style> .collections-slider-section { margin: 40px 0; 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they are an excellent addition to your garden. T.N. Nursery has a top selection of options for sale, and when you buy one, you can get another free to decorate your garden instantly. The Benefits of These Trees Any landscaping can make a huge difference in your property! If your garden lacks plants, here are some reasons to plant one or several. 1. Provides shade: The dog days of summer won’t feel so unbearable when you can sit under the shade one provides. 2. Privacy: It will be harder for anyone to peek into your yard with tall ones surrounding the perimeter. 3. Less reliance on cooling systems: Strategically placed varieties prevent the sunlight from streaming directly into your home, keeping it more relaxed all summer. You can give your air conditioner a much-needed break. Top Tree Choices from TN Nursery Explore TN Nursery customers’ favorite trees add color and texture to your yard. Tulip Tree The tulip tree is a fast grower that produces beautiful orange and yellow flowers and maxes out at around 150 feet. Nicknamed after the shape of their leaves, these utterly elegant varieties are favored for the color they lend to any front or backyard. You’ll also love the additional privacy. They’re fall bloomers, giving you something to look forward to late in the season. Virginia Pine  It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas with the Virginia Pine Tree. Besides its seasonal function of decorating holiday homes, this evergreen type is favored for growing in all sorts of conditions, including wetter or drier soils. In the spring, they produce flowers that later become two-inch pinecones. Persimmon  Grow your fruit with persimmon trees, which has a texture like custard and a flavor like honey. The persimmon type can reach sizes of 60 feet but usually only grows to about 20 feet. Their large, oval-shaped leaves are just as appealing as the fruit, which can grow to six inches! Redbud Invite beauty and color into your garden with the redbud tree. Despite its name, this beauty's blooms are more purple than red. There’s so much to love about this spring bloomer, between the enchanting color and the heart-shaped leaves. It grows no more than 30 feet, so even if you don’t have a lot of yard space, there’s still room for this beauty. Discover Many Tree Options from TN Nursery Improve your home’s property value with T.N. Nursery’s affordable selection of tree sizes and options at a great price. We’ve been in business for more than 50 years. Customers repeatedly choose us for their gardening needs because of our affordable prices and fast shipping.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-finder-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/shrubs-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Shrubs </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Shrub Benefits in Landscaping  Shrubs are plants that grow into medium-sized trees and bushes in your garden. Most have a slight frame but compensate by forming a thick bush comprising several stems. They add functional and aesthetic qualities to your property and accent other plants well. Shrubs come in different colors and shapes that you can use to beautify your property  They are the perfect template for skilled gardeners to add elegance to a landscape. Shrubs like pink spiraea to add color to your property with their beautiful pink flowers, while deciduous like Lilac shed leaves in the fall only to come alive in spring. Some are evergreen, while others bloom in different seasons, producing colorful flowers that fill the air with a pleasant fragrance. Others can be manicured into elegant shapes that are pleasing to the eye and capture the imagination of visitors to your property. Provides shade and shelter heat  Plant shrubs near your house will provide shade and blow cold air during the hot months. You can use them to block cold winter winds from entering your property. They are a great way of creating natural air conditioning on your property. They attract wildlife A Floral Display  Shrubs perform several functions in the natural world and enrich the ecosystem in your area. Some produce thousands of flowers during the blooming season. These flowers attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other flora that love nectar. Others produce tasty fruits and seeds that deer and squirrels find irresistible. Privacy Shrubs  Fencing your property Some shrubs, such as Privets and Euonymus, are great for hedging because they grow thick bushes quickly. When left untrimmed, it can grow up to ten feet. It is the ideal plant for enhancing privacy on your property. When using a shrub to create a hedge, plant it on the perimeter, leaving a few inches covered by the bush. You can also use shrubs to create subtle boundaries on your property. For instance, you could make a wall of shrubs around a secluded area where you can relax in complete privacy. Cost Effificent and Beneficial  Unlike artificial fences, they do not degrade due to exposure to the elements. They conserve soil. Shrubs firm the ground in areas where it is loose and prone to erosion. Their deep roots hold several layers together, while the large canopy reduces the impact of raindrops. You can plant them near streams and run-off terraces to protect the banks from erosion, especially during the rainy season. Add value to your property. Shrubs add value to your property by enhancing its aesthetic appeal, creating a refreshing aura, and attracting wildlife. Raises a Home's Value Real estate experts intimate that homes with excellent landscapes and manicured shrubs cost up to 20% more than those without floral enhancements. Shrubs also purify the air in your home by trapping dust and filtering carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. They also produce oxygen and other compounds that enhance your health and immunity. These qualities make such properties very attractive to buyers.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-finder-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/perennials-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Perennials </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">TN Nursery has been offering affordable perennial plants to the public since 1959, spanning three generations. Whether you need one plant or a thousand, we have a wide selection of native plants perfect for your landscaping project or home garden area. If you love wildflowers or perennials that are low maintenance and do not need a lot of care, then our plants will be the perfect ones for you. Perennial plants are the backbone of any garden that is thriving and successful Unlike annuals, which you must replant yearly, perennials return season after season. They have a host of environmental and aesthetic benefits. It doesn't matter where you are in your gardening journey; you will reap big rewards when you start incorporating perennials into your garden. Look at some of the major advantages of growing perennials and how they can transform your gardening experience. Perennials Are Low-maintenance One of the undeniable benefits of these plants is that they are easy to care for. Once you establish them, these sturdy plants require less attention than annuals. Reduced Planting Efforts Since they stay alive for several years, perennials eliminate the need for annual replanting. This will save you a lot of time and effort in your garden, which is why they are the perfect choice if you are very busy but still want to enjoy gardening. Drought Tolerant These have deep root systems, allowing them to access water from the deeper soil layers in your garden. They are highly drought-tolerant and can handle some tough weather conditions. Less Weeding If you're like most gardeners, weeding is probably one of your least favorite activities. The good news is that as perennials mature, they create less dense foliage, which helps suppress weeds. This kind of natural weed control reduces the need to use chemical herbicides or have frequent weeding sessions. Cost-Effective Gardening Saving money on your garden is something that most gardeners relish. One of the best things about perennials is that they offer long-term savings compared to annual plants.  When you make a one-time purchase, you will get years of beauty and utility out of them. Over time, this will reduce the cost of replacing plants each season. Additionally, many can be divided and propagated, allowing you to expand your garden without too much additional expense. Some perennials thrive when split and replanted, giving you more greenery in your garden for free.  Garden Aesthetics Of Perennials If keeping your garden vibrant and dynamic year-round is one of your goals, then these plants are the right choice. You will experience continuous blooms at various times of the year. Certain varieties usher in different seasons, and if you take the time to plant and nourish them, you will have a beautiful garden all year round. These plants are a great choice if you want structure and interest in your garden throughout the season. Environmental Benefits Growing perennials has several environmental benefits, and if you want to make your garden eco-friendly, you can certainly do so with these plants. Perennials stabilize the soil and reduce erosion over time. They also enhance the soil structure. While this is an awesome environmental benefit, it is not the only one. Thse flowers attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. This helps to sustain the ecosystem and support biodiversity. In general, because they require fewer resources such as fertilizer and water, once they have become established, these plants are naturally environmentally friendly. Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat  These types of gardens provide a natural habitat for various species. They supply nectar and seeds for pollinators, birds, and small animals, supporting the environment and wildlife.  Since many will remain in your garden during the winter, they offer shelter to insects and small animals. Their dormant foliage will create a natural mulch layer, protecting the soil and plant roots. Functional Benefits for Your Garden Space Many are low-growing, which reduces the need to mulch the soil extensively while also helping to prevent soil erosion. While low-growing plants may shelter and protect the ground, there are tall perennials that create natural privacy barriers in your garden. You can replace your artificial fences with these natural barriers if you choose. They will certainly look more beautiful than the traditional fencing. Finally, many are edible or have medicinal properties. Attract Pollinators They are a long-term investment that leaves a lasting mar and will grow more robust as the years go by. Some species can live for decades and become heirlooms in your garden. They will be like a familiar friend that is always there. These plants leave a joy and beauty that will cause future generations to gasp at their beauty, but to get to this eye-catching moment, you have to resolve to care for these plants in the best way possible.   Choosing the Right Plants for Your Garden It is very important to select the right plants for your garden. Several factors must be considered, such as soil type, climate, and garden preferences. Consider getting native perennials, as they will better adapt to the region's climate and soil.  This makes them very low-maintenance and ecologically beneficial. However, light requirements for perennials can differ, so you need to consider this when making your selections. Some are sun-loving and will thrive in open spaces where they are continually hit by direct sunlight. However, others flourish more in shaded areas.  Environmentally-Friendly  Bloom time is also another consideration. You should choose perennials with a staggered bloom time. This way, you will have a beautiful garden regardless of season. Perennial plants are a lot more than just staples in a garden. They are a testament to the beauty, resiliency, and sustainability that nature can provide. At TN Nursery, We Know Quality, We Grow Perennials Right Here On Site  </p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-finder-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/ferns-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Ferns </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Ferns can add a pop of color to any outdoor space. These delicate plants are a favorite of gardeners looking for low-maintenance plants with widespread appeal.  There's a lot to love about these simple plants, especially for the home landscaper. Not only are they a native option with many ecological benefits, but they also add a splash of green to the nooks and crannies of your garden. TN Nursery grows a variety of fern plants so that you can pick your favorite cultivar. We offer three generations of growing experience and a selection of plants for almost every growing zone. Why Ferns Make The Perfect Addition To Any Backyard They may be a subtle plant, but they're by no means forgettable. Their large, delicate fronds and showy colors make them an excellent fit for any garden. There are several other reasons why you may want to grow these plants. If you want to incorporate more native plants into your garden, these are a no-brainer for the natural landscaper. Are you interested in unique or rare types of plants? TN Nursery provides several options to track down or compare your favorite cultivars. They can help protect the soil from erosion; many species can 'lend a frond.' They also thrive all year round. With TN Nursery, you can find evergreen varieties that stay green throughout the winter. If you love the idea of a hardy, tolerant plant, it's hard to go wrong with their rugged variety. TN Nursery can help you find what you're looking for, from traditional cultivars to unusual species. Ferns Are Bio-Indicators  Ferns are bio-indicators that remove potent toxins from the soil, making them one of the most environmentally friendly plants on the planet. Growing them has dozens of benefits, from their rich green appearance to their soil-enhancing benefits, making them a needed staple in borders and shade areas in landscaping. Just keep in mind that not all cultivars are the same, and the nursery that raises them significantly impacts their health. TN Nursery Offers A 1 Year Warranty On All Plants Even Ferns At TN Nursery, we've spent three generations building an online plant store you can trust to deliver healthy, vibrant green fern plants. We offer a one-year warranty on all our plants, so you never need to wonder about the quality of our product. No matter what type of plant you're looking for, TN Nursery can help you find it.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-finder-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/moss-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Live Moss </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Live Moss is a captivating natural beauty for Tranquil Gardens. Explore its Serene Charm and Versatility in your landscape. Benefits. It is an evergreen, beautiful, and versatile plant, the perfect addition to bring natural beauty and tranquility to your indoor or outdoor space. Moss is renowned for its unique aesthetic appeal, ability to create a serene atmosphere, and ease of care. Let us introduce you to the wonders of plants and how they can transform your environment. Our live mosses are carefully selected for their lush, velvety textures and vibrant shades of green. It comes in various forms, including sheet, cushion, and mood type, each with distinct characteristics. With their dense growth and intricate patterns, these plants add a touch of elegance and natural charm to any setting. Live moss Is Versatile And Can Be Used Creatively It is perfect for terrariums, fairy gardens, living walls, and indoor plant displays. Its compact size and adaptability make it ideal for small—and large-scale projects. Whether creating a miniature woodland scene or adding a pop of green to your living room, it will captivate and delight you.One critical benefit is its maintenance requirements, which make it perfect for indoor spaces with little natural light. Most plants also have a high humidity tolerance, making them well-suited for terrariums and bathrooms. Mist them occasionally or provide a humid environment, and they will flourish.Another advantage is the ability to improve air quality. Like other plants, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, creating a healthier indoor environment. In terms of design, it offers endless possibilities. They can be used to create visually stunning living walls, where their velvety textures and shades of green add depth and visual interest. It can also be used as a natural carpet or ground cover, transforming bare spaces into enchanting green landscapes. Its versatility lets you unleash your creativity and design unique and captivating arrangements.The garden type is straightforward to install and care for. It can be easily attached to surfaces such as walls, rocks, or driftwood using non-toxic adhesives or simply pressing it into place. Once established, it requires minimal watering and can be misted or lightly watered to maintain its lush appearance. Live Moss Offers Enchanting Benefits for Your Garden Enhancing Moisture Retention, Ground Cover, and Adding Unique Texture and Greenery It offers a range of benefits that make it a unique and valuable addition to any indoor or outdoor space. From their aesthetic appeal to their environmental contributions, it provide numerous advantages. Let's explore ten key benefits of incorporating these plants into your environment:1. Natural Beauty: Its plants bring natural beauty and serenity to any space. Their lush, velvety textures and vibrant shades of green create a visually captivating and soothing atmosphere. Whether used in terrariums, living walls, or as a groundcover, it adds a unique charm and enhances your surroundings' overall aesthetic.2. Low Maintenance: One of its tremendous benefits is its low maintenance requirements. Unlike many other plants, it does not have true roots, so it doesn't require regular watering or fertilization. 3. Air Purification: They also act as natural filters, removing pollutants and toxins from the air. It makes most plants an effective and natural way to purify your home or office air, creating a healthier and more pleasant living environment.4. Humidity Regulation: It has a high humidity tolerance and can help regulate moisture levels in its surroundings. It absorbs and retains moisture, releasing it gradually into the air through transpiration. This natural humidity regulation can benefit dry indoor environments or areas where humidity levels need to be balanced, such as bathrooms or terrariums.5. Erosion Control: They are excellent for controlling soil erosion in outdoor spaces. Their dense growth and shallow root systems help stabilize the soil and prevent deterioration caused by wind or water. By incorporating it into slopes or areas prone to erosion, you can protect the ground, maintain its integrity, and contribute to the overall stability of your landscape.6. Temperature Regulation: These plants can help regulate the temperature outdoors. They provide insulation to the soil, preventing extreme temperature fluctuations. In hot weather, they create a cooling effect by reducing surface temperatures. At the same time, in colder climates, they act as a natural insulator, protecting the soil and plant roots from freezing temperatures.7. Noise Reduction: Their dense growth and soft textures help dampen and muffle noise, making them ideal for urban environments or areas with high noise levels. Incorporating them into your surroundings creates a more peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.8. Biodiversity Support: Live moss is crucial in supporting biodiversity. It provides habitats and food sources for microorganisms, insects, and small creatures. It also acts as a host for symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi, contributing to ecosystems' overall health and balance. Cultivating it fosters biodiversity and promotes a thriving natural environment.9. Stress Reduction: Being surrounded by calming green hues and delicate materials, which can lower stress and promote tranquility, can benefit one's mental health. You can find tranquil areas to relax and re-establish contact with nature in gardens or on covered walls.10. Educational and Recreational Value: These plants offer educational and recreational opportunities for both children and adults. They provide a unique and hands-on way to learn about botany, ecology, and the natural world. Cultivating and observing plants can be a rewarding and educational experience, allowing you to appreciate the intricacies of nature and engage in a calming and fulfilling hobby. In summary, they offer many benefits, from their natural beauty and low maintenance requirements to their air-purifying properties and ability to support biodiversity. Whether indoors or outdoors, they enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space while contributing to a healthier and more balanced environment. Embrace the wonders of them and enjoy the numerous advantages they bring to your surroundings. They are unique and beautiful additions to any indoor or outdoor space. They require specific care and maintenance to thrive and maintain their lush appearance. Here are some essential tips to help you care for yours: How to Make Your Live Moss Thrive 1. Light Requirements: This plant prefers indirect or filtered light to direct sunlight. Too much sunlight can cause it to dry out and turn brown. Please place it where they receive gentle, indirect light or dappled shade. It could be under trees, on the north side of a building, or in a place with filtered light.2. Moisture: It thrives in moist environments, so keeping them watered is essential. Mist it regularly to maintain moisture levels, especially during dry periods or in heated indoor environments. Avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can lead to fungal growth or root rot. It's best to provide consistent water without waterlogging it.3. Humidity: High humidity levels are advantageous for these plants. Consider placing a humidifier nearby or using a pebble tray filled with water if you're developing it indoors to boost the humidity around the plants. Another way to increase humidity in a small area is to group it. It is crucial in dry climates and winter when interior humidity levels are typically lower.4. Soil Substrate: These plants do not require traditional soil for growth. Instead, they prefer a porous and well-draining substrate. You can create a suitable growing medium to improve drainage by combining peat, coconut coir, and sphagnum type with sand or perlite. Avoid using heavy soils or those that retain too much moisture, as this can suffocate it and inhibit its growth.5. Water Quality: It is not sensitive to water quality, particularly tap water, which may contain chemicals or excessive mineral content. If possible, use filtered or distilled water to mist your live moss. Alternatively, you can collect rainwater for watering purposes. It helps prevent any potential harm or adverse effects from impurities in tap water. Live moss can be one of the greatest additions to your landscaping, transforming it from a monoculture into a tranquil and diverse retreat. The species' green textures and low maintenance make it a must-use in many outdoor areas, able to survive in shaded damp places, even when conventional grass struggles. However, moss is more than just dazzlingly verdant-it also offers environmental benefits to your garden, including air purification, soil erosion control, and moisture retention. Adding the species enhances biodiversity and provides insects and microbes with more niches in which to live.  Cushion moss is one of the most popular varieties. Gardeners love it for its dense, pillow-like formations that add suppleness and softness underfoot. It remains popular for ground cover and rock features and can grow in the cracks along pathways for a unique look.  Carpet moss is another popular option. Its velvety mat-like appearance is perfect for multiple settings, including patios and path borders. Hardly any maintenance is necessary, and the species will even grow in the shade, making it ideal for gardens tucked away behind buildings or dense tree cover.  For creative gardeners, moss is a dream come true. It permits even more design opportunities than conventional grass, allowing it to feature almost anywhere. For example, you can use it to adorn terrariums, living walls, fairy gardens, and even interior spaces. It's also helpful as a natural carpet nestled between stones or as an accent in floral arrangements.  While many people treat it as a weed, deploying it correctly can give your outdoor spaces a unique look that isn't possible using other species. Browse this page to find versatile moss species to elevate your exterior environments. Whether you want to enhance your ecosystems or develop a unique garden design, these plants are the ideal choice.  Shop our collection of versatile mosses and discover how this species can transform every aspect of your garden and even your indoor areas.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-finder-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/vines"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Vines </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Vines are the secret ingredient behind any vibrant, diversified garden. They provide both form and function in yards of all sizes and are an excellent choice for erosion control, weed management, and more. There's more erosion control to vines than what first meets the eye. These customer favorites come in all shapes and sizes, from leafy, woody varieties to herbaceous, flowery cultivars. Some even grow fruit to share with friends and family, including Concord, Catawba, and Fredonia grapes.  TN Nursery specializes in bare-root varieties for the discerning backyard gardener. We offer a one-year warranty on all our plants to guarantee your best growing season yet! Why Add Vines To Your Backyard Landscape These ground cover plants are all about elegant refinement — they bring a touch of magic to any space. Whether aiming for a cottage garden or filling in gaps, you can't go wrong with their complex colors, subtle appearances, and weed control abilities. If you're looking for a natural form of weed control, you may want these plants for your landscaping. Creeping varieties crowd out their competition, creating a lush, green space for your loved ones to enjoy. Vines are a great option if you want to fill in vertical spaces. It's easy to trellis climbing varieties on lattices, walls, and even pergolas. Suppose you love the appearance of bright blooms (and smelling-rich fragrances). For example, the wisteria flowers add a lovely scent to outdoor entertainment areas. They are a great way to add diversity to your outdoor planting areas. Trees, shrubs, and flowers will always have a place in your garden, but one of these plants can make your space pop. T.N. Nursery grows dozens of varieties so that you can make the perfect choice for your property. We stock fruit-bearing varieties, cover plants, and even classic English ivy to round out any planting space. Fan-Favorite Vines To Spice Up Your Garden What cultivar to choose? Here are some of our customers' favorites: Trumpet Vine Wisteria English Ivy Periwinkle If you're looking for a variety pack so you can add different plants to your yard, please note we offer: 15 Trellis Climbing Favorites 20 Mixed-Soil Erosion Options 15 Ground Cover Favorites Why Choose TN Nursery For Vines You could buy vines in dozens of places, but only one provider with the prices you deserve. With over 65 years of experience under our belts, TN Nursery is the gardener's grower of choice. Our one-year guarantee provides the confidence needed to revitalize, rework, or re-imagine your outdoor space.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div></div> </div></div> <div class="zone-finder-section-zone-shop"> <a>Shop All <span class="zone-finder-zone-shop-button-span"></span> Plants</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { getCurrentLocation(); const changeZoneButton = document.querySelector('.zone-finder-change-zone-button'); const cancelZoneFormBtn = document.querySelector('.zone-finder-change-zone-cancel'); const updateZoneFormBtn = document.querySelector('.zone-finder-change-zone-update'); const zoneForm = document.querySelector('.zone-finder-change-form'); // Show the zip code form changeZoneButton.addEventListener('click', function(){ = 'flex'; }); // Hide the form cancelZoneFormBtn.addEventListener('click', function(){ = 'none'; }); // On “Update,” fetch the zone for the new zip updateZoneFormBtn.addEventListener('click', function(){ const zipcode = document.querySelector('.zone-finder-change-zone-input').value; manualGetInfo(zipcode, function(data) { console.log('Manual zone data:', data); updateZoneAndLinks(data); = 'none'; }); }); }); var collectionHREFs = { "3": "/collections/buy-zone-3", "4": "/collections/buy-zone-4", "5": "/collections/buy-zone-5", "6": "/collections/buy-zone-6", "7": "/collections/buy-zone-7", "8": "/collections/buy-zone-8", "9": "/collections/buy-zone-9" }; var zoneTagLines = { "3": "Zone 3 has long winters and short growing seasons. (Southern Alaska, northern North Dakota, northern Montana)", "4": "Zone 4 has long winters and short growing seasons. (Northern and Central Midwest, parts of New England, parts of the Rockies.) Gardeners in these states typically start seeds indoors and transplant them after the last frost.", "5": "Zone 5 has long winters and short growing seasons. (Northern and Central Midwest, parts of New England, parts of the Rockies.) Gardeners in these states typically start seeds indoors and transplant them after the last frost.", "6": "Zone 6 has moderate winters and long growing seasons ( Mid-Atlantic states, southern Midwest, parts of the Pacific Northwest, and parts of the Southeast). Gardeners who live in this climate should mulch plants to protect roots in the winter and extend the growing season.", "7": "Zone 7 has moderate winters and long growing seasons ( Mid-Atlantic states, southern Midwest, parts of the Pacific Northwest, and parts of the Southeast). Gardeners who live in this climate should mulch plants to protect roots in the winter and extend the growing season.", "8": "Zone 8 features mild winters and long growing seasons. (Coastal areas of the Southeast, parts of the Pacific Northwest, Southern Texas, Florida, parts of California) If you live in these areas, pay attention to summer heat, which can stress plants; provide shade and water deeply.", "9": "Zone 9 features mild winters and long growing seasons. (Coastal areas of the Southeast, parts of the Pacific Northwest, Southern Texas, Florida, parts of California) If you live in these areas, pay attention to summer heat, which can stress plants; provide shade and water deeply." }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { getSearchCurrentLocation(); }); function getSearchCookie(name) { const value = `; ${document.cookie}`; const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`); if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift(); return null; // Return null explicitly if the cookie is not found } function getSearchCurrentLocation() { // Helper function to retrieve a cookie value by name function getSearchCookie(name) { const match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )' + name + '=([^;]+)')); return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[2]) : null; } try { // Retrieve location and region cookies const locationCookie = getSearchCookie('location'); const regionCookie = getSearchCookie('region'); // If needed elsewhere if (!locationCookie) { console.warn('Location cookie not found.'); return; } // Parse location cookie let location; try { location = JSON.parse(locationCookie); } catch (error) { console.error('Error parsing location cookie:', error); return; } // Validate and sanitize the Zone field if (location && location.Zone) { const zoneNumber = parseInt(location.Zone.replace(/\D/g, ''), 10); const tempZoneNumber = zoneNumber > 9 ? 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They provide...<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </p></div> </div></div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/vines" class="full-unstyled-link" >Vines<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </a> </h3></div> </div></div> </div> </li><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__collection_list_cGFAR4-2" class="collection-list__item grid__item scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 2;" > <div class="card-wrapper animate-arrow collection-card-wrapper"> <div class=" card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 100%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 100%;" ><div class="card__media"> <div class="media media--transparent media--hover-effect"> <img srcset=" 165w, 330w, 500w" src="" sizes=" (min-width: 1200px) 366px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 10rem) / 2), calc(100vw - 3rem) " alt="Fruit Trees - TN Nursery" height="500" width="500" loading="lazy" class="motion-reduce"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/fruit-trees-for-sale" class="full-unstyled-link" >Fruit Trees </a> </h3><p class="card__caption">Fruit trees from TN Nursery can be one of the most rewarding...<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </p></div> </div></div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/fruit-trees-for-sale" class="full-unstyled-link" >Fruit Trees<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </a> </h3></div> </div></div> </div> </li><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__collection_list_cGFAR4-3" class="collection-list__item grid__item scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 3;" > <div class="card-wrapper animate-arrow collection-card-wrapper"> <div class=" card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 100%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 100%;" ><div class="card__media"> <div class="media media--transparent media--hover-effect"> <img srcset=" 165w, 330w, 500w" src="" sizes=" (min-width: 1200px) 366px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 10rem) / 2), calc(100vw - 3rem) " alt="Shop All" height="500" width="500" loading="lazy" class="motion-reduce"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/shop-all" class="full-unstyled-link" >Shop All </a> </h3><p class="card__caption">Shop all plants in one place without leaving home? Yes, it's possible...<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </p></div> </div></div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/shop-all" class="full-unstyled-link" >Shop All<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </a> </h3></div> </div></div> </div> </li><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__collection_list_cGFAR4-4" class="collection-list__item grid__item scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 4;" > <div class="card-wrapper animate-arrow collection-card-wrapper"> <div class=" card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 100%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 100%;" ><div class="card__media"> <div class="media media--transparent media--hover-effect"> <img srcset=" 165w, 300w" src="" sizes=" (min-width: 1200px) 366px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 10rem) / 2), calc(100vw - 3rem) " alt="Deer Resistant Perennials - TN Nursery" height="400" width="300" loading="lazy" class="motion-reduce"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/deer-resistant-perennials" class="full-unstyled-link" >Deer Resistant Perennials </a> </h3><p class="card__caption">Deer Resistant Perennials are a good solution if they are brazenly snacking...<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </p></div> </div></div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <h3 class="card__heading"> <a href="/collections/deer-resistant-perennials" class="full-unstyled-link" >Deer Resistant Perennials<span class="icon-wrap"><svg xmlns="" fill="none" class="icon icon-arrow" viewBox="0 0 14 10"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M8.537.808a.5.5 0 0 1 .817-.162l4 4a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-4 4a.5.5 0 1 1-.708-.708L11.793 5.5H1a.5.5 0 0 1 0-1h10.793L8.646 1.354a.5.5 0 0 1-.109-.546" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </a> </h3></div> </div></div> </div> </li></ul></slider-component></div> </div> <style> .collection-list-wrapper{ margin:0 4%; .collection-list{ @media screen and (max-width:800px){ padding:0; } } .collection-list-title{ width:100%; text-align:center; color:#6b4f39; font-weight:600; @media screen and (max-width:768px){ font-size:25px; line-height:30px; } } .card{ .card__media{ border-radius:13px; img{ border-radius:13px; } } .card__content{ .full-unstyled-link{ padding-left:10px; } } } } </style> </section><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__product_slider_Gt6KKY" class="shopify-section"> <section class="product-slider-section"> <p class='section-heading'>TN Nursery</p> <div class="container"> <div class='content'> <div class='section-content'><p>At TN Nursery, our best sellers are customer favorites for a reason—these plants are known for their beauty, resilience, and ease of care. From stunning perennials to versatile native trees and shrubs, we offer unbeatable deals that make creating your dream <a href="" title="">garden</a> both affordable and rewarding.</p></div> <div class="buttons"> <button class="slider-prev">&#9664;</button> <button class="slider-next">&#9654;</button> <a href='/collections/shop-all' class='slider_button'>Shop</a> </div> </div> <div class="product-slider"> <div class="product-slider-item"> <a href="/products/blue-hydrangea"> <img src="" alt="Blue Hydrangea"> <p class='p_title'>Blue Hydrangea</p> </a> <div class=" price " > <div class="price__container"><div class="price__regular"><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--regular"> $18.99 USD </span></div> <div class="price__sale"> <span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span> <s class="price-item price-item--regular"> </s> </span><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Sale price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--sale price-item--last"> $18.99 USD </span> </div> <small class="unit-price caption hidden"> <span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--last"> <span></span> <span aria-hidden="true">/</span> <span class="visually-hidden">&nbsp;per&nbsp;</span> <span> </span> </span> </small> </div></div> <a href='/products/blue-hydrangea' class='product_button'>Choose Options</a> </div> <div class="product-slider-item"> <a href="/products/dwarf-patio-peach"> <img src="" alt="Dwarf Patio Peach"> <p class='p_title'>Dwarf Patio Peach</p> </a> <div class=" price " > <div class="price__container"><div class="price__regular"><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--regular"> $36.99 USD </span></div> <div class="price__sale"> <span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span> <s class="price-item price-item--regular"> </s> </span><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Sale price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--sale price-item--last"> $36.99 USD </span> </div> <small class="unit-price caption hidden"> <span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--last"> <span></span> <span aria-hidden="true">/</span> <span class="visually-hidden">&nbsp;per&nbsp;</span> <span> </span> </span> </small> </div></div> <a href='/products/dwarf-patio-peach' class='product_button'>Choose Options</a> </div> <div class="product-slider-item"> <a href="/products/red-sunset-maple"> <img src="" alt="Red Sunset Maple"> <p class='p_title'>Red Sunset Maple</p> </a> <div class=" price " > <div class="price__container"><div class="price__regular"><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--regular"> $24.99 USD </span></div> <div class="price__sale"> <span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span> <s class="price-item price-item--regular"> </s> </span><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Sale price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--sale price-item--last"> $24.99 USD </span> </div> <small class="unit-price caption hidden"> <span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--last"> <span></span> <span aria-hidden="true">/</span> <span class="visually-hidden">&nbsp;per&nbsp;</span> <span> </span> </span> </small> </div></div> <a href='/products/red-sunset-maple' class='product_button'>Choose Options</a> </div> <div class="product-slider-item"> <a href="/products/redbud-tree"> <img src="" alt="Redbud Tree"> <p class='p_title'>Redbud Tree</p> </a> <div class=" price " > <div class="price__container"><div class="price__regular"><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--regular"> $19.98 USD </span></div> <div class="price__sale"> <span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Regular price</span> <span> <s class="price-item price-item--regular"> </s> </span><span class="visually-hidden visually-hidden--inline">Sale price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--sale price-item--last"> $19.98 USD </span> </div> <small class="unit-price caption hidden"> <span class="visually-hidden">Unit price</span> <span class="price-item price-item--last"> <span></span> <span aria-hidden="true">/</span> <span class="visually-hidden">&nbsp;per&nbsp;</span> <span> </span> </span> </small> </div></div> <a href='/products/redbud-tree' class='product_button'>Choose Options</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <style> .product-slider-section { position: relative; 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Their dense foliage provides excellent coverage, offering both beauty and seclusion, making them a perfect choice for enhancing your outdoor space. Plus We are offering a buy 1 get 1 free on most selections.</p> </div></div> <slider-component class="slider-mobile-gutter scroll-trigger animate--slide-in"> <ul id="Slider-template--24133838209322__featured_collection_XVMydA" data-id="template--24133838209322__featured_collection_XVMydA" class="grid product-grid contains-card contains-card--product contains-card--standard grid--4-col-desktop grid--2-col-tablet-down" role="list" aria-label="Slider" > <li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__featured_collection_XVMydA-1" class="grid__item scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 1;" > <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <div class="card-wrapper product-card-wrapper 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</section><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__about_plants_DXwcCa" class="shopify-section"> <div class="about-plants"> <div class="inner"> <div class="visual"> <img src="" srcset=" 165w, 330w, 535w, 750w, 1000w" alt="Native Plant Benefits" width="500" height="600" loading="lazy"> </div> <div class="content"> <p class="caption">Native Plants: Sustainable, Low-Maintenance, Eco-Friendly Landscaping Solutions</p> <p class="heading">Native Plant Benefits</p> <div class="content_area"><p><a href="" title="">Native plants</a> are low-maintenance, drought-resistant, support local wildlife, enhance soil health, reduce pesticide use, and promote biodiversity in landscaping.</p></div> <div class="icons"> <div class="icon"><svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg><p>Disease Resistant</p></div> <div class="icon"><svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg><p>Drought Tolerant</p></div> <div class="icon"><svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg><p>Easy to Grow</p></div> <div class="icon"><svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg><p>Long-Lasting Blooms</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__tn_features_77bp8B" class="shopify-section"> <div class="tn-features"> <div class="inner"> <div class="icon"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">100% Guarantee</p> <p class="info">1 Year On All Plants</p> </div> <div class="icon"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">Buy With Trust</p> <p class="info">64 Years, 3 Generations</p> </div> <div class="icon"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">Buy Grower Direct</p> <p class="info">Grower Direct For All</p> </div> </div> </div></div><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__bareroot_advantages_tNFfX7" class="shopify-section"> <div class="bare-root"> <div class="inner"> <div class="content"> <p class="caption">Why Opt For Dormant Bare-Root Native Plants?</p> <p class="heading">Advantages of Planting Bare-Root Plants</p> <div class="info"><p>Ordering bare root <a href="" title="">plants </a>is cost-effective and often provides a wider selection compared to potted plants. They are typically easier to handle and plant, with no <br/>heavy soil to manage. Bare root plants also establish quickly in their new location, often resulting in healthier, more robust growth.</p></div> <a href="" class="button">More About What We Ship</a> </div> <div class="blocks"> <div class="block"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">Cost-Effective</p> <p class="content">Why buy soil and a container only to pay 10x more for shipping and to dispose of a heavy container when you can purchase bareroot from a fraction of the cost.</p> </div> <div class="block"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">Easy DIY Planting</p> <p class="content">Bareroot plants are lightweight, and easy to plant. No need to hire a pro. landscaper or use heavy equipment.</p> </div> <div class="block"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">Super Hardy</p> <p class="content">Dormant plants adapt easily to their new environment, often resulting in stronger, healthier growth and much better chances of survival (96-98%) than greened out plants with blooms on them.</p> </div> <div class="block"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p class="heading">Eco-Friendly</p> <p class="content">They are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, reducing the need for additional water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Native plants support local wildlife, providing essential food and habitat for birds, insects, and other creatures. Additionally, they help preserve biodiversity and maintain the ecological balance of the area.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .bare-root{ margin: 120px 4% 64px 4%; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ margin: 27px 4% 0px 4%; } .inner{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; gap: 2%; .content{ width: 48%; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ width:100%; text-align:center; } .caption{ font-size:16px; font-weight:600; color:#6b4f39; } .heading{ font-size:40px; font-weight:600; color:#6b4f39; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ font-size:25px; } } .info{ p{ color:#6b4f39; a{ color:#6b4f39; &:hover{ font-weight:600; } } } } .button{ margin-top:20px; } } .blocks{ display: grid; grid-template-columns: 50% 50%; width: 48%; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ display:none; } .block{ .heading{ display:inline-block; font-size:24px; font-weight:600; padding-left:14px; } svg{ position: relative; top: 10px; path{ stroke:#6b4f39; } } .content{ width:100%; padding-left:54px; } } } } } </style></div><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__season_section_D6Ri6d" class="shopify-section"> <div class="plants-season"> <div class="inner"> </div> </div> <style> .plants-season{ margin:0 4% 50px 4%; .inner{ display:flex; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ flex-direction:column; } .plant{ display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-content: center; align-items: center; .visual{ display:flex; align-items:center; figure{ padding: 10px; margin: 0; text-align:center; img{ border-radius:60px; } p{ background: #6b4f39; color: #fff; padding: 0; border-radius: 40px; margin-top: -14px; z-index: 999; position: relative; } } } .content{ padding:10px; text-align:center; .caption{ font-size:18px; font-weight:600; } .heading{ font-size:20px; font-weight:600; } } } } } </style></div><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__videowithtext_prHjAN" class="shopify-section"> <div class="video-text-custom"> <div class="inner"> <div class="content"> <p class='caption'>TN Nursery - America's Most Reputable Online Plant Nursery, Since 1959</p> <p class="heading">Our Rich Heritage & History<br> In The Plant Nursery<br> Industry</p> <div class="info"><p>Since 1959, TN Nursery has been a reputable nursery that has become a go-to destination for gardening enthusiasts and landscapers alike.</p><p> As a leading tree nursery and plant nursery, they offer an extensive selection of high-quality plants, shrubs, and trees that cater to a wide variety of landscaping needs.</p><p> Their commitment to providing healthy, vibrant plants ensures that customers receive the best products for their gardens and landscapes. With convenient online ordering and detailed plant care information.</p><p>TN Nursery makes it easy for anyone to create a beautiful and thriving outdoor space.</p></div> <div class="icons"> <div class="icon"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p>Family Owned & Operated</p> </div> <div class="icon"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p>Established in 1959</p> </div> <div class="icon"> <svg width="33" height="32" viewBox="0 0 33 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_128_1462)"> <path d="M7.3075 25.1925C6.1575 24.0425 6.92 21.6263 6.335 20.2113C5.7275 18.75 3.5 17.5625 3.5 16C3.5 14.4375 5.7275 13.25 6.335 11.7887C6.92 10.375 6.1575 7.9575 7.3075 6.8075C8.4575 5.6575 10.875 6.42 12.2887 5.835C13.7562 5.2275 14.9375 3 16.5 3C18.0625 3 19.25 5.2275 20.7113 5.835C22.1263 6.42 24.5425 5.6575 25.6925 6.8075C26.8425 7.9575 26.08 10.3737 26.665 11.7887C27.2725 13.2562 29.5 14.4375 29.5 16C29.5 17.5625 27.2725 18.75 26.665 20.2113C26.08 21.6263 26.8425 24.0425 25.6925 25.1925C24.5425 26.3425 22.1263 25.58 20.7113 26.165C19.25 26.7725 18.0625 29 16.5 29C14.9375 29 13.75 26.7725 12.2887 26.165C10.875 25.58 8.4575 26.3425 7.3075 25.1925Z" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M11.5 17L14.5 20L21.5 13" stroke="#FDFAEF" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_128_1462"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white" transform="translate(0.5)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p>Exceptional Service</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="visual"> <figure class="figure--widescreen figure--video figure--video-external" data-type="youtube" data-id="F_aGwKvBflU" data-videotags="?autoplay=1&mute=1&loop=1&enablejsapi=1" role="none" > <iframe src="" allow="autoplay; 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Regularly updated with informative articles, the TN Online Nursery gardening blog is your go-to source for all things related to plants and gardening.</p> </div></div><slider-component class="slider-mobile-gutter scroll-trigger animate--slide-in"> <ul id="Slider-template--24133838209322__featured_blog_JKAhj4" class="blog__posts articles-wrapper contains-card contains-card--article contains-card--standard grid grid--peek grid--2-col-tablet grid--4-col-desktop slider slider--tablet" role="list" ><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__featured_blog_JKAhj4-1" class="blog__post grid__item article slider__slide slider__slide--full-width scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 1;" > <div class="article-card-wrapper card-wrapper underline-links-hover"> <div class=" card article-card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" ><div class="article-card__image-wrapper card__media"> <div class="article-card__image media media--hover-effect" > <img srcset=" 165w, 360w, 533w, 720w, 1000w, 1500w, 1920w" src="" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 550px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 2), calc((100vw - 50px) / 2)" alt="The Elegance of Monochromatic Gardens" class="motion-reduce" loading="lazy" width="1920" height="1280"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 5 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T20:29:48Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/monochromatic-gardens" class="full-unstyled-link"> The Elegance of Monochromatic Gardens </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">A monochromatic palette for outdoor spaces emphasizes the understated differences in plant form and surface characteristics while generating both peacefulness and inventive ambiance. Thoughtful plant selection and arrangement form the... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 5 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T20:29:48Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/monochromatic-gardens" class="full-unstyled-link"> The Elegance of Monochromatic Gardens </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">A monochromatic palette for outdoor spaces emphasizes the understated differences in plant form and surface characteristics while generating both peacefulness and inventive ambiance. Thoughtful plant selection and arrangement form the... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> </div> </li><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__featured_blog_JKAhj4-2" class="blog__post grid__item article slider__slide slider__slide--full-width scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 2;" > <div class="article-card-wrapper card-wrapper underline-links-hover"> <div class=" card article-card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" ><div class="article-card__image-wrapper card__media"> <div class="article-card__image media media--hover-effect" > <img srcset=" 165w, 360w, 533w, 720w, 1000w, 1500w, 1920w" src="" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 550px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 2), calc((100vw - 50px) / 2)" alt="Saving an Epic Migration" class="motion-reduce" loading="lazy" width="1920" height="1280"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 5 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T19:57:00Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/epic-migration" class="full-unstyled-link"> Saving an Epic Migration </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">The creation of uninterrupted pathways supports the survival of a famous migratory butterfly species throughout its extensive migration. When communities restore essential habitats, insects are allowed to feed, lay eggs,... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 5 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T19:57:00Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/epic-migration" class="full-unstyled-link"> Saving an Epic Migration </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">The creation of uninterrupted pathways supports the survival of a famous migratory butterfly species throughout its extensive migration. When communities restore essential habitats, insects are allowed to feed, lay eggs,... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> </div> </li><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__featured_blog_JKAhj4-3" class="blog__post grid__item article slider__slide slider__slide--full-width scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 3;" > <div class="article-card-wrapper card-wrapper underline-links-hover"> <div class=" card article-card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" ><div class="article-card__image-wrapper card__media"> <div class="article-card__image media media--hover-effect" > <img srcset=" 165w, 360w, 533w, 720w, 1000w, 1500w, 1920w" src="" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 550px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 2), calc((100vw - 50px) / 2)" alt="Blossoms Perfected" class="motion-reduce" loading="lazy" width="1920" height="1280"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 4 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T19:26:19Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/blossoms-perfected" class="full-unstyled-link"> Blossoms Perfected </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">Precisely managing indoor flower growing conditions delivers greater yields and lowers environmental impact. By integrating technology with plant science knowledge, cultivators produce intense blooms continuously, leading to a wider variety... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 4 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T19:26:19Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/blossoms-perfected" class="full-unstyled-link"> Blossoms Perfected </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">Precisely managing indoor flower growing conditions delivers greater yields and lowers environmental impact. By integrating technology with plant science knowledge, cultivators produce intense blooms continuously, leading to a wider variety... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> </div> </li><li id="Slide-template--24133838209322__featured_blog_JKAhj4-4" class="blog__post grid__item article slider__slide slider__slide--full-width scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" data-cascade style="--animation-order: 4;" > <div class="article-card-wrapper card-wrapper underline-links-hover"> <div class=" card article-card card--standard card--media " style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" > <div class="card__inner color-scheme-2 gradient ratio" style="--ratio-percent: 60.24096385542169%;" ><div class="article-card__image-wrapper card__media"> <div class="article-card__image media media--hover-effect" > <img srcset=" 165w, 360w, 533w, 720w, 1000w, 1500w, 1920w" src="" sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 550px, (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 2), calc((100vw - 50px) / 2)" alt="The Power of Clonal Propagation" class="motion-reduce" loading="lazy" width="1920" height="1240"> </div> </div><div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 5 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T19:01:55Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/clonal-propagation" class="full-unstyled-link"> The Power of Clonal Propagation </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">Cultivators can protect particular traits by directly reproducing fresh specimens without needing seeds for propagation. This approach minimizes diversity to achieve consistent development and reliable outcomes. This method delivers uniform... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__information"> <p class="blog-time"> 5 min read </p> <div class="article-card__info caption-with-letter-spacing h5"><span class="circle-divider"><time datetime="2025-02-18T19:01:55Z">February 18, 2025</time></span></div> <h3 class="card__heading h2"> <a href="/blogs/garden-blog/clonal-propagation" class="full-unstyled-link"> The Power of Clonal Propagation </a> </h3><p class="article-card__excerpt rte-width">Cultivators can protect particular traits by directly reproducing fresh specimens without needing seeds for propagation. This approach minimizes diversity to achieve consistent development and reliable outcomes. This method delivers uniform... </p><div class="article-card__footer"></div></div></div> </div> </div> </li></ul><div class="slider-buttons"> <button type="button" class="slider-button slider-button--prev" name="previous" aria-label="Slide left" > <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </button> <div class="slider-counter caption"> <span class="slider-counter--current">1</span> <span aria-hidden="true"> / </span> <span class="visually-hidden">of</span> <span class="slider-counter--total">4</span> </div> <button type="button" class="slider-button slider-button--next" name="next" aria-label="Slide right" > <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </span> </button> </div></slider-component></div> <a href="" class="button">Read More Posts</a> </div> <style> .blog-post-section{ .slider-buttons{ display:none; } text-align: center; margin-bottom: 70px; .page-width-desktop{ max-width:100%; margin:0 4%; } .blog-section-heading{ font-size:40px; font-weight:600; color:#6b4f39; text-align:center; width:100%; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ font-size:25px; } } .blog-section-content{ text-align:center; } .blog__posts{ @media screen and (max-width:800px){ flex-direction:column; margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } .grid__item{ width:23%; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ width:100%; margin-left:0!important; display:none; &:first-child{ display:block; } } a{ text-decoration:none; } .article-card-wrapper{ .card__inner{ height:300px; .article-card__image{ border-radius:20px; } } .card__content{ .card__heading{ color:#6b4f39; font-size:20px; margin: 12px 0; font-weight:600; } } } } } } </style> </section><section id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" class="shopify-section section"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <style data-shopify>.section-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx-padding { padding-top: 27px; padding-bottom: 27px; } @media screen and (min-width: 750px) { .section-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx-padding { padding-top: 36px; padding-bottom: 36px; } }</style><div class="color-scheme-1 gradient"> <div class="collapsible-content collapsible-row-layout isolate"> <div class="collapsible-content__wrapper section-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx-padding"> <div class="collapsible-content-wrapper-narrow"> <div class="collapsible-content__header scroll-trigger animate--slide-in" style="text-align: center;" > <p class="collapsible-content__heading inline-richtext"> Frequently Asked Questions </p> </div> <div class="grid grid--1-col grid--2-col-tablet collapsible-content__grid collapsible-content__grid--reverse scroll-trigger animate--slide-in"> <div class="grid__item"><div class="accordion content-container color-scheme-1 gradient" > <details id="Details-collapsible_row_WJBK33-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <summary id="Summary-collapsible_row_WJBK33-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx"> <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-accordion icon-plant" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M15.963 5.166a.5.5 0 0 1 .09.701L11.232 12.1a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.732 2.142v3.486a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.487a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .94-2.753l4.822-6.233a.5.5 0 0 1 .701-.09"/><path d="M4.137 9.11a.5.5 0 0 0 .018.707l4.256 4.044A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9.5 16.398V19.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0v-3.102a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-1.4-3.262L4.842 9.092a.5.5 0 0 0-.706.018"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.378 1.54c.055.75.095 1.787.027 2.867-.093 1.467-.375 2.85-.95 3.739-.738 1.138-1.767 1.754-2.744 2-1.02.256-1.864.087-2.251-.164-.845-.547-1.794-2.72-.296-5.032.553-.854 1.786-1.654 3.244-2.316a24 24 0 0 1 2.97-1.095M18.73.4a.465.465 0 0 1 .588.406c.15 1.485.417 5.659-1.024 7.883-1.774 2.738-5.004 3.023-6.378 2.132-1.375-.89-2.345-3.708-.591-6.415C12.767 2.181 17.2.814 18.73.4M1.162 6.236c.087.567.223 1.278.43 1.993.306 1.058.726 1.977 1.25 2.5.706.706 1.537.989 2.272 1.015.779.028 1.329-.229 1.528-.428.457-.457.853-2.13-.595-3.578-.496-.496-1.464-.888-2.639-1.155a18 18 0 0 0-2.246-.347M.57 5.188a.46.46 0 0 0-.49.517c.147 1.245.64 4.316 2.055 5.731 1.8 1.8 4.31 1.49 5.215.587.903-.904 1.184-3.212-.595-4.992C5.335 5.613 1.903 5.27.57 5.188"/></svg> </span> <h3 class="accordion__title inline-richtext h4"> Do You Sell Plants For My Climate Zone? </h3><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </summary> <div class="accordion__content rte" id="CollapsibleAccordion-collapsible_row_WJBK33-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" role="region" aria-labelledby="Summary-collapsible_row_WJBK33-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <p>Yes, at TN Nursery, we offer a wide variety of plants specifically suited to most all growing and climate zones in the US. We carry native and hardy species that are disease and pest resistant. Our popup when you enter our site can refer you to plants selected perfectly for your growing zone and detects exactly where your located and it pulls plants prfect for your growing zone. At TN Nursery, our zone detector takes the work out of wondering if a specific plant will work on your climate.</p> </div> </details> </div><div class="accordion content-container color-scheme-1 gradient" > <details id="Details-collapsible_row_camtGV-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <summary id="Summary-collapsible_row_camtGV-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx"> <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-accordion icon-plant" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M15.963 5.166a.5.5 0 0 1 .09.701L11.232 12.1a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.732 2.142v3.486a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.487a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .94-2.753l4.822-6.233a.5.5 0 0 1 .701-.09"/><path d="M4.137 9.11a.5.5 0 0 0 .018.707l4.256 4.044A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9.5 16.398V19.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0v-3.102a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-1.4-3.262L4.842 9.092a.5.5 0 0 0-.706.018"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.378 1.54c.055.75.095 1.787.027 2.867-.093 1.467-.375 2.85-.95 3.739-.738 1.138-1.767 1.754-2.744 2-1.02.256-1.864.087-2.251-.164-.845-.547-1.794-2.72-.296-5.032.553-.854 1.786-1.654 3.244-2.316a24 24 0 0 1 2.97-1.095M18.73.4a.465.465 0 0 1 .588.406c.15 1.485.417 5.659-1.024 7.883-1.774 2.738-5.004 3.023-6.378 2.132-1.375-.89-2.345-3.708-.591-6.415C12.767 2.181 17.2.814 18.73.4M1.162 6.236c.087.567.223 1.278.43 1.993.306 1.058.726 1.977 1.25 2.5.706.706 1.537.989 2.272 1.015.779.028 1.329-.229 1.528-.428.457-.457.853-2.13-.595-3.578-.496-.496-1.464-.888-2.639-1.155a18 18 0 0 0-2.246-.347M.57 5.188a.46.46 0 0 0-.49.517c.147 1.245.64 4.316 2.055 5.731 1.8 1.8 4.31 1.49 5.215.587.903-.904 1.184-3.212-.595-4.992C5.335 5.613 1.903 5.27.57 5.188"/></svg> </span> <h3 class="accordion__title inline-richtext h4"> How Will I Receive My Plants? </h3><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </summary> <div class="accordion__content rte" id="CollapsibleAccordion-collapsible_row_camtGV-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" role="region" aria-labelledby="Summary-collapsible_row_camtGV-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <p>When you order from TN Nursery, your plants will be dug fresh then carefully packaged and shipped directly to your address. We take great care to ensure that your plants arrive in excellent condition. All our plants are shipped bareroot, and we use secure packaging methods to protect them during transit.</p><p>Once your order is processed, you’ll receive tracking information via email so you can follow your plants' journey right to your door. </p><p>Upon arrival, we recommend inspecting your plants right away and giving them a bit of water to help them settle in. If you have any concerns about the condition of your plants upon arrival, our customer service team is always here to assist you.</p> </div> </details> </div><div class="accordion content-container color-scheme-1 gradient" > <details id="Details-collapsible_row_g4rN6H-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <summary id="Summary-collapsible_row_g4rN6H-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx"> <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-accordion icon-plant" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M15.963 5.166a.5.5 0 0 1 .09.701L11.232 12.1a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.732 2.142v3.486a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.487a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .94-2.753l4.822-6.233a.5.5 0 0 1 .701-.09"/><path d="M4.137 9.11a.5.5 0 0 0 .018.707l4.256 4.044A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9.5 16.398V19.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0v-3.102a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-1.4-3.262L4.842 9.092a.5.5 0 0 0-.706.018"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.378 1.54c.055.75.095 1.787.027 2.867-.093 1.467-.375 2.85-.95 3.739-.738 1.138-1.767 1.754-2.744 2-1.02.256-1.864.087-2.251-.164-.845-.547-1.794-2.72-.296-5.032.553-.854 1.786-1.654 3.244-2.316a24 24 0 0 1 2.97-1.095M18.73.4a.465.465 0 0 1 .588.406c.15 1.485.417 5.659-1.024 7.883-1.774 2.738-5.004 3.023-6.378 2.132-1.375-.89-2.345-3.708-.591-6.415C12.767 2.181 17.2.814 18.73.4M1.162 6.236c.087.567.223 1.278.43 1.993.306 1.058.726 1.977 1.25 2.5.706.706 1.537.989 2.272 1.015.779.028 1.329-.229 1.528-.428.457-.457.853-2.13-.595-3.578-.496-.496-1.464-.888-2.639-1.155a18 18 0 0 0-2.246-.347M.57 5.188a.46.46 0 0 0-.49.517c.147 1.245.64 4.316 2.055 5.731 1.8 1.8 4.31 1.49 5.215.587.903-.904 1.184-3.212-.595-4.992C5.335 5.613 1.903 5.27.57 5.188"/></svg> </span> <h3 class="accordion__title inline-richtext h4"> Will There Be Care &amp; Planting Instructions? </h3><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </summary> <div class="accordion__content rte" id="CollapsibleAccordion-collapsible_row_g4rN6H-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" role="region" aria-labelledby="Summary-collapsible_row_g4rN6H-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <p>Yes, when you order from Tennessee Nursery, you will receive detailed care and planting instructions along with your plants. </p><p>We want to ensure your plants thrive, so each order comes with specific guidelines tailored to the types of plants you've purchased. </p><p>These instructions will include information on planting depth, spacing, soil preferences, watering needs, and general care tips to help you get the best results.</p><p>You can also use the below links for complate planting instructional videos and other helpful planting info:</p><p>See our <a href="" title="">videos </a> and <a href="" title="planting insructions">planting instructions</a> for further information.</p> </div> </details> </div><div class="accordion content-container color-scheme-1 gradient" > <details id="Details-collapsible_row_XAQQK3-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <summary id="Summary-collapsible_row_XAQQK3-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx"> <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-accordion icon-plant" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M15.963 5.166a.5.5 0 0 1 .09.701L11.232 12.1a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.732 2.142v3.486a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.487a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .94-2.753l4.822-6.233a.5.5 0 0 1 .701-.09"/><path d="M4.137 9.11a.5.5 0 0 0 .018.707l4.256 4.044A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9.5 16.398V19.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0v-3.102a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-1.4-3.262L4.842 9.092a.5.5 0 0 0-.706.018"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.378 1.54c.055.75.095 1.787.027 2.867-.093 1.467-.375 2.85-.95 3.739-.738 1.138-1.767 1.754-2.744 2-1.02.256-1.864.087-2.251-.164-.845-.547-1.794-2.72-.296-5.032.553-.854 1.786-1.654 3.244-2.316a24 24 0 0 1 2.97-1.095M18.73.4a.465.465 0 0 1 .588.406c.15 1.485.417 5.659-1.024 7.883-1.774 2.738-5.004 3.023-6.378 2.132-1.375-.89-2.345-3.708-.591-6.415C12.767 2.181 17.2.814 18.73.4M1.162 6.236c.087.567.223 1.278.43 1.993.306 1.058.726 1.977 1.25 2.5.706.706 1.537.989 2.272 1.015.779.028 1.329-.229 1.528-.428.457-.457.853-2.13-.595-3.578-.496-.496-1.464-.888-2.639-1.155a18 18 0 0 0-2.246-.347M.57 5.188a.46.46 0 0 0-.49.517c.147 1.245.64 4.316 2.055 5.731 1.8 1.8 4.31 1.49 5.215.587.903-.904 1.184-3.212-.595-4.992C5.335 5.613 1.903 5.27.57 5.188"/></svg> </span> <h3 class="accordion__title inline-richtext h4"> When can I expect my bare root plants to start growing? </h3><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </summary> <div class="accordion__content rte" id="CollapsibleAccordion-collapsible_row_XAQQK3-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" role="region" aria-labelledby="Summary-collapsible_row_XAQQK3-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <p><strong>Trees & Shrubs</strong> are shipped dormant, without greenery, foliage, or blooms. <br/>They should green out in Spring, within 1-2 weeks after other trees or shrubs in your yard green out.<br/><strong>Perennials, Ferns, Vines or Groundcovers</strong> planted below the surface of the soil is planted and temperatures are above 70 degrees, 1-5% may come in that spring or summer, but the majority of those will all come in the following spring. Please wait until your other plants come up and give your new plants a couple of extra weeks before you file a claim.</p> </div> </details> </div><div class="accordion content-container color-scheme-1 gradient" > <details id="Details-collapsible_row_k8B8Lz-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <summary id="Summary-collapsible_row_k8B8Lz-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx"> <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-accordion icon-plant" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M15.963 5.166a.5.5 0 0 1 .09.701L11.232 12.1a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.732 2.142v3.486a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.487a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .94-2.753l4.822-6.233a.5.5 0 0 1 .701-.09"/><path d="M4.137 9.11a.5.5 0 0 0 .018.707l4.256 4.044A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9.5 16.398V19.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0v-3.102a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-1.4-3.262L4.842 9.092a.5.5 0 0 0-.706.018"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.378 1.54c.055.75.095 1.787.027 2.867-.093 1.467-.375 2.85-.95 3.739-.738 1.138-1.767 1.754-2.744 2-1.02.256-1.864.087-2.251-.164-.845-.547-1.794-2.72-.296-5.032.553-.854 1.786-1.654 3.244-2.316a24 24 0 0 1 2.97-1.095M18.73.4a.465.465 0 0 1 .588.406c.15 1.485.417 5.659-1.024 7.883-1.774 2.738-5.004 3.023-6.378 2.132-1.375-.89-2.345-3.708-.591-6.415C12.767 2.181 17.2.814 18.73.4M1.162 6.236c.087.567.223 1.278.43 1.993.306 1.058.726 1.977 1.25 2.5.706.706 1.537.989 2.272 1.015.779.028 1.329-.229 1.528-.428.457-.457.853-2.13-.595-3.578-.496-.496-1.464-.888-2.639-1.155a18 18 0 0 0-2.246-.347M.57 5.188a.46.46 0 0 0-.49.517c.147 1.245.64 4.316 2.055 5.731 1.8 1.8 4.31 1.49 5.215.587.903-.904 1.184-3.212-.595-4.992C5.335 5.613 1.903 5.27.57 5.188"/></svg> </span> <h3 class="accordion__title inline-richtext h4"> Do you offer any guarantees on your plants? </h3><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </summary> <div class="accordion__content rte" id="CollapsibleAccordion-collapsible_row_k8B8Lz-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" role="region" aria-labelledby="Summary-collapsible_row_k8B8Lz-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <p>We offer a 1 year warranty for an in store credit for any plant that does not live, unconditional. For wholesale quantities, we only offer an arrive alive warranty as all wholesalers do.</p> </div> </details> </div><div class="accordion content-container color-scheme-1 gradient" > <details id="Details-collapsible_row_AwK8QT-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <summary id="Summary-collapsible_row_AwK8QT-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx"> <span class="svg-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" class="icon icon-accordion icon-plant" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M15.963 5.166a.5.5 0 0 1 .09.701L11.232 12.1a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-.732 2.142v3.486a.5.5 0 0 1-1 0v-3.487a4.5 4.5 0 0 1 .94-2.753l4.822-6.233a.5.5 0 0 1 .701-.09"/><path d="M4.137 9.11a.5.5 0 0 0 .018.707l4.256 4.044A3.5 3.5 0 0 1 9.5 16.398V19.5a.5.5 0 0 0 1 0v-3.102a4.5 4.5 0 0 0-1.4-3.262L4.842 9.092a.5.5 0 0 0-.706.018"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18.378 1.54c.055.75.095 1.787.027 2.867-.093 1.467-.375 2.85-.95 3.739-.738 1.138-1.767 1.754-2.744 2-1.02.256-1.864.087-2.251-.164-.845-.547-1.794-2.72-.296-5.032.553-.854 1.786-1.654 3.244-2.316a24 24 0 0 1 2.97-1.095M18.73.4a.465.465 0 0 1 .588.406c.15 1.485.417 5.659-1.024 7.883-1.774 2.738-5.004 3.023-6.378 2.132-1.375-.89-2.345-3.708-.591-6.415C12.767 2.181 17.2.814 18.73.4M1.162 6.236c.087.567.223 1.278.43 1.993.306 1.058.726 1.977 1.25 2.5.706.706 1.537.989 2.272 1.015.779.028 1.329-.229 1.528-.428.457-.457.853-2.13-.595-3.578-.496-.496-1.464-.888-2.639-1.155a18 18 0 0 0-2.246-.347M.57 5.188a.46.46 0 0 0-.49.517c.147 1.245.64 4.316 2.055 5.731 1.8 1.8 4.31 1.49 5.215.587.903-.904 1.184-3.212-.595-4.992C5.335 5.613 1.903 5.27.57 5.188"/></svg> </span> <h3 class="accordion__title inline-richtext h4"> Can I Pickup My Order? </h3><svg class="icon icon-caret" viewBox="0 0 10 6"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708 0L5 4.293 1.354.646a.5.5 0 0 0-.708.708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708 0l4-4a.5.5 0 0 0 0-.708" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg> </summary> <div class="accordion__content rte" id="CollapsibleAccordion-collapsible_row_AwK8QT-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" role="region" aria-labelledby="Summary-collapsible_row_AwK8QT-template--24133838209322__collapsible_content_Ac8Wwx" > <p>Absolutely! Put us a note in the comments section when you checkout or give us a call at 931-692-7325 or send us an email at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d4b7a1a7a0bbb9b1a6a7b1a6a2bdb7b194a0b1babab1a7a7b1b1a3bcbbb8b1a7b5b8b1baa1a6a7b1a6adfab7bbb9">[email&#160;protected]</a> and let us you want to pickup your order (Zip for pickup is 37301) and we will give you a call once it gets dug and ready to pickup.</p> </div> </details> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .collapsible-content__wrapper{ .collapsible-content__heading{ font-size:40px; font-weight:600; color:#6b4f39; } .accordion{ svg{ path{ stroke:#6b4f39; } } .accordion__title{ color:#6b4f39; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; } .accordion__content{ padding: 20px; p{ margin:10px 0; } } } } </style> </section><div id="shopify-section-template--24133838209322__image_with_text_custom_KbbgqC" class="shopify-section"> <div class="about-plants text-image-custom"> <div class="inner"> <div class="content"> <p class="caption">TN Nursery Is Premier Online Plant Nursery Shipper With Over 300 Plant Varieties In Stock of Premium Native Plants</p> <p class="heading">Shop America's Favorite Garden Shop</p> <div class="content_area"><p>TN Nursery, founded in 1959, has a long-standing tradition of providing high-quality native plants and cultivating a deep connection to the natural heritage of the Southeastern United States, offering a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and perennials that reflect the region’s diverse ecosystems.</p></div> <p class="heading">Need a Wholesale Quote on a Large Volume Of Plants?</p> <div class="content_area"><p>Check out our sister site that is strictly wholesale. Buy wholesale nursery plants in bulk and save 80-90% when you buy grower direct. Since 1959 Tennessee Wholesale Nursery has been providing other nurseries, resellers, wholesalers and nursery start outs with quality plants at low grower prices.</p></div> </div> <div class="visual"> <img src="" srcset=" 165w, 330w, 535w, 750w, 1000w" alt="Shop America's Favorite Garden Shop" width="500" height="600" loading="lazy"> </div> </div> </div> <style> .about-plants.text-image-custom{ @media screen and (max-width:800px){ display:flex; } .inner{ @media screen and (max-width:800px){ flex-direction:column; } .content{ width:50%; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ width:100%; padding:0; } a{ color:#6b4f39; } .heading{ font-size:30px; margin:20px 0; } } .visual{ width:50%; height:600px; @media screen and (max-width:800px){ width:100%; height:auto; display:none; } img{ width:100%; height:100%; object-fit:cover; } } } } </style> </div> </main> <!-- BEGIN sections: footer-group --> <section id="shopify-section-sections--24133833916714__zone_detect_popup_jAAihH" 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display: -webkit-box; } } </style> <div id="zone-detect" style="display: none;"> <div id="zone-detect-content"> <span id="zone-detect-close"> <svg xmlns="" width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_2009_15404)"> <path d="M20 35C28.2843 35 35 28.2843 35 20C35 11.7157 28.2843 5 20 5C11.7157 5 5 11.7157 5 20C5 28.2843 11.7157 35 20 35Z" fill="white" stroke="#15362A" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M25 15L15 25" stroke="#15362A" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M15 15L25 25" stroke="#15362A" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_2009_15404"> <rect width="40" height="40" fill="white"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> <div class="zone-detect-container-area"> <div class="zone-detect-container"> <div class="zone-detect-region"> <div class="zone-detect-details"> <span class="zone-detect-region-input-icon"> <svg xmlns="" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_2009_15397)"> <path d="M12.3232 13.7026C13.9801 13.7026 15.3232 12.3595 15.3232 10.7026C15.3232 9.04578 13.9801 7.70264 12.3232 7.70264C10.6664 7.70264 9.32324 9.04578 9.32324 10.7026C9.32324 12.3595 10.6664 13.7026 12.3232 13.7026Z" stroke="#45613E" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> <path d="M19.8232 10.7026C19.8232 17.4526 12.3232 22.7026 12.3232 22.7026C12.3232 22.7026 4.82324 17.4526 4.82324 10.7026C4.82324 8.71351 5.61342 6.80586 7.01994 5.39934C8.42646 3.99281 10.3341 3.20264 12.3232 3.20264C14.3124 3.20264 16.22 3.99281 17.6265 5.39934C19.0331 6.80586 19.8232 8.71351 19.8232 10.7026Z" stroke="#45613E" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_2009_15397"> <rect width="24" height="24" fill="white" transform="translate(0.323242 0.952637)"></rect> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </span> <div class="content"> <h3>Your Growing Zone Is:</h3> <div class="zone-info"> <div> <p class="zone-detect-region-inputbox"></p> <button class="zone-detect-change-zone-button">Change My Zone</button> </div> <div class="zone-short"></div> </div> <div class="zone-detect-change-form"> <input type="number" class="zone-detect-change-zone-input" placeholder="Zip Code"> <div> <button class="zone-detect-change-zone-cancel">Cancel</button> <button class="zone-detect-change-zone-update">Update</button> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="zone-detect-shop-zone-button">Shop Plants For My Zone</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="zone-detect-zone"> <div class="zone-detect-zone-heading"> <p class="zone-detect-zone-caption">Your Climate Zone:</p> <h3 class="zone-detect-zone-header"></h3> <p class="zone-detect-zone-description"> Shop the below categories perfect for your climate zone and ideal for planting now. </p> </div> <div class="zone-detect-zone-collections"><div class="zone-detect-collection-container"> <div class="zone-detect-slider"><div class="zone-detect-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/trees-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Trees </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Trees provide fresh oxygen, are attention-grabbing, and are sure to make a statement in front of your property or the back; they are an excellent addition to your garden. T.N. Nursery has a top selection of options for sale, and when you buy one, you can get another free to decorate your garden instantly. The Benefits of These Trees Any landscaping can make a huge difference in your property! If your garden lacks plants, here are some reasons to plant one or several. 1. Provides shade: The dog days of summer won’t feel so unbearable when you can sit under the shade one provides. 2. Privacy: It will be harder for anyone to peek into your yard with tall ones surrounding the perimeter. 3. Less reliance on cooling systems: Strategically placed varieties prevent the sunlight from streaming directly into your home, keeping it more relaxed all summer. You can give your air conditioner a much-needed break. Top Tree Choices from TN Nursery Explore TN Nursery customers’ favorite trees add color and texture to your yard. Tulip Tree The tulip tree is a fast grower that produces beautiful orange and yellow flowers and maxes out at around 150 feet. Nicknamed after the shape of their leaves, these utterly elegant varieties are favored for the color they lend to any front or backyard. You’ll also love the additional privacy. They’re fall bloomers, giving you something to look forward to late in the season. Virginia Pine  It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas with the Virginia Pine Tree. Besides its seasonal function of decorating holiday homes, this evergreen type is favored for growing in all sorts of conditions, including wetter or drier soils. In the spring, they produce flowers that later become two-inch pinecones. Persimmon  Grow your fruit with persimmon trees, which has a texture like custard and a flavor like honey. The persimmon type can reach sizes of 60 feet but usually only grows to about 20 feet. Their large, oval-shaped leaves are just as appealing as the fruit, which can grow to six inches! Redbud Invite beauty and color into your garden with the redbud tree. Despite its name, this beauty's blooms are more purple than red. There’s so much to love about this spring bloomer, between the enchanting color and the heart-shaped leaves. It grows no more than 30 feet, so even if you don’t have a lot of yard space, there’s still room for this beauty. Discover Many Tree Options from TN Nursery Improve your home’s property value with T.N. Nursery’s affordable selection of tree sizes and options at a great price. We’ve been in business for more than 50 years. Customers repeatedly choose us for their gardening needs because of our affordable prices and fast shipping.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-detect-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/shrubs-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Shrubs </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Shrub Benefits in Landscaping  Shrubs are plants that grow into medium-sized trees and bushes in your garden. Most have a slight frame but compensate by forming a thick bush comprising several stems. They add functional and aesthetic qualities to your property and accent other plants well. Shrubs come in different colors and shapes that you can use to beautify your property  They are the perfect template for skilled gardeners to add elegance to a landscape. Shrubs like pink spiraea to add color to your property with their beautiful pink flowers, while deciduous like Lilac shed leaves in the fall only to come alive in spring. Some are evergreen, while others bloom in different seasons, producing colorful flowers that fill the air with a pleasant fragrance. Others can be manicured into elegant shapes that are pleasing to the eye and capture the imagination of visitors to your property. Provides shade and shelter heat  Plant shrubs near your house will provide shade and blow cold air during the hot months. You can use them to block cold winter winds from entering your property. They are a great way of creating natural air conditioning on your property. They attract wildlife A Floral Display  Shrubs perform several functions in the natural world and enrich the ecosystem in your area. Some produce thousands of flowers during the blooming season. These flowers attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other flora that love nectar. Others produce tasty fruits and seeds that deer and squirrels find irresistible. Privacy Shrubs  Fencing your property Some shrubs, such as Privets and Euonymus, are great for hedging because they grow thick bushes quickly. When left untrimmed, it can grow up to ten feet. It is the ideal plant for enhancing privacy on your property. When using a shrub to create a hedge, plant it on the perimeter, leaving a few inches covered by the bush. You can also use shrubs to create subtle boundaries on your property. For instance, you could make a wall of shrubs around a secluded area where you can relax in complete privacy. Cost Effificent and Beneficial  Unlike artificial fences, they do not degrade due to exposure to the elements. They conserve soil. Shrubs firm the ground in areas where it is loose and prone to erosion. Their deep roots hold several layers together, while the large canopy reduces the impact of raindrops. You can plant them near streams and run-off terraces to protect the banks from erosion, especially during the rainy season. Add value to your property. Shrubs add value to your property by enhancing its aesthetic appeal, creating a refreshing aura, and attracting wildlife. Raises a Home's Value Real estate experts intimate that homes with excellent landscapes and manicured shrubs cost up to 20% more than those without floral enhancements. Shrubs also purify the air in your home by trapping dust and filtering carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. They also produce oxygen and other compounds that enhance your health and immunity. These qualities make such properties very attractive to buyers.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-detect-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/perennials-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Perennials </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">TN Nursery has been offering affordable perennial plants to the public since 1959, spanning three generations. Whether you need one plant or a thousand, we have a wide selection of native plants perfect for your landscaping project or home garden area. If you love wildflowers or perennials that are low maintenance and do not need a lot of care, then our plants will be the perfect ones for you. Perennial plants are the backbone of any garden that is thriving and successful Unlike annuals, which you must replant yearly, perennials return season after season. They have a host of environmental and aesthetic benefits. It doesn't matter where you are in your gardening journey; you will reap big rewards when you start incorporating perennials into your garden. Look at some of the major advantages of growing perennials and how they can transform your gardening experience. Perennials Are Low-maintenance One of the undeniable benefits of these plants is that they are easy to care for. Once you establish them, these sturdy plants require less attention than annuals. Reduced Planting Efforts Since they stay alive for several years, perennials eliminate the need for annual replanting. This will save you a lot of time and effort in your garden, which is why they are the perfect choice if you are very busy but still want to enjoy gardening. Drought Tolerant These have deep root systems, allowing them to access water from the deeper soil layers in your garden. They are highly drought-tolerant and can handle some tough weather conditions. Less Weeding If you're like most gardeners, weeding is probably one of your least favorite activities. The good news is that as perennials mature, they create less dense foliage, which helps suppress weeds. This kind of natural weed control reduces the need to use chemical herbicides or have frequent weeding sessions. Cost-Effective Gardening Saving money on your garden is something that most gardeners relish. One of the best things about perennials is that they offer long-term savings compared to annual plants.  When you make a one-time purchase, you will get years of beauty and utility out of them. Over time, this will reduce the cost of replacing plants each season. Additionally, many can be divided and propagated, allowing you to expand your garden without too much additional expense. Some perennials thrive when split and replanted, giving you more greenery in your garden for free.  Garden Aesthetics Of Perennials If keeping your garden vibrant and dynamic year-round is one of your goals, then these plants are the right choice. You will experience continuous blooms at various times of the year. Certain varieties usher in different seasons, and if you take the time to plant and nourish them, you will have a beautiful garden all year round. These plants are a great choice if you want structure and interest in your garden throughout the season. Environmental Benefits Growing perennials has several environmental benefits, and if you want to make your garden eco-friendly, you can certainly do so with these plants. Perennials stabilize the soil and reduce erosion over time. They also enhance the soil structure. While this is an awesome environmental benefit, it is not the only one. Thse flowers attract butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. This helps to sustain the ecosystem and support biodiversity. In general, because they require fewer resources such as fertilizer and water, once they have become established, these plants are naturally environmentally friendly. Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat  These types of gardens provide a natural habitat for various species. They supply nectar and seeds for pollinators, birds, and small animals, supporting the environment and wildlife.  Since many will remain in your garden during the winter, they offer shelter to insects and small animals. Their dormant foliage will create a natural mulch layer, protecting the soil and plant roots. Functional Benefits for Your Garden Space Many are low-growing, which reduces the need to mulch the soil extensively while also helping to prevent soil erosion. While low-growing plants may shelter and protect the ground, there are tall perennials that create natural privacy barriers in your garden. You can replace your artificial fences with these natural barriers if you choose. They will certainly look more beautiful than the traditional fencing. Finally, many are edible or have medicinal properties. Attract Pollinators They are a long-term investment that leaves a lasting mar and will grow more robust as the years go by. Some species can live for decades and become heirlooms in your garden. They will be like a familiar friend that is always there. These plants leave a joy and beauty that will cause future generations to gasp at their beauty, but to get to this eye-catching moment, you have to resolve to care for these plants in the best way possible.   Choosing the Right Plants for Your Garden It is very important to select the right plants for your garden. Several factors must be considered, such as soil type, climate, and garden preferences. Consider getting native perennials, as they will better adapt to the region's climate and soil.  This makes them very low-maintenance and ecologically beneficial. However, light requirements for perennials can differ, so you need to consider this when making your selections. Some are sun-loving and will thrive in open spaces where they are continually hit by direct sunlight. However, others flourish more in shaded areas.  Environmentally-Friendly  Bloom time is also another consideration. You should choose perennials with a staggered bloom time. This way, you will have a beautiful garden regardless of season. Perennial plants are a lot more than just staples in a garden. They are a testament to the beauty, resiliency, and sustainability that nature can provide. At TN Nursery, We Know Quality, We Grow Perennials Right Here On Site  </p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-detect-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/ferns-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Ferns </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Ferns can add a pop of color to any outdoor space. These delicate plants are a favorite of gardeners looking for low-maintenance plants with widespread appeal.  There's a lot to love about these simple plants, especially for the home landscaper. Not only are they a native option with many ecological benefits, but they also add a splash of green to the nooks and crannies of your garden. TN Nursery grows a variety of fern plants so that you can pick your favorite cultivar. We offer three generations of growing experience and a selection of plants for almost every growing zone. Why Ferns Make The Perfect Addition To Any Backyard They may be a subtle plant, but they're by no means forgettable. Their large, delicate fronds and showy colors make them an excellent fit for any garden. There are several other reasons why you may want to grow these plants. If you want to incorporate more native plants into your garden, these are a no-brainer for the natural landscaper. Are you interested in unique or rare types of plants? TN Nursery provides several options to track down or compare your favorite cultivars. They can help protect the soil from erosion; many species can 'lend a frond.' They also thrive all year round. With TN Nursery, you can find evergreen varieties that stay green throughout the winter. If you love the idea of a hardy, tolerant plant, it's hard to go wrong with their rugged variety. TN Nursery can help you find what you're looking for, from traditional cultivars to unusual species. Ferns Are Bio-Indicators  Ferns are bio-indicators that remove potent toxins from the soil, making them one of the most environmentally friendly plants on the planet. Growing them has dozens of benefits, from their rich green appearance to their soil-enhancing benefits, making them a needed staple in borders and shade areas in landscaping. Just keep in mind that not all cultivars are the same, and the nursery that raises them significantly impacts their health. TN Nursery Offers A 1 Year Warranty On All Plants Even Ferns At TN Nursery, we've spent three generations building an online plant store you can trust to deliver healthy, vibrant green fern plants. We offer a one-year warranty on all our plants, so you never need to wonder about the quality of our product. No matter what type of plant you're looking for, TN Nursery can help you find it.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-detect-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/moss-for-sale"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Live Moss </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Live Moss is a captivating natural beauty for Tranquil Gardens. Explore its Serene Charm and Versatility in your landscape. Benefits. It is an evergreen, beautiful, and versatile plant, the perfect addition to bring natural beauty and tranquility to your indoor or outdoor space. Moss is renowned for its unique aesthetic appeal, ability to create a serene atmosphere, and ease of care. Let us introduce you to the wonders of plants and how they can transform your environment. Our live mosses are carefully selected for their lush, velvety textures and vibrant shades of green. It comes in various forms, including sheet, cushion, and mood type, each with distinct characteristics. With their dense growth and intricate patterns, these plants add a touch of elegance and natural charm to any setting. Live moss Is Versatile And Can Be Used Creatively It is perfect for terrariums, fairy gardens, living walls, and indoor plant displays. Its compact size and adaptability make it ideal for small—and large-scale projects. Whether creating a miniature woodland scene or adding a pop of green to your living room, it will captivate and delight you.One critical benefit is its maintenance requirements, which make it perfect for indoor spaces with little natural light. Most plants also have a high humidity tolerance, making them well-suited for terrariums and bathrooms. Mist them occasionally or provide a humid environment, and they will flourish.Another advantage is the ability to improve air quality. Like other plants, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, creating a healthier indoor environment. In terms of design, it offers endless possibilities. They can be used to create visually stunning living walls, where their velvety textures and shades of green add depth and visual interest. It can also be used as a natural carpet or ground cover, transforming bare spaces into enchanting green landscapes. Its versatility lets you unleash your creativity and design unique and captivating arrangements.The garden type is straightforward to install and care for. It can be easily attached to surfaces such as walls, rocks, or driftwood using non-toxic adhesives or simply pressing it into place. Once established, it requires minimal watering and can be misted or lightly watered to maintain its lush appearance. Live Moss Offers Enchanting Benefits for Your Garden Enhancing Moisture Retention, Ground Cover, and Adding Unique Texture and Greenery It offers a range of benefits that make it a unique and valuable addition to any indoor or outdoor space. From their aesthetic appeal to their environmental contributions, it provide numerous advantages. Let's explore ten key benefits of incorporating these plants into your environment:1. Natural Beauty: Its plants bring natural beauty and serenity to any space. Their lush, velvety textures and vibrant shades of green create a visually captivating and soothing atmosphere. Whether used in terrariums, living walls, or as a groundcover, it adds a unique charm and enhances your surroundings' overall aesthetic.2. Low Maintenance: One of its tremendous benefits is its low maintenance requirements. Unlike many other plants, it does not have true roots, so it doesn't require regular watering or fertilization. 3. Air Purification: They also act as natural filters, removing pollutants and toxins from the air. It makes most plants an effective and natural way to purify your home or office air, creating a healthier and more pleasant living environment.4. Humidity Regulation: It has a high humidity tolerance and can help regulate moisture levels in its surroundings. It absorbs and retains moisture, releasing it gradually into the air through transpiration. This natural humidity regulation can benefit dry indoor environments or areas where humidity levels need to be balanced, such as bathrooms or terrariums.5. Erosion Control: They are excellent for controlling soil erosion in outdoor spaces. Their dense growth and shallow root systems help stabilize the soil and prevent deterioration caused by wind or water. By incorporating it into slopes or areas prone to erosion, you can protect the ground, maintain its integrity, and contribute to the overall stability of your landscape.6. Temperature Regulation: These plants can help regulate the temperature outdoors. They provide insulation to the soil, preventing extreme temperature fluctuations. In hot weather, they create a cooling effect by reducing surface temperatures. At the same time, in colder climates, they act as a natural insulator, protecting the soil and plant roots from freezing temperatures.7. Noise Reduction: Their dense growth and soft textures help dampen and muffle noise, making them ideal for urban environments or areas with high noise levels. Incorporating them into your surroundings creates a more peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.8. Biodiversity Support: Live moss is crucial in supporting biodiversity. It provides habitats and food sources for microorganisms, insects, and small creatures. It also acts as a host for symbiotic relationships with beneficial fungi, contributing to ecosystems' overall health and balance. Cultivating it fosters biodiversity and promotes a thriving natural environment.9. Stress Reduction: Being surrounded by calming green hues and delicate materials, which can lower stress and promote tranquility, can benefit one's mental health. You can find tranquil areas to relax and re-establish contact with nature in gardens or on covered walls.10. Educational and Recreational Value: These plants offer educational and recreational opportunities for both children and adults. They provide a unique and hands-on way to learn about botany, ecology, and the natural world. Cultivating and observing plants can be a rewarding and educational experience, allowing you to appreciate the intricacies of nature and engage in a calming and fulfilling hobby. In summary, they offer many benefits, from their natural beauty and low maintenance requirements to their air-purifying properties and ability to support biodiversity. Whether indoors or outdoors, they enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space while contributing to a healthier and more balanced environment. Embrace the wonders of them and enjoy the numerous advantages they bring to your surroundings. They are unique and beautiful additions to any indoor or outdoor space. They require specific care and maintenance to thrive and maintain their lush appearance. Here are some essential tips to help you care for yours: How to Make Your Live Moss Thrive 1. Light Requirements: This plant prefers indirect or filtered light to direct sunlight. Too much sunlight can cause it to dry out and turn brown. Please place it where they receive gentle, indirect light or dappled shade. It could be under trees, on the north side of a building, or in a place with filtered light.2. Moisture: It thrives in moist environments, so keeping them watered is essential. Mist it regularly to maintain moisture levels, especially during dry periods or in heated indoor environments. Avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can lead to fungal growth or root rot. It's best to provide consistent water without waterlogging it.3. Humidity: High humidity levels are advantageous for these plants. Consider placing a humidifier nearby or using a pebble tray filled with water if you're developing it indoors to boost the humidity around the plants. Another way to increase humidity in a small area is to group it. It is crucial in dry climates and winter when interior humidity levels are typically lower.4. Soil Substrate: These plants do not require traditional soil for growth. Instead, they prefer a porous and well-draining substrate. You can create a suitable growing medium to improve drainage by combining peat, coconut coir, and sphagnum type with sand or perlite. Avoid using heavy soils or those that retain too much moisture, as this can suffocate it and inhibit its growth.5. Water Quality: It is not sensitive to water quality, particularly tap water, which may contain chemicals or excessive mineral content. If possible, use filtered or distilled water to mist your live moss. Alternatively, you can collect rainwater for watering purposes. It helps prevent any potential harm or adverse effects from impurities in tap water. Live moss can be one of the greatest additions to your landscaping, transforming it from a monoculture into a tranquil and diverse retreat. The species' green textures and low maintenance make it a must-use in many outdoor areas, able to survive in shaded damp places, even when conventional grass struggles. However, moss is more than just dazzlingly verdant-it also offers environmental benefits to your garden, including air purification, soil erosion control, and moisture retention. Adding the species enhances biodiversity and provides insects and microbes with more niches in which to live.  Cushion moss is one of the most popular varieties. Gardeners love it for its dense, pillow-like formations that add suppleness and softness underfoot. It remains popular for ground cover and rock features and can grow in the cracks along pathways for a unique look.  Carpet moss is another popular option. Its velvety mat-like appearance is perfect for multiple settings, including patios and path borders. Hardly any maintenance is necessary, and the species will even grow in the shade, making it ideal for gardens tucked away behind buildings or dense tree cover.  For creative gardeners, moss is a dream come true. It permits even more design opportunities than conventional grass, allowing it to feature almost anywhere. For example, you can use it to adorn terrariums, living walls, fairy gardens, and even interior spaces. It's also helpful as a natural carpet nestled between stones or as an accent in floral arrangements.  While many people treat it as a weed, deploying it correctly can give your outdoor spaces a unique look that isn't possible using other species. Browse this page to find versatile moss species to elevate your exterior environments. Whether you want to enhance your ecosystems or develop a unique garden design, these plants are the ideal choice.  Shop our collection of versatile mosses and discover how this species can transform every aspect of your garden and even your indoor areas.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div><div class="zone-detect-collection-card"><article class="card-article card " style="background-color:transparent;border:none;"> <a href="/collections/vines"> <div class="component-card-collection-featured-class"><figure class="figure-- style--" role="none" style="margin-bottom:0.2rem;border-radius:8px;"> <img alt="product image" data-src="//" class="img-absolute" src=""> </figure><div class="card__content"> <p class="card__title card-collection-featured-header">Vines </p> <svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.8249 4.93726C11.0749 4.68726 11.479 4.68726 11.7282 4.93726L16.8399 10.0481C17.0899 10.2981 17.0899 10.7023 16.8399 10.9514L11.7282 16.0623C11.607 16.175 11.4468 16.2364 11.2813 16.2334C11.1158 16.2304 10.9579 16.1633 10.8408 16.0463C10.7238 15.9292 10.6567 15.7713 10.6537 15.6058C10.6508 15.4403 10.7121 15.2801 10.8249 15.1589L14.8457 11.1389H3.60987C3.52593 11.1389 3.44282 11.1224 3.36527 11.0903C3.28772 11.0581 3.21726 11.0111 3.15791 10.9517C3.09856 10.8924 3.05148 10.8219 3.01936 10.7444C2.98724 10.6668 2.9707 10.5837 2.9707 10.4998C2.9707 10.4158 2.98724 10.3327 3.01936 10.2552C3.05148 10.1776 3.09856 10.1071 3.15791 10.0478C3.21726 9.98844 3.28772 9.94136 3.36527 9.90924C3.44282 9.87712 3.52593 9.86059 3.60987 9.86059H14.8457L10.824 5.84142C10.574 5.59142 10.574 5.18726 10.824 4.93809L10.8249 4.93726Z" fill="#45613E"/> </svg> <p class="card__description card-collection-featured-description">Vines are the secret ingredient behind any vibrant, diversified garden. They provide both form and function in yards of all sizes and are an excellent choice for erosion control, weed management, and more. There's more erosion control to vines than what first meets the eye. These customer favorites come in all shapes and sizes, from leafy, woody varieties to herbaceous, flowery cultivars. Some even grow fruit to share with friends and family, including Concord, Catawba, and Fredonia grapes.  TN Nursery specializes in bare-root varieties for the discerning backyard gardener. We offer a one-year warranty on all our plants to guarantee your best growing season yet! Why Add Vines To Your Backyard Landscape These ground cover plants are all about elegant refinement — they bring a touch of magic to any space. Whether aiming for a cottage garden or filling in gaps, you can't go wrong with their complex colors, subtle appearances, and weed control abilities. If you're looking for a natural form of weed control, you may want these plants for your landscaping. Creeping varieties crowd out their competition, creating a lush, green space for your loved ones to enjoy. Vines are a great option if you want to fill in vertical spaces. It's easy to trellis climbing varieties on lattices, walls, and even pergolas. Suppose you love the appearance of bright blooms (and smelling-rich fragrances). For example, the wisteria flowers add a lovely scent to outdoor entertainment areas. They are a great way to add diversity to your outdoor planting areas. Trees, shrubs, and flowers will always have a place in your garden, but one of these plants can make your space pop. T.N. Nursery grows dozens of varieties so that you can make the perfect choice for your property. We stock fruit-bearing varieties, cover plants, and even classic English ivy to round out any planting space. Fan-Favorite Vines To Spice Up Your Garden What cultivar to choose? Here are some of our customers' favorites: Trumpet Vine Wisteria English Ivy Periwinkle If you're looking for a variety pack so you can add different plants to your yard, please note we offer: 15 Trellis Climbing Favorites 20 Mixed-Soil Erosion Options 15 Ground Cover Favorites Why Choose TN Nursery For Vines You could buy vines in dozens of places, but only one provider with the prices you deserve. With over 65 years of experience under our belts, TN Nursery is the gardener's grower of choice. Our one-year guarantee provides the confidence needed to revitalize, rework, or re-imagine your outdoor space.</p></div></div> </a> </article> <style> #smart_location_3{ text-decoration:none; } .search-zone-popup-zone-collections{ .search-zone-collection-card{ a{ text-decoration:none; figure{ padding:0; margin:0; img{ height: 172px; border-radius: 15px; width:100%; } } .card__content{ @media screen and (min-width:800px){ display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } } } } .card-collection-featured-header { color: #45613E; margin:0; font-family:Lora; line-height: 1.4; } .card-collection-featured-description { color: #45613E;font-family:Lora; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 24px; padding-right:1.5rem; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 14px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: row; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .figure--semi-landscape { flex: 1; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { flex: 1.3; padding: 1rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 33px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .featured-heading{ font-size:4rem; } .card-collection-featured-header { font-size: 18px; } .card-collection-featured-description { font-size: 16px; padding-top:20px; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content { padding: 0rem; } .component-card-collection-featured-class .card__content svg { height: 39px; float: right; margin-right: 0rem; } } </style> </div></div> </div></div> <div class="zone-detect-zone-shop"> <a>Shop All <span class="zone-detect-zone-shop-button-span"></span> Plants</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script data-cfasync="false" src=""></script><script> var collectionHREFs = { "3": "/collections/buy-zone-3", "4": "/collections/buy-zone-4", "5": "/collections/buy-zone-5", "6": "/collections/buy-zone-6", "7": "/collections/buy-zone-7", "8": "/collections/buy-zone-8", "9": "/collections/buy-zone-9" }; var zoneTagLines = { "3": "Zone 3 has long winters and short growing seasons. (Southern Alaska, northern North Dakota, northern Montana)", "4": "Zone 4 has long winters and short growing seasons. (Northern and Central Midwest, parts of New England, parts of the Rockies.) Gardeners in these states typically start seeds indoors and transplant them after the last frost.", "5": "Zone 5 has long winters and short growing seasons. (Northern and Central Midwest, parts of New England, parts of the Rockies.) Gardeners in these states typically start seeds indoors and transplant them after the last frost.", "6": "Zone 6 has moderate winters and long growing seasons ( Mid-Atlantic states, southern Midwest, parts of the Pacific Northwest, and parts of the Southeast). Gardeners who live in this climate should mulch plants to protect roots in the winter and extend the growing season.", "7": "Zone 7 has moderate winters and long growing seasons ( Mid-Atlantic states, southern Midwest, parts of the Pacific Northwest, and parts of the Southeast). Gardeners who live in this climate should mulch plants to protect roots in the winter and extend the growing season.", "8": "Zone 8 features mild winters and long growing seasons. (Coastal areas of the Southeast, parts of the Pacific Northwest, Southern Texas, Florida, parts of California) If you live in these areas, pay attention to summer heat, which can stress plants; provide shade and water deeply.", "9": "Zone 9 features mild winters and long growing seasons. (Coastal areas of the Southeast, parts of the Pacific Northwest, Southern Texas, Florida, parts of California) If you live in these areas, pay attention to summer heat, which can stress plants; provide shade and water deeply." }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { getCurrentLocation(); const modal = document.getElementById('zone-detect'); const closeButton = document.getElementById('zone-detect-close'); const changeZoneButton = document.querySelector('.zone-detect-change-zone-button'); const cancelZoneFormButton = document.querySelector('.zone-detect-change-zone-cancel'); const updateZoneFormButton = document.querySelector('.zone-detect-change-zone-update'); const zoneForm = document.querySelector('.zone-detect-change-form'); changeZoneButton.addEventListener('click', function(){ = "flex"; }); cancelZoneFormButton.addEventListener('click', function(){ = "none"; }); updateZoneFormButton.addEventListener('click', function(){ var zipcode = document.querySelector('.zone-detect-change-zone-input').value; 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