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class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Last Updated/Effective Date: October 2, 2024</strong></p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">1. OVERVIEW</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Please review this Privacy Policy carefully as it describes how Insider, Inc. d/b/a Business Insider (“Business Insider”) and its affiliates and subsidiaries, including eMarketer, Inc. (“<strong>EMARKETER</strong>,” and collectively with Business Insider the “<strong>Company</strong>”, “<strong>we</strong>”, “<strong>our</strong>”, or “<strong>us</strong>”) collect, use, and disclose information about you when you interact with us online, via our websites and apps, and offline, in person (collectively, the “<strong>Service</strong>”). </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please contact us as set forth in the “Contact Us” section below. If you are a resident of certain jurisdictions, including California, Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado, Utah, Texas, Oregon, Montana and other U.S. States with Similar Privacy Laws, or located in Europe or the United Kingdom, please see the additional disclosures at the end of this Privacy Policy. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">To learn more about our privacy practices with respect to personal information collected by Business Insider and EMARKETER for employment-related purposes, please refer to our <strong>Business Insider Employee Privacy Policy</strong> and <strong>EMARKETER Employee Privacy Policy</strong>, respectively. Our Service is for a general audience, is not targeted to children, and does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you have a disability and would like to access this Privacy Policy in an alternative format, please review the <strong>Insider Inc. Accessibility Statement</strong>.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">2. INFORMATION COLLECTION</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual, household, and/or, depending on your state of residence, device. Depending on how you interact with our Service, this may include collection and processing of personal information including, but not limited to, the categories and types of personal information listed below. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We collect personal information you provide directly via the Service, including when you:</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Use our Service;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Access our content, including our articles, webinars, research reports and podcasts;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Register or update an account;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Request quotes, product demos, support, information, or access to our information products and services;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Subscribe to newsletters, promotional communications, alerts, sales outreach, updates and other materials;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Fill in forms, including when you enter competitions, promotions or surveys; </p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Register for events, webinars or other content offers; or</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Contact us.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The categories of personal information we collect include the following:</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Contact Data. We may collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and similar contact data.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Company Data. Where you interact with us in a business to business context, we may collect your job title and company name, size, email address, phone number, and postal address. </p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Credentials. When you register for an account with us, we may collect passwords, password hints, and related information for authentication and account access.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Biographic and Demographic Data. Business Insider may collect demographic information you voluntarily provide to us, including your country, age, and gender.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Profile Data. We may collect a personal description, and other profile information you submit.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Payment Data. We use payment processors to collect personal information necessary to process your payment if you make a purchase with us, including your payment instrument number (such as a credit or debit card number), and the security code associated with your payment instrument. We do not directly collect or maintain full payment card information.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Personal Contacts Data. We may collect personal information you provide about your contacts, including information about other employees at your company.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Content. We collect the content of communications you send to us (such as feedback and questions to customer support), which may include personal information.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Inferences. We may draw inferences from any of the personal information identified and discussed in this Privacy Policy</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Other Personal Information. We may collect other personal information you provide, such as the content provided either in your job application or in your communications with us, including interactions with us online, in-person, or on the phone.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>INFORMATION FROM DEVICES USING OUR SERVICES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">When you access the Service via a web browser, mobile application, newsletter, or other device, we and other parties use a variety of technologies that automatically collect information about your device and how your device interacts with our Service, including cookies, pixels, device IDs, localStorage, and other similar technologies. Some of these technologies store data that may be considered personal information in the browser or on your device. Other technologies may use network-related or other information to recognize your device (e.g., IP address). The categories of information we automatically collect include the following:</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Service Use Data. We collect data about your interaction with our Service, the webpage, newsletter, or services feature you were using before you came to our Service, your web or application request, pages of our websites that you visit, information you search for via our Service, access times and dates, and other similar information.</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">Activity Information. We collect data when you access and interact with our Services, including browser or device model and settings, operating system, and unique identifiers, clickstream data, cookies and localStorage, browsing history, search history, web-based location, IP address, geolocation, and any other internet usage information our Service may automatically record when you visit.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We use this information for a variety of purposes (further addressed in the “Use of Your Information” section below), including analyzing and enhancing our products and services, personalizing our Service for you, and, for our website users, serving advertising.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">For further information on how we use tracking technologies for analytics and advertising and your rights and choices regarding them, please see the “Analytics and Advertising Technology” and “Your Advertising Choices” sections below.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>INFORMATION FROM OTHER SOURCES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may supplement the information we collect with information from other sources, such as publicly available information about your online and offline activity from social media services, analytics and advertising technology companies, advertisers, commercially available sources, information from other companies under a common control (“Company Affiliates”), or clients or business partners with which we offer co-branded services. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Depending on your interactions with us, we may not have collected information from you for each of the categories above. We are not responsible for the accuracy of any information provided by other parties or for their policies or practices.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">3. USE OF YOUR INFORMATION</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We collect and use information for our business and commercial purposes in accordance with the practices described in this Privacy Policy, and as permitted under applicable law. Our business purposes for collecting and using information include:</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To operate and manage our Service, including your registration and accounts on our websites;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To provide the products and services you request and purchase, allow you to participate in panels, events, sweepstakes and contests, and carry out the transactions you have requested;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To facilitate the creation and maintenance of, as well as to secure, your membership and/or subscription account;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To provide you with customer support and respond to your questions; this may include the use of chatbots. Please note that the inquiries and responses to those chatbots may be transcribed and retained. </p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To communicate with you regarding updates, technical notices, orders, security alerts, administrative messages, and information regarding changes to our policies;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To provide, market, and develop our products and services, including to maintain our websites and mobile applications, troubleshoot, conduct data analysis, test and research, and better understand the interests of our users, readers, and subscribers who use our services and products;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Service, for example, by authenticating users and providing account security and fraud detection. We may also use your information to monitor, detect, and prevent fraud and improper or illegal activity;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To deliver video content to you in the ordinary course of our business;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To conduct market research and develop quality assurance, including to study, develop, and improve our products and services. This may include measuring and analyzing audience traffic, including tracking user interests, trends, and patterns. We may, in accordance with applicable law, also aggregate, anonymize, and/or deidentify personal information we collect and use it for any purpose, including product development and improvement activities;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To comply with legal requirements and/or to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to your use of our Service. This would include the use of your information to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, to defend ourselves in litigation and investigations, and to prosecute litigations;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To debug our systems, to secure our online services, including our network and websites, and to debug our online services;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To send you surveys, news and/or marketing communications (by email, phone, or text) subject to your marketing preferences, consent, and choices, including information about us or third party offerings we think may be of interest to you;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To protect the security of our products, services, and business;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To help recognize you as a previous visitor and save and remember your preferences and settings and deliver to you appropriate interest-based content;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To conduct internal business purposes, including for data analysis, audits, and enhancing our services. We may also use inferences drawn from personal information, as permitted by applicable law, to create a profile reflecting your preferences so we can tailor our services to you;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To enhance and personalize our Service, products and our marketing efforts;</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To develop and serve advertisements on our website or through e-mails or other communications; and</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">To conduct marketing research. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may also use your information with your consent, including, to administer promotions you have entered and fulfill any other purpose disclosed to you and with your consent.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Notwithstanding the above, we may use information that does not identify you (including information that has been aggregated or deidentified), except as prohibited by applicable law. For information on your rights and choices regarding how we use information about you, please see the “Your Advertising Choices” section below.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">4. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose some or all of the personal information collected from or about you with any of the following entities and for any of the purposes directly below. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>OUR SERVICE PROVIDERS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We engage companies and individuals to perform services on our behalf (e.g., software maintenance services, cloud storage, chatbot providers, order fulfillment, e-mail services, delivery services, database management, analytics, credit referencing, payment processing, and other services) (“Service Providers”). We may disclose some of the information we collect from or about you to our Service Providers, such as information collected automatically from devices you use to connect to our Service. This may include usage and technical information about how users interact with our Service, including activity data such as where you go on our website, how you use different website features, links you click on, and similar information. We may also disclose some of the information that we collect from or about you with other parties in order to process and fulfill your requests for video content offered through our Service, including to provide you with access to localized content and video content recommendations.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">These Service Providers have access to your personal information so that they may perform these tasks on our behalf and they are prohibited by us from using or disclosing your information for any purpose other than to provide this assistance, except to the extent required by law. We may permit our Service Providers to use aggregate information which does not identify you or deidentified data for other purposes, consistent with applicable law.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>ADVERTISING PARTNERS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may provide personal information to third parties, such as advertising partners or other marketing partners who provide services to us. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>SOCIAL NETWORKS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Some features of our Service may enable you to post content to social networking services (“SNSs”). If you choose to do this, we will provide information to such SNSs in accordance with your elections. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for your use of those websites and that it is your responsibility to review the terms of use and privacy policy of the third party provider of such SNSs. We will not be responsible or liable for: (i) the availability or accuracy of such SNSs; (ii) the content, products or services on or availability of such SNSs; or (iii) your use of any such SNSs. Please refer to the “Social Media Services and Technology Integrations” section for more information on the use of Social Media. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>AFFILIATES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may also disclose your personal information to our parent company, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or Company Affiliates. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>CLIENTS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose your personal information to our clients in connection with us processing your personal information on their behalf. For example, if you subscribe to our newsletters and promotional communications, Business Insider or EMARKETER may send you content on behalf of their clients and disclose your personal information to such clients for their own marketing purposes.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>BUSINESS PARTNERS AND SPONSORS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose your personal information to our business partners in connection with offering you co-branded services, selling or distributing our products, or engaging in joint marketing activities. In addition, if you choose to participate in certain of our programs or to receive certain content we make available (e.g., webinar programs), we may disclose your information to participating sponsors, content providers, and related vendors in connection with such programs and content.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>FACILITATING REQUESTS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose your personal information to facilitate your requests such as when you choose to disclose information to a social network about your activities on the Service or participate in a business partner’s program.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>PAYMENT SERVICE</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">In some cases, we may use an unaffiliated payment service to allow you to purchase a product or make payments ("Payment Service"). If you wish to purchase a product or make a payment using a Payment Service, you will be directed to a Payment Service webpage. Any information that you provide to a Payment Service will be subject to the applicable Payment Service’s privacy policy, rather than this Privacy Policy. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, any Payment Service’s use of information collected through any Payment Service. If you purchase one of our services, we and/or Payment Service provider(s) may use payment information to help provide the service you purchased. For example, payment information may be used to retrieve account information for a subscriber, to determine whether a subscriber is eligible for promotions, and to detect abuse of our services. In addition, for your convenience, we or our Payment Service provider(s) may enable your payment information to be accessible between Business Insider and EMARKETER in order to process your transaction more efficiently. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>VENDORS AND OTHER PARTIES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose personal information to vendors and other parties, for business and commercial purposes, including analytics and advertising technology companies that measure and improve our service, advertising effectiveness and enable other enhancements on our website. Our app does not disclose personal information to vendors and other parties for purposes of targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes. Vendors or such other parties may act as our Service Providers, or in certain contexts, independently decide how to process your information. For more information on practices related to advertising and analytics, see the “Analytics and Advertising Technology” section below.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, LEGAL PROCESS, AND AUTHORITIES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We reserve the right to disclose your information to respond to valid information requests from government authorities and judicial requests, to investigate potential fraud, or where otherwise required by law. We may disclose your personal information where we believe the disclosure is necessary or appropriate to comply with regulatory or legal requirements, or to protect the safety, rights, or property of ourselves and others and to exercise, establish, or defend our legal rights. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>BUSINESS TRANSFERS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Circumstances may arise where, whether for strategic or other business reasons, we may sell, transfer or otherwise disclose some or all of our assets, including your personal information, in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets or in the event of bankruptcy. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>At your direction</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose your personal information at your direction or with your consent. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>THE GENERAL PUBLIC</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may disclose personal information with the general public if you choose to disclose personal information when contributing content to our Service through forums, blogs, social features, or the like.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>AGGREGATE AND/OR DEIDENTIFED DATA</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Without limiting the foregoing, in our sole discretion, we may disclose information, including aggregate data which does not identify you and/or deidentified personal information, to third parties or affiliates for any purpose except as prohibited by applicable law. To the extent we process deidentified personal information, as defined under applicable law, we will maintain and use that information in deidentified form and will not attempt to reidentify the information except as permitted by applicable law.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">5. OTHER PARTIES</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Our Service contains links to, or content from, other party’s websites and other products and services. The fact that we link to a website or display an advertisement or other party’s content is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with any of those other parties, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy or information security policies or practices.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We do not exercise control over other parties’ websites, products or services, and whether they store information in the U.S. or elsewhere. These other products and services may place their own cookies or other technologies on your computer or other device, collect data, or solicit information from you while you are exploring their websites, products, or services. Other persons and entities follow different rules regarding the use or disclosure of the information you submit to them or they collect from you. We encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of those other parties.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">6. SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATIONS</h2><h3 style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>BLOGS, SOCIAL MEDIA AND OTHER PUBLIC FORUMS</strong></h3><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may offer blogs, social media profiles, message boards, bulletin boards, or similar public forums where you and other users of our Service can post content or otherwise communicate. If you post personal information on a public forum, we will assume you intend to make that personal information public. We may use your name to identify you with a posting in a public forum and may use your post on or in connection with our Service (e.g., when using a hashtag associated with Business Insider in a tweet or status update). Any personal information you disclose in a public forum is public information and may be seen or collected by other persons, including third parties that do not adhere to the standards set forth in this Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for events that may arise from the distribution of any information you choose to publicly post or share through our online services.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">In addition, to the extent you interact with social networks or other services through the Service (such as “liking” or “sharing” our content or otherwise connecting our Service to a social network), information collected and stored by those other parties through your interaction or pages that contain their tracking technologies remains subject to their policies and practices, including whether they disclose information about you to us, the types of information disclosed, and your choices on what is visible to others. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We are not responsible for and make no representations regarding the policies or business practices of any other parties or their services and encourage you to familiarize yourself with and consult their privacy policies and terms of use.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>ANALYTICS AND ADVERTISING TECHNOLOGY</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Our Service may contain tracking technologies owned and operated by other parties. For example, we use tracking technologies from analytics services, for example Google Analytics, to help us understand how users access and use the Service. Our app does not use these technologies for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may also work with ad networks, advertisers, agencies, and other technology services to place advertisements on our website and/or other websites and services. These parties may set and access cookies and other technologies on your personal computer and/or device and track certain behavioral information regarding users of your personal computer and/or device. As noted above, these website cookies and other technologies are set to, among other things: (a) track your activities across time and services for purposes of measuring conversions or actions you take, associating different devices you use, and serving ads and/or other content targeted to your interests (“<strong>Interest-based Advertising</strong>”); (b) prevent you from seeing the same advertisements too many times; and (c) understand the usefulness to you of the advertisements that have been delivered to you. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may also use audience matching services (which is a type of Interest-Based Advertising) to reach people (or similar audiences) who have visited our website or are identified in one or more of our databases. For example, we may disclose hashed email addresses to an ad partner to determine if there are common matching factors between our data and their data in order to serve you more personalized ads. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">As discussed above, vendors and ad partners may act as our Service Providers, or in certain contexts, independently decide how to process your information. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with and consult their privacy policies and terms of use. For further information on your choices regarding these third party tracking technologies, please see the section entitled “Your Advertising Choices” below. </p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">7. YOUR ADVERTISING CHOICES </h2><h3 style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES GENERALLY</strong></h3><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Cookies and location-identifying technologies may generally be disabled or removed by tools available as part of most commercial browsers, and in some instances blocked in the future by selecting certain settings. Browsers offer different functionalities and options so you may need to set them separately. Also, you may be able to exercise specific privacy choices, such as enabling or disabling certain location-based services, by adjusting the permissions in your device. Please be aware that if you disable or remove these technologies some parts of the Service may not work and that when you revisit the Service your ability to limit browser-based tracking technologies is subject to your browser settings and limitations.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>DO NOT TRACK</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to online services you visit. Note, however, there is no industry consensus as to what site and app operators should do with regard to these signals. Accordingly, unless and until the law is interpreted to require us to do so, we do not monitor or take action with respect to “Do Not Track” signals or other mechanisms. We do, however, respond to global privacy preferences when required by law. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>ANALYTICS AND ADVERTISING TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">You may exercise choices regarding the use of cookies from Google Analytics by going to and downloading the Google Analytics Opt Out Browser Add-on.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Some of the advertisers and vendors that perform advertising-related services for us and our partners participate in the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising. To learn more about how you can exercise certain choices regarding Interest-based Advertising, visit, and for information on the DAA’s opt out program for mobile applications. Some of these companies are also members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”). To learn more about the NAI and your opt out options for their members, see </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Please be aware that, even if you are able to opt out of certain kinds of Interest-based Advertising, you may continue to receive other types of ads. Opting out only means that those selected members should no longer deliver certain Interest-based Advertising to you but does not mean you will no longer receive any targeted content and/or ads (e.g., from other ad networks). Business Insider is not responsible for effectiveness of, or compliance with, any third parties’ opt out options or programs or the accuracy of their statements regarding their programs.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Additionally, we may collaborate with our service providers and identity partners ("Identity Resolution Partners") to deliver targeted advertising and identify the different devices and browsers you may use to access our Services. We and our Identity Resolution Partners may facilitate identity resolution by creating probabilistic and deterministic identifiers. These identifiers may use personal information, including your name, email address, phone number, and Activity Information to generate an online identifier reasonably linkable to you and/or your device or browser. For example, we may disclose hashed email address, phone number, or other information about your device to our Identity Resolution Partners, whom may, in turn, return an online identifier that we may store in a first party cookie or similar technology and disclose to our advertising partners to provide you a more personalized advertising experience. These identifiers also help us with fraud detection and security, enforce our Terms of Service, among other things. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of our Identity Resolution Partners, which are separate from our own and not covered by this Privacy Policy. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">You may have additional rights related to these technologies depending on your state of residency, as outlined in Section 12 below. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>COMMUNICATIONS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to receive newsletters or promotional communications from us, please follow any unsubscribe instructions provided in our communications to you, update your user preferences via our subscription management tools on our Service, or contact us as set forth in the section below entitled “Contact Us”, and specify your request. Please note that you cannot opt out of non-promotional e-mails, and we may use your information to contact you with important notifications, such as notices with respect to purchases, safety, or changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. Also, your unsubscribe is limited to the e-mail address or phone number used for that particular subscription and will not affect subsequent subscriptions.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>OTHER RIGHTS SPECIFIC TO YOUR LOCATION</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Residents of certain jurisdictions, including, California, Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado, Utah, Texas, Oregon, Montana, other U.S. states with similar privacy laws, the European Economic Area, and the United Kingdom, have specific rights with respect to our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. Please review our location-specific sections below for more information about those rights. </p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">8. SECURITY AND DATA RETENTION</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We employ appropriate security measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Please be advised, however, that while we strive to protect your information and privacy, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you disclose or transmit to us online and are not responsible for the theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of your information.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you suspect unauthorized use of personal information that you have provided us – such as your account information or its credentials – you should notify us immediately using the information in the Contact Us section at the end of this Privacy Policy.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We will retain your information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law. Remember that even after you cancel your account, or if you ask us to delete your personal information, copies of some information from your account may remain viewable in some circumstances where, for example, you have shared information with social media or other services. Because of the nature of caching technology, your account may not be instantly inaccessible to others. We may also retain backup information related to your account on our servers for some time after cancellation or your request for deletion, for fraud detection or to comply with applicable law or our internal security or recordkeeping policies. It may not always be possible to completely remove or delete all of your information due to technical constraints or contractual, financial or legal requirements.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">9. LOCATION OF DATA</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Our Services are hosted in and managed from the United States. If you are a user located outside the United States, you understand and consent to having any personal information processed in the United States or in any other country in which we have facilities or in which we engage service providers. The United States and other countries’ data protection laws may not be the same as those in your jurisdiction. In certain circumstances, courts, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies or security authorities in the United States may be entitled to access your personal information.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">To the extent that the Company offers products and services to individuals located in the European Economic Area or United Kingdom, or to the extent the Service is deliberately made available to such individuals, please review the section titled “Additional Disclosures for Data Subjects in Europe” below for more information about disclosures and privacy rights associated with that activity.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">10. CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make changes, we will revise this Privacy Policy to reflect such changes and revise the effective date included at the beginning of this policy. We may provide you additional notice (such as to your e-mail address) if the changes are material. Your use of the Service following any such notice will signify and constitute your assent to and acceptance of such revised Privacy Policy.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">11. CONTACT US</h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, including our compliance with applicable law, please feel free to contact </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">EMARKETER directly: </p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">By e-mail at</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Business Insider directly:</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">By e-mail at </p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">For EU specific questions, please email us at</p><p style="margin-left:40px;white-space:pre-wrap;" class="">If you have a disability and would like to access this Privacy Policy in an alternative format, please review the Insider Inc. Accessibility Statement.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">12. ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES FOR RESIDENTS OF CALIFORNIA, VIRGINIA, COLORADO, CONNECTICUT, UTAH, TEXAS, OREGON, MONTANA AND OTHER U.S. STATES WITH SIMILAR PRIVACY LAWS </h2><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Depending on where you live, you may have certain additional rights regarding your personal information. This section provides information for consumers residing in California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, Texas, Oregon and Montana in connection with the laws in those states, and other states with similar privacy laws (“Applicable Laws”). Under these Applicable Laws, and for purposes of this Section, “Personal Data” and/or “Personal Information” generally mean information that identifies, relates to, or describes a resident in one of the Applicable States and, depending on the state of residency, may also include information that is linkable or linked to a device. Personal information does not include publicly available information; lawfully obtained, truthful information that is a matter of public concern; information that has been deidentified or aggregated; or other information covered by certain sector-specific privacy laws, as consistent with state law. We do not reidentify Personal Data and/or Personal Information that has been deidentified. We and our advertising partners use certain Personal Data and/or Personal Information to deliver online advertisements to you on your devices tailored to your interests when you visit our website. This may be considered “sharing” or “selling” under California law, "selling" under Colorado, Connecticut, Texas, Oregon and Montana law, and "targeted advertising" under Virginia, Colorado, and Connecticut, Utah, Texas, Oregon and Montana law. This Section provides details about the categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information of consumers in California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, Texas, Oregon, Montana and other U.S. states with similar privacy laws that we have collected, disclosed, processed for purposes of targeted advertising, “shared”, or “sold” during the last 12 months, as well as rights consumers have under Applicable Laws.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Any capitalized term used and not otherwise defined below has the meaning assigned to it in our Privacy Policy.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>A. CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA AND/OR PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTED, DISCLOSED, “SHARED”, “SOLD”, OR PROCESSED FOR TARGETED ADVERTISING </strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information that we collected, disclosed, “shared” (under the California law), processed for purposes of targeted advertising (under the Virginia and Utah laws) or “sold” (under the California, Colorado, Connecticut, Texas, Oregon and Montana laws) are below, along with the purposes for processing, and categories of third parties to whom each category of Personal Data and/or Personal Information was disclosed, “shared”, “sold”, or processed for the purpose of targeted advertising. Please note that we process some categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information in connection with targeted advertising, which could be considered “sharing” under the California law or “selling” under the California, Colorado, Connecticut, Texas, Oregon or Montana laws. Depending on how you interact with us, we may not have processed Personal Information about you for each (or any) of these purposes. Please note, since our mobile application requires a paid subscription after accessing three complementary articles, our mobile application does not sell, share, or process Personal Information and/or Personal Data for targeted advertising purposes. Additionally, we do not knowingly sell or share Personal Data and/or Personal Information of children under 16 years of age. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We have provided detailed descriptions below on the data collection, use, and disclosure practices of our companies depending on which service you use.</p> </div> </div></div><div class="sqs-block code-block sqs-block-code" data-block-type="23" id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710171071134_47673"><div class="sqs-block-content"><p style="text-align:justify"> </p> <table cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse:collapse; border:none; width:624px"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Category of Personal Information Collected</strong></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Categories of Parties to Whom Personal Information Is Disclosed</strong></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Categories of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information is “Sold” or “Shared”</strong></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>“Sold” or Processed for Targeted Advertising</strong></span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Identifiers</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as name, IP address, email address, phone number, account name and password (and other information used for authentication purposes, and online and device identifiers</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">AdTech partners; Company Affiliates; advertisers</span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Yes. </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Personal information</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, as defined in the California Customer Records law, such as contact and financial information</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Characteristics of protected classifications under California law or federal law</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as age, gender, country of origin or residence, and other information you may provide in connection with your profile on our Service </span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A </span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Commercial information</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as transaction information and purchase history</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">AdTech partners; Company Affiliates; advertisers </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Yes </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Internet or network activity information</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as browsing history and interactions with our websites or apps</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">AdTech partners; Company Affiliates; advertisers </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Yes </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Geolocation data</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as device location</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Audio, electronic, visual and other similar information</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as call recordings, and photographic images</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">N/A</span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Professional or employment-related information</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">, such as job title and company name, size, email address, phone number, postal address, and related information regarding employees and other representatives of our enterprise clients.</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">AdTech partners; Company Affiliates; advertisers </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Yes </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:172px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"><strong>Inferences drawn from any of the Personal Information listed above</strong></span></span></span><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"> to create a profile or summary about, for example, an individual’s preferences and characteristics</span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:160px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Service providers, Company Affiliates, and other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes</span></span></span><br /> </p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:155px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">AdTech partners; Company Affiliates; advertisers </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> <td style="border-bottom:1px solid #000000; border-left:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-top:1px solid #000000; vertical-align:top; width:137px"> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000">Yes </span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Georgia,serif"><span style="color:#000000"></span></span></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div></div><div class="sqs-block html-block sqs-block-html" data-block-type="2" id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1710171071134_66713"><div class="sqs-block-content"> <div class="sqs-html-content"> <p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Please note that we may process Personal Data and/or Personal Information in each of the above categories in order to protect ours and others’ rights, and/or to complete a merger or sale of assets or other corporate transaction. Please note that we do not sell Personal Data and/or Personal Information for monetary consideration. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Under California, Colorado, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, Texas, and Oregon laws, “sale” (and “share” in California) does not include, for example, the transfer of Personal Data and/or Personal Information as an asset that is part of a merger, bankruptcy, or other similar transaction involving all or any portion of our business.</p><h3 style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>B. SOURCES OF COLLECTED PERSONAL INFORMATION</strong></h3><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">In general, we only collect Personal Data and/or Personal Information that is reasonably necessary for and proportional to the purposes for which we process it. We collect this Personal Data and/or Personal Information directly from California, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, Connecticut, Texas, Oregon and Montana residents themselves, as well as from social media platforms (e.g., if the individual has connected a social media account to our website); referrals; joint marketing, co-branding, co-promotional, or advertising partners; and sources of demographic and other information, including through devices you used to interact with us through our Services. All sources of personal information collected are noted in the “Information Collection” section above.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>C. DATA RETENTION </strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We will retain Personal Data and/or Personal Information from or about you as reasonably necessary and proportionate to achieve the purpose(s) for which the Personal Information was collected or processed as outlined in this Section unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>D. SENSITIVE PERSONAL INFORMATION</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We do not process “sensitive” Personal Information for purposes other than those permitted by applicable law (such as, in California, to provide the services and for security purposes). Additionally, we may process “sensitive” Personal Data for approved purposes under Applicable Laws, such as to provide you with the product or services you requested or prevent, detect, and respond to security incidents.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>E. PURPOSES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may use this personal information for the following purposes, including commercial purposes:</p><ul data-rte-list="default"><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to operate, manage, and maintain our business;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to provide our Services;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to accomplish our business purposes and objectives;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to allow you to participate in panels, events, sweepstakes and contests, and carry out the transactions you have requested;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to develop, improve, repair, and maintain our Services;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to engage in targeted advertising on our website and marketing;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to conduct research and analytics;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to take quality assurance and safety assurance measures;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to conduct risk assessments and effectuate security controls;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to deliver video content in the ordinary course of business;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to detect and prevent fraud;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to verify your identity; </p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to conduct audits and other internal functions;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to comply with the law, legal process, and internal policies;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to maintain records; and</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">to exercise and defend legal claims.</p></li></ul><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Depending on your interactions with us, we may not have used Personal Data and/or Personal Information collected about that resident for each (or any) of these purposes.</p><h3 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">f. Your Privacy Rights Under Applicable State Law</h3><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you are a resident of California, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Oregon, Montana or other U.S. states with similar privacy laws, you may have the following rights with respect to any information about you that constitutes “Personal Information” under California law and “Personal Data” under other state laws, as described below.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We are required by law to verify your identity in connection with any request in order to prevent unauthorized access of your data. Failure to verify your identity may result in your request not being processed. Where required by applicable law, we will notify you if we deny your request and notify you of the reasons we are unable to honor your request.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Know and Access:</strong> You may request to access the following information we have collected and maintain about you in a portable form:</p><ul data-rte-list="default"><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The specific pieces of Personal Data and/or Personal Information we collected about you; </p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information we collected about you and the categories of sources;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The business or commercial purpose for collecting, disclosing, or selling Personal Data and/or Personal Information about you; and, </p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information about you that we sold, shared, or otherwise disclosed and the categories of third parties (or, depending on your state of residence, a list of specific third parties) to whom we sold, shared, or otherwise disclosed that Personal Data and/or Personal Information.</p></li></ul><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Please note that, in some instances, we may decline to honor your request or only honor your request in part, where, for example, we are unable to verify your identity or an exception to this right applies.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Delete:</strong> You may request that we delete the Personal Data and/or Personal Information we have collected from you. Please note that, in some instances, we may decline to honor your request or only honor your request in part, where, for example, we are unable to verify your identity or an exception to this right applies.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Opt Out of “Sale”, “Shares”, and Targeted Advertising:</strong> Depending on the state you reside in, website users have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your data and the disclosure of your data for cross-context behavioral advertising/targeted advertising (known as a “share” in California). We also honor alternative opt out signals, such as the GPC. We process opt out preference signals in a frictionless manner. Since our mobile application requires a paid subscription after accessing three complementary articles, our mobile application does not sell, share, or process Personal Information and/or Personal Data for targeted advertising purposes. Please note that we do not sell Personal Information for monetary consideration. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Correction:</strong> You have a right to request the correction of inaccurate Personal Data and/or Personal Information that we may have on file about you. Please note that, in some instances, we may decline to honor your request or only honor your request in part, where, for example, we are unable to verify your identity or an exception to this right applies.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Non-Discrimination:</strong> You have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your above-listed rights under Applicable Laws. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Appeal:</strong> Depending on your state of residence, you may have the right to request an appeal our action in response to a consumer request. </p><h3 style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>F. YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW</strong></h3><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you are a resident of California, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah, Colorado, Texas, Oregon, Montana or other U.S. states with similar privacy laws, you may have the following rights with respect to any information about you that constitutes “Personal Information” under California law and “Personal Data” under other state laws, as described below.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We are required by law to verify your identity in connection with any request in order to prevent unauthorized access of your data. Failure to verify your identity may result in your request not being processed. Where required by applicable law, we will notify you if we deny your request and notify you of the reasons we are unable to honor your request.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Know and Access:</strong> You may request to access the following information we have collected and maintain about you in a portable form:</p><ul data-rte-list="default"><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The specific pieces of Personal Data and/or Personal Information we collected about you; </p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information we collected about you and the categories of sources;</p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The business or commercial purpose for collecting, disclosing, or selling Personal Data and/or Personal Information about you; and, </p></li><li><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The categories of Personal Data and/or Personal Information about you that we sold, shared, or otherwise disclosed and the categories of third parties (or, depending on your state of residence, a list of specific third parties) to whom we sold, shared, or otherwise disclosed that Personal Data and/or Personal Information.</p></li></ul><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Please note that, in some instances, we may decline to honor your request or only honor your request in part, where, for example, we are unable to verify your identity or an exception to this right applies.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Delete:</strong> You may request that we delete the Personal Data and/or Personal Information we have collected from you. Please note that, in some instances, we may decline to honor your request or only honor your request in part, where, for example, we are unable to verify your identity or an exception to this right applies.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Opt Out of “Sale”, “Shares”, and Targeted Advertising:</strong> Depending on the state you reside in, website users have the right to opt out of the “sale” of your data and the disclosure of your data for cross-context behavioral advertising/targeted advertising (known as a “share” in California). We also honor alternative opt out signals, such as the GPC. We process opt out preference signals in a frictionless manner. Since our mobile application requires a paid subscription after accessing three complementary articles, our mobile application does not sell, share, or process Personal Information and/or Personal Data for targeted advertising purposes. Please note that we do not sell Personal Information for monetary consideration. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Correction:</strong> You have a right to request the correction of inaccurate Personal Data and/or Personal Information that we may have on file about you. Please note that, in some instances, we may decline to honor your request or only honor your request in part, where, for example, we are unable to verify your identity or an exception to this right applies.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Non-Discrimination:</strong> You have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your above-listed rights under Applicable Laws. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Right to Appeal:</strong> Depending on your state of residence, you may have the right to request an appeal our action in response to a consumer request. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>G. HOW TO SUBMIT A REQUEST. </strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">In order to exercise your Right to Opt Out of “Sales”, “Shares”, and Targeted Advertising, please visit our "Your Privacy Choices" page <a href="">here</a>.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">To exercise to exercise your other rights described above, please submit a request in one of the following ways:</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">For Business Insider, you can email us at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> with details of your request.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">For EMARKETER, click <a href="">here</a> and follow the instructions. You can also email us at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> with details of your request.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may require, or provide you with the opportunity to provide, additional information from you to help us verify your identity and process your request. If we are unable to verify your identity, we may deny your requests to know, correct, or delete.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If personal information about you has been processed by us as a service provider on behalf of a client and you wish to exercise any rights you have with such personal information, please inquire with our client directly. If you wish to make your request directly to us, please provide the name of our client on whose behalf we processed your personal information. We will refer your request to that client and will support them to the extent required by applicable law in responding to your request.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you are a Virginia resident and wish to appeal our decision with regard to a request that you have previously made, please contact us using the information above or notify the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia by clicking <a href="">here</a>. Depending on your state of residence, in order to exercise your Right to Appeal our action in response to your request, please email us using the email addresses noted above. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>H. REQUESTS BY AUTHORIZED AGENTS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Depending on your state of residence, you have the right to submit a request through the methods detailed above through an authorized agent. If you are an authorized agent acting on behalf of a resident to communicate with us or to exercise a privacy right discussed above, you must be able to demonstrate that you have the requisite authorization to act on behalf of the resident and have sufficient access to their laptop, desktop, or mobile device to exercise these rights digitally. If you are an authorized agent trying to exercise rights on behalf of a consumer, please contact us at the contact information below with supporting verification information, which includes proof that you have access to the consumer’s interface and proof of your own identity.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>I. NOTICE OF FINANCIAL INCENTIVES</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We offer incentives on products or services, such as discounts or exclusive offers, by enrolling in newsletters or other programs ("Program"). The Program may be considered a financial incentive or loyalty program under certain US Privacy Laws. Participation in the Program is entirely voluntary. If you would like to participate in the Program, please opt-in by signing up. If you sign up, you will receive:</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">● A discount; and/or</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">● Exclusive deals and independent product reviews.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">When you decide to participate in the Program, we will collect your name, email, and/or country (depending on which you voluntarily provide to us) (collectively, "Registration Information"). Registration Information may also be disclosed to Service Providers or other providers or partners that support our operational business purposes. By voluntarily opting into this Program, you will receive a discount, access to exclusive deals and independent product reviews, and/or you may also receive content from us through email.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you decide you no longer wish to participate in the Program, you may withdraw at any time by sending an email to <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, as applicable.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We estimate that the value of your data is equal to the value of the discount provided and/or access to exclusive deals and independent product reviews. Registration Information enables us to deliver personalized content, offers, discounts, and value to you, which enables us to establish a relationship with you, and is valued by Business Insider in order to facilitate a positive customer experience. In determining the value of the Registration Information, we consider the profit generated from purchasing goods from us and our advertising partners that includes personal information, which is reasonably correlated to the value provided to you through personalized content, discounts, or offers.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>J. CCPA METRICS FOR 2023</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Our California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) metrics for the previous calendar year are as follows:</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Number of requests to delete that were received, complied with in whole or in part, and denied: 1,270</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Number of requests to correct that were received, complied with in whole or in part, and denied: 9</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Number of requests to opt out of sale/sharing that were received, complied with in whole or in part, and denied: 37</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">The median or mean number of days it took to substantively respond (i.e not the 10 day “confirmation of receipt” window); 13.25 days</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>K. SHINE THE LIGHT</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Customers who are residents of California may request (i) a list of the categories of personal information disclosed by us to third parties during the immediately preceding calendar year for those third parties’ own direct marketing purposes; and (ii) a list of the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed such information. To exercise a request, please write us at the email or postal address set out in “Contact Us” section above and specify that you are making a “California Shine the Light Request.” We may require additional information from you to allow us to verify your identity and are only required to respond to requests once during any calendar year.</p><h2 style="white-space:pre-wrap;">13. ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES FOR DATA SUBJECTS IN EUROPE AND UNITED KINGDOM</h2><h3 style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>DATA CONTROLLER</strong></h3><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">This section applies to any individuals located within the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK), Switzerland, or any jurisdiction to which similar privacy laws apply, from whom we may have collected personal data from any source, including through your use of our Services. We provide this Notice to comply with applicable privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Act (“GDPR”), the UK GDPR, and related laws, regulations, and guidance from the European Union and/or its member states. Any capitalized term used and not otherwise defined below has the meaning assigned to it in our Privacy Policy. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">For the purposes of this Notice, “personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">EU and UK data protection law makes a distinction between organizations that process personal data for their own purposes (known as “data controllers”) and organizations that process personal data on behalf of other organizations (known as “data processors”). Both Business Insider and EMARKETER may act as either a data controller or a data processor in respect of your personal data, depending on the circumstances. We generally act as data controller with respect to information you provide through the Service. Sometimes we operate as a data processor on behalf of a client, a separate legal entity, which is the data controller. For example, if you subscribe to our newsletters and promotional communications, we may send you content on behalf of our clients and share your personal data with our clients for their own marketing purposes. Please visit the applicable client’s privacy policy for information about their privacy practices. Any questions that you may have relating to such personal data and your rights under data protection law should therefore be directed to the client as the data controller, not to Business Insider or EMARKETER.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>BASIS FOR PROCESSING YOUR PERSONAL DATA</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We rely on one or more legal bases to process your personal data under applicable law. We may process personal data (i) as necessary to perform our contractual obligations to you, including, but not limited to, those obligations in our terms of use; (ii) as necessary to pursue our legitimate interests as further detailed below; (iii) as necessary for our compliance with our legal obligations such as a request or order from courts, law enforcement or other government authorities; and/or (iv) with your consent, including to send you marketing email messages and other information that may be of interest to you, which you may withdraw at any time.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>LEGITIMATE BUSINESS INTERESTS </strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We may collect, process, and maintain personal data to pursue the legitimate business interests outlined below. To determine these legitimate interests, we balance our legitimate interests against the legitimate interests and rights of you and others and only process personal data in accordance with those interests where they are not overridden by your data-protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">While our legitimate interests are most extensively detailed in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy, they generally include: </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Provide, improve, and develop our Service</strong>, including to deliver your requested Services, send you messages and provide user support, customize the Services to better fit your needs as a user, develop new Services, and perform internal analytics and research and development. This also includes sharing personal data with our trusted service providers that provide services on our behalf.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Protect you and others and to create and maintain a trusted environment</strong>, such as to comply with our legal obligations, to ensure compliance our agreements with you and other third parties, to ensure safe, secure, and reliable Services, and to detect and prevent wrongdoing and crime, assure compliance with our policies, and protect and defend our rights, interests, and property. In connection with the activities above, we may conduct internal research and profiling based on your interactions on various Sites, content you submit to the Sites, and information obtained from third parties. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>Provide, personalize, measure and improve our marketing</strong>, including to send you promotional messages and other information that may be of interest to you with your consent. We may also use personal data to understand our user base and the effectiveness of our marketing. This processing is done pursuant to our legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer products or services that may be of interest to you. </p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you are a data subject in a jurisdiction identified in this section, you have the right to access, rectify, or erase any personal data we have collected about you through the Service. You also have the right to data portability and the right to restrict or object to our processing of personal data we have collected about you through the Service. In addition, you have the right to ask us not to process your personal data (or provide it to third parties to process) for marketing purposes or purposes materially different than for which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized by you. You may withdraw your consent at any time for any data processing we do based on consent you have provided to us.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at <a href=""></a> and specify which right you intend to exercise. For EMARKETER, please email your request at <a href=""></a>. We will respond to your request within 30 days. We may require additional information from you to allow us to confirm your identity. Further, if we are processing your information on behalf of one of our clients, we will refer you to that client, and will support them to the extent required by applicable law in responding to your request. Please note that we store information as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, and may continue to retain and use the information even after a data subject request for purposes of our legitimate interests, including as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, prevent fraud, and enforce our agreements.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you have any issues with our compliance or you believe that we have not complied with our obligations under this Privacy Policy or European or UK law, you have the right to make a complaint to an EU Data Protection Authority, such as the UK Information Commissioner's Office. You can view the contact information for your data protection authority <a href="">here</a>.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>DATA RETENTION</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We will only retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for. We will retain and use your information as necessary to satisfy any legal, accounting or reporting requirements, to resolve disputes or to enforce our agreements and rights. In line with this Privacy Policy, we will either securely delete or anonymize your data so that it cannot be linked back to you.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><strong>DATA TRANSFER</strong></p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">We will not transfer personal data originating from the EU to third parties located outside of the EU without ensuring adequate protection under European or UK law. Where transfer is to a party located in a third country not recognized by the EU Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection, we will take appropriate steps to transfer the personal data subject to adequate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses as well as other appropriate measures and safeguards.</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><br></p> </div> </div></div></div><div class="col sqs-col-1 span-1"><div class="sqs-block spacer-block sqs-block-spacer sized vsize-1" data-block-type="21" id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1544522628002_9854"><div class="sqs-block-content"> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </section> </main> </div> </div> <footer class="Footer" role="contentinfo" data-controller="FooterBreakpoints"> <div class="Footer-inner clear"> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12 Footer-blocks Footer-blocks--top sqs-alternate-block-style-container" data-layout-label="Footer Top Blocks" data-type="block-field" data-updated-on="1626794268660" 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