Legal notices
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The company is headquartered in Greenwich, Conn., USA." /> <meta property="og:description" content="XPO (NYSE: XPO) is one of the largest providers of asset-based less-than-truckload (LTL) transportation in North America, with proprietary technology that moves goods efficiently through its network. Together with its business in Europe, XPO serves approximately 43,000 shippers with 564 locations and 38,000 employees. The company is headquartered in Greenwich, Conn., USA." /> <meta property="og:title" content="Legal notices" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> <link href=";700;800&display=swap" rel="preload" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'"> <noscript> <link rel="stylesheet" href=";700;800&display=swap" /> </noscript> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src="" defer></script> <script type="application/json" id="googleMapsAPIKey">{"googleMapsApiKey":"AIzaSyDSCkI5ki6qqgp-lRlnrHaPfpZSGcxovac"}</script> </head> <body> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <div id="vueApp"> <header class="SiteHeader "> <div class="SiteHeader-logo"> <a class="SiteHeader-logoLink" href="/en/"> <img class="SiteHeader-logoImg" src="" alt="XPO logo" title="XPO" height="32" width="88" /> </a> </div> <arc-site-nav :utility-menu-data="{"name": "Utility Menu", "menu_items": [{"id": 1348, "is_external_link": false, "label": "My XPO Portal", "link": "/en/customer-portals/", "special_type": "", "menu_items": [], "label_slug": "my-xpo-portal"}, {"id": 1272, "is_external_link": false, "label": "Contact", "link": "/en/contact-us/", "special_type": "", "menu_items": [], "label_slug": "contact"}, {"id": 1283, "is_external_link": false, "label": "Change Language", "link": "", "special_type": "changelanguage", "menu_items": [{"is_external_link": false, "label": "English", "label_slug": "en", "special_type": "", "link": "", "menu_items": []}, {"is_external_link": false, "label": "Espa\u00f1ol", "label_slug": "es", "special_type": "", "link": "", "menu_items": []}, {"is_external_link": false, "label": "Fran\u00e7ais", "label_slug": "fr", "special_type": "", "link": "", "menu_items": []}], "label_slug": "change-language"}]}" primary-menu-url="/en/ajax/primary-menu/" search-url="/en/search/" special-class=""> </arc-site-nav> </header> <arc-announcement-banner :slides="[{"text": "Cross-border transport made seamless", "title": "Introducing Connect Europe", "url": ""}]"></arc-announcement-banner> <main> <div class="Grid"> <div class="lego lego-12"> <arc-header :component-data='{"type": "page-header", "title": "Legal notices", "titleTagType": "h1", "subtitle": "", "theme": "black", "button": {"href": "", "label": "", "target": ""}, "socialIcons": [], "hasBottomSpacing": true}'> <template #title> <h1 class="Header-title">Legal notices</h1> </template> </arc-header> </div> <div class="lego lego-12"> <arc-copy-block :block-width="7"> <p>The website is published by XPO SUPPORT SERVICES FRANCE, a general partnership (SNC) whose registered office is 192 avenue Thiers – 69006 Lyon, France, registered with the French RCS of Lyon under number 440 339 265, and the intra-community VAT number is FR27440339265 - Phone: +33(0)472836600 – contact:</p> <p>The director of publication is Valérie CHATAUD.</p> <p>The website is hosted by XPO Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of the United States whose registered office is located at 5 American Lane, Greenwich, CT 06831, United States of America - Telephone: +1.5034508500.</p> </arc-copy-block> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="Footer"> <div class="Container Container--padx-xs"> <div class="Grid Footer-content"> <div class="lego lego-12 lego-8-md lego-6-xl"> <div class="Footer-links"> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/legal-notices/">Legal notices</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/terms-of-use/">Terms of use</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="">Modern Slavery Statement</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/locations/">XPO Global Locations</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/contact-us/">Contact</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="">News</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="">Work with us</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/site-map/">Site Map</a> <a class="Footer-link" href="/en/resource-center/">Resource Center</a> </div> </div> <div class="Grid Footer-socialLinks"> <div class="lego lego-12 lego-9-lg"> <a href="/en/"> <img class="Footer-logoImg" src="" alt="XPO logo" title="XPO" height="40" width="110" /> </a> <p class="Footer-copyright"> © 2024 XPO, Inc. 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