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<mr-e-text class="cmp-text"> <p><strong>Data protection</strong></p> <p>The Munich Re Foundation knows that it is important to you to be able to maintain your privacy while visiting our website. It is in our mutual interests that we take our responsibility especially to guarantee the privacy of your data very seriously, in compliance with the applicable provisions of data protection law. We use state-of-the-art technology to communicate with you while keeping your data secure.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>1. Scope of application</strong></p> <p>The following data protection notice applies to Munich Re Foundation’s internet presence. This website contains links to third-party websites (external links). These websites are the responsibility of the respective operators. Should you notice that our website contains a link to a site whose content violates applicable law, please let us know at</p> <p>We will then remove such link from our website without delay. Munich Re Foundation assumes no responsibility as to the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>2. Use of your data</strong></p> <p>We would hereby like to explain how your personal data will be processed when you visit Munich Re Foundation’s website, and to inform you of your rights under data protection law.</p> <p><strong>2.1. How to reach the Munich Re Foundation?</strong></p> <p>Munich Re Foundation<br /> Königinstrasse 107<br /> 80802 München, Germany<br /> Telefon:+49(89)3891-8888<br /> E-Mail:</p> <p><strong>2.2 What categories of data will we use, and for what purposes do we process personal data?</strong></p> <p>You are generally free to visit our website anonymously. Only if you have agreed to the evaluation of your usage behavior for statistical purposes, (date, time, pages viewed, navigation, software used) data will be collected by us via an external service provider when you visit our Website. Then your complete IP address will be transmitted to the service provider, where it will be shortened and thus made anonymous before being saved, so that even then it is no longer possible to draw conclusions about you.</p> <p>If you disclose your personal data to us in specific circumstances (for example, by filling out a contact form), we handle such data confidentially, in accordance with the data protection regulations in effect at our Foundation’s registered office. If you send us an e-mail, or if you complete and submit an on-line form on our website, we will use any personal data you provide (such as your name or e-mail address) only to correspond with you, to send you the information you requested, or for the other purpose(s) stipulated on the particular form.</p> <p>For legal or technical reasons, personal data may also be collected and communicated to us in an encrypted form from areas on our website that are accessible only to users with special authorisation. The amount of data collected depends on the application used.</p> <p>For every application or process with which we collect your personal data (e.g. via cookies for statistical evaluations), we will provide an individualised privacy statement to inform you about the processing of your data.</p> <p><strong>2.3 What is the legal basis for our processing of your personal data?</strong></p> <p>We process your data on the basis of the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG) and all other laws applicable to the processing of personal data. The substantive legal grounds for the processing depend on the context and the purpose for which we collect your data.</p> <p>As a rule, we collect and process your personal data to communicate with you and send you the information that you request. This may be necessary, in the context of a user/contractual relationship, to fulfil a contract or during the pre-contractual process (for example, job application process), or at your request. Where an application or process requires restricted-access (for example the job applicant portal), the user or data subject’s consent may constitute the legal grounds. You may revoke such consent at any time. Any processing done before the revocation would remain valid, however.</p> <p><strong>2.4 Who receives your data?</strong></p> <p>Within Munich Re Foundation, only those staff and departments who are responsible for the respective process will receive your data. The data may also be disclosed to service providers for the purposes set out above. Using service providers is necessary, for example, for the administration and maintenance of our IT systems. We also use external service providers for support when managing job applicants, for example. If we process any of your personal data for certain purposes, you will receive a notice about how exactly your data is being used.</p> <p>Service providers that we use to send you the requested information (such as brochures by mail, issuing newsletters) will receive your required personal data (e.g. postal services receive your name and address).</p> <p>A list of all service providers that we use for data processing can be found under Section 6, and is available as a download as well.<br /> </p> <p><strong>2.5. Will we send your data to third countries?</strong></p> <p>If personal data needs to be transferred to service providers outside the European Economic Area (EEA), this will be done only if the European Commission has confirmed that the respective country’s level of data protection is sufficient, or if you have agreed to it separately, or if data protection is otherwise sufficiently guaranteed (for example through standard EU contractual clauses). You may also request the information from the aforementioned contact person.</p> <p><strong>2.6 What measures do we have in place to protect your data?</strong></p> <p>We have state-of-the-art technical and organisational security measures to protect data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, and access by unauthorised parties. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to protect any information you enter in dialogue forms on our web pages. SSL encryption protects your data against unauthorised third-party access during transfer. You can recognise an encrypted connection by the change in your browser address line from “http://” to “https://”, and the padlock symbol appearing in your browser window.</p> <p>If you send us unencrypted data in a normal, unprotected e-mail, it is possible that unauthorised parties may gain knowledge of or modify your data during transmission via the internet.</p> <p><strong>2.7 What data protection rights can you claim as a data subject?</strong></p> <p>At the address indicated above, you may request information about the personal data we have stored under your name. In addition, under certain conditions you may request that your data be deleted or corrected. Furthermore, you may also have a right to restrict the processing of your data and a right to disclosure of the data you have made available in a structured, common and machine-readable format. If you have given your consent, you have the right to revoke it at any time with effect for the future; if you were not informed of any other way in the consent, you can also send the revocation to the above mentioned address.</p> <p>If we process your data for the purposes of safeguarding legitimate interests, you may object to this processing on grounds relating to your particular situation. We will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing serves the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.</p> <p><strong>2.8 Who can you contact if you have a complaint?</strong></p> <p>If you have a complaint, you may contact the Munich Re Foundation, or the state data protection authority. The authority responsible for us is:</p> <p>Data Protection Authority of Bavaria for the Private Sector (Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht)<br /> Promenade 27<br /> 91522 Ansbach, Germany:<br /> <a href=""></a><br /></p> <p><strong>2.9 How long will your data be stored?</strong></p> <p>We will delete your personal data as soon as it is no longer required for the purposes set out above, and no legal documentation or retention requirements apply, for example in the German Commercial Code (HGB), fiscal laws or the General Tax Code (AO). Further details can be found, where applicable, under the respective types of data processing.</p> <p><strong>2.10 Are you required to provide us with your data?</strong></p> <p>You are not required to provide personal data when accessing Munich Re Foundation’s website. However, there are services for which we require personal data from you – for example, to send you information, a newsletter you have requested, details about a contract, or to take your application into account for a job opening. Without this data, Munich Re Foundation cannot carry out the services you request. We collect only the data that is required in a particular case. Where we do process your personal data, we will inform you separately about the purposes, recipients, legal basis and any other rights you may have.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>3. Cookies and log files</strong></p> <p><strong>3.1 Use of cookies</strong></p> <p>During an online session, cookies are stored on your computer. These are small files that control the display and operation of our website. Cookies will not damage your computer and do not contain viruses.<br /> When you visit our website, and wish to make use of the functions we offer, we use one group of cookies that are required for technical reasons. These cookies are so-called "session cookies". They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit.</p> <p>Furthermore we use a consent management platform (i.e. an approval management service), with which we document and implement your decisions regarding the data processing on our website. The Consent Management Platform used at Munich Re Website was developed and is managed by Usercentrics GmbH, Sendlinger Straße 7, 80331 Munich, Germany. In order to do that, small files (analog cookies) are stored locally in the cache of your browser. This happens regardless of whether you agree or reject certain cookies. They continue to exist and can be read out even after the browser window has been closed or the program has been closed - provided that you don't delete the cache.<br /> </p> <p>If you agreed to this, we also employ other cookies to carry out statistical evaluations of the range of our websites. We perform anonymised statistical evaluations of these websites. We do not establish any personal link to you. We commission a service provider (Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland) to carry out the statistical evaluations, and these are performed exclusively for us and on our behalf. For this reason, when you visit our websites, cookies from this service provider are also stored on your device. These cookies enable us to recognize your browser on your next visit and remain on your terminal device until you delete them.<br /> </p> <p>The data for carrying out statistical evaluations of our website is stored and processed in Europe (Ireland, France), but for supporting reasons there might be access to the data by Adobe employees outside EU. (Switzerland, Canada, United Kingdom, India or USA). While Switzerland and Canada have a level of data protection appropriate to that of the EU, the level of data protection in the United Kingdom, India and USA, does not correspond to the EU data protection level. In these countries, there is a risk that your data may be processed by authorities, possibly without the possibility of legal recourse.</p> <p>On our website we use following cookies</p> <p><strong>Technical necessary cookies:</strong><br /> </p> <ul><li>JSESSIONID,, the session ID for internal use on the server, specifically used for load distribution, is removed at the end of your browser session.</li><li>AMCV_###AdobeOrg, contains the unique Adobe Experience Cloud user ID for visitor identification using Adobe Analytics, duration 24 months.<br /> </li></ul> <p><strong>Cookies for statistical evaluations:</strong><br /> </p> <ul><li>s_ecid, contains a copy of the Adobe Experience Cloud ID for visitor identification using Adobe Analytics, duration 24 months.</li><li>s_cc, Session-Cookie, detects whether cookies are permitted, and is removed at the end of the browser session.</li><li>s_sq, Session-Cookie, registers the last link clicked, and is removed at the end of the browser session.</li><li>s_vi, contains a unique visitor ID for visitor identification using Adobe Analytics, duration 24 months.</li><li>s_fid, contains a copy of the unique visitor ID for visitor identification using Adobe Analytics, duration 24 months.</li></ul> <p>You can manage, change or revoke your cookie preferences at any time in the "Cookie Settings" You can find the "Cookie Settings" as a link on each of our pages.<br /> <br /> </p> <p><strong>3.2 Server log files</strong></p> <p>The information that your browser automatically sends us is collected automatically and saved in server log files. They contain:</p> <ul><li>Browser type and version</li><li>Operating system used</li><li>Referrer URL (the URL that the user comes from)</li><li>Host name (network name) of the accessing computer</li><li>Time of server request</li></ul> <p>This data cannot be traced to individual people. We do not merge this data with other data sources. We reserve the right to review the information subsequently, and report it to authorities (such as the police or public prosecutor’s office), if there are concrete indications that our internet presence is being used illegally (for example, a hacking attack on our network).</p> </mr-e-text> </div> <div class="richtext aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <mr-e-text class="cmp-text"> <p><strong>4. Use of social networks</strong></p> <p>Social media functions and social plug-ins are embedded in our website in the form of small icons. We currently embed the following social networks on our websites as icons: LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.</p> <p>By default, Munich Re Foundation exclusively embeds deactivated icons, which do not contact the servers of these external networks when Munich Re Foundation’s website is accessed. The buttons become active and create a connection only if you deliberately click an icon, thus indicating your consent to communicating with such providers. By entering your personal login data to these networks, you create a connection to your identity.</p> <p>You thus leave Munich Re Foundation’s internet presence and our sphere of influence. Munich Re Foundation does not record which external network you activate. The next time you visit Munich Re Foundation’s website, the social media plug-ins return to their inactive modus, ensuring that no data is automatically communicated to social media upon such return visit.</p> <p>When you interact with the social plug-ins – for example, by entering a comment – a corresponding notification is sent to the social network and saved in accordance with the respective network’s policy. Please consult the respect social network’s data protection statement with regard to the scope and purpose of the data collected, its use and processing, as well as your respective rights and options in protecting your privacy.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>5. E-mail</strong></p> <p>The e-mail address you provide will be used by Munich Re Foundation to reply to you with the information you request. Any confidential information will be encrypted or, if this is not possible, sent to you by regular mail. If the contents of the e-mail refer to a contractual relationship, Munich Re Foundation will save the e-mail. The e-mail address will be saved exclusively for corresponding with you, and not disclosed to third parties. You will never receive an unsolicited e-mail from us. As a result, should you nevertheless receive any unsolicited e-mail that purports to be from us, it is fraudulent and should be deleted. Before you send Munich Re Foundation an unencrypted e-mail, please remember that its contents are not protected against unauthorised access or manipulation. For this reason, we recommend using our contact form to send any messages to Munich Re Foundation.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>6. Use of your data in specific processes</strong></p> <p>Munich Re Foundation will inform you when it collects your data while you use its website (job applications, subscribing to newsletters, responding to surveys, etc.) You will find information on the processing of your personal data – outside of our website as well – <a href="">here</a>.<a href=""></a></p> <p>We use external service providers to operate some parts of our website. The categories of service providers can be downloaded here.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>7. Amendments to this data protection notice</strong></p> <p>The continual improvement of our website, and the use of new technology, make it necessary to amend our data protection notice from time to time. When visiting our website, please read the current version of our data protection notice (current version: December 2020).</p> </mr-e-text> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="rowColResponsiveGrid responsivegrid aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class=" "> <div class="row "> <div class="col "> <div class="title aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="h2"> <div class="jumpmark" id="2126964707" data-title="Further Information"></div> <div class="cmp-title"> <h2 class="cmp-title__text"> Further Information </h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="richtext aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <mr-e-text class="cmp-text"> <p><strong>Do you have any other questions?</strong></p> <p>If you have any further questions relating to data protection in connection with Munich Re Foundation's internet presence or regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact us:</p> <p>Munich Re Foundation</p> <p>Königinstr. 107</p> <p>80802 München</p> <p>Germany<br /> </p> <p>or by e-mail: <a href=""></a></p> <p>© Copyright 2000-2024 Münchener Rück Stiftung. 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