El Paso jobless rate reaches 5.5 percent - El Paso Times
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</script><span class="articleEmbeddedViewerBox"></span><span fd-type="start" fd-id="default"></span><span fd-type="end" fd-id="default"></span></div><script language="JavaScript"> if(requestedWidth > 0){ document.getElementById('articleViewerGroup').style.width = requestedWidth + "px"; document.getElementById('articleViewerGroup').style.margin = "0px 0px 10px 10px"; } </script><span fd-type="start" fd-id="default"></span><p><a href="" target="blank" style=""> <b> Related ››</b> El Paso unemployment rate dips to 4.9% in June despite job losses </a><br> <p>El Paso's jobless rate reached 5.5 percent in July, inching up slightly, according to the Texas Workforce Commission on Friday.</p> <p>It increased from 5.3 percent for June, but was lower than the 7.1 percent unemployment rate reported in July 2014. El Paso had an estimated 18,500 people out of work in July compared with about 18,100 in June, statistics indicate.</p> <p>El Paso's jobless rate is higher than the state's rate of 4.6 percent and just lower than the nationwide rate of 5.6 percent.</p> <p>"The July labor market data for El Paso are generally encouraging," said Tom Fullerton, Trade in Americas chairman at the University of Texas at El Paso. "Total nonfarm jobs grew by 4,000 relative to what they were one year ago. It is the fourth consecutive month in which Sun City 12-month employment gains have accelerated. It is also, by a large margin, the strongest year-over-year job gain chalked up in 2015."</p> <p>Fullerton, who in addition to research also teaches in UTEP's Economics and Finance Department, noted that there are some areas to watch.</p> <p>"There are, however, some areas in the data that are less encouraging. Most notably, the consolidated public sector continues to shed jobs," Fullerton said. "Given all of the fiscal confusion in both Austin and Washington, public sector payrolls are likely to continue to be a drag on the labor market for many months to come."</p><div style="width:336px" class="articleEmbeddedAdBox"><hr class="articleAdRule"/><div class="articleAdHeader">Advertisement</div><!-- Begin DFP Premium ad uniqueId: dfp-EMBEDDED --><div id="dfp-EMBEDDED"><script type="text/javascript"> googletag.defineSlot('/8013/',[[300,250]], 'dfp-EMBEDDED').addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting('pos',['Cube_Article']).setTargeting('kv','news'); googletag.pubads().enableSyncRendering(); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display('dfp-EMBEDDED'); </script></div><!-- End DFP Premium ad uniqueId: dfp-EMBEDDED --><hr class="articleAdRule"/></div> <p>The state commission's statistics also indicate that El Paso's pool of employed people continues to shrink. </p> <p>Last month, El Paso had about 319,900 people who were holding or looking for jobs, compared with about 321,100 in June, and 342,143 in May. The workforce, which includes people without a job who are searching for work, was 322,900 in July 2014. The numbers suggest that El Paso's workforce is steadily shrinking despite some job growth.</p><div class="articlePosition3" style="width:300px;"><div class="articleImageBox" style="width:300px"><span class="articleImage"><a href="/web/20150824092531/" target="_new"><img src=" 7_rg_300.jpg" width="300" height="200" title="Myrna Enciso, right, and Brittany Vargas fill out employment applications at the Lets Get Hired job fair Wednesday at the Judson F. Williams Convention" alt="Myrna Enciso, right, and Brittany Vargas fill out employment applications at the Lets Get Hired job fair Wednesday at the Judson F. Williams Convention" border="0"></a></span><div class="articleImageCaption" style="width:100%">Myrna Enciso, right, and Brittany Vargas fill out employment applications at the Lets Get Hired job fair Wednesday at the Judson F. Williams Convention Center. (Rudy Gutierrez脩El Paso Times)</div></div></div> <p><a href="" target="blank" style=""> <b> Related ››</b> Editorial: El Paso unemployment rate masks real concerns </a><br> <p>More robust employment activity in Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Midland-Odessa, Phoenix, San Antonio and other areas, is the main reason that the jobless rate has declined rapidly during the past two years. </p> <p>Fullerton said this has caused working-aged adults from El Paso, skilled and unskilled, to relocate and has reduced both unemployment and the civilian labor force.</p> <p>"Other factors causing the labor force to contract locally are baby boomer retirements, troop shrinkage at Fort Bliss, and discouraged workers no longer seeking employment," Fullerton said. "Of those four different factors, worker relocations probably represent the single biggest source behind the local labor force declines, but reliable data do not exist at this point."</p> <p>Some of the job sectors that reported losses in El Paso between June and July include leisure and hospitality, professional and business services, financial activities, manufacturing and government.</p> <p>Joyce Wilson, CEO of Workforce Solutions Borderplex, said the nonprofit organization continues to help match employers with new employees and prospective employees with jobs.</p> <p>Workforce Solutions Borderplex is one of 28 workforce boards in the state that provide employers with skilled workers and help individuals develop needed skills that lead to jobs.</p> <p>"We have a team, the Business Services Unit, that routinely calls (businesses) to make them aware of our service offerings," Wilson said. "We typically have 20 to 25 individual business hiring events in our career centers monthly. We also use that information to assist with customized training."</p> <p>On Wednesday, Southwest University, the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Workforce Solutions Borderplex hosted a job fair at the El Paso convention center that attracted 3,500 job seekers and 200 employers.</p> <p>Information about programs and skills training for laid-off workers, veterans, low-income workers, youths and at-risk workers, among others, may be viewed at Workforce Solutions Borderplex also offers free assistance with r茅sum茅s, earning a GED, preparing for interviews and gaining new skills. </p> <p>According to the Texas Workforce Commission, the lowest jobless rates for Texas metropolitan statistical areas were in the Midland MSA (3.3 percent), the Amarillo MSA (3.4 percent) and the Austin-Round Rock MSA (3.5 percent).</p> <p>"Texas employers added 31,400 jobs in July, resulting in an increase of 260,500 positions over the year," Texas Workforce Commission Chairman Andres Alcantar said in a statement. "The steady growth in jobs demonstrates the strength and diversity of the Texas economy."</p> <p>The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas also released its unemployment rates for Texas on Friday, which showed that El Paso had a seasonally adjusted jobless rate of 5 percent. Seasonal adjustments remove employees that may work full time but not the entire year, such as teachers, and people involved in seasonal work.</p> <p>July's job growth was strong and broad based, according to Keith Phillips, Dallas Fed assistant vice president and senior economist. However, after two months of increases, the Dallas Fed's Texas Leading Index declined in June and July. </p> <p>"The recent weakness in the Texas Leading Index suggests that the strength in job growth in July is not likely to persist," Phillips said. "The decline in oil prices may dampen the momentum in job growth in the months ahead."</p> <p>The Dallas Fed noted that unemployment rates rose slightly in four of nine major Texas metro areas in June, according to the Fed's seasonally adjusted numbers, while rates remained flat in the other five major metro areas.</p> <p>Adjusted rates take into account fluctuations due to seasonal events, such as changes in weather, harvests, holiday periods and school schedules.</p> <p>Fullerton said he prefers to use the original data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics and Texas Workforce Commission.</p> <p>"The seasonally adjusted data are used for business cycle monitoring, an important exercise, but not really what someone trying to get a job wants to read about," he said. "Also, seasonal adjustment procedures can cause statistical errors as economies evolve over time."</p> <p class="author-info">Diana Washington Valdez may be reached at 546-6140.</p><span fd-type="end" fd-id="default"></span></div><div class="articlePositionFooter"></div><span class="articleFooterLinks"><div class="articleOptions"><a href="#" onclick="CleanPrintPrintHtml('/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?articleId=28683462&siteId=525');" class="articleOptions"><img src="" border="0"></a><a href="#" onclick="CleanPrintPrintHtml('/portlet/article/html/fragments/print_article.jsp?articleId=28683462&siteId=525');" class="articleOptions">Print</a> <a href="javascript: popup("email","/portlet/article/html/fragments/email_article.jsp?articleId=28683462搂ion=/news",700,500);" class="articleOptions"><img src="" border="0"/></a><a href="javascript: popup("email","/portlet/article/html/fragments/email_article.jsp?articleId=28683462搂ion=/news",700,500);" class="articleOptions">Email</a> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=""></script><span id="fontSizeChanger"><img src="" class="normal" onclick="changeFontSize('normal');"><img src="" class="large" onclick="changeFontSize('large');"><img src="" class="largest" onclick="changeFontSize('largest');"> Font Resize</span><a href="#top" class="articleOptions"><img src="" border="0"></a><a href="#top" class="articleOptions">Return to Top</a> </div></span></td></tr></table><script type="text/javascript"><!--// var ctg = getCookie("articleSeenOnMap"); if (ctg) {"event1,event6"; deleteCookie("articleSeenOnMap","/"); } //--></script><!-- END PORTLET RENDERING: ARTICLE DISPLAY PORTLET --></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><!-- BEGIN COMPLEX LISTING PORTLET [ID = 4129762] --><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function refreshArticleList(theForm) { theForm.submit(); } </script><!-- previousNewsKey = previousNews4129762 --><!-- previousNewsParam = null --><div style="clear:both;"></div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="complexListingBox"><tr><td colspan="2"><div><a href=""><span class="complexListingTitle">RELATED</span></a></div></td></tr><tr><td class="complexListingImage" valign="top" align="left"></td><td valign="top"><div><a class="complexListingMoreHeadlines" href=""> MORE RELATED HEADLINES </a></div><div><li class="listNoImage"><a href="" class="complexListingLink">Man dies in motorcycle accident on Doniphan Drive</a><span class="originatingSource"></span></div><div><li class="listNoImage"><a href="" class="complexListingLink">Investigation continues into human remains</a><span class="originatingSource"></span></div><div><li class="listNoImage"><a href="" class="complexListingLink">Helen of Troy's new CEO: Headquarters will remain in EP</a><span class="originatingSource"></span></div><!-- END ForEach --></td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top" class="complexListingFooter" colspan="2"> </td></tr></table><div style="clear:both;"></div><!-- END COMPLEX LISTING PORTLET --></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><!-- BEGIN FREEFORM RENDER, ID 23828683 --><div></div><!-- END FREEFORM RENDER, ID 23828683 --></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><!-- BEGIN FREEFORM RENDER, ID 24231049 --><!--<script type="text/javascript"> adblade_cid="3245-3456753808"; adblade_ad_width="600"; adblade_ad_height="250"; adblade_ad_host=""; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>--><!-- END FREEFORM RENDER, ID 24231049 --></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><!-- BEGIN FREEFORM RENDER, ID 19961683 --><!-- DAILYME RECOMMENDED WIDGET --> <!-- Newstogram Widget Horizontal recommender --> <!-- <div id="recommender"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var drJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? 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What should they be named? // The order here is the order the tabs will appear. // The first of the pair of values is what the tab will be named, // and the second of the pair is what list will be published. // These are the available lists: day, hour, news, sports, business, entertainment, style, opinion var pop_config = { 'quantity': 8, 'location': 'top', 'tabs' : { 'Day': 'day', 'Hour': 'hour', 'News': 'news', 'Sports': 'sports', 'Biz': 'business', 'A&E': 'entertainment', //'Photos': 'photo' 'Email': 'emailed', 'Lifestyle': 'style' } } if ( is_it_home() == true || is_it_article() == true ) { if ( is_it_home() == true ) = '#region8'; if ( is_it_article() == true ) { article_pop = setInterval(function(){ if ( dfm.$('#relatedCL').length ) { = '#relatedCL'; pop_config.location = 'replace'; pop_config.quantity = 4; // If the js has already been loaded we load the widget ourselves if ( dfm.$('pop_js').length ) load_pop_widget(pop_config); else dfm.$.getScript(''); window.clearInterval(article_pop); } },500); } var write_elpasotimes_widget_photos_hour8 = write_elpasotimes_widget_hour8 = write_elpasotimes_widget_hourly8 = false; dfm.$.getScript(''); } // ############# // End Most-Popular widget // ############# </script><!-- END FREEFORM RENDER, ID 23828685 --></td></tr></table></div><div class="clear"></div><div id="mngiFooter" class="mngiFooter"><div class="layoutFooterLinks"><a class="privacyPolicyLink" href="/web/20150824092531/" target="privacypolicy">Privacy Policy</a><a class="footerLinkSeparator"> | </a><a class="privacyPolicyLink" href="/web/20150824092531/" target="privacypolicy">Terms of Use</a><a class="footerLinkSeparator"> | </a><a class="mngSitemapLink" href="" target="sitemap">MNG Corporate Site Map</a><a class="footerLinkSeparator"> | </a><a class="copyrightLink" href="/web/20150824092531/" target="copyright">Copyright</a><br/><a class="mngFooterImgLink" href="" target="MediaNews Group"><img src=""></a><script type="text/javascript"> if (typeof(MNGiCustomWeather) == "undefined"){ var MNGiCustomWeather = false; } if (MNGiCustomWeather){ document.write("<br><a href='' target='_new' class='customWeatherCopyrightLink'>Weather data Copyright 2007 CustomWeather, Inc.</a>"); } </script></div></div><div id="featuredLinks" class="textLinksRegion"></div></div></span></div></span><script type="text/javascript">(function () { var tagjs = document.createElement("script"); var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; tagjs.async = true; tagjs.src = "//"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(tagjs, s); } ());</script><noscript><iframe src="//" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe></noscript></body></html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 09:25:31 Aug 24, 2015 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 23:22:15 Mar 01, 2025. 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