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2 --> <article class="articleDetail "> <div class=""> <div class=""> <header> <h1>2024 PRWeek Salary Survey: Employers have the upper hand</h1> <p class="articleTag">Feature</p> <p class="summary">In our report two years ago, the workforce held the power. But as revealed by the 2024 survey, remuneration trends — for the second consecutive year — show employers have regained the advantage.</p> <p class="byline "> <span class="authorName"> by <a href="/author/4271/Chris-Daniels" title="Chris Daniels">Chris Daniels</a> </span> April 02, 2024 </p> </header> <div class="SocialMediaPaywall"> <aside class="socialTools"> <ul> <li class="socialShare__item socialShare__item--twitter"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="socialShare__link socialShare__link--twitter">Share article on Twitter</a> </li> <li class="socialShare__item socialShare__item--facebook"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="socialShare__link socialShare__link--facebook">Share article on Facebook</a> </li> <li class="socialShare__item socialShare__item--linkedin"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="socialShare__link socialShare__link--linkedin">Share article on LinkedIn</a> </li> </ul> </aside> </div> <figure> <img src="" alt="" srcset=" 300w, 460w, 750w, 500w, 1272w" sizes="(min-width: 1024px) 1272px, (min-width: 768px) 500px, (min-width: 480px) 750px, (min-width: 320px) 460px, (min-width: 0px) 300px, 1272px" /> <figcaption>(Photo credit: Getty Images)</figcaption> </figure> <div id="articleBody" class="ArticleBodyPaywall"> <p><em>To purchase this year's Premium Salary Survey, a 60-page deep dive into the numbers, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</em></p><p>Never has the value of communications been more broadly realized than now. That surge was facilitated in recent years by PR pros stepping up for clients and brands on issues ranging from the pandemic to work-life balance to holistic well-being. </p><p>Organizations sought the skills and counsel of communicators to help navigate all these matters — internally and externally. And in the 2022 report, so many salary indications underscored that management’s appreciation had indeed notably and materially risen.</p><p>To some degree, the $115,000 median salary of all PR pros in the 2024 PRWeek Salary Survey seems to be a continuation of that story. A look beneath the surface, though, paints a slightly different picture.</p><p>A six-figure median salary is good, for sure. And that salary figure represents a 5% year-over-year increase. However, that is down from the 8.1% year-over-year increase revealed by last year’s survey respondents. That percentage fell from 10% in 2022.</p><script id="infogram_0__/Kl1qB6XMpsIyhdbrpvjX" title="Copy: Median salary - Salary Survey 2023" src="" type="text/javascript"></script><p>That story is also told when specific groupings are studied. For instance, in six of the eight geographic regions, as well as six of the eight cities in which the survey has a representative sample, the year-over-year percentage increase is lower, in many cases far lower, this year than it was in the 2023 report.</p><p>And a 5% bump is also modest given U.S. inflation last year was 3.4%. </p><div id="advertCentre"><div id="c501Ad" class="commercialSlot" data-location-code="C" data-sizes="fluid|300x250"></div> </div><p>This year’s top-line findings are not surprising to many of the industry leaders PRWeek spoke with for this report.</p><p>“The scales fell from our eyes and there became a deep-seated appreciation for comms during the unprecedented period we collectively went through with the pandemic,” asserts General Mills CCO Jano Cabrera. “But that period is behind us now and comms is in the same period as the rest of the world, which is a ‘Great Settling.’ And that has significant implications on compensation structures.” </p><p>Companies are looking “for efficiencies and to right-size,” he continues. “They’re saying, ‘This is the new level that we want to target for this function.’ The danger for pros is looking at this myopically. This isn’t just taking place within the comms function, but all over. It also doesn’t mean the appreciation for comms isn’t there. Rather, the value isn’t as high as it once was.” </p><p>Another CCO, who requested anonymity, agrees. </p><p>“The spike in salaries during the Great Resignation coupled with rising inflation and general uncertainty — economically, politically and technologically — has increased the pressure on corporations to cut budget,” that leader shares.</p><script id="infogram_0__/6HbFrqOm0VJME79kEark" title="Gender gap - Salary Survey 2024" src="" type="text/javascript"></script><p>Another clear indication of who sits in the better employment-market position is seen in job-movement numbers. This year’s findings confirm that it’s employers who have the stronger hand.</p><p>Almost half of this year’s survey respondents (48.3%) say “it is difficult to find a new position in the industry.” That is well up from 37.3% who said so in 2023 and the 34.2% who said so the year prior. </p><p>That perceived difficulty clearly reveals itself in real life. Only 12.7% of respondents switched employers in the past 12 months. That number has fallen off a cliff compared to the 22% of pros who did the same in 2022.</p><h3>Different kinds of moves</h3><p>The frequency — or lack thereof — in switching jobs is not the only notable story here. </p><p>Nearly every year, the PRWeek Salary Survey reveals that most practitioners who change employers go from the same type of organization to another, be it an agency to an agency (which 27.2% of this year’s respondents who changed jobs in the past year did) or in-house to in-house (30.4%).</p><p>If they do go to a different type of organization, typically it is the agency to in-house move that is far more common. That is not the case this year.</p><p>In 2023, of those who changed jobs in the past 12 months, close to twice as many (18.4%) went from an agency to in-house, as opposed to vice versa (9.6%). This year, 12% went from in-house to agency, versus 10.9% who went the other way.</p><script id="infogram_0__/pv2XCxeSiG7ra8SawXPQ" title="Job movement - Salary Survey 2024" src="" type="text/javascript"></script><p>One needn’t look hard to see high-profile instances of in-house leaders going to a firm.</p><p>Kristine Boyden, former CCO of self-driving automotive company Cruise, joined BCW as CEO of the Americas in October. She was recruited by BCW CEO Corey duBrowa, who started at the agency in August 2023, having joined from Google (with stints at Salesforce and Starbucks before that). </p><p>When duBrowa reached out, Boyden had been on a “career break,” having resigned from Cruise in February 2023 and admits anxiety at the time about choosing to be out of work. </p><p>“The economy was not awesome,” she recalls. “A lot of fantastic people were losing their jobs.” </p><p>However, that break, which included “a hilarious and once-in-a-lifetime trip” with her husband and their mothers to London, “restored my energy and perspective,” shares Boyden, who had previously worked many years at Edelman. “Corey had been a client of mine and a great confidant and adviser. The allure of working with him again was No. 1 in my decision to return to an agency.”  </p><p>Her story reflects the power of respected leadership in attracting talent. </p><p>U.S. CEO of Hill & Knowlton Craig Buchholz joined the firm in July after three years with General Motors as SVP of global comms, and stints at Procter & Gamble, Merck and Johnson & Johnson. He, too, focuses on the opportunity presented to him to work with H&K’s global chairman and CEO AnnaMaria DeSalva. </p><p>In addition to that, he notes the “enormous investments” H&K parent WPP has made in its tech stack on behalf of clients.</p><p>“By definition, there isn’t the same focus in-house on the tech stack,” suggests Buchholz. “Agencies are the ones perfecting the use case. That is very appealing to me. It’s the next frontier of our industry capability and competency.” </p><p>Buchholz and Boyden — who worked together in the automotive space — are now together again, as WPP announced in early 2024 that BCW and Hill & Knowlton will merge under the Burson name. In partnership with duBrowa, “we have an opportunity to bring what we had hoped our agency partners would understand when we were in-house, which is how different it sometimes really is,” explains Buchholz. </p><p>This in-house-to-agency trend is also reflected in other interesting employment engagements. </p><p>The Reis Group in Washington, DC, has grown to 18 staffers in part by hiring long-term consultants. “Some of them are former clients,” notes Sharon Reis, principal of the firm. “That has been interesting for us because I thought we would grow by hiring full-time people.” </p><script id="infogram_0__/VygZmGIXkv1LtswSIMPA" title="Median salary / Cities &amp;amp; Regions - Salary Survey 2024" src="" type="text/javascript"></script><p>She also recently heard from two in-house professionals laid off at medical tech companies who have turned to agency consulting. </p><p>Time will tell “if it’s just in the interim, given so many tech companies have been downsizing, or if it’s a long-term play,” Reis says. </p><h3>AI’s impact </h3><p>AI is clearly changing how comms pros do their jobs. That will become even more pronounced. It is only logical to assume it will impact compensation as well. </p><p>For the first time, this year’s Salary Survey included a question about this, asking respondents: “What impact do you see AI having on your salary as it becomes ingrained in comms’ daily jobs?”</p><p>It’s nearly evenly split between those who think they “stand to earn a higher salary” (12.9%) versus pros who think “it will likely lead to a lower salary” (13.6%). The overwhelming majority (73.5%), though, do not think it will have an effect one way or another.</p><p>It is still early in the conversation, so opinions could change in short order. Moreover, answers to this query will differ based on specific groups of employees.</p><p>One in-house leader, who also requested anonymity so as to not set off alarm bells within the company’s comms department, predicts AI could reduce the number of jobs at the entry to lower-mid level by replacing some of their duties. And that certainly has salary connotations.</p><p>“The reality is, any tool that enables you to do more with fewer staff becomes immediately attractive,” this leader explains. “Junior people are the lifeblood of comms, but AI has the potential to disrupt the pyramid staffing structure by freeing some of that compensation on the bottom and increasing compensation further up the pyramid.” </p><p>That could result in more senior positions, notes this leader. </p><p>And many others foresee a very near future in comms where expertise in leveraging AI makes a pro highly desirable. </p><script id="infogram_0__/QEJ3UOoQFnQ43Z5CrTmq" title="Pay by position - Salary Survey 2024" src="" type="text/javascript"></script><p>“Salary is always going to be indexed in the marketplace to the value that pros provide,” explains Buchholz. “And so, anything that differentiates an individual’s ability to navigate an AI-driven industry will certainly impact their salary. A premium will be on individuals who really understand the breadth of tools and how to leverage them.”  </p><p>What Buchholz looks for is pros with enhanced or new skill sets, particularly as it relates to AI prompts. </p><p>“The human side or art of AI is understanding how to create a prompt that matters to projects,” he points out. “It’s a really important part of the output that AI will give you, whether visual, copy or audio.”</p><p>On the client side, it’s less of a prerequisite, at least now.</p><p>The eight-person comms team at the American Gastroenterological Association uses AI for brainstorming. </p><p>“We have rules of the road in terms of what we can do with it,” reports Jessica Duncan, the association’s VP of comms. “One of them is for helping get the creative juices flowing.” </p><p>However, she says AI know-how “isn’t something I would necessarily look for in a new hire, though it would pique my interest in a résumé.” </p><p>Cabrera reminds us that AI is still in its infancy. </p><p>“We’re only now getting to where we can create video through a text prompt,” he says. “And so, if someone were to come to me and say, ‘I’m an expert in AI,’ it would certainly catch my attention, but I would approach them with a massive amount of skepticism because I don’t think there are experts.” </p><p>“I would find an employee more attractive if he or she says this is a passion for them and they’re interested in learning more,” continues Cabrera. “That is the mindset all communicators should have about it, which is a degree of humility with the hope of gaining mastery.”</p><p><em>The 2024 PRWeek Salary Survey was completed by 727 PR pros between November 16, 2023, and January 17, 2024. Respondents were 75.1% female; 24.3% male; 0.6% gender non-binary. </em></p><p><em>77% of respondents were white; 6.9% Black; 5% Asian American; 5.8% Hispanic/Latino; 4.3% were two or more races; 1% other. Respondents’ median age was 38.</em></p><p><em>The survey was conducted online. Results have a margin of +/- 3%. 2024 chart figures indicate 2023 data.</em></p><p><em>All data was collected from this year’s survey respondents. Numbers represent median, not mean.</em></p><p><em>To purchase this year's Premium Salary Survey, a 60-page deep dive into the numbers, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here</a>.</em></p><script id="infogram_0__/yFBmsaC4ppu6gSwgOUFl" title="Salary Survey 2024 sidebar" src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </div> <div id="articleEnd"></div> </div> <br style="clear:both;" /> <div class="articleRegMsgMain borderBox"> <h4> Have you registered with us yet? </h4> <p> Register now to enjoy more articles and free email bulletins </p> <a href="/register" title="Register" class="btn btnRegister">Register</a> <h6>Already registered?</h6> <a href="/login?returnUrl=" title="Sign in" class="btn">Sign in</a> </div> </div> </article> <img src="" aria-hidden="true" width="1" height="1" /> </div> </div> </div > </div> <div class="group2 grid1"> <div class="zone"> <!-- zone 5 --> <div id="r1301Ad" class="commercialSlot" data-location-code="R1" data-sizes="300x250|300x600|600x300"></div> <div class="textHtmlModule"> <style><!-- .downloadbutton { background-color: #e10f15; 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