About OPL-2024

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This event is organized by United Scientific Group (USG), a non-profit organization with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.<br/> Following the grand success of OPL-4 in December 2023 in Hiroshima, Japan, USG is excited to extend a hearty welcome to all participants to join us for OPL-5, where we will continue to explore the latest advancements in optics, photonics, and lasers. Expect a dynamic program featuring leading researchers, industry experts, and ample networking opportunities. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this exciting event!<br/> The main aim of OPL-2024 is to promote high-quality research and its real-world impact by fostering genuine international collaboration between scientists and industry experts. We aim to bring together world-class researchers, international communities, and industry leaders to discuss the latest developments and innovations in optics, photonics, and lasers.<br/> Recognizing the importance of these fields, the scientific sessions at OPL-2024 are designed to ensure that every attendee gains valuable insights and knowledge. We hope this conference will serve as a crucial platform for exchanging ideas and advancing scientific understanding. By addressing emerging scientific questions, OPL-2024 aims to pave the way for a smarter, more advanced future.<br/> We warmly invite you to join us for three days of engaging scientific sessions, presentations, discussions, and breakout sessions, and contribute to the success of OPL-2024. We look forward to welcoming you to Valencia, Spain, and online for an exceptional conference experience.<br /> <h2>About Organizer</h2> United Scientific Group (USG), a non-profit organization, an expert-driven initiative led by the editor鈥檚 association and the advisory board which includes academicians, researchers, and industry leaders across various fields of research. USG provides broad range of services in the fields of science and technology including publishing, conducting world class scientific events, and holding highly interactive and proficient world forums. 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