'We will fight until we achieve justice' - Telegraph

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Its spokesman, John Markham, explains why and asks you to join him. </h2> </div> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <div class="headerOne">&nbsp;</div> <div class="story"> <div class="byline"> <p> <!-- Make sure there is no whitespoace at the end of the bline --> By John Markham<br/> Published: 9:08AM BST 12 Apr 2010</p> <p> Comments <span class="num"><a href="#comments">105</a></span> | <span class="placeComment"><a href="#postComment">Comment on this article</a></span></p> </div> <div class="slideshow"> <div class="ssImg"> <img src="" width="460" height="287" alt=""/> <div class="imageExtras" style="width:460px"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="firstPar"><p> The European Court of Human Rights delivered a devastating blow last month to more than 540,000 British pensioners living in more than 150 countries around the world, when it upheld the British government&rsquo;s ludicrous frozen pension policy. </p></div> <div class="secondPar"> <p> This archaic and arbitrary decision to freeze British basic state pension payments to some entitled pensioners, based purely on where they reside, ignores the fact that these individuals have all worked in the UK and paid their mandatory NI contributions like everyone else. British pensioners living mainly in Commonwealth countries have their pensions frozen, whereas British pensioners living in the EU and fifteen other countries do not. This means that a pensioner living in Canada will have their pension frozen, whereas a pensioner living in the US will not. To most citizens of the UK, decisions of this nature are illogical, unjust and above all fly in the face of centuries of British morality and fairness. </p></div> <!-- BEFORE ACI --> <div class="related_links_inline"> <div class="headerOne">&nbsp;</div> <h4 class="header">Related Articles</h4> <ul> <!--ACI--> <li><h2><a href="/web/20100522020647/">Bhopal gas disaster&#039;s legacy lives on 25 years later</a></h2></li> <!--ACI--> <li><h2><a href="/web/20100522020647/">Chrysler sale to Fiat cleared</a></h2></li> <!--ACI--> <li><h2><a href="/web/20100522020647/">BAA cuts Lysander from Gatwick bid process</a></h2></li> <!--ACI--> <li><h2><a href="/web/20100522020647/">Financial crisis: high noon on the high street</a></h2></li> <!--ACI--> <li><h2><a href="/web/20100522020647/">Gordon Brown treated me as &#039;female window dressing&#039;, says Caroline Flint</a></h2></li> <!--ACI--> <li><h2><a href="/web/20100522020647/">Treasury might not be up to the job of fighting recession, warns IPPR</a></h2></li> </ul> </div> <div class="body"> <p> The disbelief and outrage that has poured in from UK residents and from across the globe has reinforced the International Consortium of British Pensioners&rsquo; (ICBP) resolve to continue fighting until we achieve justice. After all, this is not just an issue that affects our elderly citizens who have already moved abroad. It impacts on pensioners who are still living in the UK but who may desire to emigrate and spend their declining years in the bosom of their family. It impacts on generations of immigrants who came to the UK to work and make a better life for themselves but who may want to retire to their country of origin. It impacts on all our current workers and our future generations of workers. </p> <p> The ICBP intend to expose this disgraceful state of affairs whenever and wherever possible during this critical general election campaign, countering the entirely specious argument that the country cannot afford to provide pension parity. The cost of uprating all 545,000 frozen pensions would be less than 1 per cent of the pension budget. But regardless of this negligible sum, the government&rsquo;s position is based on a false economy. The Department for Work and Pensions&rsquo; own figures show that every UK resident over the age of 60 costs the UK taxpayer annually &pound;7,000 in their share of NHS costs and benefits over and above basic and additional pensions. By providing pension parity to all, at an average annual cost per capita of &pound;1,000, there are potential savings of billions by making emigration easier and more appealing. </p> <p> The UK is the only OECD country that does not provide equal pension portability rights to all of its citizens regardless of where they decide to live in their retirement. This is not a question of cost. It is a question of modernity, logic, and above all justice. People around the world continue to wonder that British standards of morality and fair play have fallen so far. The ICBP are going to stand up and expose this and would ask the people of Britain to join in the fight. </p> <p> To add your voice to the consortium why not sign <a href=""><strong>the ICBP's online petition</strong></a> (started on Monday April 12 2010) and then join one of these member groups? Don't worry if you're in a country that doesn't appear to be covered here. Just pick the nearest. Or if you'd like to start your own in an area of the world that isn't presently represented please contact one of these groups for advice. </p> <p> * For the British Australian Pensioner Association (BAPA) contact Peter Morris on </p> <p> * For British Pensions in Australia (BPiA) contact Jim Tilley on </p> <p> * For the Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners (CABP) please contact Sheila Telford on </p> <p> * The contact for the British Pensioners' Association - Western Canada (BPAWC), is Deryck Jones </p> <p> * The South African Alliance of British Pensioners (SAABP) contact is Eric Byrom on </p> <p> Sign an online petition demanding parity for British pensioners abroad by following <a href=""><strong>this link</strong></a>. Please sign it and then send it to your friends. You don't have to be an expat or a pensioner to sign the petition. </p> </div> <div class="cl"></div></div> <div class="storyFunc nobord hide"> <ul class="shareThis shareBottom"> <li><a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_digg"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_fark"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_google"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_linkedin"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_live"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_myspace"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_reddit"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_stumbleupon"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a></li> <li><a class="addthis_button_buzz"></a></li> <li class="email"> <a class="addthis_button_mailto" href=" Telegraph reader thought you would be interested in this article&amp;body=Depending on your email program, you may be able to click on the link in the email. 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Its pension policy discriminates against those retired abroad on the basis of location, which is both arbitrary and unfair. But it gets worse because retirees residing in Commonwealth countries are among those being penalized. Where's the logic there? If anything it should be the other way round. <br/>Pragmatically it would make mores sense if HMG took the position that no pension increases were to be paid to those retired abroad regardless of location, on the grounds that said increases would be spend outside the UK economy. Too late for that, as some retirees have already been receiving the increases over an extended period. And after all we are only talking of increases rather than the entire pension. <br/>Presumably HMG is reluctant to take even the smallest step that might encourage Brit emigration. As Britain becomes an increasingly less desirable retirement option, eliminating pension inequality might have the effect of encouraging retiree emigration. Depending on location, the present pension policy acts as something of disincentive to those considering retiring abroad. And HMG must be well aware that every Brit family flying the UK coop are taking funds out of sterling, thus making them an invisible import. So HMG is hardly motivated to do the honourable thing regarding pensions. <br/>As to the form protest should take, never placing oneself within HMG jurisdiction would be a wise precaution, in addition to depriving HMG of invisible export funds. So be sure to mention it: &#147;I&#146;ve vowed never to set foot in Britain again&#148;. The publicity generated by a boycott British products campaign may get HMG's attention, but I&#146;m not exactly holding my breath. <br/>On balance, think shaming HMG at the European Court would be the best option, its position being so untenable. But in any event, count me in. <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Jackthesmilingblack</div> <div class="date">on May 17, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:01 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7731906 Posted by Jackthesmilingblack on May 17, 2010 06:01 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>The pension we receive is money we have paid into for our old age so why are we penalised dependent on where we live? I only moved abroad 13 years ago which was only going to be for 3 years and prior to that had worked for over 30 years, paying tax, NI etc. in UK. I continued to pay voluntary contributions and was honest about living abroad as I know someone who uses a c/o address of a friend and even receives heating allowance despite living abroad for over 25 years! We still have our house in UK where our son lives and pay all the dues and demands plus we are not a drain on NHS as we pay private insurance abroad. It is not that we are desperate but it is a unfair and ridiculous ruling which needs to be changed asap.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Gale Bailey</div> <div class="date">on May 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:01 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7722421 Posted by Gale Bailey on May 14, 2010 07:01 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>perfidious albion at work i too have my pension frozen ah no mr brown ive fooled you it isnt frozen. in the last two years it has gone from 1pound =72 thai baht to 1pound=49 baht and im a taxpayer for nowt </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">roy irving smith</div> <div class="date">on May 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:57 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7716128 Posted by roy irving smith on May 12, 2010 05:57 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I'm afraid you are flogging a dead horse here. <br/>It is obvious that the UK government does not want to support expat pensioners. <br/>Also you are unlikely to get any sympathy from the UK workers and their employers, who pay the NI contributions from which any enhanced expat pensions would come. UK residents would prefer to pay benefits to their own pensioners, who live in the UK and support the UK economy by spending their money in the UK and by paying UK income and consumption taxes. <br/>Those expat pensioners that are truly in need should enquire about welfare benefits from the country they have chosen to live in, not from the UK which they have voluntarily left. <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Andrew</div> <div class="date">on May 10, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:43 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7706549 Posted by Andrew on May 10, 2010 04:43 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Part of the proposed changes the Lib.Dems intend is one worded thus on the BBC website yesterday outlining various platform details of the parties: <br/> <br/>&quot;In the long-term, introduce a Citizens Pension that will be paid to all UK citizens, based on residence, not contribution history&quot; <br/> <br/>I have asked the Lib.Dems to clarify what is meant by this but I don't suppose they will bother to reply and have sent emails to CABP and ICBP asking if they understand what is meant. Maybe they can post their understanding of this on here for everyone to read. It sound ominous to me. <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Meg Gagie</div> <div class="date">on May 06, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:01 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7683916 Posted by Meg Gagie on May 06, 2010 06:01 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>With respect, I would like you to know that am a pensioner living in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. I was born in Nottingham. I was married to a Royal Marine, we had 3 sons. Prior to leaving the UK,I was a resident in Deal, Kent from 1968 to 1978. Five years of that time (1973-1978) I worked for the Kent County Constabulary in Deal. I receive a UK State Retirement Pension of &pound;19.00 per week. This &pound;19.00 has been frozen at this amount since 2001 when I first received my pension. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>I am a member of the Canadian Alliance of British pensioners (CABP), and thereby of the International Consortium of British Pensioners (ICBP). This is a 40,000 member organization dedicated to persuading your Government to cease freezing the state retirement pensions of more than half a million British pensioners around the world. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>As you know, some 50% of pensioners living outside the UK have their pensions uprated in line with those pensioners resident in the UK, while 50% do not. I live in Canada one of the countries that is denied uprating. As I have made my mandatory contributions to the UK State Pension scheme from the onset of full-time employment at the age of 15, I find it extremely unjust that the British Government has seen fit to freeze my pension because I live in Canada. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> I am dismayed that the Government has not ceased the practice of maintaining a discriminatory differential in UK state pensions, dependent on the country in which the recipient resides. Furthermore, I am appalled that the Government acknowledges that there is no legal reason to do so. Even the Prime Minister, who purports to place so much importance on equality and human rights and who, on 23rd April 2008 stated: &#147; We take seriously our responsibility to the dignity and security of everyone in retirement,&#148;..&#133;&#147;discrimination anywhere is unacceptable &#133;&#148;, would allow this immoral disparity to continue. It seems that this statement seems not apply to those of us who paid our dues, and who believed that, regardless of where we spend our retirement years, &#147;equality&#148; would remain our &#147;right&#148;. We certainly did not expect to robbed in our old age, and then to try justifying this by pleading poverty! We expect Her Majesty&#146;s Government to put right this ongoing wrong! <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Last year I signed, on the 10 Downing Street website, an e-petition (two e-petitions) supporting the ICBP&#146;s goal of achieving pension parity for all expatriate British State pensioners. I continue to ask that we call upon the UK Government to cease the practice of freezing some overseas pensions and to provide the 525,000 affected recipients resident abroad with pension parity. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>As you are aware, the method by which the British Parliament denies us the uprating of our pensions is relatively simple. Parliament first passes an order to increase all pensions, then passes a &quot;regulation&quot; which amongst other things excludes those in frozen countries from participating in the increase. Such &quot;regulations&#148; are not normally debated in Parliament but are passed more or less automatically. One method of forcing debate is to raise an Early Day Motion (EDM) which obtains significant support. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>An EDM asking MP's to oppose the 2010 uprating regulation has been put forward and I am requesting you to support EDM 957. I would ask you to assist in bringing an end to this injustice. Please accept my sincere thanks for supporting the call for pension parity for all pensioners, wherever they might live in the world. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>Yours truly, <br/> <br/>Barbara L. Sims-Tidy, B.A., M.S.W. <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Barbara Sims-Tidy</div> <div class="date">on May 05, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:17 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7682715 Posted by Barbara Sims-Tidy on May 05, 2010 05:17 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>What a slap in the face, again! My father voluntarily served in the British navy in the Second World War to protect his precious country and its citizens. He went home with no thanks afterward, i.e. no ex-serviceman pension or benefits, just a bill for a replaced uniform. After emigrating to Canada and starting to receive his British pension here in 1989 he has lived with a frozen pension from his beloved country since then. He has resided with my family since my mother's death to ease his financial struggle. She too had a meager British pension that was never indexed. She had no Canadian pension, being unable to work due to a bomb blast in Manchester England during the war which crippled her for life. There was no compensation. This refusal to treat all countries equally has dampened my spirit to return to Britain for any more sightseeing holidays. I will vacation elsewhere from now on!</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Sandra Phillips</div> <div class="date">on May 05, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:16 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7682489 Posted by Sandra Phillips on May 05, 2010 04:16 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>What a slap in the face, again! My father voluntarily served in the British navy in the Second World War to protect his precious country and its citizens. He went home with no thanks afterward, i.e. no ex-serviceman pension or benefits, just a bill for a replaced uniform. After emigrating to Canada and starting to receive his British pension here in 1989 he has lived with a frozen pension from his beloved country since then. He has resided with my family since my mother's death to ease his financial struggle. She too had a meager British pension that was never indexed. She had no Canadian pension, being unable to work due to a bomb blast in Manchester England during the war which crippled her for life. There was no compensation. This refusal to treat all countries equally has dampened my spirit to return to Britain for any more sightseeing holidays. I will vacation elsewhere from now on!</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Sandra Phillips</div> <div class="date">on May 05, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:14 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7682487 Posted by Sandra Phillips on May 05, 2010 04:14 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Despite all of the rhetoric, that Britsh ex pats should not receive indexed pensions, the bottom line is that those who have contributed should be entitled to receive the indexing. What if we all came back to the UK? The government is saving millions in other services, such as health care and other social programmes, that we would be entitled to if we were living in the UK. Indexing the pensions is a small price to pay not to have us there.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Michael Pepper</div> <div class="date">on May 04, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:58 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7678058 Posted by Michael Pepper on May 04, 2010 04:58 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>My husband and I emigrated to Canada in 1957. We both paid yearly into the pension fund in Newcastle. My husband passed away before he drew any pension. I started to draw mine in 1993 with a pittance added from my husband's contributions. This has been frozen since then and has reduced considerably now with the exchange value. It is disgusting that British born people are treated in this manner and something should be done about the unfairness, even our Canadian Government should stand up for our rights too. Everything seems to have gone to the dogs since Britain joined the E.U. All we can do is keep fighting for our rights.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Christina Boulton</div> <div class="date">on May 04, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:15 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7676144 Posted by Christina Boulton on May 04, 2010 10:15 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>our friend in the usa applied, was accepted, and told his wife who is american, is also entitled to a british pension which as his own is indexed .this lady has been to the united kingdom 3 times to visit her husbands family. i guess in the eyes of the british government this entitles her to draw the old age pension. i think someone over there should take a good look atthe rules and regulations. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Sherolyn ontario canada</div> <div class="date">on May 04, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:05 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7675216 Posted by Sherolyn ontario canada on May 04, 2010 06:05 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I emigrated to Canada in 1971 after working in the UK for 7 years. I was able to pay into the State pension scheme to add years to enable me to obtain a minimal UK pension which started last year. It is now eroded by the discriminatory freeze and further eroded by the exchange rate - it has dropped by $30.00 since December 2009 alone! My wife who worked all her career in the UK and emigrated in 1994 has suffered much more from this discrimination. But her sister who now lives in Italy receives an indexed pension AND free bus transport in the UK. <br/> <br/>The Green Party of England and Wales says 'Fair is worth fighting for' - Vote for your Green Party candidate on May 6, because the other parties have demonstrated they don't believe in fairness!</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Mark Hambridge</div> <div class="date">on May 04, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:57 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7675310 Posted by Mark Hambridge on May 04, 2010 05:57 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Disgusting state of affairs, the UK Government should be ashamed of themselves, a huge amount of those ex brits have given a lot of there time to service in the military, and they will always be British. <br/>Give them a Break </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Kenneth Wilson</div> <div class="date">on May 03, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:38 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7674383 Posted by Kenneth Wilson on May 03, 2010 07:38 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>how can any body-any court-any tribunal-any country-say this is not discrimination??? <br/>if two people in similar situations are treated differently----IT IS DISCRIMANATION!!!!!!!!! <br/>Further more -the governments of the countries involved-should-in their own interests be fighting for our rights------- <br/>god help england if all persons affected should go back to the land of their birth--surely -it is cheaper to index our pensions</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">ron batty</div> <div class="date">on May 03, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:46 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7672403 Posted by ron batty on May 03, 2010 11:46 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>how can any body-any court-any tribunal-any country-say this is not discrimination??? <br/>if two people in similar situations are treated differently----IT IS DISCRIMANATION!!!!!!!!! <br/>Further more -the governments of the countries involved-should-in their own interests be fighting for our rights------- <br/>god help england if all persons affected should go back to the land of their birth--surely -it is cheaper to index our pensions</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">ron batty</div> <div class="date">on May 03, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:46 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7672407 Posted by ron batty on May 03, 2010 11:46 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>My wife and I have paid up to the maximum and like everyone else our pension is frozen. Would someone please explain why we have to pay for our medical coverage when we visit the UK. We did after all contribute the maximum to the NHS as well. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Tony Gay</div> <div class="date">on May 03, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:03 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7671139 Posted by Tony Gay on May 03, 2010 06:03 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>This is overwhelmingly galling! Here we are, many ex-British servicemen and women, or widows or widowers of the same - treated like dirt. Before I emigrated to Canada after many years serving in aged British submarines, never having been advised it would affect my pittance of a pension, scraping by on a fixed income, even seriously considering having to go back to work!! Yet, I have family in UK who drawn down very good pensions, including state and company stuff, who swan around the world on cruises with nary a care in the world, and wondering why WE complain!! To beat that even, in the midst of an election this week, we all know that the pigs trotters will all be in the trough, irrespective of who gets in. British justice? Give me a break - that went out long ago. Its like looking at beautiful pictures of UK - its all a memory or a myth now - the place is riddled with crap.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Tony Whitchurch</div> <div class="date">on May 03, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:01 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7671151 Posted by Tony Whitchurch on May 03, 2010 06:01 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I have been living in Canada for 15 years, I came here after working and paying income tax until I was 65. The cost of living in Canada like every where has gone up drastically and to have a fixed UK pension is wrong. I paid my full amount of income tax and am still living on what I got 15 years ago, I know it was my choice to leave UK but what the biggest insult is that if I moved across the border into the United States I would have an indexed pension. What is wrong with this picture, I live in a Commonwealth country why am I penalised!!!!! </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Arthur Rendall</div> <div class="date">on May 03, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:59 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7671218 Posted by Arthur Rendall on May 03, 2010 05:59 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I am appalled at the court's decision, and will have to think seriously about working till I drop dead to be able to afford to live.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Diana Campbell</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:25 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7670638 Posted by Diana Campbell on May 02, 2010 10:25 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>It's very clear what the issue is all about. <br/> <br/>Many expat's still have relative's in the UK. Perhaps using their voice to challenge MP's to commit, one way or another, to expat's plight, may help in knowing clearly the British MP's who are in support of the expat's cause. After the election successful MP's who agreed to support the expat's cause should continually be pressured to table change through the house. <br/> <br/>To the earlier comment on opening a British bank account. This can be done outside of the UK, but is better done during a visit there. Don't expect to gain much from investments though, due to being an expat &amp; UK tax laws.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Rod Tullett</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:04 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7670129 Posted by Rod Tullett on May 02, 2010 08:04 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>My Polish born husband receives a pension from Germany for the 4 years he spent in forced labour in German munition factory..His German pension is indexed and amounts to more than his &quot;frozen&quot;UK State pension (that he paid into while working 11yrs. in UK.He is now 87 yrs old and the paltry pittance he receives , frozen since coming to Canada in 1956, hardly covers 1 day of his maintainence in the Nursing home where he resides as he has Dementia. <br/>He is Canadian now and ptoud of it. <br/>I am also Canadian of British birt and parentage. I have retaiained my British citizenship. I also receive a UK state pension (paltry,pittance)frozen since I came to Canada in 1957. I started work at age 14 in UK. Obtained S.R.N. &amp; S.C.M. working in nursing field and paying into state pension until I came to Canada in 1957. I receive 27%pensionfrom Uk. <br/>I find it outrageous and disgusting that our ppensions are frozen since we left UK. We ex_pat pensioners are not a drain on NHS. We do not get any other benefits from UK. eg. free bus transport etc. It would seem that we are subsidising all those immigrants (legal /illegal)who now reap the benefits that we paid for,or reinburse the Govt.for all the &quot;expense accounts&quot; for some of the MPs. <br/> Jean.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Jean Feliksiak</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:03 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7670084 Posted by Jean Feliksiak on May 02, 2010 08:03 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Thank you for publishing this article. My husband was a boy entrant in the RAF (i.e. joined at the tender age of 15). The fact that he was consider a minor when he joined meant that his first three years did not count, and therefore he also does not qualify for a military pension despite his 12 years service (many of them in hostile locations). To be deprived of our right to an index linked British Pension is appalling. We moved to Canada 29 years ago when we were both 39. After we had both paid into the pension fund for many many years. That means we do not receive a full Canadian pension and rely on our British Pension to top it up. <br/> <br/>We feel disgusted and abandoned by the British Government and wonder why certain countries (in particular Commonwealth Countries) have been singled out for this kind of discrimination.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Geraldine Bush</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:08 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7669525 Posted by Geraldine Bush on May 02, 2010 06:08 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Re: cheated expat UK pensioners in Canada, Australia, New Zealand &amp; S Africa <br/> <br/>Does Great Britain deserve to be called Great any more. Mean, petty and little are the adjectives that more readily come to mind.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">R Hughes</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:33 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7669190 Posted by R Hughes on May 02, 2010 04:33 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>This is pure discrimination we should charge this Govenment of this Offence I'm sure it is a crime Lets take it to the highest Court in the Land. Surely this is an offence in Britainit is in Canada</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Brian Allick</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:14 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7669125 Posted by Brian Allick on May 02, 2010 04:14 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>For as long as I can remember Great Britain stood as a beacon throughout the world as a country expousing fairness, moral justice and equality of human rights for all its people. <br/>That was great until that image was shattered by the callous actions of the Briish government in freezing our old age pensions for those of us who emigrated to Canada, a big country in the British Commonwealth who always backed britain in its conflicts and trade etc. <br/>Now our frozen pensions, for which we paid all back years' contributions to Britain each year, the same as those of us still residing in the U.K. pay us a paltry sum of approximately 1/4 to 1/3 of what we are rightly entitled. <br/>We know through analyses done by professionals that to index all ex-pats' pensions would cost only 1% of the massive British pension fund. Hardly a big crunch on the U.K. economy. <br/>What a devastating let down by the very source of human rights and justice and dignity for all, which Britain stood for in previous years. <br/>We are flabbergasted that our homeland government could concieve such a dastardly plan to prohibit us from receiving our just do when we have actually paid for our old age pensions out of our own pockets, faithfully every year, sending our contribution towards what we thought wa a certain, British backed solid investment in our futures. <br/>Oh what a travesty of justice and human rights this is. <br/>No longer can we stand up in our countries of residence and espouse the morals and fair justice which Britain once stood for. <br/>We are devastated by this turn of events and can only hope and pray that the next British government will see, recognise and rectify this injustice which has been dealt to its citizens who went abroad into the British Commonwealth to boot, and upheld the country of our births' uprightness to see it all crumble into myth and mistrust at the latter end of our lives. <br/>Shame on the British government for letting us down so badly.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Albert Hodges</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 03:47 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7669011 Posted by Albert Hodges on May 02, 2010 03:47 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>In the light of recent events affecting the supposed moral standards of the British MPs, I guess there is a lot of house to put in order to restore world confidence in the dependability of the British Government. This measly &quot;post code lottery&quot; of pensioners abroad is a disgrace. Is it any wonder that more and more people are using protest votes or not voting, the ballot paper should include a &quot;none of the above&quot; box to tick. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Eric Wood</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:38 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7668145 Posted by Eric Wood on May 02, 2010 11:38 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>It's not just those who are currently pensioners, whether living in the UK or who have already emigrated, who are affected. ANYONE of ANY age working in the UK who MIGHT emigrate at ANY time of their life is affected. You may or may not continue paying into NI once abroad, that's up to you, but once you reach retirement age you will be entitled to your UK pension. And it will be frozen at the first amount you receive. No increase for the cost of living: nothing. Even if you're only in your 20s now, think about it. You don't know what your future may hold. And if it's a move to, for instance, Australia or Canada, you better fight this injustice now.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Doreen S</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:32 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7667155 Posted by Doreen S on May 02, 2010 07:32 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>One has to wonder what a truly great politician such as Winston Churchill would have said upon reviewing the conclusions of UK courts, the EU courts at lower levels and now the EU Supremos. Whatever happened to fair play, due reward for investments made under duress, and the risks of sacrifice and death in times of war. So give us back the money we payed over those early years plus appropriate interest as a tax free lump sum with appropriate bonuses...Yours,EJParker, CEng.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">(Edward) John Parker</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:41 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666172 Posted by (Edward) John Parker on May 02, 2010 06:41 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Brits who may find themselves settling in another country in the future need to be reminded that once out of Britain, <br/>YOU ARE DISENFRANCHISED. <br/>You may be a loyal patriot, and you may have laid your life on the line for Great Britain, but you are treated with disdain for having dared to become a non-taxpayer. <br/>It's all about money these days! <br/>I have lived abroad for many, many years, but I would never give up my British citizenship. <br/>The main problem is that politicians these days are in it for themselves. <br/>They don't give a brass monkey about anyone else. They treat taxes as their own to do with as they like, hence the expenses scandal and the financial mess we are in. They are the new privileged class! <br/>Ironically, Great Britain has always been the standard bearer of fair play. Unfortunately, it doesn't apply to so many of its war heroes, the very people -- men and women -- who fought and defended Britain enabling so many to enjoy the life they do today. <br/>It beggars belief that Great Britian, of all countries, should be the one to renege on its promises. <br/>Out of sight, out of mind! <br/> </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Nick4693</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:39 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666214 Posted by Nick4693 on May 02, 2010 06:39 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>we all should be treated equal, as all countries who get pensions indexed </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">derek humphries</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:38 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666230 Posted by derek humphries on May 02, 2010 06:38 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Why not cite the low value of the British Pound?. Lawyers for HM gov in the past have claimed that expats have indeed enjoyed an increase in their pension through the high value of Pound Sterling.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Alan Ronson</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:33 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666305 Posted by Alan Ronson on May 02, 2010 06:33 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>My mother, a widow who is now 92 and suffers from some dementia, emigrated here to Canada to be close to her 2 children. That was when she was in her early 60s. Her UK pension has been frozen from that date and she receives only approximately 1/3 of the pension she would receive if she still lived in England. (And I do not recall anyone in the UK government advising us that her pension would be frozen upon emigrating.) If she did not live with me she would not be able to afford rent nor food. What kind of justice is this for a woman who worked in the UK until she emigrated and whose husband fought for Britain in WWII? He worked hard there until he died - which was unfortunately before he could enjoy either retirement or a pension. The British government and all its ministers should be ashamed of themselves. And the British public should rise up in outrage as this injustice affects where they may chose to live in their retirement.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">P. Young</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:32 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666315 Posted by P. Young on May 02, 2010 06:32 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Fellow Freed Slaves ! <br/> Let's not give up hope. <br/> I emigrated to Canada in 1966 with my wife and four children,never thinking what would be the case when I retired.But we all learned, didn't we ! <br/> Well,on joining the Can.ABP and My first letter to Winston S.Churchill, (grandson and namesake to Winnie) who doggedly supported our cause, to the present, I never gave up hope. <br/> Perhaps I expected too much after serving in the British Army in Malaya plus a 3 and a half years as POW, guest to the Imperial Japanese Army ! <br/> Yes, to use present terminology, the situation Sucks ! So.o.o. at 93 I'm still waiting. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Edward Culley</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:30 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666347 Posted by Edward Culley on May 02, 2010 06:30 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>My pension was stopped after JANUARY 09. I WAS TOLD THAT I HAD NOT REREGISTERED AFTER BEING REQUESTED TO DO SO. <br/>THE REQUEST FOR REREGISTERATION WAS SENT TO AN ADDRESS I HAD LEFT IN JANUARY 2000.I HJAD APPLIED FOR A TEMPORARY INCREASE FOR A VISIT TO UK IN 2008 GIVING MY CANADIAN ADDRESS AS THE ONE I NOW OCCUPY.DO THE PENSION PEOPLE NOT UPDATE THEIR RECORDS ? MY REREGISTRATION FORMS HAD TO BE RETURNED IN A FEW WEEKS, WITH WHICH I COMPLIED, BUT OF COURSE I HAVE NOT HEARD BACK UP &quot;TIL NOW <br/> </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Johnnie Mac</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:25 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666924 Posted by Johnnie Mac on May 02, 2010 06:25 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I came to Canada in 1953 after serving in the Royal NAvy and as a Police Constable in Birmingham City. I continued to pay into the British Old Age Pension Fund until I retired in Canada. I was told that I was all paid up. Now I can only get 128 GBP per month and no indexing. What dishonesty!!! UK parliament should be ashamed of what they have done or rather what they have not done. I had always been proud of my heritage but I am not so sure now about the members of the British Parliament. No guts probably.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Gerald Bart Edwards</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:13 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666532 Posted by Gerald Bart Edwards on May 02, 2010 06:13 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>The declining value of the British pound reflects the talents and abilities of Gordon Brown's British Government. Remember Harold Wilson had to resort to the IMF - and de-valued the pound to 14/6d uttering the fatuous line: &quot;This does not affect the pound in your pocket.&quot; James Callaghan when he got his crack of the whip had to resort to the IMF. Currently Greece, then Portugal, Ireland, Spain and in due course the U.K. will hold out their begging bowls. What wonderful companions for a nation that views itself (they said it in the TV dabates) as &quot;A world leading country.&quot; It is all enough to make the proverbial cat laugh! </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Neil Reid</div> <div class="date">on May 02, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:10 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666608 Posted by Neil Reid on May 02, 2010 06:10 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Most of the countries that do not receive the indexed pension are those that fought alongside Britain in the second world warI feel that the British Government are just waiting for us to die. Ergo end of problem</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">David Boone</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:51 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666081 Posted by David Boone on May 01, 2010 11:51 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>On the day following the European High Court judgment, I heard the Canadian Finan ce Minister, Mr Flaherty, say on TV that he would look into the situation. Several days later, I wrote to him to remind him of his promise and to ask exactly what he had done or intended to do.\ <br/>To this date, I have not had a reply. He will hear from me again, soon. <br/>Eileen W. <br/> <br/> <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Eileen Wooding</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:30 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666027 Posted by Eileen Wooding on May 01, 2010 11:30 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I am one of the two thirds of merchant navy people who survived the 39 to 45 war. I was appointed by my comoany to a position in Canada, my five children were born here . I am now retired here and trying to live on my pension which is impossible. I hope the British members of Parliament are put in the same position.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">James H.W.Locke</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:28 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7666019 Posted by James H.W.Locke on May 01, 2010 11:28 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Numerous shameless politicians who have used their office to swell their bank accounts ( False Expenses ) are at present seeking re-election ,these are the same who have repeatedly failed to support pensioners as myself who served my country during World War 2 on active service . It is inconceivable that we are forced to fight for so long for fairness and respect.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Leonard Chenery</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:46 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665907 Posted by Leonard Chenery on May 01, 2010 10:46 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I think the British government should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. It is quite clear that they have no conscience. I would like to know how they would feel if put in the position that we are. We will fight to the bitter end.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Sheila Isaacs</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:43 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665884 Posted by Sheila Isaacs on May 01, 2010 10:43 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I live close to the U.S.border. <br/>If I travelled 11 miles and went to live in the U.S. my small pension would be indexed. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Betty Fisher</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:24 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665818 Posted by Betty Fisher on May 01, 2010 10:24 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I am truly shocked to see the pitiful amounts that the veterans from 1970 and 1974 are receiving. According to the table in the &quot;Justice&quot; magazine of the Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners, they are receiving five and ten pounds per week, respectively. <br/> <br/>WE MUST FIGHT ON.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Brian Fenoulhet</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:06 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665725 Posted by Brian Fenoulhet on May 01, 2010 10:06 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I'm afraid I have lost all repect for any government body as 99 times out of a 100 it is garbage from the mouth, all words no action. We wonder why people don;t vote. Well I ahve the answer, there is no politician you can trust and believe. What they say is to get them into power and after that they have forgotten what they promised. I am not sorry for this statement but if you follow any of the above it will become apparent.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">John Loasby</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:04 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665720 Posted by John Loasby on May 01, 2010 10:04 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I was born in England, worked in the UK all my adult life and paid my full British stamp towards my full British pension. At age 49 I returned to Canada to be with my parents and family. I was flabergasted to learn that I would be VICTIMISED and DISCRIMINATED against, when it came my turn to draw my British pension, just because I live in a commonwealth country! It just doesn't make sense! I thought the British government was supposed to treat everyone equally. <br/> <br/>What galls me even more is to hear that non-British people from all over Europe come to live in England, don't work, never intend to work, bring their extended families with them, never pay into the British tax or pension systems, and yet STILL receive all the handouts available to man - how is that just and fair? AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE??? Why are we being discriminated against? <br/> <br/>When our case went to the European Court of Human Rights I felt certain they would stand up for the rights of the British pensioners living on frozen pensions - how could they possibly come to any other decision? But alas, NO! How shameful - they don't deserve to hold the title European Court of Human Rights! Our genuine financial rights are being dismissed by everyone down the political line! How disgraceful! I'm disgusted! Again, shame on you all!</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">jane desaulniers</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:01 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665685 Posted by jane desaulniers on May 01, 2010 10:01 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I left the UK in 1968 bound for Australia. I retired in 2003 and got a &#145;Part Pension&#146; from the UK and although I don&#146;t expect to be paid a &#145;Full Pension&#146; I would have hoped that the UK would at least index the &#145;Small Pension&#146; I do get now. In the not too distant future, the &#145;Small Pension&#146; I get now from the UK wont be enough to buy one lunch. I wonder what all the Illegal Immigrants who have never paid one penny into the system get??? </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Gerry Morrice</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 09:11 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665374 Posted by Gerry Morrice on May 01, 2010 09:11 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I have written to all political parties in the UK. Not one party bothered to reply. I have no idea as to their position. with reference to our plight. We know where Labour stands. Couldn't give a rodents behind. The others are strangely silent. Especially as it is such a close election. Wake up you lot. There are a couple of million expat votes at stake. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Brian Lager</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:55 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665330 Posted by Brian Lager on May 01, 2010 08:55 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I cannot afford to visit Britain as my English pension having been frozen at age sixty does not allow me to. I am a nurse, spent many years caring for the sick and working as a Health Visitor in England but now am retired in Canada with all the needs of old age descending upon me. Where is British justice in all of this?</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Pamela Goff</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:37 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665279 Posted by Pamela Goff on May 01, 2010 08:37 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>My husband was a war veteran serving 7 years in the British Merchant Navy. <br/>We emigrated to Canada 1965. My husband CONTINUED TO SEND ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PENSION OFFICE IN NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE TILL 1984 When he was told he was fully paid up. Yet his pension was restricted.Now as a widow I get approximately one third of whatI would get living in UK. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Edith Wilkins</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:12 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665178 Posted by Edith Wilkins on May 01, 2010 08:12 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Tony Bockman, Chairman ICBP says I make an incorrect assumption when I say there will be no-one coming along behind the current aging crop of pensioners to continue the battle, but he then comes very close to proving that precisely what I said is true by writing: &quot;There are 5.5 million people in the UK between the ages of 40 and 65, many of whom may like to emigrate when they retire for whatever reason - it's their right to be able to choose.&quot; I can't argue with that statement unless he assumes there are huge numbers of UK residents silly enough to emigrate to a country where their retirement income is slowly but surely going to drag them closer and closer to and eventually below the poverty line; then I have to say I don't agree with him. I think most of them, now this problem is out in the open and very much public knowledge and by the recent decision likely to continue for the foreseeable future, will be very careful indeed to which countries they choose to emigrate as I tend to believe the average UK resident nearing pensionable age is financially savvy and has every intention of getting back every penny to which s/he is entitled, without having to spend their retirement fighting tooth and nail for fair treatment. They will all be old enough to have learned that getting fair treatment from governments is a rare and wonderful thing and as unlikely to happen in their lifetime as it has in ours. Of course if the 'freezing' ends then there will be no need to fight for justice but if it doesn't it could well continue for another fifty years, the recent set-back taking everything back to square one. I don't call that 'a cup half empty' attitude, I call it being realistic. <br/>I'm not only an optimist, Tony, I am also a utopian. I do believe justice and peace on earth are possible &#150; in another couple of thousand years say after we've finally figured out which kind of government might actually work and I do, always, do whatever I am asked to do in the messages from CABP exhorting those of us who are members of the battling groups to be personally active. <br/>There can be no harm in repeating this last part of Tony's message: <br/>Sign the petition! Show the government, and particularly the mandarins, that this is unethical and that it CANNOT go on. <br/> <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Meg Gagie</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:34 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7665031 Posted by Meg Gagie on May 01, 2010 07:34 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Let's hope by continuing this fight, we will win the end - it is titally unbelievable that the UK govt., hasn't addressed this issue......more pressure is required from Canada, Australia etc., - UK should be ashamded of themselves.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">elaine cowie</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:52 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664859 Posted by elaine cowie on May 01, 2010 06:52 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>In an earlier comment, Meg states that we need to be &quot;oldish to begin with and therefore likely to die sooner rather than later.&quot; The inference is that there is no-one coming behind to keep the battle going. <br/> <br/>I understand her frustration but that's a &quot;cup half empty&quot; approach and really makes an incorrect assumption. There is always someone coming along behind. <br/> <br/>There are 5.5 million people in the UK between the ages of 40 and 65, many of whom may like to emigrate when they retire for whatever reason - it's their right to be able to choose. But their choices as to where they can do that without penalty is restricted by HMG's state pension freezing policy. These are the people who should be making the government aware that enough is enough and its policy HAS to change. <br/> <br/>Sign the petition! Show the government, and particularly the mandarins, that this is unethical and that it CANNOT go on.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Tony Bockman, Chairman ICBP</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:21 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664718 Posted by Tony Bockman, Chairman ICBP on May 01, 2010 06:21 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I am dismayed and disgusted that no legal court lower or higher, or Supreme even, has seen fit to consider as improper or illegal the freezing of British pensions overseas in Britain's most supportive &quot;Colonial&quot; countries. What would the Tories or Winston say or have we really gone to the dogs.....JP.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">(Edward) John Parker</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:44 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664508 Posted by (Edward) John Parker on May 01, 2010 05:44 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I, after spending my life as a loyal subject of His Majesty King George v, King Edward vii, King George vi and Queen Elizabeth ii; I cannot get to grips with how little respect with the fact that my Naval service all count for a government is so worthless. I am still a British citizen, it is printed in my passport issued 14 January 2010.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">John Tozer</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:37 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664430 Posted by John Tozer on May 01, 2010 05:37 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>This fight was over in 2004 when my husband Reginald died. He was in the 2nd world war as a photographer with the 8th Army, called up in 19328 demobbed in 1946. He was refused a British Army pension because we emigrated to Canada and of course the Canadian Govt. refused because he had been with the British Army!! <br/>I still send my small contribution but I have given up hope of ever winning this battle. I do thank everyone is has fought on my behalf and still does Muriel Morris. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Muriel J. Morris</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:37 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664444 Posted by Muriel J. Morris on May 01, 2010 05:37 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>After the recent HCHR debacle, and as part of the Canadian group, I have raised the possibility of the Commonwealth leaders putting this on the table at their annual gatherings. Since the senior Commonwealth countries are victimized in this severe discrimination, while other members are not, couldn't we expect our peers to support us throughout the whole Commonwealth Assembly? And Her Majesty would hear about it too in the deliberations. It absolutely cannot be allowed to continue. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">susan felsberg</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:17 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664390 Posted by susan felsberg on May 01, 2010 05:17 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>We lost our case in the ECHR by a vote of 11 to 6. That means that just 3 judges decided our fate. If those 3 judges had voted in our favour the result would have been a 9 to 8 victory. So my future, my standard of living and my respect for British fair play was decided by just 3 people who up to only a few years ago may have been from Iron Curtain countries. The same countries where it is now possible to receive an uprated pension. We should all move to Japan or Russia or Germany or Italy and claim what is rightfully ours. My father, who spent 5 years of his life fighting for what he thought and believed was right must be spinning in his grave.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Trevor J Atkin</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:15 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664386 Posted by Trevor J Atkin on May 01, 2010 05:15 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Unfortunately, &quot;they&quot; know they need only out-wait us. All pensioners must, by definition, be oldish to begin with and therefore likely to die sooner rather than later at which time they will cease to complain about the injustice being inflicted upon them. <br/> <br/>There is unlikely to be a fresh group of angry, frustrated, poverty-stricken pensioners coming along behind them as, surely, given all the recent publicity, no intelligent person of any age past about thirty-five will now emigrate from the UK to a 'frozen' country. This in turn will effectively mean all of those countries where UK state pensions will never increase &#150; mostly former Commonwealth countries &#150; will stop having immigrants from the UK. <br/> <br/>It will be interesting in decades to come to see what effect this will have on the demographics of those countries. Certainly they will cease to all intents and purposes to be as British as they have hitherto been. Might that be the intention? Might the intention be to have immigrants from the Middle East and Asia populate the vast spaces of Canada and Australia, for instance, instead of flooding already severely over-crowded Britain and Europe? Maybe that's why the Court reached the decision it did. <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Meg Gagie</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:57 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664303 Posted by Meg Gagie on May 01, 2010 04:57 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I too am utterly disgusted with the way that British Pensioners are being treated by the British Parliament</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Mary Dobson</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:44 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7664234 Posted by Mary Dobson on May 01, 2010 04:44 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>While I am in sympathy with your cause you are not correct to say the UK is the only OECD country to deny portability and pension increases. I am an expat living in New Zealand which has one of the WORST records re pension rights. If you live here and have a UK pension this will be deducted from your NZ pension and if your UK is the equivalent of the NZ one you will not receive a pension from here regardless of how long you have lived here. On top of that should you decided to retire back in Britain you will lose your NZ pension. Charlie</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">charles Owen Hoffman Smith</div> <div class="date">on May 01, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:14 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7661329 Posted by charles Owen Hoffman Smith on May 01, 2010 06:14 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Forget it - this has been right up to la Chambre Grande itself and the Brussels MAFIA has done precisely what Brown has pleaded with them to do - kicked us in the shins. <br/>Whether it be GB, DC or NC in the big chair, all of them can saely shrug their shoulders and refer to the Judgement. It's a lost cause folks. Most of us are denied the vote as well, so we don't even have that to use as a threat. <br/>I repeat again the words of the Welsh Windbag Neil Pillock who referred to us expats as - &quot;thieves, wasters and tax-dodgers - the international red-neck brigade&quot; - that's us in the eyes of the Labour Party - er; Comrades! <br/>Ah well; I look on the bright side - this month April is when I get TWO paydays courtesy of the DSS - on All Fools' Day and on the 28th, me OAP plops into me bank account very nicely thank you very much. So folks; that's TWO trips this month to fill urgent prescriptions - at the liquor dept,. of MAKRO. <br/>Cheers! <br/> <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Bill South Africa</div> <div class="date">on April 30, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:11 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7659324 Posted by Bill South Africa on April 30, 2010 06:11 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Diane Kerwin said she would like to have her pension paid into a UK bank account, but was told that can't be done. This is wrong according to the Direct Gov webpage that says the pension can be paid either into an overseas bank or a UK bank account ( <br/>The catch is that if you live outside the UK and don't already have a UK account, the banks won't let you open one, except for the expatriate-type premium accounts that require huge deposits.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">fnorman</div> <div class="date">on April 30, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:48 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7659155 Posted by fnorman on April 30, 2010 05:48 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I did write to the Judges at the ECHR pointing out that HMG's lawyers had lied when they stated in Court that UK Pensioners do not pay UK Income Tax on pensions. <br/>That was the day after the judgement....still no reply from any of them.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Keith Atkins</div> <div class="date">on April 29, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:27 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7649821 Posted by Keith Atkins on April 29, 2010 08:27 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>We receive, and more. excuses. <br/>What has happened to the money <br/>we contributed? <br/>It is being used to pay child and family allowances to to the families of Euroropean contract workers, in the U.K. <br/>We will fight them in Parliament,Commons and Lords, all the Courts in the world. <br/>We will never surrender. <br/>( <br/>with apologoes yo Winston Churchill Churchill) <br/>sibned <br/>Dodi</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Anne Sloman</div> <div class="date">on April 28, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:20 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7647191 Posted by Anne Sloman on April 28, 2010 06:20 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Here in Australia we are gathering support to lobby the Australian Prime Minister to apply a special Import Tax on all British goods and British run companies to pay up a level of pension equal to that being lost by ex-pats living here,,we request that all other organizations in countries affected do the same it is the only way to win this argument and achieve a fair outcome,,Just thin how much it is costing the countries we live in as when the pound devalued and sank to an almighty low around the world causing us all to &quot;&quot;do it really tough&quot;&quot;</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">R.N.Glover</div> <div class="date">on April 26, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:10 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7633364 Posted by R.N.Glover on April 26, 2010 06:10 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>When I read the British newspapers and listen to the radio via the internet, my blood boils. I learn that all kinds of people from other countries enter the UK and immediately go on to State benefits without having contributed anything whilst those of us who worked and made our contributions are penalized. It is time for a change to look after the pensioners. It would surely cost less to give the pensioners the cost of living increases and stop squandering money on those who have contributed nothing.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Joan Smith</div> <div class="date">on April 25, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:27 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7632664 Posted by Joan Smith on April 25, 2010 07:27 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Like George Weir, who commented earlier, it would seem to be a good way to explain our outrage to the British public and their hypocritical politicians that a boycott of their goods and services [ e.g don't fly B.A., or Virgin Atlantic] may bring some of them to their senses and have the captains of industry, what little seems to still exist in Britain, bring pressure to bear upon the politicians and have them fix this issue. <br/>They had a chance in 1997 to do this after the Parliamentary Select Commitee suggested this matter could be fixed earlier by a simple change of law in Parliament with the &quot;whips&quot; off and by way of a conscience free vote. At that time, given the opportunity, I believe they flunked it. <br/>For a nation which boasts of its strong democratic traditions and with fairness being mentioned in almost every political manifesto from all parties, it cannot practice fairness in regards to the UK age pension paid those retirees residing in several countries abroad. </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Jim Tilley</div> <div class="date">on April 24, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 02:47 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7628623 Posted by Jim Tilley on April 24, 2010 02:47 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I left the UK and went to MZ- When I retired I had qualified for a NZ pension in my own right as had my wife. WE then claimed our UK pension and lo and behold told we would not get it as it had to be paid over to the NZ government!! We had both paid full NHI contributions for over 39 years and got what? Absolute diddly squat- Fair? yeah Right! We are fighting here to have this addressed and once again the politicians who are not affected deny this to us- Itr is criminal no matter what is said in high places.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Brian Windler</div> <div class="date">on April 23, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:58 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7626449 Posted by Brian Windler on April 23, 2010 08:58 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>How can you keep their money all those years and not give them what they ask for</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Irene Scaglione</div> <div class="date">on April 22, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:33 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7620929 Posted by Irene Scaglione on April 22, 2010 06:33 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Has any one thought of sending all the information about the unfairness of all this to the ECHR judges? They were taken in by what Gordon Brown's party sent to them? Wonder what the ECHR would think if they got the whole truth. It was Brown who changed the laws and it was Brown who has plundered pensions and refusing to index link us.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">sara</div> <div class="date">on April 22, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 02:16 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7619628 Posted by sara on April 22, 2010 02:16 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>If the British goverment are worried about to the cost if they were to allow the pensions to be given at their full value to expats. Just think of the cost if we all decided to return and get Free health cheap rates and the list goes on and how much would that cost them. <br/>Will someone tell me why if you live in the US you get the full amount? I can understand a little about the EU as Britian is run by the EU but then why not the commonwealth countries <br/>As the Queen is still our sovereign there is no logic to any of it (beggers believe) <br/>The only fair way of dealing with this if they will not give it to some then no one such get it!!!!!!!!!!</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">maureen Craft</div> <div class="date">on April 20, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:35 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7609182 Posted by maureen Craft on April 20, 2010 06:35 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>One of the contributors to this subject stated that while pensioners may have a valid complaint, do not blame the exchange rate of the day. Why not? We are given no choice as to what currency we receive our pension in - I live in Canada and it is changed into Canadian dollars before it hits my bank here. I was told it is exchanged through the Bank of Scotland as that is the best rate of exchange. Heaven help us, what are the other banks offering then??! My pension has declined from about $340 a month 9 yrs ago to $191.65 this month. I would like to have it paid into a bank account in England, but was told that cant be done as I dont reside in England. Of course I dont, thats why I wanted to do that!! I have certainly signed the petition and passed it on.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Diane Kerwin</div> <div class="date">on April 17, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:38 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7601847 Posted by Diane Kerwin on April 17, 2010 07:38 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Not only do we have frozen pensions in Canada but, with the high Canadian dollar we are losing more than one third of the value. A pension that was worth $370 in 2002 is only worth $225 today. <br/>If we go to the UK to see family, our pensions are up rated while we are there, but we also have to pay hundreds of dollars in medical travel insurance in case we have an accident while we are in the UK!</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Shirley Wilkinson</div> <div class="date">on April 16, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:43 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7599069 Posted by Shirley Wilkinson on April 16, 2010 06:43 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I am an ex RAF serviceman who p;rior to retiring bought '8 or 9 years back service' to enhance my persion when leaving UK for Australia. Not once in all the correspondence I had with the pension office making arrangements was I told that the persion I would receive in OZ would be frozen. <br/> <br/>Had I been so told I would have immediately cancelled my request. Too late now but this really adds salt to the wound. Particularly as my RAF pension for 20 years service is indexed! <br/> <br/>Paddy </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Paddy Turnbull</div> <div class="date">on April 16, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:38 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7596431 Posted by Paddy Turnbull on April 16, 2010 07:38 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Perhaps the expat pensioners have a valid complaint about why some of them do not receive indexed UK pensions. <br/> <br/>However, please do not introduce currency exchange rates as an argument. Any person or business that incurs expenses in one currency while its income is in another currency must accept the risk of exchange rate changes. <br/> <br/>I am sure that many of the expats took advantage of the inflated value of the pound in the past. In fact some expats may themselves have contributed to the devaluation of the pound by moving their UK assets into other currencies. <br/> <br/>Warning: Exchange rates change! <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Andrew</div> <div class="date">on April 15, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:32 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7595116 Posted by Andrew on April 15, 2010 06:32 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>These are the moments in governemts and times, when you understand how bereft of principle and morality politicians really are. It is Orwell's great little book 'Animal Farm' that nails them: Tory, Communist, Fascist, Labour, Republican, Democrat, you name it, they are it, the naked pigs swilling at the troughs. <br/> <br/> <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Clifford Chapman</div> <div class="date">on April 15, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:34 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7593285 Posted by Clifford Chapman on April 15, 2010 10:34 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I also claim that my 'employers contribution' [NIS] had to be EARNED by ME. <br/>This figure would be counted as 'outgoings/expenses' by my employer should my union request a salary increase for workers. <br/>I was given the choice to 'opt out' of the NIS but could not have this sum paid into an insurance/ pension scheme. <br/>===No 'choice' then. <br/>I now live in Thailand where the pound is exchanged at 50 baht from 68 baht 2 years ago.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">paul greenslade</div> <div class="date">on April 15, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:31 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7592201 Posted by paul greenslade on April 15, 2010 06:31 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>What else would you expect from selfish and corrupt politicians who vote themselves excessive pay rises and fiddle their expenses?</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Tony Nyman</div> <div class="date">on April 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:52 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7591430 Posted by Tony Nyman on April 14, 2010 08:52 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>To say that the terms governing my pension are unfair is putting it mildly. Not only is the amount in British funds the same as when I first received it in 2000, but with the British Pound proving to be merely Monopoly money in todays world, I am actually receiving 30% less cash that in the year 2000, go figure.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">George Greatbanks</div> <div class="date">on April 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 01:28 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7589694 Posted by George Greatbanks on April 14, 2010 01:28 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I urge everyone outraged by this unfair discrimination to submit a question along the following lines to the BBC and SkyNews: <br/> <br/>&quot;Gentlemen. You all claim to be champions of fair play. Will you please declare here and now when you intend to remove grossly and manifestly unfair discrimination against those British pensioners who chose to retire in certain countries? They paid the same contributions as their contemporaries but their pensions are frozen. Please do not trot out red herrings of the past nor continue to rely on legal technicalities; but address the injustice involved. In terms of fair play, natural justice, logic, humanity or indeed on any other such account, this discrimination cannot in all conscience be acceptable.&quot;</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Dick Corner</div> <div class="date">on April 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 12:52 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7589589 Posted by Dick Corner on April 14, 2010 12:52 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I wrote to Theresa May MP, Tory Shadow Pensions Secretary, about this issue after she said last year on BBC radio that she wanted to be remembered as a person &quot;who treated all people fairly&quot;. <br/> <br/>She replied that with the huge financial problems facing Britain they could not possibly afford it. <br/> <br/>Mind you, they have never offered to fix the problem when times were good either! <br/> <br/>So there we have it, they &quot;will treat all people fairly&quot; ...unless thay happen to be half of the pensioners living overseas.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Peter Morris</div> <div class="date">on April 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:20 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7588494 Posted by Peter Morris on April 14, 2010 08:20 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>The Australian government agree with the brits here and we are suggesting they have the pension funds from the UK transferred to oz and make the Brit govt pay up three months in advance this could save pensioners bank fees and also be arranged at a better ex-rate,they could then put pressure on the UK to pay up a fair pension,,by trade sanctions if necessary... </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">R.Glover</div> <div class="date">on April 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 08:09 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7588462 Posted by R.Glover on April 14, 2010 08:09 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I pay tax on my Govt pension - as I imagine does anyone else who receives a Govt as well as State pension. There must be many in a similar situation whose position who were ignored by the courts.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">colin Bedwell</div> <div class="date">on April 14, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:00 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7588317 Posted by colin Bedwell on April 14, 2010 07:00 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Didn't the High Court of Appeal rule that whilst they agreed with 'the cause' they didn't have the power to correct it. It needed an 'ACT OF PARLIAMENT'. Where's Guy ... when you need him?</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Dan</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:51 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7586864 Posted by Dan on April 13, 2010 05:51 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>&quot;The Chancellor claims that pensions this year will again be increased regardless of deflation instead of inflation but he is fully aware that for British pensioners who now live abroad in 150 countries outside the EU that will not be the case, and indeed has not been the case for over 50 years. Half a million pensioners are living in countries where their British State pensions have been frozen by HMG. All pensioners who are entitled to the UK basic state pension paid into the fund on the same basis during their working years. That some are now being denied their rightful pension purely on the basis of where they reside is manifestly and grossly unfair. <br/>This is a matter that not only affects our most vulnerable and elderly citizens today, some of whom are surviving only due to the generosity of their families. It is also an issue that affects the rights of all our current workers, many of whom may want to retire and spend their declining years with family overseas but must be concerned that they will become a financial burden as the value of their pension dwindles. <br/> Gentlemen, all other OECD nations provide pension portability across the world. Over the years many British Pension Ministers have stated that the freezing of pensions is illogical and unfair. Will you now be bold in following the example of the OECD and really institute fairness and justice for our elderly citizens by providing universal pension parity?&quot; <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Joyce Porter</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 02:47 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7586140 Posted by Joyce Porter on April 13, 2010 02:47 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I retired in l978 and since then I have been receiving the same British Pension without increases for cost of living.I don't know what British citizens receive in England but my montly UK pension has shrunk now to $98. a month. This is causing hardship for me since I am now a widow and living on one income. I hope the British Government will see fit to look after the British citizens living abroad who, let's face it, contributed to the British Pension fund while working in England and are therefore entitled to receive a Britsh Pension in the same way as others living in England</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Joyce Porter</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 02:34 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7586107 Posted by Joyce Porter on April 13, 2010 02:34 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>It is unbelievable that someone who dedicated years of work to a pension plan and has chosen to live life elsehwere should be denied their pension that they contributed to. Maybe the government should consider a full payout for the years they contributed. This is nonsense. <br/>Maybe they should consider the benefits given to overpaid costs of those on welfare.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Gail Fisher</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 01:48 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7585998 Posted by Gail Fisher on April 13, 2010 01:48 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Let all of us campaign to get this sorted out even if you live in countries where you receive the increase, help others by signing the petition. Remember that if you have not lived abroad for more than 15 years you can still vote!!! It would certainly hurt political parties if everyone under this category , living outside of the UK, voted for a non-discript party. Lets all rally for the cause, now that the EU has upheld the UK Gov decision it might affect those who have left UK to ANY region in the future. I would also use this platform regarding the EU descision to get members &quot;home&quot; countries to issue the EHIC. There are implications in this already for instance if you live in France you cannot get UK NHS treatment if you visit UK and require treatment. The new card specifically states this. We need a world wide organistaion to combat the drain of our finances after so mych has been paid and continues to be paid by us the pensioner!. I do not mind my email address for contact being shown, I will fend off those unsavoury ones! Anyone willing to help/join/organise just email me at </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Mike Collins</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:13 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7585066 Posted by Mike Collins on April 13, 2010 10:13 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I took the Kings Shilling and spent six war years in R.A.F. Came to Canada to improve my living standards. My Pension is frozen at July 1974 level. I live in a Commonwealth country where &quot; The Queens&quot; countenance still graces our currency, but where her Government shortchanges her one time loyal citizens for having the temerity to go to one of her colonies.Given the opportunity I would gladly give her back her shilling </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Denis O'Keefe</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:29 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7584601 Posted by Denis O'Keefe on April 13, 2010 07:29 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>it is not quite true that NOT ONE party will support unfreezing of pensions. One prominent member of Labour promised in 1993 that they would abolish the freeze. Mind you, he was at that time in opposition. And when he later became the responsible minister he abandoned his promise. No doubt &quot;Sir Humphrey&quot; told him it would be a courageous decision.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">James Nelson</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 07:13 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7584183 Posted by James Nelson on April 13, 2010 07:13 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>May I assure all who sign the petition that, as webmaster of the web site which carries the petition your e-mail address will not be released to anyone.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">William Waterhouse</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:58 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7584225 Posted by William Waterhouse on April 13, 2010 06:58 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>The ruling is that if a country does not have a reciprocal agreement with the UK the pension will be frozen. <br/> <br/>Solution - take a 6 month holiday to Spain and rent a house in &quot;The Campo&quot; - the countryside, where you will not be able to have mail delivered. Go to the Correos, the post office and set up a post box. Open a local bank account. You will have to speak to a local Gestoria, helpful people that sort out problems for foreigners, (choose one that speaks English, generally cheap) and ask them to set you up with a foreigners N.I.E. number, national insurance, and help you open a bank account. All this, apart from the 6 month holiday, will not cost you too much. Look on it as an investment. <br/> <br/>You are now living in Spain, the EU, so get in touch with the UK pension people, tell them you are now living in Spain and your actual address, but advise them that you have to use a post box as the Spanish post office does not deliver in the countryside. <br/> <br/>Technically, should they then update your pension payment to the present rate or do they still insist that as you have once moved to a non agreement area, you still do not qualify? <br/> <br/>Test it someone who has the finances to do so and advise others. <br/> <br/>If it works, then set this up, then go back home and have the cash transferred via Spain. Complicated maybe, but will it work? <br/> <br/>Good luck. <br/> <br/>Ben.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Ben Tomiz</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:53 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7584252 Posted by Ben Tomiz on April 13, 2010 06:53 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>This is crazy. I recently went on a 3 month round the world tour. 2 weeks in Holland, Belgium &amp; Scotland. I got the full pension. USA Canada &amp; NZ, back to the 'pittance'. I left the UK in 1970 after 23 years in the Scots Guards. My Reason for coming to Australia, was that as a married man with 3 kids coming into their teens. I was advised by the Employment People, to go on the `dole` for the rest of my life. Goodbye Blighty. Frank F</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Frank A Fisher</div> <div class="date">on April 13, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 06:29 AM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7584337 Posted by Frank A Fisher on April 13, 2010 06:29 AM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Not all the 'frozen pension' countries are ex-commonwealth as seems to be the general opinion. This makes the situation even more ludicrous. Who made the choice - 'which countries do we pay upgrades to our seniors in and which not'? I've lived in Mexico for almost twenty years, all my working life in the UK paying my dues, and still paying taxes there, my govt pension is &pound;156 a month - which of those Judges and Lords, who don't consider us discriminated against, could live on that? </p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Jeanne Lawrence</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 11:58 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7584078 Posted by Jeanne Lawrence on April 12, 2010 11:58 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>If you can still vote, do so. Those of us that have lost our right to vote can still contact ALL the major political parties. Obviously, Labour will not respond, we know their position. However, it's worth a try with the others. <br/>There are over two and a half million Britons living abroad and eligible to vote this time round. Let them know where you stand.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Brian Lager</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 10:21 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7583876 Posted by Brian Lager on April 12, 2010 10:21 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>As an 85 year old veteran from the Royal Navy, serving on the Malta convoys, I am ashamed of the way Britain is treating pensioners living in Commonwealth countries. My basic pension is stuck at 46.90 GBP a week. A disgrace.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">David Waterhouse</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 09:51 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7583733 Posted by David Waterhouse on April 12, 2010 09:51 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I have followed this debate for years and noted the positions of the British political parties. NOT ONE party will support the case of the expat pensioners. On the other hand they solicit our votes and financial contributions! <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">M Graham</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 09:44 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7583521 Posted by M Graham on April 12, 2010 09:44 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>This is a website with all the information as well as the petition: <br/> <br/></p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">D Elvin</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:36 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7582828 Posted by D Elvin on April 12, 2010 05:36 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Is this going to appear in the Daily Telegraph newspaper in the UK? It should! <br/> <br/>The people who seem to understand the frozen pensions unfairness are the Liberal Democrats.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">D Elvin</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:29 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7582800 Posted by D Elvin on April 12, 2010 05:29 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Having served with the Royal Air Force and always paying my dues I am now retired in Canada and am being penalized by a grossly unfair policy. At my age this should not be a thing to give me concern and affect my health.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Robert Lucas</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 05:10 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7582642 Posted by Robert Lucas on April 12, 2010 05:10 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>Sadly I am unable to sign up to the petition for pensioners. <br/> The web site link is excellent BUT -and taking into consideration the lack of protection evinced. WHY DO THEY NEED MY E-MAIL ADDRESS. I do not wish to be flooded with junk mail.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">robert hoyle</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:58 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7582529 Posted by robert hoyle on April 12, 2010 04:58 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>What is the Tory position on this decision?</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">Grenville Mills</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:58 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7582533 Posted by Grenville Mills on April 12, 2010 04:58 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> <li class="gutterUnder"> <div class="oneHalf gutter"> <p>I would suggest that all pensioners who wish to strike back,is to boycott all British products and to encourage others to do the same. <br/>Furthermore encourage others to avoid travelling to Britain util the the British Government does the right thing and acknowledges the contribution which you all have made to that country.</p> </div> <div class="oneSixth"> <div class="author">George Weir</div> <div class="date">on April 12, 2010</div> <div class="time">at 04:30 PM</div> <div class="report"><a href=" Complaint: COMMENT 7582504 Posted by George Weir on April 12, 2010 04:30 PM">Report this comment</a></div> </div> <div class="cl"></div> </li> </ul> <div class="hr"></div> </div> <div id="postComment"> <div class="headerOne"><p>Post a comment</p></div> <div id="commentForm"> <img src="/web/20100522020647im_/" width="0" height="0" class="hidden"/> <form id="otherPostingForm" method="post" action="/web/20100522020647/;jsessionid=F791816700E9A2078E004810C309BAAA"><p>By submitting any material to us you confirm that you have read, and agree to, our <a href="">terms and conditions</a></p> <div class="oneThird gutter"> 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