Aging & Gerontology Conference 2025 | San francisco, CA, USA | September 08-09

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Network with professionals, attend insightful sessions, and explore innovative solutions in the field of aging and longevity. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and contribute to the future of aging science. 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start --> <div class="section-title rcntupdts"> <div class="col-lg-12 pt-2"> <h1 class="big-title">Active Aging Technologies 2021-2026</h1> <p><strong>$1499</strong></p> <div class=" box-shadws mt-30"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="black-color pt-4 mb-50"> <div class="q4default"> <p style="text-align:justify"><strong>The 2021-2026 World Outlook for Active Aging Technologies:</strong><br /> This study covers the world outlook for active <a href="">aging</a> technologies across more than 190 countries. For each year reported, estimates are given for the latent demand, or potential industry earnings (P.I.E.), for the country in question (in millions of U.S. dollars), the percent share the country is of the region, and of the globe. These comparative benchmarks allow the reader to quickly gauge a country vis-&agrave;-vis others. Using econometric models which project fundamental economic dynamics within each country and across countries, latent demand estimates are created. This report does not discuss the specific players in the market serving the latent demand, nor specific details at the product level. The study also does not consider short-term cyclicalities that might affect realized sales. The study, therefore, is strategic in nature, taking an aggregate and long-run view, irrespective of the players or products involved. This study does not report actual sales data (which are simply unavailable, in a comparable or consistent manner in virtually all of the countries of the world). This study gives, however, my estimates for the worldwide latent demand, or the P.I.E., for active <a href="">aging technologies</a>. It also shows how the P.I.E. is divided across the world&#39;s regional and national markets. For each country, I also show my estimates of how the P.I.E. grows over time (positive or negative growth). In order to make these estimates, a multi-stage <a href="">methodology</a> was employed that is often taught in courses on international strategic planning at graduate schools of business.</p> </div> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- section-title - end --> <div class="col-lg-3"> <a href="purchase-report.php" class="custom-btn">Purchase Report</a> <br><br> <a href="" class="custom-btn" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">Sample Table of Content</a> <br><br> <a href="reports.php" class="custom-btn">View all Reports</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Sample Table of Content</h5> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span> </button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p><strong>1 INTRODUCTI</strong>ON<br /> 1.1 OVERVIEW<br /> 1.2 WHAT IS LATENT DEMAND AND THE P.I.E.?<br /> 1.3 THE METHODOLOGY<br /> 1.4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ)</p> <p><strong>2 SUMMARIES OF FINDINGS</strong><br /> 2.1 THE WORLDWIDE MARKET POTENTIAL</p> <p><strong>3 AFRICA</strong><br /> 3.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 3.2 ALGERIA<br /> 3.3 ANGOLA<br /> 3.4 BENIN<br /> 3.5 BOTSWANA<br /> 3.6 BURKINA FASO<br /> 3.7 BURUNDI<br /> 3.8 CAMEROON<br /> 3.9 CAPE VERDE<br /> 3.10 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC<br /> 3.11 CHAD<br /> 3.12 COMOROS<br /> 3.13 CONGO (FORMERLY ZAIRE)<br /> 3.14 COTE D&#39;IVOIRE<br /> 3.15 DJIBOUTI<br /> 3.16 EGYPT<br /> 3.17 EQUATORIAL GUINEA<br /> 3.18 ERITREA<br /> 3.19 ETHIOPIA<br /> 3.20 GABON<br /> 3.21 GHANA<br /> 3.22 GUINEA<br /> 3.23 GUINEA-BISSAU<br /> 3.24 KENYA<br /> 3.25 LESOTHO<br /> 3.26 LIBERIA<br /> 3.27 LIBYA<br /> 3.28 MADAGASCAR<br /> 3.29 MALAWI<br /> 3.30 MALI<br /> 3.31 MAURITANIA<br /> 3.32 MAURITIUS<br /> 3.34 MOROCCO<br /> 3.35 MOZAMBIQUE<br /> 3.36 NAMIBIA<br /> 3.37 NIGER<br /> 3.38 NIGERIA<br /> 3.39 REPUBLIC OF CONGO<br /> 3.40 RWANDA<br /> 3.41 SAO TOME E PRINCIPE<br /> 3.42 SENEGAL<br /> 3.43 SIERRA LEONE<br /> 3.44 SOMALIA<br /> 3.45 SOUTH AFRICA<br /> 3.46 SOUTH SUDAN<br /> 3.47 ST. HELENA<br /> 3.48 SUDAN<br /> 3.49 SWAZILAND<br /> 3.50 TANZANIA<br /> 3.51 THE GAMBIA<br /> 3.52 TOGO<br /> 3.53 TUNISIA<br /> 3.54 UGANDA<br /> 3.55 WESTERN SAHARA<br /> 3.56 ZAMBIA<br /> 3.57 ZIMBABWE</p> <p><strong>4 ASIA</strong><br /> 4.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 4.2 BANGLADESH<br /> 4.3 BHUTAN<br /> 4.4 BRUNEI<br /> 4.5 BURMA<br /> 4.6 CAMBODIA<br /> 4.7 CHINA<br /> 4.8 HONG KONG<br /> 4.9 INDIA<br /> 4.10 INDONESIA<br /> 4.11 JAPAN<br /> 4.12 LAOS<br /> 4.13 MACAU<br /> 4.14 MALAYSIA<br /> 4.15 MALDIVES<br /> 4.16 MONGOLIA<br /> 4.17 NEPAL<br /> 4.18 NORTH KOREA<br /> 4.19 PAPUA NEW GUINEA<br /> 4.20 PHILIPPINES<br /> 4.21 SEYCHELLES<br /> 4.22 SINGAPORE<br /> 4.23 SOUTH KOREA<br /> 4.24 SRI LANKA<br /> 4.25 TAIWAN<br /> 4.26 THAILAND<br /> 4.27 TIMOR - LESTE, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF<br /> 4.28 VIETNAM</p> <p><strong>5 EUROPE</strong><br /> 5.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 5.2 ALBANIA<br /> 5.3 ANDORRA<br /> 5.4 AUSTRIA<br /> 5.5 BELARUS<br /> 5.6 BELGIUM<br /> 5.7 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA<br /> 5.8 BULGARIA<br /> 5.9 CROATIA<br /> 5.10 CYPRUS<br /> 5.11 CZECH REPUBLIC<br /> 5.12 DENMARK<br /> 5.13 ESTONIA<br /> 5.14 FINLAND<br /> 5.15 FRANCE<br /> 5.16 GEORGIA<br /> 5.17 GERMANY<br /> 5.18 GIBRALTAR<br /> 5.19 GREECE<br /> 5.20 GUERNSEY<br /> 5.21 HUNGARY<br /> 5.22 ICELAND<br /> 5.23 IRELAND<br /> 5.24 ISLE OF MAN<br /> 5.25 ITALY<br /> 5.26 JERSEY<br /> 5.27 KAZAKHSTAN<br /> 5.28 KOSOVO<br /> 5.29 LATVIA<br /> 5.30 LIECHTENSTEIN<br /> 5.31 LITHUANIA<br /> 5.32 LUXEMBOURG<br /> 5.33 MACEDONIA<br /> 5.34 MALTA<br /> 5.35 MOLDOVA<br /> 5.36 MONACO<br /> 5.37 MONTENEGRO<br /> 5.38 NORWAY<br /> 5.39 POLAND<br /> 5.40 PORTUGAL<br /> 5.41 ROMANIA<br /> 5.42 RUSSIA<br /> 5.43 SAN MARINO<br /> 5.44 SERBIA<br /> 5.45 SLOVAKIA<br /> 5.46 SLOVENIA<br /> 5.47 SPAIN<br /> 5.48 SWEDEN<br /> 5.49 SWITZERLAND<br /> 5.50 THE FAROE ISLANDS<br /> 5.51 THE NETHERLANDS<br /> 5.52 THE UNITED KINGDOM<br /> 5.53 UKRAINE</p> <p><strong>6 LATIN AMERICA</strong><br /> 6.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 6.2 ARGENTINA<br /> 6.3 BELIZE<br /> 6.4 BOLIVIA<br /> 6.5 BRAZIL<br /> 6.6 CHILE<br /> 6.7 COLOMBIA<br /> 6.8 COSTA RICA<br /> 6.9 ECUADOR<br /> 6.10 EL SALVADOR<br /> 6.12 GUATEMALA<br /> 6.13 GUYANA<br /> 6.14 HONDURAS<br /> 6.15 MEXICO<br /> 6.16 NICARAGUA<br /> 6.17 PANAMA<br /> 6.18 PARAGUAY<br /> 6.19 PERU<br /> 6.20 SURINAME<br /> 6.21 THE FALKLAND ISLANDS<br /> 6.22 URUGUAY<br /> 6.23 VENEZUELA</p> <p><strong>7 NORTH AMERICA &amp; THE CARIBBEAN</strong><br /> 7.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 7.2 ANGUILLA<br /> 7.3 ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA<br /> 7.4 ARUBA<br /> 7.5 BARBADOS<br /> 7.6 BERMUDA<br /> 7.7 CANADA<br /> 7.8 CUBA<br /> 7.9 CURACAO<br /> 7.10 DOMINICA<br /> 7.11 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC<br /> 7.12 GREENLAND<br /> 7.13 GRENADA<br /> 7.15 HAITI<br /> 7.16 JAMAICA<br /> 7.18 MONTSERRAT<br /> 7.19 PUERTO RICO<br /> 7.20 SINT MAARTEN<br /> 7.21 ST PIERRE AND MIQUELON<br /> 7.22 ST. KITTS AND NEVIS<br /> 7.23 ST. LUCIA<br /> 7.24 ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES<br /> 7.25 THE BAHAMAS<br /> 7.26 THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS<br /> 7.27 THE CAYMAN ISLANDS<br /> 7.28 THE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS<br /> 7.29 THE UNITED STATES<br /> 7.30 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO<br /> 7.31 TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS</p> <p><strong>8 OCEANIA</strong><br /> 8.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 8.2 AMERICAN SAMOA<br /> 8.3 AUSTRALIA<br /> 8.4 CHRISTMAS ISLAND<br /> 8.6 COOK ISLANDS<br /> 8.7 FIJI<br /> 8.8 FRENCH POLYNESIA<br /> 8.9 GUAM<br /> 8.10 KIRIBATI<br /> 8.11 MARSHALL ISLANDS<br /> 8.12 MICRONESIA FEDERATION<br /> 8.13 NAURU<br /> 8.14 NEW CALEDONIA<br /> 8.15 NEW ZEALAND<br /> 8.16 NIUE<br /> 8.17 NORFOLK ISLAND<br /> 8.18 PALAU<br /> 8.19 SOLOMON ISLANDS<br /> 8.20 THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLAND<br /> 8.22 TOKELAU<br /> 8.23 TONGA<br /> 8.24 TUVALU<br /> 8.25 VANUATU<br /> 8.26 WALLIS AND FUTUNA<br /> 8.27 WESTERN SAMOA</p> <p><strong>9 THE MIDDLE EAST</strong><br /> 9.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY<br /> 9.2 AFGHANISTAN<br /> 9.3 ARMENIA<br /> 9.4 AZERBAIJAN<br /> 9.5 BAHRAIN<br /> 9.6 IRAN<br /> 9.7 IRAQ<br /> 9.8 ISRAEL<br /> 9.9 JORDAN<br /> 9.10 KUWAIT<br /> 9.11 KYRGYZSTAN<br /> 9.12 LEBANON<br /> 9.13 OMAN<br /> 9.14 PAKISTAN<br /> 9.15 PALESTINE<br /> 9.16 QATAR<br /> 9.17 SAUDI ARABIA<br /> 9.18 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC<br /> 9.19 TAJIKISTAN<br /> 9.20 THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES<br /> 9.21 TURKEY<br /> 9.22 TURKMENISTAN<br /> 9.23 UZBEKISTAN<br /> 9.24 YEMEN</p> <p><strong>10 DISCLAIMERS, WARRANTEES, AND USER AGREEMENT PROVISIONS</strong><br /> 10.1 DISCLAIMERS &amp; SAFE HARBOR<br /> 10.2 ICON GROUP INTERNATIONAL, INC. 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