
<html> <style> <!-- TD { color: rgb(0, 0, 0); } TD.bluecell { background-color: rgb(204, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); } --> </style> <title>I-66</title> <body> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000EE" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="#FF0000" NOSAVE> <TABLE BORDER=0 > <TR> <TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="370"><B><FONT SIZE=+2><a name="top">I-66<HR WIDTH="100%"></FONT></B><a href="i064.htm">&lt; <i>I-64</i></a> | <A HREF="index.htm">Home</A> | <a href="i068.htm"><i>I-68</i> ></a> <br><a href="i66n.htm"><i>I-66N</i></a> | <a href="i266.htm"><i>I-266</i></a> <td ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="58%"> <img src="../va-ends/bannered/bus017marshall_nt_04.jpg" alt="I-66" width="600"> <HR WIDTH="100%"></A><B>Photo: </b><I>I-66 WB at Exit 27. Note the state-named shield at the far left (Mapmikey 9-3-07)</I></TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" > <TR> <TD COLSPAN="4" WIDTH="15%" BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC"><FONT COLOR="#000000"><table WIDTH="100%"> <tr> <td ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH="8%"><a name="i66"></a> <img border="0" src="../shields/2dil6sm.gif" width="18" height="36"><img border="0" src="../shields/2dir6sm.gif" width="18" height="36"></td> <td><a href="../va-ends/i066.htm">From:</a>&nbsp; <img border="0" src="../shields/small/i081_small.gif" width="24" height="24"> near Strasburg (Warren County)<br><b>To:</b>&nbsp; Washington DC Line at Rosslyn (Arlington County)<br><b>Total Length:</b> 74.73 miles &nbsp; <br>Nationally, I-66 runs from Strasburg to Washington DC </tr></table> <TR> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="20%" BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC"><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-2><b><u>ROUTE LOG</u></B><br><FONT COLOR="#CC0000"> EXIT 1 - I-81 (exit 300): 0 - 0<br> EXIT 6 (old 2) - US 340, US 522: 6.61 - 6.61<br> EXIT 13 (old 3) - VA 79: 6.49 - 13.10<br> Fauquier-Warren Line: 1.56 - 14.66<br> EXIT 18 (old 4) - SR 688: 3.96 - 18.62<br> EXIT 23 (old 5) - US 17 NB, VA 55 WB: 5.21 - 23.83<br> EXIT 27 (old 6) - US 17 Bus, VA 55 EB: 3.36 - 27.19<br> EXIT 28 (old 7) - US 17 SB, US 17 Bus: 1.34 - 28.53<br> EXIT 31 (old 8) - VA 245: 3.02 - 31.55<br> Prince William-Fauquier Line: 5.04 - 36.55<br> EXIT 40 (old 9) - US 15: 3.61 - 40.16<br> EXIT 43 (old 10) - US 29: 2.48 - 42.64<br> EXIT 44 - VA 234 SB: 2.17 - 44.81<br> EXIT 47 (old 11) - VA 234 NB, VA 234 Bus: 2.27 - 47.08<br> Fairfax-Prince william Line: 1.83 - 48.91<br> EXIT 52 (old 12) - US 29: 2.94 - 51.85<br> EXIT 53 (old 13) - VA 28: 1.25 - 53.10<br> EXIT 55 (old 14) - VA 286: 1.86 - 54.96<br> EXIT 57 (old 15) - US 50: 2.57 - 57.53<br> EXIT 60 (old 16) - VA 123: 1.85 - 59.38<br> EXIT 62 (old 17) - VA 243: 2.13 - 61.51<br> EXIT 64 (old 18) - I-495 (exit 49): 3.23 - 64.74<br> EXIT 66 (old 19) - VA 7: 1.46 - 66.20<br> [WB only] EXIT 67 (old 20) - VA 267: 0.82 - 67.02<br> Arlington-Fairfax Line: 0.86 - 67.88<br> [EB only] EXIT 68 (old 21) - Westmoreland Rd: 0.24 - 68.12<br> EXIT 69 (old 22) - US 29, VA 237: 0.94 - 69.06<br> EXIT 71 (old 23) - VA 120, VA 237: 1.74 - 70.80<br> [EB only] EXIT 72 (old 24) - US 29: 1.53 - 72.33<br> EXIT 73 (old 25) - US 29: 1.05 - 73.38<br> EXIT 75 (old 26) - US 50 WB, VA 110, GW PKWY: 0.85 - 74.23<br> DC LINE: 0.50 - 74.73<br> </FONT></FONT></TD> <TD></TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP> <b>Creation:</b> I-66 was an original interstate corridor in Virginia. Note that there are 1950s CTB references to I-66 from in the Arlington and Gainesville areas as being <a href="va401-420.htm#va405">VA 405</a>. The first official map to show anything was unlabeled dotted lines on the 1961 issue. Per Scott Kozel's <a href="">website</a>, the first segment to open was from US 29 Gainesville to US 29 Centreville, in Dec 1961. <br><b>Adjustments:</b> In March 1962 (Kozel), I-66 was opened from the VA 55/SR 729 vicinity to VA 17-55 west of Marshall. <br>In June 1964 (Kozel), I-66 was opened from US 29-211 Rosslyn across the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge. <br>In Nov 1964 (Kozel), I-66 was opened from US 29 Centreville to I-495. <p> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" > <TR> <TD> <CENTER><img src="../mapscans/66_1963.jpg" alt="1963 Official" width="398" height="179"> <br>I-66 open Gainesville to Centreville plus small segment west of Marshall <br><b><i><font size=-2>1963 Official</b></i></font> </CENTER> </TD> <TD> <CENTER><img src="../mapscans/66_1965.jpg" alt="1965 Official" width="513" height="152"> <br>I-66 open Centreville to I-495 <br><b><i><font size=-2>1965 Official</b></i></font> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br>In Oct 1971 (Kozel), I-66 was opened from I-81 to US 340-522. <br>In Feb 1974, the CTB adopted a modified multi-modal/new facility for the completion of I-66 inside the beltway. This was in response to a 4th Circuit Court ruling in April 1972 to have an EIS performed along with public hearings. The multi-modal transit most notably included the Vienna Metro Line. Essentially VDOT was being sued to prevent completion of the route - full details can be found a Scott Kozel's <a href="">website</a>. <br>In July 1976, the CTB adopted a 4-lane proposal for the completion of I-66 from I-495 to Rosslyn, in conjunction with additional transit elements. This was in response to the original I-66 proposal being rejected by the USDOT. <br>In Oct 1977 (Kozel), the Marshall piece was extended west 1.3 miles. <br>In June 1978 (Kozel), the Marshall piece was extended east to today's US 17 Bus/VA 55/SR 647 exit. <p> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" > <TR> <TD> <CENTER><img src="../mapscans/66_1972.jpg" alt="1972 Official" width="308" height="176"> <br>I-66 open I-81 to US 340-522 <br><b><i><font size=-2>1972 Official</b></i></font> </CENTER> </TD> <TD> <CENTER><img src="../mapscans/66_1979.jpg" alt="1979 Official" width="324" height="190"> <br>I-66 open around Marshall <br><b><i><font size=-2>1979 Official</b></i></font> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br>In Aug 1979 (Kozel), I-66 opened from US 340-522 to the Marshall piece; also from SR 647 to the US 17/17 Bus exit at Marshall. <br>In Dec 1979 (Kozel), I-66 opened from US 17 Marshall to US 15 Haymarket. <br>In Dec 1980 (Kozel), I-66 opened from US 15 Haymarket to US 29 Gainesville. <p><CENTER><img src="../mapscans/66_1980.jpg" alt="1980 Official" width="552" height="218"> <br>I-66 completed west of I-495 <br><b><i><font size=-2>1980 Official</b></i></font> </CENTER> <br>In Dec 1982 (Kozel), I-66 opened from I-495 to US 29 Rosslyn. <p><CENTER><img src="../mapscans/66_1982.jpg" alt="1982 Official" width="435" height="109"> <br>I-66 completed east of I-495 <br><b><i><font size=-2>1982 Official</b></i></font> </CENTER> <br><b>Improvements:</b>&nbsp; I-66 opened as 4-lanes everywhere except US 50 to I-495 which was built as a 6-lane segment. <br>In 1982, the completed I-66 east of I-495 was configured such that all lanes were HOV-3 during the respective rush hours inbound and outbound. Exceptions existed for Dulles Airport travelers using the Dulles Access Road and I-66 east of there. <br>In 1993 (Kozel), a shoulder lane was added in each direction for use during the respective rush hours between US 50 and I-495. The innermost lane in each direction became HOV-2. <br>In March 1995 (Kozel), the HOV-3 inside the beltway was reduced to HOV-2. <br>In 1997 (Kozel), I-66 was widened to 8-lanes from VA 234 Business Manassas to US 50. The innermost lane each way became HOV-2. <br>In 2006, I-66 was widened to 8-lanes from VA 234 Bypass to VA 234 Business. Again the innermost lane became HOV-2. <br>Around 2010, I-66 was widened to 8-lanes from VA 234 Bypass west to US 29 Gainesville, with the inner lane becoming HOV-2. <br>In 2011, the HOV-only exits at Stringfellow Rd and Monument Dr were opened to all traffic outside of Eastbound HOV hours. <br>In 2016, I-66 was widened to 8-lanes from US 29 Gainesville to US 15 Haymarket. The innermost lane is a HOV-2 extension. <br>In December 2017, all lanes of I-66 between I-495 and Rosslyn were converted to HOoT lanes during the rush hour (EB in the morning and WB during the afternoon). <br>In September 2022, 2-lanes in each direction were converted into HOoT lanes from US 29 Gainesville to VA 28 Centreville. The new configuration became 3-2-2-3 with this conversion. <br>In November 2022, 2-lanes in each direction were converted into HOoT lanes from VA 28 Centreville to I-495. The new configuration became 3-2-2-3 with this conversion. <br>With the new I-66 express lanes, some interchanges were rebuilt: VA 28; VA 123; I-495 <br><b>New Exits Added:</b> VA 286 (1988) <br>(WB HOV only) SR 645 Stringfellow Rd (1997) <br>(WB HOV only) SR 7969 Monument Dr (1997) <br><b>Posted:</b>&nbsp; Fully posted; A few state-named shields remain, sprinkled throughout. One for sure remains on I-66 itself, out in the Marshall area. <br><b>Multiplexes:</b>&nbsp; US 17, VA 55 (3.36 mi) <br>US 17 (1.34 mi) <br>VA 234 (2.27 mi) <br>US 50 (0.50 mi) <br><b>Legislative names:</b>&nbsp; Custis Memorial Parkway, I-495 to DC (since 1-21-82); <br><b>Other names:</b>&nbsp; None <br><b>Scenic Byway:</b>&nbsp; No segments <br><b>HOot Lane Exits:</b> <p> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" > <TR> <TD> <b>Eastbound:</b> <br>Entrance from 66 right at US 29 Gainesville <br>Entrance from University Blvd <br>Entrance from Century Park Dr <br>Entrance from 66 just west of VA 234 Bus interchange <br>Entrance from VA 234 Bus Manassas <br>Entrance and Exit from VA 28 Centreville <br>Exit to 66 east of VA 28 <br>Entrance from SR 645 Stringfellow Rd <br>Exit to 66 west of US 50 <br>Entrance from SR 7969 Monument Dr <br>Entrance from US 50 EB Fairfax <br>Entrance and Exit from VA 123 Fairfax <br>Exit to SR 6731 Vaden Dr Vienna <br>Entrace from 66 east of VA 243 <br>Exit to I-495 <br>Exit to 66 east of I-495 </TD> <TD> <b>Westbound:</b> <br>Entrance from 66 east of I-495 <br>Entrance from I-495 <br>Entrance from SR 6731 Vaden Dr Vienna <br>Entrance and Exit from VA 123 Fairfax <br>Exit to US 50 Fairfax <br>Exit to from SR 7969 Monument Dr <br>Exit to 66 west of US 50 <br>Exit to SR 645 Stringfellow Rd <br>Exit to VA 286 Fair Oaks <br>Entrance and Exit from VA 28 Centreville <br>Exit to 66 east of VA 234 Bus Manassas <br>Exit to Century Park Dr <br>Exit to University Blvd <br>Exit to 66 at US 29 Gainesville </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br><b>Comments:</b> VDOT wants to widen I-66 inside the beltway but so far has only committed to doing spot widenings on transition lanes. The right-of-way already exists for an 8-lane freeway to the Rosslyn Tunnel and 6-lanes could be done from there to the TR Bridge. Evidently Congress in 1999 overruled the court decisions of the early 1970s that prevented a larger freeway, but VDOT did technically promise Arlington it wouldn't widen I-66 as a concession to building it at all. <br>I-66 is prohibited for trucks east of I-495 at all times. There is no specific posted I-66 TRUCK route. On technicality trucks might be allowed to use I-66 between US 29 Rosslyn and VA 110. <br>Traffic on I-66 is frequently epic. I think the now-removed shoulder lanes caused problems - tons of wrecks occured on 66 westbound before VA 243 Nutley St. <br>West of Marshall I-66 begins to get into some mountains and can be scenic. <br>I-66 totally blows off VA 55 (near Delaplane), VA 55 (near The Plains), and VA 124. <br>Proposals to extend I-66 all the way out to Kansas have been put out there, following US 48 and Corridor H from I-66's current end. Only Kentucky seems materially interested and may convert some of their east-west parkways into a western I-66 segment. </td></tr> </table> <HR WIDTH="100%"> <P>Previous: <a href="i064.htm">I-64&nbsp; |&nbsp; Next: <a href="i068.htm"><i>I-68</i></a> <br><a href="i66n.htm"><i>I-66N</i></a> | <a href="i266.htm"><i>I-266</i></a> <BR><A HREF="#top">Top</A>&nbsp; |&nbsp; <A HREF="index.htm">Virginia Hwy Index Home</A> <div align="center"> <center> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" valign="top" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../index.html"> Virginia Highways</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../index.html"> Project</a><br> </div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href=""> Highway</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href=""> Heaven</a></div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href=""> Magnolia</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href=""> Meanderings</a></div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href=""> Highway</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href=""> Photography</a></div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../ncannex/route-log/index.html"> NC Hwys</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../ncannex/route-log/index.html">&nbsp;Annex</a></div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../../scannex/route-log/index.htm"> South Carolina</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../../scannex/route-log/index.htm"> Highways</a></div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../../wvannex/route-log/index.htm"> West Virginia</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../../wvannex/route-log/index.htm"> Highways</a></div> </td> <td class="bluecell"> <div align="center"> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../../tn-annex/routes/index.htm"> Tennessee</a><br> <a style="text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" href="../../tn-annex/routes/index.htm"> Highways</a></div> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </div> <p align="center">Page last modified <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->26 November 2022<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" i-checksum="29984" endspan --></p> <!-- WiredMinds eMetrics tracking with Enterprise Edition V5.4 START --> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript'><!-- wm_custnum='f521621800f65941'; wm_page_name='i066.htm'; wm_group_name='/services/webpages/v/a/'; wm_campaign_key='campaign_id'; wm_track_alt=''; wiredminds.count(); // --> </script> <!-- WiredMinds eMetrics tracking with Enterprise Edition V5.4 END --> </body> </html>

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