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title="Study beyond your subject | Explore elective modules for 2025/26" width="350" height="200" /></a></p> <blockquote class="boxout boxoutAlt"> <h2>Important information</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/students/university-finances/">University finances updates</a></li> <li><a href="">Snow clearance and severe weather</a></li> <li><a href="">Studying beyond your department</a></li> </ul> </blockquote> <blockquote class="boxoutAlt"> <h2>Events in Israel, Gaza and the Middle East</h2> <p>If you're affected by the ongoing conflict, we can support you.</p> <p class="cta"><a href="/about/sanctuary/israel-gaza-response/">Responding to the crisis in Israel, Gaza and the Middle East</a></p> </blockquote> <p><a href="/students/it/myuoy-app/"><img src="/media/it-services/images/toolsoftwareorservice/myuoyapp/350 x 150 px-350x150.png" alt="" title="" width="350" height="150" /></a></p> <blockquote class="boxout boxoutAlt"> <h2>Status updates</h2> <p>Spotted any issues around campus or with IT systems? Check our status board for known problems.</p> <p class="cta"><a href="">Status updates</a></p> <p>You can also check scheduled works on campus so you can better plan your journey.</p> <p class="cta"><a href="">Campus disruption notices</a></p> </blockquote> </div><div class="col-half "><p><a href=""><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/350pxbanners/NSS_350x200px (1).jpg" alt="Your views, your NSS" title="Your views, your NSS" width="350" height="200" /></a></p> <h2>Student news</h2> <!--noindex--><!-- Hide from Funnelback--> <div id="latestnews"><!--start news teaser format --> <a href="/students/news/2025/digital-loyalty-card/" class="newsitem newslink"> <div class="newstext"> <h3 class="headline">New digital loyalty scheme for Eat and Drink venues</h3> <p class="newsPosted">Posted on Monday 17 February 2025</p> <p>No more rummaging in your bag for a lost loyalty card. We鈥檙e making it more convenient and sustainable to collect loyalty points across our Eat and Drink venues.</p> </div> </a> <div class="clear"></div> <!--end news teaser format --> <!--start news teaser format --> <a href="/students/news/2025/meet-your-bus-provider/" class="newsitem newslink"> <div class="newstext"> <h3 class="headline">Meet your University bus provider</h3> <p class="newsPosted">Posted on Monday 17 February 2025</p> <p>First York will be outside the Berrick Saul Building (Campus West) on Thursday 27 February, 11am to 3pm. </p> </div> </a> <div class="clear"></div> <!--end news teaser format --> <!--start news teaser format --> <a href="/students/things-to-know/postgraduate-taught/2025/17-feb/" class="newsitem newslink"> <div class="newstext"> <h3 class="headline">Things to know this week - 17 Feb 2025: Change of plan? </h3> <p class="newsPosted">Posted on Monday 17 February 2025</p> <p>Welcome to your postgraduate student news summary of key things happening this week.</p> </div> </a> <div class="clear"></div> <!--end news teaser format --> <!--start news teaser format --> <a href="/students/things-to-know/undergraduate/2025/17-feb/" class="newsitem newslink"> <div class="newstext"> <h3 class="headline">Things to know this week - 17 Feb 2025: Change of plan? </h3> <p class="newsPosted">Posted on Monday 17 February 2025</p> <p>Welcome to your undergraduate student news summary of key things happening this week.</p> </div> </a> <div class="clear"></div> <!--end news teaser format --> <!--start news teaser format --> <a href="/students/news/2025/waste-week/" class="newsitem newslink"> <div class="newstext"> <h3 class="headline">Waste Action Week 2025</h3> <p class="newsPosted">Posted on Sunday 16 February 2025</p> <p>Join us for Waste Action Week, where you can participate in exciting competitions and quizzes for the chance to win one of ten 拢5 vouchers. Plus, discover top tips to help reduce waste.</p> </div> </a> <div class="clear"></div> <!--end news teaser format --> </div> <!--endnoindex--><!-- Hide from Funnelback--> <p><a href="/students/news/">More news stories &rarr;</a></p></div><div class="col-half first-col"></div><div class="col-half "></div><h2>Tools and services</h2> <div class="col-third first-col"><h2>Study locations</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">Campus map and room finder</a></li> <li><a href="">PC availability in IT classrooms</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/manage/university-study-spaces/">Find your nearest study space</a></li> <li><a href="/library/visit/">Library seating availability</a></li> </ul> </div><div class="col-third "><h2>Learning resources</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/library/">Library</a></li> <li><a href="">VLE</a></li> <li><a href="">Canvas</a></li> </ul> </div><div class="col-third "><h2>Other tools and services</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">Staff and student directory (contact details)</a></li> <li><a href="">Room bookings</a></li> <li><a href="/it-services/tools/print/">Printing</a></li> <li><a href="">AccessAble guides</a></li> <li><a href="/about/equality/accessibility/">Accessibility</a></li> </ul> </div><h2>Information and advice</h2> <div class="col-third first-col"><p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/studying-at-york.jpg" alt="studying-at-york" title="studying-at-york" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/studying/">Studying at York</a></h2> <p>All about your studies, from module details and study skills to assessment and graduation.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/employability.jpg" alt="employability" title="employability" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/work-volunteering-careers/">Employability</a></h2> <p>Volunteering, work experience, skills development, finding a job and more.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/getting-around.jpg" alt="getting-around" title="getting-around" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/about/transport-maps-parking/">Travel and parking</a></h2> <p>Travel and transport information including maps and room search.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/it-and-online.jpg" alt="it-and-online" title="it-and-online" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/it/">IT and online services</a></h2> <p>Wifi, email, calendar, printing, passwords and more. Plus how to get help if you're stuck.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/grad-school.jpg" alt="grad-school" title="grad-school" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/research/graduate-school/">York Graduate Research School</a></h2> <p>Supporting our community of 2,000+ research students.</p> </blockquote> </div><div class="col-third "><p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/Flower_WellbeingGraphics-226x125crop.png" alt="" title="" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/health/">Health and wellbeing</a></h2> <p>Physical and mental health resources, helpful tips and contacts.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/accommodation.jpg" alt="accommodation" title="accommodation" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/accommodation/">Accommodation</a></h2> <p>Finding somewhere to live and help with private sector and university lettings.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/study-abroad.jpg" alt="study-abroad" title="study-abroad" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/study-abroad/">Study and work abroad</a></h2> <p>International experiences as part of your studies, from a few weeks to a full year.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/academicprogress/Web Image gallery-Psychology_UG_Lecture_AlexHolland-023_225x125.jpg" alt="" title="" width="274" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/online/">York Online students</a></h2> <p>Information if you're studying one of our 100% online courses.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="">The University of York Students' Union</a></h2> <p>The University of York Students&rsquo; Union is the go-to place for everything that happens outside of the lecture theatre. Join societies and sports teams, volunteer in the community, campaign on issues that matter to you - and so much more.</p> </blockquote> </div><div class="col-third "><p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/support-and-networks.jpg" alt="support-and-networks" title="support-and-networks" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/support/">Support and advice</a></h2> <p>Resources and contacts for students looking for guidance or with particular needs.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/finance.jpg" alt="finance" title="finance" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/finance/">Finance</a></h2> <p>Fees, funding and managing your money, including emergency funding sources.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/campus-life.jpg" alt="campus-life" title="campus-life" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/campus-city/">Student life in York</a></h2> <p>Things to do, places to go, food to eat - on campus and beyond.</p> </blockquote> <p class="unpadded"><img src="/media/studenthome/homepageimages/226x125/if-things-go-wrong.jpg" alt="if-things-go-wrong" title="if-things-go-wrong" width="226" height="125" /></p> <blockquote class="boxout"> <h2><a href="/students/help/">If things go wrong</a></h2> <p>What to do and who to talk to if something isn't going to plan.</p> </blockquote> </div> <div class="clear"></div><!-- *** LEAVE DIV CLEAR *** --> </div> </div><!-- *** END CONTENT CONTAINER *** --> <!-- *** START FOOTER *** --> <div id="footer"> <div id="sitemap"> <!-- fat footer --><h2 class="nothingbeside">Sitemap</h2> <div class="col-third first-col"><h3><a href="/students/studying/">Studying</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/students/studying/enrolment/">Enrolment</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/manage/">Manage your studies</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/student-visa/">Student visa holders</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/skills/">Develop your skills</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/assessment-and-examination/">Assessment and examination</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/graduation/">Graduation</a></li> <li><a href="/students/studying/unicard/">University card</a></li> </ul> <h3><a href="/students/support/">Support and advice</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/students/support/student-hub/">Student Hub</a></li> <li>Student Connect</li> <li><a href="/students/support/disability/">Disability</a></li> <li><a href="/students/support/international/">International students</a></li> <li><a href="/students/support/studentbuddyingscheme/">Student Buddying Scheme</a></li> <li><a href="/students/support/step-ahead-induction/">Step Ahead</a></li> <li><a href="/students/support/faith/">Faith and religion</a></li> <li><a href="/about/equality/">Equality and diversity</a></li> </ul> </div><div class="col-third "><h3><a href="/students/health/">Health and wellbeing</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/students/health/self-certification-illness/">Self-certification of illness</a></li> <li><a href="/students/health/help/">Help and support</a></li> <li><a href="/students/health/crisis/">In crisis now</a></li> <li><a href="/students/health/advice/">Advice A-Z</a></li> <li><a href="/students/health/wellbeing/">Tips for wellbeing</a></li> <li><a href="/students/health/healthcare/">Healthcare</a></li> <li><a href="/students/health/workshops/">Workshops and groups</a></li> </ul> <h3><a href="/students/work-volunteering-careers/">Work, volunteering and career planning</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/students/work-volunteering-careers/options/">Exploring your options</a></li> <li><a href="/students/work-volunteering-careers/apply-interview/">Finding jobs</a></li> <li><a href="/students/work-volunteering-careers/skills/">Get skills and experience</a></li> </ul> <h3><a href="/students/york-futures/">York Futures</a></h3> <h3>Study and work abroad</h3> </div><div class="col-third "><h3><a href="/students/accommodation/">Accommodation</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/students/accommodation/university-accommodation/">University accommodation</a></li> <li><a href="/students/accommodation/private-sector/">Living in private sector accommodation</a></li> </ul> <h3><a href="/students/it/">IT and online services</a></h3> <h3><a href="/students/finance/">Finance</a></h3> <ul> <li><a href="/students/finance/paying/">Paying the University</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/tuition-fees/">Tuition fees</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/managing-your-money/">Managing your money</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/funding/">Assistance funding</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/">Placements</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/bursaries-scholarships/">Bursaries and scholarships</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/student-loans/">Student loans</a></li> <li><a href="/students/finance/where-fees-go/">Where do your fees go?</a></li> </ul> <h3><a href="/students/campus-city/">Student life in York</a></h3> <h3><a href="/students/help/">If things go wrong</a></h3> </div> </div> <!-- feedback form --> <div id="legal"> <p class="left"> <!-- navigation object : Footer links (staff/student page layouts): legal -->漏 University of York <br/> <a href="">Legal statements</a> | <a href="">Privacy</a> | <a href="">Cookies</a> | <a href="">Accessibility</a> </p> <p class="right"> <span class="edit"><a class="t4Edit-page" href="">Modify</a> | <a class="t4Edit-page" href="">Direct Edit</a></span> </p> <div id="" class="clear"> </div> </div> </div><!-- *** END FOOTER *** --> <div class="clear"></div><!-- *** LEAVE DIV CLEAR *** --> </div><!-- *** END CONTAINER *** --> <!-- navigation object : WebCMS - 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