Hotel Kurrajong Canberra | Part of Collection by TFE Hotels

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It’s woven into the fabric of the walls, in the grooves of the hand-carved mantel, in the black and white photos that adorn the pavilion walls, and in the passion of the team as they share tales of bygone days.<br /> Modern conveniences blend seamlessly with Art Deco glamour, and impeccable service adds to the style. After all, this is a hotel where you come to work, to sink into custom-made furniture and reflect, to spoil yourself, and to immerse yourself in the delights of the nation’s capital</p> <!-- <a href="" class="button" title="Visit Hotel Kurrajong's History">Our History</a> --> <a href="" class="button" title="Visit Hotel Kurrajong's History">About & History</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </main> <!-- END / CONTENT --> <!-- SECTIONS --> <!-- ROOMS --> <section id="rooms" class="section section-left"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="slick-wrap"> <div class="fade slick-with-status" data-speed="4"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <img data-lazy="" data-mobile-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-classic-detail-01-2020 | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" width="100%" height="auto" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="slick-status" style="display: none"> <span class="slick-current"></span><span class="slick-status-separator">/</span><span class="slick-count"></span> </div> </div> <div class="slideshow-before"> <span class="line-one"></span> <span class="line-notch"></span> <span class="line-two"></span> <span class="square"></span> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>How Suite It Is</h3> <div class="text-content"> <p>Don’t underestimate the charm of stirring to bird song, enjoying pretty views of a perfectly manicured terraced garden, or waking in a heritage room that existed when Parliament House was nothing more than a paddock.<br /> Yesterday meets today as modern conveniences nestle between heritage touches, and balcony rooms woo at first sight.</p> <a href="" class="button" title="View Rooms &amp; Suites"> View Rooms &amp; Suites</a> <a class="button secondary bookbtn" target="_blank">Book</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- END / ROOMS --> <!-- PROMOTIONS --> <section id="promotions" class="section section-promotions promotions-promo"> <div class="centre"> <div class="fade" data-slides="1"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="1141"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>eClub Member Rate</h3> <p>Enhance your stay at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra by becoming a member of eClub. When booking direct through our website, you’ll unlock an exclusive eClub Member Rate which includes a complimentary benefit of your choice to enjoy during your stay. Plus, bo...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="eClub Member Rate" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="1141">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="1126"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>Family Offer</h3> <p>Create lasting memories with your loved ones in the heart of the nation’s Capital at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra with our exclusive Family Offer. Book your stay in interconnecting rooms and enjoy complimentary meals for the children, free parking, complimentary...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="Family Offer" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="1126">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="1124"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>Ultimate Getaway</h3> <p>Explore the nation's capital with a two night stay from $329 including daily breakfast for two, $50 dining credit, two house drinks daily, and a 12pm late checkout....</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="Ultimate Getaway" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="1124">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="1050"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>Hotel Kurrajong Exclusive</h3> <p>Escape to Canberra and enjoy Hotel Kurrajong Canberra's boutique style accommodation. For a limited time, enjoy this exclusive rate, only when you booking on our our website. &nbsp;...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="Hotel Kurrajong Exclusive" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="1050">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="567"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>Romance Me?</h3> <p>Ignite your relationship and reconnect with your loved on with our romance package. Surprise your partner with the perfect package including overnight accommodation in an Executive Suite at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra, an intimate candlelight three course cust...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="Romance Me?" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="567">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="565"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>The Chifley Experience</h3> <p>Prime Minister Ben Chifley resided at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra throughout his parliamentary career, live like Chifley did with overnight accommodation in The Chifley Room, daily breakfast for two, a $50 Food &amp; Beverage credit to spend daily in Chifley’s ...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="The Chifley Experience" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="565">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="351"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>Hotel Sale - Save 20%</h3> <p>Step into History at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra Embrace the timeless charm of Hotel Kurrajong, where Canberra’s rich history meets contemporary elegance. For a limited time, enjoy up to 20% off your stay and discover the stories that make this iconic hotel ...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="Hotel Sale - Save 20%" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="351">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="307"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> </div> <div class="text"> <h4 class="right-line">Package offers</h4> <h3>Canberra Escape</h3> <p>Escape to Canberra and enjoy Hotel Kurrajong Canberra's boutique style accommodation with overnight accommodation at 15% off the fully flexible rate, complimentary WiFi, daily breakfast included and 12pm late check-out. Only available for a limited time and i...</p> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="buttons"> <a title="Canberra Escape" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="307">Learn more</a> <a class="nav prev" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-left"></i></a> <a class="nav next" style="display:none;"><i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-1141" id="eclubmemberrate"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>eClub Member Rate</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Enhance your stay at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra by becoming a member of eClub.</p> <p>When booking direct through our website, you’ll unlock an exclusive<strong> eClub Member Rate</strong> which includes a complimentary benefit of your choice to enjoy during your stay.</p> <p>Plus, book by 6 August 2024 and earn 6 Qantas Points per AUD $1 spent at Adina Hotels in Australia (normally 3) and 2000 Qantas Points per stay at Adina Hotels in New Zealand (normally 1000 Qantas Points per stay). Double Qantas Points only valid for stays until 25 July 2025.</p> <p>Join eClub and begin experiencing the benefits.</p> <p>To learn more about eClub, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">click here.</a></p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_blank" title="BOOK NOW">BOOK NOW</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-1141"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-1126" id="familyoffer"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Family Offer</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Create lasting memories with your loved ones in the heart of the nation’s Capital at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra with our exclusive Family Offer. Book your stay in interconnecting rooms and enjoy complimentary meals for the children, free parking, complimentary Chifley’s Walk Experience, and a leisurely midday check-out*</p> <p><em>*Terms &amp; Conditions: </em>Parking is per one vehicle overnight, per reservation.</p> <p>Children eat free – Only available for breakfast &amp; dinner (excludes lunch). One child eats free for every full-paying adult, per meal period. Children are under 12 years.</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_self" title="BOOK NOW">BOOK NOW</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-1126"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-1124" id="ultimategetaway"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Ultimate Getaway</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Explore the nation's capital with a two night stay from $329 including daily breakfast for two, $50 dining credit, two house drinks daily, and a 12pm late checkout.</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_self" title="BOOK NOW">BOOK NOW</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-1124"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-1050" id="hotelkurrajongexclusive"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Hotel Kurrajong Exclusive</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Escape to Canberra and enjoy Hotel Kurrajong Canberra's boutique style accommodation. For a limited time, enjoy this exclusive rate, only when you booking on our our website.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_blank" title="Book Now">Book Now</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-1050"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-567" id="romanceme"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Romance Me?</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Ignite your relationship and reconnect with your loved on with our romance package.</p> <p>Surprise your partner with the perfect package including overnight accommodation in an Executive Suite at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra, an intimate candlelight three course custom prepared dinner for two served with sparkling wine in your private suite with personal server, breakfast in bed and late checkout of midday.</p> <p>Proposal, wedding &amp; anniversary let us take care of everything!</p> <p>We will reach out to you a week prior to your arrival to make all your desired menu and personal touch customisations come to life.</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_self" title="Book Now">Book Now</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-567"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-565" id="thechifleyexperience"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>The Chifley Experience</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Prime Minister Ben Chifley resided at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra throughout his parliamentary career, live like Chifley did with overnight accommodation in The Chifley Room, daily breakfast for two, a $50 Food &amp; Beverage credit to spend daily in Chifley’s Bar &amp; Grill and a welcome whisky on arrival for two.</p> <p>“Chifley’s walk experience” - A walk from Hotel Kurrajong to the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) at Old Parliament House. Guests of the heritage-listed Hotel Kurrajong Canberra are invited to MoAD for an exclusive 45-minute guided tour. As part of the experience, guests will take the 750m walk (self-guided) to MoAD, following the same route Chifley took every morning on his way to work via what is today the National Circle, Walpole Crescent, and King George Terrace.</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_self" title="Book Now">Book Now</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-565"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-351" id="hotelsale-save20"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Hotel Sale - Save 20%</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Step into History at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra</p> <p>Embrace the timeless charm of Hotel Kurrajong, where Canberra’s rich history meets contemporary elegance. For a limited time, enjoy up to 20% off your stay and discover the stories that make this iconic hotel so unique. And, if you book by 30 November, you’ll also have a chance to win 150,000 KrisFlyer miles.</p> <p>All prices are quoted in hotels' local currency and are per room, per night. Rates are subject to availability, exclude peak periods and can change without notification due to fluctuations in charges and currency. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates. Discount is not applicable for any additional guests over the standard room occupancy. Blackout dates, advance purchase restrictions, specific stay date restrictions, booking date restrictions or minimum night stays may apply. For full booking terms and conditions go to <a class="waffle-rich-text-link" href=""></a></p> <p>*Competition T&amp;Cs: Starts 12:00 AM AEDT 1/11/24. Book accommodation at participating AUST TFE Hotel by 11:59 PM AEDT 30/11/24 and stay and pay (in full) by 11:59 PM AEDT 28/2/25. Open to AUST residents 18+ who fulfil the entry/eligibility requirements. Entrants must present their KrisFlyer membership at check in. Prize is 150,000 KrisFlyer Miles. Total prize pool is valued at $9,460 (inc GST). Prize draw 12:00 PM AEDT 11/3/25. Winner notified via email &amp; phone by 13/3/25 and published at by 18/3/25. Promoter is Toga Hotel Management Holdings Pty Ltd. ABN 82 162 986 352. 45 Jones St Ultimo NSW 2007. Authorised under ACT Permit No. TP 24/02443 and SA Permit No. T24/1884. For full T&amp;Cs refer to</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_blank" title="BOOK NOW">BOOK NOW</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-351"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-307" id="canberraescape"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Canberra Escape</h3> <!-- Description --> <p class="price"></p> <p>Escape to Canberra and enjoy Hotel Kurrajong Canberra's boutique style accommodation with overnight accommodation at 15% off the fully flexible rate, complimentary WiFi, daily breakfast included and 12pm late check-out.<br /> Only available for a limited time and is subject to availability. Terms &amp; conditions apply.</p> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <a class="button secondary booknow" href="" target="_self" title="Book Now">Book Now</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-307"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <script> // window.onload = () => { // // Open popup if in url // if (window.location.hash) { // const underlay = document.querySelector('.popup-underlay'); // const theBody = document.querySelector('body'); // let windowHash = window.location.hash.split('#')[1]; // let pop = document.getElementById(`${windowHash.replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, '')}`); // if ((pop) && (pop.classList.contains('list-item-popup'))) { // setTimeout(() => { // pop.classList.add('active'); // = 'block'; // = 'block'; // theBody.classList.add('noscroll'); // }, 3000); // } // } // } </script> </section> <!-- END / PROMOTIONS --> <!-- WEDDING --> <section id="wedding" class="section section-right"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="slick-wrap"> <div class="fade slick-with-status" data-speed="4"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <img data-lazy="" data-mobile-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-wedding-couple-interior-03-2020 | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" width="100%" height="auto" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="slick-status" style="display: none"> <span class="slick-current"></span><span class="slick-status-separator">/</span><span class="slick-count"></span> </div> </div> <div class="slideshow-before"> <span class="line-one"></span> <span class="line-notch"></span> <span class="line-two"></span> <span class="square"></span> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" title="Boutique Wedding | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra">Romance is Alive</a></h3> <div class="text-content"> <p>We say “Can Do” so you can say “I Do” without a care in the world.<br /> We’re here to listen, to carefully curate your wedding menu, and to add a dash of Kurrajong creativity to turn something special into something exceptional.<br /> All it takes is one phone call from you.</p> <a href="" title="Wedding | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" class="button secondary">Enquire Now</a> <a href="" title="Boutique Wedding | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" class="button">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- END / WEDDING --><!-- DINING --> <section id="dining" class="section section-left"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="slick-wrap"> <div class="fade slick-with-status" data-speed="4"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <img data-lazy="" data-mobile-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-chifleys-02-2020-min | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" width="100%" height="auto" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="slick-status" style="display: none"> <span class="slick-current"></span><span class="slick-status-separator">/</span><span class="slick-count"></span> </div> </div> <div class="slideshow-before"> <span class="line-one"></span> <span class="line-notch"></span> <span class="line-two"></span> <span class="square"></span> </div> <div class="text"> <h3><a href="" title="Bar & Restaurant | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra">Chifley's Bar & Grill</span></a></h3> <div class="text-content"> <p>Here you’ll find yourself wondering what the walls would say if only they could talk. Would they tell tales of big business, of politics and intrigue, of secrets spilled, and debates won or lost over a drink or two.</p> <a href="" title="Bar & Restaurant | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" class="button">View Restaurant</a> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Bar & Restaurant | Hotel Kurrajong Canberra" class="button secondary">Book a table</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- END / DINING --><!-- THINGS TO DO --> <div id="special-events" class="menu-anchor"></div> <section class="section section-special-events section-things-to-do" > <div class="centre"> <h4 class="lines">See what's on</h4> <h2>Upcoming Special Events</h2> <!-- <a class="nav all" href="">View All Events</a> --> <a class="nav all" style=""><i class="icon-arrow-left-full"></i></a> <div class="home-slider" data-slides="2"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="970"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>Chifley's Walk</h3> <p>This experience is available exclusively for guests of Hotel Kurrajong Canberra. Trace the steps Prime Minister Ben Chifley walked from Hotel Kurrajong to Old Parliament House o...</p> <a title="Chifley's Walk" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="970">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Events" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="883"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>High Teas at Chifley’s Bar & Grill</h3> <p>Treat yourself and your closest to sumptuous high tea of treats including; petite scones, mini quiches, finger sandwiches &amp; a selection of sweet eats accompanied by herbal teas...</p> <a title="High Teas at Chifley’s Bar & Grill" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="883">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Events" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="479"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>Old Fashioned Thursdays</h3> <p>How do you like your Thursdays? Neat or on the rocks? Join us at Chifley's Bar &amp; Grill and enjoy 10% off on a great collection of premium whiskey. Bar snack available. *Ho...</p> <a title="Old Fashioned Thursdays" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="479">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Events" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="477"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>Happy Hour</h3> <p>There is a special time of day when the sun shines brighter and the drinks are smoother. Join us in Chifley’s Bar &amp; Grill for Happy Hour. Monday to Thursday, 4pm - 6pm. Inc...</p> <a title="Happy Hour" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="477">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Events" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="429"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>Christmas Day Lunch 2024</h3> <p>Join us for Christmas Day Lunch 2024 Indulge in an exquisite Christmas Day celebration at Hotel Kurrajong, where our renowned festive lunch returns. Treat your loved ones to ...</p> <a title="Christmas Day Lunch 2024" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="429">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Events" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="336"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>Acoustic Fridays</h3> <p>Don't miss the perfect opportunity to relax and unwind with our acoustic fridays! Join us at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra from 4:30pm every Friday featuring local live acoustic perf...</p> <a title="Acoustic Fridays" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="336">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Events" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> </div> <a class="nav more" style=""><i class="icon-arrow-right-full"></i></a> <!-- <a class="nav more" style="">More Events</a> --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-970"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Chifley's Walk</h3> <!-- From Price --> <!-- Description --> <p>This experience is available exclusively for guests of Hotel Kurrajong Canberra.</p> <p>Trace the steps Prime Minister Ben Chifley walked from Hotel Kurrajong to Old Parliament House operating today as the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD). Leave Hotel Kurrajong and enjoy 10-minute self-guided walk to MoAD, following the same route Chifley took each morning on his way to work via what is today via the National Circle, Walpole Crescent, and King George Terrace.</p> <p>At MoAD, you will embark on an exclusive guided tour highlighting personal stories during Chifley’s time in office and the spaces where his leadership shaped the development of Canberra and Australia. The tour touches on the architectural connections between Hotel Kurrajong and Old Parliament House, and discusses the history of the building and structural changes throughout time among other highlights.</p> <p>Complimentary for guests of Hotel Kurrajong Canberra.<br /> The Chifley's Walk is bookable Monday to Sunday with a total tour time is 45-minute.<br /> Please speak to Guest Services or Hotel Reservations for more information or to secure your booking. We recommend booking your Chifley's Walk experience prior to arrival.</p> <!-- Valid Dates --> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <!-- <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> --> <!-- copied from /page-special-events --> <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-970"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-883"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>High Teas at Chifley’s Bar & Grill</h3> <!-- From Price --> <!-- Description --> <p>Treat yourself and your closest to sumptuous high tea of treats including; petite scones, mini quiches, finger sandwiches &amp; a selection of sweet eats accompanied by herbal teas and barista made coffee.<br /> Includes a glass of bubbles on arrival!</p> <p>Celebrate your special occasions in style with a Chifley’s Bar &amp; Grill High Tea, ideal for baby showers, anniversaries, or just an excuse to bring the crew together.</p> <p>From $75 per adult | From $64 per child (under 18)</p> <p>Midday to 2pm</p> <p>Available dates:</p> <ul> <li>Saturday 2 September 2023</li> <li>Sunday 17 September 2023</li> <li>Sunday 1 October 2023</li> <li>Saturday 14 October 2023</li> <li>Saturday 28 October 2023</li> <li>Saturday 4 November 2023</li> <li>Sunday 19 November 2023</li> <li>Saturday 2 December 2023</li> <li>Saturday 16 December 2023</li> </ul> <p>To book one of the sessions above, simply click the button below.</p> <p>Hoping for a more private high tea for your celebration? <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Enquire here</u></a> to get in touch with our dedicated events team.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!-- Valid Dates --> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <!-- <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> --> <!-- copied from /page-special-events --> <a class="button" href="" target="_self" title="BOOK NOW">BOOK NOW</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-883"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-479"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Old Fashioned Thursdays</h3> <!-- From Price --> <!-- Description --> <p>How do you like your Thursdays? Neat or on the rocks?<br /> Join us at Chifley's Bar &amp; Grill and enjoy 10% off on a great collection of premium whiskey.<br /> Bar snack available.</p> <p>*Hotel Kurrajong Canberra practises responsible service of alcohol.<br /> *Patrons must be over 18 to purchase or consume alcohol.<br /> *Conditions apply.</p> <!-- Valid Dates --> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <!-- <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> --> <!-- copied from /page-special-events --> <a class="button" href="" target="_self" title="MAKE A RESERVATION ">MAKE A RESERVATION </a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-479"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-477"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Happy Hour</h3> <!-- From Price --> <!-- Description --> <p>There is a special time of day when the sun shines brighter and the drinks are smoother.<br /> Join us in Chifley’s Bar &amp; Grill for Happy Hour. Monday to Thursday, 4pm - 6pm.<br /> Includes house beer, wine, sparkling &amp; spirits.<br /> Bar snacks available.</p> <p>*Hotel Kurrajong practices the responsible service of alcohol.<br /> *Patrons must be over 18 to purchase and consume alcohol on these premises.</p> <p><script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script></p> <!-- Valid Dates --> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <!-- <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> --> <!-- copied from /page-special-events --> <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-477"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-429"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Christmas Day Lunch 2024</h3> <!-- From Price --> <!-- Description --> <p>Join us for Christmas Day Lunch 2024</p> <p>Indulge in an exquisite Christmas Day celebration at Hotel Kurrajong, where our renowned festive lunch returns.</p> <p>Treat your loved ones to an unforgettable dining experience, a lavish buffet of the season's finest.</p> <p>Fresh seafood, tender roasted lamb, honey-glazed ham, and roasted turkey with all the traditional festive trimmings and a selection of desserts.</p> <p>Raise a toast with our three-hour beverage package, offering a selection of sparkling, white &amp; red wine, beer, soft drinks, and juice. It's the perfect way to make your Christmas truly magical.</p> <p>Book your table with us and ensure your Christmas is one to remember.</p> <p>Wednesday 25th December from 12:00pm</p> <p><strong>Tickets:</strong><br /> $299 Adult<br /> $209 Teen (11 to 17)<br /> $99 Child (10 to 2)<br /> $0 Baby (0 to 1)</p> <p><a href="">View Menu</a></p> <!-- Valid Dates --> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <!-- <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> --> <!-- copied from /page-special-events --> <a class="button" href="" target="_self" title="Book Now">Book Now</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-429"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-336"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Acoustic Fridays</h3> <!-- From Price --> <!-- Description --> <p>Don't miss the perfect opportunity to relax and unwind with our acoustic fridays!</p> <p>Join us at Hotel Kurrajong Canberra from 4:30pm every Friday featuring local live acoustic performances accompanied by our refreshing beverage selection.<br /> Weekly beverage and bar snack specials are available.</p> <p>So, what are you waiting for, reserve your space today!</p> <p><strong>FREE ENTRY</strong></p> <!-- Valid Dates --> <div class="roomBtns"> <!-- Book Button --> <!-- <a class="button booknow" href="" title="Enquire">Enquire</a> --> <!-- copied from /page-special-events --> <a class="button" href="" target="_self" title="BOOK NOW">BOOK NOW</a> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-336"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> </div> </section> <!-- END / THINGS TO DO --> <!-- CONTENT --> <section id="events" class="section section-intro"> <div class="centre"> <div class="text"> <div class="left"> <div class="gallery"> <div class="image-top"> <img src="" class="lazy desktop" data-lazy="" data-mobile-lazy=""> <img src="" class="lazy tablet" data-lazy=""> </div> <div class="image-bottom"> <img src=""> <img src=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right"> <h4 class="left-line">Conference Venue</h4> <h2 class="h1">Meetings & Events</h2> <p>For decades after it opened in 1926, Hotel Kurrajong was the jewel in the social and political history of Canberra. After extensive and careful renovation, it once again shines as a venue for unforgettable experiences in the National Capital. Our private dining room and stylish meeting and event spaces suit a range of occasions, from diplomatic events, business, and boardroom meetings, to weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations</p> <a href="" class="button" title="Visit Hotel Kurrajong's History">Learn More</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </section> <!-- END / CONTENT --><!-- THINGS TO DO --> <div id="things-to-do" class="menu-anchor"></div> <section class="section section-things-to-do"> <div class="centre"> <h4 class="lines">Local Attractions</h4> <h2>Things to do in Canberra</h2> <a class="nav all" href=""><i class="icon-arrow-left-full"></i></a> <!-- <a class="nav all" href="">View All Attractions</a> --> <div class="home-slider" data-slides="2"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="51"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>National Zoo & Aquarium</h3> <p>Just five minutes from the CBD, The National Zoo and Aquarium is home to a variety of native and exotic animals, plus, it’s two attractions in one! Famed for its incredible exper...</p> <a title="National Zoo & Aquarium" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="51">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Attractions" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="50"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>The Australian War Memorial</h3> <p>A must-see for anyone visiting, passing through or living in Canberra. The site includes a memorial and museum, a very unique pairing unlike any other worldwide....</p> <a title="The Australian War Memorial" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="50">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Attractions" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="49"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>National Museum of Australia</h3> <p>Sitting on the banks of Lake Burley Griffin, this museum explores Australia’s social history. The museum features three themes; Australian society and history; Aboriginal Austral...</p> <a title="National Museum of Australia" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="49">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Attractions" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="47"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>Questacon.</h3> <p>Explore the fun side of science and technology and see innovation come to life. Feel the force of an earthquake and let lightning spark your imagination at Awesome Earth exhibition...</p> <a title="Questacon." class="button view-more-promo" data-post="47">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Attractions" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a class="view-more-promo" data-post="46"> <img data-mob-src="" data-lazy="" class="lazy" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra"> </a> <div></div> </div> <div class="text"> <h3>National Portrait Gallery</h3> <p>Australia’s premier collection of portrait paintings, sculpture and photography. View portraits of prominent Australians important in the country’s past and present....</p> <a title="National Portrait Gallery" class="button view-more-promo" data-post="46">Learn More</a> <a title="View all Attractions" href="" class="button secondary">View all</a> <!-- --> </div> </div> </div> <a class="nav more" style=""><i class="icon-arrow-right-full"></i></a> <!-- <a class="nav more" style="">More Attractions</a> --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-51"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>National Zoo & Aquarium</h3> <!-- Description --> <p>Just five minutes from the CBD, The National Zoo and Aquarium is home to a variety of native and exotic animals, plus, it’s two attractions in one! Famed for its incredible experiences including Meet the Cheetah.</p> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-51"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-50"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>The Australian War Memorial</h3> <!-- Description --> <p>A must-see for anyone visiting, passing through or living in Canberra. The site includes a memorial and museum, a very unique pairing unlike any other worldwide.</p> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-50"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-49"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>National Museum of Australia</h3> <!-- Description --> <p>Sitting on the banks of Lake Burley Griffin, this museum explores Australia’s social history. The museum features three themes; Australian society and history; Aboriginal Australia; and, people’s interaction with the environment</p> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-49"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-47"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>Questacon.</h3> <!-- Description --> <p>Explore the fun side of science and technology and see innovation come to life. Feel the force of an earthquake and let lightning spark your imagination at Awesome Earth exhibition and challenge your mind with over 60 hands-on exhibits at Perception Deception.</p> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-47"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> <!-- Promo (POPUP) --> <div class="popup list-item-popup pop-46"> <a type="button" class="close"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a> <div class="list-item-inner"> <div class="content text"> <!-- Name --> <h3>National Portrait Gallery</h3> <!-- Description --> <p>Australia’s premier collection of portrait paintings, sculpture and photography. View portraits of prominent Australians important in the country’s past and present.</p> <a class="button detail-view-link" href="" title="View Fullscreen">View Fullscreen</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="popup-underlay list-item-popup-underlay under-46"></div> <!-- END Promo (POPUP) --> </div> </section> <!-- END / THINGS TO DO --> <!-- GALLERY --> <section id="gallery" class="section section-gallery"> <div class="content grids"> <!-- PHOTO GALLERY (GRID) --> <div id="masonry" data-columns class="grid-view grid-view-gallery"> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-detail-interior-lobby-01-2020-min" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra Terrace Room King" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-hasluck-whiskey-tasting-08-2020-min" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="Hotel Kurrajong Canberra Outdoor eating area" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-social-lifestyle-25-2019-min" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item portrait"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="Couple enjoying a drink by the fire" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="History of Hotel Kurrajong, couple attending an event" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> <div class="box list-item landscape"> <div class="image anime speed-8ms delay-2ms slide-up"> <img class="lazy" data-lazy="" src="" alt="hotel-kurrajong-canberra-social-lifestyle-18-2019-min" width="100%" height="auto" /> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END / PHOTO GALLERY (GRID) --> </div> </section> <!-- END / GALLERY --> <!-- REVIEWS --> <section id="reviews" class="section section-reviews"> <div class="centre"> <!-- <h4>Read our guestbook</h4> --> <div class="fade-reviews"> <div class="item"> <div class="text"> <p class="title"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="left-quote"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> Excellent Accommodation <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> </p> <p>Stayed at this motel to attend a wedding being held at the same venue. It was very clean and the staff were very helpful in every way. We had the buffet breakfast and it was delicious and plenty to choose from.</p> <p class="author"> <span>Review by TripAdvisor User</span> 10 Feb 2020</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="text"> <p class="title"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="left-quote"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> Wonderful historic hotel in Canberra <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> </p> <p>Loved every minute of my time at Hotel Kurrajong. A beautiful historic hotel in1930's art deco style, similar to its older sister down the road (The Hyatt) but much more affordable. A gem of a place, which I had not discovered on previous visits to Canberra.</p> <p class="author"> <span>Review by TripAdvisor User</span> 10 Feb 2020</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="text"> <p class="title"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="left-quote"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> A change of pace <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> </p> <p>The Kurrajong provides a great opportunity to escape standard hotels and experience a more measured pace of life. Staff provide genuine hospitality, and even a working week here slowly rehumanises you.</p> <p class="author"> <span>Review by TripAdvisor User</span> 10 Feb 2020</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="text"> <p class="title"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="left-quote"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> Amazing Staying Experience <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> </p> <p>Best location everything near by maximum 20 mins else just 8 to 10 mins by Car. City centre mall, Australian War memorial, Australian Parliament and Australian Mint all this is very near by which is just 10 to 15 mins.</p> <p class="author"> <span>Review by Hiral TripAdvisor User</span> 10 Feb 2020</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="text"> <p class="title"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="left-quote"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> A step into history <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> </p> <p>Great overall experience. Front desk staff at the Kurrajong very welcoming and very helpful. The hotel has historical characteristics but has been modernised tastefully and was spotless. The beds were very excellent, especially the extra large pillows. I’d highly recommend a sun setter on the lawn. The gym was spartan but in good shape.</p> <p class="author"> <span>Review by TripAdvisor User</span> 10 Feb 2020</p> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="text"> <p class="title"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64" class="left-quote"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> A Brush with political history <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"> <path d="M14.193 9.412C6.367 9.412.001 15.778.001 23.604c0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.128 1.392.031 5.18-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.117 1.274c1.485 1.485 2.403 2.42 3.046 1.224 1.246 1.786 1.756a.997.997 0 001.328.014C22.374 48.84 29.4 37.467 28.384 23.532c-.596-8.182-6.564-14.12-14.19-14.12zm1.21 42.81c-.273-.268-.584-.585-1.042-1.05a417.05 417.05 0 00-2.478-2.507c4.405-6.789 3.573-11.623 3.209-12.317a1.036 1.036 0 00-.899-.55c-6.722 0-12.192-5.47-12.192-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.192-12.192 6.55 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.264 1.142 15.674-8.173 25.85-10.988 28.546zM63.9 23.532v-.001c-.597-8.18-6.566-14.12-14.191-14.12-7.826 0-14.193 6.367-14.193 14.193 0 7.55 5.925 13.742 13.37 14.17.13 1.39.032 5.177-3.599 10.45a1 1 0 00.116 1.274c1.48 1.48 2.396 2.413 3.038 3.066.845.861 1.23 1.254 1.795 1.766a1.002 1.002 0 001.328.012c6.326-5.504 13.352-16.876 12.336-30.81zm-12.982 28.69a95.14 95.14 0 01-1.05-1.06c-.556-.566-1.317-1.341-2.47-2.497 4.405-6.79 3.574-11.623 3.21-12.317a1.04 1.04 0 00-.899-.55c-6.724 0-12.193-5.47-12.193-12.194 0-6.723 5.47-12.192 12.193-12.192 6.548 0 11.678 5.158 12.197 12.265 1.142 15.671-8.174 25.85-10.988 28.545z" /> </svg> </p> <p>Located o the midst of Canberra's finest landmarks, the hotel exudes an elegance well-suited to its historical past. For a short few days in our nation's capital, the Hotel Kurrajong was a perfect location providing both comfort and convenience..</p> <p class="author"> <span>Review by Wendy TripAdvisor User</span> 14 Aug 2019</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- END / REVIEWS --> <!-- </?php pebble_sections( [ 'contact-map' ] ); ?> --> <!-- END / SECTIONS --> <!-- INSTAGRAM FEED --> <section class="section section-instafeed instafeed"> <div class="centre"> <!-- <h4>Follow us on instagram</h4> --> <!-- <h2>#coconutgrove</h2> --> </div> <div id="instafeed" class="ig-slider" data-slides="5"></div> <!-- <div id="instafeedDining" class="ig-slider" data-slides="5"></div> --> <a id="igScroll"><i class="icon-arrow-right-full"></i></a> </section> <!-- END / INSTAGRAM FEED --> <!-- FOOTER --> <section class="section-subscribe" id="subscribe"> <div class="anime speed-8ms slide-up"> <!-- SUBSCRIBE --> <div class="subscribe"> <h4 class="lines">The Kurrajong Chronicle</h4> <h2>Join our Community</h2> 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