Fundamentals of Product Marketing 2.5 - Quest Team

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Classes are held in Milpitas, California.</i></p> </div><div class="pad5-0"> <div class="register_now_block"> <h4 class="bold">Next class:</h4> <div class="pad0-10"><span class='nowrap'>Wednesday, Apr 23, 2025</span> <span class='nowrap'>to Friday, Apr 25, 2025</span> <br></div> <div class="pad10 "></div> <div class="alignC"> <a class="button button_m" href="../member/cart.html?classid=218">Register</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pad20 alignC hidden"> <h3 class="pad5"> Also available online as a <a style="font-style:italic;" href="fpmoe.html">live-streamed virtual class.</a></h3> </div> <h2 class="pad40 alignC"><br>Our national award–winning course is now even better!</h2> <p>Developed for the semiconductor equipment and materials industry, Fundamentals of Product Marketing 2.5 focuses upon professionals in product marketing, product management, and program management functions, and as a knowledge source for executive management. Fully revised in 2017, the content represents a major update of the industry gold standard for product marketing approaches and builds upon the national award-winning content of its predecessor.</p> <p>The program's purpose is to enhance each participant's skillset, and provide a high degree of expertise in successful review, analysis and improvement of a product or product line to assure ongoing profitable growth and market position.</p> <h3><br>Who should attend</h3> <p>Fundamentals of Product marketing 2.5 is developed for participants from companies of all sizes. The course is recommended for industry professionals interested or working in product marketing or product management, regardless of experience.</p> <h3><br>What you will learn</h3> <ul class="disc"> <li>Industry life cycle changes and their impact on your product(s)</li> <li>Industry marketing roles and refinement of them for your position</li> <li>Developing new/refined product definition and timely introduction</li> <li>Differentiating your products and developing enticing value definitions</li> <li>Pricing for optimum profitability</li> <li>The use of segmentation, positioning, and pricing to develop strategies</li> <li>Professional effectiveness through communication and interaction</li> <li>Realistic forecasting</li> <li>International marketing</li> <li>Numerous current models and tools for executing your role</li> </ul> <p>Participants receive a comprehensive industry product marketing manual and templates for implementing a number of the tools presented in the seminar. With these tools you will cut the time it takes to function as a highly competent professional. </p> <h3><br>Special Feature: The Experts Panel</h3> <p>Over the three days of the course, questions arise on specific marketing issues that the students have encountered. The Expert's Panel is an open forum held on the last day of the course and dedicated to answering those questions. Students gather collaborative information from industry experts on "real life" marketing challenges.</p> <div class="spreader"></div> <h3><br>Course outline</h3> <ol class="outer_list blue"> <li><span class="blue">Setting the Stage &ndash; Product Marketing and Current Challenges</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Strategic marketing versus product marketing</li> <li>Industry life cycle</li> <li>Disruptions in the semiconductor equipment & materials industry</li> <li>Implications for product marketing</li> <li>Tools for market analysis and strategic options</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Industry Overview</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Industry environment</li> <li>Critical supply chains</li> <li>Clues to future opportunities</li> <li>Industry direction</li> <li>The significance of IoT to marketing</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Industry Product Marketing Roles</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Working definition of product marketing</li> <li>Exploration of marketing roles in each function</li> <li>Specific knowledge and skills required for the professional</li> <li>Tools available to product marketing</li> <li>Identification of participant responsibilities and priorities</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Keys to Success in Product Development</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Stage-gate new product development process</li> <li>Product marketing role in new product development</li> <li>Business Model Canvas and Kano Model</li> <li>Business Ecosystem and Value Net Framework</li> <li>Key takeaways and deliverables</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Market Requirement Document (MRD),<br>Customer Requirement (CRD), and<br> Marketing Action Plan (MAP)</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Defining the Product through the MRD/CRD</li> <li>Commitment without the use of power</li> <li>The MAP &ndash; implementation process</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Product Launch: Distribution and Field Support</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Elements that need to be defined or developed</li> <li>Clear definition of field support</li> <li>Promotional Support</li> <li>Keys to success</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Differentiated Value Propositions: Talking the customer's language The Human Mind &ndash; Triggering Reactions</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Features/Advantages/Benefits</li> <li>Proofs &ndash; The Binding Factor</li> <li>The competition and the customer</li> <li>Composition and development of Value Propositions</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Approaches to Pricing</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Pricing &ndash; both art and science</li> <li>Different pricing models and their application</li> <li>Involvement of both the marketer and senior management</li> <li>Is there a default model for the industry?</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Market Segmentation and Strategies</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Purpose of and the payoff from market segmentation</li> <li>Determining criteria for segmentation analysis</li> <li>Identification of viable segments</li> <li>Determination of strategies for targeted segments</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Positioning of Your Product/Product Line</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>The noise of over-communication</li> <li>What to do if you are #1 or #2</li> <li>Positioning strategies and examples</li> <li>Proactive positioning</li> <li>Your <em>Positioning Starter Kit</em></li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Forecasting</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>The forecast cycle</li> <li>Consensus forecasting</li> <li>The Bookings Forecast</li> <li>The Factory Demand Schedule</li> <li>Forecasting when selling through reps; through distributors; through OEMs</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">How to Build a Roadmap</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Roadmap purpose</li> <li>Tools for project prioritization</li> <li>Roadmap maturity model</li> <li>Assessing success</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">Competitive Intelligence</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>The key to increasing your competitiveness</li> <li>How to develop CI</li> <li>Where to apply it</li> <li>Case Study – real world application</li> </ol> </li> <!--li><span class="blue">Successful International Marketing</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Linking your product/product line on a "One-World" Stage</li> <li>Culture Map attributes in different countries</li> <li>IP Rights index</li> <li>Implications for product marketing</li> <li>Understanding the norms in each region</li> </ol> </li--> <li><span class="blue">Pulling it All Together &ndash; The Implementation Plan</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Evaluating the session concepts</li> <li>Determining Priorities</li> <li>Keys to effective action planning</li> <li>Moving concepts from seminar to the workplace</li> </ol> </li> <li><span class="blue">The Marketing Mission</span> <ol class="inner_list"> <li>Timeless message from Bob Graham of SEMI's <em>Bob Graham Marketing Excellence Award</em></li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> </div> <div class="floatR one_third_col"> <div class="" style="padding:15px; margin-right:30px;"> <div class="testimonial_block"> <h5>"Absolute necessity for product management. Great topics, well presented, well organized."</h5> <p><i>&ndash;Joe Wildgoose<br>Product Manager<br>Entegris<br>Franklin, MA</i> </p> </div> <div class="clr pad10-0"></div> <div class="testimonial_block"> <h5>"Can't live without it! This course prepared me for my new role in Product Marketing, and gave me the tools and methodologies to succeed in my new role."</h5> <p><i>&ndash;Kiyomi Monro<br>Market Development Manager<br>Coherent<br>Osaka, Japan</i> </p> </div> <div class="clr pad10-0"></div> <div class="testimonial_block"> <h5>"You must have this course under your belt. This is the second time I took this course and it was still a lot of new information to absorb."</h5> <p><i>&ndash;Brandon Lee<br>Director of Marketing &amp; Business Development<br>Cimac, Inc.<br>San Jose, CA</i> </p> </div> <div class="clr pad10-0"></div> <div class="testimonial_block"> <h5>"It got me enthusiastic about being in product marketing again. Lots of good ideas and presenters. A lot of info that can be used in real life. Kudos for awesome time management! Started on time, finished on time."</h5> <p><i>&ndash;Russell Stevens, Applications Engineering Manager<br>Sachem, Inc., Austin, TX</i> </p> </div> <div class="spreader"></div> <ul class="local_nav"> <li><a class="heading" href="../classroom/">Classroom Courses</a></li> <li><a href="../classroom/fpm.html">Fundamentals of Product Marketing 2.5</a></li> <li><a href="../classroom/ksm.html">Key Semiconductor Account Selling and Management</a></li> <li><a href="../classroom/scm.html">Combating Aggressive Supply Chain Management</a></li> </ul> <div class="spreader"></div> <ul class="local_nav"> <li><div class="heading">More Information</div></li> <li><a href="../classroom/location.html">Classroom Location</a></li> <li><a href="../classroom/lodging.html">Nearby Lodging</a></li> </ul> <div class="spreader"></div> <ul class="local_nav"> <li> <div class="heading">Class Instructors</div> </li> <li><a href="../company/len_given.html">Len Given</a></li> <li><a href="../company/tim_pratt.html">Tim Pratt</a></li> <li><a href="../company/gianni_leonarduzzi.html">Gianni Leonarduzzi</a></li> <li><a href="../company/john_dunn.html">John Dunn</a></li> <li><a href="../company/mark_merrill.html">Mark Merrill</a></li> <li><a href="../company/may_su.html">May Su</a></li> </ul> <div class="spreader"></div> <div class="spreader"></div> <div class="bordered bg_lightgray"> <div class="pad30-0 pad0-10 alignC"> <div class="pad30"> </div> <h3 class="pad5-0 extra_bold">Fundamentals of Product Marketing</h3> <h5 class="pad5-0 light"><i>was awarded the</i></h5> <h2 class="pad5-0 germania" style="color:#f53;">Certificate of Achievement<br>in Education</h2> <h5 class="pad5-0 light"><i>by the</i></h5> <h3 class="pad5-0 light">American Society of Association Executives</h3> <p class="pad0-5 small alignJ">The American Society of Association Executives awarded Quest Team it's prestigious National award, the Certificate of Achievement in Education, in the category, "Best United States program delivered through a large industry association."</p> </div> </div> <h3><br>Hours</h3> <p>Fundamentals of Product Marketing classes are held from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm the first and second days, and from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm on the third day.</p> <h3><br>Meals</h3> <p>Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch all three days.</p> <h3><br>What to wear</h3> <p>Casual business attire is appropriate.</p> </div> </div> <div class="clr"></div> <div class="spreader"></div> <div class="pad5-0"> <div class="register_now_block"> <h4 class="bold">Next class:</h4> <div class="pad0-10"><span class='nowrap'>Wednesday, Apr 23, 2025</span> <span class='nowrap'>to Friday, Apr 25, 2025</span> <br></div> <div class="pad10 "></div> <div class="alignC"> <a class="button button_m" href="../member/cart.html?classid=218">Register</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pad20-0"></div> <div class="clr alignC"> <div class="floatC" style="width:320px;"> <div class="pad10 alignC"> <div class="pad10 bordered rounded bg_lightblue"> <h5 class="pad10"><a class="bold" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#86f4e3e1eff5f2e3f4c6f7f3e3f5f2f2e3e7eba8e5e9eb"><span class="green">Registration Help</span></a></h5> <a class="pad10" style="display:block; font-size:0.9em;" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d4a6b1b3bda7a0b1a694a5a1b1a7a0a0b1b5b9fab7bbb9">Call or send email. 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