Should the Year of Education become a Decade of Education?

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style="float:left;margin-right:8px"><a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-show-count="true">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></div><iframe src="" width="106" height="28" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe></div> At the beginning of 2024, African leaders adopted education as a continental priority under the <a href="" target="_new">theme</a>, ‘Educate an African fit for the 21st century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa’.<br /> <br /> As 2025 unfolds, experts say many of the policies and initiatives championed during the year will take time to materialise and will require sustained monitoring and impact assessment to ensure their effectiveness.<br /> <br /> In a written response to questions from <I>University World News</I>, authored jointly by members of the Africa-focused education research and advocacy group, Education Sub-Saharan Africa (<a href="" target="_new">ESSA</a>) – Rexford Akrong, the research manager; Richard Amoah, the head of research, innovation and implementation and Sandra Adjin, the research assistant – said that, during Africa’s Year of Education, there were notable achievements as organisations like the Association of African Universities (AAU) and the World Bank-funded Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence (ACE), played pivotal roles in advocating for increased enrolment, urging countries to renew their commitment to the African Higher Education Summit’s ambitious target of a 50% enrolment by 2063.<br /> <br /> The researchers said ESSA also led advocacy efforts to raise the profiles of African researchers. This focus is critical to boost the continent’s research outputs to inform policy and practice effectively, they added.<br /> <br /> “There was also considerable progress in advancing gender equity in higher education. Initiatives such as that championed by a pan-African movement supporting girls and women education, the Campaign For Female Education, (<a href="" target="_new">CAMFED</a>) [with its initiative, the] Collaborative Research and Youth-Led Mentorship Programme, along with UNESCO and the Forum for African Women Educationalists, demonstrated renewed commitment to increasing female enrolment and supporting women in academia,” they added.<br /> <br /> However, the researchers said addressing gender parity in higher education remains a critical goal for the continent’s development because, even as global trends show higher female enrolment than male in higher education, Africa still lags in bridging this gap.<br /> <br /> They said a <a href="" target="_new">study</a> by ESSA reveals that only 7.19% of women in the region are enrolled in universities and colleges, compared to 10.41% of men. The study also showed that this gender gap extends beyond enrolment to faculty representation.<br /> <br /> <b>Challenges persist</b><br /> <br /> Gender parity is one of several challenges that have persisted in the higher education sector during the Year of Education, according to the researchers.<br /> <br /> They said higher education in Africa continued to experience insufficient funding, limited academic programme diversity, inadequate infrastructure, weak research capacity, governance issues, and concerns about the quality of graduates.<br /> <br /> Inadequate investment in infrastructure, needed to expand access to higher education, was another shortcoming they cited, as well as the fact that, despite a growing demand for university education, the gross enrolment rate in Africa remains at just 9%, far below the global average of 38%, according to UNESCO <a href="" target="_new">data</a>.<br /> <br /> Another key issue was the slow pace of curriculum reform in universities to deal with the growing mismatch between graduates’ skills and industry demands, they said.<br /> <br /> Research and development also remained underfunded, with only 0.38% of Africa’s GDP allocated to this area, compared to 2.3% in Europe and North America, according to UNESCO data.<br /> <br /> <b>Ministers fail to support Year of Education</b><br /> <br /> In an interview with <I>University World News</I>, the Secretary General of the Association of African Universities (AAU) Professor Olusola Oyewole, said the major achievements of Africa’s Year of Education was the review of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-25 (or CESA) and a greater focus on the Pan African University.<br /> <br /> He said the AAU also made the African Union’s education theme the focus of its African Universities Week in November 2024, an opportunity which was used to sensitise universities on the challenges and issues connected with the roles of universities in building the future of Africa.<br /> <br /> Oyewole said, on the downside, while the African Union Commission was focusing on the celebration of Africa’s Year of Education, individual African countries appeared indifferent to the celebration.<br /> <br /> “The celebration was not able to bring the ministers of education on the continent to discuss the issues and challenges facing education in the continent,” added Oyewole.<br /> <br /> He said Africa’s Year of Education also did not address the issues of funding of education, which still remains a challenge on the continent.<br /> <br /> “Quality of education still remains a big challenge in the face of [the] dwindling value of funding and [the] increasing number of youths needing higher education,” he noted.<br /> <br /> He said that, because of such failures, the conversation should be moved from Year of Education to Africa’s Decade of Education.<br /> <br /> <b>Indigenous knowledge systems</b><br /> <br /> Professor Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo, the director of the Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Higher Education Futures (CASHEF) at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, told <I>University World News</I> that Africa’s Year of Education witnessed a growing recognition of the need to valorise indigenous knowledge systems and their potential to address pressing challenges such as food security, public health and student funding, among other concerns.<br /> <br /> He said this shift has prompted the establishment of more specialised research centres, such as CASHEF, across the continent, dedicated to finding solutions to local problems and facilitating interdisciplinary research and collaboration to address the evolving needs of African higher education.<br /> <br /> Adeyemo said one problem that remained was the politicisation of university leadership positions, leading to fulfilling political agendas and not pursuing academic excellence, thereby stifling critical thinking, hindering innovation, and undermining the core higher education mission.<br /> <br /> “Unfortunately, instances of political interference in university leadership appointments are not uncommon across the African continent,” he said.<br /> <br /> <b>‘No shared vision’</b><br /> <br /> Zimbabwean academic Takavafira Zhou said there were no shared national visions to support the continental vision, reducing continental higher education plans such as a ‘Year of Education’ to mere meetings of personnel in higher education far detached from the general populace.<br /> <br /> He said there were also limited attempts to engage key stakeholders in higher education reforms, particularly lecturers, students, industry and the public.<br /> <br /> Zhou said that, to deal with these challenges, research and the quest for modernisation of higher education must inform decision-making rather than political expediency.<br /> <br /> “Research has shown that lecturers, students and industry must be at the forefront of conversations and policymaking in higher education,” he said.<br /> <br /> He also said there is a greater need for technology, curriculum innovation and transformation, teaching and learning using immersive technologies, sustainability, academic collaboration and exchange programmes, the creation of knowledge-based communities, and the creation of new leadership competencies.<br /> <br /> The Secretary General of the All-Africa Students Union (AASU), Peter Kwasi Kodjie, told <I>University World News</I> that, while it is clear that many of the policies and initiatives discussed this year will take time to materialise, the student union believes that the foundations laid in 2024 are significant and will have a far-reaching impact in the years to come.<br /> <br /> He said the African Union, through its Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (ESTI) Department, worked tirelessly to convene key stakeholders and advocate for transformative education policies and initiatives such as the #AfricaEducatesHer campaign.<br /> <br /> Also, high-level dialogues on education financing have drawn attention to pressing issues, particularly the need to invest in education for marginalised groups, including young girls, women, and persons with disabilities.<br /> <br /> “During the year, stakeholders have also made commendable strides in harmonising Africa’s education ecosystem. A key example is the Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation (<a href="" target="_new">HAQAA3</a>) initiative, which aims to standardise quality assurance and accreditation processes across the continent,” he said.<br /> <br /> He also said higher education systems must address the needs of marginalised groups, including young women, students with disabilities, and those from rural or conflict-affected areas, hence universities should adopt inclusive policies that provide equal access and support to these groups, ensuring that no one is excluded from the benefits of higher learning.<br /> <br /> Kodjie said that, looking ahead, it is evident that the outcomes of initiatives launched this year will require sustained monitoring and impact assessment to ensure their effectiveness. </div><br><script src=""></script> <div style="background:#ffe57d;padding:8px" id="subform"> <span style="font-family:arial"><b>Receive email updates from UWN</b></span> <br> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" style="width:65%;font-size:16px" placeholder="enter your email address"> &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" style="background:#000;color:#fff;padding:4px;font-size:20px; 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