News in September 2010 | News | The University of Aberdeen
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<h2>Most comprehensive collection of Irish poetry published today</h2> <p>A University of Aberdeen professor will today see nine years of work come to fruition with the publication of an unprecedentedly comprehensive compilation of poetry from Ireland.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3814/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/339IanAlexander_FPS.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Botanist to retire after almost four decades at University</h2> <p>A University of Aberdeen botanist whose career has taken him from the tropics to the arctic will retire today (September 30) after 39 years with the institution.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3815/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/338Picture3_fps.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Milestone celebrations for Medical Education Centre in the Highlands</h2> <p>A teaching facility that has been a hub over the years for thousands of medical students on placement in Inverness and the Highlands has two good reasons to celebrate tomorrow (October 1).</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3816/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/341AlisonSaunders_FPS.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Changing times for Aberdeen lecturer retiring after 40 years</h2> <p>After four decades at the University of Aberdeen, Professor Alison Saunders has seen huge changes in the institution.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3811/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/336WIIFIT_fps.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Elderly find Nintendo Wii Fit ‘acceptable’</h2> <p>The Nintendo Wii Fit is an acceptable exercise for some older people who are prone to falling, according to an NHS Grampian and University of Aberdeen study.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3812/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/337KTPConference_FPS.JPG" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Strength of the cooperative movement celebrated at international conference</h2> <p>There are 800 million individual members of cooperatives worldwide including around 2.1 million in Scotland and the movement has been shown to withstand economic turbulence better than more conventional ways of working.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3810/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/335NUCLEAR_fps.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>The reality of a nuclear-free Scotland to be debated</h2> <p>The reality of Scotland without nuclear power is to be debated at a free event in Aberdeen on Monday (October 11).</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3809/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/334RVJONES_fps.JPG" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Powerful underwater waves - capable of tilting oil rigs - to be discussed in new lecture series</h2> <p>Powerful waves capable of destroying underwater vehicles, tilting offshore rigs and halting a ship at full power, will be the subject of the first in a new series of lectures hosted by the University of Aberdeen.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3806/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/332_JACOBITES_fps.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Scottish Parliament welcomes rebels with a cause</h2> <p>The Scottish Parliament announced today it will showcase a major new exhibition titled Rebels with a Cause: The Jacobites and the Global Imagination.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/3807/"> <img src=",sc/uploads/news/images/331SCANNER_fps.jpg" width="50" alt=""> <h2>Dementia research gets boost thanks to charity concert</h2> <p>Faster and more detailed imaging of brain disorders will be on the way thanks to the efforts of a local charity.</p> </a> </li> </ul> <nav class="pagination" aria-label="Page navigation through the list of items"> <ol> <li> <b aria-label="You are here:" title="Page 1 of 5">1</b> </li> <li> <a href="/news/archive/september/2010/?page=2" class="page_number_link" title="Page 2 of 5">2</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/archive/september/2010/?page=3" class="page_number_link" title="Page 3 of 5">3</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/archive/september/2010/?page=4" class="page_number_link" title="Page 4 of 5">4</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/archive/september/2010/?page=5" 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