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= ''; } else { this.errLabel.innerHTML = errorMsg; = ''; } } if (password) { this.errPassLabel.setAttribute('for',; = ''; } else { this.errLabel.setAttribute('for',; = ''; } }; InputUtil.makePlaceholder = function (input) { var ua = navigator.userAgent; if (ua != null && (ua.match(/MSIE 9.0/) != null || ua.match(/MSIE 8.0/) != null || ua.match(/MSIE 7.0/) != null)) { var node = document.getElementById(input); if (node) { var placeholder = node.getAttribute("placeholder"); if (placeholder != null && placeholder != '') { var label = document.createElement('input'); label.type = "text"; label.value = placeholder; label.readOnly = true; = 'absolute'; = 'transparent'; label.className = node.className + ' hint'; label.tabIndex = -1; label.onfocus = function () { this.nextSibling.focus(); }; = 'relative'; = 'relative'; node.parentNode.insertBefore(label, node); node.onkeyup = function () { InputUtil.showHint(this); }; node.onblur = function () { InputUtil.showHint(this); }; = 'transparent'; node.setAttribute("placeholder", ""); 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All rights reserved. * * Description: Functions to perform login page pagination * */ PaginationUtil = { /* * Helper to extract a query parameter. Taken from Main_Browser.js * * param: Name of the parameter to extract. * returns: The query parameter value if it PaginationUtil.exists otherwise it returns * an empty string. */ ExtractQSParam: function (param) { var sQS =; if (sQS) sQS = sQS.substr(1); return PaginationUtil.ExtractToken(sQS, param.toLowerCase(), "&", "=", ""); }, /* * Extract a specific token from a string. * * Args: * sString - the full string * sName - the name of the token * sDelim - the token delimiter (default '&') * sSep - the name=value pair separator (default '=') * * Returns: string * the value of the token if PaginationUtil.exists * null otherwise */ ExtractToken: function (sString, sName, sDelim, sSep, sDefault) { sDelim = PaginationUtil.valOrDefault(sDelim, "&"); sSep = PaginationUtil.valOrDefault(sSep, "="); var value = PaginationUtil.valOrDefault(sDefault, null); if (!sString) return value; var start = sString.indexOf(sName + sSep); if (0 == start) { start += sName.length + 1; } else if (0 < start) { start = sString.indexOf(sDelim + sName + sSep); if (0 < start) { start += sDelim.length + sName.length + 1; } } if (-1 != start) { var end = sString.indexOf(sDelim, start); if (-1 == end) { end = sString.length; } value = sString.substring(start, end); } return value; }, // Helper to handle supporting default values. valOrDefault: function (oVal, oDefault) { return ((PaginationUtil.exists(oVal)) ? oVal : oDefault); }, // Helper for testing existence. exists: function (v) { return ((v) ? true : (v == 0 || v == false || v == "")); } } PaginationManager = { /* * Initialize state * 'options' is an object with extra options to use. An example: * { * pages: ["usernamePage", "primaryOptionsPage", "passwordPage"], // required * currentPageIndex: 0 // optional - default 0 * } */ Initialize: function (options) { this.options = options || { pages: ["usernamePage", "primaryOptionsPage", "passwordPage"], currentPageIndex: 0 }; this.debugMode = PaginationUtil.ExtractQSParam('debugMode').toLowerCase(); var pageElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.options.pages.length; i++) { pageElements.push(document.getElementById(this.options.pages[i])); } this.options.pages = pageElements; this.initializePageDisplayedElements(); }, initializePageDisplayedElements: function() { _self = this; // Hide the back button on pages that can't go back if (_self.options.pages && _self.options.pages[0]) { var passwordBack = document.getElementById("backButtonArea"); var optionsBack = document.getElementById("optionsBackButtonArea"); if (passwordBack && _self.options.pages[0].id === "passwordPage") { = "none"; var submitButton = document.getElementById("submitButton"); 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_self.redrawPages(pageToHideIndex, _self.options.currentPageIndex); } else { if (_self.debugMode && console && console.log) { console.log("[ADFS]: Attempted to navigate to an invalid page index"); } } } }, updatePagesWithUsername: function (username) { var idBanner = document.getElementById("identityBanner"); var formUsernameInput = document.getElementById("userNameInputHolder"); var optionsUsernameInput = document.getElementById("userNameInputOptionsHolder"); var idBannerOptionsPage = document.getElementById("identityBannerOptions"); var kmsiHolder = document.getElementById("kmsiHolder"); var kmsiInput = document.getElementById("kmsiInput"); if (idBanner) { idBanner.innerText = username; } if (idBannerOptionsPage) { idBannerOptionsPage.innerText = username; } if (formUsernameInput) { formUsernameInput.value = username; } if (optionsUsernameInput) { optionsUsernameInput.value = username; } if (kmsiInput && kmsiHolder) { kmsiHolder.value = kmsiInput.value; } }, validateAndNext: function () { var u = new InputUtil(); var e = new LoginErrors(); var userName = document.getElementById(Login.userNameInput); if (!userName.value || !userName.value.match('[@\\\\]')) { u.setError(userName, e.userNameFormatError); return false; } _self.updatePagesWithUsername(userName.value); u.clearError(); if (_self.options.currentPageIndex + 1 >= _self.options.pages.length) { // POST back to ADFS since there are no more pages to go to document.forms['loginFormPaginated'].submit(); return true; } else { _self.displayNextPage(); } return true; }, displayNextPage: function () { _self = this; _self.displayPage({ backwards: false }); }, displayPreviousPage: function () { _self = this; var u = new InputUtil(); u.clearError(); _self.displayPage({ backwards: true }); }, redrawPages: function (pageToHideIndex, pageToShowIndex) { _self = this; _self.adjustElementDisplay([_self.options.pages[pageToHideIndex]], "none"); _self.adjustElementDisplay([_self.options.pages[pageToShowIndex]], "block"); _self.setFocus(); }, setFocus: function () { var usernameInput = document.getElementById(Login.userNameInput); var passwordInput = document.getElementById(Login.passwordInput); var optionInput = document.getElementsByClassName("optionButton"); if (usernameInput && _self.options.pages[_self.options.currentPageIndex] && _self.options.pages[_self.options.currentPageIndex].id === "usernamePage") { usernameInput.focus(); } else if (passwordInput && _self.options.pages[_self.options.currentPageIndex] && _self.options.pages[_self.options.currentPageIndex].id === "passwordPage") { passwordInput.focus(); } else if (optionInput && optionInput.length > 0 && _self.options.pages[_self.options.currentPageIndex] && _self.options.pages[_self.options.currentPageIndex].id === "primaryOptionsPage") { optionInput[0].focus(); } } }; var paginationManager = PaginationManager; //]]> </script> <script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ LoginManager = { initialize: function () { var u = new InputUtil(); this.userNameInput = 'userNameInput'; this.userNameInputHolder = 'userNameInputHolder'; this.passwordInput = 'passwordInput'; u.checkError(); u.setInitialFocus(Login.userNameInput); u.setInitialFocus(Login.passwordInput); }, submitLoginRequest: function () { var u = new InputUtil(); var e = new LoginErrors(); var userName = document.getElementById(Login.userNameInput); var userNamePaginated = document.getElementById(Login.userNameInputHolder); var password = document.getElementById(Login.passwordInput); if (!userName && userNamePaginated) { userName = userNamePaginated; } if (!userName.value || !userName.value.match('[@\\\\]')) { u.setError(userName, e.userNameFormatError); return false; } if (!password.value) { u.setError(password, e.passwordEmpty, true); return false; } if (password.value.length > maxPasswordLength) { u.setError(password, e.passwordTooLong, true); return false; } document.forms['loginForm'].submit(); return false; } }; var Login = LoginManager; Login.initialize(); InputUtil.makePlaceholder(Login.userNameInput); InputUtil.makePlaceholder(Login.passwordInput); //]]> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/adfs/portal/css/style.css?id=A7618A91AF9831C8CDF5863B4179236EC332904F166B2A3D6BF41BE9F87FCC37" /><style>.illustrationClass {background-image:url(/adfs/portal/illustration/illustration.jpg?id=E392B593DF4DDF79DCC54E289035C967D1894310E60832D4620B873A3724187D);}</style> </head> <body dir="ltr" class="body"> <div id="noScript" style="position:static; 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Once you have completed the setup, please return to the application you are attempting to access.<br><br>If you are not redirected automatically, please click <a href='{0}'>here</a>." var authArea = document.getElementById("authArea"); if (authArea) { var errorMessage = document.getElementById("errorMessage"); if (errorMessage) { if (errorMessage.innerHTML.indexOf(mfaSecondFactorErr) >= 0) { //Hide the error message var openingMessage = document.getElementById("openingMessage"); if (openingMessage) { = 'none' } var errorDetailsLink = document.getElementById("errorDetailsLink"); if (errorDetailsLink) { = 'none' } //Provide a message and redirect to Azure AD MFA Registration Url var mfaRegisterUrl = "" + domain_hint; errorMessage.innerHTML = "<br>" + mfaProofupMessage.replace("{0}", mfaRegisterUrl); window.setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = mfaRegisterUrl; }, 5000); } } } //End Customize MFA Exception //End Custom Code //]]> </script> </body> </html>