India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon - Business

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During the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to $500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025." /> <meta name="news_keywords" content="India, America, Rajesh Agrawal, Department of Commerce, FTA, Narendra Modi, Washington, BTA, Sunil Barthwal, Donald Trump" /><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta property="og:title" content="India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon" /> <meta property="og:type" content="article" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Rediff" /> <meta property="og:description" content="India and the US will sit together in the next couple of weeks to decide on the nature of the proposed trade agreement and finalise its broad contours, a senior official said on Monday. During the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to $500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025." /> <meta itemprop="name" content="India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="India and the US will sit together in the next couple of weeks to decide on the nature of the proposed trade agreement and finalise its broad contours, a senior official said on Monday. During the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to $500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025." /> <meta itemprop="publisher" content="" /> <meta itemprop="url" content="" /> <meta itemprop="headline" content="India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon" /> <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en-US" /> <meta itemprop="keywords" content="India, America, Rajesh Agrawal, Department of Commerce, FTA, Narendra Modi, Washington, BTA, Sunil Barthwal, Donald Trump" /> <meta itemprop="image" content=""> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2025-02-17T23:17:42+05:30" /> <meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2025-02-17T23:17:42+05:30" /> <meta itemprop="alternativeHeadline" content="India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon" /> <link rel="preload" href="" as="image" /><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" /> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <meta itemprop="dateline" content="New Delhi" /><link rel="preconnect" href="//" > <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <link rel="image_src" href="" /> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"NewsMediaOrganization","name":"","url":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"","width":269,"height":65},"address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","streetAddress":"Mahalaxmi Engineering Estate, 1st Floor, 1st LJ Cross Rd, Mahim","addressLocality":"Mumbai","addressRegion":"India","addressCountry":"IN","postalCode":"400016"},"contactPoint":{"@type":"ContactPoint","telephone":"+91 - 022 - 61820000","contactType":"Customer Service","areaServed":"IN","availableLanguage":"English","hoursAvailable":{"opens":"09:00","closes":"18:00"}}} </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"BreadcrumbList", "name":"Breadcrumb", "itemListElement":[ { "@type":"ListItem", "position":1, "item":{ "@id":"", "name":"Home" } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position":2, "item":{ "@id":"", "name":"Business" } }, { "@type":"ListItem", "position":3, "item":{ "name":"India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon" } } ] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"WebPage", "name":"India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon - India News", "description":"India and the US will sit together in the next couple of weeks to decide on the nature of the proposed trade agreement and finalise its broad contours, a senior official said on Monday. During the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to $500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025.", "keywords":"India, America, Rajesh Agrawal, Department of Commerce, FTA, Narendra Modi, Washington, BTA, Sunil Barthwal, Donald Trump", "speakable":{ "@type":"SpeakableSpecification", "cssSelector":["h1","h2"] }, "url":"" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"NewsArticle", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage", "@id":"", "url":"" }, "inLanguage":"en", "headline":"India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon", "description":"India and the US will sit together in the next couple of weeks to decide on the nature of the proposed trade agreement and finalise its broad contours, a senior official said on Monday. During the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to $500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025.", "keywords":"India, America, Rajesh Agrawal, Department of Commerce, FTA, Narendra Modi, Washington, BTA, Sunil Barthwal, Donald Trump", "articleSection":"Business", "url":"", "image":"", "datePublished":"2025-02-17T23:17:42+05:30", "dateModified":"2025-02-17T23:17:42+05:30", "articleBody":"India and the US will sit together in the next couple of weeks to decide on the nature of the proposed trade agreement and finalise its broad contours, a senior official said on Monday. Photograph: Dado Ruvic/ReutersDuring the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to &#36;500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025.&nbsp;Give us a couple of weeks to decide what is the level of ambition in the first tranche (of the agreement) that we are looking at and what is the nature of the agreement that we will be arriving at.The two sides will need to sit together and try to finalise the broad contours, Additional Secretary in the Department of Commerce Rajesh Agrawal told reporters.The two countries have also agreed to collaborate to enhance bilateral trade by increasing US exports of industrial goods to India and Indian exports of labour-intensive manufactured products to the US.The two sides will also work together to increase trade in agricultural goods.India exports agri goods worth over &#36;4 billion to America and that will get a further boost, he said, adding that there is a tough timeline for concluding the first tranche of the trade pact.Both sides have agreed to do that in the next 8-9 months. So we need to get going and work on that, Agrawal said.Talking about the pact, an official said that the roadmap to increase bilateral from about &#36;200 billion at present to &#36;500 billion by 2030 will require an agreement like an FTA (free trade agreement).But it is not akin to FTA because we have to work out the contours.What contours it will take we are working out. We will be holding discussions with the US team.Once their negotiating teams are in place in the US, we will start working together and then we will develop the contours of this mutually beneficial bilateral trade agreement and based on that, we will move forward, the official said.Briefing media, Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal said the visit agreed to a roadmap to boost trade ties between the two countries.Normally in a free trade agreement, two trading partners either eliminate or significantly reduce customs duties on the maximum number of goods traded between them.Besides, they ease norms to promote trade in services and boost investments.During the first term of US President Donald Trump, the two countries had discussed a mini-trade deal, but it was shelved by the Joe Biden administration as they were not in favour of such pacts.According to think tank GTRI (Global Trade Research Initiative), for 75 per cent value of the US exports to India, the average tariff is less than 5 per cent. In contrast, India faces high US tariffs on many labour-intensive goods like textiles, garments, and footwear, ranging between 15 per cent and 35 per cent on several products.In 2023, the US and India bilateral trade in goods and services stood at &#36;190.08 billion (&#36;123.89 billion in goods and &#36;66.19 billion in services trade). In that year, Indias merchandise exports to the US stood at &#36;83.77 billion, while imports were &#36;40.12 billion, leaving a trade gap of &#36;43.65 billion in favour of India.The countrys services export to America was &#36;36.33 billion in 2023, while imports were aggregated at &#36;29.86 billion. The trade gap (difference between imports and exports) was &#36;6.47 billion in favour of New Delhi.During 2021-24, America was the largest trading partner of India. The US is one of the few countries with which India has a trade surplus.In 2023-24, the US was the largest trading partner of India with &#36;119.71 billion bilateral trade in goods (&#36;77.51 billion worth of exports, &#36;42.19 billion of imports and &#36;35.31 billion trade surplus).India received &#36;67.8 billion in foreign direct investments from America during April 2000 and September 2024", "author":{ "@type":"Person", "name":"Nandita Malik", "url":"" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":269, "height":65 } }, "associatedMedia":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "caption":"India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon", "description":"India, US to finalise broad contours of proposed trade deal soon", "height":"900", "width":"1200" } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"SiteNavigationElement", "name":["News","Business","Movies","Sports","Cricket","Get Ahead","Money Tips"], "url":["","","","","","",""] } </script> <script> var cdn_domain = ""; 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- &nbsp;<span class="grey1">Edited By: </span><a href="" class="bold">Nandita Malik</a></div> <div><span class="readtime">4 Minutes Read</span> <span id="audio_icon" class="listento curhand relative" data-audio="/money/2025/feb/17india-us-to-finalise-broad-contours-of-proposed-trade-deal-soon.mp3">Listen to Article</span></div> </div> <div class="floatR">Share:<a href="mailto:?subject=India%2C%20US%20to%20finalise%20broad%20contours%20of%20proposed%20trade%20deal%20soon&body=Read this article" title="Share by Email" aria-label="Email Share"><i class="shareic_sprite email"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Whatsapp" aria-label="Whatsapp Share"><i class="shareic_sprite waup"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Twitter" aria-label="Twitter Share"><i class="shareic_sprite twit"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Facebook" aria-label="Facebook Share"><i class="shareic_sprite fb"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Reddit" aria-label="Reddit Share"><i class="shareic_sprite reddit"></i></a> <p class="updatedon">February 17, 2025 23:17 IST</p> </div> </div> <div id="div_audio" class="div_audio"><div id="audio_stop_btn" class="audio_stop_btn" title="close">x</div><audio controls="" id="q_audio" preload="auto" src="" class="q_audio"></audio></div> <div id="arti_content_n" class="arti_contentbig clearfix" itemprop="articleBody"> <p class="rbig">India and the US will sit together in the next couple of weeks to decide on the nature of the proposed trade agreement and finalise its broad contours, a senior official said on Monday.</p> <p><img class=imgwidth title="India-US trade" src="" alt="India-US trade" style="max-width:100%;" /></p> <div class="imgcaption"><span class="credit"> Photograph: Dado Ruvic/Reuters</span></div> <p>During the recent visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Washington, India and the US announced to more than double the two-way commerce to &#36;500 billion by 2030 and negotiate the first tranche of a mutually beneficial, multi-sector bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by fall of 2025.</p> <div id="div_morelike_topic_container">&nbsp;</div> <p>"Give us a couple of weeks to decide what is the level of ambition in the first tranche (of the agreement) that we are looking at and what is the nature of the agreement that we will be arriving at.</p> <p>"The two sides will need to sit together and try to finalise the broad contours," Additional Secretary in the Department of Commerce Rajesh Agrawal told reporters.</p><div id="shop_advertise_div_1"></div><div class="clear"><div class="advtcontainer lb"><div class="advttext"></div><div class="inline-block" id="div_arti_inline_advt"><ins data-revive-zoneid="277" data-revive-source="_blank" data-revive-target="_blank" data-revive-id="4b71f4079fb345c8ac958d0e9f0b56dd" data-zonename="Rediff_ROS_Native_InFeed_Middle_INTL"></ins></div></div><div class="inline-block" id="div_arti_inline_advt2"></div></div> <p>The two countries have also agreed to collaborate to enhance bilateral trade by increasing US exports of industrial goods to India and Indian exports of labour-intensive manufactured products to the US.</p> <p class="rbig">The two sides will also work together to increase trade in agricultural goods.</p> <p>India exports agri goods worth over &#36;4 billion to America and that will get a further boost, he said, adding that there is a "tough" timeline for concluding the first tranche of the trade pact.</p> <p>"Both sides have agreed to do that in the next 8-9 months. So we need to get going and work on that," Agrawal said.</p> <p>Talking about the pact, an official said that the roadmap to increase bilateral from about &#36;200 billion at present to &#36;500 billion by 2030 will require an agreement like an FTA (free trade agreement).</p> <p>"But it is not akin to FTA because we have to work out the contours.</p> <p>"What contours it will take we are working out. We will be holding discussions with the US team.</p> <p>"Once their negotiating teams are in place in the US, we will start working together and then we will develop the contours of this mutually beneficial bilateral trade agreement and based on that, we will move forward," the official said.</p> <p class="rbig">Briefing media, Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal said the visit agreed to a roadmap to boost trade ties between the two countries.</p> <p>Normally in a free trade agreement, two trading partners either eliminate or significantly reduce customs duties on the maximum number of goods traded between them.</p> <p>Besides, they ease norms to promote trade in services and boost investments.</p> <p>During the first term of US President Donald Trump, the two countries had discussed a mini-trade deal, but it was shelved by the Joe Biden administration as they were not in favour of such pacts.</p> <p>According to think tank GTRI (Global Trade Research Initiative), for 75 per cent value of the US exports to India, the average tariff is less than 5 per cent. In contrast, India faces high US tariffs on many labour-intensive goods like textiles, garments, and footwear, ranging between 15 per cent and 35 per cent on several products.</p> <p>In 2023, the US and India bilateral trade in goods and services stood at &#36;190.08 billion (&#36;123.89 billion in goods and &#36;66.19 billion in services trade). In that year, India's merchandise exports to the US stood at &#36;83.77 billion, while imports were &#36;40.12 billion, leaving a trade gap of &#36;43.65 billion in favour of India.</p> <p class="rbig">The country's services export to America was &#36;36.33 billion in 2023, while imports were aggregated at &#36;29.86 billion. The trade gap (difference between imports and exports) was &#36;6.47 billion in favour of New Delhi.</p> <p>During 2021-24, America was the largest trading partner of India. The US is one of the few countries with which India has a trade surplus.</p> <div class="clear"></div><div class="advtcontainer lb"><div class="advttext"></div><div id="div_outstream_bottom"><ins data-revive-zoneid="391" data-revive-source="_blank" data-revive-target="_blank" data-revive-id="4b71f4079fb345c8ac958d0e9f0b56dd" data-zonename="Rediff_ROS_InArticleVideo_Middle_INTL"></ins></div></div><div class="clear"></div><p>In 2023-24, the US was the largest trading partner of India with &#36;119.71 billion bilateral trade in goods (&#36;77.51 billion worth of exports, &#36;42.19 billion of imports and &#36;35.31 billion trade surplus).</p> <p>India received &#36;67.8 billion in foreign direct investments from America during April 2000 and September 2024</p> </div> <div id='span_subscibe_top' class='div_subscibe_top'><div id='div_subscribe_in_top' class='flex'><div class='getrnews'>Get Rediff News in your Inbox:</div><form name='frm_subscription_in_top' method='POST' id='frm_subscription_in_top'><label class='hlabel' for='sub_email_in_top'>email</label><input type='text' onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13){return submitSubscribeTop('sub_email_in_top','subscribe_btn_in_top','div_subscribe_in_top','div_subscrip_message_in_top',1);}" autocomplete='off' id='sub_email_in_top' name='sub_email_in_top' value='' placeholder='Email Address' class='sub_email_in' /><input type='button' onclick="return submitSubscribeTop('sub_email_in_top','subscribe_btn_in_top','div_subscribe_in_top','div_subscrip_message_in_top',1);" value='Keep Me Updated' id='subscribe_btn_in_top' class='subscribe_btn_in' /><i id='subwait_top' class='subwait'></i></form></div><div id='div_subscrip_message_in_top' class='subscrip_message hide'></div><span class='topfold'></span></div> <div class="bylinebot"> <div>Source: <a href="" class="bold">PTI</a>&nbsp; - &nbsp;Edited By: <a href="" class="bold">Nandita Malik</a><i class="ht5 clear"></i>&#169; Copyright 2025 PTI. 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