Digital Ticketing

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Ticketing</h1>\n\n<h3><span>Your team, your tickets</span> via the official app of the Buckeyes!</h3>\n\n<div class=\"download__links\"><a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"><img alt=\"App Store\" src=\"\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></a> <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"><img alt=\"Google Play\" src=\"\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></a></div>\n\n<div class=\"background__icon\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/nextgen_2023/logo_main.svg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n<script> \n require(['jquery',], function($) { \n $(function(){ \n $(\".logos img:not(.sidearm-logo)\").attr(\"src\",\"/images/nextgen_2023/logo_main.svg\"); \n }); \n }); \n<\/script><script>\nrequire(['jquery', 'aos'], function($, aos){\n aos.init();\n if (!window.aos) {\n window.aos = aos;\n\n var prev_doc_height = $(document).height(),\n doc_height_check_timeout = 0;\n\n var doc_height_check = setInterval(function () {\n var current_doc_height = $(document).height();\n\n if 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>\n<strong>Note</strong>:The minimum version of iOS required is 14, the minimum version of Android is 10. The most up to date version for iOS is 174.2.7 and 174.2.6 for Android/Google Play.<br >\n<br >\n<b data-stringify-type=\"bold\">Create an account for the Buckeyes app and set your communication preferences for updates you’d like to receive. Please Note: This is NOT the same log in information as you would use to access your Ticketmaster or Ohio State Buckeyes ticket account. You may also choose to \"continue as guest\" at this point.</b></p>\n\n<p>To prepare for gameday, we recommend the following:</p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Mobile tickets can easily be accessed using the Buckeyes app. Login one time to your Ticketmaster account to access all your tickets to all upcoming events.</li>\n\t<li>In advance of gameday, add your tickets to your mobile wallet. If there are time changes to the game, they will automatically be adjusted if the ticket is in your wallet. Also, by having your tickets already in your wallet, you can avoid slow or weak wi-fi/cellular signals at the stadium.</li>\n\t<li>If you are attending with guests, transfer each person their individual ticket in advance. <span>Screenshots of tickets will NOT provide access to the venue you are trying to enter.</span></li>\n</ol>\n\n<p>Full step-by-step instructions on how to access, transfer and resell your tickets are listed below as well as answers to frequently asked questions.</p>\n\n<p>If you would prefer to access your mobile tickets/parking without using the Ohio State Buckeyes app, please navigate to <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"></a> from the web browser on your phone to access your season tickets and parking passes. If you purchased tickets directly through Ticketmaster, please visit <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"></a> to access your tickets.<br >\n<br >\n<b>Verified resale tickets are available at <a href=\"\" title=\"\"></a> and via the Ohio State Buckeyes app or Ticketmaster app. The Department of Athletics firmly encourages fans to protect themselves from potential fraud by utilizing these sites for purchasing resale tickets over any other resale ticket options. Fans purchasing tickets from unauthorized sources (including StubHub, Vivid Seats, Craigslist, eBay, and ticket brokers) assume the risk that tickets purchased are counterfeit or the barcodes have been invalidated. Any fan attempting to enter an event with counterfeit or invalid barcodes will be denied entry.</b></p>\n\n<div class=\"video-wrap\"><iframe frameborder=\"0\" src=\";autoplay=false\"></iframe></div>\n\n<div class=\"section__links\"><a class=\"btn info\" href=\"#faq\">Helpful Tips</a> <a class=\"btn ticket\" href=\"\">Ticket Home</a> <a class=\"btn email\" href=\"\">Email Us</a> <a class=\"btn call\" href=\"tel:8004628257\">Call Us</a> <a class=\"btn chat\" href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Chat</a></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"section__right\" data-aos=\"fade-left\" data-aos-duration=\"600\"><img alt=\"\" class=\"screenshot\" src=\"/images/2023/7/25/access_step_5.png\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n", "custom_styles": "", "media": "", "image": "", "backgroundImage": "", "navMenuText": "Before You Arrive", "enabled": true, "menuInclude": true, "order": 0, "edit": false, "templates": [ { "name": "custom-1", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": 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data-aos-duration=\"250\"><a href=\"#access\">Accessing Tickets/Parking</a></li>\n <li data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\"><a href=\"#transfer\">Transferring Tickets</a></li>\n <li data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"750\"><a href=\"#list\">Listing for Resale</a></li>\n <li data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"1000\"><a href=\"#donate\">Donating Tickets</a></li>\n </ul>\n <!-- Access Tab -->\n \n <div class=\"tabs__content\" id=\"access\">\n <div class=\"tabs__content-inner\">\n <div class=\"section__inner\">\n <div class=\"section__header\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"section__header-main\">Accessing Your Tickets/Parking</div>\n <div class=\"section__header-background\">Access</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"steps\">\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/7/25/access_step_1.png\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">01</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Download and open the Ohio State Buckeyes app on your mobile device.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_02.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">02</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Click <span>Tickets</span> in the middle of the bottom menu and choose <span>View/Manage My Tickets</span>.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_03.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">03</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Click <span>Continue</span> when prompted to \"use Ticketmaster to sign in\".</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_04.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">04</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Click <span>Sign into Ohio State University Buckeyes</span>.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_05.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">05</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Log in using your email address on file in your Ticketmaster/Ohio State Buckeyes account. <em><span>Please Note:</span> This is different than logging in to the app itself.</em></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_06.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">06</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Your tickets should then populate on the home screen, under your Ticketmaster username. Select the image that appears for the game/event you wish to manage.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\t\t\t <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_07.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">07</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Choose <span>Add to Wallet</span> to save your ticket(s) to your phone’s digital wallet and avoid connection issues on game day. If you’d prefer to scan your ticket directly from the app, click <span>View Barcode</span>.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_08.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">08</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">If using your phone’s wallet, follow the prompts to add your ticket(s) to your wallet. Make sure you click <span>Add</span> or <span>Add All</span> when prompted to save your tickets, or this option will not work on gameday. Open your mobile wallet to access your tickets and have ready to scan at the gate. Tickets scanned from a mobile wallet will not display a barcode, but tickets within the app will display a moving barcode. <span>Screenshots of tickets will not get you in!</span></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/access_09.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">09</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">For further ticket management, options, select <span>Transfer</span> to send to another user or <span>Sell</span> to sell through Ticket Exchange. If you see a button below your ticket that says <span>More Ticket Actions</span>, you may use that to donate your tickets to charity, upgrade your seats in venue (where applicable), and use other ticket management functions based upon your account and the event selected.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!-- Transfer Tab -->\n \n <div class=\"tabs__content\" id=\"transfer\">\n <div class=\"tabs__content-inner\">\n <div class=\"section__inner\">\n <div class=\"section__header\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"section__header-main\">Transferring Your Tickets</div>\n <div class=\"section__header-background\">Transfer</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"steps\">\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/transfer_01.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">01</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select <span>Tickets</span> on the home page of the Ohio State Buckeyes app. Then select <span>View/Manage My Tickets</span>. Once you see the event tickets/passes you would like to transfer, select the image to open the tickets.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/transfer_02.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">02</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select <span>Transfer</span> on the bottom left.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/transfer_03.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">03</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select the ticket(s) you'd like to transfer and click <span>Continue</span>.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/transfer_04_email.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">04</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Enter the mobile number or email of the person you would like to transfer the ticket(s) to. Review the transfer and once ready, select <span>Transfer</span> at the bottom of the screen.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n <div class=\"section__header\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"section__header-main\">Accepting a Transfer</div>\n <div class=\"section__header-background\">Accept</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"steps\">\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/accept_01.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">01</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">The person receiving the transferred ticket(s) will receive a text message (or e-mail, depending on selection by the person transferring) with a link to accept the transfer.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/accept_02.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">02</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">They'll be prompted to log in, or create an account if they don't have one, to accept the tickets.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/accept_03.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">03</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Once logged in, the individual can accept or decline the transfer. Once accepted, add the tickets to the mobile wallet and have ready to scan at the gate. <span>Screenshots of tickets will not get you in!</span></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\t\t\t\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!-- List Tab -->\n \n <div class=\"tabs__content\" id=\"list\">\n <div class=\"tabs__content-inner\">\n <div class=\"section__inner\">\n <div class=\"section__header\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"section__header-main\">Listing for Resale on Ticketmaster</div>\n <div class=\"section__header-background\">List</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"steps\">\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/list_01.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">01</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select <span>Tickets</span> on the home page of the Ohio State Buckeyes app. Then select <span>View/Manage My Tickets</span>. Once you see the event tickets you would like to post for resale, select the image to open the tickets.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/list_02.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">02</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select <span>Sell</span> on the bottom right. <em>If the ‘Sell’ button is grayed out, those tickets are not eligible to be posted for resale.</em></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/list_03.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">03</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select the ticket(s) you wish to list on Ticketmaster and click <span>Continue</span>.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/list_04.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">04</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Confirm your pricing details, seat details, listing cutoff, and reimbursement method, and click <span>List # Tickets</span>. <em><span>Please Note:</span> Once your tickets are listed for resale, you will not be able to manage them without first removing the resale listing.</em>\n</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/list_05.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">05</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Ticket Listing confirmation page will pop-up for customers wishing to review their posting.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/list_06.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">06</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">To Edit/Cancel Listing, select your tickets and choose desired action.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\t \n\t <!-- Donate Tab -->\n \n <div class=\"tabs__content\" id=\"donate\">\n <div class=\"tabs__content-inner\">\n <div class=\"section__inner\">\n <div class=\"section__header\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"section__header-main\">Donating Your Tickets</div>\n <div class=\"section__header-background\">Donate</div>\n </div>\n\t\t\t<p><em>Can’t make it to a game?</em> The Ohio State Department of Athletics is happy to give you the option of donating your tickets to our charitable partner, Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix). Vet Tix provides free event tickets to those currently serving in the military, veterans, and family members of those Killed-In-Action to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, and family activities. For more information, visit <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"></a>.</p>\n <div class=\"steps\">\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/donate_01.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">01</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select <span>Tickets</span> on the home page of the Ohio State Buckeyes app. Then select <span>View/Manage My Tickets</span>. Once you see the event tickets you would like to donate, select the image to open the tickets.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/donate_02.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">02</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select <span>More Ticket Actions</span> below the ticket image.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/donate_03.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">03</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select the <span>Donate</span> option on the screen.</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/donate_04.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">04</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select the ticket(s) you wish to donate and click <span>Continue</span>.</em>\n</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/donate_05.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">05</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Select the charity name (Vet Tix).</div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"step\" data-aos=\"fade-up\" data-aos-duration=\"500\">\n <div class=\"step__image\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"/images/2023/8/11/donate_06.jpg\" style=\"display: inline-block;\" ></div>\n <div class=\"step__text\">\n <div class=\"step__text-step\">Step</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-number\">06</div>\n <div class=\"step__text-description\">Click <span>Confirm</span> to donate your ticket(s). <span>REMINDER! Tickets cannot be reclaimed once donated.</span></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n\t \n </div>\n</div>\n<script>\n\trequire(['jquery', 'jquery-ui'], function($) {\n $('.tabs__container').tabs();\n\t});\n<\/script>", "custom_styles": "", "media": "", "image": "", "backgroundImage": "", "navMenuText": "", "enabled": true, "menuInclude": true, "order": 0, "edit": false, "templates": [ { "name": "custom-1", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": true }, { "name": "custom-2", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": false }, { "name": "custom-3", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": false }, { "name": "custom-4", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": false } ], "colorSchemes": [ { "name": "primary", "title": "Primary Colors", "selected": false }, { "name": "secondary", "title": "Secondary Colors", "selected": false }, { "name": "black", "title": "Black Scheme", "selected": false }, { "name": "white", "title": "White Scheme", "selected": false }, { "name": "custom", "title": "Custom Scheme", "selected": true, "foreground_color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "background_color": "rgb(255, 255, 255)" } ], "sponsor": { "image": "", "url": "", "required_width": 300, "required_height": 100 } }, { "id": 3865, "name": "custom", "title": "Custom Component", "headline": "Helpful Tips/FAQs", "subHeadline": "", "text": "<div class=\"section intro\" id=\"faq\">\n<div class=\"section__inner\">\n<div class=\"section__header\">\n<div class=\"section__header-main\">Helpful Tips/FAQs</div>\n\n<div class=\"section__header-background\">Tips</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"section__body\">\n<p>Due to increased fraudulent activity with traditional Print-at-Home (PDF) style tickets, the Ohio State Department of Athletics and Schottenstein Center have eliminated Print-at-Home/TicketFast tickets. Although ticket buyers will no longer have the option to print their tickets at home, fans still have a quick delivery and entry option by utilizing mobile entry offered via <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">My Ohio State Buckeyes Account</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"></a>. We are hopeful that this change will reduce the prevalence of counterfeit tickets in circulation and lead to a better game day experience for all Buckeye Fans.</p>\n<button class=\"accordion__header\" type=\"button\">Get Ready for Game Day<span class=\"sf-arrows-down-thin\"></span></button>\n\n<div class=\"accordion__item\">\n<div class=\"accordion__item-inner\">\n<p>Before arriving at the venue to access the event, here are some tips to help expedite your game day entry:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Access your tickets through the <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Ohio State Buckeyes app</a> or your <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">My Ohio State Buckeyes Account</a> at least 24 hours prior to the event.</li>\n\t<li>Add your tickets to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay.</li>\n\t<li>Make sure your phone is fully charged and the screen brightness has been turned up</li>\n\t<li>Have your ticket out and ready to be scanned before entering the venue. It is recommended that you send each guest their own individual ticket if the party is arriving separately.</li>\n\t<li>Reference the seat location on your ticket to access your seat.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><em>Note: If you experience any ticket issues when entering Ohio Stadium, visit the nearest Ticketing Services location (Gates 5, 11, 14, or 38) for assistance. At all other locations, visit the main box office at the venue for assistance.</em></p>\n</div>\n</div>\n<button class=\"accordion__header\" type=\"button\">Mobile Ticket Assistance<span class=\"sf-arrows-down-thin\"></span></button>\n\n<div class=\"accordion__item\">\n<div class=\"accordion__item-inner\">\n<p><span>If you rely on assistive technology like Voice Over or Talkback for access to your mobile device</span>, you will encounter difficulty using mobile ticketing. To request an accessible alternative, please complete the <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Disability Needs Form</a>.</p>\n\n<p><span>Guests who require traditional printed tickets due to use of assistive technology or who do not have access to a smart phone</span> may pick up tickets at the Athletics Ticket Office located in the Northeast Corner of the Schottenstein Center beginning 48 hours prior to the event or at the facility where the event takes place on event day. Will Call will be made available at the facility where the event takes place beginning 90 minutes hours prior to the start of the event (except for home football games). Will Call will be available at Gate 5 at Ohio Stadium beginning 3 hours prior to the start of each home football game.</p>\n\n<p>Tickets must be picked up by the original ticket holder unless a will call name change request is made by the original account holder via email to <a href=\"\"></a>. Only one alternate pick up name is allowed. The Ohio State Athletics Ticket Office will not release tickets if the photo on the ID does not appear to match the individual retrieving the tickets. OSU Student ticket holders may not change the pickup name on any student ticket order.</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n<button class=\"accordion__header\" type=\"button\">Protect Your Tickets<span class=\"sf-arrows-down-thin\"></span></button>\n\n<div class=\"accordion__item\">\n<div class=\"accordion__item-inner\">\n<p>Don’t let your game day experience end at the gate! Below are some helpful hints to protect you and your tickets:</p>\n\n<p><span>Authorized Ticket Sellers</span><br >\nThe only authorized sources for tickets to Ohio State Athletics events are:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Ohio State Athletics Ticket Office</li>\n\t<li><a href=\";tm_link=tm_header_search&amp;user_input=ohio+state+buckeyes&amp;q=ohio+state+buckeyes\" target=\"blank\">Ticketmaster</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\";wt.mc_id=OHIOST_TEAM_TE_RIGHT_NAV\" target=\"blank\">Ohio State Ticket Exchange</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\"></a></li>\n\t<li>The venue box office where the athletic event is taking place</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Please be aware that tickets purchased from other resale marketplaces (including StubHub, Vivid Seats, Craigslist, eBay, and ticket brokers) are not guaranteed as valid for entry into the venue.</p>\n\n<p><span>Counterfeit Tickets</span><br >\nFans purchasing tickets from unauthorized sources (including StubHub, Vivid Seats, Craigslist, eBay, and ticket brokers) assume the risk that tickets purchased are counterfeit or the barcodes have been invalidated. Any fan attempting to enter an event with counterfeit or invalid barcodes will be denied entry.</p>\n\n<p>Our <a href=\"\">ticket protection tips</a> provide more information concerning ticket protection or verified tickets.</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n<button class=\"accordion__header\" type=\"button\">Frequently Asked Questions<span class=\"sf-arrows-down-thin\"></span></button>\n\n<div class=\"accordion__item\">\n<div class=\"accordion__item-inner\">\n<p><span>Why did Ohio State transition to mobile ticketing?</span><br >\nGoing mobile is the safest, most convenient and flexible way to receive and manage tickets while increasing protection against fraud. It is our effort to make your Ohio State experience the very best. Mobile tickets provide:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Reduced risk of lost, stolen, counterfeit, or forgotten tickets</li>\n\t<li>Quick and easy entry into the venue</li>\n\t<li>The ability to manage, send, or sell your tickets at any time from your mobile device</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><span>I have never used My Ohio State Buckeyes Account before. Do I already have an account? Do I need to create a new one?</span><br >\nIf you have ever purchased tickets from the Ohio State Athletics Ticket Office, you already have an account in our ticketing system. If you do not know your password or are logging into your <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Ohio State Buckeyes Account</a> for the first time, click on “Forgot Password?” to have a temporary password link emailed to you. If you do not know the email address associated with your account or have additional questions, please contact the <a href=\"\">Ohio State Athletics Ticket Office</a>.</p>\n\n<p><span>How much does the Ohio State Buckeyes app cost?</span><br >\nThe official <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Ohio State Buckeyes mobile app</a> is free! You can download the Ohio State Buckeyes app from the <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">App Store</a> or the <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Google Play Store</a>.</p>\n\n<p><span>Can I access my Ohio State Buckeyes tickets that I purchased on</span><br >\nYou can view your Ticketmaster tickets for mobile entry on the <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Ohio State Buckeyes app</a>. For more ticket management features, visit <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"></a> on your mobile device or desktop web browser.</p>\n\n<p><span>Can I print my tickets from home?</span><br >\nDue to increased fraudulent activity with traditional Print-at-Home (PDF) style tickets, the Ohio State Department of Athletics and Schottenstein Center have eliminated Print-at-Home/TicketFast tickets. Although ticket buyers will no longer have the option to print their tickets at home, fans still have a quick delivery and entry option by utilizing mobile entry offered via <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">My Ohio State Buckeyes Account</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"></a>.</p>\n\n<p><span>Will a screenshot, photocopy or a picture of my ticket be permitted for entry?</span><br >\nNo, a mobile ticket must be provided either within the official <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">Ohio State Buckeyes app</a>, your <a href=\"\" target=\"blank\">My Ohio State Buckeyes Account</a> on your mobile device or within your phone’s digital wallet to gain entry. Photocopies, scans, and pictures of hard tickets will also not be permitted for entry. Using Ticketmaster’s Safetix technology, the barcode displayed on all mobile tickets is dynamic and will not scan if presented as a screenshot.</p>\n\n<p><span>What if I do not have a smartphone, or my phone breaks, dies, or is lost/stolen before I arrive on game day?</span><br >\nSimply visit the box office or Ticketing Services location at the venue. We will print your tickets for you after presenting a valid photo ID for the name on the ticket account.</p>\n\n<p><span>Can I have multiple tickets on a single phone?</span><br >\nYes, you are able to swipe through your available tickets at the venue if the entire party is present. However, it is much easier to send each attendee their individual ticket.</p>\n\n<p><span>What if my entire party isn’t with me when I am ready to enter?</span><br >\nYou can easily send each member their ticket individually since each person will need a ticket to enter the venue.</p>\n\n<p><span>Does the person I send the tickets to need a My Ohio State Buckeyes Account?</span><br >\nYes. If they do not have one already, they will create one in the acceptance process.</p>\n\n<p><span>Can ticket holders transfer or sell tickets after the event has started?</span><br >\nYes, you can transfer and sell tickets up to an hour after the event’s start time.</p>\n\n<p><span>I am an Ohio State student. Do I have access to my tickets online?</span><br >\nOhio State students should visit the <a href=\"\">Student Ticket Central</a> for information related to student ticketing.</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n<script>\nvar acc = document.getElementsByClassName(\"accordion__header\");\nvar i;\n\nfor (i = 0; i < acc.length; i++) {\n acc[i].onclick = function() {\n this.classList.toggle(\"active\");\n var expanded_menu_items = this.nextElementSibling;\n if ({\n = null;\n } else {\n = expanded_menu_items.scrollHeight + \"px\";\n }\n }\n}\n<\/script>", "custom_styles": "", "media": "", "image": "", "backgroundImage": "", "navMenuText": "", "enabled": true, "menuInclude": true, "order": 0, "edit": false, "templates": [ { "name": "custom-1", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": true }, { "name": "custom-2", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": false }, { "name": "custom-3", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": false }, { "name": "custom-4", "thumbnail": "", "full": "", "selected": false } ], "colorSchemes": [ { "name": "primary", "title": "Primary Colors", "selected": false }, { "name": "secondary", "title": "Secondary Colors", "selected": false }, { "name": "black", "title": "Black Scheme", "selected": false }, { "name": "white", "title": "White Scheme", "selected": false }, { "name": "custom", "title": "Custom Scheme", "selected": true, "foreground_color": "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "background_color": "rgb(242, 242, 242)" } ], "sponsor": { "image": "", "url": "", "required_width": 300, "required_height": 100 } } ] } } } }; </script> <script src="//"></script> <meta property="og:title" content="Digital Ticketing"><meta name="description" content="Digital Ticketing for Ohio State "><meta property="og:description" content="Digital Ticketing for Ohio State "><meta property="og:image" content=""><meta property="og:image:alt" content="Ohio State Logo"><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"><meta property="og:type" content="notification"><meta property="og:url" content=""><script src="//" async=""></script><!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script> (function(w, d, s, l, i){ w[l] = w[l] ||[]; w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? 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