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} else if (showTerms) { ShowTerms(EventCode, ReturnUrl, FunctionCode, LanguageCode); } else { var proceed= submitSurveyQuestions(EventCode); if (proceed) { closeModal(); jq214("#addedToCart").hide(); jq214("#error-occurred").hide(); jq214("#already-registered").hide(); var isauth = false; if (!isauth) { var url = '/store/shopping-cart/summary/EventRegister?EventCode=' + EventCode + '&detailUrl=' + ReturnUrl + '&FunctionCode=' + FunctionCode + '&LanguageCode=' + LanguageCode; if (jq214("#class-selection").length > 0) { var strParts = jq214("#class-selection").val().split("/"); var m = strParts[2]; url.concat('&MeetingType=' + m); } window.location.href = url; } else { PageLoading("Adding class to cart"); jq214.ajax({ url: '/custom/ShoppingCart/EventRegisterJSON', type: 'post', cache: false, data: JSON.stringify({ EventCode: EventCode, detailUrl: ReturnUrl, FunctionCode: FunctionCode, LanguageCode: LanguageCode }), contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (results) { if (results.Success) { if (jq214('#hypShoppingCart span.items').length > 0) { var cItems = parseInt(jq214('#hypShoppingCart span.items').html().replace("(", "").replace(")", "")); if (!jq214.isNumeric(cItems)) { cItems = 0; } jq214('#hypShoppingCart span.items').html(cItems + 1); } jq214("#addedToCart").show(); PageLoadingHide(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); jq214.ajax({ url: '/custom/MyShoppingCart/GetQuickCart', type: 'get', cache: false, data: null, success: function (results) { jq214('#myShoppingCartBox').html(results); }, error: function (results) { jq214('#error-occurred').show(); PageLoadingHide(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); }, complete: function (results) { PageLoadingHide(); if (!jq214('#myShoppingCartBox').is(':visible')) { jq214('#hypShoppingCart').click(); } } }); } else { if (!results.RequirementsMet) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#requirements-not-met strong").text(results.RequirementsMsg) jq214("#requirements-not-met").show(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else if (results.ActivelyRegistered) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#actively-registered").show(); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else if (results.AlreadyRegistered) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#already-registered").show(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else if (results.isCanadianMixedCartConflict) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#canadian-ineligible").show(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#error-occurred").show(); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); } } }, error: function (results) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#error-occurred").show(); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); } }); } } } } function submitSurveyQuestions(meetingCode) { return true; var proceed = true; var questionGroups = $("ul#Training_Survey_Form li div.ddl, ul#Training_Survey_Form li div.chk"); if (questionGroups.length > 0) { //validation $("ul#Training_Survey_Form li p").removeClass("alert-danger") $("#surveyIncomplete").addClass("hidden"); for (var i = 0; i < questionGroups.length; i++) { if ($(questionGroups[i]).hasClass("ddl")) { var answer = $(questionGroups[i]).find("select").val(); if (answer == "") { $("#surveyIncomplete").removeClass("hidden"); $(questionGroups[i]).find("label").addClass("alert-danger"); showSurvey = true; proceed = false; } } else { var answers = $(questionGroups[i]).find("ul li input:checkbox:checked, select"); if (answers.length < 1) { $("#surveyIncomplete").removeClass("hidden"); $(questionGroups[i]).parent().find("p").addClass("alert-danger"); showSurvey = true; proceed = false; } } } if (proceed) { for (var i = 0; i < questionGroups.length; i++) { if ($(questionGroups[i]).hasClass("ddl")) { var ddl = $(questionGroups[i]).find("select"); var questionId = parseInt($(ddl).attr("name")); var answer = ddl.val(); PostAnswerAjax(meetingCode, questionId, answer); } else { var questionId = ""; var answers = $(questionGroups[i]).find("li input:checkbox:checked"); var strAnswer = "", comma = ""; for (var j = 0; j < answers.length; j++) { strAnswer += comma + answers[j].value; comma = ", "; questionId = answers[j].name; } PostAnswerAjax(meetingCode, questionId, strAnswer); } } } return proceed; } return true; /// ??? no questions, go ahead ??? } function PostAnswerAjax(meetingCode, questionId, answer) { var myData = JSON.stringify({ 'course': 'ELCTO', 'meeting': meetingCode, 'questionId': questionId, 'answer': answer }); jq214.ajax({ url: '/custom/trainingCourseDetail/SaveSurveyAnswer', type: 'post', cache: false, data: myData, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (results) { console.log(results); } }); } function GoToEventNow(EventCode, ReturnUrl, FunctionCode, LanguageCode, SubType) { if (showSurvey) { ShowSurvey("GoToEventNow('" + EventCode + "','" + ReturnUrl + "','" + FunctionCode + "','" + LanguageCode, SubType + "');"); } else { var proceed = submitSurveyQuestions(EventCode); if (proceed) { closeModal(); jq214("#addedToCart").hide(); jq214("#error-occurred").hide(); jq214("#already-registered").hide(); var isauth = false; if (!isauth) { var url = "/store/shopping-cart/summary/TakeEventNow?EventCode={0}&FunctionCode={1}&LanguageCode={2}&SubType={3}&detailUrl={4}".format(EventCode, FunctionCode, LanguageCode, SubType, ReturnUrl); var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = url; = "_blank"; document.body.appendChild(link);; } else { PageLoading("Preparing class for enrollment..."); var myData = JSON.stringify({ EventCode: EventCode, FunctionCode: FunctionCode, LanguageCode: LanguageCode, SubType: SubType, detailUrl: ReturnUrl }); jq214.ajax({ url: '/store/shopping-cart/summary/TakeEventNowJSON', type: 'post', cache: false, data: myData, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (results) { if (utility_PopupBlocker("detect")) { if (results.Success) { if (!results.RequirementsMet) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#requirements-not-met strong").text(results.RequirementsMsg) jq214("#requirements-not-met").show(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else if (results.AssessmentCompleted) { if (results.AssessmentCompletedOn.length > 0) { $("#assessment-completed-content").text("You have already registered and completed an assessment for this course, you will be eligible for another registration on {0}".format(results.AssessmentCompletedOn)); } else { $("#assessment-completed-content").text("You have already registered and completed an assessment for this course, please wait 30 days from original completion to register again."); } $("#assessment-completed").show(); } else { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = results.RedirectUrl; = "_blank"; document.body.appendChild(link);; } } else { if (!results.RequirementsMet) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#requirements-not-met strong").text(results.RequirementsMsg) jq214("#requirements-not-met").show(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else if (results.isCanadianMixedCartConflict) { jq214("#canadian-ineligible").show(); jq214('html,body').scrollTop(0); } else { jq214("#error-occurred").show(); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); } } } utility_PopupBlocker("fire"); PageLoadingHide(); }, error: function (results) { PageLoadingHide(); jq214("#error-occurred").show(); $('html,body').scrollTop(0); } }); } } } } function addELRNtoCart(evtCode, fctCode) { if (showSurvey) { ShowSurvey("addELRNtoCart('" + evtCode + "','" + fctCode + "');"); } else { var lngCode = $("#training-language-" + fctCode).val(); if (lngCode == '' && $("#training-language-" + fctCode).children().length > 1) { alert('Please Pick a Language'); closeModal(); } else { AddEventToCart(evtCode, '%2fstore%2ftraining%2fdetails%3fCourseCode%3dELCTO', fctCode, lngCode); } } } function takeELRNnow(evtCode, fctCode, subType) { if (showSurvey) { ShowSurvey("takeELRNnow('" + evtCode + "','" + fctCode + "','" + subType + "');"); } else { var lngCode = $("#training-language-" + fctCode).val(); if (lngCode == '' && $("#training-language-" + fctCode).children().length > 1) { alert('Please Pick a Language'); closeModal(); } else { GoToEventNow(evtCode, '%2fstore%2ftraining%2fdetails%3fCourseCode%3dELCTO', fctCode, lngCode, subType); } } } function addOtherELRNtoCart(evtCode, fctCode, mtgType) { if (showSurvey) { ShowSurvey("addOtherELRNtoCart('" + evtCode + "','" + fctCode + "','" + mtgType + "');"); } else { var lngCode = $("#training-language-" + fctCode).val(); if (lngCode == '' && $("#training-language-" + fctCode).children().length > 1) { alert('Please Pick a Language'); closeModal(); } else { RegisterAnother(evtCode, fctCode, lngCode, mtgType); } } } function ShowSurvey(callback, arguments) { var isauth = false; if (!isauth) { PageLoading("Redirecting to login..."); var lang = jq214('#training-language-CLASSFEE').val(); document.cookie = 'survey-callback-code=' + callback; document.cookie = 'survey-language=' + lang; document.querySelectorAll("div[id^=cphStoreSiteConstruct_cphUserAuthentication] > a")[0].click(); } else { var btn = document.getElementById("Survey_Submit_Btn"); if (btn) { btn.onclick = function () { eval(callback); showSurvey = false; }; } if (showSurvey) { jq214('#modal_Training_Survey').modal("show"); } } } function ShowTerms(EventCode, ReturnUrl, FunctionCode, LanguageCode, MeetingType) { var cbx_Accept = document.getElementById("cbx_AcceptTerms"); var cbx_Decline = document.getElementById("cbx_DeclineTerms"); var termsCallback = "PostTermsAjax('" + EventCode + "');"; var eventCallback = "AddEventToCart('" + EventCode + "','" + ReturnUrl + "','" + FunctionCode + "','" + LanguageCode + "');"; cbx_Accept.onclick = function () { eval(termsCallback + eventCallback) }; cbx_Decline.onclick = function () { eval(termsCallback + "jq214('#modal_Training_Terms').modal('hide');$('#terms-needed').show();") }; jq214('#modal_Training_Terms').modal("show"); } function PostTermsAjax(meetingCode) { var hasAcceptedTerms = jq214('#cbx_AcceptTerms').is(':checked'); var myData = JSON.stringify({ 'meeting': meetingCode, 'hasAcceptedTerms': hasAcceptedTerms }); if (hasAcceptedTerms) { showTerms = false; $('#terms-needed').hide(); } jq214.ajax({ url: '/custom/trainingCourseDetail/SaveTermsAnswer', type: 'post', cache: false, data: myData, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function (results) { jq214('#cbx_AcceptTerms').prop('checked', false); jq214('#cbx_DeclineTerms').prop('checked', false); console.log(results); } }); } function closeModal() { jq214('#modal_Training_Survey').modal("hide"); jq214('#modal_Training_Terms').modal("hide"); } $(document).ready(function () { var seen = {}; $("#class-selection option").each(function() { var txt = $(this).text(); if (seen[txt]) { $(this).remove(); } else { seen[txt] = true; } }); $('#div-bottom-chevron').appendTo('#main-section-product'); }); </script> <!-- MODAL ON LOAD data-autoload="true" - load modal on page load data-autoload-delay="2000" - load after 2000 ms (1000ms = 1s) Please note, an unique ID is required. localstorage use the ID to hide the modal, if used checked "Don't show this popup again" --> <div id="modal_Training_Terms" class="modal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel"> AIAG Remote Proctor Usage Agreement <span class="pull-right" style="display:inline-block;"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-xs bold" href="" target="_blank">Download Terms</a> </span> </h4> </div> <!-- /Modal Header --> <!-- body modal --> <div class="modal-body clearfix"> <p> By making payment for the AIAG Remote Proctor Solution or clicking the box stating you accept or agree to these terms, you signify your agreement to the terms of this Usage Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms of use, you may not use the Remote Proctor Solution. </p> <br /> <p> This Remote Proctor System Usage Agreement (this "Usage Agreement") is made effective upon your acceptance of the terms or upon your payment of a Remote Proctor Solution and is by and between you, (the, "Customer") and the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), 4400 Town Center, Southfield, MI 48075, USA. </p> <br /> <p> The Customer Agrees as follows: </p> <div style="padding: 15px 25px;max-height:350px;overflow-y:scroll;margin-bottom:15px;"> <p> Customer desires to use the Remote Proctor Solution to complete certain examination(s) in a proctored environment as an alternative to the human proctored environment so that Customer can complete these certain examination(s) at any time within the Usage Period. Customer acknowledges that payment for these examination(s) has been made prior to or at the time of executing this Usage Agreement and payment for the examination(s) is outside of this Usage Agreement. In the event there is a prerequisite training program prior to the examination, the customer acknowledges and understands that access to the examination will not be granted until the prerequisite is completed. </p> <ul style="list-style:unset;"> <li>The remote proctor solution uses your computer’s webcam and microphone to document video footage of your environment while you complete an online assessment using a supported web browser. Captured information includes your photo, a 360-degree view of your test-taking environment, audio from the room while taking the assessment, and screen captures/recordings of your computer screen. Once you complete your assessment, all recording ceases immediately. We encrypt the recorded data and securely store it on our servers, where it will be reviewed by authorized assessment personnel.</li> <li>The customer must provide a payment method during registration period based on what is accepted by AIAG. However, if they provide a purchase order the payment in full must be received before results and applicable certificates are distributed.</li> <li>The customer has only accessed the exam after the course portion has been completed.</li> </ul> <br /> <p> <strong>EXAMINATION TIME-FRAME</strong><br /> The Remote Proctor Solution is not intended to alter the examination rules or expectations as identified in the examination. The Customer will be expected to complete his or her examination within the established timeframe as indicated in the examination. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>USAGE PERIOD</strong><br /> The Usage Period is defined as the established timeframe indicated for the proctored examination(s) included in the enrollment offer. The Usage Period will end once the Customer completes the examination(s) included in the enrollment offer. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>EXAMINATION RULES, RESTRICTIONS, AND HONOR CODE</strong><br /> Excessive instances of logging-in and out of the examination (not related to internet connectivity issues), obstructing the video and audio or random verification will result in a detailed review of the examination recording. The Customer may not use email, telephone, or any other electronic communication during the examination except to contact technical support if necessary, or in an emergency. The Customer may not use another computer or electronic device for any reason. </p> <br /> <p> Unless otherwise provided by the Company, it is also a violation of the rules for the Customer, in connection with an examination, to: <ul style="list-style:unset;"> <li>Give, receive, or solicit aid relating to the substance of the examination during any examination, or in connection with any retake examination.</li> <li>Operate unnecessary programs on the computer, including email programs, chat/communication programs, or any other program that may send notifications.</li> <li>Retain examination questions (hard or electronic copies).</li> <li>Discuss the examination with any party during or after the examination.</li> </ul> </p> <br /> <p> <u>Reference Material Allowed During A Proctored Assessment</u><br /> You may only use approved reference materials as follows: <ul style="list-style:unset;"> <li>All participant material provided for the training course, including hardcopy material and the Self-Study and Participant Workbook received and completed electronically.</li> <li>Personal notes created during the course.</li> </ul> Notes: <ol style="list-style:decimal;"> <li>Use of any other electronic material or software is strictly prohibited.</li> <li>Required standards for reference are available in the online exam interface using the “Standards Explorer” feature.</li> </ol> </p> <br /> <p> <strong>TECHNICAL SUPPORT</strong><br /> Customer understands that while the Customer may complete the examination(s) at any time during the Usage Period, technical support will only be available during normal business hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Eastern Time except during statutory holidays that occur from time to time in Canada. </p> <br /> <p> For technical support after hours, send an email to: <a href=""></a> and a response will be provided within one business day. </p> <br /> <p> During the business hours for Technical Support the Customer may (during exam Usage Period) call: +1 (226) 777-0155 ext. 4. (USA and International) </p> <br /> <p> <strong>RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OPTIMAL USE</strong><br /> It should be noted that use of a wired internet connection is strongly recommended over a wireless connection. This will help to ensure that connection is not lost during an examination. For wireless connections, a connection speed of at least 10 megabits-per-second download speed, and at least 5 megabit-per-second upload speed is recommended. Open Wi-Fi connections in hotels and other public venues are not recommended. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>USAGE PAYMENT</strong><br /> The Usage Payment shall be made by Customer and received by Company in advance of use. A payment method must be provided during registration to the course. The training fee must be paid in full in order to receive results of the exam and the applicable certificate. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>TAXES AND FEES</strong><br /> Customer shall pay all taxes and fees (if any) relating to this Agreement. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND MODIFICATION</strong><br /> This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the Remote Proctor Solution Usage. No modification or amendment of this contract shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. This contract replaces any and all prior agreements between the parties. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>GOVERNING LAW</strong><br /> This contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, United States of America. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>SEVERABILITY</strong> If any portion of this contract shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this contract is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. </p> <br /> <p> <strong>WAIVER</strong><br /> The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this contract shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this contract. </p> </div> <p> Customer agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. </p> <!-- Don't show this popup again --> <div class="fs-11 text-left"> <label class="checkbox float-left"> <input id="cbx_AcceptTerms" type="checkbox" /> <i></i><span class="fw-300">I Accept</span> </label> <label class="checkbox float-right"> <input id="cbx_DeclineTerms" type="checkbox" /> <i></i><span class="fw-300">I Decline</span> </label> </div> <!-- /Don't show this popup again --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /MODAL ON LOAD --> <!-- MODAL ON LOAD data-autoload="true" - load modal on page load data-autoload-delay="2000" - load after 2000 ms (1000ms = 1s) Please note, an unique ID is required. localstorage use the ID to hide the modal, if used checked "Don't show this popup again" --> <div id="modal_Training_Survey" class="modal fade" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-md"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel"> Training Pre-Registration Survey </h4> </div> <!-- /Modal Header --> <!-- body modal --> <div class="modal-body clearfix"> <button class="close" onclick="closeModal();" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <span> <p> <strong><em>Please take a moment to answer a couple of demographic questions for reporting purposes. You will be asked to <a class="fauxLoginClick">login</a> or create an AIAG account, and then will be redirected back to this page.</em></strong> </p> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /MODAL ON LOAD --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div style="display:none;"> <div id="addToCart" class=""> <p> <img src="/Content/images/admin_throbber.gif" alt="Adding to Cart" /> Adding to Cart... </p> </div> </div> <div id="addedToCart" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-success margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>Course successfully added to Cart.</strong> Return to <a href="/store/training">Training Listing</a> or <a href="/store/shopping-cart/summary">Go to Cart</a>. </div> </div> <div id="error-occurred" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-danger margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>An error occurred processing your request.</strong> </div> </div> <div id="terms-needed" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-warning margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>You must accept the AIAG Remote Proctor Usage Agreement before registering.</strong> </div> </div> <div id="requirements-not-met" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-warning margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>You have not met the requirements for taking this course.</strong> </div> </div> <div id="already-registered" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-warning margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>You have already registered or added this course to your cart.</strong> </div> </div> <div id="actively-registered" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-warning margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>You have already registered and have an active session for this course.</strong> </div> </div> <div id="canadian-ineligible" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-danger margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong>Mixed cart not available for these items in the current cart.</strong> </div> </div> <div id="assessment-completed" style="display:none;"> <div class="alert alert-warning margin-bottom-30"> <button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" type="button"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> <strong id="assessment-completed-content"></strong> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <h3 class="detail-title inline-block">Core Tools Overview e-Learning</h3> </div> <hr /> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="clearfix margin-bottom-30"> </div> <div class="product-description">This course will provide a brief summary of the AIAG Core Tools APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, and MSA. The primary focus will be to create awareness of the AIAG Core Tools, with an overview of how they can help your organization in its journey through the never ending quest for continual improvement. For a more in-depth look at APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, and MSA please see our Related Information for more classes focused on implementing each of these subjects.</div> <p><a href="#info" data-offset="120" class="btn btn-xs btn-info scrollTo">More Info</a></p> <div class="row aiaguser-member-no"> <div class="col-md-12"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-3d btn-xlg btn-block btn-danger"> <strong>NOT A MEMBER?</strong> <span class="block font-lato">With your AIAG Membership you can save a bundle on this purchase and your<br /> membership could even be FREE! <strong>LEARN MORE TODAY!</strong></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-12"> <div class="callout alert alert-info margin-bottom-10"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h4>Questions?</h4> <p style="font-size: 15px;"> Please note that the option to "Register Another Person" will no longer be available for Webinars, E-Learnings, and Assessments. Please contact AIAG Customer Service at <a href=""></a> if you need to register another person, have any questions or concerns regarding training, or need to make updates to your account including changing your email address, phone number, etc. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <a id="register-button" href="javascript:addELRNtoCart('T25ELCTO03','CLASSFEE')" class="btn btn-primary btn-featured pull-left product-add-cart noradius"><span>ADD TO CART</span><i class="fa fa-cart-plus"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="fancy-form fancy-form-select"> <select id="training-language-CLASSFEE" class="form-control select2" required> <option value="">--- Select Language ---</option> <option value="en">English</option> </select> <i class="fancy-arrow-double"></i> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h2 class="panel-title">Pricing and Time</h2> </div> <div class="nopadding panel-body"> <table class="table nomargin"> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Member:</strong></td> <td class="member-price-cell">$0.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Non-Member:</strong></td> <td class="list-price-cell">$150.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Time:</strong></td> <td> <div>Online Anytime</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /ITEM DESC --> <div class="col-lg-12"><hr /></div> </div> <div class="callout alert alert-success" style="margin-top: 25px; margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h4>Get Membership Pricing</h4> <p> Not a member? Get member pricing on this course and other great benefits for you and your company by becoming a member of AIAG. Your membership could even be free! <a href="">Learn more</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="info" class="padding-top-10"> <div class="heading-title heading-dotted text-center"> <h2 class="size-30 small-caps">Course <span>Information</span></h2> </div> <div class="toggle toggle-transparent-body"> <div class="toggle active"> <label>Description</label> <div class="toggle-content"> <p><p>This course will provide a brief summary of the AIAG Core Tools APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, and MSA. The primary focus will be to create awareness of the AIAG Core Tools, with an overview of how they can help your organization in its journey through the never ending quest for continual improvement.<br> <br> For a more in-depth look at APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, and MSA please see our Related Information for more classes focused on implementing each of these subjects.<br> <br> Estimated time to complete: 2 - 3 hours<br></p></p> </div> </div> <div class="toggle active"> <label>Who Should Attend</label> <div class="toggle-content"> <p><p>All Members</p><p>Individuals looking to understand basic knowledge and determine applications of each of the AIAG Core Tools.</p></p> </div> </div> <div class="toggle active"> <label>Course Outline</label> <div class="toggle-content"> <p><em>No Course Outline Available</em></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="div-bottom-chevron" class="divider divider-border divider-center divider-short" style="margin: 0 !important;"> <!-- divider --> <a class="scrollTo" href="#top"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="clear"> <div class="toggle toggle-transparent-body margin-top-20"> <div class="toggle active"> <label>Related Publications</label> <div class="toggle-content"> <a href="/store/publications/details?ProductCode=MSA-4" class="list-group-item">Measurement Systems Analysis</a> <a href="/store/publications/details?ProductCode=FMEA-4" class="list-group-item">Potential Failure Mode & Effects Analysis</a> <a href="/store/publications/details?ProductCode=PPAP-4" class="list-group-item">Production Part Approval Process</a> <a href="/store/publications/details?ProductCode=SPC-3" class="list-group-item">Statistical Process Control</a> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="clear"> <div class="toggle toggle-transparent-body margin-top-20"> <div class="toggle active"> <label>Related Courses, Assessments, and Webinars</label> <div class="toggle-content"> <a href="/store/training/details?CourseCode=ELCTSA" class="list-group-item">Core Tools Self-Assessment</a> <a href="/store/training/details?CourseCode=UFMEA" class="list-group-item">Understanding and Implementing FMEA</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='sfContentBlock'><style type="text/css"> p a, p a:link { color: #105CB6; 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