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(it's automatic) // animation/transition utilities [/^a:(?<p>[a-z\-]+)?\/?(?<dur>[\]+)?\/?(?<e>[a-z\-]+)?\/?(?<del>[\]+)?$/, ([, p, dur, e, del]) => ( Object.entries({ 'transition-property': p || false, 'transition-duration': dur || '236ms', 'transition-timing-function': e || 'ease-in-out', 'transition-delay': del || false, }).reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = /^[\d\.]+$/.test(value) ? `${value}ms` : value.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${value})`); } return rules; }, {}) )], // border utilities // This one is a bit special, it's basically able to set a variety of properties if specified, the pattern is like // `b:<direction><color>/<width>/<style>/<radius>` if you want to omit certain values, you need the slash (/), // but with no value in between, so let's say you only want to set the border-style, you would do `b:///dashed`, // only the border-width: `t:/3`, only border-top-color: `b:tred`, all properties support CSS custom properties // and properties that have numeric values support also `calc()`, e.g. `b:t--color-red` and `t:blue/calc(100px/5)` // The order of properties is different than standard CSS which is `<width><style><color>` as in my experience // 90% of border styling are color, but we mostly write `1px solid <color>`, which is annoying, so this utility // defaults to `border-width: 1px` and `border-style: solid` which can of course easily be changed, but doing simply // `b:green` will result in a 1px solid green border in all directions, which cuts down on how much we have to type // if you don't like these defaults, it's quite simple to change it to whatever behaviour you like! // @limitations: This utility does NOT deal with any kind of border-image stuff, I can't even remember when I have // used this feature last, so not going to include it as a utility, if you really want to use it, write CSS... // @note: The strange looking negative lookaheads in the regex below are there to deal with 'reserved' word like // `transparent` or all kinds of named colors that would otherwise get chopped up by the direction indicators // workaround is simply using a hex color with 0 alpha, e.g. #0000... // TODO: Add in support for `outline`, don't want to make a separate util for it as it is relatively similar to // a border and mostly just annoying default focus behavior for lazy people who don't care about :focus... // TODO: Add support for border radius, probably best to take everything at the end (e.g. after <style>) and // split it by slashes, discard anything more than 4 and then apply them as border-radius would be applied /* TODO: think about how to implement fake directional borders (use box-shadow outlines for full ones) &r-fake { position: relative; &:after { color: red; content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 1px; } } */ [/^b:(?<d>[bi][se]|r(?![ego])|t(?![r])|l(?![aei])|b(?![eilru])|y(?![e])|x|o(?![lr]))?\(?(?<v>(?:[a-z\-]+?\([\S]+?\)|[^\s\(\)]+?)+?)\)?$/, ([, d, v]) => ( ({ t: ['-top'], r: ['-right'], b: ['-bottom'], l: ['-left'], x: ['-right', '-left'], y: ['-top', '-bottom'], is: ['-inline-start'], ie: ['-inline-end'], bs: ['-block-start'], be: ['-block-end'], }[d] || ['']).reduce((rules, dir) => ( (v || '') .split(/\/?(?<v>[a-z\-]+\([\S]+?\)+(?![,\)_])|[^\s\/]+)\/?/g) .filter((x) => x.trim()) // handles shortcut values for inherit (`i`) and skip (`x`) // you can optionally specify border radius separated by _: `.b:red/1/solid/1px_2px_3px_4px` // but it has to be specified with the unit! slash-notation doesn't need the unit, will default to px // there's a special class `.b:none` to remove a border, but `.b:x/0` is shorter .map((x, i) => /^[\d\.]+$/.test(x) ? `${x}px` : x.replace(/(?<!var\()(--[^\s,/]+)/g, 'var($1)').replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/^i$/g, 'inherit').replace(/^c$/g, 'currentColor').replace(/^s$/g, 'solid').replace(/^x$/g, '')) // we want always minimum 3 values, as we want to set defaults for width/style if not defined .reduce((arr, val, i, values) => (values.length < 3 ? [...values, ...Array(3-Math.min(values.length, 3)).fill(null)] : values), []) .reduce((ret, val, i, arr) => ({ ...ret, ...({ 0: !['', 'none'].includes(val) ? { [({o: 'outline'}[d] || `border${dir}`) + '-color']: val } : {}, 1: ![''].includes(val) ? { [({o: 'outline'}[d] || `border${dir}`) + '-width']: arr[0] === 'none' ? '0' : val || '1px' } : {}, 2: ![''].includes(val) ? { [({o: 'outline'}[d] || `border${dir}`) + '-style']: val || 'solid' } : {}, 3: { 'border-radius': val }, 4: { 'border-radius': `${ret['border-radius']} ${val}` }, 5: { 'border-radius': `${ret['border-radius']} ${val}` }, 6: { 'border-radius': `${ret['border-radius']} ${val}` }, }[i] || {}) }), {}) ), {}) )], /* OLD border version [/^(?<p>b):(?<d>[bi][se]|r(?![ego])|t(?![r])|l(?![aei])|b(?![eilru])|y(?![e])|x)?(?<g>inherit|initial|revert|revert-layer|unset)?(?<outline>o(?![lr]))?(?<color>[^\/\s:@]*)?\/?(?<width>[\d.]+|--[^\/\s:@]+|calc\(.*?\))?(?<u>[a-zA-Z%]+)?\/?(?<style>[^\/]*)?\/?(?<radius>[\S]+)?$/, ([, p, d, g, outline, color, width, u, style, radius]) => ( { undefined: [''], t: ['-top'], r: ['-right'], b: ['-bottom'], l: ['-left'], x: ['-right', '-left'], y: ['-top', '-bottom'], is: ['-inline-start'], ie: ['-inline-end'], bs: ['-block-start'], be: ['-block-end'], }[d].reduce((rules, dir) => { // global values like auto, initial, revert will be captured by the <u> group Object.entries({ [(outline ? 'outline' : `border${dir}`) + '-color']: color || g ? `${color?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${color})`) || ( g || '')}` : false, [(outline ? 'outline' : `border${dir}`) + '-width']: `${width?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${width})`) || '1'}${u || (!width?.startsWith('--') && !width?.includes('calc') ? 'px' : '')}`, [(outline ? 'outline' : `border${dir}`) + '-style']: `${style?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${style})`) || 'solid'}`, 'border-radius': radius ? radius.split(/\//g).map((v) => (/^[\d\.]+$/.test(v) ? `${v}px` : v.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`))).join(' ') : false, }).forEach(([prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = g ? g : value; } }); return rules; }, {}) )], */ [/^b:(?<c>circle)|(?:rad\(?(?<v>(?:[a-z\-]+?\([\S]+?\)|[^\s\(\)]+?)+?)\)?)$/, ([, c, v]) => ( c ? { 'border-radius': '50%' } : (v || '') .split(/\/?(?<v>[a-z\-]+\([\S]+?\)+(?![,\)_])|[^\s\/]+)\/?/g) .filter((x) => x.trim()) .map((x, i) => /^[\d\.]+$/.test(x) ? `${x}px` : x.replace(/(?<!var\()(--[^\s,/]+)/g, 'var($1)').replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/^i$/g, 'inherit').replace(/^c$/g, 'currentColor').replace(/^x$/g, '')) .reduce((ret, val, i) => ({ ...ret, ...({ 'border-radius': `${ret['border-radius'] || ''} ${val}` }) }), {}) )], // background: shorthand and advanced multi-value uncovered sub-property accessor // @note: if you encounter problems consider disabling this rule and swap it out // for the commented out one below that just takes in custom properties [/^bg:(?<m>-[a-z]+)?_?(?<v>['"0-9A-Za-z .,\/()\-_!%#]+)$/, ([, m, v]) => ({ [`background${m || ''}`]: v?.replace(/_/g, ' ')?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`) })], // background[-prop]: variable/custom property interpolation, use like `bg:-image--var-name` // @note: swap with rule above if that one creates problems, it does this as well // [/^bg:(?<m>-[a-z]+)?_?(?<v>--.*|none)$/, ([, m, v]) => ({ // [`background${m || ''}`]: /^none$/.test(v) ? 'none' : `var(${v})` // })], // background-color: Use custom property syntax for actual colors like `bg:--c-green` [/^bg:(?<v>current|transparent)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'background-color': v?.replace('current', 'currentColor') })], // background-position: we only support the 1 value version with utils /* TODO: think about implementing these modifiers from the SCSS version @include modifiers(( 'b': 'bottom', 'c': 'center', 'l': 'left', 'lb': 'left bottom', 'lt': 'left top', 'r': 'right', 'rb': 'right bottom', 'rt': 'right top', 't': 'top', ), $properties: 'background-position', $prefix: 'pos-', $separator: '-'); */ [/^bg:(?<v>center|top|right|bottom|left)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'background-position': v })], // background-repeat: we only support the 1 value version with utils [/^bg:(?<v>repeat-x|repeat-y|repeat|space|no-repeat)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'background-repeat': v })], // background-size: only word values suported with utils [/^bg:(?<v>auto|cover|contain)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'background-size': v })], // box-shadow [/^bs:(?<p>oi|o)?\/?(?<v>[^\s]+)?$/, ([, p, v]) => ({ // `/([^\s\/]+\([\S]+?\))|\//g` => splits by slash except when they are between parenthesis like `calc(100px/2)` // `b`/`o` and `oi` are shortcuts for box-shadow outlines/borders (they don't affect the box-model), `o` creates // and outline outside of the box, `oi` one that does not go beyond the box-boundaries. This can be useful // for scenarios where you want a border in a certain state but not others and then have to set // `border-color: transparent` on those elements. But box-shadow outlines can't be direction controlled, // so they are only useful if the element should have a border on all sides 'box-shadow': ({ 'o': '0 0 0 ', 'oi': 'inset 0 0 0 ', }[p] || '') + v.split(/([^\s\/]+\([\S]+?\))|\//g).filter((x) => x).map((x) => (/^[\d\.]+$/.test(x) ? `${x}px` : x.replace(/(?<!var\()(--\S+)/, `var(${x})`))).join(' ') })], // cursor: just make sure you got the value right, unrestricted for brevity sake [/^c:(?<v>\S+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'cursor': v })], // display: There's a lot of different utilities summarized under the d: prefix, see preflights // still working on figuring out the best way to implement them as some might still require // browser prefixes, or target multiple properties etc. [/^(?<p>bg|d):(?<filter>blur|brightness|contrast|drop-shadow|grayscale|hue-rotate|invert|opacity|saturate|sepia)\(?(?<v>calc\([\S]+?\)|[^\s)]+)?\)?$/, ([, p, filter, v]) => ({ [`${p === 'bg' ? 'backdrop-' : ''}filter`]: `${filter}(${v?.startsWith('calc') ? v : v?.replace(/\//g, ' ') || ''})` })], ['d:b', { 'display': 'block' }], // `d:c(<name>/<type>)` || `d:c(<name>)` || `d:c` // [/^d:c(?:\((?<n>[^\s\/]+)\/?(?<t>[^\s\/]+)?\))?$/, ([, n, t]) => ({ 'container': `${n || 'x'} / ${t || 'inline-size'}` })], ['d:i', { 'display': 'inline' }], ['d:ib', { 'display': 'inline-block' }], ['d:none', { 'display': 'none' }], ['d:hide', { 'visibility': 'hidden' }], ['d:show', { 'visibility': 'visible' }], ['d:invisible', { 'border': '0', 'clip': 'rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)', 'height': '1px', 'outline': 'none', 'overflow': 'hidden', 'padding': '0', 'position': 'absolute', 'width': '1px', }], /* 1 */ ['d:f', { 'display': 'flex' }], ['d:fi', { 'display': 'flex inline' }], ['d:f-col', { 'flex-direction': 'column' }], ['d:f-row', { 'flex-direction': 'row' }], ['d:f-wrap', { 'flex-wrap': 'wrap' }], ['d:fc-items-center', { 'align-items': 'center' }], ['d:fc-justify-between', { 'justify-content': 'space-between' }], ['d:fc-justify-center', { 'justify-content': 'center' }], // If functions are used the value wrapping with () is mandatory! `d:f(col/1/0/calc(3px*100))` [/^d:f\(?(?<dir>col|row)?\/?(?<grow>[\d.]+)?\/?(?<shrink>[\d.]+)?\/?(?<basis>[\S]+)?\)+?$/, ([, dir, grow, shrink, basis]) => ( Object.entries({ 'flex-direction': { col: 'column', row: 'row' }[dir] || false, 'flex-grow': grow || false, 'flex-shrink': shrink || false, 'flex-basis': /^[\d\.]+$/.test(basis) ? `${basis}px` : (basis || '').replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${basis})`) || false, }).reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = value; } return rules; }, {}) )], // order matters here, needs to be below the general `d:f` rule [/^d:f-(?<v>none|auto|initial)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'flex': v })], // grid/flexbox gap, be careful though when using `d:g` it needs the gap defined within it's values // to properly calculate column width! so specify gap there if you use `d:g(<values>)`, it's fine to // use `d:gap` if you use `d:g` (without values) and define your template-columns yourself via CSS [/^d:gap(?<row>calc\([\S]+?\)|[^\s\/]+)?\/?(?<col>[^\s]+)?$/, ([, row, col]) => ( Object.entries({ 'row-gap': col ? row : false, 'column-gap': row ? col : false, 'gap': (row && !col) ? row : false, }).reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = /^[\d\.]+$/.test(value) ? `${value}px` : value.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${value})`); } return rules; }, {}) )], // flexbox/grid align and justify utils to be used like: // `.d:jself(center) or .d:j-self(center) or .d:js(center) or .d:aitems(start) or .d:a-items(start) or .d:ai(start)` [/^d:(?<d>a|j)-?(?<scope>c|i|s|t|content|items|self|tracks)[\(-](?<v>\S*?)\)?$/, ([, d, scope, v]) => ( { [`${{ a: 'align', j: 'justify' }[d]}-${{ c: 'content', i: 'items', s: 'self', t: 'tracks' }[scope] || scope}`]: v } )], // grid: format `d:g` to just set the display property, `d:g(<template-cols>/<gap/row-gap>?/<col-gap>?/<template-rows>?)` // TODO: Keep an eye on `grid-template-rows: masonry` support, it would be awesome, but is not supported as of 2023 // it's technically implemented as the 4th via `grid-template-rows`: That one is a bit different, can't do it with // optional gap values, so even if no gaps should be defined, it needs to be written like `d:g(12/0/0/masonry)` // there is a special value `equal` that will make all rows equal height to the tallest one: `d:g(12/0/0/equal)` // the 4th value is basically a free-for-all, you can go crazy with stuff like `repeat(auto,minmax(calc(100vh/3),1fr)))` // to define the grid-template-rows, I use it rarely, but it's there if needed. [/^d:(?<p>g|gi)(?:\((?<v>[^\s]+)?\))?$/, ([, p, v], ctx) => ( ({ 'g': [ ['display', 'grid'] ], 'gi': [ ['display', 'inline-grid'] ], }[p] || []).reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { //console.log('rule matcher args', p, v, ctx); // set the display property rules[prop] = value; // parse the grid config values and inject additional properties into the outer reduced array // depending on how many config values were provided, do not give unit to first value automatically // as it is the number of grid-columns and needs to be a unitless value for the internal calc(), it // can be a custom CSS property/variable or calc() resolving in a unitless number itself though, // meaning: `d:g(--var-cols/12px/calc(100px/4))` or `d:g(calc(48/4)/12px/calc(100px/4))` are fine. // Does it make sense to calc() within calc()? not sure... but it's possible ;). // If the first value has a unit, no automatic cols calculation will happen, but the value will // be used as a min-width of a grid-column letting the browser do the heavy lifting, this can be // very helpful not having to define any kind of @media queries for responsiveness! // `d:g(264px)` => `grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(264px, 1fr));` // auto-fill vs auto-fit: if ( v ) { v = v.split(/\/?(?<v>[a-z\-]+\([\S]+?\)(?![,\)])+|[^\s\/]+)\/?/g).filter(x => x).map((x, i) => /^[\d\.]+$/.test(x) && i !== 0 ? `${x}px` : x.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${x})`)); // The last value can be 'fit' or 'fill' regardless of position to select auto-filling algo const f = /(fit|fill)/.test( ? v.pop() : 'fit'; const props = ({ 1: [['grid-template-columns', `repeat(auto-${f}, minmax(${/[\d\.]+[a-z%]+$/.test(v[0]) ? v[0] : `calc(100%/${v[0]})`}, 1fr))`]], 2: [['grid-template-columns', `repeat(auto-${f}, minmax(${/[\d\.]+[a-z%]+$/.test(v[0]) ? v[0] : `calc(100%/${v[0]} - ${v[1]})`}, 1fr))`], ['gap', v[1]]], 3: [['grid-template-columns', `repeat(auto-${f}, minmax(${/[\d\.]+[a-z%]+$/.test(v[0]) ? v[0] : `calc(100%/${v[0]} - ${v[2]})`}, 1fr))`], ['row-gap', v[1]], ['column-gap', v[2]]], 4: [['grid-template-columns', `repeat(auto-${f}, minmax(${/[\d\.]+[a-z%]+$/.test(v[0]) ? v[0] : `calc(100%/${v[0]} - ${v[2] || 0})`}, 1fr))`], ['row-gap', v[1]], ['column-gap', v[2]], ( v[3] === 'equal' ? ['grid-auto-rows', '1fr'] : ['grid-template-rows', ( v[3] ? v[3].replace(/_/g, ' ') : null )] )], }[Math.min(v.length, 4)] || []).forEach(([_p, _v]) => (rules[_p] = _v)); } } return rules; }, {}) )], [/^d:(?:g-?)?(?<p>col|row)\(?(?<v>\S+?)\)?$/, ([, p, v]) => ({ [`grid-${p === 'col' ? 'column' : 'row'}`]: v.replace(/_/g, ' ') })], // grid col/row span // regex captures everything after `d:span<v>` (or within parenthesis `d:span(<v>)`), syntax is: // variant a): `d:span<v[<col[<start>-<end?>]>/<row?[<start>-<end?>]>]>` // variant b): `d:span(<v[<col[<start>-<end?>]>/<row?[<start>-<end?>]>]>)`, // we deal with the value inside the matcher function and split it into it's components // TODO: Re-evaluate if the separate util is worth it as we can simply use `.d:g-col(<v>` and `.d:g-row(<v>)` [/^d:(?:g-?)?span\(?(?<v>(?:[a-z\-]+?\([\S]+?\)|[^\s\(\)]+?)+?)\)?$/, ([, v]) => ( (v || '') .split(/\/?(?<v>[a-z\-]+\([\S]+?\)+(?![,\)_])|[^\s\/]+)\/?/g) .filter(x => x.trim()) // don't need the auto-pixelator here, span values are unitless, but we support CSS vars //.map((x, i) => /^[\d\.]+$/.test(x) ? `${x}px` : x.replace(/(?<!var\()(--[^\s,/]+)/g, 'var($1)').replace(/_/g, ' ')) .map((x, i) => x.replace(/(?<!var\()(--[^\s,/]+)/g, 'var($1)')) .reduce((rules, value, i) => ({ ...rules, ...({ // if useing CSS vars, specify the full value, like this it's most flexible 0: { 'grid-column': value.includes('var(') ? value : value.split('-').map((x, i, a) => a.length === 1 ? `span ${x}` : x ).join(' / ') }, 1: { 'grid-row': value.includes('var(') ? value : value.split('-').map((x, i, a) => a.length === 1 ? `span ${x}` : x ).join(' / ') }, }[i] || {}) }), {}) )], ['d:noverflow', { 'overflow': 'hidden' }], // order (flexbox/grid), syntax: `d:order(?-?<v>)?` [/^d:order\(?(?<v>[-\d]+)\)?$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'order': v })], // display => overflow(-[x|y]) auto [/^d:scroll(?<m>-[xy])?$/, ([, m]) => ({ [`overflow${m || ''}`]: 'auto' })], ['d:scroll', { 'overflow': 'auto' }], ['d:scroll(x)', { 'overflow-x': 'auto' }], ['d:scroll(y)', { 'overflow-y': 'auto' }], // it's a bit tricky to yield those ::selectors, but this is how it can be done... // question is: should we just preflight those as raw CSS instead of doing constructs like this? // the strings ship with the bundle, one way or the other, but as preflights at least the utils // are readable... and after all, there's nothing dynamic about them, simply creating overhead here // futhermore it's questionable to do it like that as it will most likely result in more // characters/bytes shipped than if it was just pure CSS... [/^(?<sel>d:scroll-nobar)$/, ([, sel], context) => { return `${context.constructCSS({ 'scrollbar-width': 'none', /* Firefox */ '-ms-overflow-style': 'none', /* IE 10+ */ })}\n.${CSS.escape(sel)}::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0; height: 0; }` /* WebKit */ }], // pointer-events [/^e:(?<v>\S+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'pointer-events': v })], // list-style: order of values is type | image | position, escape quotes with ^ [/^l:(?<v>.{3,}?)?(?:_(?<url>.+?))?(?:_(?<pos>outside|inside))?$/, ([, v, url, pos]) => ({ 'list-style': `${v?.replaceAll('^', '"')} ${url || ''} ${pos || ''}` })], // margin and padding: supports basics plus custom properties (variables), optional directions and global word values [/^(?<p>m|p):(?<d>r(?!e)|[ltbxy]|[bi][se])?(?<v>(?:(?:-(?!-))?[\d._]+)|--\S+|calc\(.*?\))?(?<u>[a-zA-Z%]+)?$/, ([, p, d, v, u]) => ( { undefined: [''], t: ['-top'], r: ['-right'], b: ['-bottom'], l: ['-left'], x: ['-right', '-left'], y: ['-top', '-bottom'], is: ['-inline-start'], ie: ['-inline-end'], bs: ['-block-start'], be: ['-block-end'], }[d].reduce((rules, dir) => { // global values like auto, initial, revert will be captured by the <u> group // TODO: not sure what the `.replaceAll('_', ' ')` is for, maybe a copy paste leftover from another rul? rules[`${{m: 'margin', p: 'padding'}[p]}${dir}`] = `${v?.replaceAll('_', ' ')?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`) || ''}${u || (!v?.startsWith('--') && !v?.includes('calc') ? 'px' : '')}`; return rules; }, {}) )], // opacity // technically the spec allows for percantage values, but we convert anything to float, makes things easier [/^o:(?<v>[\d.%]+|--\S+|calc\(.*?\))?$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'opacity': isNaN(parseFloat(v)) ? (v?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`) || '') : ( parseFloat(v) <= 1 ? parseFloat(v) : parseFloat(v)/100 ) })], // position utils [/^(?<p>pos):(?<d>r(?![e]|$)|[ltb])?(?<v>[\S]+)?$/, ([, p, d, v]) => ( { 'a': [ ['position', 'absolute'] ], 'f': [ ['position', 'fixed'], ['backface-visibility', 'hidden'] ], 'r': [ d ? ['right', null] : ['position', 'relative'] ], 's': [ ['position', 'sticky'] ], 'center': [ ['position', 'absolute'], ['top', '50%'], ['left', '50%'], ['transform', 'translate(-50%, -50%)'] ], 'center-x': [ ['position', 'relative'], ['left', '50%'], ['transform', 'translateX(-50%) perspective(1px)'] ], 'center-y': [ ['position', 'relative'], ['top', '50%'], ['transform', 'translateY(-50%) perspective(1px)'] ], 'reset': [ ['position', 'static'] ], // direction utils, set the value falsy so we can set it within reduce 't': [ ['top', null] ], 'b': [ ['bottom', null] ], 'l': [ ['left', null] ], undefined: [], }[d || v].reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = value; } else if ( d && v ) { rules[prop] = /^[\d\.]+$/.test(v) ? `${v}px` : v.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`); } return rules; }, {}) )], /** /* FLUID MEDIA CONTENT UTILS (IMG, VIDEOS, IFRAMES etc.) /* 1. Element will be stretched to the full extend of the nearest realtively-positioned /* ancestor. /* 2. Element will be stretched to the entire viewport and follow the user's scrolling, /* good for modal windows and overlays /* 3. Add this class to the element that contains the fluid media content and do not forget /* to define the aspect ratio like `.scale:frame(16/9)`. /* 4. Add this class to the element that should scale in a specific ratio, useful for /* fluid videos, iframes (maps anybody?), embeds but also images. /* 5. Allows an image to be responsvie up to its container width but not exceeding /* it's native size. /*/ [/^scale:(?<v>[^\s(]+)\(?(?<ratio>[\d\/]+)?\)?$/, ([, v, ratio]) => ( { 'fit': [ ['bottom', '0'], ['left', '0'], ['margin', 'auto'], ['position', 'absolute'], ['right', '0'], ['top', '0'] ], /* 1 */ 'fullscreen': [ ['backface-visibility', 'hidden'], ['bottom', '0'], ['left', '0'], ['margin', 'auto'], ['position', 'fixed'], ['right', '0'], ['top', '0'] ], /* 2 */ 'frame': [ ['display', 'block'], ['position', 'relative'], ['aspect-ratio', (ratio ? `${ratio}` : null) ] ], /* 3 */ // The padding hack is old-school now, we now have native aspect ratio, but for reference // I'll leave those here anyways, the calculation goes as follows: `9 / 16 * 100% = 56.25%` // So if a custom aspect ratio is needed one could simply apply `p:tcalc(2/12*100%)` //'frame(16/9)': [ ['padding-top', '56.25%'] ], //'frame(3/2)': [ ['padding-top', '66.66666%'] ], //'frame(4/3)': [ ['padding-top', '75%'] ], 'content': [ ['bottom', '0'], ['left', '0'], ['margin', 'auto'], ['position', 'absolute'], ['right', '0'], ['top', '0'] ], /* 4 */ 'img': [ ['display', 'block'], ['height', 'auto'], ['max-width', '100%'] ], /* 5 */ undefined: [], }[v].reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = value; } return rules; }, {}) )], /** /* TEXT UTILS /* /* 1. Enables font kerning in all browsers. /* see also: /* 2. Ensure that the node has a maximum width after which truncation can occur. /* 3. Fix for IE 8/9 if 'word-wrap: break-word' is in effect on ancestor nodes. /* 4. A little helper to increase the font-weight slightly without having to rely /* on font-style. Especially useful to increase readability of very small type! /*/ // This one is a bit special, it's basically able to set a variety of properties if specified, the pattern is like // `t:<color>/<font-size>/<line-height>/<font-weight>/<font-style>/<font-family>` if you want to omit certain values, // you need the slash (/), but with no value in between, so let's say you only want to set the font family, // you would do `t://///Arial`, only the font-weight: `t:///700`, only the color: `t:red`, all properties // support CSS custom properties and properties that have numeric values support also `calc()`, e.g. `t:--color-red` // and `t:blue/calc(100px/5)/calc(100px/4)` // TODO: support letter-spacing here or in separate utility? // TODO: support other functions than calc(), clamp() in particular, but basically all CSS math functions [/^(?<p>t):(?<color>[^\/\s:@]*)?\/?(?<size>[\d.]+|--[^\/\s:@]+|calc\(.*?\))?(?<u>[a-zA-Z%]+)?\/?(?<lh>[\d.]+|--[^\/\s:@]+|calc\(.*?\))?(?<lhu>[a-zA-Z%]+)?\/?(?<weight>[\d.]+|--[^\/\s:@]+|calc\(.*?\))?\/?(?<style>[^\/\s:@]*)?\/?(?<family>[^\/\s:@]*)?$/, ([, p, color, size, u, lh, lhu, weight, style, family]) => ( Object.entries({ 'color': color ? `${color?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${color})`) || ''}` : false, 'font-size': size || size === '0' ? `${size?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${size})`) || ''}${u || (!size?.startsWith('--') && !size?.includes('calc') ? 'px' : '')}` : false, 'line-height': lh || lh === '0' ? `${lh?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${lh})`) || ''}${lhu || ''}` : false, 'font-weight': weight ? `${weight?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${weight})`) || ''}` : false, 'font-style': style ? `${style?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${style})`) || ''}` : false, 'font-family': family ? `${family?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${family})`) || ''}` : false, }).reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = value; } return rules; }, {}) )], // font-family // This utility isn't really meant to define full font-stacks, you may try to use the general utility // like `t://///Arial` even though it's questionable to use like that. By default it just applies the global CSS // keywords for font-family, including such as ui-serif etc. which are not supported by browsers today // the power of this one is that it will also look for pre-defined custom CSS properties/variables at // :root level with the specific pattern of `---t-family-<keyword>`, if found it will use the variable // value. In this way font stacks can easily be defined via such variables. Besides the standrad spec // keywords, it also supports some custom short ones: sans => sans-serif, mono => monospace, ui => system-ui // TODO: Make variable names configurable via theme or at least the prefix and allow passing in the specific // `--t-family-<name>` variable via CSS class as well, like this we could reference full font stacks without // making things too ugly? How can we access theme within rules? [/^t:(?<v>serif|sans-serif|sans|monospace|mono|cursive|fantasy|system-ui|ui|ui-serif|ui-sans-serif|ui-monospace|ui-rounded|emoji|math|fangsong)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'font-family': !!getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(`---t-family-${v}`) ? `var(---t-family-${v})` : v.replace(/^(sans|mono|ui)$/gi, x => ({'sans': 'sans-serif', 'mono': 'monospace', 'ui': 'system-ui'}[x])) })], // font-style // Shortcuts for what is doable with the 'general' utility above as well, the key word `normal` // is already used by the font-weight utility below, so `t:regular` is used to set `font-style: normal` // specifying the angle for `font-style: oblique 20deg` is supported as well with `t:oblique/20` // valid angle values are +-90deg, but most fonts don't support it anyways... [/^t:(?<v>italic|oblique|regular)\/?(?<deg>-?\d{1,2})?$/, ([, v, deg]) => ({ 'font-style': `${v.replace('regular', 'normal')}${deg ? ` ${deg}deg`: ''}` })], // font-weight // Those are shortcuts which can all be achieved by using the above 'general' utility as well, but they // are still included for convenience, lighter/bolder are relative-to-parent font-weights (see MDN) // this util has a feature where it looks for custom CSS properties (variables) defined at `:root` level // that match the specific pattern of `---t-weight-<word|weight>`, if found, it will use those instead of // the actual word or numeric weight, this allows to re-define what those words/weights mean in terms of // actual font-weight, e.g. if default for `font-weight: normal` is 400, if you set `---t-weight-normal: 300` // at `:root` level and use the utility `t:normal` on some element, it's font-weight will now be 300 // these custom CSS properties/variables are intentionally prefixed with 3! dashes (---) to hopefully avoid // any conflicts with 'regularly' defined custom CSS variables which accidentially have the same name! [/^t:(?<v>lighter|bolder|thin|normal|bold|heavy|\d00)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'font-weight': !!getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(`---t-weight-${v}`) ? `var(---t-weight-${v})` : v.replace('thin', '100').replace('heavy', '900') })], // `t:boldest` applies a text-shadow which adds to the visual boldness of text regardless of font-weight applied ['t:boldest', { 'text-shadow': '0 0 0.3px currentColor' }], // text-align: we only support the 1 value version with utils, the string thing seems fringe anyways // additionally we convert left/right 'absolute' values to start/end which is text-direction aware // `justify-all` and `match-parent` are in the spec but seem very poorly supported! [/^t:(?<v>start|end|left|right|center|justify|justify-all|match-parent)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'text-align': v.replace('left', 'start').replace('right', 'end') })], // text-decoration // We don't support multiple text-decoration-line values, if you really need that, specify it via multiple classes // text-decoration-skip is also not supported as browser support is 0, but text-decoration-skip-ink is supported // There is a shortcut `t:del` which translates to `t:line-through` automatically. // `blink` is deprecated and only Opera and Safari still support it...We don't, it's bullshit UX anyways... // A text-decoration-line value has to be defined, otherwise this util won't catch, the other additional properties // can be omitted, the format is `t:<decoration-line>/<style>/<color>/<thickness>/<skip-ink> [/^t:(?<line>none|underline|overline|line-through|del)\/?(?<style>solid|double|dotted|dashed|wavy|--[^\/\s:@]+)?\/?(?<color>[^\/\s:@]*)?\/?(?<width>[\d.]+|--[^\/\s:@]+|calc\(.*?\))?(?<u>[a-zA-Z%]+)?\/?(?<skip>none|auto|all|--[^\/\s:@]+)?$/, ([, line, style, color, width, u, skip]) => ( Object.entries({ 'text-decoration-line': line ? `${line?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${line})`).replace('del', 'line-through') || ''}` : false, 'text-decoration-style': style ? `${style?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${style})`) || ''}` : false, 'text-decoration-color': color ? `${color?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${color})`) || ''}` : false, 'text-decoration-thickness': width || width === '0' ? `${width?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${width})`) || ''}${u || (!width?.startsWith('--') && !width?.includes('calc') ? 'px' : '')}` : false, 'text-decoration-skip-ink': skip ? `${skip?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${skip})`) || ''}` : false, }).reduce((rules, [prop, value]) => { if ( value ) { rules[prop] = value; } return rules; }, {}) )], // text-tranform [/^t:(?<v>capitalize|caps|lowercase|lcase|uppercase|ucase)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'text-transform': v.replace('caps', 'capitalize').replace('lcase', 'lowercase').replace('ucase', 'uppercase') })], ['t:break', { 'word-wrap': 'break-word' /* 4 */ }], ['t:nowrap', { 'white-space': 'nowrap' }], // TODO: not sure if this even does something visually, what is it's purpose? remove it? ['t:kern', { '-webkit-font-feature-settings': '"kern" 1', 'font-feature-settings': '"kern" 1', '-webkit-font-kerning': 'normal', 'font-kerning': 'normal', 'text-rendering': 'optimizeLegibility' }], // 1 ['t:truncate', { 'max-width': '100%' /* 2 */, 'overflow': 'hidden', 'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'white-space': 'nowrap', 'word-wrap': 'normal' /* 3 */ }], // transform // transform function values are very diverse, just write them as usual separated with commas just NO spaces! // You can use `calc()` or custom css properties `--some-var` if they are allowed to be used for function values // we can't cast non-pixel values to pixels either, because different functions have different inputs, like `scale()` // for example expects unitless values, so for the values, you do need to specify the unit if appropriate // Does NOT support specifying multiple transform functions in one call, write proper CSS for a use-case like that! // Does support transform-origin/box/style with the appropriate prefix `b|o|s` e.g. `.tr:o(center/50px)` // note that the classname consistently has to encapsulate the value in parenthesis, e.g. `.tr:rotate(120deg)`, but // also `.tr:o(--some-var/calc(100px/2))` => `transform-origin: var(--some-var) calc(100px/2);` // The order of the transform functions in the RegEx matters, so don't touch! [/^tr:(?<p>[bo]|s(?![ck]))?(?<fn>matrix3d|matrix|none|perspective|rotate3d|rotateX|rotateY|rotateZ|rotate|scale3d|scaleX|scaleY|scaleZ|scale|skewX|skewY|skew|translate3d|translateX|translateY|translateZ|translate)?\((?<v>[^\s]+)?\)$/, ([, p, fn, v]) => ({ [{ b: 'transform-box', o: 'transform-origin', s: 'transform-style', undefined: 'transform', }[p]]: p // `/\/(?![\S]+\))/g` => splits by slash except when they followed by `)` like `calc(100px/2)` ? v.split(/\/(?![\S]+\))/g).map((x) => (/^[\d\.]+$/.test(x) ? `${x}px` : x.replace(/(?<!var\()(--\S+)/, `var(${x})`))).join(' ') : fn.match(/none/) ? fn : `${fn}(${v?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/g, `var(${v})`)})` })], // width & height [/^(?<p>w|h):(?<m>min|max|screen)?(?<v>[\d.]+|--\S+|calc\(.*?\))?(?<u>[a-zA-Z%]+)?$/, ([, p, m, v, u]) => ( { undefined: [''], min: ['min-'], max: ['max-'], screen: [(rules) => (rules[`${{w: 'width', h: 'height'}[p]}`] = `100v${p}`)] }[m].reduce((rules, mod) => { if ( mod instanceof Function ) { mod(rules); return rules; } // global values like auto, initial, revert will be captured by the <u> group // replacing _ with ' ' allows for escaping required spaces in calc +/- operations like calc(100% - 32px) rules[`${mod}${{w: 'width', h: 'height'}[p]}`] = `${v?.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`).replaceAll('_', ' ') || ''}${u || (!v?.startsWith('--') && !v?.includes('calc') ? 'px' : '')}`; return rules; }, {}) )], [/^z:(?<v>.+)$/, ([, v]) => ({ 'z-index': v.replace(/(?<!var\()(?<v>--\S+)/, `var(${v})`) })], // debug/dev tools, simply add the class `?` to an element and it will make itself very visible ;) // It might very often be the case that you need to overrule existing styles that conflict with the // dev tool class, so just prefix with `!` to make everything !important. [/^(\?)$/, (_, { constructCSS, generator }) => ( `@keyframes __imhere{0%{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 2px red}100%{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 6px yellow}}\n${constructCSS({ animation: '__imhere 0.5s ease-in-out alternate infinite' })}` )], // create a box around an element, good for highlighting stuff // arrows can be useful for screenshots, try it out with `?[]>`, `?[]^`, `?[]<`, `?[]>t` etc. [/^(?<sel>\?\[(?<inset>[0-9-]+)?\/?(?<width>\d+)?\](?:(?<arrow>\>|\<|\^)(?<top>t)?)?\/?(?<hue>\d+)?\/?(?<opacity>[\d.%]+)?)$/, ([, sel, inset, width, arrow, top, hue, opacity], ctx) => ( `${ctx.constructCSS({ overflow: 'visible !important', position: 'relative', })}${ arrow ? `\n.${CSS.escape(sel)}:before { color: hsl(${hue || 0} 100% 50%) !important; content: '↗' !important; font-size: 36px !important; font-weight: 300 !important; line-height: 1 !important; position: absolute; ${top ? `top: -${Math.abs(inset || 0)}px` : `bottom: -${Math.abs(inset || 0)}px`}; ${arrow === '<' ? `right: -${Math.abs(inset || 0)}px` : `left: ${ arrow === '^' ? '50%' : `-${Math.abs(inset || 0)}px` }`}; transform: translate(${arrow === '<' ? '150%' : `${arrow === '^' ? '-50%' : '-150%'}`}, ${ top ? '-125%' : '125%'}) ${arrow === '<' ? 'rotate(-90deg)' : arrow === '^' ? 'rotate(-45deg)' : ''} ${ top ? `scale(${arrow === '<' ? '-1,1' : arrow === '^' ? '-1' : '1,-1'})` : ''}; z-index: 9999 !important; }` : ''}\n.${CSS.escape(sel)}:after { box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 ${Math.abs(inset || 0)}px hsl(${hue || 0} 100% 50% / ${opacity || .1}) !important; content: '' !important; inset: ${inset || 0}px !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; outline: ${width || 1}px solid hsl(${hue || 0} 100% 50%) !important; position: absolute !important; transform: none !important; z-index: 9999 !important; }` )], // and the dev grid overlay [/^(?<sel>\?#\(?(?<s>\d+)?\/?(?<o>[\d.]+)?\/?(?<h>[\d]+)?(?<r>r)?\)?)$/, ([, sel, s, o, h, r], ctx) => ( `${ctx.constructCSS({ 'position': 'relative', })}\n.${CSS.escape(sel)}:before { background-image: linear-gradient(hsl(${ h ? h : '0'} 100% ${ h ? '50%' : '0%'} / ${ o ? o : '.12'}) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, hsl(${ h ? h : '0'} 100% ${ h ? '50%' : '0%'} / ${ o ? o : '.12'}) 1px, transparent 1px); /*background-position: -1px -1px, -1px -1px;*/ background-size: ${ s ? `${s}px ${s}px, ${s}px ${s}px` : '24px 24px, 24px 24px'}; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px hsl(${ h ? h : '0'} 100% ${ h ? '50%' : '0%'} / ${ o ? o : '.12'}); content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 10000; }\n.${CSS.escape(sel)} > [class*="${CSS.escape('b:')}"] { border-color: red !important; border-radius: 0 !important; }\n.${CSS.escape(sel)} > :not([class*="${CSS.escape('b:')}"]) { border-radius: 0 !important; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px red !important; }${ r ? `\n.${CSS.escape(sel)}:after { background-image: linear-gradient(hsl(0 100% 0% / 1) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, hsl(0 100% 0% / 1) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(90deg, hsl(0 100% 0% / 1) 1px, transparent 1px), linear-gradient(-90deg, hsl(0 100% 0% / 1) 1px, transparent 1px); background-position: left bottom; background-repeat-y: no-repeat; background-size: ${ s ? `${s/2}px 6px, ${s/2}px 6px, ${s}px 11px, 100% 11px` : '6px 6px, 6px 6px, 12px 11px, 100% 11px'}; content: attr(data-width); display: block; font-size: 10px; line-height: 1; padding-bottom: 16px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; text-align: center; transform: translateY(-125%); width: 100%; }` : '' }` )], ], shortcuts: [ // you could still have object style /*{ 'forum-nav-bar': '!bg:cyan', },*/ // dynamic shortcuts //[/^btn-(.*)$/, ([, c]) => `bg-${c}-400 text-${c}-100 py-2 px-4 rounded-lg`], ], variants: [ // Allows targeting child/sub elements of the element the util is applied to // Any valid combinator (or none) are supported, just add the child selector between pipes `|` // and add the util after, give that class to the wrapping element of whatever should be targeted // this helps a lot for use-cases where every child (imagine a ul>li structure) should get the // same styles, with regular utils, every li has to have all util classes, which is very // redundant and one of the major downsides of utility-based CSS approaches. With the help of this // variant this is a thing of the past as only one class has to be defined on the parent targeting // any and all decendent nodes with the appropriate selector. // `|>li|bg:red` => `.\|\>li\|bg\:red > li { background-color: red; }` { name: 'combinators', match: (matcher) => { const rx = /^\|(?<combinator>[>+~])?(?<selector>\S+)\|(?<util>\S+)$/; if ( !rx.test(matcher) ) { return matcher; } const { groups: { combinator, selector, util } } = matcher.match(rx); // the combinator is optional, but makes no sense to continue without selector or util if ( !selector || !util ) { return matcher; } //console.log('Found combinator match', `(selector) ${combinator} ${selector}`, util); return { matcher: util, selector: (s) => `${s} ${combinator || ''} ${selector}`, } }, multipass: false, //order: -1, }, // Targets basically every advanced CSS selector and pesudo content if they are prefixed with a colon `:` // this is very powerful as it allows targeting stuff like `:not(:last-child)` purely through CSS // classes, like `.b:b1/red::not(:last-child)` or `.t:bold::after` the double colon separator is needed // so we can actually do stuff like `:not(:last-child)`, which wouldn't work with a single colon (or put // differently: I'm too dumb to figure out the regex to do that!) // TODO: Figure out why those don't work in conjunction with combinator variants { name: 'pseudo', match: (matcher, ctx) => { const rx = /^[^:|]+:[^:]+(?<pseudoclass>:\S+)$/; //if ( !/:(:.+)$/.test(matcher) ) { return matcher; } if ( !rx.test(matcher) ) { return matcher; } const { groups: { pseudoclass } } = matcher.match(rx); // You can define any custom pseudo-classes and their selector interpolations here const custom = function(pc, s) { return { ':hocus': `${s}:hover, ${s}:focus`, ':hocus-within': `${s}:hover, ${s}:focus-within`, }[pc]; }; //console.log('Pseudoclass match found', matcher, pseudoclass); return { // slice pseudo-class and pass to the next variants and rules matcher: (pseudoclass ? matcher.slice(0, -(pseudoclass.length)) : matcher), selector: (s) => (pseudoclass ? custom(pseudoclass, s) || `${s}${pseudoclass}` : s), } }, // doesn't really work yet, probably my fault (regex?), not that important, specify two classes meanwhile multipass: false, //order: -1, }, // Converts `©(width>500px)` to `@container(width>500px)` to be dealt with by the atrule variant // => meh: I prefer the shortcut atrules like @c, @s, @l... /*{ name: '©rules', match: (matcher, ctx) => { if ( !matcher.includes('©') ) { return matcher; } return { matcher: matcher.replace(/©/g, '@container'), } }, multipass: false, },*/ // @rules { name: '@rules', match: (matcher, ctx) => { const rx = /^\S+:\S+(?<atrule>@[^:]+)/; if ( !rx.test(matcher) ) { return matcher; } const { groups: { atrule } } = matcher.match(rx); /** /* We want to support a variety of @rules, not all make sense to be specified via classes /* but the goal is to support: /* - pre-configured theme breakpoints which are mapped to @media, they are simply a string /* with the exact syntax of a regular CSS media query, this allows for complex breakpoints /* with logical operators etc. without creating a massive parsing overhead here. /* - on-the-fly evaluated breakpoints to be specified like CSS 4 range queries: /* `@(<|<=|=|>=|>)<number><unit>(width|height)(<|<=|=|>=|>)<number><unit>` supporting `width` and `height` /* There's a limit on how far I think it makes sense to go with supporting the offical spec /* it would get highly complex to implement all of it, so for now as we want to translate /* those expressions into the wider supported min-<prop> max-<prop> syntax, once browser support /* for range syntax is not that recent anymore, it should be easy to simply evaluate and forward /* complex range syntax queries with multiple conditions and operators. An implementation detail /* worth noting is the use of `=` (which usually makes 0 sense for media queries, who wants to /* specify an exact pixel value where styles apply?) to communicate values for props, so for example /* you'd specify the orientation feature (normally `@media (orientation: landscape)`) like /* `@orientation=landscape` or `@media(orientation=landscape)` or `@(orientation=landscape) (all valid) /* - @supports(display=grid) => /* - @layer(name), /* - @container((<|<=|=|>=|>)<number><unit>(width|height)(<|<=|=|>=|>)<number><unit>), /* => if none of those 3 keywords are found, @media, is assumed by default, as values can /* contain colons (:) we 'escape' those within the CSS class names with `=` as the colon /* is already used for pseudo classes this goes also for stuff like `@supports(selector(=last-child))` /* and is then translated to `@supports (selector(:last-child))` /*/ function transform(atrule) { //console.log('transform', atrule, ctx.theme.breakpoints[atrule], ctx.theme); // Check theme config for matching breakpoint (with or without the @) and return that early if ( ctx.theme.breakpoints[atrule] || ctx.theme.breakpoints[atrule.substring(1)] ) { return `@media ${(ctx.theme.breakpoints[atrule] || ctx.theme.breakpoints[atrule.substring(1)])}`; } let { groups: { at, rule } } = atrule.match(/^@(?<at>media|c|container|l|layer|s|supports)?(?<rule>\S+)$/); // Map @rule shortcuts like @c, @l, @s, those are different from theme breakpoints as they have a value! // => @l(<layer-name>), @s(display=grid), @c(width>618px) at = { c: 'container', l: 'layer', s: 'supports', }[at] || at; const operators = { '&&': () => ') and (', '||': () => '), (', '!': () => '), not all and (', '<': (p, inv) => (!inv ? `max-${p}: ` : `min-${p}: `), '<=': (p, inv) => (!inv ? `max-${p}: ` : `min-${p}: `), '=': () => ':', '>=': (p, inv) => (!inv ? `min-${p}: ` : `max-${p}: `), '>': (p, inv) => (!inv ? `min-${p}: ` : `max-${p}: `), }; let invert = false; let property = 'width'; // Unwarp @rule from parenthesis if it comes in wrapped rule = (rule.startsWith('(') ? rule.substring(1, rule.length-1) : rule); // Deal with simple values with no operators like @320px, prefix so it transforms to `max-width` // this allows something like `bg:red@320` to translate to `@media (max-width: 320px)` rule = rule.replace(/^(?<v>[\d.]+)(?<u>[a-z%]{1,4})?$/, (m, v, u) => `<${v}${u || 'px'}`); // Deal with range syntax, anything else won't be matched, transform into CSS3 conditions // don't check for proper units here, stop being lazy and write them... rule = rule.replace(/(?<left>[^<>=\s]+)?(?<oleft><=|>=|=|<|>)?(?<prop>width|height)(?<oright><=|>=|=|<|>)(?<right>[^<>=\s]+)/, (match, left, oleft, prop, oright, right) => { invert = !!oleft; property = prop; return `${oleft||''}${left||''}${oleft ? '&&' : ''}${oright}${right}`; }); // Use `.split()` with a RegEx and a capturing group to include the separators const parts = rule.split(/([^<>=&|!]+)?(&&|\|\||!|<=|>=|=|<|>)([^<>=&|!]+)/).filter(x => x); const result = parts.reduce((r, v, i, arr) => { if ( operators[v] ) { r.push(operators[v](property, invert)); // Only applies to range syntax, we have to invert the first operator, then reset the var invert = false; } else { // Resolve custom CSS properties/variables, we can't use them in @rules // a bit like if ( v.startsWith('--') ) { v = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(v).trim() || `${v}__var-undefined`; } // Cast unitless numeric values to pixels r.push((/^[\d\.]+$/.test(v) ? `${v}px` : v)); } // Add closing parenthesis if we reached the end (i == arr.length-1 && !(at || '').includes('layer')) && r.push(')'); return r; }, ['@', (at || 'media'), `${!(at || '').includes('layer') ? ' (' : ' '}`]).join(''); //console.log(result); return result; } return { // slice @rule and pass to the next variants and rules matcher: matcher.replace(atrule, ''), //selector: (s) => s, handle: (input, next) => { //console.log('input', input, 'next', next); return next({ ...input, parent: `${input.parent ? `${input.parent} $$ ` : ''}${transform(atrule)}`, }) }, } }, multipass: true, }, // Adds !important to a rules resulting CSS if the class is prefixed with !, e.g. `!t:red` { name: 'important', match: (matcher, ctx) => { if ( !matcher.startsWith('!') ) { return matcher; } return { matcher: matcher.slice(1), // body is an array of tuples like `[ [<prop>, <value>], [<prop>, <value>] ]` body: (body) => { body.forEach(([prop, val], i, arr) => { arr[i] = [prop, ( val ? val += ' !important' : val )]; }); return body; }, } }, multipass: false, }, ], preflights: [ { layer: 'recss', //getCSS: async () => (await fetch('my-style.css')).text(), // `:` (colon) needs double escaping when used in template literal! e.g. `<foo>\\:<bar>` getCSS: ({ theme }) => ` /** /* Little pseudo content helpers. /*/ [data-before]:before { content: attr(data-before); } [data-after]:after { content: attr(data-after); } [data-class]:after { content: attr(class); } /** /* Yes, invalid attribute, but no browser cares, useful for easily showing/hiding entire blocks /* based on FreeMarker/JS conditions. Use like <div class="..." if="{somebooleanexpression?c}">. /*/ [if="false"] { display: none !important; } /** /* Use for elements that should only be visible when handled by JavaScript, it's the JS code's /* responsibility to remove this class once it has done whatever it's doing. Useful for /* pre-rendering markup in FreeMarker and then progressively enhance it with JS. /*/ .js--only { display: none !important; } /** TODO: IMPLEMENT THESE DYNAMICALLY! **/ /** /* LAYOUT, DISPLAY & POSITIONING UTILS /* 1. Completely remove from the flow but leave available to screen readers. /* 2. Fix for Firefox bug: an image styled 'max-width:100%' within an /* inline-block will display at its default size, and not limit its width to /* 100% of an ancestral container. /* 3. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the /* 'contenteditable' attribute is included anywhere else in the document. /* Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of the /* element. /* 4. The use of 'table' rather than 'block' is only necessary if using /* ':before' to contain the top-margins of child elements. /* 5. Make sure fixed elements are promoted into a new layer, for performance /* reasons. /* 6. Element will be absolutely centered inside the nearest relatively-positioned ancestor. /* 7. Element will be centered horizontally regardless of width. Setting 'transform: perspective(1px)' /* prevents element from being blurry if positioned on a "half-pixel", alternatively, setting /* 'transform-style: preserve-3d;' on the parent element has the same effect! /* 8. Element will be centered vertically regardless of height. Setting 'transform: perspective(1px)' /* prevents element from being blurry if positioned on a "half-pixel", alternatively, setting /* 'transform-style: preserve-3d;' on the parent element has the same effect! /* 9. Fix for Chrome 44 bug. /* 10. Setting percentage height is rather rare, not worth the bloat of all utility classes /*/ .d\\:ib-fix { font-size: 0; line-height: 0; } .d\\:ib-fix > *, .d\\:ib-fix *:before, .d\\:ib-fix *:after { font-size: initial; line-height: initial; vertical-align: middle; } .d\\:f-col-r { -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; -webkit-flex-direction: column-reverse; -ms-flex-direction: column-reverse; flex-direction: column-reverse; } .d\\:f-row-r { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; -webkit-flex-direction: row-reverse; -ms-flex-direction: row-reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } .d\\:f-wrap-r { -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; -ms-flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; } .d\\:fc-items-start { -webkit-box-align: start; -webkit-align-items: flex-start; -ms-flex-align: start; align-items: flex-start; } .d\\:fc-items-end { -webkit-box-align: end; -webkit-align-items: flex-end; -ms-flex-align: end; align-items: flex-end; } .d\\:fc-items-baseline { -webkit-box-align: baseline; -webkit-align-items: baseline; -ms-flex-align: baseline; align-items: baseline; } .d\\:fc-items-stretch { -webkit-box-align: stretch; -webkit-align-items: stretch; -ms-flex-align: stretch; align-items: stretch; } .d\\:fc-justify-start { -webkit-box-pack: start; -webkit-justify-content: flex-start; -ms-flex-pack: start; justify-content: flex-start; } .d\\:fc-justify-end { -webkit-box-pack: end; -webkit-justify-content: flex-end; -ms-flex-pack: end; justify-content: flex-end; } .d\\:fc-justify-around { -webkit-justify-content: space-around; -ms-flex-pack: distribute; justify-content: space-around; } .d\\:fc-justify-evenly { -webkit-box-pack: space-evenly; -webkit-justify-content: space-evenly; -ms-flex-pack: space-evenly; justify-content: space-evenly; /* not supported in Edge! */ } .d\\:fc-content-start { -webkit-align-content: flex-start; -ms-flex-line-pack: start; align-content: flex-start; } .d\\:fc-content-end { -webkit-align-content: flex-end; -ms-flex-line-pack: end; align-content: flex-end; } .d\\:fc-content-center { -webkit-align-content: center; -ms-flex-line-pack: center; align-content: center; } .d\\:fc-content-between { -webkit-align-content: space-between; -ms-flex-line-pack: justify; align-content: space-between; } .d\\:fc-content-around { -webkit-align-content: space-around; -ms-flex-line-pack: distribute; align-content: space-around; } .d\\:fc-content-stretch { -webkit-align-content: stretch; -ms-flex-line-pack: stretch; align-content: stretch; } .d\\:fi-self-start { -webkit-align-self: flex-start; -ms-flex-item-align: start; align-self: flex-start; } .d\\:fi-self-end { -webkit-align-self: flex-end; -ms-flex-item-align: end; align-self: flex-end; } .d\\:fi-self-center { -webkit-align-self: center; -ms-flex-item-align: center; align-self: center; } .d\\:fi-self-baseline { -webkit-align-self: baseline; -ms-flex-item-align: baseline; align-self: baseline; } .d\\:fi-self-stretch { -webkit-align-self: stretch; -ms-flex-item-align: stretch; align-self: stretch; } .d\\:fi-grow { -webkit-box-flex: 1; -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto; -ms-flex: 1 1 auto; flex: 1 1 auto; min-width: 0; /* 9 */ min-height: 0; /* 9 */ } .d\\:table { display: table; } .d\\:table-collapse { border-collapse: collapse; } .d\\:table-separate { border-collapse: separate; } .d\\:table-spacing { border-spacing: 1px; } .d\\:td { display: table-cell; } .d\\:tr { display: table-row; } .d\\:left { float: left; } .d\\:right { float: right; } .d\\:clear:before, .d\\:clear:after { content: " "; /* 3 */ display: table; /* 4 */ } .d\\:clear:after { clear: both; } .d\\:valign-baseline { vertical-align: baseline; } .d\\:valign-top { vertical-align: top; } .d\\:valign-middle { vertical-align: middle; } .d\\:valign-bottom { vertical-align: bottom; } .d\\:valign-all-baseline > * { vertical-align: baseline; } .d\\:valign-all-top > * { vertical-align: top; } .d\\:valign-all-middle > * { vertical-align: middle; } .d\\:valign-all-bottom > * { vertical-align: bottom; } /** /* Skeleton loader styles /* @credits: /* Multi-row skeleton loaders can be added by adding <br/> elements assuming that all /* child (content) elements get replaced with actual content once loading is done. /*/ .is--loading, .is--loading * { pointer-events: none; user-select: none; cursor: default; } .is--loading .sk\\:el { animation: 2s sk\\:progress linear infinite; background-size: 200% 100%; /* for loading animation */ background: var(--c-skeleton-bg); background: var(--c-skeleton-gradient); border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important; border-radius: 2px; color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important; } .is--loading .sk\\:el:is(.sk\\:static) { animation: none !important; background: var(--c-skeleton-bg); } @media (prefers-reduced-motion) { .is--loading .sk\\:el { animation: none !important; background: var(--c-skeleton-bg); } } /* Make sure all child elements are hidden, but preserve their dimensions and layout */ .is--loading .sk\\:el * { visibility: hidden; } /** * Make sure that an element has at least a whitespace character as a child so it displays * properly. This is useful when no text placeholder is present (element is empty). */ .is--loading .sk\\:el:empty:after, .is--loading .sk\\:el *:empty:after { content: ' '; /* Can't use 00a0 (octal escape sequences) in template literls! */ } @keyframes sk\\:progress { to { background-position-x: -200%; } } ` }, ], /*transformers: [ { name: 'my-transformer', enforce: 'pre', // enforce before other transformers idFilter(id) { // only transform .tsx and .jsx files //return id.match(/\.[tj]sx$/) //console.log('transformer: idFilter', id); return true; }, async transform(code, id, { uno }) { // code is a MagicString instance //console.log('transformer: transform()', code, id, uno); }, } ],*/ /* preprocess: (t) => { // for example prefix all classes with ! which makes them !important (bad idea!) if (t.includes('!')) return t; return `!${t}`; }, */ // convert pixels to rem for all utils postprocess: (util, ...args) => { if ( !window || !window.__unocss?.theme?.px2rem ) { return } const px = /(-?[\.\d]+)px/g; const reminpx = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).fontSize); util.entries.forEach((i) => { const value = i[1]; if ( typeof value === 'string' && px.test(value) ) { i[1] = value.replace(px, (_, v) => `${v / reminpx}rem`); } }); }, /*extractors: [ // This is the default split extractor of UnoCSS, comment out what is below if you encounter // issues and try this one, it's very crude... but works with more or less false positives // depending on the markup your are working with { name: '@unocss/core/extractor-split', order: 0, extract({ code }) { const defaultSplitRE = /[\\:]?[\s'"`;{}]+/g; function splitCode(code) { return code.split(defaultSplitRE); }; console.log('split extractor code', typeof code, code.split(defaultSplitRE)); return splitCode(code) }, }, { name: 're:css', order: 0, extract({ code }) { const classes = []; for ([_, q, c] of code.matchAll(/(?:class\s*?=\s*?)(["'])((?:(?=(?:\\)*)\\.|.)*?)\1/gi)) { classes.push(...c.split(/\s+/g)); } console.log('re:css extractor classes', classes); return classes; }, } ],*/ // disable the default extractor //extractorDefault: false, // override the default extractor // This one WILL FAIL if you do not quote your class attribute values (as you should anyways)! // But this extractor is 5-10x faster than the default extractor extractorDefault: { name: 're:css', order: 0, extract({ code }) { //const start =; const classes = []; for (match of code.matchAll(/(?:class\s*?=\s*?)(["'])((?:(?=(?:\\)*)\\.|.)*?)\1/gi)) { // we use the default splitter RegEx, but only to split class attribute values, nothing else // it properly deals with inline riot `<template>` tags that contain unparsed expressions // `{ <expression> }` which cause problems with a 'simple' whitespace splitter... classes.push(...match[2].split(/[\\:]?[\s'"`;{}]+/g)); } //console.log('re:css extractor classes', classes); //console.log(`custom extractor done in ${}ms`); return classes; }, }, // This is actually the default extractor, takes 60ms+ for a large HTML document /*extractorDefault: { name: '@unocss/core/extractor-split', order: 0, extract({ code }) { //const start =; const defaultSplitRE = /[\\:]?[\s'"`;{}]+/g; function splitCode(code) { return code.split(defaultSplitRE); }; const tokens = splitCode(code); //console.log(`default extractor done in ${}ms`); return tokens; }, },*/ runtime: { inject: (styleElement) => document.head.append(styleElement), observer: { target: () => document.querySelector('.lia-page'), attributeFilter: ['class'], }, //inspect: (el) => { console.log(el); if ( /\S+:\S+/gi.test(el.getAttribute('class') || '') ) { console.log('uno inspect', el, el.classList, el.classList.matchAll(/\S+:\S+/gi)); } return true; }, ready: (ctx) => { //console.log('uno ready?', `${$start}ms`, ctx); // we can't pass the inspect callback directly via runtime config? why? ctx.inspect((el) => { if ( /\S+:\S+/gi.test(el.getAttribute('class') || '') ) { [...el.classList].filter((x) => /\S+:\S+/i.test(x)).forEach((v) => { window.$stats[v] = (window.$stats[v] || 0) + 1; }); } // need to return true from inspector callback return true; }); // need to return true from ready return true; }, //configResolved: (config, defaults) => { console.log('uno config resolved, modify it?', `${$start}ms`, config, defaults); }, }, }; </script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="icon" href=""> <!--[if IE]><link rel="shortcut icon" href=""><![endif]--> <meta class="swiftype" name="doc-type" data-type="string" content="Community"> <script data-external-hs-domain="true" data-gtm-id="GTM-TM3F7HX" src="" defer nonce></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/t5/scripts/A8A4D60844A7A24245ECDC960EA81DEE/lia-scripts-head-min.js"></script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- LITHIUM.PrefetchData = {"Components":{"categories.widget.add-category-user-email":{"instances":[{"policyCheck":{"result":{"data":{"policy_check":{"checks":{"size":1,"list_item_type":"policy_check_item","items":[{"reason":"","allowed":false,"id":"marketing_hub_es","type":"policy_check_item"}]},"name":"subscription.action.entity.add-entity-user-email-subscription.allow","type":"policy_check"}},"successful":true}},"nodes":{"call":{"query":{"nodes":{"limit":1000,"fields":["id","title","node_type","user_context","user_context.is_subscribed","user_context.can_subscribe","parent","conversation_style"],"constraints":[{"":"category:marketing_hub_es"}],"sorts":["depth asc","position asc"]}}}},"topCategory":{"result":{"data":{"size":1,"list_item_type":"category","type":"categories","items":[{"id":"marketing_hub_es","type":"category","title":"Foro de Marketing Hub","user_context":{"is_subscribed":false,"can_subscribe":false,"type":"node_user_context"}}]},"successful":true}}}]}},"commonResults":{}}; ;(function(){var en = function(n, ord ) { var s = String(n).split('.'), v0 = !s[1], t0 = Number(s[0]) == n, n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1), n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2); if (ord) return (n10 == 1 && n100 != 11) ? 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Might be easier to find changes done by us this way? /*/ /* Center category banner card icons (often the HTMl is CC23 based), for example Advocacy */ #lia-body .custom-home-banner-section__cards .card-item__icon { align-self: center; } /* Fix unstyled layout for NotifyModeratorPage quilt */ .lia-quilt-notify-moderator-page > .lia-quilt-row-header .lia-page-header, .lia-quilt-notify-moderator-page > .lia-quilt-row-main { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1236px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } /* KBCOM-2818: Add node description the hacky way */ .CategoryPage .custom-v2-banner__wrapper .page-title-wrapper:after, .ForumPage .custom-v2-banner__wrapper .page-title-wrapper:after, .GroupHubPage .custom-v2-banner__wrapper .page-title-wrapper:after { content: ""; display: block; margin-bottom: -24px; } /* KBCOM-2802: Fix BlogDashboardPage filter alignment issue */ .BlogDashboardPage .dashboard-wrapper { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1236px; } .BlogDashboardPage .dashboard-wrapper .lia-node-selector-dropdown { left: auto !important; right: 0; } .BlogDashboardPage .dashboard-wrapper .lia-component-blog-dashboard-tabs ul.lia-tabs-standard, .BlogDashboardPage .dashboard-wrapper .lia-component-blog-widget-dashboard-tabs ul.lia-tabs-standard { padding-left: 0 !important; } /* KBCOM-2831: Remove advanced search options toggle on SearchPage */ .SearchPage .lia-advanced-search-toggle { display: none; } /* re-css cloaking class to hide components relying on dynamically generated classes to only show when they are ready */ [un-cloak] { display: none; } /** /* Custom styles for core feedback elements. Those are usually only used to provide info and hints /* to priviledged roles when issues occur within custom components, so they are not part of the /* regular community theme. /*/ .admininfo { --b-radius: 3px; --H: 0; --S: 0%; --L: 41%; --A: 1; background: hsla(var(--H), var(--S), var(--L), var(--A)); border-radius: var(--b-radius); color: white; display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 24px; /*filter: grayscale(1);*/ font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.25; margin: 24px 0; padding: 24px; transition: all 236ms ease; } .admininfo .checkmark { display: none; } .admininfo__title { display: block; font-weight: bold; font-size: 125%; } .admininfo code { background: white; border-radius: var(--b-radius); color: hsla(var(--H), var(--S), var(--L), 1); display: inline-block; font-size: 90%; font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; } .admininfo a { color: white; display: inline-block; position: relative; } .admininfo a:hover, .admininfo a:focus { text-decoration: none; } .admininfo a:before, .admininfo a:after { border-bottom: 1px dotted white; content: ''; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: -1px; transition: all 382ms ease; } .admininfo a:after { border-bottom: 1px solid white; max-width: 0; width: 0; right: auto; } .admininfo a:hover:after, .admininfo a:focus:after { max-width: 100%; width: 1200px; } .admininfo a:active:after { transform: scaleX(1.0618); } { --S: 100%; --L: 41%; background: hsla(var(--H), var(--S), var(--L), var(--A)); filter: grayscale(0); } .checkmark { display: block; } code { background: #ff4444; color: white; } { --H: 135; --S: 100%; background: hsla(var(--H), var(--S), var(--L), var(--A)); filter: grayscale(0); } code { background: #00c851; color: white; } .checkmark { flex-shrink: 0; /* prevents shrinking under 48px! */ min-width: 48px; width: 48px; height: 48px; border-radius: 50%; display: block; stroke-width: 3px; stroke: white; stroke-miterlimit: 10; } .checkmark_circle_error { stroke-dasharray: 166; stroke-dashoffset: 166; stroke-width: 5px; stroke-miterlimit: 10; stroke: #ff4444; animation: stroke 0.6s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0, 0.45, 1) forwards; } .checkmark.error { box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px #ff4444; animation: fillerror 0.4s ease-in-out 0.4s forwards, scale 0.3s ease-in-out 0.9s both; } .checkmark_check { transform-origin: 50% 50%; stroke-dasharray: 48; stroke-dashoffset: 48; animation: stroke 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.65, 0, 0.45, 1) 0.9s forwards; } .progress { position: absolute; top: 5%; left: 5%; stroke: black; transform: rotate(-90deg); } .progress.progress--thin { left: auto; right: 5%; } .progress circle { stroke-dasharray: 130; stroke-dashoffset: 130; animation: dash 1.5s infinite; } @keyframes dash { 50% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } 100% { stroke-dashoffset: -130; } } @keyframes stroke { 100% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } } @keyframes scale { 0%, 100% { transform: none; } 50% { transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1); } } @keyframes fillerror { 100% { box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 75px #ff4444; } } </style><style class="cmp-global-search-external/core" type="text/css"> @media (min-width: 799px) { .lia-search-input-message + .lia-autocomplete-container { width: 200% !important; max-width: 768px !important; } } .lia-search-input-message + .lia-autocomplete-container .lia-autocomplete-content { display: flex; margin: 0; } @media (max-width: 799px) { .mobile-header form.SerachForm [name="messageSearchField"] + .lia-autocomplete-container > ul:first-of-type { max-height: 210px !important; } /*.mobile-header form.SerachForm [name="messageSearchField"] + .lia-autocomplete-container .collapse-results.fa-chevron-down + ul { max-height: 36px !important; overflow: hidden !important; }*/ .lia-search-input-message + .lia-autocomplete-container .lia-autocomplete-content { flex-direction: column; } } .lia-search-input-message + .lia-autocomplete-container .lia-autocomplete-content>ul>li { padding: 8px 15px 8px 15px; } /* default tag styles */ .SearchPage .search-external-link:after, .is--tag { background-color: var(--color-calypso-light); border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 2px; color: var(--color-link-hover); display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 22px; padding: 0 8px; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; } .SearchPage .search-external-link:after { line-height: 16px; margin-left: 6px; } /* Override styles form the native Khoros skin... */ .SearchPage .lia-tabs-standard .lia-tabs:first-child { padding-left: 0; } .SearchPage .lia-tabs-standard-wrapper>.lia-tabs-standard { padding: 0 15px !important; /* This one is especially stubborn for some reason I can't explain! */ } </style> <script> // glowingblue: really? 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Hub</h2></div> <div class="top-conversations-tabs__content custom-tabs-with-accordian "> <div class="custom-dashboard-tab-body "> <ul class="custom-dashboard-accordian-list"> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item off"> <div class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__header"> <span class="toggle-action on"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down nav-item-icon"></i></span> <h4 class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__title"> <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Creador-de-Landing-Pages-con-IA/td-p/1065733">Creador de Landing Pages con IA</a> </h4> </div> <ul class="custom-dashboard-accordian-posts-list"> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-post-item scroll-class"> Potencia tus conversiones con nuestra herramienta de Landing Pages con IA , que te permite crear fácilmente páginas personalizadas y atractivas , diseñadas para convertir visitantes en leads . ¡Mira nuestro video para saber más! ...<a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Creador-de-Landing-Pages-con-IA/td-p/1065733" class="read-more">Leer más </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item off"> <div class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__header"> <span class="toggle-action on"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down nav-item-icon"></i></span> <h4 class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__title"> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Customer-Agent/td-p/1064577">¿Qué es Breeze Customer Agent?</a> </h4> </div> <ul class="custom-dashboard-accordian-posts-list"> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-post-item scroll-class"> ¡Transforma tu atención al cliente al instante! Con el agente de atención al cliente de Breeze, siempre disponible para resolver las consultas de tus clientes de manera humana y eficiente. ¡Haz que cada interacción cuente! ¡Mira nuestro video para saber más! Activa CC para obteber subtitulos en Español ...<a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Customer-Agent/td-p/1064577" class="read-more">Leer más </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item off"> <div class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__header"> <span class="toggle-action on"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down nav-item-icon"></i></span> <h4 class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__title"> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Content-Agent/td-p/1063350">¿Qué es Breeze Content Agent?</a> </h4> </div> <ul class="custom-dashboard-accordian-posts-list"> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-post-item scroll-class"> ¡Te presentamos Breeze Content Agent! Esta poderosa herramienta de IA facilita la creación de contenido en múltiples formatos como blogs, páginas de destino, podcasts y estudios de caso, todo basado en los datos de tu CRM. Con Breeze, puedes generar contenido personalizado, asegurando que tu marca y tu mensaje sean coherentes, manteniendo siempre la seguridad de tus datos. ¡Mira nuestro video para saber más! ...<a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Content-Agent/td-p/1063350" class="read-more">Leer más </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item off"> <div class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__header"> <span class="toggle-action on"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down nav-item-icon"></i></span> <h4 class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__title"> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Copilot/td-p/1062593">¿Qué es Breeze Copilot?</a> </h4> </div> <ul class="custom-dashboard-accordian-posts-list"> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-post-item scroll-class"> ¡Conoce Breeze Copilot! Esta herramienta de IA integrada en HubSpot no solo te ayuda a generar contenido y automatizar tareas, sino que también prioriza la privacidad de tus datos . Ya sea que estés escribiendo un correo electrónico o gestionando tus clientes potenciales, Copilot te ofrece una experiencia fluida y segura. ¡Mira nuestro video para saber más! ...<a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Copilot/td-p/1062593" class="read-more">Leer más </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item off"> <div class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__header"> <span class="toggle-action on"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down nav-item-icon"></i></span> <h4 class="custom-dashboard-accordian-item__title"> <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Informe-del-Estado-del-Marketing/td-p/1048422">📑 Informe del Estado del Marketing</a> </h4> </div> <ul class="custom-dashboard-accordian-posts-list"> <li class="custom-dashboard-accordian-post-item scroll-class"> Estamos en un momento de continuo cambio y evolución en el ámbito del marketing, y es fundamental estar preparados para los desafíos y oportunidades que se avecinan. Con el propósito de descubrir el panorama actual en el ámbito del marketing, encuestamos a 950 profesionales en LATAM y España para obtener información de diferentes áreas, como la automatización e IA. Estos y otros temas los encontrarás en este reporte sobre e ...<a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Informe-del-Estado-del-Marketing/td-p/1048422" class="read-more">Leer más </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="lia-quilt-row lia-quilt-row-main"> <div class="lia-quilt-column lia-quilt-column-18 lia-quilt-column-left lia-quilt-column-main-content"> <div class="lia-quilt-column-alley lia-quilt-column-alley-left"> <style> { background: #50c2b7; color: #fff; } </style> <style> #lia-body .custom-MessageView .button-box a.discussion-btn,#lia-body .custom-MessageView .button-box,#lia-body .custom-MessageView .button-box a.idea-btn {display: none} </style> <div class="category-filters-wrapper" data-cmp="category-filtered-listing" id="filter" style="scroll-margin-top: 80px;"> <div class="forum-filtered-listing-wrapper"> <div class="hubspot-tab-wrapper"> <h1 class="browser-topic-heading">Ver todos los temas</h1> <div class="board-list-wrapper"> 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class="msg-body"> hola cree la web a traves de hubspot, luuego compre el dominio y quedo enlazado pero necesito tambien usar que hasta hace 10 minutos iba perfecto: intente cam <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/a-dejado-de-funcionar-enlace-web-creado-por-hubspot/td-p/1072693" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> <div class="message-stats-wrapper Profile-box"> <div class="button-box"> <a class="btn-reply" href="">Responder</a> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/a-dejado-de-funcionar-enlace-web-creado-por-hubspot/td-p/1072693" class="discussion-btn msg-btn"> Conversación </a> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/bd-p/blog_website_page_publishing_es/label-name/Community" class="blue-btn msg-btn">Community</a> </div> <div class="msg-stats"> <div class="upvotes-box stat-box"> <span class="upvote-icon stat-icon" title="Upvotes"></span> <span class="upvote-count stat-count" title="Upvotes">1</span> <span title="Upvotes">Me gusta</span> </div> <div class="stat-box"> <span class="reply-icon stat-icon" title="Total posts"></span> <span class="reply-count stat-count" title="Total posts">2</span> <span title="Total posts">Respuestas</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reply-box"> <div class="latest-reply-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/169593"><img src=""> </a> <div class="reply-msg-box"> <div class="reply-top-row"> <div class="reply-top-left-col"> <div class="name-rank-box"> </div> <div class="name-rank-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/169593" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">JuanGomez0818</span></a> <span class="rank-img-box"> <img src=""> </span> </div> <div class="rank-role-box"> <span class="role-name">Asesor destacado</span> </div> </div> <div class="reply-top-right-col"> <div class="reply-option"> <span class="three-dots-option"></span> <div class="option-dropdown"></div> </div> <div class="reply-posted-time"> <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 21, 2024 </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reply-bottom-row"> <div class="msg-body reply-msg-body"> Hola @SRull , el link . es una url generada por HubSpot demanera temporal mientras co...<a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/a-dejado-de-funcionar-enlace-web-creado-por-hubspot/td-p/1072693" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom-MessageView"> <div class="first-message-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/859929"><img src=""> </a> <div class="first-message-box__wrapper"> <div class="first-message-layout"> <div class="message-info-wrap"> <div class="author-info-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/859929" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">BryanEguia</span></a> en <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 20, 2024 </span> </div> <div class="msg-subject "> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/Problema-con-Dominio-Web/td-p/1072215"> Problema con Dominio Web </a> </div> <div class="msg-body"> Hola, soy nuevo usando Hubspot, tuve una cuenta al inicio con la que estuve probando cosas y vincule mi dominio web, entre mis pruebas arruine la numeracion de mis facturas y pense que eliminar la cuenta seria buena opcion y empezar desde cero, ahor <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/Problema-con-Dominio-Web/td-p/1072215" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> <div class="message-stats-wrapper Profile-box"> <div class="button-box"> <a class="btn-reply" href="">Responder</a> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/Problema-con-Dominio-Web/td-p/1072215" class="discussion-btn msg-btn"> Conversación </a> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/bd-p/blog_website_page_publishing_es/label-name/Ayuda" class="blue-btn msg-btn">Ayuda</a> </div> <div class="msg-stats"> <div class="upvotes-box stat-box"> <span class="upvote-icon stat-icon" title="Upvotes"></span> <span class="upvote-count stat-count" title="Upvotes">0</span> <span title="Upvotes">Me gusta</span> </div> <div class="stat-box"> <span class="reply-icon stat-icon" title="Total posts"></span> <span class="reply-count stat-count" title="Total posts">1</span> <span title="Total posts">Respuestas</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reply-box"> <div class="latest-reply-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184"><img src=""> </a> <div class="reply-msg-box"> <div class="reply-top-row"> <div class="reply-top-left-col"> <div class="name-rank-box"> </div> <div class="name-rank-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">DianaGomez</span></a> <span class="rank-img-box"> <img src=""> </span> </div> <div class="rank-role-box"> <span class="role-name">Administrador de la comunidad</span> </div> </div> <div class="reply-top-right-col"> <div class="reply-option"> <span class="three-dots-option"></span> <div class="option-dropdown"></div> </div> <div class="reply-posted-time"> <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 20, 2024 </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reply-bottom-row"> <div class="msg-body reply-msg-body"> Hola @BryanEguia , gracias por tu pregunta. Consultemos con nuestros expertos si tienen alguna sugerencia para ti. Hola @JuanGomez0818 ...<a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/Problema-con-Dominio-Web/td-p/1072215" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom-MessageView"> <div class="first-message-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/859916"><img src=""> </a> <div class="first-message-box__wrapper"> <div class="first-message-layout"> <div class="message-info-wrap"> <div class="author-info-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/859916" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">lopin</span></a> en <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 20, 2024 </span> </div> <div class="msg-subject "> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/error-al-configurar-las-dns-en-mi-proveedor-donde-tengo-el/td-p/1072206"> error al configurar las dns en mi proveedor donde tengo el dominio </a> </div> <div class="msg-body"> hola estoy configurando la redireccion del subdominio en mi proveedor donde tengo alojado el dominio y al poner el CNAME, me da error, lo he puesto de las dos formas que indica bien con las www solo o con el domino completo y nada . alguien puede ay <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/error-al-configurar-las-dns-en-mi-proveedor-donde-tengo-el/td-p/1072206" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> <div class="message-stats-wrapper Profile-box"> <div class="button-box"> <a class="btn-reply" href="">Responder</a> <a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/error-al-configurar-las-dns-en-mi-proveedor-donde-tengo-el/td-p/1072206" class="discussion-btn msg-btn"> Conversación </a> </div> <div class="msg-stats"> <div class="upvotes-box stat-box"> <span class="upvote-icon stat-icon" title="Upvotes"></span> <span class="upvote-count stat-count" title="Upvotes">0</span> <span title="Upvotes">Me gusta</span> </div> <div class="stat-box"> <span class="reply-icon stat-icon" title="Total posts"></span> <span class="reply-count stat-count" title="Total posts">1</span> <span title="Total posts">Respuestas</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reply-box"> <div class="latest-reply-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184"><img src=""> </a> <div class="reply-msg-box"> <div class="reply-top-row"> <div class="reply-top-left-col"> <div class="name-rank-box"> </div> <div class="name-rank-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">DianaGomez</span></a> <span class="rank-img-box"> <img src=""> </span> </div> <div class="rank-role-box"> <span class="role-name">Administrador de la comunidad</span> </div> </div> <div class="reply-top-right-col"> <div class="reply-option"> <span class="three-dots-option"></span> <div class="option-dropdown"></div> </div> <div class="reply-posted-time"> <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 20, 2024 </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="reply-bottom-row"> <div class="msg-body reply-msg-body"> Hola @lopin , gracias por tu pregunta. Consultemos con nuestros expertos si tienen alguna sugerencia para ti. Hola @JuanGomez0818 , ...<a href="/t5/Blog-sitio-web-y-publicaci%C3%B3n-de/error-al-configurar-las-dns-en-mi-proveedor-donde-tengo-el/td-p/1072206" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom-MessageView"> <div class="first-message-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184"><img src=""> </a> <div class="first-message-box__wrapper"> <div class="first-message-layout"> <div class="message-info-wrap"> <div class="author-info-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">DianaGomez</span></a> en <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 06, 2024 </span> </div> <div class="msg-subject "> <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Creador-de-Landing-Pages-con-IA/td-p/1065733"> Creador de Landing Pages con IA </a> </div> <div class="msg-body"> Potencia tus conversiones con nuestra herramienta de Landing Pages con IA , que te permite crear fácilmente páginas personalizadas y atractivas , diseñadas para convertir visitantes en leads . ¡Mira nuestro video para saber más! <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Creador-de-Landing-Pages-con-IA/td-p/1065733" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> <div class="message-stats-wrapper Profile-box"> <div class="button-box"> <a class="btn-reply" href="">Responder</a> <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/Creador-de-Landing-Pages-con-IA/td-p/1065733" class="discussion-btn msg-btn"> Conversación </a> <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/bd-p/marketing_tips_tricks_best_practices_es/label-name/IA" class="blue-btn msg-btn">IA</a> <a href="/t5/Consejos-trucos-y-buenas/bd-p/marketing_tips_tricks_best_practices_es/label-name/Landing%20Pages" class="blue-btn msg-btn">Landing Pages</a> </div> <div class="msg-stats"> <div class="upvotes-box stat-box"> <span class="upvote-icon stat-icon" title="Upvotes"></span> <span class="upvote-count stat-count" title="Upvotes">0</span> <span title="Upvotes">Me gusta</span> </div> <div class="stat-box"> <span class="reply-icon stat-icon" title="Total posts"></span> <span class="reply-count stat-count" title="Total posts">0</span> <span title="Total posts">Respuestas</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom-MessageView"> <div class="first-message-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184"><img src=""> </a> <div class="first-message-box__wrapper"> <div class="first-message-layout"> <div class="message-info-wrap"> <div class="author-info-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">DianaGomez</span></a> en <span class="msg-created-date"> noviembre 04, 2024 </span> </div> <div class="msg-subject "> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Customer-Agent/td-p/1064577"> ¿Qué es Breeze Customer Agent? </a> </div> <div class="msg-body"> ¡Transforma tu atención al cliente al instante! Con el agente de atención al cliente de Breeze, siempre disponible para resolver las consultas de tus clientes de manera humana y eficiente. ¡Haz que cada interacción cuente! ¡Mira nuestro <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Customer-Agent/td-p/1064577" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> <div class="message-stats-wrapper Profile-box"> <div class="button-box"> <a class="btn-reply" href="">Responder</a> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Customer-Agent/td-p/1064577" class="discussion-btn msg-btn"> Conversación </a> </div> <div class="msg-stats"> <div class="upvotes-box stat-box"> <span class="upvote-icon stat-icon" title="Upvotes"></span> <span class="upvote-count stat-count" title="Upvotes">1</span> <span title="Upvotes">Me gusta</span> </div> <div class="stat-box"> <span class="reply-icon stat-icon" title="Total posts"></span> <span class="reply-count stat-count" title="Total posts">0</span> <span title="Total posts">Respuestas</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom-MessageView"> <div class="first-message-box message-box"> <a class="author-img-floated" href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184"><img src=""> </a> <div class="first-message-box__wrapper"> <div class="first-message-layout"> <div class="message-info-wrap"> <div class="author-info-box"> <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177184" class="author-name-link"><span class="author-username">DianaGomez</span></a> en <span class="msg-created-date"> octubre 31, 2024 </span> </div> <div class="msg-subject "> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Content-Agent/td-p/1063350"> ¿Qué es Breeze Content Agent? </a> </div> <div class="msg-body"> ¡Te presentamos Breeze Content Agent! Esta poderosa herramienta de IA facilita la creación de contenido en múltiples formatos como blogs, páginas de destino, podcasts y estudios de caso, todo basado en los datos de tu CRM. Con Breeze, puedes gener <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Content-Agent/td-p/1063350" class="msg-read-more">Leer más</a> </div> <div class="message-stats-wrapper Profile-box"> <div class="button-box"> <a class="btn-reply" href="">Responder</a> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/Qu%C3%A9-es-Breeze-Content-Agent/td-p/1063350" class="discussion-btn msg-btn"> Conversación </a> <a href="/t5/Anuncios/bd-p/ads_es/label-name/Breeze%20content%20agent" class="blue-btn msg-btn">Breeze content agent</a> </div> <div class="msg-stats"> <div class="upvotes-box stat-box"> <span class="upvote-icon stat-icon" title="Upvotes"></span> <span class="upvote-count stat-count" title="Upvotes">0</span> <span title="Upvotes">Me gusta</span> </div> <div class="stat-box"> <span class="reply-icon stat-icon" title="Total posts"></span> <span class="reply-count stat-count" title="Total posts">0</span> <span title="Total posts">Respuestas</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-count="993" 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Thea idea of this /* enhancement is to extract that language suffix from the node id and add it to the node title within the community structure. /*/ structureAddLanguageFromID: function(validLanguages = ['de', 'fr', 'it', 'jp', 'en', 'es', 'pt']) { $('.lia-component-admin-widget-node-editor-tree .lia-list-tree-toggle-node').each(function() { var $listitem = $(this); var $title = $listitem.find('span.lia-node-display-node-title:first'); var id = $listitem.find('.manage-node-link').first().prop('href').split('_').pop().trim().toLowerCase(); // console.log(id); if ( validLanguages.includes(id) ) { $title.text($title.text() + ' (' + id.toUpperCase() + ')'); } }); }, }, dom: function() { /** /* Just a little clutter saver for components. We should specify both aria-label and title /* attributes, but doing so can lead to very messy markup. As aria-label is more important /* devs have the option of simply adding an empty title attribute as well to elements which /* have aria-label already. This little tool will look for those and simply copy the aria-label /* text over to the title attribute so mouse-users can also get the hints as tooltips. /*/ $('[aria-label][title=""]').each(function() { $(this).attr('title', $(this).attr('aria-label')); }); /** /* A 'big-target' implementation I came up with using a `data-target` attribute on the actual link. /*/ (function(attr = 'data-target') { document.querySelectorAll(`a[${attr}]`).forEach(link => { //console.log('handling big target', link); let trigger = link.parentNode; const selector = link?.getAttribute(attr); while (trigger && trigger !== document) { if ( (!selector || trigger.matches(selector)) && !trigger.matches('[data-edit], [data-bind]') ) { = 'pointer'; trigger.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(link => link.addEventListener('click', (e) => e.stopPropagation())); trigger.addEventListener('click', (e) => (!window.getSelection().toString() &&; break; } trigger = trigger.parentNode; } }); })(); }, installKV: function() { /** /* Creates a Deno KV-like key-value store based on the localStorage with optional /* (custom) versioning and migration support. /* This has passed basic testing, although not how well it aligns with what native Deno KV does itself! /* The API is the same minus atomic operations and some options like consistency level, Kv64 etc. /* that don't really make sense or are insanely complex or impossible to do with a synchronous /* API like localStorage is. The KV's methods are all fake async (because Deno KV's api is async) /* so code written and used in the browser with this implementation should (hopefully) work /* with Deno KV on the server side as well (muuuch more testing needed to confirm that)! /* Aside from `open()` and `close()` this implementation should cover the entire Deno KV API. /* /* There are of course differences in behavior you should be aware of if you build any logic around it: /* - The most important limitation with this mock is that if you use non-serializable values in /* in your keys (your values too!), it will not behave like you expect! Stick to types that can be /* serialized to JSON... localStorage can only handle strings, that's the reason. /* - With Deno KV you can pass an `expireIn` option, but the values you receive from `get()` /* will never return that expiration date. This implementation returns that information /* when querying a key, e.g. besides value and versionstamp you get back `expires` /* if a TTL was provided when setting the value, it's going to be an ISO timestamp otherwise `null`. /* - `list()` is an AsyncIterator like it is with Deno KV, but it does NOT support cursor, consistency /* or batchSize options, you can pass them to the method, but nothing will happen. /* Deno KV `list()` requires a selector, this implementation does not, it will simply list all /* KV entries if you don't provide a selector. /* Furthermore this `list()` implementation supports an optional 3rd argument which is a function /* passed to `Array.filter()` that allows filtering the returned entries further after selector(s) /* and options have been applied. /* - This implementation does support some features Deno KV does not have: /* 1. You can optionally provide a `version` function that will replace how the versionstamp is created /* and thus provide your own versioning implementation. /* 2. You can also provide a `migrate` function that will be applied if an outdated versionstamp /* is encountered, you can for example extend the old value with some new ones keeping what was stored. /* 3. There is a `toJSON()` method you can use to serialize either the entire KV store or a portion of it. /* It supports the same arguments as `list()` (because it internally calls it) and has options to /* serialize prettified JSON or streamable (individual store entries separated by newlines) JSON. /* /* @param {Function} [version] - Optional function to generate a versionstamp for stored values. /* @param {Function} [migrate] - Optional function to migrate outdated values. It is called with the key and outdated value and should return the migrated value. /* @param {String} [prefix='kv:'] - Prefix to be used for keys in localStorage, helping in namespacing and avoiding key conflicts. /* /* @returns {Object} - An object providing the mocked Deno KV API methods to interact with the store. /*/ Object.defineProperties(window, { $kv: { value: function(version, migrate, prefix = 'kv:') { const $hash = typeof version === 'function' ? version : ( $hash || ((v) => 1) ); const _queueListeners = new Set(); const _key = { inrange: (key, start, end) => { const orderedKey = _key.order(key); const orderedStart = start ? _key.order(start) : null; const orderedEnd = end ? _key.order(end) : null; if (orderedStart && orderedKey < orderedStart) { return false; } if (orderedEnd && orderedKey >= orderedEnd) { return false; } return true; }, order: (key) => key.slice().sort((a, b) => { const order = ['Uint8Array', 'string', 'number', 'bigint', 'boolean']; const typeA = typeof a, typeB = typeof b; return typeA === typeB ? (typeA === 'number' ? a - b : String(a).localeCompare(String(b))) : order.indexOf(typeA) - order.indexOf(typeB); }), // Check how Deno KV actually does it here: // serialize: (key) => prefix + JSON.stringify(key), deserialize: (serializedKey) => JSON.parse(serializedKey.substring(prefix.length)) }; return { /** /* Retrieves a value from the store by its key(s). /* /* @param {Array} key - The keys array to look up the value. /* /* @returns {Promise<Object>} - An object containing the key, its associated value, versionstamp and expiry. /*/ get: async (key) => { const serializedKey = _key.serialize(key); const data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(serializedKey)); if ( !data || (data.expires && new Date(data.expires) < new Date()) ) { data && data.expires && localStorage.removeItem(serializedKey); return { key, value: null, versionstamp: null }; } if ( data.versionstamp !== $hash(data.value) ) { if (typeof migrate === 'function') { data.value = await migrate(key, data.value); data.versionstamp = $hash(data.value); localStorage.setItem(serializedKey, JSON.stringify(data)); } else { console.warn('Outdated value found but no migration function defined!', key, data); } } return { key, }; }, /** /* Retrieves multiple values from the store based on the provided keys. /* /* @param {Array<Array>} keys - An array of key arrays to look up the values. /* /* @returns {Promise<Array<Object>>} - An array of objects. /*/ getMany: async function(keys) { return Promise.all( => this.get(key))) }, /** /* Stores a value in the store with the given key. /* /* @param {Array} key - The key array to associate with the value. /* @param {*} value - The value to be stored. /* @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters for storing the value. `expireIn` sets the expiration time in milliseconds. /* /* @returns {Promise<Object>} - An object indicating the success and the versionstamp of the stored value. /*/ set: async (key, value, options = {}) => { const data = { value, versionstamp: $hash(value), expires: options.expireIn ? new Date( + options.expireIn).toISOString() : null }; localStorage.setItem(_key.serialize(key), JSON.stringify(data)); return { ok: true, versionstamp: data.versionstamp }; }, /** /* Removes a value from the store by its key. /* /* @param {Array} key - The key array of the value to be removed. /*/ delete: async (key) => localStorage.removeItem(_key.serialize(key)), /** /* Iterates over values in the store based on the provided selector prefix, range, or limited by options. /* This method provides an AsyncIterator to be used with `for await...of` loops. /* This `list()` implementation supports an additional third argument which is NOT STANDARD for Deno KV. /* It's a function that allows for further filtering the results before yielding them within the iterator. /* /* The selector can either be a prefix selector or a range selector: /* - A prefix selector selects all keys that start with the given prefix (optionally starting at a given key). /* - A range selector selects all keys that are lexicographically between the given start and end keys. /* /* @param {Object} [selector] - The selection criteria. NOT STANDARD: Can be undefined here, not with Deno KV! /* @property {Array} [selector.prefix] - Defines the prefix for filtering the results. /* @property {Array} [selector.start] - The starting key for range selection. /* @property {Array} [selector.end] - The ending key for range selection. /* @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters for the listing. /* @property {number} [options.limit] - Limits the number of results. /* @property {boolean} [options.reverse] - If true, reverses the order of results. /* @param {Function} [fn] - NON STANDARD: Optional filter function to filter entries before yielding. /* /* @returns {AsyncIterator} - An AsyncIterator yielding store entries. /*/ list: async function*(selector, options = {}, fn) { const keys = options?.reverse ? Object.keys(localStorage).reverse() : Object.keys(localStorage); for (const serializedKey of keys) { // Limit results based on `options.limit` if ( options?.limit !== undefined && options.limit <= 0 ) { break; } if ( !serializedKey.startsWith(prefix) ) { continue; }; const deserializedKey = _key.deserialize(serializedKey); if ( selector?.prefix && !deserializedKey.slice(0, selector.prefix.length).every((part, index) => part === selector.prefix[index]) ) { continue; } if ( selector?.start && !_key.inrange(deserializedKey, selector?.start, selector?.end) ) { continue; } const entry = await this.get(deserializedKey); if ( entry.value !== null ) { if ( !fn || (typeof fn === 'function' && fn(entry)) ) { if ( options?.limit !== undefined ) { options.limit--; } yield entry; } } } }, /** /* Adds a value into a mock database queue to be delivered to queue listeners. /* This method simulates the behavior of the Deno KV's enqueue(). /* `keysIfUndelivered` option is not supported, you can pass it, but won't have an effect. /* /* @param {*} value - The value to be enqueued. /* @param {Object} [options] - Optional settings for the enqueue operation. /* @param {number} [options.delay] - Delays the delivery of the value by the specified number of milliseconds. /* @returns {Promise<Object>} - An object indicating the success of the enqueue operation. /*/ enqueue: async (value, options) => { for (const fn of _queueListeners) { options?.delay && await (new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, options.delay))); await fn(value); }; }, /** /* Listens for queue values to be delivered from the mock database queue. /* This method simulates the behavior of the Deno KV's listenQueue(). /* /* @param {Function} handler - A callback function that gets when a new value is dequeued. /* /* @returns {Promise<void>} /*/ listenQueue: async (handler) => { if ( !_queueListeners.has(handler) ) { _queueListeners.add(handler) } }, /** /* Provides a mock for Deno Kv's AtomicOperation API with the same chainable methods, but /* they do can provide a function to each of the mock methods that receives /* `this`, just return it again, otherwise you break the chaining! Something like this: /* /* @example /* ``` /* (await $core.kv().atomic()).check((t) => (console.log('check'), t)).min((t) => (console.log('min'), t)).commit(); /* // you can pass an arbitrary number of additional args to those mock functions, like /* (await $core.kv().atomic()).check((t, arg1, arg2) => (console.log('check', arg1, arg2), t), 'foo', 'var') /* ``` /* /* @returns {Promise<*>} - A mocked API of Deno KV's atomic(). /*/ atomic: async () => { console.warn('Atomic ops are not supported!'); return [ 'check', 'commit', 'delete', 'enqueue', 'max', 'min', 'mutate', 'set', 'sum' ].reduce((r, m) => (r[m] = function(fn, ...args) { return typeof fn === 'function' ? fn(this, ...args) : this }, r), Object.create(null)); }, /** /* NON STANDARD: Serializes the store to a JSON string. /* The methods first 3 arguments match the ones from list() (see there for details). /* /* @param {Object} selector - The selection criteria for list(). /* @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters for list(). /* @param {Function} [fn] - Optional filter function list(). /* @param {Number|String} [pretty] - JSON.stringify() space param to prettify output. Defatuls to tab indent. /* @param {Boolean} [streamable] - If the output should be stringified entries separated by newlilnes. /* /* @returns {String} - A JSON string representation of the KV store. /*/ toJSON: async function(selector, options, fn, pretty = '\t', streamable = false) { let data = []; for await (const entry of this.list(selector, options, fn)) { data.push(entry); } data = data.reduce((r, entry) => { if ( streamable ) { r.push(JSON.stringify({ key: entry.key, value: entry.value })); return r; } return r[JSON.stringify(entry.key)] = entry.value, r; }, streamable ? [] : {}); return streamable ? data.join('\n') : JSON.stringify(data, null, pretty); }, }; }, configurable: false, // Cannot be deleted enumerable: false, // Will not show up in loops writable: false, // Cannot be overwritten } }); }, logMeIn: function() { /** /* Enable 'magic' redirect to login page when "logmein" is typed into the void =) /* just for convenience and speed, only useful on stage if SSO is activated for the community /*/ var keycodes = { logmein: [76, 79, 71, 77, 69, 73, 78], listudio: [], liadmin: [] }; var neededkeys = [76, 79, 71, 77, 69, 73, 78]; var watching = false; var count = 0; $(document).keydown(function(e) { var key = e.keyCode; // console.log(key); // Set start to true only if the first key in the sequence is pressed if ( !watching ) { if ( key == neededkeys[0] ) { watching = true; } } // If watching, pay attention to key presses, looking for right sequence. if ( watching ) { // console.log('watching: ' + key); if ( neededkeys[count] == key ) { // We're good so far. count++; } else { // Oops, not the right sequence, lets restart from the top. watching = false; count = 0; return; } if ( count == neededkeys.length ) { // We made it! Execute whatever should happen when entering the right sequence window.location.replace('/t5/user/userloginpage'); // Reset the conditions so that someone can do it all again. watching = false; count = 0; return; } } else { // Oops. watching = false; count = 0; return; } }); }, scssCompile: function() { /** /* Handle on-the-fly SCSS compilation if any text/scss inline style tags are found /* This primarily useful for development, no style/scss tags should remain when on /* production as they would still be compiled. /*/ if ( $('style[type$="scss"]').length ) { $('style[type$="scss"]').each(function() { var $el = $(this); var scss = $el.text(); $core?.config?.user?.admin && console.log('Found inline SCSS style tag, compiling to CSS...', $el); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '', data: { input: scss, compiler: 'lib', syntax: 'scss', original_syntax: 'scss', output_style: 'nested' }, contentType: 'multipart/form-data', dataType: 'json' }) .done(function(response) { $core?.config?.user?.admin && console.log(' SCSS successfully compiled, injecting usable CSS...'); // inject compiled CSS into irignal source tag $el.text(response.css).attr('type', 'text/css'); }) .fail(function(err) { console.log('fail', err); }); }); } }, redirect: function() { /** /* Handles redirects specified in `` (or elsewhere) and added to /* the `$core.redirects` object. /*/ if ( $core?.redirects ) { Object.entries($core.redirects).some(function([source, target]) { if ( window.location.pathname === source ) { $core?.config?.user?.admin && console.log(' redirect match found, redirecting...'); window.location.href = target; // Stop the .some() iteration by returning true return true; } }); } }, fixAmp: function() { /** /* Handle & ampersand bug in SEO field of ArticleEditorPage (TKB, more?) /* & gets replace with & but each time the article is saved again, the & of the & /* gets encoded again, resulting in repeated and invalid encoding, e.g. &amp;amp;amp;amp; /*/ $('.lia-form-message-seo-description-input, .lia-form-message-seo-title-input').each(function() { $(this).val($(this).val().replaceAll(/amp;/gm, '')); }); }, fixTOC: function() { /** /* Adds 'is--toc' class to `ul`-tag of BlogArticle TOC (table of contents, an Angular component by Khoros) /* as it natively does not have any identifier, making it tricky to target with CSS /* WebKit browsers remove list semantics when list-style-type is none, we fix that with `role=list` /*/ $('.BlogArticlePage a[href*="#toc-hId"]').first().parents('ul').addClass('is--toc').attr('role', 'list'); }, inview: function() { // Make sure nothing explodes in older browsers that do not support IntersectionObserver if ( 'IntersectionObserver' in window && 'IntersectionObserverEntry' in window && 'intersectionRatio' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype ) { // Minimal polyfill for Edge 15's lack of `isIntersecting` // See: if ( !('isIntersecting' in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype) ) { Object.defineProperty(window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype, 'isIntersecting', { get: function () { return this.intersectionRatio > 0; } }); } // Set up the intersection observer const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { entries.forEach(entry => { // If the element is fully in view, trigger custom event with jQuery if (entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio === 1) { = 'true'; $(document).trigger('inview', []); } else if ( !== 'false' ) { = 'false'; } }); }, { threshold: 1 }); // Observe each element with attribute `data-inview` $('[data-inview]').each(function() { observer.observe(this); }); } }, XHRmiddleware: function() { // Middleware storage const middlewares = []; // Override the XMLHttpRequest constructor (breaks Khoros for some reason...) /* const xhrRequest = XMLHttpRequest; XMLHttpRequest = function() { const xhr = new xhrRequest(); return new Proxy(xhr, { get: function(target, prop) { // You can intercept specific properties here and provide custom values if ( prop === 'responseText' ) { let value = target[prop]; middlewares.forEach((fn) => { if ( !fn.on || fn.on.includes('response') { // make sure in case the dev forgets to return from the fn() // we still return a value, it's gonna be the unmodified one // but better than nothing... value = fn(target, 'response', value) || value; } }); return value; } // For all other properties, return the original value return target[prop]; }, set: function(target, prop, value) { target[prop] = value; return true; } }); }; XMLHttpRequest.prototype = xhrRequest.prototype; */ // Save original XHR methods const xhrSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; const xhrOpen =; // Define the .$use() method using Object.defineProperty Object.defineProperty(XMLHttpRequest, '$use', { value: function(fn) { if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) { middlewares.push(fn); } }, writable: false, // Cannot be overwritten enumerable: false, // Will not show up in loops configurable: false, // Cannot be deleted }); // Override the .open() method = function(method, url, async, user, password) { middlewares.forEach((fn) => { !fn.on || fn.on.includes('open') ? fn(this, 'open', method, url, async, user, password) : null; }); xhrOpen.apply(this, arguments); }; // Override the .send() method XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(body) { const xhr = this; middlewares.forEach((fn) => { !fn.on || fn.on.includes('send') ? fn(xhr, 'send', body) : null; }); // Attach an event listener for the 'readystatechange' event xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() { if ( xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) { middlewares.forEach((fn) => { !fn.on || fn.on.includes('done') ? fn(xhr, 'done') : null; }); } }); xhrSend.apply(this, arguments); }; // Example middleware /* XMLHttpRequest.$use((xhr, event, ...args) => { if ( event === 'open' ) { // args is going to be [method, url, async, user, password] if defined console.log('Request created:', xhr, ...args); } else if ( event === 'send' ) { // args is going to be [body] the optional payload/body of the request console.log('Request payload is about to be sent:', args[0]); } else if ( event === 'response' ) { // args is going to be [responseText]! console.log('Can modify response text!, xhr); // IMPORTANT: Return something from here, // otherwise response is gonna be returned umodified to the caller! return xhr; } else if ( event === 'done' ) { console.log('Response received:', xhr.responseText); } }); */ }, }; // Install tools before extending core in case we need access to globally defined tools! Object.entries(tools).map(function([name, fn]) { if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) { $core?.config?.user?.admin &&` Running tools.${name}()`); fn(); } }); // Extend $core base variable with additional capabilities if ( $core ) { /** /* Helper method to automatically proxy requests to external URL's through the proxy endpoint /* when they can't be requested directly via JS due to CORS restrictions. /*/ $core.compile = async function(mount) { console.time("compiling"); // start benchmark // Handles inline tag definitions and script-linked tags with `[type="riot/tag"]`. // Why not go with the native riot.compile()? a) we want to check first if we actually // need to fetch the tag file or not (if it wasn't modified) and b) we want to compile // tags that are defined inline as well and cache the compiled result of both for faster // loading during prototyping. const usedb = true; const db = localStorage; const sources ='script[type*="riot"]')).concat('template[type*="riot"]'))); const tags = await Promise.all( (el, i, arr) => { //console.log('compiling from:', el.hasAttribute('data-src') ? 'File' : 'Inline Template'); let cached; let hash; let tag; let response; if (el.hasAttribute('data-src')) { try { if ( usedb ) { // first we want to check the last modified header! // if the dev server is not running this will fail and enter catch block response = await fetch(el.getAttribute('data-src'), { // credentials: 'include', method: 'HEAD', }); // typecast to string for localStorage (keys are strings!) hash = `riot:${await $hash(el.getAttribute('data-src') + new Date(response.headers.get('last-modified')).getTime())}`; cached = db.getItem(hash); } if ( !cached ) { console.log('compile(): No cached version found, fetching source!'); response = await fetch(el.getAttribute('data-src'), { // credentials: 'include', method: 'GET', }); data = await response.json(); response = { headers: [...response.headers].reduce((acc, header) => { return { ...acc, [header[0]]: header[1] }; }, {}), status: response.status, data: data, }; //console.log('response', response); // add attribute data-scoped="false" to the include script tag to turn off CSS scoping //tag = riot.compileFromString(, { scopedCss: !['false', '0', 0].includes(el.getAttribute('data-scoped')) }).code; // TODO: Dev server should return compiled code exactly as does tag =; //console.log('tag', tag); if ( tag && usedb ) { db.setItem(hash, tag); } console.log(`compile(): No cached tag found, file-tag compiled ${usedb ? `and cached with hash ${hash}`: ''}`); } else { tag = cached; console.log(`compile(): Found cached version of file-tag!`); } } catch (ex) { // We do not get details for net errors (e.g. if the server is down), so we try to // isolate those because they don't have a message (well, which ones do? custom ones?) if ( ! ) { console.warn(`compile(): fetching ${el.getAttribute('data-src')} failed: Dev server is not reachable...`); } else { console.error(ex); } } } // if `tag` is still undefined, we can assume the dev server wasn't running, // so we compile the content locally if ( !tag ) { // `.innerHTML` returns the 'fixed' (browser interpreted) HTML, but it will encode // `&` to `&`, also within riot expressions, which of course messes up the compiler // so once we have the tag html, we need to get those encoded ampersands back to normal tag = el.innerHTML.replace(/&/g, '&').trim(); if ( !tag ) { console.warn(`compile(): Tried to get content from inline tag, but was empty, did you forget to paste the component code in?`, el); return; } hash = `riot:${await $hash(tag)}`; cached = db.getItem(hash); if ( !cached ) { // add attribute data-scoped="false" to the template tag to turn off CSS scoping //tag = riot.compileFromString(tag, { scopedCss: !['false', '0', 0].includes(el.getAttribute('data-scoped')) }).code; try { response = await (await fetch('', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ markup: encodeURIComponent(tag), versionstamp: await $hash(tag), key: await $hash(window.location.origin), }), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, })).json(); if ( response.code ) { tag = response.code; } else { console.error('compile(): Faulty response', response); if ( response.payload ) { console.warn('compile(): Creating downloadable file from failed component markup!'); const file = new File([response.payload.markup], 'failed.tag.html', { type: 'text/plain', }); const fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function(e) { const link = `<span class="compile-error">Download uncompilable markup: <a href="${URL.createObjectURL(file)}" download="${}">${}</a></span>`; $('body').append(link); } fr.readAsText(file); } throw new Error('compile(): response.code could not be found!', { cause: 'fetch()', message: response }); } } catch(ex) { console.error(ex); tag = null; } if ( tag && usedb ) { db.setItem(hash, tag); } console.log(`compile(): No cached tag found, inline-tag compiled ${usedb ? `and cached with hash ${hash}` : ''}`); } else { tag = cached; console.log(`compile(): Found cached version of inline-tag!`); } } try { const { groups: { name = null } } = tag.match(/^riot\.register\(['"](?<name>[^\s'"]+)/) || { groups: {} }; console.log('compile(): tag name = ', name); //riot.inject(tag, name, `./${name}.html`); // yeahyeah, eval is evil, but we are the author of the code, so nothing to worry... } catch (ex) { console.error('compile(): Something went wrong with tag name extraction', ex); } try { eval(tag); } catch(ex) { console.error(`compile(): Something went wrong with tag evaluation for '${name}'`, ex); } return { name: name, hash: hash, cached: cached !== null, code: tag }; }) ); console.log('compile(): result', tags); console.timeEnd('compiling'); // end benchmark // optionally mount tag(s) via the compile() method if ( typeof mount === 'string' ) { console.time('mounting'); riot.mount(mount); console.timeEnd('mounting'); } else if ( typeof mount === 'boolean' ) { // auto-mount all top level components, but not the nested ones, they will be handled by the parent riot.mount('[is]:not([is] [is])'); } }; /** /* Helper method to automatically proxy requests to external URL's through the proxy endpoint /* when they can't be requested directly via JS due to CORS restrictions. /* /* @usage `$core.fetch('<url>', {<fetch.options>});` /* /* @param {string} url - The URL to fetch via proxy. /* @param {object} options - An optional fetch options object. /* /* @returns {any} - The proxied response data. /*/ $core.fetch = function(url = '', options = {}, cache) { return fetch(`${$core.config.request.endpoint}?get=proxy&url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}${cache ? '&cache=' + cache : ''}`, options); }; $core.fmt = { /** /* Adapted from /* /* @usage `$'Current time: [{HH}:{mm}:{ss}]')(new Date())` /* /* @param str - Output string with placeholders /* @param custom - Custom formatter functions for placeholders (optional) /* /* @return - Returns a rendering function that will optionally accept a date value as its only argument. /*/ date: function(str, custom) { const RGX = /([^{]*?)\w(?=\})/g; const MAP = { YYYY: 'getFullYear', YY: 'getYear', MM: function (d) { return d.getMonth() + 1; }, DD: 'getDate', HH: 'getHours', mm: 'getMinutes', ss: 'getSeconds', fff: 'getMilliseconds' }; let parts=[], offset=0; str.replace(RGX, function(key, _, idx) { // save preceding string parts.push(str.substring(offset, idx - 1)); offset = idx += key.length + 1; // save function parts.push(custom && custom[key] || function(d) { return ('00' + (typeof MAP[key] === 'string' ? d[MAP[key]]() : MAP[key](d))).slice(-key.length); }); }); if ( offset !== str.length ) { parts.push(str.substring(offset)); } return function(arg) { var out='', i=0, d=arg||new Date(); for (; i<parts.length; i++) { out += (typeof parts[i]==='string') ? parts[i] : parts[i](d); } return out; }; }, }; /** /* Map (now) global $hash function to $core namespace for backwards compatibility. /*/ $core.hash = $hash; /** /* Dynamically imports and appends scripts to the DOM. /* Offers extended functionality such as manual deferral, error handling, and initialization tasks. /* /* @usage /* ``` /* $import('path/to/script.js').then(() => { /* console.log('All scripts loaded!'); /* }).catch(error => { /* console.error('Error loading script:', error); /* }); /* ``` /* /* @param {String|Array|HTMLElement|NodeList} input - Path(s) to the script(s) to be imported, or DOM nodes. /* @param {Object} [options] - Optional configuration object. /* @param {Function} [options.on] - Function to manually handle the script injection. /* @param {Function} [options.init] - Function to run initial tasks, e.g. for setup purposes. /* @param {HTMLElement} [] - DOM element to which the script will be appended. /* @param {Object} [options.attributes={}] - Additional attributes to set on the script element. /* /* @returns {Promise} - Resolves when all scripts are loaded; rejects on any error. /*/ $core.import = function(scripts, { on, init, target = document.body, attributes = {} } = {}) { // Ensure scripts is always an array and not an already loaded script scripts = [].concat(scripts).filter(s => !(s?.src || document.querySelector(`script[src="${s}"]`))); typeof init === 'function' && init(scripts); return Promise.all( => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let el = script instanceof HTMLElement ? script : document.createElement('script'); if ( el.tagName === 'SCRIPT' ) { if ( el.querySelector(':is(script[data-src])') ) { el.src = el.getAttribute('data-src'); } else { Object.entries({ ...attributes, src: script }).forEach(([attr, val]) => el.setAttribute(attr, val)); } } else { return reject({ message: `Invalid input!`, data: script }); } el.addEventListener('load', resolve(el, script)); el.addEventListener('error', (e) => reject({ message: `Failed to load script: ${}`, event: e })); // If an `on` function is provided, pass the script element to it for manual deferring typeof on === 'function' ? on(el, script) : target.appendChild(el); }))); }; /** /* Map global KV localStorage wrapper to $core for convenience. /*/ $core.kv = $kv; /** /* Proximity sensor helper method. Triggers a callback function when the mouse is within /* a certain distance of the given element. With the optional `check` flag set to `true` the method /* will check if the target element is reachable by the user, e.g. not hidden or obstructed by /* other elements. These checks are off by default, as they will be triggered with every tracked /* mousemove event which can potentially cause performance issues. If the target element is initially /* hidden, consider binding `$near()` AFTER the element has become visible! /* /* @usage /* ``` /* $near('.my-button', 50, (el, threshold) => { /* console.log(`Mouse is within ${threshold}px of ${el}`); /* }); /* ``` /* /* @param {Element|String} el - The target DOM element or a selector string to identify the element. /* @param {Number} threshold - The proximity threshold (in pixels) at which the callback will be invoked. /* @param {Function} fn - The callback function to be invoked when the mouse is within the defined distance of the target. /* @param {Boolean} [once=false] - If true, the callback will be triggered only once. /* @param {Boolean} [check=false] - If true, performs enhanced checks on the element that it's visible and not obstructed. /* /* @returns {void} /*/ $core.near = function(el, threshold, fn, { once = false, check = false } = {}) { el = typeof el === 'string' ? document.querySelector(el) : el; if ( !el || typeof fn !== 'function' || typeof threshold !== 'number' ) { return; } // make sure element exists let run = false; let within = false; // flag to track if the mouse is inside the proximity zone const proximity = function(target, x, y) { const { left, right, top, bottom } = target.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( check ) { const style = window.getComputedStyle(target); if ( Object.entries({ display: 'none', visibility: 'hidden', opacity: '0' }).some(([p, v]) => style[p] === v) ) { return false; } } return x > left - threshold && x < right + threshold && y > top - threshold && y < bottom + threshold; }; const handler = (e) => { if (run) { return; } run = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { const near = proximity(el, e.clientX, e.clientY); if ( near && !within ) { within = true; fn(el, threshold); once && window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handler); } else if ( !near && within ) { within = false; } run = false; }); }; window.addEventListener('mousemove', handler); // return a function that removes the event listener when called return () => window.removeEventListener('mousemove', handler); }; /** /* This is the velocity parser implemented in core ported over to javascript, but it's only /* half useful, as it can't interpolate native strings, so this is only used to interpret /* non-interpolated velocity expressions. /*/ $core.parseVelocity = function(key = '', value = '', args = []) { // Cast all placeholder values to strings, otherwise the parser can't deal with the args args =; const scopes_map = { component: $core.config.file, device: $core.config.user.device, page: $core.config.node.quilt, place: $core.config.node.type, lang: $core.config.user.lang, }; const scopes_matches = [...key.matchAll(/@([^@\r\n\t\f\v ]+)/gm)] || []; const scopes = scopes_matches.reduce((obj, match) => { const scope = match[1].split(':')[0]; const value = match[1].split(':')[1]; if ( scopes_map[scope] ) { obj[scope] = (scopes_map[scope] == value); } return obj; }, {}); const choice = (expr = '', args = []) => { const value = args[parseInt(expr.split(',').shift())]; const choices = expr.split('choice,').pop().trim(); return choices.match(`(${value})#(.*?)\\|`)?.[2] || choices.split('|').pop().replace(/\d+</, '') }; const rx = /\$\{(?<i>.+?)\}|\{(?<p>[0-5])\}|\{(?<e>[^\$]+?)\}/gm; let result = value; let cnt = 1; // Enter recursion to resolve nested velocity variables/placeholders/expressions // Have a safety max recursion depth to avoid unintentional memory leaks / endless loops while ( result.match(rx) ) { result = $core.parseVelocity(key, value.replace(rx, (match, i, p, e) => (i ? $core.str(i, null, ...args) : ( p ? args[parseInt(p)] || '' : choice(e, args) ))), args).value; if ( cnt >= 10 ) { console.warn('$core.parseVelocity(): Recursion depth of 10 exceeded!', result, result.match(rx), !!result.match(rx)); break; } cnt++; } return { key: key, value: result, scopes: scopes }; }; $core.serializeForm = function(form, json = false, filter, reducer) { // The shortest way of getting an object from FormData is // `Object.fromEntries((new FormData(form)).entries())` // but it will not handle select multiple inputs as the entries will have the same key // and therefore only the last selected option is returned as a value, to aggregate such array-like fields // properly, we have to manually loop over the fields after destructuring them into tuples (array of arrays) // this can also handle any type of field as an array of values by specifying the name with `[]` at the end // and furthermore it is also possible to directly aggregate form inputs into objects by specifying the name // attribute like so `name='object\{key}'`. NOTE: I'm not sure if the backslash escape is needed outside of // frameworks that interpolate expressions with `{`. Check the admin component for a practial example. const data = [...(new FormData(form)).entries()].reduce(reducer ? reducer : (obj, [name, value]) => { value = name.startsWith('(bool)') ? ({ '0': false, 'false': false, '1': true, 'true': true})[value.trim()] : value; const key = name.replace(/{(.+)}/gm, '').replace('(bool)', ''); value = obj[key] && key.endsWith('[]') ? [...obj[key], value] : ( key.endsWith('[]') ? [value] : ( /{(.+)}/gm.test(name) ? { ...obj[key], [[{(?<k>.+)}/gm)][0]?.groups?.k]: value } : value ) ); if ( typeof filter === 'function' && filter(key, value) ) { obj[key] = value; } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }, {}); // Return a JSON string if requested return json ? JSON.stringify(data) : data; }; $core.obj = { /** /* Filters properties defined in props from the input object (non-destructive). /* /* @param {object} obj - The input object to operate on. /* @param {array} props - The properties to skip from the input object if present. /* /* @returns {object} - A new object without the properties defined in props. /*/ skip: function(obj = {}, props = []) { return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [prop, value]) => { return props.includes(prop) ? acc : ((acc[prop] = value), acc); }, {}); }, /** /* Include only properties defined in props from the input object (non-destructive). /* Basically the opposite of _.skip(). /* /* @param {object} obj - The input object to operate on. /* @param {array} props - The properties to include from the input object if present. /* /* @returns {object} - A new object with only the properties defined in props. /*/ only: function(obj = {}, props = []) { return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [prop, value]) => { return !props.includes(prop) ? acc : ((acc[prop] = value), acc); }, {}); }, }; $core.str = function(_key = null, _default = null, ...placeholders) { if ( !_key ) { return _default; } if ( _key && !_default ) { _default = _key; } // Try a direct lookup first, should work in most cases, except when there are @scopes // that weren't specified in the key let key = _key; let value = $[`${key}@component:${$core.config.file}`]; if ( !value ) { // Try to find a matching key by checking all properties //console.log(`$core.str(): could not find matching string for key ${key}: ${key}@component:${$core.config.file}, trying all properties:`, Object.entries($[k, v]) => (k.includes(`@component:${$core.config.file}`) && k.split('@component').pop().includes(key)))); [ key, value ] = Object.entries($[k, v]) => (k.includes(`@component:${$core.config.file}`) && k.split('@component').pop().includes(key))) || []; // console.log(`$core.str(): Could not find string by direct key (${_key}) lookup, find result:`, key, value); } /*else { console.log(`$core.str(): found matching string for key ${key}: ${key}@component:${$core.config.file}`); }*/ if ( value ) { return $core.parseVelocity(`${key}@component:${$core.config.file}`, value, placeholders).value; } else { return $core.parseVelocity(`${_key}@component:${$core.config.file}`, _default, placeholders).value; } }; /** /* Helper method facilitating watching for a DOM element for mutations and run a callback on them. /* /* @usage /* ``` /* $'<selector>', (mutation) => { /* console.log('I am here!', mutation); /* }, <optional:options>, <optional.immediate>); /* ``` /* /* @param {string} selector - The CSS selector to watch for mutations. /* @param {function} fn - The callback function to call when the element is mutated. /* @param {object} options - An optional options object for `.observe(<target>, <option>)` /* @param {boolean} immediate - If the callback function should be executed immediately once if the element is present. /*/ $ = (selector, fn, options = {}, immediate = false) => { // Make sure nothing explodes in older browsers that do not support MutationObserver if ( window.MutationObserver ) { // Look for watched selector matching elements already present in the DOM, // and execute the callback on them immediately. if ( immediate && document.querySelector(selector) ) { [document.querySelector(selector)].forEach(fn); } options = { attributes: true, // can't have it set by default, otherwise not all attributes are monitored //attributeFilter: ['style', 'class'], attributeOldValue: false, characterData: false, characterDataOldValue: false, childList: false, subtree: false, ...(options || {}) } // One might have to do `const target = as HTMLElement;` // within the callback to get an actual HTMLElement with its expected methods return (new MutationObserver(mutations => mutations.forEach(fn))) .observe(document.querySelector(selector), options); } }; /** /* Helper method facilitating waiting for a DOM element to appear and execute a callback. /* /* @usage `$core.when('<selector>', (el) => { console.log('I am here!', el); }, <optional:targetNode>);` /* /* @param {string} selector - The CSS selector to wait for. /* @param {function} fn - The callback function to call when the element appears. /* @param {HTMLElement} watch - The node to watch for mutations within. /*/ $core.when = (selector, fn, watch = document.body, existing = false) => { // Check if we even have a valid node to watch, otherwise MutationObserver will throw! watch = typeof watch === 'string' ? document.querySelector(watch) : watch; if ( !(watch instanceof Node) ) { console.warn(`$core.when(): 'watch' param wasn't a Node, aborting!`, watch); return; } // Make sure nothing explodes in older browsers that do not support MutationObserver if ( window.MutationObserver ) { // Look for watched selector matching elements already present in the DOM, // and execute the callback on them immediately. if ( document.querySelectorAll(selector).length ) { document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(fn); } return (new MutationObserver(mutations => [...mutations] .flatMap((mutation) => [...mutation.addedNodes]) .filter((node) => node.matches && node.matches(selector)) .forEach(fn))) .observe(watch, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } }; } // Initialize Tools // Make sure jQuery is available in some form which is not always the case in admin/studio and // several tools rely on it. if ( $ ) { // Tools only useful in admin/studio if ( $('body').is('.BizAppsPage') ) { Object.entries(tools.admin).map(function([name, fn]) { if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) { $core?.config?.user?.admin &&` Running tools.admin.${name}()`); fn(); } else { $core?.config?.user?.admin && console.warn(` fn was not a function!`, fn); } }); } } // Bootstrap riot with global stuff if present // TODO: Maybe this should be its own component, separated from general purpose tools code! if ( window.riot ) { /** /* Stateless minimal router. /* Being stateless is a feature! The real "state" (i.e., the current route, history, etc.) /* is managed by the browser itself through the History API and the current URL. /* The router's job is to react to changes in that state and inform the rest of the app /* (via events or other mechanisms) about those changes. /*/ riot.$router = function(base = '/', options = {}) { const routes = []; base = '/' + base.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''); function parseRoute(route) { const { k, r } = route.split('/').reduce(({ k, r }, segment, i) => { switch (segment[0]) { case '*': return { k: k.concat('*'), r: r + '/(?<wild>.*)' }; case ':': const { key, con, ext, opt } = segment.match(/^:(?<key>[^\s(.?]+)(?:\((?<con>[\S]+?)\)(?![\)]))?(?<opt>\?)?\.?\(?(?<ext>[a-z0-9|]+)?\)?$/i)?.groups || {}; const p = `(?<${key}>${(con || '[^/]+?')}${ext ? `\\.(?<ext>${ext})` : ''})`; return key ? { k: k.concat(key), r: r + (opt ? `(?:/${p})?` : `/${p}`), } : { k, r }; default: console.log('parse index', i, Boolean(i)); return segment ? { k, r: r + `/(?<type${i > 1 ? i : ''}>${segment})` } : { k, r }; } }, { k: [], r: '' }); return { keys: k, pattern: new RegExp('^' + r + '/?$','i'), }; } function on(route, handler) { const { keys, pattern } = parseRoute(route); routes.push({ keys, pattern, handler }); } function navigate(path, replace) { const url = new URL(path, location.origin); const { keys, pattern } = parse(url.pathname); const match = routes.find(r => pattern.test(r.path)); if (match) { const match = match.pattern.exec(path); history[replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState'](null, null, path); $trigger('route', { url, match, keys, pattern }); } else if (options['404']) { options['404'](path); } } document.addEventListener('click', e => { const href ='a') &&'href'); const skip = [ !href, href.startsWith('#'), href.startsWith('javascript:'), !href.startsWith(base), e.defaultPrevented, e.button !== 0, e.metaKey, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey, e.altKey, ...(options.skipConditions || []) ]; if ( skip.some((con) => (typeof con === 'function' ? con(e) : Boolean(con))) ) { return; } e.preventDefault(); navigate(href); }); return { on, navigate }; }; riot.install((cmp) => { /** /* Override native riot `tag.$` (we don't touch `tag.$$`) with a much more powerful /* jQuery like API (it's not complete of course, but very mighty for 3.6KB code)! /* Of course we could also just map an already present jQuery instance to `tag.$`! /* This doesn't work, riot component internals are frozen! /*/ /*delete cmp.$; cmp['$'] = (selector) => { console.log('overwritten tag.$', selector); return cmp.$(selector); }; */ /** /* Install global event bus proxy methods. We do not want these methods scoped to every /* component individually but for them to be the same for all components so they can talk /* to each other on a global scope. /* /* - `on` will automatically bind `this` within the event listener function to the component. /*/ // This auto binding magic creates trouble, bind the component to the handler yourself if needed! //cmp['on'] = (e, fn, once) => $on(e, fn.bind(cmp), once); cmp['on'] = $on; cmp['off'] = $off; cmp['trigger'] = $trigger; /** /* Look for 'magic' listener methods defined within the component and automatically /* create a listener for them. These methods need to be named in a particular way: /* `$on<>` (note the $ prefix!), e.g. for an event type 'results' /* the component method needs to be defined as `$onResults: (e, results) => {}`, /* This approach is eliminating the need to define an explicit event listener somewhere /* within a regular lifecycle method with `tag.on('results', (e, results) => {})`... /* Using this automatic approach eliminates the need to remove any explicitely defined /* event listeners when a component is unmounted, as this is done automatically through /* the proxied lifecycle methods below. /* /* @note Be aware that if you need `this` bound to the component within your listeners /* (regardless if automatic or explicitely defined) you need to use the `function` way /* e.g. `$onResults: funciton(e, results) {}`! /* /* As this will create a listener for all events for every component, it's not enabled /* by default, only when the component has a property `events: true`. This way 'dumb' /* components do not get useless listeners registered which have to be processed! /*/ // We can either override riot.$trigger or 'properly' use the event bus, I'm not sure what // is actually better, both approaches seem to work just fine, when overriding obviously // there are no listeners stored and thus don't need to be removed when unmounting, resulting // in slightly less bootstrap code, but other than that it somehow feels wrong to me... /* if ( ) { const $trigger = riot.$trigger; riot.$trigger = async (e, ...args) => { const $ = `$on${e.replace(/\b\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase())}`; if ( cmp[$] ) { console.log(`automatically triggering ${$} listener for ${}`); await cmp[$](e, ...args); } await $trigger(e, ...args); }; } */ let off = null; if ( ) { // `on` will return a function to remove that listener, we store it for auto-cleanup off = cmp.on('*', async function(e, ...args) { const $ = `$on${e.replace(/\b\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase())}`; if ( cmp[$] ) { await cmp[$](e, ...args); } }); } /** /* Proxy component lifecycle methods to give some debug info in debug mode /* allows us to define debugging stuff once here instead of having to repeat /* the same lengthy logging code in every single component increasing bundle /* size for nothing... we can reference safely as it is part of the /* default component implementation along with .css and .template even though those /* properties are not enumerable (e.g. shown when console.log(component)) /* to proxy lifecycle methods simply set the .proxy property within the component to true /* if undefined or false nothing will be done here (e.g. the proxy is opt-in) /*/ ['onBeforeMount', 'onMounted', 'onBeforeUnmount'].forEach((method) => { // make a reference to the original lifecycle method and bind the component to it const org = cmp[method].bind(cmp); // add proxy method calling the original after it has done global stuff cmp[method] = (props, state) => { org(cmp.props, cmp.state); // automatically removes auto-event listeners when the component is unmounted if ( method === 'onBeforeUnmount' && off ) { off(); } cmp.debug && console.log(`${}.${method}()`, cmp.props, cmp.state, method === 'onBeforeMount' ? cmp : null); }; }); //console.log('riot.install() done!', cmp); }); } if ( $core?.config?.env?.includes('stage') && $core?.config?.user?.roles?.includes('GlowingBlue') && document.querySelectorAll('[type*="riot"]').length && window.riot ) { // Live compiling riot components in dev mode console.log(' Compiling and registering riot components'); (async () => { await $core.compile(); // Useful for profiling component performance if ( window.performance ) { window.start =; } if ( $trigger ) { await $trigger('compiled'); } })(); } else { // directly trigger on prod as components are pre-compiled! (async () => { if ( $trigger ) { // Wait for next event loop, if not it can cause strange non-mounting issues // due to no work having to be done (e.g. compile event basically happening immediately) // and the order in which @liaAddScript adds the JS from various places within the codebase await $wait(0); await $trigger('compiled'); } })(); } //document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {}); })(LITHIUM?.jQuery || jQuery); // Pull in global jQuery reference // </script> // <script> just for inline syntax-highlighting... ;(function($){ // This is very much work in progress, but a synk object should generally look something like: /* { type: <event-type-synk-understands>, event: { data: {}, source: { node: {}, page: {}, user: {}, }, verified: <bool>, } } */ // Store objectified request payloads for later use let payload = {}; // Define which particular routes we want to forward to synk. Those can be from forms, // links etc. // The key is the form action or link (partial) to check for when a request comes in // the value is an object with an `only`array for filtering the payload and a `type` // function to dynamically determine the type of event that is witnessed. // TODO: Look into those `t:cp=solutions/contributions/acceptedsolutionsactions` // identifiers that most actions seem to have, maybe they are an easier to detect way // of what to track on different pages, then the changing URL's which force us to use // URL partials... => unfortunately not, the identifier stays the same, the action is // still burried in the URL, like `markmessageasacceptedsolutionsecondarybutton` (WTF?): // t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.markmessageasacceptedsolutionsecondarybutton/message-uid/1844 const synk = { // AJAX: inline reply form submit 'inlinemessagereplyeditor.form.form.form.form': { only: [ 'attachment-key', 'liaFormContentKey', 'mediaSnippetUrl', 'multipleUpload', 'parentMessageRef', 't:ac', 'tags_', 'tinyMceEditor', ], type: (xhr) => 'post-reply', }, // AJAX: Kudos button 'kudosbuttonv2.kudoentity': { only: ['triggerEvent', 'parameterOverrides'], type: (xhr) => (xhr.responseURL.includes('revoke-kudos/true') ? 'dislike' : 'like'), }, // not AJAX: Report content to moderator 'notifymoderatorform.form.form.form': { type: (xhr) => 'mod-check', }, // subscribe: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__addmessageuseremailsubscription__/message-uid/1841?t:cp=subscriptions/contributions/messageactions // post-mute: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__addmessageusermute__/message-uid/1924?t:cp=subscriptions/contributions/messageactions // bookmark: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__addmessageuserbookmark__/message-uid/1924?t:cp=subscriptions/contributions/messageactions // post-edit: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__editmessageinline:editmessage__/message-uid/1924?t:cp=boards/contributions/messageactions // post-delete: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__deletemessage:deletemessage__/message-uid/1924?t:cp=boards/contributions/messageactions // post-move: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__movemessage:movemessage__/message-uid/1924?t:cp=boards/contributions/messageactions // post-solved: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__markmessageasacceptedsolutionsecondarybutton__/message-uid/1844?t:cp=solutions/contributions/acceptedsolutionsactions // post-unsolved: /t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.__unmarkmessageasacceptedsolution__/message-uid/1844?t:cp=solutions/contributions/acceptedsolutionsactions }; $on('xhr', (e, state, xhr, ...args) => { //console.log('$onXHR', e, xhr, args); if ( state === 'open' ) { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Request created', args, xhr); } else if ( state === 'send' ) { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Request payload is about to be sent', Object.fromEntries([...(new URLSearchParams(args[0]))])); payload = args[0] ? Object.fromEntries([...(new URLSearchParams(args[0]))]) : {}; } else if ( state === 'response' ) { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Can modify response text!', args, xhr); // important to return modified response from here return args[0]; } else if ( state === 'done' ) { if ( !Object.entries(synk).some(([urlpartial, obj]) => xhr.responseURL.includes(urlpartial)) ) { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: skipping response processing for', xhr.responseURL); return; } $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Response received', xhr.responseText); try { // Do some basic sanity checks before attempting to parse JSON... // Usually Khoros XHR responses are a huge object that is then processed and // injected into the current page via some very convoluted logic, most of the data // is irrelevant for us and is contained within a response's `components` property let data = xhr.responseText.trim().startsWith('{') ? $core.obj.skip(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)?.response, ['components']) : xhr.responseText; if ( typeof data !== 'string' ) { const { only, type } = (Object.entries(synk).find(([urlpartial, obj]) => xhr.responseURL.includes(urlpartial))[1] || {}); data = { type: type(xhr) || 'undefined', event: { url: xhr.responseURL, timestamp: (new Date()).toISOString(), // the result of the event data: data, // the initiator of the event source: { payload: $core.obj.only(payload, (only || [])), user: $core.obj.skip(LITHIUM.CommunityJsonObject.User, ['settings', 'policies', 'emailRef']), node: LITHIUM.CommunityJsonObject.CoreNode, page: { ...($core.obj.only(LITHIUM.CommunityJsonObject.Page, ['object'])?.object || {}), }, } } }; $trigger('synk', data); //console.log('Forwarded data:', data); } else { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.warn('XHRmiddlaware: Respsone was a string, skipping sync!'); } } catch(ex) { console.error(ex); } } }); // The above handles (old school) AJAX requests, but we also need to deal with actions/events // that occur the even old-schooler way through regular link clicks that reload the page. // To do that we attach a global link listener. I believe to catch Khoros related events we // can safely filter links by `data-lia-action-token` as all the relevant action links seem // to have such an attribute! // TODO: Make sure we do not somehow also track links that are handled by AJAX requests and // thus would be double-synk'ed... document.querySelectorAll('a[data-lia-action-token]').forEach((el) => { el.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if ('href') ) { const url = new URL('href')); const params = Object.fromEntries([...url.searchParams]); $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Action link params', url, params,'href')); } else { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.warn('XHRmiddlaware: Action link did not have a href attribute?',, e); } if ( $core.config.user.roles.includes('GlowingBlue') ) { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Preventing action from glowingblue user'); //e.preventDefault(); } // We would then build a synk object and trigger a 'synk' event through the global // event bus... // TODO: We also need to think about what happens if an action fails, maybe storing // potential sync objects in localStorage with an attribute of `verified: false` // would be a good idea, for AJAX requests we can more or less reliably track // if an action was successful, as the returned objects contain a property `state` // (NOT `status`, that one is always 'success'!) that will indicate any errors... }); }); // There are also forms that are not handled via AJAX! It seems this listener does not // conflict with the AJAX ones, as those are implemented by Khoros earlier on, so this // listener is never called for AJAX handled forms, which is good because then we don't // have to deal with duplicate synk events... document.querySelectorAll('input[name="lia-action-token"]').forEach((el) => { $(el).parents('form')[0].addEventListener('submit', (e) => { if ( $core.config.user.roles.includes('GlowingBlue') ) { $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Preventing form submission from glowingblue user'); //e.preventDefault(); $core.config.devmode === 'xhr' && console.log('XHRmiddlaware: Serialized form', $core.serializeForm(; } else { //return true; } }); }); $on('synk', (e, data) => { console.log('$onSynk', e, data); // TODO: make sure there is no issue with aborted requests due to page reloading // if it is, we might have to store the synk objects in local storage before sending // out the request and then when we get a successful response, delete them and on page // load check if we have any leftover items to synk and process those again... // TODO: Push requests through proxy (not sure if it already handles POST requests!) // So we do not leak any user IP information to a third party which Deno deploy is... fetch('', {method:'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data)}); }); // Simply trigger a custom xhr event and handle whatever logic in the event listener! XMLHttpRequest.$use((xhr, state, ...args) => { $trigger('xhr', state, xhr, ...args); }); })(LITHIUM.jQuery); // Pull in global jQuery reference // </script> // <script> just for inline syntax-highlighting... ;(function($){ /** /* Deals with any redirects that need to be handled in JavaScript for some reason, like 404 Pages /* as we don't get the request in page.init and therefore can't do a redirect form there. /* /* You only need to specify the project specific redirects by adding them to the global `$core` /* object. The actual redirect logic will be dealt with from `` via `tools.redirect()`, /* just make sure you don't change the property name as the tool method looks for `$core.redirects`. /* /* @usage: Just define key/value paris where key = url.pathname and value the url to redirect to /*/ $core.redirects = { //'/some/path/to/redirect': '', }; /** /* @issue KBCOM-2655 /* /* Immediately makes the inline 'Reply' button disabled on click instead of waiting for TinyMCE /* to be initialized as OOB does. /*/ $('.lia-component-messages-widget-reply-inline-button .lia-button.lia-action-reply').each(function() { $(this).on('click', function(e) { $(this).attr('disabled', true) }); }); })(LITHIUM.jQuery); // Pull in global jQuery reference // </script> // <script> ;(function() { if ( $core ) { $core.config.file = ''; $ = { ...($ || {}), ...{"" : "en","" : "de","" : "de la comunidad","" : "Recursos adicionales","" : "Recursos","" : "Idiomas","" : "Base de conocimientos","" : "Academy","" : "Blog de gestión de clientes","" : "Documentación de la API","" : "Blog de gestión de clientes","" : "en","" : "de","" : "es","" : "fr","" : "pt","" : "ja","" : "resultado","" : "resultados","" : "{0} {0,choice,0#${results}|1#${result}|1<${results}} ${} {1}","" : "No hay resultados para \"{0}\"","" : "Intenta buscar otro término o usa el filtro de la izquierda para buscar otro tipo de recursos.","" : "Anterior","" : "Siguiente"}, }; } })(); // </script> // <script> just for inline syntax-highlighting... ;(function($){ const params = (new URL(window.location.href)).searchParams; // Allows testing production behavior on stage by switching env temporarily via URL param if ( $core.config.env.includes('stage') && params.get('test') ) { $core.config.env = 'prod'; console.warn('Production test mode enabled', $core.config); } // The most primitive in-memory cache you can imagine // it will hold HubSpot search API results as long as the page is not reloaded, this // speeds things up drastically when using typeahead (e.g. reacting to every key stroke) $core.cache = new Map(); const title = $core.str('title', 'Additional Resources'); /** /* Searchbar autosuggest integration. /* We can't really use riot here as we are hacking into the existing Khoros auto-suggest dropdown /* Furthermore the SearchForm is added twice to every page due to how the mobile header was done. /* It's entirely separate from the desktop header and therefore needs to be targetet properly when /* it's visible from 1024px down. /*/ const search_form = window.innerWidth <= 1024 ? '.mobile-header form.SearchForm' : '.community-header-nav .SearchForm'; $core.when(`${search_form} [name="messageSearchField"] + .lia-autocomplete-container .lia-autocomplete-content`, function(el) { $(`${search_form} [name="messageSearchField"]`).each(function() { var $input = $(this); var $results = $input.find('+ .lia-autocomplete-container .lia-autocomplete-content'); /** /* The autosuggest-dropdown closes on a click anywhere besides it's own results, /* not too crazy of an issue, but it annoys me and I can't fix it, don't know what /* triggers which event, tried to find out but without success... /*/ /*if ( window.innerWidth <= 1024 ) { $results .prepend(`<i class="collapse-results lia-autocomplete-no-event-item lia-fa fa-chevron-up p:x15 p:y11 pos:a pos:r0 pos:t0"></i>`) .find('.collapse-results') .on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); console.log($(this).siblings('ul:first'), $(this)); $(this).toggleClass('fa-chevron-up fa-chevron-down'); }); }*/ if ( !$results.find('ul.custom-external-results').length ) { $results.append(`<ul class="custom-external-results d:f(row/0/1/100%) h:max300 d:scroll(y) t:/12//400 d:b:before p:y8:before p:l15:before pos:r t:ucase:before" aria-label="${title}" data-before="${title}"></ul>`); } var $container = $results.find('ul.custom-external-results'); $input.on('input', async function(e) { // TODO: find out what is the URL param to limit `limit=` does not work... // => well, it seems the autocomplete endpoint of the HubSpot search API does not // support any kind of configuration at all. If it's needed, we might have to switch // to the slower 'full' API endpoint var url = `${$input.val()}&language=${$core.config.user.lang}&limit=5`; //console.log($input.val()); if ( !$core.cache.has(url) ) { $core.cache.set(url, (await (await $core.fetch(url)).json())); } //console.log($core.cache.get(url)); // HubSpot search API will return `{'message': 'Missing search key'}` when the `queryString` is empty // in that case, markup will be `undefined`, which we have to catch, otherwise it's going to be // an empty array if there are really no results for a search term. var markup = $core.cache.get(url).data?.searchResults?.results?.reduce((r, v) => { // As limit doesn't work on the autocomplete endpoint we have to limit the auto-suggest results like this //if ( r.length < 3) { r.push(` <li class="lia-autocomplete-node-item lia-autocomplete-custom-item"> <a class="lia-link-navigation board-icon" tabindex="-1" href="#"> <span class="custom-img-icon-help lia-fa-icon lia-fa-question lia-fa bg:--color-lorax t:--color-olaf" title="${v.resource}" aria-label="${v.resource}" role="img"></span> </a> <a class="lia-link-navigation lia-js-autocomplete-list-item-link lia-autocomplete-message-list-item-link" tabindex="-1" href="${v.url}" target="_blank"> ${v.title.replace('hs-search-highlight hs-highlight-title', 'lia-search-match-lithium')} </a> <div class="lia-autocomplete-suggestion-additional-details lia-component-nodes-widget-auto-complete-node-list-item"> <span class="lia-autocomplete-suggestion-board-title t:caps">${v.resource}</span> </div> </li> `); //} return r; }, []); if ( markup === []._ ) { return; } if ( markup.length ) { $container.html(markup.join('\n')); } else { $container.html(`<div class="pos:center t:center t:/14">${$core.str('results.none.title', null, $input.val())}</div>`); } }); }); }, document.querySelector(`${search_form}`)); /** /* Global SearchPage integration of external search. /* Adds a new tab to the search sections area and additionally a filter-like fake dropdown /* That additional filter was removed again via KBCOM-2830! /* that triggers a click on the new tab, it's just for more visual exposure as we worry the /* new tab might be too unassuming and might be overlooked. /*/ if ( $core.config.node.quilt.includes('SearchPage') ) { let results = null; const getResults = async function(query, resources = ['knowledge', 'academy', /*'customer', 'api', 'cms'*/], language = ($core?.config?.user?.lang || 'en'), page = 1, limit = 10, offset = 0, padding = 2) { offset = (page-1) * limit; // HubSpot search API resources are targeted with `contentKey: api, cms, knowledge, academy, customer` const url = `${query}&limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}&page=${page}&language=${language}&contentKey=${resources.join(',')}`; //console.log(url); if ( !$core.cache.has(url) ) { $core.cache.set(url, (await (await $core.fetch(url, null, 'appcache')).json())); } // once received, the HubSpot search API results are agumented with custom stuff // that helps rendering things like pagination etc. let results = Object.entries(($core.cache.get(url)?.data?.searchResults || {})).reduce((r, [k, v]) => ({ ...r, [k]: v }), { active: resources, lang: language, query: query, url: url }); // calculate the total amount of pages first and set it to minimum 1 const pages = Array.from({length: Math.max(Math.ceil(, 1)}, (el, i) => i+1); // calculate collection object const collection = { limit: limit, offset: offset, total:, paging: { page: page, pages: pages.length, // TODO: there are still some issues with this, it does work for page // 1, but for the last page, only 3 (instead of 5) pages are returned display: pages.length ? (() => { const num = (padding * 2) + 1; const i = pages.indexOf(page); const from = Math.max(i - Math.floor(num / 2), 0); const to = Math.min(from + num - 1, pages.length - 1); return pages.slice(from, to + 1); })() : [], // number of page-links left and right of current page padding: padding, // rendering helpers is_first: page === 1, is_last: page == pages.length } }; results = { ...results, collection: collection }; //console.log('response', res); //console.log('results', results); // Trigger a custom jQuery event globally that we can hook into from any other code $(document).trigger('results', results); // We can trigger the custom global riot event-bus from outside of components as it // is attached to the global riot object! if ( $trigger ) { $trigger('results', results); } return results; }; const injectSearchExternal = function() { // Inject our custom tab const $tab = $('.lia-search-tab-bar .lia-component-search-tabs .lia-tabs-standard').append(` <li role="presentation" class="search-external-tab lia-tabs lia-tabs-inactive is--custom"> <span><a class="search-external-link lia-link-navigation tab-link" role="tab" aria-selected="false" tabindex="0" href="${window.location.href}">${title}</a></span> </li> `).find('.search-external-tab'); // Removed via KBCOM-2830 /* const $filter = $(` <div class="lia-form-fieldset-wrapper lia-component-search-widget-external is--custom"> <a href="${window.location.href}" class="lia-common-dropdown-toggle" role="button">${title}</a> </div> `).insertBefore('.lia-component-quilt-search-page-thread-filters .lia-component-search-widget-location-filter'); */ // Handle clicks on our new tab: // The idea is to basically wipe the existing content from the page and mount the // custom search component instead. Any click on the regular tabs will behave like always and // trigger a page reload which will show the original content again $tab.find('.search-external-link').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Handle active state of tabs $(this).parents('.search-external-tab').addClass('lia-tabs-active').siblings('.lia-tabs-active').removeClass('lia-tabs-active'); // Then we clean out some of the content of the current page and make it look like a tab switch $('.lia-search-tab-bar .lia-component-search-widget-advanced-search-toggle, .lia-search-tab-bar .lia-component-search-actions, .lia-search-results .search-result-sorting').remove(); $('.lia-search-results .search-result-count').remove(); // Once cleaned up we inject the base tag and mount our custom component $('.lia-quilt-column-main-content .lia-quilt-row-main').empty().append('<div is="search-external" class="p:x15" data-cmp=""></div>'); riot.mount('[is]:not([is] [is])', { title: title, results: results, params: params, getResults: getResults }); }); // The fake injected filter simply triggers the tab, it's meant to provide greater exposure (visually) // $filter.on('click', function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // $tab.find('.search-external-link').trigger('click'); // }); }; // Pre-fetch results, why wait as we already know the query here, this also allows to inject a variety of // dynamic information into the native search results content and agument it with external results data // this also deals with the fact that the search page is an Angular component that reloads dynamically // when doing certain things... (not tab switching though) $core.when('.lia-message-search-container', async (el) => { if ( !document.querySelector('.lia-tabs.external-tab') ) { //console.log('Injecting external search!'); injectSearchExternal(); results = await getResults(params.get('q')); } }); // Attach custom event listener here to deal with non-component DOM updates as I don't want to handle those // within the custom component but also be updated if something changes there... $(document).on('results', function(e, results) { //console.log('onResults', e, results); if ( $('.lia-search-results .search-result-count').text().trim().length ) { $('.lia-search-results .search-result-count').attr('data-after', $core.str('general.from-community')); } // Update the tab tag $('.search-external-link').attr('data-after', (results?.total || 0)); }); } // Re-set production test mode if ( $core.config.env.match('stage') && params.get('test') ) { $core.config.env = 'stage'; } })(LITHIUM.jQuery); // Pull in global jQuery reference // </script> (function($) { //START END-USER CONFIGURATION //------------------------------ //selectors for hover card triggers var allHoverCardTriggers = '.author-name-link,.friend-list .friend a,.username a,.avatar,.user-avatar,.author-img, .authors a, .messageauthorusername a, a.lia-user-name-link, .js-latest-post-by-from a, .user-online-list li a, a.UserAvatar, .customUsersOnline a, #authors a,.dashboard-followers a.user-name, .dashboard-following a.user-name,.author-login-wrapper a, .hb-leaderboard a, .author-img-floated'; // Forward calling page's URL params to endpoint URL as well, helps with testing! var params = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams; var userApiUrl = '/plugins/custom/hubspot/hubspot/hovercardendpoint?' + ((params.set('user_id', '') == []._) && params.toString()); if($('.hover-card-container').length<1){ $('body').append('<div class="hover-card-container"></div>'); } var cardWrapper = $('.hover-card-container'); var error = false; var thisUserID = ''; var thisUserLogin = ''; var userLink =''; var cardTimer; var leaveTimer; function mouseenter(Elem) { var thisEl = Elem; cardTimer = setTimeout(function(){ var docWidth = $(document).width(); var rightSide = false; var userLink = thisEl.attr('href'); if($('.ViewProfilePage').length && $('img.lia-user-avatar-profile',thisEl).length){thisUserID = '';} else if(thisEl.attr('href')=='#' || thisEl.attr('href')=='' || !userLink.match('viewprofilepage')){ return false;} else{ var thisLen = (userLink).split('/'); thisUserID = (thisLen)[thisLen.length-1]; } var thisCard = $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+']',cardWrapper); var cardId = 'userProfileCard-'+ thisUserID; var addAttr = thisEl.attr('aria-describedby',cardId); var thisElTopOffset = Math.round(thisEl.offset().top+(thisEl.height()/2)+30); var thisElbottomoffset = "auto"; var className = ""; var winHeight = $(window).height(); var elOffset = thisEl.offset(); var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var elementOffset = thisEl.offset().top; var distanceTop = (elementOffset - scrollTop); var distanceBottom = (winHeight + scrollTop) - ( + thisEl.outerHeight(true)); var distanceLeft = Math.round(thisEl.offset().left); var bodyHight = $('body').height(); var topParam = ''; var bottomparam = ''; var position = ''; var className = 'topArrow'; cardId if(distanceBottom < 300 ){ if(distanceLeft < 59){ thisCard.removeClass('bottomArrow'); var className = 'leftArrow'; var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39); var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150); }else{ var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(301); var className = 'bottomArrow'; thisCard.removeClass('topArrow'); thisCard.removeClass('leftArrow'); var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45); } } else{ if(distanceLeft < 59){ thisCard.removeClass('topArrow'); var className = 'leftArrow'; var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39); var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150); }else{ thisCard.removeClass('leftArrow'); thisCard.removeClass('bottomArrow').addClass('topArrow'); var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45); } } if(thisCard.length && $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length<1){ $('.profileCard',cardWrapper).hide(); thisCard.addClass(className); rightSide?thisCard.addClass('rightArrow'):thisCard.removeClass('rightArrow'); thisCard.delay(0).css({'top':(thisElTopOffset),'left':distanceLeft,'bottom':thisElbottomoffset}).fadeIn(); } else { var ajaxReturn = ''; //just in case thisCard.remove(); //hover card wrapper markup var rightArrowClass = rightSide?'rightArrow':''; if(thisElTopOffset != "auto"){ topParam = 'px'; 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