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Photograph: Jewel Samad/AFP</p> <p>For weeks now the world has been mesmerised by the "credit crunch". But the biggest single long-term threat to all our futures remains the issue of <a href="">climate change</a>. And, in my capacity as a MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington, I have received more detailed letters, briefings, postcards, emails and deputations on it than on any other issue for years. </p> <p>But, almost without exception, the people who write, email and lobby me on the subject are white and middle class. Yet my constituency is three-quarters black and ethnic minority and one of the poorest in the country. The narrowness of the climate change movement's social base does not detract from the cogency of the argument. </p> <p>Only last week, <a href="">Nicholas Stern </a>the author of the seminal 2007 government report on climate change warned that he had actually underestimated the threat. He said </p> <blockquote>Emissions are growing much faster than we'd thought, the absorptive capacity of the planet is less than we'd thought, the risks of greenhouses gases are potentially bigger than more cautious estimates and the speed of climate change seems to be faster </blockquote> <p>But, the suspicion that some politicians have about the narrowness of the social base of the climate change movement, may explain why political change has been glacially slow on this issue</p> <p>Campaigners will ask why this matters. And they will point out, correctly, that many movements for social change have been led by the middle classes. But the climate change campaign is different. It is not just a case of having a campaign, passing a law and going home. It requires all of us, Guardian readers and Daily Star aficionados alike, to change how we eat, travel and live our lives. And we have to do it permanently. </p> <p>So, broadening the base of the climate change campaign is vital. And we will do it partly by linking it ever more firmly with development issues like: agricultural failure; food shortages; water scarcity; disease and mass migration. The plight of the polar bear is touching. But climate change and rising sea levels are a real and present danger to the lives and livelihoods millions of some of the poorest people in the world living in small island states and the coastal areas of <a href="">Africa and south Asia</a>. And this opens up the possibility of important political coalitions, both internationally, and within communities here in Britain.</p> <p>Climate change will be threat long after the latest financial downturn is over. But fighting it means engaging with the Nigerian cleaner in Dalston, who saves all year for her flight back to Lagos to see her family with nary a thought about aviation emissions, just as much as the Stoke Newington young professional. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-leftbox-headed"> <div class="blogs-article-comments"> <h3>Comments</h3> <div class="blogs-article-comment-form"> <form id="postacomment" name="postacomment" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="useraction" value="postcomment"/> <input type="hidden" name="url" value=""/> <input type="submit" value="Post your comment"/> </form> <p>Please note: In order to post a comment you need to be registered and signed in for Guardian Unlimited blogs. <br/><a href=",12904,-1,00.html" target="_WINDOW">You can register here.</a></p> </div> <a name="comments"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071048"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">ravenlighte</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071048">1071048</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071048">April 25 16:56</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>A strange commentary to make in a country that claims to no longer adhere to a class system. What is the modern definition of 'middle-class'? If it is based on ones annual salary, and therefore ones social standing, then my family would be considered white lower class. We are a family of five living on a (average) single salary.</p> <p>Your article insinuates that environmentalists pander to the white middle classes, while ignoring the lower paid (poor) in society. No offense Diane, but that sounds suspiciously like a chip on your shoulder rather than reality.</p> <p>As a low income family, we sacrifice luxuries in order to buy more expensive but ethical products. Organic, free range and Fair Trade all feature in our house, brand name clothing does not. We buy the more expensive low energy light bulbs too, in our bid to be more environmentally aware. We take public transport. We don't fly, for one because it exacerbates global warming, but for another because we can't afford it. Just because we are poor, doesn't mean we can't be green.</p> <p>Or do you base class on education? In that case I would be considered upper class. Although I finished high school, (albeit in Africa), we were always too poor to go to uni. However, now that I am older, and because I have a concern for the environment, I have completed a Diploma in Geosciences, a BSc and am currently working towards my Masters in Environmental Management. </p> <p>I think the environmental movement is driven by peoples innate concern over the environment they live in. By a concern for animals that are going extinct, by animal welfare issues, by the loss of forests, by global warming and the plight of those suffering the most. It is driven by a concern for humanity and the planet. It is driven by those who have a willingness to change their lifestyles for the common good. That is classless. You don't have to belong to a 'class' to care about something other than yourself.</p> <p>If you knew anything about the organisations like Greenpeace, FoE and the WWF for example, you would know that they target everyone to raise awareness and support for their causes. Much of what they do is dependent on the efforts of volunteers. If they happen to come mainly from the white middle classes, then maybe that says more about the rest of society, rather than the organisations and the movement in general.<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071048, was written by ravenlighte, at April 25, 2008 4:56 PM, and starts with A strange commentary to make in a country that claims to no longer adhere to a class system. What is">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071269"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">loveitorloseit</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071269">1071269</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071269">April 25 19:51</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Diane, you are utterly spot on in putting your finger on the major problem for the future of environmentalism - but you're totally wrong in the tone with which you do it.</p> <p>"almost without exception, the people who write, email and lobby me on the subject are white and middle class."</p> <p>True, yes. But so, soooooo easy to say - and so, so hard to change.</p> <p>And how do you know this? Did you look at someone's name and see, for instance, Paul Jones, and assume that he is well off and white? Or did you look at postal codes (no good for emails and postcards, surely?).</p> <p>Is it time to stop heavily criticising those who are doing something, whatever their colour - they already suffer enough - and to ask others why they are happy to do nothing, especially when the first hammer blows of climate change will fall on the Third World? </p> <p>And in the meantime, don't you think that it is profoundly alienating to reduce people's passions and desperate desire to do the right thing to their colour or class? Is this what the Labour Party are really about? I'm not really middle class, but some of your comments make me feel like signing up.</p> <p>Every environmentalist I know is trying desperately - deperately - to change the ethnic and social makeup of environmentalism in the face of apathy and / or hostility.</p> <p>And much of this apathy is from ethnic minority and poorer people. Why? Why? I've got a horrible feling that you are somehow suggesting that it's the fault of the white middle class for being involved at all.</p> <p>Well, you may not like the fact, but if you were to exclude this group from any meaninful involvement in a Diane Abbott world, then you can wave goodbye to 95% of the lifesaving and nature conservation work in the world today. Wave if you must, but for the love of God come up with some good alternatives, or just throw out the good for the sake of doctrinal purity. The British education system, anyone?</p> <p>I'm absolutely, utterly dirt poor - my income (when I have one) is in the bottom 5%, yet I still care. I'll only stop caring when I'm dead. But if I'm white and read the Guardian then I'm an un-person? </p> <p>So do you have an answer? Or are you content to have little digs at those people who care enough - even if they're the wrong colour - to do something about this rapidly building tragedy?</p> <p>So please Diane,I'd really like you to do a 'Trevor Phillips' and ask some searching questions of yourself and of what you seem to think are your natural constituency - <br/> and stop falling back on stereotypes about well-meaning, white liberal do-gooders. </p> <p>Then perhaps we'll see the beginnings of a world with hope for the future.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071269, was written by loveitorloseit, at April 25, 2008 7:51 PM, and starts with Diane, you are utterly spot on in putting your finger on the major problem for the future of environ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071402"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">cognitator</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071402">1071402</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071402">April 25 21:52</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>A confused and confusing article.</p> <p>"almost without exception, the people who write, email and lobby me on the subject are white and middle class. Yet my constituency is three-quarters black and ethnic minority and one of the poorest in the country." </p> <p>OK, you're an MP after all, presumably answerable primarily to your constituents, apathetic or otherwise. If they say 'stuff the planet' then you have no reason to start getting all Blairite about joining some crusade to save the planet, in his case usually by bombing it into submission...</p> <p>"But, the suspicion that some politicians have about the narrowness of the social base of the climate change movement, may explain why political change has been glacially slow on this issue"</p> <p>(a) glaciers aren't as slow as they used to be (after all, water runs a lot faster than ice)<br/> (b) also, there's a much stronger suspicion that politicians have a tendency to do what their paymasters tell them, rather than take much notice of their constituents. As you know, NuLab has really embraced this approach. Gordon Brown is still prattling on about 'growth', whatever that means. Let's face it, most politicians cannot see even beyond the next election, yet still a period too long for them to get to grips with urgent life-threatening issues like climate change. <br/> But never mind, 'tackling' terrorism wins votes. Urgency can be generated when it is expedient to do so.</p> <p>"Climate change will be threat long after the latest financial downturn is over. But fighting it means engaging with the Nigerian cleaner in Dalston, who saves all year for her flight back to Lagos to see her family with nary a thought about aviation emissions, just as much as the Stoke Newington young professional."</p> <p>You forgot the missing 'hopefully' - it's possible too that this 'financial downturn' might be the very last. But don't begrudge that cleaner a flight to see her family. The 'climate change movement' (to be clear, ANTI climate change) is not about denial, most certainly not about keeping relatives apart on different continents. <br/> It is primarily about sustainability and responsibility. The costs of air travel are massively subsidised, by the same token the costs of train travel are ridiculously prohibitive. What we do need is a government that is determined to tackle these imbalances, including the crazy notion that having Nigerians work in Dalston is financially prudent. And no need to wait for Britain to go bankrupt first.</p> <p>So enough excuses already! No shirking necessary here. It's time to grasp the nettle. Now!</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071402, was written by cognitator, at April 25, 2008 9:52 PM, and starts with A confused and confusing article. &quot;almost without exception, the people who write, email and lobby ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071455"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">royalecraig</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071455">1071455</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071455">April 25 22:53</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Show me the Proof that Global Warming is man made and not just a way of Taxing us all more.</p> <p>Wouldn't Planting more trees help, by more I mean, Billions morem wouldn't our country look better with Billions more trees, come to think of it, if we stopped Mass mass mass mass immigration, that would impact too, less pollution, now that I really think about it, fewer people would reduce road congestion, housing shortages, nhs welfare overstretch, it would reduce crime and prison overcrowding.</p> <p>Join the dots People, you are being farmed.</p> <p>This Global Warming Tax Fiddle is nothing but a Ratner like scam, Pack em in Tight and Tax em to death.</p> <p><br/> <a href=""></a><br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071455, was written by royalecraig, at April 25, 2008 10:53 PM, and starts with Show me the Proof that Global Warming is man made and not just a way of Taxing us all more. Wouldn'">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071557"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">slowlybutsurely</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071557">1071557</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071557">April 26 1:24</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>A nicely pithy comment that raises a very important issue, but then perpetuates stereotyping of it, and surprisingly fails to even suggest practical ways forward.</p> <p>Firstly, I, like many of the climate change activists I know, am not and never have been motivated by the plight of the polar bear, but by the need to fight poverty and injustice. Indeed, I only became a climate change activist because climate change will radically intensify these issues. Perpetuating the myth that all climate change activists care about are polar bears only serves to make the issue dismissable - is that really what you want to do? </p> <p>Secondly the mainstream media's reporting of climate change activism as done solely by white middle class people is also another way of dismissing the issue. Again, is this really what you want to do?</p> <p>Thirdly, it's very interesting that the involvement of Muslims, for instance, in climate change activism has not, to my knowledge, been commented on in the mainstream media. In my experience, that involvement is very small but it is there. Last year's Climate Camp at Heathrow included a workshop on Islam and Climate Change. Similarly, at last year's Sunrise Sustainability Festival, several of the intense political discussions there included traditionally dressed Muslims. Why has this not been commented on I wonder?</p> <p>Hmm. Let's bash climate change activists for only being white and middle class, and Muslims for only being terrorists, and blondes for only being ditsy and ... Hang on, wasn't this strategy called "divide and conquer" by someone? </p> <p>So why does this article perpetuate this divide and conquer approach? Especially when a far more effective approach would be to celebrate those ethnically-based or diverse climate change initiatives that are occuring so that these successes can be built on? For instance, Oxfam [I think] are running a twinning project focused around climate change awareness between members of the Bangladeshi community in London and in Bangladesh. Why not a comment exploring that and what can be learned from it?</p> <p>The relative lack of BME presence in climate change activism is a very complex and extremely important issue and not easily addressed. Nevertheless, as a role model, there are several things Ms Abbott could do personally that would be very effective in changing this. As a start:</p> <p>1 Add "climate change" to the campaigns you list on your website as working on - and support the amendments to the climate change bill that include aviation, and an 80% cut in emissions<br/> 2 It may be that I missed you amongst the many thousands of faces in the grey drizzle at last year's Climate March in London but it would be great if you could be a speaker at this year's march and inspire us with your practical suggestions about, and celebration of, BME involvement in climate change activism.<br/> 3 Last, but by no means least, publicise your carbon footprint and what you are doing to reduce it - and talk to all your constituents about it.</p> <p>And if anyone has any suggestions as to what we can do to address this issue, there are many of us eager to know...<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071557, was written by slowlybutsurely, at April 26, 2008 1:24 AM, and starts with A nicely pithy comment that raises a very important issue, but then perpetuates stereotyping of it, ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071712"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Junkketeer</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071712">1071712</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071712">April 26 8:59</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>'The climate change movement must be inclusive<br/> The climate change movement must broaden its social base ...'</p> <p>I'd say a good place for change might be your terminology. What on Earth is 'the climate change movement'. I don't recognise it, it doesn't make much sense and I don't very much like the sound of it.</p> <p>A vast swathe of what ifs and must be done, with almost zero tangibles on what and how, especially in terms to engage and inspire those not so blessed to feed in the Westminster political or Islington media trough.</p> <p>And that last para is priceless, showing our current leadership's true grasp of the issues and mindsets of those they claim to represent.</p> <p>Par for the course, mind.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071712, was written by Junkketeer, at April 26, 2008 8:59 AM, and starts with 'The climate change movement must be inclusive The climate change movement must broaden its social b">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1071837"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Junkketeer</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1071837">1071837</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1071837">April 26 12:02</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I have a fair idea what the responses from Dalston and Stoke Newington might be, but as an insider what do you reckon the deep thoughts on this might be from No.10?</p> <p>Britain's Dirty Business - <a href=""></a></p> <p>You guys get paid to come up with stuff like this, and then more to opine on how the general public are not getting with the 'green' programme?</p> <p>Or is this another left-hand, right-hand minor issue that has slipped passed our elected representatives. I'm betting 10p it is.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1071837, was written by Junkketeer, at April 26, 2008 12:02 PM, and starts with I have a fair idea what the responses from Dalston and Stoke Newington might be, but as an insider w">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1072660"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">atod</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1072660">1072660</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1072660">April 27 16:21</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Diane.</p> <p>Surely you are missing the fact that the whole point of the corporate nulabour neconservative project is precisely to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.</p> <p>Corporate driven climate change will force the poor out of the skies, off the motorways, ensure their fuel bills are three or four times what they are now and move well paid industrial jobs to the non Kyoto developing world.</p> <p>Nothing for an extremely well paid champion of the disadvantaged like yourself to worry about. </p> <p><br/> Did you notice that the climate change movement is being lead by the scum of the earth, Al Gore and Tony Blair. Sorry, they're pals of yours, aren't they ?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1072660, was written by atod, at April 27, 2008 4:21 PM, and starts with Diane. Surely you are missing the fact that the whole point of the corporate nulabour neconservativ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1072685"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">atod</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1072685">1072685</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1072685">April 27 17:10</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I love they way they call it a 'movement' as if it was some great populist drive for civil rights or the vote for women when it is actually a completely corporate enterprise.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1072685, was written by atod, at April 27, 2008 5:10 PM, and starts with I love they way they call it a 'movement' as if it was some great populist drive for civil rights or">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1072720"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Plataea</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1072720">1072720</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1072720">April 27 18:20</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I was not aware that "cliamte change" particularly cared what colour you are although in fairness, it is the poor (Bangladesh) that will feel its impact first. I cannot see the point of this article. Whilst Abbott may know much about how minorities are disadvantaged I would suggest that she knows little about climate change - and suggest as such that she sticks to what she knows.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1072720, was written by Plataea, at April 27, 2008 6:20 PM, and starts with I was not aware that &quot;cliamte change&quot; particularly cared what colour you are although in fairness, i">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1072848"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Adam1</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1072848">1072848</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1072848">April 27 22:00</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Diane,</p> <p>I don't think it's the over-representation of the middle class in the environmental movement that is slowing humanity's response to climate change.</p> <p>It is up to the elite - our mass media, corporate leaders, our governments and representatives - to show leadership on this issue: then perhaps we will get more people on board. We need a WW2 level of unity of national purpose in all the countries of the world if we are to get through the next century relatively intact.</p> <p>The reason why climate change (and even more so peak oil) is either ignored or paid lip service to by the elite is that, in order to respond to them effectively, they will have to come to terms with the end of economic growth. This is something they are not ready to accept.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1072848, was written by Adam1, at April 27, 2008 10:00 PM, and starts with Diane, I don't think it's the over-representation of the middle class in the environmental movemen">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1075064"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">EvilClanger</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1075064">1075064</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1075064">April 29 10:36</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Apparently there's a conference in Sydney on the future of journalism. Loads of white middle class European journalists will be burning carbon to be at that rather than using the internet and satellite to be there virtually, including at least one from the Guardian.</p> <p>Have you considered that those who come to you asking you to do things still harbour the quaint belief that the political system in the UK actually works. That if you complain enough about something, then it will be changed.</p> <p>Perhaps the ethnic minorities and the poor in your constituency have a firmer grasp of reality.</p> <p>If the British public complain enough about something, the government will undertake a bit more PR, a bit more spin, and make a few empty gestures (regardless of political party). They won't actually do anything that makes a difference.</p> <p>Oh, and 'three-quarters' isn't a 'minority'.</p> <p><br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1075064, was written by EvilClanger, at April 29, 2008 10:36 AM, and starts with Apparently there's a conference in Sydney on the future of journalism. Loads of white middle class E">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1075595"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Bentomc</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1075595">1075595</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1075595">April 29 13:28</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Dear Diane,<br/> Firstly i want to thank you for being a regular and most welcome highlight on our weekly TV viewing .<br/> May i suggest that you have a word with our P.M. and tell him that we should be spending the taxpayer's money on subsidising renewable and clean energy for every home in the land.What a difference it would make if we all had photovoltaic electricity panels,solar thermal water heating and wind generators as well as compost bins.<br/> At present this government isn't exactly sending out a very enviromentally sound message.Proposals for a third runway at Heathrow, new coal and nuclear powered stations without adequate investment in and subsidy of clean renewables indicate a government that is is not doing anything like enough to set a good example to the rest of the world .<br/> If we all had our own limitless supply of renewable energy then class wouldn't really matter.Low earners have most to gain from having clean,home-generated solar and wind energy because of having to spend a proportionately much higher amount on fuel bills every month.<br/> Oh yes .one more suggestion;please ask Gordon to make much more allotment land available.Then we can grow our own organic veg. using our own compost and not having to rely so much on a global food -distribution industry that is extremely inefficient in energy use.The people of Britain were dispossessed of the land in the Enclosures Act that forcibly moved the population from the land to the cities to work in appalling conditions in the new factories of the industrial age.Isn't it time the big landowners started to make some of their vast acreage available to the city -dwellers to grow organic food on without using chemical fertilers and pesticides.Organic food improves our health,it's good for the enviroment and if we grow it ourselves it's even better.<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1075595, was written by Bentomc, at April 29, 2008 1:28 PM, and starts with Dear Diane, Firstly i want to thank you for being a regular and most welcome highlight on our weekly">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1075929"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">justanidea</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1075929">1075929</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1075929">April 29 15:06</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>"But fighting it means engaging with the Nigerian cleaner in Dalston, who saves all year for her flight back to Lagos to see her family with nary a thought about aviation emissions, just as much as the Stoke Newington young professional."</p> <p>Or alternatively: engaging with the young professional with a disposable income who spends it on cheap and cheerful pep-up easyjet weekend breaks six times a year; or fabulous shopping trips to NY NY; or any number of other such delicious consumerable fripperies. And then maybe the Nigerian cleaner CAN go visit her family. She can take my holiday flight allowance - I'll take the train. Bring on the carbon quotas! I agree that the movement needs to widen its supporter base, but isn't it the white middle classes that are doing the majority of the damage? </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1075929, was written by justanidea, at April 29, 2008 3:06 PM, and starts with &quot;But fighting it means engaging with the Nigerian cleaner in Dalston, who saves all year for her fli">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1076868"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">HumanitiesGraduate</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1076868">1076868</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1076868">April 29 22:56</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Vote Green (a 'green middle class', anyone?). Eat less meat. get a bike. Make your own fun and ditch the TV/Sky/Virgin media. All those stupid catch phrases of the 60s - like 'save water bath with a friend' and 'if it's yellow, let it mellow: if it's brown, flush it down' don't sound so stupid now. (well, maybe they still sound daft but they weren't wrong about the environment)<br/> maybe no one can save the planet but at least each one can, you know, help out in the neighbourhood.<br/> Thing is, some people plenty rich and don't give a shit. Others want to be and can't take their eye off the prize. As long as money is all that matters we're all pretty much lost. Yeah I've got some - enough for my family to survive ok. But as some of my friends survive on NASS subsistence payouts (about 拢30 pw) and are not only independent, happy and healthy but busy volunteering and making a difference, I think of myself as very rich indeed (av annual earnings last 5 years 拢23k for family of four). <br/> Oh, and I know plenty people here in Manchester who are black or ethnic minority and they fully aware of climate change. Maybe they just don't write to MPs?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1076868, was written by HumanitiesGraduate, at April 29, 2008 10:56 PM, and starts with Vote Green (a 'green middle class', anyone?). Eat less meat. get a bike. Make your own fun and ditch">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1076964"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">DaedalusonCrete</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1076964">1076964</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1076964">April 29 23:40</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Of course the chattering classes are more heavily involved in the climate change debate - they've got more time and money to spare. And little else but the climate will change if the existing hipocrisy goes on - agonising over the word's future while continuing to advertise gas-guzzlers and weekend breaks in NY.</p> <p>Can anyone imagine a more unpopular political platform than one based on the changes that are genuinely required if we are to have any positive impact?</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1076964, was written by DaedalusonCrete, at April 29, 2008 11:40 PM, and starts with Of course the chattering classes are more heavily involved in the climate change debate - they've go">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1077386"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">DodgerNick</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1077386">1077386</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1077386">April 30 8:56</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>The article argues that the environmental movement is hindered by a lack of involvement of minority groups. One problem with this proposition is that, if you think in terms of groups, in a democracy more power resides with majority groups. So while I think it is laudable for there to be more minority involvement in environmental issues (if they are underrepresented) it seems odd to argue it on those grounds. As another poster has said, environmental groups just focus on the issues, they don't target specific groups. </p> <p>It does seem that Diane is rather over-keen to talk about environmental issues in terms of traditional concerns of class, poverty and ethnicity. Let's not forget that the drive to make everyone richer (growth) is what's causing climate change. Once you realise this, and the scale of the already-enfolding catastrophe that a continued commitment to growth is causing, it puts the traditional concerns in a very new light. </p> <p>There therefore has to be a change of perspective from people like Ms Abbott, and to echo a second poster, if would help matters if she practiced what she preached and got involved with the climate change movement. Perhaps it's not up to the movement to reach out to her; it's already trying to reach out to everyone. She has a personal resonsiblilty to respond which is heightened if there is a lack of BME involvement.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1077386, was written by DodgerNick, at April 30, 2008 8:56 AM, and starts with The article argues that the environmental movement is hindered by a lack of involvement of minority ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1077465"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">stoneofsilence</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1077465">1077465</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1077465">April 30 9:35</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I agree with the post. I find however that the discourse about global warming often descends into audit-speak. I think that much more can be done practically at home. Changing local practices is the key.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1077465, was written by stoneofsilence, at April 30, 2008 9:35 AM, and starts with I agree with the post. I find however that the discourse about global warming often descends into au">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1077908"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Adam1</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1077908">1077908</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1077908">April 30 12:30</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>I would add that there is nothing intrinsically "middle class" the environment. The effects of our current direction are hitting the poor most: high energy (utilities and fuel) and food bills are disproportionately hitting those on low incomes here in the UK and even more so vast numbers of people in the poorer countries.</p> <p>Unfortunately, not many people are linking those bread-and-butter social issues to their root environmental causes: in particular, peak oil and climate change - manifestations of the reality that we are hitting global physical limits. The fact is that the pain is going to get a lot worse before it gets better - it is too late now for a seamless energy transition. The challenge for Diane and all those in positions of power and influence is to address this meaningfully. It is a big ask, as the problems are truly unprecedented in scale and complexity, but, if and when they eventually do, it will benefit the elite as much as it will the rest of society. I hope that their instinct for self preservation will translate into careful, intelligent and effective responses.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1077908, was written by Adam1, at April 30, 2008 12:30 PM, and starts with I would add that there is nothing intrinsically &quot;middle class&quot; the environment. The effects of our ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1078888"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">Kumasi2007</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1078888">1078888</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1078888">April 30 18:04</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>Climate change is the ultimate racist argument... Lets save the planet for our childrens' children, meanwhile while black children die in Darfur, Arab children die in Middle East conflicts and Asian children die in urban slums from Pakistan to Jakarta.</p> <p>All this wasted Kyoto money should have been spent on water &amp; sanitation, primary health care and education, in that order.</p> <p>Carbon counting, organic foods, climate change its all a fool's paradise; a world void of hunger, poverty and disease.</p> <p>Dianne Abbot, please don't get conned and follow the sheep down the climate change path.</p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1078888, was written by Kumasi2007, at April 30, 2008 6:04 PM, and starts with Climate change is the ultimate racist argument... Lets save the planet for our childrens' children, ">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-meta"> <a name="comment-1081315"></a> <div class="blogs-article-comment-author">vukanimaqandeni</div><br/> <div class="blogs-article-comment-id">Comment No. <a href="#comment-1081315">1081315</a></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-date"><a href="#comment-1081315">May 1 14:37</a></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-main"> <div class="blogs-article-comment-body"><p>George Monbiot Tried To Kill Me<br/> Or, The Nuclear/Biological Family: Ultimate WMD</p> <p>- a book review (after a fashion) by Vukani Maqandeni</p> <p>I was getting pretty cosy with George Monbiot - there in my sleeping bag, in a caravan in the English countryside, reading his book "Heat: How to Stop The Planet Burning", by the light of my wind-up LED torch (incidentally it also charges my mobile phone).</p> <p>"Heat" isn't George's latest book - that hasn't reached the public library yet. But "Heat" is as topical as ever; basically he sketches a system of worldwide carbon emission rationing, and outlines how it could be implemented in the UK to achieve a 90% reduction. The principle of an equal ration for every human being - which they can trade if they don't use - is obvious for us thirdworlders spending time in the first world, and George's global travels (which he now envisages quitting) seem to have given him a similar perspective. He adds an erudite touch by heading each chapter with an apt quote from "Dr Faustus".</p> <p>I actually exclaimed "Yes, yes...Yes!" at the point where he described a system of "realtime pricing" of electricity, where the power lines also carry signals, which switch off non-essential equipment at peak hours, and perhaps even start up standby generators, to avert power cuts. I have been crying in the wilderness about such a system, back home. My country's government is hypnotized by international consortia wanting to build new power stations when existing capacity would suffice if demand peaks were smoothed out a bit.</p> <p>And then it happened. I got to the part where George mentions that he is writing with his infant on his lap.</p> <p>I slumped on the bed, limp and gasping. Of all people! And of all times and places to mention it - as if it was the most natural thing in the world.</p> <p>Where I come from, the birth rate drops steeply as people's level of education increases. Admittedly, not so much because they ponder global issues, as that they couldn't bother when the public education and health systems are overloaded, and private ones very expensive. Coming here, I am struck by all the pro-birth propaganda, and by the fact that a woman can have a pretty decent life (by world standards) at public expense if she just bears a few kids. Even the highest-brow newspaper regularly features a columnist babbling about her offspring. The British government obviously hates having to let in foreigners to keep the labour price down and tax revenue up " thing, they'll want the vote".</p> <p>With a snort I unzipped my sleeping bag and got up to make coffee. In a fit of pique, I decided to use the gas. Why should I go through the rigmarole of kindling the wood burner, when he - George Monbiot! - is making babies? He only mentions one but as the Chinese showed, people find it difficult to stop at one.</p> <p>Waiting for the kettle, I devised my revenge. Twenty years from now, George's daughter, in a rage at having been sent abroad and almost killed while killing locals to secure strategic supplies, demands to know what possessed him to bring her into the world. He mumbles that he never foresaw the return of conscription.</p> <p>But she has anticipated this. Holding a fingertip to a wristwatch-like device, she intones "Screen/Display/Vukani", and on the wall of George's study, a text appears, headed "George Monbiot Tried To Kill Me". </p> <p>George cringes behind his desk. This is not her first rebellion. In her teens she deliberately, systematically violated all the anti-consumerist values he had earnestly raised her with. The first thing she did on returning from the army was to bag up, and toss in the skip, the mountain of teddybears and assorted stuffed, synthetic creatures from her room. While the arrival of each has been a childish arrow in her father's side, their genocidal trip to landfill was like a carpet-bombing to soften him up for today's surgical strike.</p> <p>She rounds on him, spitting venom: "It was obvious to him - why not to you? All you thought of was to flatter your ego by making a pet! Well, I've had it with you, I'm going to find this man!" and she storms out. Seconds later the roar of the 950cc chopper she bought with her danger-pay fades into the distance.</p> <p>Yes, of course, honey - I had my vasectomy years ago, at public expense. We do get some things right in the third world. And, you'll find me better than any teddy-bear.<br/> </p></div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-mods"> Offensive? Unsuitable? <a href=" problem with;body=Please tell us the problem. For our reference, internally this comment is known as Number 1081315, was written by vukanimaqandeni, at May 1, 2008 2:37 PM, and starts with George Monbiot Tried To Kill Me Or, The Nuclear/Biological Family: Ultimate WMD - a book review (a">Report this comment.</a> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-divider"></div> </div> <div class="blogs-article-comment-form"> <form id="postacomment2" name="postacomment2" method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="useraction" value="postcomment"/> <input type="hidden" name="url" value=""/> <input type="submit" value="Post your comment"/> </form> <p class="note">Please note: In order to post a comment you need to be registered and signed in for Guardian Unlimited blogs.<br/> <a href=",12904,-1,00.html" target="_WINDOW">You can register here.</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="blogs-widgets"> <div id="mpu" class="blogs-mpu-right"> <div id="mpuwrapper"> <iframe title="Advertisement" width="300" height="250" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=";spacedesc=mpu&amp;site=Environment&amp;section=blogclimatechange&amp;country=usa&amp;rand=2542122&amp;system=blog&amp;blogset=environment"> <a href=";spacedesc=mpu&amp;site=Environment&amp;section=blogclimatechange&amp;country=usa&amp;rand=2542122&amp;system=blog&amp;blogset=environment"> <img src=";spacedesc=mpu&amp;site=Environment&amp;section=blogclimatechange&amp;country=usa&amp;rand=2542122&amp;system=blog&amp;blogset=environment" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt="Advertisement"/></a> </iframe> </div> <!-- /div mpuwrapper --> </div> <!-- /div mpu --> <!-- widgets --> <div class="blogs-widget-plain"> <h1>Most active blog posts</h1> <div class="blogs-widget-plain-body"> <ul> <li> <a href=""><strong>The climate change movement must be inclusive</strong></a><br> The climate change movement must broaden its social base from the white middle-classes to include the poor and ethnic minorities if it is to be successful in protecting the environment<br> <a href="">Comments (21)</a> </li> <li> <a href=""><strong>Can science exhibitions help children become eco-aware?</strong></a><br> If you need to find an outlet for your hyperactive kids, the Science of Survival exhibition at the Science Museum is just the thing. 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