SSG | SkillsFuture Employer Awards Gold 2022

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class="init-section-1 mb-md-0 mt-lg-10 mt-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 init-1-header-container mb-lg-0 h-100"> <h2 class="text-center px-5 mb-5 text-Gold underline-Gold">RECIPIENTS OF SKILLSFUTURE EMPLOYER AWARDS (GOLD) 2022 </h2> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section><div id="name-listing" class="sf-content inner container"><div class="sf-list row"><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/boustead" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Boustead Projects Limited</h5></div><p>Boustead Projects recognises the need to foster a culture of sustainable capability building for the company and its ecosystem partners. As a SkillsFuture Queen Bee, Boustead Projects helps its staff and participating companies implement digital transformation by identifying their training needs using a structured and progressive skills and competency-based framework. It then curates training programmes with various Institutes of Higher Learning and training partners to address the skills gaps. To build the talent pipeline, Boustead Projects also actively provides opportunities for internships and career development.</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/CLA" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Call Lade Enterprises Pte Ltd</h5></div><p>Call Lade believes in skill-based progression for its staff. Besides utilising structured development plans for different job roles, it also cross-trains staff in adjacent job functions to deepen and widen their skillsets. This will allow them to take on higher responsibilities and move into supervisory or management roles. Exemplary workers are also trained to become mentors to guide new hires. At the same time, Call Lade supports hiring and retaining of mature workers through government initiatives such as SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme and Career Conversion Programmes.</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Sunseap" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>EDPR Sunseap&nbsp;<em style="font-family:inherit;"><span style="font-size:13px;color:#000000;"><br /><br />Special Mention: Future-Ready Employer</span></em></h5></div><p>EDPR Sunseap, powered by its people-centric culture, is committed to preparing employees for the challenges of leading energy transition. Sunseap Academy, together with EDP University, introduced an integrated vision of learning known as the Global Development Mindset, which includes holistic assessment and flexible learning experience. The company also aligned its competency framework to the Skills Framework to equip staff with skills necessary to build mastery and adaptability. An active partner with agencies such as SkillsFuture Singapore, EDPR Sunseap offers training and placement opportunities, including scholarships, to nurture talent. </p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Keppel-Corporation" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Keppel Corporation</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Keppel has in place a holistic learning strategy across the Group to ensure a comprehensive learning plan for its employees worldwide. It has a wide range of learning activities and events, including online resources, customised training programmes and Learning Festivals, to develop competencies, promote well-being and advance careers. Keppel also participates in various national and industry-led initiatives to groom talent, such as the SkillsFuture Work-Study Diploma and SGUnited Traineeships, and provides opportunities for mid-careerists through the Career Conversion Programmes and SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme.</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/KWSH" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital (KWSH)</h5></div><p>KWSH values learning and innovation at work, for continuous performance improvement. It even set up the Community Training Institute in 2018, signalling its commitment to training. Within the organisation, it rolled out the initiatives, such as the Thinking Nurse to strengthen critical thinking and Lean Thinking to drive transformation. As a SkillsFuture Queen Bee, they help cultivate the Digital and Innovation mindset in the sector and conduct training programmes for other professionals. During the pandemic, KWSH also provided learning opportunities for fresh graduates through the SGUnited Traineeships.</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Manulife" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Manulife is committed to building a continuous learning culture to equip all employees with future-ready skills. It launched multiple initiatives such as an AI powered global learning platform, PURSUIT and its monthly Fuel Up Fridays, to make learning a priority. Manulife is a member of the Future Skills Accelerator Steering Committee and participates in initiatives, such as the Career Conversion Programmes, to reskill and redeploy staff into new roles, and the SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree and Technology in Finance Immersion Programme, to train future talent for the industry.</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Metropolis" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Metropolis Security Systems Pte Ltd</h5></div><p>Metropolis received the SkillsFuture Employers Award in 2019 as an advocate for continuous learning at the workplace. To further enhance learning and development, Metropolis developed a full suite of On-The-Job Training blueprints and training roadmaps for various job functions. It also established the Metropolis Training Academy, which administers WSQ courses aligned to the Skills Framework for Security. Staff are trained regularly as part of its learning culture. For its progressive efforts, Metropolis recently became the first small and medium sized enterprise to receive the Workplace Learning Organisation of Competence certification.</p><br /><br /><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Nanyang-tech" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Nanyang Tech Pte. Ltd.</h5></div><p>Nanyang Tech places great emphasis on training and even learnt the ropes from a SkillsFuture Queen Bee to customise learning interventions and programmes. Upskilling is a key performance indicator, and the leadership team empowers staff to take ownership of their own career development. Nanyang Tech also supports young talent by sponsoring scholarships and academic awards to underprivileged students from Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP). The CEO has mentored over 20 students from NYP, Temasek Polytechnic and the Institute of Technical Education. Nanyang Tech also participated in the SkillsFuture Work-Study Programme.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/National-University-Health-System" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>National University Health Systems (NUHS)</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>NUHS aims to build a competent, future-ready workforce. By collaborating with Union, Institutes of Higher Learning and industry partners, it offers various learning channels, resources and attachment opportunities to support employees&rsquo; skills development. NUHS is committed to train at least 2,500 employees per year, to ensure that their skillsets remain relevant in the future workplace by 2025. It is also an active contributor towards building a sustainable healthcare local workforce and sits on the Jobs, Skills and Training Tripartite Advisory panel to drive skills-based workforce development.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/NTUC-First-Campus" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>NTUC First Campus Co-Operative Ltd (NFC)</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>NFC, guided by its 'People First' approach, takes care of educators' welfare and offers ample opportunities for them to learn and grow. This is evident with 95 per cent of staff indicating that they have the necessary skills to perform effectively in its 2021 Employee Engagement Survey. NFC also helps uplift the early childhood care and education sector. It participated in the development and refresh of the sector&rsquo;s Skills Framework. NFC's staff also regularly present research findings at key local and overseas conferences, to share their knowledge.</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/NTUC-Health" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>NTUC Health Co-Operative Ltd</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>NTUC Health supports the culture of joyful self-learning. It encourages employees to take ownership of their learning and to invest in their capabilities by remaining focused on being future-ready, through training such as digital awareness, design thinking and coaching for performance. To enhance the learning experience, it partners with various organisations such as the Agency for Integrated Care, MENDAKI, SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore, to hire and reskill workers for the community care sector. It also grooms fresh graduates through the SkillsFuture Work-Study Diploma programme.</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/OCBC-Bank-v2" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>OCBC Bank</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>OCBC believes that building a strong learning organisation and investing in skills development will yield positive returns. Since 2018, it has invested close to $50 million to prepare all employees for work of the future. OCBC also enrols staff in Career Conversion Programmes and Certification Pathways to reskill or upskill them for new or enhanced roles. To help build talent pipeline for the sector, OCBC participates in the Technology in Finance Immersion Programme to train individuals and has supported Singaporeans through programmes under the SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package.</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Prudential" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Prudential Singapore</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Prudential spares no effort in ensuring that staff keep their skills updated, such as becoming digitally-savvy. Besides the foundational &ldquo;AI in Finance&rdquo; course, it partnered Ngee Ann Polytechnic on the &ldquo;Machine Learning for Humans&rdquo; programme for staff. It also started PruFaculty, an organic peer-to-peer sharing initiative, and reskilled at-risk staff through the Career Conversion Programmes. Employees also have access to performance and well-being coaching to support their development. In addition, Prudential helps other companies on their skills development journey as a SkillsFuture Queen Bee, and supports talent building for the sector through initiatives such as Technology in Finance Immersion Programme.</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Raffles" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Raffles Hotel Singapore</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Raffles Hotel Singapore has established robust learning and development initiatives to upskill and reskill colleagues. These include implementation of an 18-month Leadership Development Programme to groom future leaders and early adoption of e2i&rsquo;s Hospitality Training Support Package to broaden the skillset of colleagues. In addition, Raffles Hotel Singapore participated in Workforce Singapore&rsquo;s Job Redesign Place-and-Train Programme to reskill colleagues to take on more meaningful job roles. The hotel also tapped on various government grants to upskill colleagues in tandem with the roll-out of several digital transformation initiatives. </p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/RWS" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Resorts World at Sentosa Pte. Ltd. (RWS)</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>RWS first received the SkillsFuture Employer Awards in 2020 for its strong efforts in developing the skills of its team members. It continues to strengthen workplace learning practices, especially through the RWS Academy that advocates a Learner-Teacher-Mentor philosophy and lifelong learning. It encourages its team members to learn, and in turn, to teach and inspire others. RWS also actively participates in various government initiatives, such as Enhanced Training Support Package, job redesign and team member training for management of the community care facility during the pandemic.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Sembcorp" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Sembcorp Solar Singapore</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Sembcorp Solar Singapore recognises workforce development as an important part in ensuring the sustainability and long-term growth of its business. The company is building its pool of energy professionals in areas such as engineering, operations, and Health, Safety, Security and Environment, in the renewable energy space. Sembcorp Solar Singapore also partners Institutes of Higher Learning to develop specialised learning facilities and certified curriculum focused on solar energy competency, with the objective of equipping students and mid-career professionals with the relevant skillsets in the clean energy sector.</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Shangrila" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa, Singapore</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa places great importance in continuous skills development. On top of ensuring regular and structured staff training, it also looks at job rotation within its network of hotels to widen and deepen the skillsets of staff. Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa also supports several government initiatives to develop workforce in the sector. Besides contributing to the development and refresh of the Skills Framework for Hotel and Accommodation Services, it also participates in the Career Conversion Programmes, and provides internship opportunities for students from local educational institutes.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Shopee" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Shopee Singapore</h5><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </div><p>Shopee believes in a culture of continuous lifelong learning, providing opportunities for its staff to develop their skills through a suite of training programmes, subsidies and co-creation of learning solutions. Appointed as a SkillsFuture Queen Bee, Shopee actively helps accelerate digital transformation for businesses to uplift the capabilities of the e-commerce sector and partnered SkillsFuture Singapore to curate developmental programmes to improve SME sellers&rsquo; marketing efforts and operational processes. Shopee also collaborates with other government agencies on various initiatives to provide on-the-job training programmes and mentorship opportunities. </p><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div><div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><div class="sf-card-wrapper"><div class="sf-image-wrapper circle"><img alt="" src="/images/default-source/employers-awards/2022/Singapore-airlines" /></div><div class="sf-name-wrapper"><h5>Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA)<br /><br /><em><span style="font-size:13px;color:#000000;">Special Mention: Resilient Employer</span></em> </h5><span style="font-size:13px;color:#000000;"><!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment--> </span> </div><p>SIA believes that the continuous development of its employees is key to remaining competitive and resilient. Despite business challenges during the pandemic, SIA continues to invest in the upskilling and reskilling of its employees, prioritising change management and digital capabilities to build a future-ready workforce. In support of Singapore&rsquo;s national skilling efforts, SIA also launched the Singapore Airlines Academy, offering learning solutions and training in Service Excellence and Operational Excellence to a range of sectors including Finance, Transport and Infrastructure, Healthcare and Public Services, among others</p></div></div></div></div></section> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> 聽 window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 聽 function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} 聽 gtag('js', new Date()); 聽 gtag('config', 'G-Q08T8MHPLV'); </script> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script> 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 (function (w, d, s, l, i) { 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({ 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 'gtm.start': 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? 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