Search for pair production of heavy particles decaying to a top quark and a gluon in the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV - CERN Document Server
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The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $ \mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g} $ decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $ \mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g} $ resonances. A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark (t) or antiquark and a gluon (g). The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $\mathrm{t^*}$ $\to$ tg decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\mathrm{t^*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\mathrm{t^*}$ with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t^*}$ particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $\mathrm{t^*}$ $\to$ tg resonances. A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark (t) or antiquark and a gluon (g). The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton–proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13$\,\text {Te}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V}$ at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138$\,\text {fb}^{-1}$. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $\text {t}^{*} \rightarrow {\text {t}} {\text {g}} $ decay channel. The upper limits range from 120 to 0.8$\,\text {fb}$ for a $\text {t}^{*} $with spin-1/2 and from 15 to 1.0$\,\text {fb}$ for a $\text {t}^{*} $with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700$\,\text {Ge}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V}$ for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\text {t}^{*} $particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $\text {t}^{*} \rightarrow {\text {t}} {\text {g}} $ resonances. A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark or antiquark and a gluon. The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 $\text{fb}^{-1}$. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model predictions are found. Upper limits at $95\%$ confidence level are set on the product of cross section times branching fraction squared for the pair production of two excited top quarks in the $\mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g}$ decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\text{t}^{*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\text{t}^{*}$ with spin-3/2. This corresponds to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ particles, respectively. 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Ameen, Mohammad Mobassir; Behera, Prafulla Kumar; Behera, Subash Chandra; Chatterjee, Sayan; Dash, Ganapati; Jana, Pranati; Kalbhor, Pritam; Kamble, Samadhan; Komaragiri, Jyothsna Rani; Kumar, Deepak; Mishra, Tribeni; Parida, Bibhuti; Pujahari, Prabhat Ranjan; Saha, Nihar Ranjan; Sharma, Ashish; Sikdar, Anup Kumar; Singh, Rohit Kumar; Verma, Pranjal; Verma, Sadhana; Vijay, Anusree; Dugad, Shashikant; Mohanty, Gagan Bihari; Shelake, Mukund; Suryadevara, Pruthvi; Bala, Anirban; Banerjee, Sudeshna; Chatterjee, Rajdeep Mohan; Guchait, Monoranjan; Jain, Sh.; Jain, Shilpi; Jaiswal, Atul; Kumar, Sanjeev; Majumder, Gobinda; Mazumdar, Kajari; Parolia, Shubhi; Thachayath, Aravind; Bahinipati, Seema; Kar, Chandiprasad; Maity, Dipak; Mal, Prolay; Naskar, Kousik; Nayak, Aruna; Nayak, Samarendra; Pal, Kuldeep; Sadangi, Priyanka; Swain, Sanjay Kumar; Varghese, Sanu; Vats, Diwakar; Acharya, Shriniketan; Alpana, Alpana; Dube, Sourabh; Gomber, Bhawna; Hazarika, Prachurjya; Kansal, Bhumika; Laha, Arnab; Sahu, Bisnupriya; Sharma, Seema; Vaish, Kumar Yash; Bakhshiansohi, Hamed; Jafari, Abideh; Zeinali, Maryam; Bashiri, Sima; Chenarani, Shirin; Etesami, Seyed Mohsen; Hosseini, Yasaman; Khakzad, Mohsen; Khazaie, Elham; Mohammadi Najafabadi, Mojtaba; Tizchang, Seddigheh; Felcini, Marta; Grunewald, Martin; Abbrescia, Marcello; Colaleo, Anna; Creanza, Donato; D'Anzi, Brunella; De Filippis, Nicola; De Palma, Mauro; Elmetenawee, Walaa; Ferrara, Nicola; Fiore, Luigi; Iaselli, Giuseppe; Longo, Luigi; Louka, Magdy; Maggi, Giorgio; Maggi, Marcello; Margjeka, Ilirjan; Mastrapasqua, Vincenzo; My, Salvatore; Nuzzo, Salvatore; Pellecchia, Antonello; Pompili, Alexis; Pugliese, Gabriella; Radogna, Raffaella; Ramos, Dayron; Ranieri, Antonio; Silvestris, Lucia; Simone, Federica Maria; Sözbilir, Ümit; Stamerra, Anna; Troiano, Donato; Venditti, Rosamaria; Verwilligen, Piet; Zaza, Angela; Abbiendi, Giovanni; Battilana, Carlo; Bonacorsi, Daniele; Capiluppi, Paolo; Castro, Andrea; Cavallo, Francesca Romana; Cuffiani, Marco; Dallavalle, Gaetano-Marco; Diotalevi, Tommaso; Fabbri, Fabrizio; Fanfani, Alessandra; Fasanella, Daniele; Giacomelli, Paolo; Giommi, Luca; Grandi, Claudio; Guiducci, Luigi; Lo Meo, Sergio; Lorusso, Marco; Lunerti, Leonardo; Marcellini, Stefano; Masetti, Gianni; Navarria, Francesco; Paggi, Giulia; Perrotta, Andrea; Primavera, Federica; Rossi, Antonio; Rossi Tisbeni, Simone; Rovelli, Tiziano; Siroli, Gian Piero; Costa, Salvatore; Di Mattia, Alessandro; Lapertosa, Alessandro; Potenza, Renato; Tricomi, Alessia; Tuve, Cristina; Assiouras, Panagiotis; Barbagli, Giuseppe; Bardelli, Giulio; Camaiani, Benedetta; Cassese, Antonio; Ceccarelli, Rudy; Ciulli, Vitaliano; Civinini, Carlo; D'Alessandro, Raffaello; Focardi, Ettore; Kello, Tomas; Latino, Giuseppe; Lenzi, Piergiulio; Lizzo, Mattia; Meschini, Marco; Paoletti, Simone; Papanastassiou, Alkis; Sguazzoni, Giacomo; Viliani, Lorenzo; Benussi, Luigi; Bianco, Stefano; Meola, Sabino; Piccolo, Davide; Alves Gallo Pereira, Miguel; Ferro, Fabrizio; Robutti, Enrico; Tosi, Silvano; Benaglia, Andrea; Brivio, Francesco; Cetorelli, Flavia; De Guio, Federico; Dinardo, Mauro Emanuele; Dini, Paolo; Gennai, Simone; Gerosa, Raffaele; Ghezzi, Alessio; Govoni, Pietro; Guzzi, Luca; Lucchini, Marco Toliman; Malberti, Martina; Malvezzi, Sandra; Massironi, Andrea; Menasce, Dario; Moroni, Luigi; Paganoni, Marco; Palluotto, Simona; Pedrini, Daniele; Perego, Aurora; Pinolini, Bianca Sofia; Pizzati, Giorgio; Ragazzi, Stefano; Tabarelli de Fatis, Tommaso; Buontempo, Salvatore; Cagnotta, Antimo; Carnevali, Francesco; Cavallo, Nicola; Fabozzi, Francesco; Iorio, Alberto Orso Maria; Lista, Luca; Paolucci, Pierluigi; Rossi, Biagio; Ardino, Rocco; Azzi, Patrizia; Bacchetta, Nicola; Bortignon, Pierluigi; Bortolato, Gabriele; Bragagnolo, Alberto; Bulla, Andrea Claudio Maria; Carlin, Roberto; Checchia, Paolo; Dorigo, Tommaso; Gasparini, Fabrizio; Gasparini, Ugo; Giorgetti, Sabrina; Lusiani, Enrico; Margoni, Martino; Maron, Gaetano; Meneguzzo, Anna Teresa; Migliorini, Matteo; Pazzini, Jacopo; Ronchese, Paolo; Rossin, Roberto; Simonetto, Franco; Tosi, Mia; Triossi, Andrea; Ventura, Sandro; Zanetti, Marco; Zotto, Pierluigi; Zucchetta, Alberto; Zumerle, Gianni; Braghieri, Alessandro; Calzaferri, Simone; Fiorina, Davide; Montagna, Paolo; Re, Valerio; Riccardi, Cristina; Salvini, Paola; Vai, Ilaria; Vitulo, Paolo; Ajmal, Sehar; Ascioti, Maria Elena; Bilei, Gian Mario; Carrivale, Costanza; Ciangottini, Diego; Fanò, Livio; Magherini, Matteo; Mariani, Valentina; Menichelli, Mauro; Moscatelli, Francesco; Rossi, Alessandro; Santocchia, Attilio; Spiga, Daniele; Tedeschi, Tommaso; Aimè, Chiara; Alexe, Cristina Andreea; Asenov, Patrick; Azzurri, Paolo; Bagliesi, Giuseppe; Bhattacharya, Rajarshi; Bianchini, Lorenzo; Boccali, Tommaso; Bossini, Edoardo; Bruschini, Davide; Castaldi, Rino; Ciocci, Maria Agnese; Cipriani, Marco; D'Amante, Valeria; Dell'Orso, Roberto; Donato, Silvio; Giassi, Alessandro; Ligabue, Franco; Marini, Andrea Carlo; Matos Figueiredo, Diego; Messineo, Alberto; Mishra, Saswat; Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, Vinaya Krishnan; Musich, Marco; Palla, Fabrizio; Rizzi, Andrea; Rolandi, Gigi; Roy Chowdhury, Suvankar; Sarkar, Tanmay; Scribano, Angelo; Spagnolo, Paolo; Tenchini, Roberto; Tonelli, Guido; Turini, Nicola; Vaselli, Francesco; Venturi, Andrea; Verdini, Piero Giorgio; Baldenegro Barrera, Cristian; Barria, Patrizia; Basile, Chiara; Cavallari, Francesca; Cunqueiro Mendez, Leticia; Del Re, Daniele; Di Marco, Emanuele; Diemoz, Marcella; Errico, Filippo; Gargiulo, Ruben; Longo, Egidio; Martikainen, Laura; Mijuskovic, Jelena; Organtini, Giovanni; Pandolfi, Francesco; Paramatti, Riccardo; Quaranta, Claudio; Rahatlou, Shahram; Rovelli, Chiara; Santanastasio, Francesco; Soffi, Livia; Vladimirov, Vangelis; Amapane, Nicola; Arcidiacono, Roberta; Argiro, Stefano; Arneodo, Michele; Bartosik, Nazar; Bellan, Riccardo; Bellora, Andrea; Biino, Cristina; Borca, Cecilia; Cartiglia, Nicolo; Costa, Marco; Covarelli, Roberto; Demaria, Natale; Finco, Linda; Grippo, Michael; Kiani, Bilal; Legger, Federica; Luongo, Fabio; Mariotti, Chiara; Markovic, Lazar; Maselli, Silvia; Mecca, Alberto; Menzio, Luca; Meridiani, Paolo; Migliore, Ernesto; Monteno, Marco; Mulargia, Roberto; Obertino, Maria Margherita; Ortona, Giacomo; Pacher, Luca; Pastrone, Nadia; Pelliccioni, Mario; Ruspa, Marta; Siviero, Federico; Sola, Valentina; Solano, Ada; Staiano, Amedeo; Tarricone, Cristiano; Trocino, Daniele; Umoret, Giulio; White, Robert; Babbar, Jyoti; Belforte, Stefano; Candelise, Vieri; Casarsa, Massimo; Cossutti, Fabio; De Leo, Ksenia; Della Ricca, Giuseppe; Dogra, Sunil; Hong, Jieun; Kim, Bobae; Kim, Jiwoong; Lee, Dongyub; Lee, Hakseong; Lee, Seh Wook; Moon, Chang-Seong; Oh, Young Do; Ryu, Min Sang; Sekmen, Sezen; Tae, Bongho; Yang, Yu Chul; Kim, Min Suk; Bak, Gyeonghwan; Gwak, Piljun; Kim, Hyunchul; Moon, Dong Ho; Asilar, Ece; Choi, Jieun; Kim, Donghyun; Kim, Tae Jeong; Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre; Ryou, Yeonsu; Choi, Suyong; Han, Seyoung; Hong, Byung-Sik; Lee, Kisoo; Lee, Kyong Sei; Lee, Soohwan; Yoo, Jaehyeok; Goh, Junghwan; Yang, Seungjin; Kim, Hyunsoo; Kim, Yongsun; Lee, Seungjun; Almond, John; Bhyun, Ji Hwan; Choi, Junho; Choi, Jin; Jun, Won; Kim, Junho; Kim, Young Wan; Ko, Sanghyun; Kwon, Hyejin; Lee, Haneol; Lee, Joonbin; Lee, Jeongeun; Oh, Byung Hun; Oh, Sung Bin; Seo, Hyonsan; Yang, Unki; Yoon, Inseok; Jang, Woojin; Kang, Da Young; Kang, Yechan; Kim, Seulgi; Ko, Byeonghak; Lee, Jason Sang Hun; Lee, Yunjae; Park, Inkyu; Roh, Youn; Watson, I.J.; Ha, Seungkyu; Hwang, Kyuyeong; Yoo, Hwi Dong; Choi, Minuk; Kim, Mi Ran; Lee, Heewon; Lee, Younghoon; Yu, Intae; Beyrouthy, Taha; Gharbia, Yousef; Alazemi, Fawaz; Dreimanis, Karlis; Gaile, Antra; Munoz Diaz, Conrado; Osite, Dace; Pikurs, Guntis; Potrebko, Andris; Seidel, Markus; Sidiropoulos Kontos, Dimitrios; Strautnieks, Normunds Ralfs; Ambrozas, Marijus; Juodagalvis, Andrius; Rinkevicius, Aurelijus; Tamulaitis, Gintautas; Yusuff, Imran; Zolkapli, Zukhaimira; Benitez, Jose F.; Castaneda Hernandez, Alfredo; Encinas Acosta, Hedwin Aaron; Gallegos Maríñez, Luis Gabriel; León Coello, Moisés; Murillo Quijada, Javier Alberto; Sehrawat, Ashish; Valencia Palomo, Lizardo; Ayala, Gabriel; Castilla-Valdez, Heriberto; Crotte Ledesma, Horacio; De La Cruz-Burelo, Eduard; Heredia-De La Cruz, Ivan; Lopez-Fernandez, Ricardo; Mejia Guisao, Jhovanny; Mondragon Herrera, Cesar Atzin; Sánchez Hernández, Alberto; Oropeza Barrera, Cristina; Ramirez Guadarrama, Dalia Lucero; Ramírez García, Mateo; Bautista, Irais; Pedraza, Isabel; Salazar Ibarguen, Humberto Antonio; Uribe Estrada, Cecilia; Bubanja, Itana; Raicevic, Natasa; Butler, Philip H.; Ahmad, Ashfaq; Asghar, Muhammad Irfan; Awais, Ali; Awan, Muhammad Imran Malik; Hoorani, Hafeez R.; Khan, Wajid Ali; Avati, Valentina; Grzanka, Leszek; Malawski, Maciej; Bialkowska, Helena; Bluj, Michal; Górski, Maciej; Kazana, Malgorzata; Szleper, Michal; Zalewski, Piotr; Bunkowski, Karol; Doroba, Krzysztof; Kalinowski, Artur; Konecki, Marcin; Krolikowski, Jan; Alibordi, Muhammad; Fokow, Piotr; Pozniak, Krzysztof; Zabolotny, Wojciech; Araujo, Mariana; Bastos, Diogo; Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, Cristóvão; Boletti, Alessio; Bozzo, Marco; Camporesi, Tiziano; Da Molin, Giacomo; Faccioli, Pietro; Gallinaro, Michele; Hollar, Jonathan; Leonardo, Nuno; Marozzo, Giovanni Battista; Petrilli, Achille; Pisano, Matteo; Seixas, Joao; Varela, Joao; Wulff, Johan Wilfried; Adzic, Petar; Milenovic, Predrag; Devetak, Damir; Dordevic, Milos; Milosevic, Jovan; Nadderd, Laslo; Rekovic, Vladimir; Alcaraz Maestre, Juan; Fernandez Bedoya, Cristina; Brochero Cifuentes, Javier Andres; Carretero, Oliver M.; Cepeda, Maria; Cerrada, Marcos; Colino, Nicanor; De La Cruz, Begona; Delgado Peris, Antonio; Escalante Del Valle, Alberto; Fernández Del Val, Diego; Fernández Ramos, Juan Pablo; Flix, Jose; Fouz, Maria Cruz; Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar; Goy Lopez, Silvia; Hernandez, Jose M.; Josa, Maria Isabel; Llorente Merino, Javier; Martin Perez, Cristina; Martin Viscasillas, Elvira; Moran, Dermot; Morcillo Perez, Cecilia Maria; Navarro Tobar, Álvaro; Perez Dengra, Carlos; Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio María; Puerta Pelayo, Jesus; Redondo, Ignacio; Sánchez Navas, Sergio; Sastre, Javier; Vazquez Escobar, Julia; de Trocóniz, Jorge F.; Alvarez Gonzalez, Barbara; Cuevas, Javier; Fernandez Menendez, Javier; Folgueras, Santiago; Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro; Leguina, Pelayo; Palencia Cortezon, Enrique; Prado Pico, Javier; Ramón Álvarez, Clara; Rodríguez Bouza, Víctor; Soto Rodríguez, Alejandro; Trapote, Andrea; Vico Villalba, Carlos; Vischia, Pietro; Bhowmik, Sandeep; Blanco Fernández, Sergio; Cabrillo, Iban Jose; Calderon, Alicia; Duarte Campderros, Jordi; Fernandez, Marcos; Gomez, Gervasio; Lasaosa García, Clara; Lopez Ruiz, Ruben; Martinez Rivero, Celso; Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Pablo; Matorras, Francisco; Matorras Cuevas, Pablo; Navarrete Ramos, Efren; Piedra Gomez, Jonatan; Scodellaro, Luca; Vila, Ivan; Vizan Garcia, Jesus Manuel; Kailasapathy, Balashangar; Dhammage, Deshitha Chamikara Wickramarathna; Dharmaratna, Welathantri G.D.; Liyanage, Kalpanie; Perera, Nimantha; Abbaneo, Duccio; Amendola, Chiara; Auffray, Etiennette; Auzinger, Georg; Baechler, Joachim; Barney, David; Bermúdez Martínez, Armando; Bianco, Michele; Bin Anuar, Afiq Aizuddin; Bocci, Andrea; Borgonovi, Lisa; Botta, Cristina; Brondolin, Erica; Caillol, Cécile; Cerminara, Gianluca; Chernyavskaya, Nadezda; D'Enterria, David; Dabrowski, Anne; David Tinoco Mendes, Andre; De Roeck, Albert; Defranchis, Matteo Maria; Deile, Mario; Dobson, Marc; Franzoni, Giovanni; Funk, Wolfgang; Giani, Simone; Gigi, Dominique; Gill, Karl; Glege, Frank; Hegeman, Jeroen; Heikkilä, Jaana Kristiina; Huber, Benjamin; Innocente, Vincenzo; James, Thomas; Janot, Patrick; Kaluzinska, Oliwia; Karacheban, Olena; Laurila, Santeri; Lecoq, Paul; Leutgeb, Elias; Lourenco, Carlos; Malgeri, Luca; Mannelli, Marcello; Matthewman, Mark; Mehta, Ankita; Meijers, Frans; Mersi, Stefano; Meschi, Emilio; Milosevic, Vukasin; Monti, Fabio; Moortgat, Filip; Mulders, Martijn; Neutelings, Izaak; Orfanelli, Styliani; Pantaleo, Felice; Petrucciani, Giovanni; Pfeiffer, Andreas; Pierini, Maurizio; Qu, Huilin; Rabady, Dinyar; Ribeiro Lopes, Beatriz; Riti, Federica; Rovere, Marco; Sakulin, Hannes; Salvatico, Riccardo; Sanchez Cruz, Sergio; Scarfi, Simone; Schwick, Christoph; Selvaggi, Michele; Sharma, Archana; Shchelina, Ksenia; Silva, Pedro; Sphicas, Paraskevas; Stahl Leiton, Andre Govinda; Steen, Arnaud; Summers, Sioni; Treille, Daniel; Tropea, Paola; Walter, David; Wanczyk, Joanna; Wang, Jing; Wozniak, Kinga Anna; Wuchterl, Sebastian; Zehetner, Philipp; Zejdl, Petr; Zeuner, Wolfram Dietrich; Bevilacqua, Tiziano; Caminada, Lea; Ebrahimi, Aliakbar; Erdmann, Wolfram; Horisberger, Roland; Ingram, Quentin; Kaestli, Hans-Christian; Kotlinski, Danek; Lange, Clemens; Missiroli, Marino; Noehte, Lars; Rohe, Tilman; Samalan, Amrutha; Aarrestad, Thea Klaeboe; Backhaus, Malte; Bonomelli, Giorgia; Calandri, Alessandro; Cazzaniga, Cesare; Datta, Kaustuv; De Bryas Dexmiers D'archiac, Paul; De Cosa, Annapaola; Dissertori, Günther; Dittmar, Michael; Donegà, Mauro; Eble, Florian; Galli, Massimiliano; Gedia, Krunal; Glessgen, Franz; Grab, Christoph; Härringer, Nico; Harte, Thierry Guillaume; Hits, Dmitry; Lustermann, Werner; Lyon, Anne-mazarine; Manzoni, Riccardo Andrea; Marchegiani, Matteo; Marchese, Luigi; Mascellani, Anna; Nessi-Tedaldi, Francesca; Pauss, Felicitas; Perovic, Vasilije; Pigazzini, Simone; Ristic, Branislav; Seidita, Roberto; Steggemann, Jan; Tarabini, Alessandro; Valsecchi, Davide; Wallny, Rainer; Amsler, Claude; Bärtschi, Pascal; Canelli, Maria Florencia; Cormier, Kyle; Huwiler, Marc; Jin, Weijie; Jofrehei, Arash; Kilminster, Benjamin; Leontsinis, Stefanos; Liechti, Sascha Pascal; Macchiolo, Anna; Meiring, Peter; Meng, Fanqiang; Motta, Jona; Reimers, Arne; Robmann, Peter; Senger, Matias; Shokr, Eslam; Stäger, Fabian; Tramontano, Raffaella; Adloff, Catherine; Bhowmik, Debabrata; Kuo, Chia-Ming; Lin, Willis; Rout, Prasant Kumar; Tiwari, Praveen Chandra; Ceard, Ludivine; Chen, Kai-Feng; Chen, Zheng-gang; De Iorio, Agostino; Hou, George Wei-Shu; Hsu, Ting-hsiang; Kao, Yu-wei; Karmakar, Saikat; Kole, Gouranga; Li, You-ying; Lu, Rong-Shyang; Paganis, Efstathios; Su, Xing-fu; Thomas-Wilsker, Joshuha; Tsai, Lian-sheng; Tsionou, Dimitra; Wu, Hsin-yeh; Yazgan, Efe; Asawatangtrakuldee, Chayanit; Srimanobhas, Norraphat; Wachirapusitanand, Vichayanun; Maghrbi, Yasser; Agyel, Doruk; Boran, Fatma; Dolek, Furkan; Dumanoglu, Isa; Eskut, Eda; Guler, Yalcin; Gurpinar Guler, Emine; Isik, Candan; Kara, Ozgun; Kayis Topaksu, Aysel; Kiminsu, Ugur; Komurcu, Yildiray; Onengut, Gulsen; Ozdemir, Kadri; Polatoz, Ayse; Tali, Bayram; Tok, Ufuk Guney; Uslan, Ebru; Zorbakir, Ibrahim Soner; Sokmen, Gamze; Yalvac, Metin; Akgun, Bora; Atakisi, Ismail Okan; Gulmez, Erhan; Kaya, Mithat; Kaya, Ozlem; Tekten, Sevgi; Cakir, Altan; Cankocak, Kerem; Dincer, Gizem Gul; Sen, Sercan; Aydilek, Orhan; Hacisahinoglu, Burak; Hos, Ilknur; Kaynak, Berkan; Ozkorucuklu, Suat; Potok, Onur; Sert, Hale; Simsek, Cagdas; Zorbilmez, Caglar; Cerci, Salim; Isildak, Bora; Sunar Cerci, Deniz; Yetkin, Taylan; Boyaryntsev, Andriy; Grynyov, Boris; Levchuk, Leonid; Anthony, David; Brooke, James John; Bundock, Aaron; Bury, Florian Joel J.; Clement, Emyr; Cussans, David; Flacher, Henning; Glowacki, Maciej; Goldstein, Joel; Heath, Helen F.; Holmberg, Mei-li; Kreczko, Lukasz; Paramesvaran, Sudarshan; Robertshaw, Liam; Smith, Vincent J.; Walkingshaw Pass, Katie; Ball, Austin; Bell, Ken W.; Belyaev, Alexander; Brew, Christopher; Brown, Robert M.; Cockerill, David J.A.; Cooke, Charlotte; Elliot, Alison; Ellis, Katherine Victoria; Harder, Kristian; Harper, Sam; Linacre, Jacob; Manolopoulos, Konstantinos; Newbold, Dave M.; Olaiya, Emmanuel; Petyt, David; Reis, Thomas; Sahasransu, Abanti Ranadhir; Salvi, Giovanna; Schuh, Thomas; Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire; Tomalin, Ian R.; Whalen, Kathleen Charlotte; Williams, Thomas; Andreou, Irene; Bainbridge, Robert; Bloch, Philippe; Brown, Christopher Edward; Buchmuller, Oliver; Carrillo Montoya, Camilo Andres; Chahal, Gurpreet Singh; Colling, David; Dancu, Julia Suzana; Das, Indranil; Dauncey, Paul; Davies, Gavin; Della Negra, Michel; Fayer, Simon; Fedi, Giacomo; Hall, Geoffrey; Howard, Alexander; Iles, Gregory; Knight, Charlotte Rose; Krueper, Paul; Langford, Jonathon; Law, Kai Hong; León Holgado, Jaime; Lyons, Louis; Magnan, Anne-Marie; Maier, Benedikt; Mallios, Stavros; Mieskolainen, Mikael; Nash, Jordan; Pesaresi, Mark; Pradeep, Prijith Babu; Radburn-Smith, Benjamin Charles; Richards, Alexander; Rose, Andrew; Savva, Klitos; Seez, Christopher; Shukla, Raghunandan; Tapper, Alexander; Uchida, Kirika; Uttley, George Peter; Virdee, Tejinder; Vojinovic, Milos; Wardle, Nicholas; Winterbottom, Daniel; Cole, Joanne; Khan, Akram; Kyberd, Paul; Reid, Ivan; Abdullin, Salavat; Brinkerhoff, Andrew; Collins, Evan; Darwish, Mohamed Rashad; Dittmann, Jay; Hatakeyama, Kenichi; Hegde, Vinay; Hiltbrand, Joshua; McMaster, Brooks; Samudio, Jonathan; Sawant, Siddhesh; Sutantawibul, Chosila; Wilson, Jonathan; Bartek, Rachel; Dominguez, Aaron; Simsek, Ali Eren; Yu, Shin-Shan; Bam, Bhim; Buchot Perraguin, Axel; Chudasama, Ruchi; Cooper, Seth; Crovella, Colin; Gleyzer, Sergei V.; Pearson, Emma; Perez, Cilicia Uzziel; Rumerio, Paolo; Usai, Emanuele; Yi, Ruole; Akpinar, Alp; Cosby, Christopher; De Castro, Gianfranco; Demiragli, Zeynep; Erice, Carlos; Fangmeier, Caleb; Fernandez Madrazo, Celia; Fontanesi, Elisa; Gastler, Daniel; Golf, Frank; Jeon, Sihyun; O'cain, Joshua; Reed, Ian; Rohlf, James; Salyer, Kaitlin; Sperka, David; Spitzbart, Daniel; Suarez, Indara; Tsatsos, Anna; Zecchinelli, Angelo Giacomo; Barone, Gaetano; Benelli, Gabriele; Cutts, David; Gouskos, Loukas; Hadley, Mary; Heintz, Ulrich; Ho, Ka Wa; Hogan, Julie Managan; Kwon, Taeun; Landsberg, Greg; Lau, Ka Tung; Luo, Jingyu; Mondal, Spandan; Russell, Trevor; Sagir, Sinan; Shen, Xiaohe; Simpson, Farrah; Stamenkovic, Marko; Venkatasubramanian, Nikhilesh; Abbott, Samantha; Barton, Benjamin; Brainerd, Christopher; Breedon, Richard; Cai, Hong; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Manuel; Chertok, Maxwell; Citron, Matthew; Conway, John; Cox, Peter Timothy; Erbacher, Robin; Jensen, Frank; Kukral, Ota; Mocellin, Giovanni; Mulhearn, Michael; Ostrom, Sydney; Wei, Wei; Yoo, Saeahram; Zhang, Fengwangdong; Adamidis, Kosmas; Bachtis, Michail; Campos, Delano; Cousins, Robert; Datta, Abhisek; Flores Avila, Gael; Hauser, Jay; Ignatenko, Mikhail; Iqbal, Muhammad Ansar; Lam, Tyler; Lo, Ya-feng; Manca, Elisabetta; Nunez Del Prado, Antonett; Saltzberg, David; Valuev, Vyacheslav; Clare, Robert; Gary, J. William; Hanson, Gail; Aportela, Anthony; Arora, Aashay; Branson, James G.; Cittolin, Sergio; Cooperstein, Stephane; Diaz, Daniel; Duarte, Javier; Giannini, Leonardo; Gu, Yanxi; Guiang, Jonathan; Kansal, Raghav; Krutelyov, Vyacheslav; Lee, Robert; Letts, James; Masciovecchio, Mario; Mokhtar, Farouk; Mukherjee, Soumya; Pieri, Marco; Primosch, Daniel; Quinnan, Melissa; Sathia Narayanan, Balaji Venkat; Sharma, Vivek; Tadel, Matevz; Vourliotis, Emmanouil; Würthwein, Frank; Xiang, Yifan; Yagil, Avraham; Barzdukas, Anders; Brennan, Liam; Campagnari, Claudio; Downham, Keegan; Grieco, Chiara; Hussain, Mohd Meraj; Incandela, Joe; Kim, Jaebak; Li, Amina Jinzi; Masterson, Phillip; Mei, Hualin; Richman, Jeffrey; Santpur, Sai Neha; Sarica, Ulascan; Schmitz, Ryan; Setti, Francesco; Sheplock, James; Stuart, David; Vámi, Tamás Álmos; Wang, Sicheng; Yan, Xuli; Zhang, Danyi; Bhattacharya, Soham; Bornheim, Adolf; Cerri, Olmo; Latorre, Anthony; Mao, Jiajing; Newman, Harvey B.; Reales Gutiérrez, Guillermo; Spiropulu, Maria; Vlimant, Jean-Roch; Wang, Christina; Xie, Si; Zhu, Ren-Yuan; Alison, John; An, Sitong; Bryant, Patrick; Cremonesi, Matteo; Dutta, Valentina; Ferguson, Thomas; Gómez Espinosa, Tirso Alejandro; Harilal, Abhirami; Kallil Tharayil, Aleesha; Liu, Chuyuan; Mudholkar, Tanmay; Murthy, Sindhu; Palit, Pritam; Park, Kyungmin; Paulini, Manfred; Roberts, Andrew; Sanchez, Alejandro; Terrill, Wesley; Cumalat, John Perry; Ford, William T.; Hart, Andrew; Hassani, Abbas; Karathanasis, George; Manganelli, Nicholas; Pearkes, Jannicke; Savard, Claire; Schonbeck, Nicolas; Stenson, Kevin; Ulmer, Keith; Wagner, Stephen Robert; Zipper, Noah; Zuolo, Davide; Alexander, James; Bright-Thonney, Samuel; Chen, Xuan; Cranshaw, Derek James; Dickinson, Jennet; Fan, Jason; Fan, Xingchen; Hogan, Shaun; Kotamnives, Peace; Monroy, Jose; Oshiro, Michael; Patterson, Juliet Ritchie; Reid, Michael; Ryd, Anders; Thom, Julia; Wittich, Peter; Zou, Rui; Albrow, Michael; Alyari, Maral; Amram, Oz; Apollinari, Giorgio; Apresyan, Artur; Bauerdick, Lothar A.T.; Berry, Douglas; Berryhill, Jeffrey; Bhat, Pushpalatha C.; Burkett, Kevin; Butler, Joel Nathan; Canepa, Anadi; Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto; Cheung, H.W. 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The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$^{-1}$. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $\mathrm{t^*}$ $\to$ tg decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\mathrm{t^*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\mathrm{t^*}$ with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t^*}$ particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $\mathrm{t^*}$ $\to$ tg resonances." property="og:description" /> <meta content="arXiv" property="og:description" /> <meta content="A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark (t) or antiquark and a gluon ($ \mathrm{g} $). The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $ \mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g} $ decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $ \mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g} $ resonances." property="og:description" /> <meta content="A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark (t) or antiquark and a gluon (g). The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton–proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13$\,\text {Te}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V}$ at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138$\,\text {fb}^{-1}$. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $\text {t}^{*} \rightarrow {\text {t}} {\text {g}} $ decay channel. The upper limits range from 120 to 0.8$\,\text {fb}$ for a $\text {t}^{*} $with spin-1/2 and from 15 to 1.0$\,\text {fb}$ for a $\text {t}^{*} $with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700$\,\text {Ge}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V}$ for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\text {t}^{*} $particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $\text {t}^{*} \rightarrow {\text {t}} {\text {g}} $ resonances." property="og:description" /> <meta content="CDS" property="og:description" /> <meta content="A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark or antiquark and a gluon. The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 $\text{fb}^{-1}$. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model predictions are found. Upper limits at $95\%$ confidence level are set on the product of cross section times branching fraction squared for the pair production of two excited top quarks in the $\mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g}$ decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\text{t}^{*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\text{t}^{*}$ with spin-3/2. This corresponds to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ particles, respectively." property="og:description" /> <!-- Twitter Card --> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <style></style> </head> <body class="CMS32Preprints search" lang="en"> <!-- toolbar starts --> <div id="cern-toolbar"> <h1><a href="" title="CERN">CERN <span>Accelerating science</span></a></h1> <ul> <li class="cern-accountlinks"><a class="cern-account" href="" title="Sign in to your CERN account">Sign in</a></li> <li><a class="cern-directory" href="" title="Search CERN resources and browse the directory">Directory</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- toolbar ends --> <!-- Nav header starts--> <div role="banner" class="clearfix" id="header"> <div class="header-inner inner"> <hgroup class="clearfix"> <h2 id="site-name"> <a rel="home" title="Home" href="/"><span>CERN Document Server</span></a> </h2> <h3 id="site-slogan">Access articles, reports and multimedia content in HEP</h3> </hgroup><!-- /#name-and-slogan --> <div role="navigation" id="main-navigation" class="cdsmenu"> <h2 class="element-invisible">Main menu</h2><ul class="links inline clearfix"> <li class="menu-386 first active-trail"><a class="active-trail" href="">Search</a></li> <li class="menu-444 "><a class="" title="" href="">Submit</a></li> <li class="menu-426 "><a class="" href="">Help</a></li> <li class="leaf hassubcdsmenu"> <a hreflang="en" class="header" href="">Personalize</a> <ul class="subsubcdsmenu"><li><a href="">Your alerts</a></li><li><a href="">Your baskets</a></li><li><a href="">Your comments</a></li><li><a href="">Your searches</a></li></ul></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Nav header ends--> <table class="navtrailbox"> <tr> <td class="navtrailboxbody"> <a href="/?ln=en" class="navtrail">Home</a> > <a href="/collection/CMS%20Collection?ln=en" class="navtrail">CMS Collection</a> > <a href="/collection/CMS%20Preprints?ln=en" class="navtrail">CMS Preprints</a> > Search for pair production of heavy particles decaying to a top quark and a gluon in the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="pagebody"><div class="pagebodystripemiddle"> <div class="detailedrecordbox"> <div class="detailedrecordtabs"> <div> <ul class="detailedrecordtabs"><li class="on first"><a href="/record/2915297/?ln=en">Information </a></li><li class=""><a href="/record/2915297/references?ln=en">References </a></li><li class=""><a href="/record/2915297/comments?ln=en">Discussion (0) </a></li><li class=""><a href="/record/2915297/files?ln=en">Files </a></li></ul> <div id="tabsSpacer" style="clear:both;height:0px"> </div></div> </div> <div class="detailedrecordboxcontent"> <div class="top-left-folded"></div> <div class="top-right-folded"></div> <div class="inside"> <!--<div style="height:0.1em;"> </div> <p class="notopgap"> </p>--> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="2915297"></abbr> <style type="text/css"> <!-- ul.detailedrecordtabs li.on a{background-color:#4D94CC;color:#fff !important;border-bottom:1px solid #4D94CC!important;} div.detailedrecordboxcontent {padding-top:0px !important;} --> </style> <table class="formatRecordTableFullWidth" > <tr> <td class="formatRecordHeader" style="background-image: url('');" colspan="2"> <!--YTD: record may have more than one 690C.a tag--> Article </td> </tr> <script type="text/javascript"> $( document ).ready(function() { $('.showAuthor').on('click', function() { var author = '<p>' + $(this).data('name') + '</p>'; 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Tech.) ; <a href="">Muhammad, Muhammad Abdullah Abdulfattah</a> (Fayoum U.) ; <a href="">Al-Mashad, M.Abdullah</a> ; <a href="">Mahmoud, Mohammed</a> (Fayoum U.) ; <a href="">Ehataht, Karl</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Kadastik, Mario</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Lange, Torben</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Nandan, Saswati</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Nielsen, Christine</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Pata, Joosep</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Raidal, Martti</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Tani, Laurits</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Veelken, Christian</a> (NICPB, Tallinn) ; <a href="">Kirschenmann, Henning</a> (Helsinki U.) ; <a href="">Osterberg, Kenneth</a> (Helsinki U.) ; <a href="">Voutilainen, Mikko</a> (Helsinki U.) ; <a href="">Bharthuar, Shudhashil</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Bin Norjoharuddeen, Nurfikri</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Brücken, Erik</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Garcia Fuentes, Francisco Ignacio</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Inkaew, Patin</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Kallonen, Kimmo Tuomas Samuli</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Lampén, Tapio</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Lassila-Perini, Kati</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Lehti, Sami</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Lindén, Tomas</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Myllymäki, Mikael</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Rantanen, Milla-maarit</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Siikonen, Hannu</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Tuominiemi, Jorma</a> (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Luukka, Panja-Riina</a> (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; <a href="">Petrow, Henri</a> (Lappeenranta U. Tech.) ; <a href="">Besancon, Marc</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Couderc, Fabrice</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Dejardin, Marc</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Denegri, Daniel</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Faure, Jean-Louis</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Ferri, Federico</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Ganjour, Serguei</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Gras, Philippe</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Hamel de Monchenault, Gautier</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Kumar, Mintu</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Lohezic, Victor</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Malcles, Julie</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Orlandi, Francesco</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Portales, Louis</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Rosowsky, André</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Sahin, Mehmet Özgür</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Savoy-Navarro, Aurore</a> (IRFU, Saclay ; Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Simkina, Polina</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Titov, Maksym</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Tornago, Marta</a> (IRFU, Saclay) ; <a href="">Beaudette, Florian</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Boldrini, Giacomo</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Busson, Philippe</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Cappati, Alessandra</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Charlot, Claude</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Chiusi, Marco</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Cuisset, Th?o Damien</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Damas, Florian</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Davignon, Olivier</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">De Wit, Adinda</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Ehle, Isaac Telford</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Fontana Santos Alves, Bruno Afonso</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Ghosh, Shamik</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Gilbert, Andrew</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Granier de Cassagnac, Raphael</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Hakimi, Alexandre</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Harikrishnan, Bharadwaj</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Kalipoliti, Lida</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Liu, Geliang</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Nguyen, Matthew</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Ochando, Christophe</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Salerno, Roberto</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Sirois, Yves</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Urda Gómez, Lourdes</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Vernazza, Elena</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Zabi, Alexandre</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Zghiche, Amina</a> (Ecole Polytechnique) ; <a href="">Agram, Jean-Laurent</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC ; Haute Alsace U.) ; <a href="">Andrea, Jeremy</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Apparu, Dylan</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Bloch, Daniel</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Brom, Jean-Marie</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Chabert, Eric Christian</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Collard, Caroline</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Falke, Saskia</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Goerlach, Ulrich</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Haeberle, Raphael</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Le Bihan, Anne-Catherine</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Meena, Meena</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Poncet, Oceane</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Saha, Gourab</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Sessini, Mario Antoine</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Van Hove, Pierre</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Vaucelle, Paul</a> (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; <a href="">Di Florio, Adriano</a> (CC, Villeurbanne) ; <a href="">Amram, David</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Beauceron, Stephanie</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Blancon, Benjamin</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Boudoul, Gaelle</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Chanon, Nicolas</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Contardo, Didier</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Depasse, Pierre</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Dozen, Candan</a> (IP2I, Lyon ; Istinye U., Istanbul) ; <a href="">El Mamouni, Houmani</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Fay, Jean</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Gascon, Susan</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Gouzevitch, Maxime</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Greenberg, Christopher</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Grenier, Gérald</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Ille, Bernard</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Jourd'huy, Elise</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Laktineh, Imad Baptiste</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Lethuillier, Morgan</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Mirabito, Laurent</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Perries, Stephane</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Purohit, Arnab</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Vander Donckt, Muriel</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Verdier, Patrice</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Xiao, Jie</a> (IP2I, Lyon) ; <a href="">Khvedelidze, Arsen</a> (GTU, Tbilisi ; Unlisted) ; <a href="">Lomidze, Irakli</a> (GTU, Tbilisi) ; <a href="">Tsamalaidze, Zviad</a> (GTU, Tbilisi ; Unlisted) ; <a href="">Botta, Valeria</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Consuegra Rodríguez, Sandra</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Feld, Lutz</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Klein, Katja</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Lipinski, Martin</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Meuser, Danilo</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Pauls, Alexander</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Pérez Adán, Danyer</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Röwert, Nicolas</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Teroerde, Marius</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Diekmann, Svenja</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Dodonova, Alena</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Eich, Niclas</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Eliseev, Dmitry</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Engelke, Frederic</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Erdmann, Johannes</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Erdmann, Martin</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Fackeldey, Peter</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Fischer, Benjamin</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Hebbeker, Thomas</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Hoepfner, Kerstin</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Ivone, Francesco</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Jung, Alexander</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Lee, Ming-yan</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Mausolf, Florian</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Merschmeyer, Markus</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Meyer, Arnd</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Mukherjee, Swagata</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Noll, Dennis</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Nowotny, Fabian</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Pozdnyakov, Andrey</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Rath, Yannik</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Redjeb, Wahid</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Rehm, Florian</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Reithler, Hans</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Sarkisovi, Valentina</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Schmidt, Alexander</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Seth, Chinmay</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Sharma, Archana</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Spah, Jan Lukas</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Stein, Annika</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Torres Da Silva De Araujo, Felipe</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Wiedenbeck, Sebastian</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Zaleski, Shawn</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Dziwok, Christian</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Flügge, Günter</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Kress, Thomas</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Nowack, Andreas</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Pooth, Oliver</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Stahl, Achim</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Ziemons, Tim</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Zotz, Alexander</a> (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Aarup Petersen, Henriette</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Aldaya Martin, Maria</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Alimena, Juliette</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Amoroso, Simone</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">An, Ying</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Bach, Jorn</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Baxter, Samuel</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Bayatmakou, Maryam</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Becerril Gonzalez, Hugo</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Behnke, Olaf</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Belvedere, Alberto</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Blekman, Freya</a> (DESY ; Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Borras, Kerstin</a> (DESY ; Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Campbell, Alan</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Cardini, Andrea</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Cheng, Chun</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Colombina, Federica</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Eckerlin, Guenter</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Eckstein, Doris</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Estevez Banos, Luis Ignacio</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Gallo, Elisabetta</a> (DESY ; Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Geiser, Achim</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Guglielmi, Valentina</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Guthoff, Moritz</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Hinzmann, Andreas</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Jeppe, Laurids</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Kaech, Benno</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Kasemann, Matthias</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Kleinwort, Claus</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Kogler, Roman</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Komm, Matthias</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Krücker, Dirk</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Lange, Wolfgang</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Leyva Pernia, Daina</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Lipka, Katerina</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Lohmann, Wolfgang</a> (DESY ; Brandenburg Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Lorkowski, Florian</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Mankel, Rainer</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Melzer-Pellmann, Isabell-Alissandra</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Mendizabal Morentin, Mikel</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Meyer, Andreas Bernhard</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Milella, Gabriele</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Moral Figueroa, Keila</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Mussgiller, Andreas</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Nair, Lakshmi Priya</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Niedziela, Jeremi</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Nürnberg, Andreas</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Otarid, Younes</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Park, Jiwon</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Ranken, Evan</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Raspereza, Alexei</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Rastorguev, Daniil</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Rübenach, Jonas</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Rygaard, Lovisa</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Saggio, Alessia</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Scham, Moritz</a> (DESY ; IAS, Julich ; Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Schnake, Simon</a> (DESY ; Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Schütze, Paul</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Schwanenberger, Christian</a> (DESY ; Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Selivanova, Daria</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Sharko, Konstantin</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Shchedrolosiev, Mykyta</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Stafford, Dominic</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Vazzoler, Federico</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Ventura Barroso, Ana</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Walsh, Roberval</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Wang, Di</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Wang, Qun</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Wichmann, Katarzyna</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Wiens, Lucas</a> (DESY ; Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; <a href="">Wissing, Christoph</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Yang, Yewon</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Zimermmane Castro Santos, André</a> (DESY) ; <a href="">Albrecht, Anna</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Albrecht, Steffen</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Antonello, Massimiliano</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Bein, Samuel</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Bollweg, Sven</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Bonanomi, Matteo</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Connor, Patrick</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">El Morabit, Karim</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Fischer, Yannick</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Garutti, Erika</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Grohsjean, Alexander</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Haller, Johannes</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Hundhausen, Daniel</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Jabusch, Henrik Ronald</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Kasieczka, Gregor</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Keicher, Philip</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Klanner, Robert</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Korcari, William</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Kramer, Tobias</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Kuo, Chin-chia</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Kutzner, Viktor</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Labe, Finn</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Lange, Johannes</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Lobanov, Artur</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Matthies, Christopher</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Moureaux, Louis</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Mrowietz, Malte</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Nigamova, Aliya</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Nissan, Yuval</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Paasch, Alexander</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Pena Rodriguez, Karla Josefina</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Quadfasel, Tobias</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Raciti, Bianca</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Rieger, Marcel</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Savoiu, Daniel</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Schindler, Jörg</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Schleper, Peter</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Schröder, Matthias</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Schwandt, Joern</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Sommerhalder, Manuel</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Stadie, Hartmut</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Steinbrück, Georg</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Tews, Alexandra</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Wiederspan, Bogdan</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Wolf, Moritz</a> (Hamburg U.) ; <a href="">Brommer, Sebastian</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Butz, Erik</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Chwalek, Thorsten</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Dierlamm, Alexander</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Droll, Alexander</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Elicabuk, Umut</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Faltermann, Nils</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Giffels, Manuel</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Gottmann, Artur</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Hartmann, Frank</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP ; CERN) ; <a href="">Hofsaess, Robin</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Horzela, Maximilian</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Husemann, Ulrich</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Kieseler, Jan</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Klute, Markus</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Koppenhöfer, Roland</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Lavoryk, Olha</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Lawhorn, Jay Mathew</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Link, Marco</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Lintuluoto, Adelina</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Maier, Stefan</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Mitra, Soureek</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Mormile, Michele</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Müller, Thomas</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Müller, Th.</a> ; <a href="">Neukum, Max</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Oh, Minseok</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Pfeffer, Emanuel</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Presilla, Matteo</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Quast, Gunter</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Rabbertz, Klaus</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Regnery, Brendan</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Shadskiy, Nikita</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Shvetsov, Ivan</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Simonis, Hans-Jürgen</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Sowa, Lars</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Stockmeier, Lea</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Tauqeer, Komal</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Toms, Maria</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Trevisani, Nicolò</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Von Cube, Ralf Florian</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Wassmer, Michael</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Wieland, Sebastian</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Wittig, Florian</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Wolf, Roger</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Zuo, Xunwu</a> (KIT, Karlsruhe, EKP) ; <a href="">Anagnostou, Georgios</a> (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; <a href="">Daskalakis, Georgios</a> (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; <a href="">Kyriakis, Aristotelis</a> (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; <a href="">Papadopoulos, Alkiviadis</a> (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr. ; CERN) ; <a href="">Stakia, Anna</a> (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; <a href="">Kontaxakis, Pantelis</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Melachroinos, Georgios</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Painesis, Zacharias</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Papavergou, Ioanna</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Paraskevas, Ioannis</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Saoulidou, Niki</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Theofilatos, Konstantinos</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Tziaferi, Eirini</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Vellidis, Konstantinos</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Zisopoulos, Ilias</a> (Athens U.) ; <a href="">Bakas, Georgios</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Chatzistavrou, Theodoros</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Karapostoli, Georgia</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Kousouris, Konstantinos</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Papakrivopoulos, Ioannis</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Siamarkou, Eirini</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Tsipolitis, Georgios</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Zacharopoulou, Anna</a> (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; <a href="">Bestintzanos, Ioannis</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Evangelou, Ioannis</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Foudas, Costas</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Kamtsikis, Christos</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Katsoulis, Panagiotis</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Kokkas, Panagiotis</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Kosmoglou Kioseoglou, Polidamas Georgios</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Manthos, Nikolaos</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Papadopoulos, Ioannis</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Strologas, John</a> (Ioannina U.) ; <a href="">Hajdu, Csaba</a> (Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Horvath, Dezso</a> (Budapest, RMKI ; Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; <a href="">Márton, Krisztina</a> (Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Rádl, Attila József</a> (Budapest, RMKI ; Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Sikler, Ferenc</a> (Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Veszpremi, Viktor</a> (Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Csanad, Mate</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Farkas, Krisztián</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Fehérkuti, Anna</a> (Eotvos U. ; Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Gadallah, Mahmod Moussa Abdelkhalek</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Kadlecsik, Ármin</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Major, Péter</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Pasztor, Gabriella</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Veres, Gabor Istvan</a> (Eotvos U.) ; <a href="">Olah, Laszlo</a> (U. Debrecen, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Ujvari, Balazs</a> (U. Debrecen, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Bencze, Gyorgy</a> (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; <a href="">Czellar, Sandor</a> (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; <a href="">Molnar, Jozsef</a> (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; <a href="">Szillasi, Zoltan</a> (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; <a href="">Csorgo, Tamas Ferenc</a> (EKU KRC, Gyongyos ; Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Nemes, Frigyes</a> (EKU KRC, Gyongyos ; Budapest, RMKI) ; <a href="">Novak, Tamas</a> (EKU KRC, Gyongyos) ; <a href="">Bansal, Sunil</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Beri, Suman Bala</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Bhatnagar, Vipin</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Chaudhary, Geetanjali</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Chauhan, Sushil</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Dhingra, Nitish</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Kaur, Amandeep</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Kaur, Anureet</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Kaur, Harjot</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Kaur, Manjit</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Kumar, Sunil</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Sheokand, Tanvi</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Singh, Jasbir</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Singla, Aayushi</a> (Panjab U.) ; <a href="">Ahmed, Asar</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Bhardwaj, Ashutosh</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Chhetri, Arjun</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Choudhary, Brajesh C.</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Kumar, Ashok</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Kumar, Arun</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Naimuddin, Mohammad</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Ranjan, Kirti</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Saini, Mahesh Kumar</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Saumya, Saumya</a> (Delhi U.) ; <a href="">Baradia, Sweta</a> (Saha Inst.) ; <a href="">Barman, Soumyadip</a> (Saha Inst. ; Visva Bharati U.) ; <a href="">Bhattacharya, Satyaki</a> (Saha Inst.) ; <a href="">Das Gupta, Suman</a> (Saha Inst.) ; <a href="">Dutta, Shubham</a> (Saha Inst.) ; <a href="">Dutta, Suchandra</a> (Saha Inst.) ; <a href="">Sarkar, Subir</a> (Saha Inst.) ; <a href="">Ameen, Mohammad Mobassir</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Behera, Prafulla Kumar</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Behera, Subash Chandra</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Chatterjee, Sayan</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Dash, Ganapati</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Jana, Pranati</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Kalbhor, Pritam</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Kamble, Samadhan</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Komaragiri, Jyothsna Rani</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras ; Bangalore, Indian Inst. Sci.) ; <a href="">Kumar, Deepak</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras ; Bangalore, Indian Inst. Sci.) ; <a href="">Mishra, Tribeni</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Parida, Bibhuti</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Pujahari, Prabhat Ranjan</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Saha, Nihar Ranjan</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Sharma, Ashish</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Sikdar, Anup Kumar</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Singh, Rohit Kumar</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Verma, Pranjal</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Verma, Sadhana</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Vijay, Anusree</a> (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras) ; <a href="">Dugad, Shashikant</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Mohanty, Gagan Bihari</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Shelake, Mukund</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Suryadevara, Pruthvi</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Bala, Anirban</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Banerjee, Sudeshna</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Chatterjee, Rajdeep Mohan</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Guchait, Monoranjan</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Jain, Sh.</a> ; <a href="">Jain, Shilpi</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Jaiswal, Atul</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Kumar, Sanjeev</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Majumder, Gobinda</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Mazumdar, Kajari</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Parolia, Shubhi</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Thachayath, Aravind</a> (TIFR, Mumbai, DHEP) ; <a href="">Bahinipati, Seema</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER ; Indian Inst. Tech., Bhubaneswar) ; <a href="">Kar, Chandiprasad</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; <a href="">Maity, Dipak</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER ; Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Mal, Prolay</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; <a href="">Naskar, Kousik</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER ; Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Nayak, Aruna</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER ; Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Nayak, Samarendra</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; <a href="">Pal, Kuldeep</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; <a href="">Sadangi, Priyanka</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; <a href="">Swain, Sanjay Kumar</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER) ; <a href="">Varghese, Sanu</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER ; Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Vats, Diwakar</a> (Bhubaneswar, NISER ; Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Acharya, Shriniketan</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Alpana, Alpana</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Dube, Sourabh</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Gomber, Bhawna</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Hazarika, Prachurjya</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Kansal, Bhumika</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Laha, Arnab</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Sahu, Bisnupriya</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Sharma, Seema</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Vaish, Kumar Yash</a> (IISER, Pune) ; <a href="">Bakhshiansohi, Hamed</a> (Isfahan Tech. U. ; DESY) ; <a href="">Jafari, Abideh</a> (Isfahan Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Zeinali, Maryam</a> (Isfahan Tech. U. ; Sharif U. of Tech.) ; <a href="">Bashiri, Sima</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Chenarani, Shirin</a> (IPM, Tehran ; USTM, Behshahr) ; <a href="">Etesami, Seyed Mohsen</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Hosseini, Yasaman</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Khakzad, Mohsen</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Khazaie, Elham</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Mohammadi Najafabadi, Mojtaba</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Tizchang, Seddigheh</a> (IPM, Tehran) ; <a href="">Felcini, Marta</a> (University Coll., Dublin) ; <a href="">Grunewald, Martin</a> (University Coll., Dublin) ; <a href="">Abbrescia, Marcello</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Colaleo, Anna</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Creanza, Donato</a> (Bari U.) ; <a href="">D'Anzi, Brunella</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">De Filippis, Nicola</a> (Bari U.) ; <a href="">De Palma, Mauro</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Elmetenawee, Walaa</a> (INFN, Bari ; Helwan U.) ; <a href="">Ferrara, Nicola</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Fiore, Luigi</a> ; <a href="">Iaselli, Giuseppe</a> (Bari U.) ; <a href="">Longo, Luigi</a> ; <a href="">Louka, Magdy</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Maggi, Giorgio</a> (Bari U.) ; <a href="">Maggi, Marcello</a> ; <a href="">Margjeka, Ilirjan</a> ; <a href="">Mastrapasqua, Vincenzo</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">My, Salvatore</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Nuzzo, Salvatore</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Pellecchia, Antonello</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Pompili, Alexis</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Pugliese, Gabriella</a> (Bari U.) ; <a href="">Radogna, Raffaella</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Ramos, Dayron</a> ; <a href="">Ranieri, Antonio</a> ; <a href="">Silvestris, Lucia</a> ; <a href="">Simone, Federica Maria</a> (Bari U.) ; <a href="">Sözbilir, Ümit</a> ; <a href="">Stamerra, Anna</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Troiano, Donato</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Venditti, Rosamaria</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Verwilligen, Piet</a> ; <a href="">Zaza, Angela</a> (INFN, Bari) ; <a href="">Abbiendi, Giovanni</a> ; <a href="">Battilana, Carlo</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Bonacorsi, Daniele</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Capiluppi, Paolo</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Castro, Andrea</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Cavallo, Francesca Romana</a> ; <a href="">Cuffiani, Marco</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Dallavalle, Gaetano-Marco</a> ; <a href="">Diotalevi, Tommaso</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Fabbri, Fabrizio</a> ; <a href="">Fanfani, Alessandra</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Fasanella, Daniele</a> ; <a href="">Giacomelli, Paolo</a> ; <a href="">Giommi, Luca</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Grandi, Claudio</a> ; <a href="">Guiducci, Luigi</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Lo Meo, Sergio</a> ; <a href="">Lorusso, Marco</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Lunerti, Leonardo</a> ; <a href="">Marcellini, Stefano</a> ; <a href="">Masetti, Gianni</a> ; <a href="">Navarria, Francesco</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Paggi, Giulia</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Perrotta, Andrea</a> ; <a href="">Primavera, Federica</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Rossi, Antonio</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Rossi Tisbeni, Simone</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Rovelli, Tiziano</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Siroli, Gian Piero</a> (INFN, Bologna) ; <a href="">Costa, Salvatore</a> (INFN, Catania) ; <a href="">Di Mattia, Alessandro</a> ; <a href="">Lapertosa, Alessandro</a> ; <a href="">Potenza, Renato</a> (INFN, Catania) ; <a href="">Tricomi, Alessia</a> (INFN, Catania) ; <a href="">Tuve, Cristina</a> (INFN, Catania) ; <a href="">Assiouras, Panagiotis</a> ; <a href="">Barbagli, Giuseppe</a> ; <a href="">Bardelli, Giulio</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Camaiani, Benedetta</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Cassese, Antonio</a> ; <a href="">Ceccarelli, Rudy</a> ; <a href="">Ciulli, Vitaliano</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Civinini, Carlo</a> ; <a href="">D'Alessandro, Raffaello</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Focardi, Ettore</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Kello, Tomas</a> ; <a href="">Latino, Giuseppe</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Lenzi, Piergiulio</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Lizzo, Mattia</a> ; <a href="">Meschini, Marco</a> ; <a href="">Paoletti, Simone</a> ; <a href="">Papanastassiou, Alkis</a> (INFN, Florence) ; <a href="">Sguazzoni, Giacomo</a> ; <a href="">Viliani, Lorenzo</a> ; <a href="">Benussi, Luigi</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Bianco, Stefano</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Meola, Sabino</a> (Frascati ; Guglielmo Marconi U.) ; <a href="">Piccolo, Davide</a> (Frascati) ; <a href="">Alves Gallo Pereira, Miguel</a> ; <a href="">Ferro, Fabrizio</a> ; <a href="">Robutti, Enrico</a> ; <a href="">Tosi, Silvano</a> (INFN, Genoa) ; <a href="">Benaglia, Andrea</a> ; <a href="">Brivio, Francesco</a> ; <a href="">Cetorelli, Flavia</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">De Guio, Federico</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Dinardo, Mauro Emanuele</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Dini, Paolo</a> ; <a href="">Gennai, Simone</a> ; <a href="">Gerosa, Raffaele</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Ghezzi, Alessio</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Govoni, Pietro</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Guzzi, Luca</a> ; <a href="">Lucchini, Marco Toliman</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Malberti, Martina</a> ; <a href="">Malvezzi, Sandra</a> ; <a href="">Massironi, Andrea</a> ; <a href="">Menasce, Dario</a> ; <a href="">Moroni, Luigi</a> ; <a href="">Paganoni, Marco</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Palluotto, Simona</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Pedrini, Daniele</a> ; <a href="">Perego, Aurora</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Pinolini, Bianca Sofia</a> ; <a href="">Pizzati, Giorgio</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Ragazzi, Stefano</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Tabarelli de Fatis, Tommaso</a> (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; <a href="">Buontempo, Salvatore</a> ; <a href="">Cagnotta, Antimo</a> (INFN, Naples) ; <a href="">Carnevali, Francesco</a> (INFN, Naples) ; <a href="">Cavallo, Nicola</a> (Naples U.) ; <a href="">Fabozzi, Francesco</a> (Naples U.) ; <a href="">Iorio, Alberto Orso Maria</a> (INFN, Naples) ; <a href="">Lista, Luca</a> (INFN, Naples) ; <a href="">Paolucci, Pierluigi</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rossi, Biagio</a> ; <a href="">Ardino, Rocco</a> ; <a href="">Azzi, Patrizia</a> ; <a href="">Bacchetta, Nicola</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Bortignon, Pierluigi</a> ; <a href="">Bortolato, Gabriele</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Bragagnolo, Alberto</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Bulla, Andrea Claudio Maria</a> ; <a href="">Carlin, Roberto</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Checchia, Paolo</a> ; <a href="">Dorigo, Tommaso</a> ; <a href="">Gasparini, Fabrizio</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Gasparini, Ugo</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Giorgetti, Sabrina</a> ; <a href="">Lusiani, Enrico</a> ; <a href="">Margoni, Martino</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Maron, Gaetano</a> (INFN, Legnaro) ; <a href="">Meneguzzo, Anna Teresa</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Migliorini, Matteo</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Pazzini, Jacopo</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Ronchese, Paolo</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Rossin, Roberto</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Simonetto, Franco</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Tosi, Mia</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Triossi, Andrea</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Ventura, Sandro</a> ; <a href="">Zanetti, Marco</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Zotto, Pierluigi</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Zucchetta, Alberto</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Zumerle, Gianni</a> (INFN, Padua) ; <a href="">Braghieri, Alessandro</a> ; <a href="">Calzaferri, Simone</a> ; <a href="">Fiorina, Davide</a> ; <a href="">Montagna, Paolo</a> (INFN, Pavia) ; <a href="">Re, Valerio</a> ; <a href="">Riccardi, Cristina</a> (INFN, Pavia) ; <a href="">Salvini, Paola</a> ; <a href="">Vai, Ilaria</a> (INFN, Pavia) ; <a href="">Vitulo, Paolo</a> (INFN, Pavia) ; <a href="">Ajmal, Sehar</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Ascioti, Maria Elena</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Bilei, Gian Mario</a> ; <a href="">Carrivale, Costanza</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Ciangottini, Diego</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Fanò, Livio</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Magherini, Matteo</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Mariani, Valentina</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Menichelli, Mauro</a> ; <a href="">Moscatelli, Francesco</a> ; <a href="">Rossi, Alessandro</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Santocchia, Attilio</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Spiga, Daniele</a> ; <a href="">Tedeschi, Tommaso</a> (INFN, Perugia) ; <a href="">Aimè, Chiara</a> ; <a href="">Alexe, Cristina Andreea</a> (Pisa U.) ; <a href="">Asenov, Patrick</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Azzurri, Paolo</a> ; <a href="">Bagliesi, Giuseppe</a> ; <a href="">Bhattacharya, Rajarshi</a> ; <a href="">Bianchini, Lorenzo</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Boccali, Tommaso</a> ; <a href="">Bossini, Edoardo</a> ; <a href="">Bruschini, Davide</a> (Pisa U.) ; <a href="">Castaldi, Rino</a> ; <a href="">Ciocci, Maria Agnese</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Cipriani, Marco</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">D'Amante, Valeria</a> (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore) ; <a href="">Dell'Orso, Roberto</a> ; <a href="">Donato, Silvio</a> ; <a href="">Giassi, Alessandro</a> ; <a href="">Ligabue, Franco</a> (Pisa U.) ; <a href="">Marini, Andrea Carlo</a> ; <a href="">Matos Figueiredo, Diego</a> ; <a href="">Messineo, Alberto</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Mishra, Saswat</a> ; <a href="">Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu, Vinaya Krishnan</a> (INFN, Pisa ; Bhubaneswar, Inst. Phys.) ; <a href="">Musich, Marco</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Palla, Fabrizio</a> ; <a href="">Rizzi, Andrea</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Rolandi, Gigi</a> (Pisa U.) ; <a href="">Roy Chowdhury, Suvankar</a> ; <a href="">Sarkar, Tanmay</a> ; <a href="">Scribano, Angelo</a> ; <a href="">Spagnolo, Paolo</a> ; <a href="">Tenchini, Roberto</a> ; <a href="">Tonelli, Guido</a> (INFN, Pisa) ; <a href="">Turini, Nicola</a> (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore) ; <a href="">Vaselli, Francesco</a> (Pisa U.) ; <a href="">Venturi, Andrea</a> ; <a href="">Verdini, Piero Giorgio</a> ; <a href="">Baldenegro Barrera, Cristian</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Barria, Patrizia</a> ; <a href="">Basile, Chiara</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Cavallari, Francesca</a> ; <a href="">Cunqueiro Mendez, Leticia</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Del Re, Daniele</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Di Marco, Emanuele</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Diemoz, Marcella</a> ; <a href="">Errico, Filippo</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Gargiulo, Ruben</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Longo, Egidio</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Martikainen, Laura</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Mijuskovic, Jelena</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Organtini, Giovanni</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Pandolfi, Francesco</a> ; <a href="">Paramatti, Riccardo</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Quaranta, Claudio</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Rahatlou, Shahram</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Rovelli, Chiara</a> ; <a href="">Santanastasio, Francesco</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Soffi, Livia</a> ; <a href="">Vladimirov, Vangelis</a> (INFN, Rome) ; <a href="">Amapane, Nicola</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Arcidiacono, Roberta</a> (Turin U.) ; <a href="">Argiro, Stefano</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Arneodo, Michele</a> (Turin U.) ; <a href="">Bartosik, Nazar</a> ; <a href="">Bellan, Riccardo</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Bellora, Andrea</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Biino, Cristina</a> ; <a href="">Borca, Cecilia</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Cartiglia, Nicolo</a> ; <a href="">Costa, Marco</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Covarelli, Roberto</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Demaria, Natale</a> ; <a href="">Finco, Linda</a> ; <a href="">Grippo, Michael</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Kiani, Bilal</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Legger, Federica</a> ; <a href="">Luongo, Fabio</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Mariotti, Chiara</a> ; <a href="">Markovic, Lazar</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Maselli, Silvia</a> ; <a href="">Mecca, Alberto</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Menzio, Luca</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Meridiani, Paolo</a> ; <a href="">Migliore, Ernesto</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Monteno, Marco</a> ; <a href="">Mulargia, Roberto</a> ; <a href="">Obertino, Maria Margherita</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Ortona, Giacomo</a> ; <a href="">Pacher, Luca</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Pastrone, Nadia</a> ; <a href="">Pelliccioni, Mario</a> ; <a href="">Ruspa, Marta</a> (Turin U.) ; <a href="">Siviero, Federico</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Sola, Valentina</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Solano, Ada</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Staiano, Amedeo</a> ; <a href="">Tarricone, Cristiano</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Trocino, Daniele</a> ; <a href="">Umoret, Giulio</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">White, Robert</a> (INFN, Turin) ; <a href="">Babbar, Jyoti</a> (INFN, Trieste) ; <a href="">Belforte, Stefano</a> ; <a href="">Candelise, Vieri</a> (INFN, Trieste) ; <a href="">Casarsa, Massimo</a> ; <a href="">Cossutti, Fabio</a> ; <a href="">De Leo, Ksenia</a> ; <a href="">Della Ricca, Giuseppe</a> (INFN, Trieste) ; <a href="">Dogra, Sunil</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Hong, Jieun</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Kim, Bobae</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Kim, Jiwoong</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Lee, Dongyub</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Lee, Hakseong</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Lee, Seh Wook</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Moon, Chang-Seong</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Oh, Young Do</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Ryu, Min Sang</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Sekmen, Sezen</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Tae, Bongho</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Yang, Yu Chul</a> (CHEP, Taegu) ; <a href="">Kim, Min Suk</a> (Gangneung-Wonju Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Bak, Gyeonghwan</a> (Chonnam Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Gwak, Piljun</a> (Chonnam Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Hyunchul</a> (Chonnam Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Moon, Dong Ho</a> (Chonnam Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Asilar, Ece</a> (Hanyang U.) ; <a href="">Choi, Jieun</a> (Hanyang U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Donghyun</a> (Hanyang U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Tae Jeong</a> (Hanyang U.) ; <a href="">Merlin, Jeremie Alexandre</a> (Hanyang U.) ; <a href="">Ryou, Yeonsu</a> (Hanyang U.) ; <a href="">Choi, Suyong</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Han, Seyoung</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Hong, Byung-Sik</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Kisoo</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Kyong Sei</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Soohwan</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Yoo, Jaehyeok</a> (Korea U.) ; <a href="">Goh, Junghwan</a> (Kyung Hee U.) ; <a href="">Yang, Seungjin</a> (Kyung Hee U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Hyunsoo</a> (Sejong U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Yongsun</a> (Sejong U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Seungjun</a> (Sejong U.) ; <a href="">Almond, John</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Bhyun, Ji Hwan</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Choi, Junho</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Choi, Jin</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Jun, Won</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Junho</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Young Wan</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Ko, Sanghyun</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Kwon, Hyejin</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Haneol</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Joonbin</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Jeongeun</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Oh, Byung Hun</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Oh, Sung Bin</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Seo, Hyonsan</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Yang, Unki</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Yoon, Inseok</a> (Seoul Natl. U.) ; <a href="">Jang, Woojin</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Kang, Da Young</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Kang, Yechan</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Seulgi</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Ko, Byeonghak</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Jason Sang Hun</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Yunjae</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Park, Inkyu</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Roh, Youn</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Watson, I.J.</a> (Seoul U.) ; <a href="">Ha, Seungkyu</a> (Yonsei U.) ; <a href="">Hwang, Kyuyeong</a> (Yonsei U.) ; <a href="">Yoo, Hwi Dong</a> (Yonsei U.) ; <a href="">Choi, Minuk</a> (Sungkyunkwan U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Mi Ran</a> (Sungkyunkwan U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Heewon</a> (Sungkyunkwan U.) ; <a href="">Lee, Younghoon</a> (Sungkyunkwan U.) ; <a href="">Yu, Intae</a> (Sungkyunkwan U.) ; <a href="">Beyrouthy, Taha</a> (AUM, Kuwait) ; <a href="">Gharbia, Yousef</a> (AUM, Kuwait) ; <a href="">Alazemi, Fawaz</a> (Kuwait U.) ; <a href="">Dreimanis, Karlis</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Gaile, Antra</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Munoz Diaz, Conrado</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Osite, Dace</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Pikurs, Guntis</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Potrebko, Andris</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Seidel, Markus</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Sidiropoulos Kontos, Dimitrios</a> (Riga Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Strautnieks, Normunds Ralfs</a> ; <a href="">Ambrozas, Marijus</a> (Vilnius U.) ; <a href="">Juodagalvis, Andrius</a> (Vilnius U.) ; <a href="">Rinkevicius, Aurelijus</a> (Vilnius U.) ; <a href="">Tamulaitis, Gintautas</a> (Vilnius U.) ; <a href="">Yusuff, Imran</a> (Malaya U.) ; <a href="">Zolkapli, Zukhaimira</a> (Malaya U.) ; <a href="">Benitez, Jose F.</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Castaneda Hernandez, Alfredo</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Encinas Acosta, Hedwin Aaron</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Gallegos Maríñez, Luis Gabriel</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">León Coello, Moisés</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Murillo Quijada, Javier Alberto</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Sehrawat, Ashish</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Valencia Palomo, Lizardo</a> (Sonora U.) ; <a href="">Ayala, Gabriel</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Castilla-Valdez, Heriberto</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Crotte Ledesma, Horacio</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">De La Cruz-Burelo, Eduard</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Heredia-De La Cruz, Ivan</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN ; Conacyt, Mexico) ; <a href="">Lopez-Fernandez, Ricardo</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Mejia Guisao, Jhovanny</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Mondragon Herrera, Cesar Atzin</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Sánchez Hernández, Alberto</a> (CINVESTAV, IPN) ; <a href="">Oropeza Barrera, Cristina</a> (Iberoamericana U.) ; <a href="">Ramirez Guadarrama, Dalia Lucero</a> (Iberoamericana U.) ; <a href="">Ramírez García, Mateo</a> (Iberoamericana U.) ; <a href="">Bautista, Irais</a> (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; <a href="">Pedraza, Isabel</a> (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; <a href="">Salazar Ibarguen, Humberto Antonio</a> (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; <a href="">Uribe Estrada, Cecilia</a> (Puebla U., Inst. Fis.) ; <a href="">Bubanja, Itana</a> (Montenegro U.) ; <a href="">Raicevic, Natasa</a> (Montenegro U.) ; <a href="">Butler, Philip H.</a> (Canterbury U.) ; <a href="">Ahmad, Ashfaq</a> (Quaid-i-Azam U.) ; <a href="">Asghar, Muhammad Irfan</a> (Quaid-i-Azam U.) ; <a href="">Awais, Ali</a> (Quaid-i-Azam U.) ; <a href="">Awan, Muhammad Imran Malik</a> (Quaid-i-Azam U.) ; <a href="">Hoorani, Hafeez R.</a> (Quaid-i-Azam U.) ; <a href="">Khan, Wajid Ali</a> (Quaid-i-Azam U.) ; <a href="">Avati, Valentina</a> (AGH UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Grzanka, Leszek</a> (AGH UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Malawski, Maciej</a> (AGH UST, Cracow) ; <a href="">Bialkowska, Helena</a> (NCBJ, Swierk) ; <a href="">Bluj, Michal</a> (NCBJ, Swierk) ; <a href="">Górski, Maciej</a> (NCBJ, Swierk) ; <a href="">Kazana, Malgorzata</a> (NCBJ, Swierk) ; <a href="">Szleper, Michal</a> (NCBJ, Swierk) ; <a href="">Zalewski, Piotr</a> (NCBJ, Swierk) ; <a href="">Bunkowski, Karol</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Doroba, Krzysztof</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Kalinowski, Artur</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Konecki, Marcin</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Krolikowski, Jan</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Alibordi, Muhammad</a> (Warsaw U.) ; <a href="">Fokow, Piotr</a> (Warsaw U. of Tech.) ; <a href="">Pozniak, Krzysztof</a> (Warsaw U. of Tech.) ; <a href="">Zabolotny, Wojciech</a> (Warsaw U. of Tech.) ; <a href="">Araujo, Mariana</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Bastos, Diogo</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Beirão Da Cruz E Silva, Cristóvão</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Boletti, Alessio</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Bozzo, Marco</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Camporesi, Tiziano</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Da Molin, Giacomo</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Faccioli, Pietro</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Gallinaro, Michele</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Hollar, Jonathan</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Leonardo, Nuno</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Marozzo, Giovanni Battista</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Petrilli, Achille</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Pisano, Matteo</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Seixas, Joao</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Varela, Joao</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Wulff, Johan Wilfried</a> (LIP, Lisbon) ; <a href="">Adzic, Petar</a> (Belgrade U.) ; <a href="">Milenovic, Predrag</a> (Belgrade U.) ; <a href="">Devetak, Damir</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Dordevic, Milos</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Milosevic, Jovan</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Nadderd, Laslo</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Rekovic, Vladimir</a> (VINCA Inst. Nucl. Sci., Belgrade) ; <a href="">Alcaraz Maestre, Juan</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Fernandez Bedoya, Cristina</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Brochero Cifuentes, Javier Andres</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Carretero, Oliver M.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Cepeda, Maria</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Cerrada, Marcos</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Colino, Nicanor</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">De La Cruz, Begona</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Delgado Peris, Antonio</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Escalante Del Valle, Alberto</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Fernández Del Val, Diego</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Fernández Ramos, Juan Pablo</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Flix, Jose</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Fouz, Maria Cruz</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Gonzalez Lopez, Oscar</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Goy Lopez, Silvia</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Hernandez, Jose M.</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Josa, Maria Isabel</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Llorente Merino, Javier</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Martin Perez, Cristina</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Martin Viscasillas, Elvira</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Moran, Dermot</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Morcillo Perez, Cecilia Maria</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Navarro Tobar, Álvaro</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Perez Dengra, Carlos</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Pérez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio María</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Puerta Pelayo, Jesus</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Redondo, Ignacio</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Sánchez Navas, Sergio</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Sastre, Javier</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">Vazquez Escobar, Julia</a> (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; <a href="">de Trocóniz, Jorge F.</a> (Madrid, Autonoma U.) ; <a href="">Alvarez Gonzalez, Barbara</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Cuevas, Javier</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Fernandez Menendez, Javier</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Folgueras, Santiago</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Gonzalez Caballero, Isidro</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Leguina, Pelayo</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Palencia Cortezon, Enrique</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Prado Pico, Javier</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Ramón Álvarez, Clara</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Rodríguez Bouza, Víctor</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Soto Rodríguez, Alejandro</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Trapote, Andrea</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Vico Villalba, Carlos</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Vischia, Pietro</a> (Oviedo U.) ; <a href="">Bhowmik, Sandeep</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Blanco Fernández, Sergio</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Cabrillo, Iban Jose</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Calderon, Alicia</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Duarte Campderros, Jordi</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Fernandez, Marcos</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Gomez, Gervasio</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Lasaosa García, Clara</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Lopez Ruiz, Ruben</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Martinez Rivero, Celso</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Pablo</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Matorras, Francisco</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Matorras Cuevas, Pablo</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Navarrete Ramos, Efren</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Piedra Gomez, Jonatan</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Scodellaro, Luca</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Vila, Ivan</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Vizan Garcia, Jesus Manuel</a> (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; <a href="">Kailasapathy, Balashangar</a> (Colombo U.) ; <a href="">Dhammage, Deshitha Chamikara Wickramarathna</a> (Colombo U.) ; <a href="">Dharmaratna, Welathantri G.D.</a> (Ruhuna U.) ; <a href="">Liyanage, Kalpanie</a> (Ruhuna U.) ; <a href="">Perera, Nimantha</a> (Ruhuna U.) ; <a href="">Abbaneo, Duccio</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Amendola, Chiara</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Auffray, Etiennette</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Auzinger, Georg</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Baechler, Joachim</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Barney, David</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bermúdez Martínez, Armando</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bianco, Michele</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bin Anuar, Afiq Aizuddin</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bocci, Andrea</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Borgonovi, Lisa</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Botta, Cristina</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Brondolin, Erica</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Caillol, Cécile</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Cerminara, Gianluca</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Chernyavskaya, Nadezda</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">D'Enterria, David</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Dabrowski, Anne</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">David Tinoco Mendes, Andre</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">De Roeck, Albert</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Defranchis, Matteo Maria</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Deile, Mario</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Dobson, Marc</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Franzoni, Giovanni</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Funk, Wolfgang</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Giani, Simone</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gigi, Dominique</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Gill, Karl</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Glege, Frank</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Hegeman, Jeroen</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Heikkilä, Jaana Kristiina</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Huber, Benjamin</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Innocente, Vincenzo</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">James, Thomas</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Janot, Patrick</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Kaluzinska, Oliwia</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Karacheban, Olena</a> (CERN ; Brandenburg Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Laurila, Santeri</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Lecoq, Paul</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Leutgeb, Elias</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Lourenco, Carlos</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Malgeri, Luca</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mannelli, Marcello</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Matthewman, Mark</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mehta, Ankita</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Meijers, Frans</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mersi, Stefano</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Meschi, Emilio</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Milosevic, Vukasin</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Monti, Fabio</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Moortgat, Filip</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Mulders, Martijn</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Neutelings, Izaak</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Orfanelli, Styliani</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pantaleo, Felice</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Petrucciani, Giovanni</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pfeiffer, Andreas</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Pierini, Maurizio</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Qu, Huilin</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rabady, Dinyar</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Ribeiro Lopes, Beatriz</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Riti, Federica</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Rovere, Marco</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sakulin, Hannes</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Salvatico, Riccardo</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sanchez Cruz, Sergio</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Scarfi, Simone</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Schwick, Christoph</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Selvaggi, Michele</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sharma, Archana</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Shchelina, Ksenia</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Silva, Pedro</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Sphicas, Paraskevas</a> (CERN ; Athens U.) ; <a href="">Stahl Leiton, Andre Govinda</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Steen, Arnaud</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Summers, Sioni</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Treille, Daniel</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Tropea, Paola</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Walter, David</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Wanczyk, Joanna</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Wang, Jing</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Wozniak, Kinga Anna</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Wuchterl, Sebastian</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Zehetner, Philipp</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Zejdl, Petr</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Zeuner, Wolfram Dietrich</a> (CERN) ; <a href="">Bevilacqua, Tiziano</a> (PSI, Villigen ; Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Caminada, Lea</a> (PSI, Villigen ; Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Ebrahimi, Aliakbar</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Erdmann, Wolfram</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Horisberger, Roland</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Ingram, Quentin</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Kaestli, Hans-Christian</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Kotlinski, Danek</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Lange, Clemens</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Missiroli, Marino</a> (PSI, Villigen ; Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Noehte, Lars</a> (PSI, Villigen ; Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Rohe, Tilman</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Samalan, Amrutha</a> (PSI, Villigen) ; <a href="">Aarrestad, Thea Klaeboe</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Backhaus, Malte</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Bonomelli, Giorgia</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Calandri, Alessandro</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Cazzaniga, Cesare</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Datta, Kaustuv</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">De Bryas Dexmiers D'archiac, Paul</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">De Cosa, Annapaola</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Dissertori, Günther</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Dittmar, Michael</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Donegà, Mauro</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Eble, Florian</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Galli, Massimiliano</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Gedia, Krunal</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Glessgen, Franz</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Grab, Christoph</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Härringer, Nico</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Harte, Thierry Guillaume</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Hits, Dmitry</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Lustermann, Werner</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Lyon, Anne-mazarine</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Manzoni, Riccardo Andrea</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Marchegiani, Matteo</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Marchese, Luigi</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Mascellani, Anna</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Nessi-Tedaldi, Francesca</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Pauss, Felicitas</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Perovic, Vasilije</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Pigazzini, Simone</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Ristic, Branislav</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Seidita, Roberto</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Steggemann, Jan</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Tarabini, Alessandro</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Valsecchi, Davide</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Wallny, Rainer</a> (Zurich, ETH) ; <a href="">Amsler, Claude</a> (Zurich U. ; Stefan Meyer Inst. Subatomare Phys.) ; <a href="">Bärtschi, Pascal</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Canelli, Maria Florencia</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Cormier, Kyle</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Huwiler, Marc</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Jin, Weijie</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Jofrehei, Arash</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Kilminster, Benjamin</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Leontsinis, Stefanos</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Liechti, Sascha Pascal</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Macchiolo, Anna</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Meiring, Peter</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Meng, Fanqiang</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Motta, Jona</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Reimers, Arne</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Robmann, Peter</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Senger, Matias</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Shokr, Eslam</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Stäger, Fabian</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Tramontano, Raffaella</a> (Zurich U.) ; <a href="">Adloff, Catherine</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Central U. ; Annecy, LAPP) ; <a href="">Bhowmik, Debabrata</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; <a href="">Kuo, Chia-Ming</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; <a href="">Lin, Willis</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; <a href="">Rout, Prasant Kumar</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; <a href="">Tiwari, Praveen Chandra</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Central U. ; Bangalore, Indian Inst. Sci.) ; <a href="">Ceard, Ludivine</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Chen, Kai-Feng</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Chen, Zheng-gang</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">De Iorio, Agostino</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Hou, George Wei-Shu</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Hsu, Ting-hsiang</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Kao, Yu-wei</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Karmakar, Saikat</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Kole, Gouranga</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Li, You-ying</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Lu, Rong-Shyang</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Paganis, Efstathios</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Su, Xing-fu</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Thomas-Wilsker, Joshuha</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Tsai, Lian-sheng</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Tsionou, Dimitra</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Wu, Hsin-yeh</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Yazgan, Efe</a> (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; <a href="">Asawatangtrakuldee, Chayanit</a> (Chulalongkorn U.) ; <a href="">Srimanobhas, Norraphat</a> (Chulalongkorn U.) ; <a href="">Wachirapusitanand, Vichayanun</a> (Chulalongkorn U.) ; <a href="">Maghrbi, Yasser</a> (Tunis El Manar U.) ; <a href="">Agyel, Doruk</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Boran, Fatma</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Dolek, Furkan</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Dumanoglu, Isa</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Eskut, Eda</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Guler, Yalcin</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Gurpinar Guler, Emine</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Isik, Candan</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Kara, Ozgun</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Kayis Topaksu, Aysel</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Kiminsu, Ugur</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Komurcu, Yildiray</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Onengut, Gulsen</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Ozdemir, Kadri</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Polatoz, Ayse</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Tali, Bayram</a> (Cukurova U. ; Adiyaman U.) ; <a href="">Tok, Ufuk Guney</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Uslan, Ebru</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Zorbakir, Ibrahim Soner</a> (Cukurova U.) ; <a href="">Sokmen, Gamze</a> (Middle East Tech. U., Ankara) ; <a href="">Yalvac, Metin</a> (Middle East Tech. U., Ankara) ; <a href="">Akgun, Bora</a> (Bogazici U.) ; <a href="">Atakisi, Ismail Okan</a> (Bogazici U.) ; <a href="">Gulmez, Erhan</a> (Bogazici U.) ; <a href="">Kaya, Mithat</a> (Bogazici U. ; Marmara U.) ; <a href="">Kaya, Ozlem</a> (Bogazici U.) ; <a href="">Tekten, Sevgi</a> (Bogazici U. ; Kafkas U.) ; <a href="">Cakir, Altan</a> (Istanbul Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Cankocak, Kerem</a> (Istanbul Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Dincer, Gizem Gul</a> (Istanbul Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Sen, Sercan</a> (Istanbul Tech. U. ; Hacettepe U.) ; <a href="">Aydilek, Orhan</a> (Istanbul U. ; Erzincan U.) ; <a href="">Hacisahinoglu, Burak</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Hos, Ilknur</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Kaynak, Berkan</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Ozkorucuklu, Suat</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Potok, Onur</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Sert, Hale</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Simsek, Cagdas</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Zorbilmez, Caglar</a> (Istanbul U.) ; <a href="">Cerci, Salim</a> (Yildiz Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Isildak, Bora</a> (Yildiz Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Sunar Cerci, Deniz</a> (Yildiz Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Yetkin, Taylan</a> (Yildiz Tech. U.) ; <a href="">Boyaryntsev, Andriy</a> (Inst. Scintill. Mat., Kharkiv) ; <a href="">Grynyov, Boris</a> (Inst. Scintill. Mat., Kharkiv) ; <a href="">Levchuk, Leonid</a> (Kharkov, KIPT) ; <a href="">Anthony, David</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Brooke, James John</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Bundock, Aaron</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Bury, Florian Joel J.</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Clement, Emyr</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Cussans, David</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Flacher, Henning</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Glowacki, Maciej</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Goldstein, Joel</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Heath, Helen F.</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Holmberg, Mei-li</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Kreczko, Lukasz</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Paramesvaran, Sudarshan</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Robertshaw, Liam</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Smith, Vincent J.</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Walkingshaw Pass, Katie</a> (Bristol U.) ; <a href="">Ball, Austin</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Bell, Ken W.</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Belyaev, Alexander</a> (Rutherford ; Southampton U.) ; <a href="">Brew, Christopher</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Brown, Robert M.</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Cockerill, David J.A.</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Cooke, Charlotte</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Elliot, Alison</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Ellis, Katherine Victoria</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Harder, Kristian</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Harper, Sam</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Linacre, Jacob</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Manolopoulos, Konstantinos</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Newbold, Dave M.</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Olaiya, Emmanuel</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Petyt, David</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Reis, Thomas</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Sahasransu, Abanti Ranadhir</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Salvi, Giovanna</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Schuh, Thomas</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Shepherd-Themistocleous, Claire</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Tomalin, Ian R.</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Whalen, Kathleen Charlotte</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Williams, Thomas</a> (Rutherford) ; <a href="">Andreou, Irene</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Bainbridge, Robert</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Bloch, Philippe</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Brown, Christopher Edward</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Buchmuller, Oliver</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Carrillo Montoya, Camilo Andres</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Chahal, Gurpreet Singh</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Colling, David</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Dancu, Julia Suzana</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Das, Indranil</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Dauncey, Paul</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Davies, Gavin</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Della Negra, Michel</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Fayer, Simon</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Fedi, Giacomo</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Hall, Geoffrey</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Howard, Alexander</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Iles, Gregory</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Knight, Charlotte Rose</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Krueper, Paul</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Langford, Jonathon</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Law, Kai Hong</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">León Holgado, Jaime</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Lyons, Louis</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Magnan, Anne-Marie</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Maier, Benedikt</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Mallios, Stavros</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Mieskolainen, Mikael</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Nash, Jordan</a> (Imperial Coll., London ; Monash U.) ; <a href="">Pesaresi, Mark</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Pradeep, Prijith Babu</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Radburn-Smith, Benjamin Charles</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Richards, Alexander</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Rose, Andrew</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Savva, Klitos</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Seez, Christopher</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Shukla, Raghunandan</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Tapper, Alexander</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Uchida, Kirika</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Uttley, George Peter</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Virdee, Tejinder</a> (Imperial Coll., London ; CERN) ; <a href="">Vojinovic, Milos</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Wardle, Nicholas</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Winterbottom, Daniel</a> (Imperial Coll., London) ; <a href="">Cole, Joanne</a> (Brunel U.) ; <a href="">Khan, Akram</a> (Brunel U.) ; <a href="">Kyberd, Paul</a> (Brunel U.) ; <a href="">Reid, Ivan</a> (Brunel U.) ; <a href="">Abdullin, Salavat</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Brinkerhoff, Andrew</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Collins, Evan</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Darwish, Mohamed Rashad</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Dittmann, Jay</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Hatakeyama, Kenichi</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Hegde, Vinay</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Hiltbrand, Joshua</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">McMaster, Brooks</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Samudio, Jonathan</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Sawant, Siddhesh</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Sutantawibul, Chosila</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Wilson, Jonathan</a> (Baylor U.) ; <a href="">Bartek, Rachel</a> (Catholic U. America) ; <a href="">Dominguez, Aaron</a> (Catholic U. America) ; <a href="">Simsek, Ali Eren</a> (Catholic U. America) ; <a href="">Yu, Shin-Shan</a> (Catholic U. America) ; <a href="">Bam, Bhim</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Buchot Perraguin, Axel</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Chudasama, Ruchi</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Cooper, Seth</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Crovella, Colin</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Gleyzer, Sergei V.</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Pearson, Emma</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Perez, Cilicia Uzziel</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Rumerio, Paolo</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Usai, Emanuele</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Yi, Ruole</a> (Alabama U.) ; <a href="">Akpinar, Alp</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Cosby, Christopher</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">De Castro, Gianfranco</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Demiragli, Zeynep</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Erice, Carlos</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Fangmeier, Caleb</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Fernandez Madrazo, Celia</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Fontanesi, Elisa</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Gastler, Daniel</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Golf, Frank</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Jeon, Sihyun</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">O'cain, Joshua</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Reed, Ian</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Rohlf, James</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Salyer, Kaitlin</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Sperka, David</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Spitzbart, Daniel</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Suarez, Indara</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Tsatsos, Anna</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Zecchinelli, Angelo Giacomo</a> (Boston U.) ; <a href="">Barone, Gaetano</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Benelli, Gabriele</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Cutts, David</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Gouskos, Loukas</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Hadley, Mary</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Heintz, Ulrich</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Ho, Ka Wa</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Hogan, Julie Managan</a> (Brown U. ; Bethel Coll.) ; <a href="">Kwon, Taeun</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Landsberg, Greg</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Lau, Ka Tung</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Luo, Jingyu</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Mondal, Spandan</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Russell, Trevor</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Sagir, Sinan</a> (Brown U. ; Karamanoglu Mehmetbey U., Karaman) ; <a href="">Shen, Xiaohe</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Simpson, Farrah</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Stamenkovic, Marko</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Venkatasubramanian, Nikhilesh</a> (Brown U.) ; <a href="">Abbott, Samantha</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Barton, Benjamin</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Brainerd, Christopher</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Breedon, Richard</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Cai, Hong</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, Manuel</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Chertok, Maxwell</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Citron, Matthew</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Conway, John</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Cox, Peter Timothy</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Erbacher, Robin</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Jensen, Frank</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Kukral, Ota</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Mocellin, Giovanni</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Mulhearn, Michael</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Ostrom, Sydney</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Wei, Wei</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Yoo, Saeahram</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Zhang, Fengwangdong</a> (UC, Davis) ; <a href="">Adamidis, Kosmas</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Bachtis, Michail</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Campos, Delano</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Cousins, Robert</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Datta, Abhisek</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Flores Avila, Gael</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Hauser, Jay</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Ignatenko, Mikhail</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Iqbal, Muhammad Ansar</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Lam, Tyler</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Lo, Ya-feng</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Manca, Elisabetta</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Nunez Del Prado, Antonett</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Saltzberg, David</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Valuev, Vyacheslav</a> (UCLA) ; <a href="">Clare, Robert</a> (UC, Riverside) ; <a href="">Gary, J. William</a> (UC, Riverside) ; <a href="">Hanson, Gail</a> (UC, Riverside) ; <a href="">Aportela, Anthony</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Arora, Aashay</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Branson, James G.</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Cittolin, Sergio</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Cooperstein, Stephane</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Diaz, Daniel</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Duarte, Javier</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Giannini, Leonardo</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Gu, Yanxi</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Guiang, Jonathan</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Kansal, Raghav</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Krutelyov, Vyacheslav</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Lee, Robert</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Letts, James</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Masciovecchio, Mario</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Mokhtar, Farouk</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Mukherjee, Soumya</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Pieri, Marco</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Primosch, Daniel</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Quinnan, Melissa</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Sathia Narayanan, Balaji Venkat</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Sharma, Vivek</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Tadel, Matevz</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Vourliotis, Emmanouil</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Würthwein, Frank</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Xiang, Yifan</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Yagil, Avraham</a> (UC, San Diego) ; <a href="">Barzdukas, Anders</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Brennan, Liam</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Campagnari, Claudio</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Downham, Keegan</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Grieco, Chiara</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Hussain, Mohd Meraj</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Incandela, Joe</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Kim, Jaebak</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Li, Amina Jinzi</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Masterson, Phillip</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Mei, Hualin</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Richman, Jeffrey</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Santpur, Sai Neha</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Sarica, Ulascan</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Schmitz, Ryan</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Setti, Francesco</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Sheplock, James</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Stuart, David</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Vámi, Tamás Álmos</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Wang, Sicheng</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Yan, Xuli</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Zhang, Danyi</a> (UC, Santa Barbara) ; <a href="">Bhattacharya, Soham</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Bornheim, Adolf</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Cerri, Olmo</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Latorre, Anthony</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Mao, Jiajing</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Newman, Harvey B.</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Reales Gutiérrez, Guillermo</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Spiropulu, Maria</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Vlimant, Jean-Roch</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Wang, Christina</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Xie, Si</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Zhu, Ren-Yuan</a> (Caltech) ; <a href="">Alison, John</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">An, Sitong</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Bryant, Patrick</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Cremonesi, Matteo</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Dutta, Valentina</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Ferguson, Thomas</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Gómez Espinosa, Tirso Alejandro</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Harilal, Abhirami</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Kallil Tharayil, Aleesha</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Liu, Chuyuan</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Mudholkar, Tanmay</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Murthy, Sindhu</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Palit, Pritam</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Park, Kyungmin</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Paulini, Manfred</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Roberts, Andrew</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Sanchez, Alejandro</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Terrill, Wesley</a> (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; <a href="">Cumalat, John Perry</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Ford, William T.</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Hart, Andrew</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Hassani, Abbas</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Karathanasis, George</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Manganelli, Nicholas</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Pearkes, Jannicke</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Savard, Claire</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Schonbeck, Nicolas</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Stenson, Kevin</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Ulmer, Keith</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Wagner, Stephen Robert</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Zipper, Noah</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Zuolo, Davide</a> (Colorado U.) ; <a href="">Alexander, James</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Bright-Thonney, Samuel</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Chen, Xuan</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Cranshaw, Derek James</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Dickinson, Jennet</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Fan, Jason</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Fan, Xingchen</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Hogan, Shaun</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Kotamnives, Peace</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Monroy, Jose</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Oshiro, Michael</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Patterson, Juliet Ritchie</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Reid, Michael</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Ryd, Anders</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Thom, Julia</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Wittich, Peter</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Zou, Rui</a> (Cornell U.) ; <a href="">Albrow, Michael</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Alyari, Maral</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Amram, Oz</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Apollinari, Giorgio</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Apresyan, Artur</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Bauerdick, Lothar A.T.</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Berry, Douglas</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Berryhill, Jeffrey</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Bhat, Pushpalatha C.</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Burkett, Kevin</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Butler, Joel Nathan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Canepa, Anadi</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Cerati, Giuseppe Benedetto</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Cheung, H.W. K.</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Chlebana, Frank</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Cummings, Grace</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Dutta, Irene</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Elvira, Victor Daniel</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Feng, Yongbin</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Freeman, Jim</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Gandrakota, Abhijith</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Gecse, Zoltan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Gray, Lindsey</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Green, Dan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Grummer, Aidan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Grünendahl, Stefan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Guerrero, Daniel</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Gutsche, Oliver</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Harris, Robert M.</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Heller, Ryan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Herwig, Theodor Christian</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Hirschauer, James</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Jayatilaka, Bodhitha</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Jindariani, Sergo</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Johnson, Marvin</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Joshi, Umesh</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Klijnsma, Thomas</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Klima, Boaz</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Kwok, Ka Hei Martin</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Lammel, Stephan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Lee, Claire</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Lincoln, Don</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Lipton, Ron</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Liu, Tiehui</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Madrid, Christopher</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Maeshima, Kaori</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Mantilla, Cristina</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Mason, David</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">McBride, Patricia</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Merkel, Petra</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Mrenna, Stephen</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Nahn, Steve</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Ngadiuba, Jennifer</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Noonan, Daniel</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Norberg, Scarlet</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Papadimitriou, Vaia</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Pastika, Nathaniel</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Pedro, Kevin</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Pena, Cristian</a> (Fermilab ; Caltech) ; <a href="">Ravera, Fabio</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Reinsvold Hall, Allison</a> (Fermilab ; Naval Academy, Annapolis) ; <a href="">Ristori, Luciano</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Safdari, Murtaza</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Sexton-Kennedy, Elizabeth</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Smith, Nicholas</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Soha, Aron</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Spiegel, Leonard</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Stoynev, Stoyan</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Strait, James</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Taylor, Lucas</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Tkaczyk, Slawek</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Tran, Nhan Viet</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Uplegger, Lorenzo</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Vaandering, Eric Wayne</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Zoi, Irene</a> (Fermilab) ; <a href="">Aruta, Caterina</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Avery, Paul</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Bourilkov, Dimitri</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Chang, Philip</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Cherepanov, Vladimir</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Field, Richard D.</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Huh, Changgi</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Koenig, Evan</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Kolosova, Marina</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Konigsberg, Jacobo</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Korytov, Andrey</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Matchev, Konstantin</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Menendez, Nicholas</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Mitselmakher, Guenakh</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Mohrman, Kelci</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Muthirakalayil Madhu, Arun</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Rawal, Neha</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Rosenzweig, Suzanne</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Takahashi, Yuta</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Wang, Jian</a> (Florida U.) ; <a href="">Adams, Todd</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Al Kadhim, Ali</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Askew, Andrew</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Bower, Steffi</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Hashmi, Rafey</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Ryan Sangwoo</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Kim, Suho</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Kolberg, Ted</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Martinez, German</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Prosper, Harrison</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Prova, Purbita Rahman</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Wulansatiti, Meutia</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Yohay, Rachel</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Zhang, Jingyu</a> (Florida State U.) ; <a href="">Alsufyani, Bandar</a> (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; <a href="">Butalla, Stephen</a> (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; <a href="">Das, Souvik</a> (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; <a href="">Elkafrawy, Tamer</a> (Florida Inst. Tech. ; Ain Shams U., Cairo) ; <a href="">Hohlmann, Marcus</a> (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; <a href="">Yanes, Erick</a> (Florida Inst. Tech.) ; <a href="">Adams, Mark Raymond</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Baty, Austin</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Bennett, Clayton</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Cavanaugh, Richard</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Escobar Franco, Ricardo</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Evdokimov, Olga</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Gerber, Cecilia Elena</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Hawksworth, Michelle</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Hingrajiya, Abhishek</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Hofman, David Jonathan</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Lee, Jong-ho</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">De Souza Lemos, Dener</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Merritt, Anna Henckel</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Mills, Corrinne</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Nanda, Shirsendu</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Oh, Geonhee</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Ozek, Beren</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Pilipovic, Dragana</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Pradhan, Raghunath</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Prifti, Enea</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Roy, Titas</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Rudrabhatla, Sahithi</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Singh, Navjit</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Tonjes, Marguerite</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Varelas, Nikos</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Wadud, Mohammad Abrar</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Ye, Zhenyu</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Yoo, Jieun</a> (Illinois U., Chicago) ; <a href="">Alhusseini, Mohammad</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Blend, Dylan</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Dilsiz, Kamuran</a> (Iowa U. ; Bingöl U.) ; <a href="">Emediato, Luiz</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Karaman, Gurkan</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Köseyan, Ohannes Kamer</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Merlo, Jean-Pierre</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Mestvirishvili, Alexi</a> (Iowa U. ; GTU, Tbilisi) ; <a href="">Neogi, Orgho</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Ogul, Hasan</a> (Iowa U. ; Sinop U.) ; <a href="">Onel, Yasar</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Penzo, Aldo</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Snyder, Christina</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Tiras, Emrah</a> (Iowa U.) ; <a href="">Blumenfeld, Barry</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Corcodilos, Lucas</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Davis, Jeffrey</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Gritsan, Andrei</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Kang, Lucas</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Kyriacou, Savvas</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Maksimovic, Petar</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Roguljic, Matej</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Roskes, Jeffrey</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Sekhar, Sanjana</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Swartz, Morris</a> (Johns Hopkins U.) ; <a href="">Abreu, Andrés</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Alcerro Alcerro, Luis Fernando</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Anguiano, Justin</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Arteaga Escatel, Saray</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Baringer, Philip</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Bean, Alice</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Flowers, Zachary</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Grove, Derek</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">King, Jack</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Krintiras, Georgios</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Lazarovits, Margaret</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Le Mahieu, Cole</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Marquez, Juan</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Murray, Michael</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Nickel, Matthew</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Pitt, Michael</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Popescu, Sorina</a> (Kansas U. ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; <a href="">Rogan, Christopher</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Royon, Christophe</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Sanders, Stephen</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Smith, Caleb</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Wilson, Graham</a> (Kansas U.) ; <a href="">Allmond, Braden</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Gujju Gurunadha, Reddy</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Ivanov, Andrew</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Kaadze, Ketino</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Maravin, Yurii</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Natoli, James</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Roy, Dennis</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Sorrentino, Giulia</a> (Kansas State U.) ; <a href="">Baden, Drew</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Baden, A.</a> ; <a href="">Belloni, Alberto</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Bistany-riebman, Joshua</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Chen, Yi-Mu</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Eno, Sarah Catherine</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Hadley, Nicholas John</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Jabeen, Shabnam</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Kellogg, Richard G.</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Koeth, Timothy</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Kronheim, Braden</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Lai, Yihui</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Lascio, Samuel</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Mignerey, Alice</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Nabili, Sara</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Palmer, Christopher</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Papageorgakis, Christos</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Paranjpe, Mekhala Mahesh</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Popova, Elena</a> (Maryland U. ; Unlisted) ; <a href="">Shevelev, Alexey</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Wang, Long</a> (Maryland U.) ; <a href="">Bendavid, Joshua</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Cali, Ivan Amos</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Chou, Pin-chun</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">D'Alfonso, Mariarosaria</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Eysermans, Jan</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Freer, Chad</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Gomez Ceballos, Guillelmo</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Goncharov, Maxim</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Grosso, Gaia</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Harris, Philip</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Hoang, Duc</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Kovalskyi, Dmytro</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Krupa, Jeffrey</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Lavezzo, Luca</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Lee, Yen-Jie</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Long, Kenneth</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Mcginn, Christopher</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Novak, Andrzej</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Park, Mary Isabelle</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Paus, Christoph</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Reissel, Christina</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Roland, Christof</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Roland, Gunther</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Rothman, Simon</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Stephans, G.S. F.</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Wang, Zhangqier</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Wyslouch, Bolek</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Yang, Tianyu</a> (MIT) ; <a href="">Crossman, Bryan</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Joshi, Bhargav Madhusudan</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Kapsiak, Charles</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Krohn, Michael</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Mahon, Devin</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Mans, Jeremy</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Marzocchi, Badder</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Revering, Michael</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Rusack, Roger</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Saradhy, Rohith</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Strobbe, Nadja</a> (Minnesota U.) ; <a href="">Bloom, Kenneth</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Claes, Daniel R.</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Haza, Grace</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Hossain, Jahid</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Joo, Changwoo</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Kravchenko, Ilya</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Rohilla, Aman</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Siado, Joaquin Emilo</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Tabb, William</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Vagnerini, Antonio</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Wightman, Andrew</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Yan, Furong</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Yu, David</a> (Nebraska U.) ; <a href="">Bandyopadhyay, Hirak</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Hay, Lauren</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Hsia, Hsin-wei</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Iashvili, Ia</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Kalogeropoulos, Alexis</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Kharchilava, Avto</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Morris, Margaret</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Nguyen, Duong</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Rappoccio, Salvatore</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Rejeb Sfar, Haifa</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Williams, Ac</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Young, Peter</a> (SUNY, Buffalo) ; <a href="">Alverson, George</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Barberis, Emanuela</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Bonilla, Johan</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Bylsma, Ben</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Campana, Mattia</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Dervan, John</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Haddad, Yacine</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Han, Yixiao</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Israr Israr</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Krishna, Amrutha</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Li, Jingyan</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Lu, Meng</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Madigan, Gabriel</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Mccarthy, Ryan</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Morse, David Michael</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Nguyen, Vivan</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Orimoto, Toyoko</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Parker, Ashley</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Skinnari, Louise</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Tsai, Emily</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Wood, Darien</a> (Northeastern U.) ; <a href="">Bueghly, James</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Dittmer, Susan</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Hahn, Kristan Allan</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Li, Daniel</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Liu, Yihan</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Mcginnis, Michael</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Miao, Yulun</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Monk, David Gabriel</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Schmitt, Michael Henry</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Taliercio, Angela</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Velasco, Mayda</a> (Northwestern U.) ; <a href="">Agarwal, Garvita</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Band, Reyer</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Bucci, Rachael</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Castells, Sergi</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Das, Abhishek</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Goldouzian, Reza</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Hildreth, Michael</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Hurtado Anampa, Kenyi</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Ivanov, Todor</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Jessop, Colin</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Lannon, Kevin</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Lawrence, John</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Loukas, Nikitas</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Lutton, L.</a> ; <a href="">Lutton, Dylan</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Mariano, Joseph</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Marinelli, Nancy</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Mcalister, Ian</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">McCauley, Thomas</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Mcgrady, Christopher</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Moore, Connor</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Musienko, Yuri</a> (Notre Dame U. ; Unlisted) ; <a href="">Nelson, Hannah</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Osherson, Marc</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Piccinelli, Andrea</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Ruchti, Randy</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Townsend, Austin</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Wan, Yuyi</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Wayne, Mitchell</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Yockey, Henry</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Zarucki, Mateusz</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Zygala, Lara</a> (Notre Dame U.) ; <a href="">Basnet, Aashwin</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Carrigan, Michael</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Durkin, Lloyd Stanley</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Hill, Christopher</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Joyce, Matthew</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Nunez Ornelas, Martha</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Wei, Kai</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Wenzl, Derek Albert</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Winer, Brian L.</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Yates, Brent</a> (Ohio State U.) ; <a href="">Bouchamaoui, Hichem</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Coldham, Kathryn</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Das, Pallabi</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Dezoort, Gage</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Elmer, Peter</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Frankenthal, Andre</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Greenberg, Bennett</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Haubrich, Nicholas</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Kennedy, Kiley</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Kopp, Gillian</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Kwan, Stephanie</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Lange, David</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Loeliger, Andrew</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Marlow, Daniel</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Ojalvo, Isabel</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Olsen, James</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Stickland, David</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Tully, Christopher</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Vage, Liv Helen</a> (Princeton U.) ; <a href="">Malik, Sudhir</a> (Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez) ; <a href="">Sharma, Richa</a> (Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez) ; <a href="">Bakshi, Amandeep Singh</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Chandra, Soumik</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Chawla, Ridhi</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Gu, An</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Gutay, Laszlo</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Jones, Matthew</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Jung, Andreas Werner</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Koshy, Abraham Mathew</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Liu, Miaoyuan</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Negro, Giulia</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Neumeister, Norbert</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Paspalaki, Garyfallia</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Piperov, Stefan</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Scheurer, Valerie</a> (Purdue U.) ; <a href="">Schulte, Jan-Frederik</a> (Purdue U.) ; 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All figures and tables can be found at <a href=""></a> (CMS Public Pages)</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> In: </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href=""><i>Eur. Phys. J. C</i> 85 (2025) 342</a> </a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> DOI </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="" title="DOI" target="_blank">10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13729-y</a> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Subject category </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Particle Physics - Experiment</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Accelerator/Facility, Experiment </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="">CERN LHC</a> ; <a href="">CMS</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Free keywords </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href="">exotics</a> ; <a href="">experimental results</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Abstract </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark (t) or antiquark and a gluon ($ \mathrm{g} $). The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $ \mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g} $ decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\mathrm{t}^{*}$ particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $ \mathrm{t}^{*} \to \mathrm{t}\mathrm{g} $ resonances.</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Related document </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">supersedes: <a href="">CMS-PAS-B2G-22-005</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Copyright/License </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Preprint: © 2024-2025 CERN (License: <a href="">CC-BY-4.0</a>)</td></tr> </table> <br /><div style="max-width:1024px;margin:auto"><div style="overflow-x:auto;display:inline;width:100%;"><a href="/record/2915297/plots#0"><img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="" title=" Representative Feynman diagram of the signal process at leading order." width="200px"/></a> <a href="/record/2915297/plots#0"><img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="" title=" Representative Feynman diagram of the signal process at leading order." width="200px"/></a> <a href="/record/2915297/plots#1"><img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="" title=" Distributions in \ST for \tstartstar signal samples with different simulated values of \mtstar, for spin-1/2 (solid lines) and spin-3/2 (dashed lines) resonances. The distributions were normalized to the same area for each signal." width="200px"/></a> <a href='/record/2915297/plots'>Show more plots</a></div></div><br /> <br/>Corresponding record in: <a href="">Inspire</a> <br/>Email contact: <a href=""></a> <small> </small> <br/> <br/><br/><div align="right"><div style="padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:30px;"><span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"> <a href="" class="moreinfo">Back to search</a> </span></div></div> <div class="bottom-left-folded"><div class="recordlastmodifiedbox" style="position:relative;margin-left:1px"> Record created 2024-10-28, last modified 2025-03-29</div></div> <div class="bottom-right-folded" style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:2px;"> <span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <br /> <div class="detailedrecordminipanel"> <div class="top-left"></div><div class="top-right"></div> <div class="inside"> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelfile" style="width:33%;float:left;text-align:center;margin-top:0"> <div><small class="detailedRecordActions">Fulltext:</small> <br /><em>2410.20601</em> - <a href="/record/2915297/files/2410.20601.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /><em>d53716dcd9aab5a232f2ea74b8631efa</em> - <a href="/record/2915297/files/d53716dcd9aab5a232f2ea74b8631efa.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /></div><div><small class="detailedRecordActions">Fulltext from Publisher:</small> <br /><a href="/record/2915297/files/document.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /></div><small class="detailedRecordActions">External link:</small><br /><small><a href=""><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>Fermilab Library Server</a></small> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelreview" style="width:30%;float:left;text-align:center"> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelactions" style="width:36%;float:right;text-align:right;"> <ul class="detailedrecordactions"> <li><a href="/yourbaskets/add?ln=en&recid=2915297">Add to personal basket</a></li> <li>Export as <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/hx?ln=en">BibTeX</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/hm?ln=en">MARC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/xm?ln=en">MARCXML</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/xd?ln=en">DC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/xe?ln=en">EndNote</a>, <!-- <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/xe8x?ln=en">EndNote (8-X)</a>,--> <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/xn?ln=en">NLM</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2915297/export/xw?ln=en">RefWorks</a> </li> </ul> <div style='padding-left: 13px;'> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN --> <div id="bookmark"></div> <div id="bookmark_sciencewise"></div> <style type="text/css"> #bookmark_sciencewise, #bookmark {float: left;} #bookmark_sciencewise li {padding: 2px; width: 25px;} #bookmark_sciencewise ul, #bookmark ul {list-style-image: none;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.bookmark.min.js"></script> <style type="text/css">@import "/css/jquery.bookmark.css";</style> <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ $.bookmark.addSite('sciencewise', '', '', 'en', 'bookmark', ''); $('#bookmark_sciencewise').bookmark({sites: ['sciencewise']}); $('#bookmark').bookmark({ sites: ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'google_plusone'], icons: '/img/bookmarks.png', url: '', addEmail: true, title: "Search for pair production of heavy particles decaying to a top quark and a gluon in the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at $ \\sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV", description: "A search is presented for the pair production of new heavy resonances, each decaying into a top quark (t) or antiquark and a gluon ($ \\mathrm{g} $). The analysis uses data recorded with the CMS detector from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. Events with one muon or electron, multiple jets, and missing transverse momentum are selected. After using a deep neural network to enrich the data sample with signal-like events, distributions in the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed objects are analyzed in the search for a signal. No significant deviations from the standard model prediction are found. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction squared for the pair production of excited top quarks in the $ \\mathrm{t}^{*} \\to \\mathrm{t}\\mathrm{g} $ decay channel. The upper limits range from 0.12 pb to 0.8 fb for a $\\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-1/2 and from 0.015 pb to 1.0 fb for a $\\mathrm{t}^{*}$ with spin-3/2. These correspond to mass exclusion limits up to 1050 and 1700 GeV for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 $\\mathrm{t}^{*}$ particles, respectively. These are the most stringent limits to date on the existence of $ \\mathrm{t}^{*} \\to \\mathrm{t}\\mathrm{g} $ resonances." }); // ]]> </script> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button END --> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;margin-bottom: 0;"></div> </div> <div class="bottom-left"></div><div class="bottom-right"></div> </div> </div></div> <footer id="footer" class="pagefooter clearfix"> <!-- replaced page footer --> <div class="pagefooterstripeleft"> CERN Document Server :: <a class="footer" href="">Search</a> :: <a class="footer" href="">Submit</a> :: <a class="footer" href="">Personalize</a> :: <a class="footer" href="">Help</a> :: <a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Privacy Notice</a> :: <a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Content Policy</a> :: <a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions</a> <br /> Powered by <a class="footer" href="">Invenio</a> <br /> Maintained by <a class="footer" href="">CDS Service</a> - Need help? 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