Recent News - Ziff Davis

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Hospitals Distinctions for Key Medical Procedures in 2025</a></h4><div class="source">Morningstar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/25/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"These recognitions do more than highlight leading hospitals. They empower patients to make informed healthcare decisions, backed by data-driven insights and proven clinical excellence," says Steve Leibforth, Managing Director of Castle Connolly. "What excites us about our approach and methodology is highlighting hospitals that may not be as well known to consumers but are delivering high quality care for the procedures consumers need. Building on Castle Connolly's 30+ year legacy of providing trusted healthcare information, our inaugural Castle Connolly Top Hospitals list serves as a valuable resource, helping patients confidently navigate critical moments of care with the insights needed to make informed decisions about where to seek treatment for specific procedures."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Castle Connolly Recognizes Its First Top Hospitals Distinctions for Key Medical Procedures in 2025" aria-label="Read Article: Castle Connolly Recognizes Its First Top Hospitals Distinctions for Key Medical Procedures in 2025">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="castle-connolly logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6751" class="el news post-tag-everyday-health-group post-6751 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-everyday-health-group tag-theskimm" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Exclusive: Ziff Davis&#8217; Everyday Health Group acquires TheSkimm</a></h4><div class="source">Axios&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/19/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis, one of the largest publicly-traded digital media companies, has acquired TheSkimm, executives told Axios. The women-focused newsletter company will sit within Everyday Health Group, Ziff Davis' health content arm. "It's about their audience and their credibility as a brand," said Everyday Health Group president Dan Stone. "It's fundamentally a news and lifestyle brand that reaches over 5 million millennial and Gen X women, and that is a core audience for us."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Exclusive: Ziff Davis&amp;#8217; Everyday Health Group acquires TheSkimm" aria-label="Read Article: Exclusive: Ziff Davis&amp;#8217; Everyday Health Group acquires TheSkimm">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="everyday-health-group logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6748" class="el news post-tag-everyday-health-group post-6748 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-everyday-health-group tag-theskimm" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">Everyday Health Group Acquires Leading Digital Media Property theSkimm</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/19/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"The creation of theSkimm marked a watershed moment in getting vital information to a highly engaged audience of female readers in an incredibly compelling format. Today, it is a multifaceted suite of products and services uniquely designed to help her solve issues and better thrive across her work, life and family goals while simultaneously connecting her to a savvy, supportive and optimistic community," said Nan Forte, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Everyday Health Consumer. "We’re excited to serve and further satiate the voracious appetite of theSkimm audience for trusted tips and insider information at this fast-growing intersection of women’s wellness-based content, community and commerce.”</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Everyday Health Group Acquires Leading Digital Media Property theSkimm" aria-label="Read Article: Everyday Health Group Acquires Leading Digital Media Property theSkimm">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="everyday-health-group logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6723" class="el news post-tag-retailmenot post-6723 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-retailmenot" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">RetailMeNot&#8217;s Spring Savecation Is Back: Score Unbeatable Travel Deals &amp; Cash Back from Top Brands for Your Next Getaway, March 6-10</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>3/6/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"This year, travelers are getting a head start like never before, with 54% planning to research and book their trips by the end of March," says Stephanie Carls, Retail Insights Expert at RetailMeNot. "With rising prices, they're looking for smarter ways to save. That's why we're thrilled to bring back Spring Savecation—helping travelers unlock the best deals, stack their savings, and earn cash back, so dream trips can become reality without the financial stress."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: RetailMeNot&amp;#8217;s Spring Savecation Is Back: Score Unbeatable Travel Deals &amp;amp; Cash Back from Top Brands for Your Next Getaway, March 6-10" aria-label="Read Article: RetailMeNot&amp;#8217;s Spring Savecation Is Back: Score Unbeatable Travel Deals &amp;amp; Cash Back from Top Brands for Your Next Getaway, March 6-10">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="retailmenot logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6711" class="el news post-tag-ookla post-6711 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ookla" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">HEAVY.AI and Ookla Partner to Revolutionize Network Analytics with Unprecedented Speed and Scale</a></h4><div class="source">Morningstar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>2/26/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">“At Ookla, our mission is to provide unparalleled network intelligence to help improve global connectivity,” said Chip Strange, Chief Strategy Officer at Ookla. “Partnering with HEAVY.AI allows us to push the boundaries of what’s possible in network analytics, enabling our customers to make faster, smarter decisions that can drive meaningful improvements in network performance, consumer experiences, and better business outcomes for our clientele.”</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: HEAVY.AI and Ookla Partner to Revolutionize Network Analytics with Unprecedented Speed and Scale" aria-label="Read Article: HEAVY.AI and Ookla Partner to Revolutionize Network Analytics with Unprecedented Speed and Scale">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ookla logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6704" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6704 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results and Provides 2025 Guidance</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>2/24/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">“We believe 2024 marked an inflection point for the Company as it returned to revenue, adjusted diluted EPS, and free cash flow growth,” said Vivek Shah, Chief Executive Officer of Ziff Davis. “We are also excited to introduce a new segment reporting structure that we believe will aid investors in gaining a better understanding and appreciation of our business.”</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results and Provides 2025 Guidance" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results and Provides 2025 Guidance">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6701" class="el news post-tag-babycenter post-6701 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-babycenter" href=""> <h3><a href="">A baby now costs more than $20,000 in the first year, research says</a></h4><div class="source">Consumer Affairs&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>2/19/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">It now costs an estimated $20,384 for a baby's first year, according to research by parenting website BabyCenter, marking an increase from $15,775 in 2022 when the calculation was last made during rising inflation. On average, BabyCenter said parents will spend around 31% of their income on first-year baby expenses. The mounting costs are causing stress: 89% of mothers said finances harm their mental health, according to a BabyCenter survey of 1,399 moms between Jan. 17 and Feb. 3. As a result, a quarter of mothers surveyed said they have decided to have fewer children and another 26% have delayed having more kids.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: A baby now costs more than $20,000 in the first year, research says" aria-label="Read Article: A baby now costs more than $20,000 in the first year, research says">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="babycenter logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6698" class="el news post-tag-ookla post-6698 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ookla" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">T-Mobile takes the crown in rural 5G, leaving AT&amp;T and Verizon in the dust</a></h4><div class="source">Phone Arena&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>2/19/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">The big three major carriers have been working on expanding their coverage all over the US and a new report from Ookla highlights who's got more when it comes to their 5G network in rural markets...T-Mobile is currently rocking the largest percentage of 5G users spending the majority of their time on its 5G network in both urban and rural markets. Ookla's 5G Availability metric was used for the report, which shows how likely a user, on average, is to have 5G service available...By the second half of last year, T-Mobile recorded its highest 5G Availability score in the US: 89.4% of its users on its 5G network the majority of the time.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: T-Mobile takes the crown in rural 5G, leaving AT&amp;amp;T and Verizon in the dust" aria-label="Read Article: T-Mobile takes the crown in rural 5G, leaving AT&amp;amp;T and Verizon in the dust">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ookla logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6695" class="el news post-tag-rootmetrics post-6695 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-rootmetrics" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">AT&amp;T tops RootMetrics’ national, state network testing for 2H 2024</a></h4><div class="source">RCR Wireless&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>2/11/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">RootMetrics’ data put AT&T’s network on top in at the national and state-level in its network testing for the second half of 2024 in overall network performance. But Verizon and T-Mobile US beat out AT&T when it came to 5G-specific network testing. The assessment from RootMetrics, which is part of Ookla, was based on more than 3 million tests conducted during the second half of last year, including testing across 125 metropolitan areas, more than 6,600 indoor locations and more than 247,000 miles of drive-testing.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: AT&amp;amp;T tops RootMetrics&rsquo; national, state network testing for 2H 2024" aria-label="Read Article: AT&amp;amp;T tops RootMetrics&rsquo; national, state network testing for 2H 2024">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="rootmetrics logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6672" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6672 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis to Announce Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Earnings</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>2/10/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZD) will release its Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Earnings at 6:00PM ET on Monday, February 24, 2025. Additionally, Ziff Davis invites the public, members of the press, the financial community, stockholders, and other interested parties to listen to a live audio Webcast of its Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Earnings Call at 8:30AM ET on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis to Announce Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Earnings" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis to Announce Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2024 Earnings">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6660" class="el news post-tag-vipre-security-group post-6660 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-vipre-security-group" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">Looking Back to Look Forward: 2024’s Top Email Threats</a></h4><div class="source">Information Security Buzz&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/29/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">VIPRE Security Group recently released their latest annual email threat landscape report, “Email Security in 2025: What to Expect from the Evolving Email Threat Landscape.” Drawing insights from the billions of emails VIPRE processed in 2024, the report offers a comprehensive view of last year’s email security threats to help us make sense of the year ahead.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Looking Back to Look Forward: 2024&rsquo;s Top Email Threats" aria-label="Read Article: Looking Back to Look Forward: 2024&rsquo;s Top Email Threats">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="vipre-security-group logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6654" class="el news post-tag-everyday-health post-6654 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-everyday-health" href="" style="background-color:#3f1c6d"> <h3><a href="">Introducing the CVS Health® app: Your go-to companion for health &amp; wellness</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/28/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">CVS Health's external partnership with Everyday Health on its newly launched app offers consumers health and wellness content, including thousands of educational articles from Everyday Health, all reviewed by medical professionals.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Introducing the CVS Health&reg; app: Your go-to companion for health &amp;amp; wellness" aria-label="Read Article: Introducing the CVS Health&reg; app: Your go-to companion for health &amp;amp; wellness">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="everyday-health logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6651" class="el news post-tag-castle-connolly post-6651 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-castle-connolly" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">Castle Connolly Releases Healthcare Accolades for 2025</a></h4><div class="source">Morningstar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/28/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"By recognizing institutions with the most Top Doctors, Castle Connolly Accolades highlight the leadership and excellence of these healthcare providers," says Steve Leibforth, Castle Connolly's Managing Director. "For patients, this recognition is a valuable tool in making informed healthcare decisions, knowing they are receiving care from the best in the field."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Castle Connolly Releases Healthcare Accolades for 2025" aria-label="Read Article: Castle Connolly Releases Healthcare Accolades for 2025">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="castle-connolly logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6648" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6648 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis to Participate in One Investor Conference in February</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/28/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZD), today announced its participation in one investor conference in February: SIG Susquehanna 14th Annual Tech Conference.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis to Participate in One Investor Conference in February" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis to Participate in One Investor Conference in February">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6645" class="el news post-tag-ookla post-6645 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ookla" href="" style="background-color:#3f1c6d"> <h3><a href="">T-Mobile is 5G download speed king in new network tests against Verizon and AT&amp;T</a></h4><div class="source">Phone Arena&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/23/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ookla's Speedtest Intelligence report revealed that T-Mobile remained the fastest carrier in the United States with a median download speed of 212.77 Mbps, compared to the 95.08 Mbps that AT&T logged, or the slowest Verizon Wireless with 86.23 Mbps. For upload network speeds, T-Mobile's network was also the quickest with 11.45 Mbps and a latency of just 49 ms, the lowest among the three major US carriers.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: T-Mobile is 5G download speed king in new network tests against Verizon and AT&amp;amp;T" aria-label="Read Article: T-Mobile is 5G download speed king in new network tests against Verizon and AT&amp;amp;T">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ookla logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6639" class="el news post-tag-babycenter post-6639 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-babycenter" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">BabyCenter releases list of names &#8216;heading for extinction&#8217; in 2025: See full list</a></h4><div class="source">USA Today&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/16/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Catherine, Jaden, Anne, Phillip, Jamal and Esteban are some of the names that we'll be seeing less of in 2025, a new survey by BabyCenter has revealed. Other names falling in popularity include Edward, Erin, Kelsey, Cannon and Emery. "To kick off 2025, BabyCenter looked at the names that are sharply declining in popularity and could be headed for extinction this year," the company said in a news release Thursday. "These are the names we expect to see much less of this year as Generation Beta babies are born."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: BabyCenter releases list of names &amp;#8216;heading for extinction&amp;#8217; in 2025: See full list" aria-label="Read Article: BabyCenter releases list of names &amp;#8216;heading for extinction&amp;#8217; in 2025: See full list">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="babycenter logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6636" class="el news post-tag-castle-connolly post-6636 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-castle-connolly" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Castle Connolly Releases Castle Connolly 2025 Top Doctors</a></h4><div class="source">Morningstar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/15/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">"We understand that patients are increasingly turning to online sources to make informed healthcare decisions," said Steve Leibforth, Managing Director of Castle Connolly. "Our Top Doctors list serves as a trusted tool, helping patients confidently navigate their healthcare journey by connecting them with leading medical professionals recognized for their expertise and commitment to excellence."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Castle Connolly Releases Castle Connolly 2025 Top Doctors" aria-label="Read Article: Castle Connolly Releases Castle Connolly 2025 Top Doctors">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="castle-connolly logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6641" class="el news post-tag-lose-it post-6641 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-lose-it" href=""> <h3><a href="">AI is making your nutrition goals as easy as taking a photo</a></h4><div class="source">CNN&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/13/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis’ Lose It! was featured on CNN Health, spotlighting its app’s cutting-edge features for food tracking, which help users reach their health goals. Watch the segment.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: AI is making your nutrition goals as easy as taking a photo" aria-label="Read Article: AI is making your nutrition goals as easy as taking a photo">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="lose-it logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6627" class="el news post-tag-vipre-security-group post-6627 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-vipre-security-group" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">2025 Cybersecurity Trends from VIPRE: SMEs a Target and AI Malware to Fuel Supply Chain Attacks, With Regulatory Burden Amplifying Security Training Urgency</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/7/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">2024 saw increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity threats as criminals leveraged all forms of AI to create difficult-to-detect phishing attacks, deepfakes, and ransomware incidents...In 2025, as AI evolves further in sophistication and adoption, alongside the growing burden of data breach costs and regulation – in addition to implementing advanced cybersecurity measures, organizations must prioritize real-world security awareness training...Usman Choudhary, Chief Product & Technology Officer, VIPRE Security Group, offers his thoughts on security trends that will dominate in 2025.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: 2025 Cybersecurity Trends from VIPRE: SMEs a Target and AI Malware to Fuel Supply Chain Attacks, With Regulatory Burden Amplifying Security Training Urgency" aria-label="Read Article: 2025 Cybersecurity Trends from VIPRE: SMEs a Target and AI Malware to Fuel Supply Chain Attacks, With Regulatory Burden Amplifying Security Training Urgency">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="vipre-security-group logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6625" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6625 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href=""> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis Completes One Acquisition in Q4 2024</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>1/2/2025</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZD), announced today that it completed one acquisition in the fourth quarter of 2024.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis Completes One Acquisition in Q4 2024" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis Completes One Acquisition in Q4 2024">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6567" class="el news post-tag-ipvanish post-6567 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ipvanish" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">IPVanish doubles up in security and usability</a></h4><div class="source">TechRadar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>12/5/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">IPVanish, one of the best VPN services on the market, just doubled down on its offering with a new upgrade.For starters, the VPN provider now has over twice as many servers available, worldwide, bringing the total to 108 countries. IPVanish said the move is to bolster users' accessibility. The service boost also includes a new Double Hop VPN feature, available across all its Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iOS, and Android VPN apps.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: IPVanish doubles up in security and usability" aria-label="Read Article: IPVanish doubles up in security and usability">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ipvanish logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6564" class="el news post-tag-what-to-expect post-6564 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-what-to-expect" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">What To Expect poll finds ‘magic number’ on what parents spend on gifts</a></h4><div class="source">MassLive&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/30/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">In a poll of nearly 500 moms, data shows that many parents plan on spending an average of $173 on gifts per child this holiday season. The poll, published by "What to Expect," reveals the age of a child doesn’t have a strong impact on how much parents are forking out for the holidays...While factors like a parents' salary and how many children are in the home influence how much is spent per child, the “magic number” trends towards an average of $173 per child.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: What To Expect poll finds &lsquo;magic number&rsquo; on what parents spend on gifts" aria-label="Read Article: What To Expect poll finds &lsquo;magic number&rsquo; on what parents spend on gifts">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="what-to-expect logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6546" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6546 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href=""> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis Appoints Lori Tansley as Chief Accounting Officer</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/26/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">“Lori is a highly skilled executive with deep finance, M&A, and accounting experience at leading companies,” said Bret Richter, Chief Financial Officer of Ziff Davis. “Her expertise and extensive relevant experience will be an asset to Ziff Davis in its continued pursuit of our long-term goals.”</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis Appoints Lori Tansley as Chief Accounting Officer" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis Appoints Lori Tansley as Chief Accounting Officer">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6530" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6530 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis to Participate in One Investor Conference in December</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/21/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZD), today announced its participation in one investor conference in December: UBS Global Technology and AI Conference.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis to Participate in One Investor Conference in December" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis to Participate in One Investor Conference in December">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6527" class="el news post-tag-what-to-expect post-6527 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-what-to-expect" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">This is the ‘worst’ birth date of the year, say pregnant moms: ‘It’s too stressful’</a></h4><div class="source">New York Post&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/20/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">“The results are in, and 40% of moms shared that the worst of the worst birthdays is December 25,” revealed study authors from, a virtual pregnancy and parenting hub. “There’s a lot going on at Christmastime,” continued the experts, “and many moms in the What to Expect community have expressed their grievances about late December birthdays, in general."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: This is the &lsquo;worst&rsquo; birth date of the year, say pregnant moms: &lsquo;It&rsquo;s too stressful&rsquo;" aria-label="Read Article: This is the &lsquo;worst&rsquo; birth date of the year, say pregnant moms: &lsquo;It&rsquo;s too stressful&rsquo;">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="what-to-expect logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6490" class="el news post-tag-spiceworks post-6490 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-spiceworks" href=""> <h3><a href="">Spiceworks Launches 13th Annual State of IT Report: Rising Costs, AI Investments, and Workforce Challenges Take Center Stage</a></h4><div class="source">Morningstar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/13/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">Spiceworks, a leader in IT insights and solutions, launches its 13th Annual State of IT report, providing a comprehensive outlook on rising costs, workforce demands, and the impacts of generative AI. Released in partnership with Aberdeen Strategy & Research, the report sheds light on essential strategies for IT resilience and growth in 2025. The 2025 report highlights the growing importance of security, the rising cost of IT resources, and the critical need for talent development in the face of skills shortages, providing companies with a roadmap to plan for resilience and innovation.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Spiceworks Launches 13th Annual State of IT Report: Rising Costs, AI Investments, and Workforce Challenges Take Center Stage" aria-label="Read Article: Spiceworks Launches 13th Annual State of IT Report: Rising Costs, AI Investments, and Workforce Challenges Take Center Stage">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="spiceworks logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6486" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6486 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">Ziff Davis Reports Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Reaffirms 2024 Guidance</a></h4><div class="source">Yahoo! Finance&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/7/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">"We are very pleased with our third quarter results," said Vivek Shah, Chief Executive Officer of Ziff Davis. "We are seeing improvements in the businesses that we currently own, as well as opportunities to leverage our strong balance sheet and free cash flows to acquire businesses that we would like to own."</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Ziff Davis Reports Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Reaffirms 2024 Guidance" aria-label="Read Article: Ziff Davis Reports Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Reaffirms 2024 Guidance">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6483" class="el news post-tag-retailmenot post-6483 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-retailmenot" href="" style="background-color:#656974"> <h3><a href="">RetailMeNot&#8217;s Annual Holiday, Cash Back Day, Returns: Unwrap the Season&#8217;s Deepest Cash Back Offers November 7-9</a></h4><div class="source">Morningstar&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/7/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">Today, RetailMeNot, a Ziff Davis company, kicks off Cash Back Day, an exclusive shopping event running November 7-9 that empowers RetailMeNot members to kick off the holiday shopping season with thousands of deals and cash back offers of up to 20% from top retailers, including UGG, Tarte Cosmetics, Macy's, Walmart, Viator, Anthropologie, Alo Yoga and more. This three-day savings event makes it easier than ever for shoppers to check off every item on their holiday lists while putting cash back into their wallets at hundreds of their favorite retailers.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: RetailMeNot&amp;#8217;s Annual Holiday, Cash Back Day, Returns: Unwrap the Season&amp;#8217;s Deepest Cash Back Offers November 7-9" aria-label="Read Article: RetailMeNot&amp;#8217;s Annual Holiday, Cash Back Day, Returns: Unwrap the Season&amp;#8217;s Deepest Cash Back Offers November 7-9">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="retailmenot logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6475" class="el news post-tag-ziff-davis post-6475 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-ziff-davis" href=""> <h3><a href="">Exclusive: Ziff Davis study says AI firms rely on publisher data to train models</a></h4><div class="source">Axios&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>11/5/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">Ziff Davis says their analysis of publicly available datasets makes it clear that AI firms rely disproportionately on commercial publishers of news and media websites to train their LLMs. The paper — authored by Ziff Davis' lead AI attorney, George Wukoson, and its chief technology officer, Joey Fortuna — finds that for some large language models, content from a set of 15 premium publishers made up a significant amount of the data sets used for training.</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: Exclusive: Ziff Davis study says AI firms rely on publisher data to train models" aria-label="Read Article: Exclusive: Ziff Davis study says AI firms rely on publisher data to train models">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="ziff-davis logo" class="newslogo"> </article> <article id="post-6467" class="el news post-tag-babycenter post-6467 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-news tag-babycenter" href="" style="background-color:#221176"> <h3><a href="">9 Baby Name Trends To Look Out For In 2025</a></h4><div class="source">HuffPost&nbsp;&nbsp;<time>10/31/2024</time></div><div class="excerpt">“Since we’ve been analyzing baby names and reporting on them for two decades now, we’ve seen a ton of trends come and go,” said Rebekah Wahlberg, a baby name trends specialist at BabyCenter. “The 2025 trend forecast tells us a couple things about the future of baby naming: One, parents are very willing to get playful with their daughters’ names. And two, names are less ubiquitous than ever before ― where there used to be three Sarahs, we now have an Olivia, an Emma, and a Luna. Traditional names are deconsolidating as parents choose from a wider variety of names.”</div><a href="" class="readmore" title="Read Article: 9 Baby Name Trends To Look Out For In 2025" aria-label="Read Article: 9 Baby Name Trends To Look Out For In 2025">Read Article</a><img src="" alt="babycenter logo" class="newslogo"> </article></div> </section> <div class="separator"></div> <section id="bottomlinks"> <div> <h3><a href="/about">M&amp;A Program</a></h3> <a href="/about/acquisitions"><img src="/s/zd/bottom_acquisitions.jpg" alt="M&A Program"></a> <a class="readmore" href="/about/acquisitions">Acquisition Strategy</a> </div> <div> <h3><a href="/about/leadership">Leadership</a></h3> <a href="/about/leadership"><img src="/s/zd/bottom_leadership.jpg" alt="Leadership"></a> <a class="readmore" href="/about/leadership">Executive Team</a> </div> <div> <h3><a href="/about">About Ziff Davis</a></h3> <a href="/about"><img src="/s/zd/bottom_about.jpg" alt="About Ziff Davis"></a> <a 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