The Public Editor - The New York Times
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class="collection-image"> <img src=""/> </div> <div class="collection-headings"> <div class="collection-heading-group"> <h1 class="collection-heading" itemprop="name"> The Public Editor </h1> <div class="follow-button-placeholder" style="" data-collection-id="column.the-public-editor"></div> </div><!-- close collection-heading-group --> <h2 class="collection-subheading" itemprop="about">Liz Spayd, the sixth public editor, is at the intersection of Times readers and Times journalists. <a class="user-action">More<i class="icon caret-icon"></i></a> </h2> </div><!-- close collection-headings --> </div> </div> </header> <div class="collection-description"> <p>Liz Spayd is the sixth public editor appointed by The New York Times. The public editor works outside of the reporting and editing structure of the newspaper and receives and answers questions or comments from readers and the public, principally about news and other coverage in The Times. Her opinions and conclusions are her own.</p> <p>Follow the public editor on Twitter <a href="">@spaydl</a> and reach her by email at <a href=""></a>.</p> </div> <div class="stream-supplemental"> <div id="main-tabs" class="main-tabs tabs"> <nav class="tab-navigation"> <ul class="tab-menu" role="tablist"> <li class="tab active " aria-controls="latest-panel" role="tab" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true" data-name="latest"> <a id="tab-link-1" class="" href="#latest-panel" tabindex="-1">Latest</a> </li> <li class="tab search-tab" aria-controls="search-panel" role="tab" tabindex="0" aria-selected="true" data-name="search"> <a id="tab-link-2" class="search-link" href="#search-panel" tabindex="-1"><i class="icon sprite-icon search-icon"></i><span class="link-text">Search</span> <form class="search-tab-form" role="search"> <div class="control"> <div class="label-container visually-hidden"> <label id="search-tab-label" for="search-tab-input">Search</label> </div> <div class="field-container"> <input id="search-tab-input" name="search-tab-input" type="text" class="search-tab-input text" placeholder="Search" aria-labelledby="search-tab-label" size="8" autocomplete="off"/> <button type="button" class="button clear-button hidden" tabindex="-1" aria-describedby="clear-search-input"><i class="icon"></i><span id="clear-search-input" class="visually-hidden">Clear this text input</span></button> </div> </div><!-- close control --> </form> </a> </li> </ul><!-- close tab-menu --> </nav><!-- close tab-navigation --> <section id="latest-panel" class="tab-panel latest-panel " aria-labelledby="tab-link-1" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="-1"> <h2 class="section-heading visually-hidden">Latest Articles</h2> <div class="stream" data-total-pages="83"> <ol class="story-menu theme-stream initial-set"> <li id="story-id-100000004595532"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> On Gulf Coast Flooding, The Times Is Late to the Scene </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Many readers have expressed disappointment in the lack of original reporting on devastating floods that raged over the weekend, notably in Louisiana.</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004588018"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Sulzberger Debunks New York Post Story </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Arthur O. 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Favors! Name-Calling! But What About Those Russians? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The salacious details of cyberattacks draw the biggest headlines, but are they the biggest part of the story?</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-26" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-26">July 26, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="paid-post-1" class="ad hidden"></li> </ol> <ol id="story-menu-additional-set-latest" class="story-menu theme-stream additional-set hidden"> <li id="latest-page-marker" class="page-marker invisible-minimized"></li> <li id="story-id-100000004546177"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Ms. or Mrs.? It’s Up to You. As for Me, Just Call Me Spayd </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">If Melania Trump is a Ms. while Michelle Obama is a Mrs., does that mean The Times is up to something? Not really.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-22" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-22">July 22, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004532788"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> The Times Gives an Update on Anonymous Source Use </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Times updates the newsroom on how well its push to limit anonymous source is working.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-15">July 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004530357"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Did a Hot-Button Upshot Story Lose Sight of the Readers? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Upshot reported on a surprising study finding that white suspects are more likely to be shot by the police than black ones are. Well, maybe, many readers protested, but. . .</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-14" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-14">July 14, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004525529"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Opinion Editors Tone Down Piece on Race, and Some Readers Cry Foul </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">When a published article needs to be recast, editors should make it clear to readers what has happened, and why.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-12">July 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004517081"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A Foot in the Door (or Something Like That), and We’re Off </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The New York Times’s new public editor introduces herself to readers.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-07" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-07">July 7, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004325509"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Public Editor No. 5 Is Yesterday’s News </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Times’s fifth public editor is ending her tenure after four years. She offers some final observations.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Public Editor No. 5 Is Yesterday’s News" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-16">April 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004329239"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Five Things I Won’t Miss at The Times — and Seven I Will </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A few thoughts before packing up my Monocle Meter. . .</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-15">April 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004322241"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Perfectly Reasonable Question: Short Shrift for the Mets? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A reader sees a preference for the Yankees, and the sports editor says it ain’t so.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-12">April 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004315329"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A ‘Flawed Story’ on Gay Talese, and ‘Clumsy’ Handling of Race and Gender </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Times top editor says newsroom culture must change.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-07" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-07">April 7, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004308653"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Panama Papers: Why No Big Splash or Times Participation? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Times did not treat the huge data leak prominently Sunday or as front-page news on Monday.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-04" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-04">April 4, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="paid-post-2" class="ad hidden"></li> </ol> <div class="story-menu-options"> <div class="buttons"> <button class="button load-more-button" aria-controls="story-menu-additional-set-latest">Show More</button> <a class="button skip-button visually-hidden focusable" href="#site-index-navigation">Skip to Navigation</a> </div> </div><!-- close story-menu-options --> </div><!-- close stream --> <div class="supplemental"> <div id="lede-ad" class="ad lede-ad nocontent robots-nocontent"></div> <div id="supplemental-ad-2" class="ad supplemental-ad-2 nocontent robots-nocontent"></div></div><!-- close supplemental --> </section><!-- close tab-panel --> <section id="search-panel" class="tab-panel search-panel hidden " aria-labelledby="tab-link-2" role="tabpanel" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="-1"> <div id="stream-search" class="stream-search"> <div class="stream-controls"> <header class="stream-search-header section-header" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true"> <h2 class="section-heading visually-hidden">Search Articles</h2> <h3 class="stream-search-heading section-heading"><span class="result-count">827 results</span> <span id="results-for-word" class="hidden">for</span> <strong class="search-term"></strong> <span class="stream-sort">sorted by <button type="button" class="button stream-sort-button"><span class="button-text">newest</span><i class="icon caret-icon"></i></button></span></h3> </header> </div><!-- close stream-controls --> <div class="stream" data-total-pages="83"> <ol class="story-menu theme-stream initial-set"> <li id="story-id-100000004595532"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> On Gulf Coast Flooding, The Times Is Late to the Scene </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Many readers have expressed disappointment in the lack of original reporting on devastating floods that raged over the weekend, notably in Louisiana.</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004588018"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Sulzberger Debunks New York Post Story </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr., The New York Times’s publisher, responds to reports that The Times plans to cut several sections of the print newspaper.</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004586707"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Why’d You Do That? Magazine Editor Jake Silverstein on a History-Making Issue </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">This Sunday’s New York Times Magazine is dedicated to a single narrative about the forces that unraveled the Arab world, and clocks in at 40,000 words.</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004569177"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A ‘New York’ Paper Takes a Look in the Mirror </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The days of chasing fire engines may be nearing an end as The Times rethinks how it covers its own hometown.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-06" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-06">Aug. 6, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004544308"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Why Readers See The Times as Liberal </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Fairly or unfairly, many complain that they see bias when they look at paper.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Why Readers See The Times as Liberal" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-23" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-23">July 23, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004518071"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Want to Attract More Readers? Try Listening to Them </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Journalists traditionally liked to have an arm’s-length relationship with readers. But that’s no longer good for business. Or for journalism.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-09" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-09">July 9, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004573912"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A Potent Endorsement Could Use More Transparency </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">An Op-Ed piece endorsing Hillary Clinton by Michael J. Morell, a former top C.I.A. official, does not disclose that Morell works at a Washington consulting firm with connections to Clinton.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-07" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-07">Aug. 7, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004565342"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> The Clinton Story You Didn’t Read Here </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Hillary Clinton ignited criticism with claims she made about her email use in an interview with Fox News, but don’t look for it in The Times.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-02" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-02">Aug. 2, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004556432"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A Convention Speech, Not a Bodice Ripper </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A Times story claiming that Bill Clinton’s convention speech sexualized Hillary Clinton has readers scratching their heads.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-28" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-28">July 28, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004552478"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Feuds! Favors! Name-Calling! But What About Those Russians? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The salacious details of cyberattacks draw the biggest headlines, but are they the biggest part of the story?</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-26" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-26">July 26, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> </ol> <ol id="story-menu-additional-set-search" class="story-menu theme-stream additional-set hidden"> <li id="search-page-marker" class="page-marker invisible-minimized"></li> <li id="story-id-100000004546177"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Ms. or Mrs.? It’s Up to You. As for Me, Just Call Me Spayd </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">If Melania Trump is a Ms. while Michelle Obama is a Mrs., does that mean The Times is up to something? Not really.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-22" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-22">July 22, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004532788"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> The Times Gives an Update on Anonymous Source Use </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Times updates the newsroom on how well its push to limit anonymous source is working.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-15">July 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004530357"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Did a Hot-Button Upshot Story Lose Sight of the Readers? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Upshot reported on a surprising study finding that white suspects are more likely to be shot by the police than black ones are. Well, maybe, many readers protested, but. . .</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-14" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-14">July 14, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004525529"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Opinion Editors Tone Down Piece on Race, and Some Readers Cry Foul </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">When a published article needs to be recast, editors should make it clear to readers what has happened, and why.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-12">July 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004517081"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A Foot in the Door (or Something Like That), and We’re Off </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The New York Times’s new public editor introduces herself to readers.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LIZ SPAYD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-07-07" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-07-07">July 7, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004325509"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Public Editor No. 5 Is Yesterday’s News </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Times’s fifth public editor is ending her tenure after four years. She offers some final observations.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Public Editor No. 5 Is Yesterday’s News" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-16">April 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004329239"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Five Things I Won’t Miss at The Times — and Seven I Will </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A few thoughts before packing up my Monocle Meter. . .</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-15">April 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004322241"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Perfectly Reasonable Question: Short Shrift for the Mets? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A reader sees a preference for the Yankees, and the sports editor says it ain’t so.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-12">April 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004315329"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> A ‘Flawed Story’ on Gay Talese, and ‘Clumsy’ Handling of Race and Gender </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Times top editor says newsroom culture must change.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-07" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-07">April 7, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004308653"><article class="story theme-summary no-thumb " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Panama Papers: Why No Big Splash or Times Participation? </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Times did not treat the huge data leak prominently Sunday or as front-page news on Monday.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MARGARET SULLIVAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-04-04" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-04-04">April 4, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> </ol> <div class="story-menu-options"> <div class="buttons"> <button class="button load-more-button" aria-controls="story-menu-additional-set-search">Show More</button> <a class="button skip-button visually-hidden focusable" href="#site-index-navigation">Skip to Navigation</a> </div> </div><!-- close story-menu-options --> </div><!-- close stream --> <div class="supplemental"> <div id="lede-ad-search" class="ad lede-ad nocontent robots-nocontent"></div> </div><!-- close supplemental --> </div><!-- close stream-search --> </section><!-- close tab-panel --> </div><!-- close story-tabs --> </div> </section><!-- close collection --> <div class="search-overlay"></div> </main><!-- close main --> <section id="site-index" class="site-index"> <header class="section-header"> <p class="user-action"><a href="">Go to Home Page »</a></p> <h2 class="section-heading"> <span class="visually-hidden">Site Index</span> <a id="site-index-branding-link" href=""> <span class="visually-hidden">The New York Times</span> </a> </h2> <script>window.magnum.writeLogo('small', '', '', '', 'standard', 'site-index-branding-link', '');</script> </header> <nav id="site-index-navigation" class="site-index-navigation" role="navigation"> <h2 class="visually-hidden">Site Index Navigation</h2> <div class="split-6-layout layout"> <div class="column"> <h3 class="menu-heading">News</h3> <ul class="menu"> <li> <a href="">World</a> </li> <li> <a href="">U.S.</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Politics</a> </li> <li> <a href="">N.Y.</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Business</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Tech</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Science</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Health</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Sports</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Education</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Obituaries</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Today's Paper</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Corrections</a> </li> </ul> </div><!-- close column --> <div class="column"> <h3 class="menu-heading">Opinion</h3> <ul class="menu"> <li> <a href="">Today's Opinion</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Op-Ed Columnists</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Editorials</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Contributing Writers</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Op-Ed Contributors</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Opinionator</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Letters</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Sunday Review</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Taking Note</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Room for Debate</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Public Editor</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Video: Opinion</a> </li> </ul> </div><!-- close column --> <div class="column"> <h3 class="menu-heading">Arts</h3> <ul class="menu"> <li> <a href="">Today's Arts</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Art & Design</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Books</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Dance</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Movies</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Music</a> </li> <li> <a href="">N.Y.C. 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