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<div id="document_metadata" class="has-border-bottom"><span class="product tooltip-container"> Firefox <span class="tooltip">Firefox</span> </span> <span class="last-updated"> <img class="pencil" src=""> <strong>Last updated:</strong> <span class="time"> <time datetime="2024-11-26T12:51:49.836747-08:00">11/26/24</time> </span> </span> <span class="helpful-info"> <img class="thumbsup" src=""><span class="helpful-count">61%</span> of users voted this helpful </span> </div> <section id="doc-content" class="document--content "> <p>Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox automatically protects your privacy while you browse. It blocks trackers that follow you around online to collect information about your browsing habits and interests <a href="">without breaking site functionality</a>. It also includes protections against harmful scripts, such as malware that drains your battery.</p> <div id="toc"> <h2>Table of Contents</h2> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Protections Dashboard</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">What Enhanced Tracking Protection blocks</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Bounce Tracking Protection</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">How to tell when Firefox is protecting you</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">How to tell what’s being blocked on a site</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">6</span> <span class="toctext">What to do if a site seems broken</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">6.1</span> <span class="toctext">Report a broken site</span></a></li> </ul></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">7</span> <span class="toctext">Adjust your global Enhanced Tracking Protection settings</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">7.1</span> <span class="toctext">Standard Enhanced Tracking Protection</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">7.2</span> <span class="toctext">Strict Enhanced Tracking Protection</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">7.3</span> <span class="toctext">Custom Enhanced Tracking Protection</span></a></li> </ul></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">8</span> <span class="toctext">Copy without site tracking</span></a> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">8.1</span> <span class="toctext">Copy from the address bar</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href=""><span class="tocnumber">8.2</span> <span class="toctext">Copy from in-page links</span></a></li> </ul></li> </ul> </div> <h1 id="w_protections-dashboard">Protections Dashboard</h1> <p>To see what’s been blocked on all sites over the past week, visit your Protections Dashboard. Click the shield <img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> to the left of the address bar and select <span class="menu">Protections Dashboard</span> or type <strong>about:protections</strong> into the address bar. This will open the <em>Protections Dashboard</em> page in a new tab.</p> <h1 id="w_what-enhanced-tracking-protection-blocks">What Enhanced Tracking Protection blocks</h1> <p>Firefox uses a list of known trackers provided by <a href="">Disconnect</a>. By default, Firefox blocks the following types of trackers and scripts:</p> <ul> <li>Social media trackers</li> <li>Cross-site tracking cookies</li> <li>Fingerprinters</li> <li>Cryptominers</li> <li>Tracking content: These trackers are hidden in ads, videos, and other in-page content. In <strong>Standard</strong> mode, tracking content is blocked only in <a href="">Private Windows</a>. To add this protection to all windows, visit your privacy preferences and select <strong>Strict</strong> or <strong>Custom</strong> as <a href="">explained below</a>.</li> </ul> <div class="note"> <strong>Note:</strong> <a href="">Total Cookie Protection</a> is enabled by default in Standard mode. This confines every cookie to the website where it was created and prevents cookies from tracking you across sites (to learn more, see <a href="">Introducing Total Cookie Protection in Standard Mode</a>). <a href="">Strict Mode</a> also includes <a href="">Enhanced Cookie Clearing</a>, which allows users to clear third-party cookies more effectively. </div> <p>To learn more about trackers and scripts blocked by Firefox, see <a href="">Trackers and scripts Firefox blocks in Enhanced Tracking Protection</a>, <a href="">Third-party trackers</a> and <a href="">SmartBlock for Enhanced Tracking Protection</a>.</p> <div class="for" data-for="fx133"> <h1 id="w_bounce-tracking-protection">Bounce Tracking Protection</h1> <p>Bounce Tracking Protection is a feature in Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) <a href="">strict mode</a> that prevents redirect trackers (bounce trackers) from collecting data as you navigate between websites. These trackers redirect you through intermediate URLs to gather information about your browsing habits.</p> <p>How it works:</p> <ul> <li>Firefox automatically detects and classifies bounce trackers.</li> <li>Cookies and storage associated with these trackers are cleared if no user interaction occurs within a designated time.</li> </ul> <p>Bounce Tracking Protection effortlessly enhances your privacy, operating in the background when ETP is set to strict mode. For technical details, visit the <a href="">Mozilla Source Docs</a>.</p> </div> <h1 id="w_how-to-tell-when-firefox-is-protecting-you">How to tell when Firefox is protecting you</h1> <p>The shield to the left of the address bar tells you if Firefox is blocking trackers and scripts on a site.</p> <dl> <dt> <span class="for" data-for="not fx119"><img alt="Shield Address bar" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""></span><span class="for" data-for="fx119"><img alt="Fx130Shield-Addressbar" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""></span> </dt> </dl> <ul> <li><img alt="Fx91ShieldIcon-Blue" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> <strong>Blocking:</strong> Firefox <strong>blocked</strong> trackers and harmful scripts on a site. Open the shield to see what was blocked.</li> <li><img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> <strong>Active:</strong> Enhanced Tracking Protection is turned <strong>on</strong> on a site, but Firefox <strong>didn't block</strong> any trackers or scripts.</li> <li><img alt="Fx91shield-ETPoff" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> <strong>Inactive:</strong> Enhanced Tracking Protection is turned <strong>off</strong> on a site. Open the shield and toggle the switch to turn it back on.</li> </ul> <h1 id="w_how-to-tell-whats-being-blocked-on-a-site">How to tell what’s being blocked on a site</h1> <ul> <li>Click the shield to see what Firefox has blocked. <dl> <dt> <img alt="Protections for panel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" width="400"> </dt> </dl></li> </ul> <p>This panel will display different information depending on the site you’re on.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Blocked:</strong> Firefox blocked these trackers and scripts. Select each one to see a detailed list.</li> <li><strong>Allowed:</strong> These are the trackers and scripts that were allowed to load on the page. This happens because some websites may require loading trackers and scripts to function properly. Firefox only allows trackers and scripts needed for the site to work and blocks the rest. For more information, visit <a href="">SmartBlock for Enhanced Tracking Protection</a>.</li> <li><strong>None Detected:</strong> Firefox looked for these trackers and scripts, but did not find them on this site.</li> <li>Select <span class="menu">Protection Settings</span> to adjust your global privacy settings.</li> <li>Select <span class="menu">Protections Dashboard</span> to view a personalized summary of your protections over the past week, including tools to take control of your online security.</li> </ul> <h1 id="w_what-to-do-if-a-site-seems-broken">What to do if a site seems broken</h1> <p>If a site seems broken, disabling <a href="">Enhanced Tracking Protection</a> might fix the issue by allowing trackers on just that site. It allows trackers to load on that site only. Enhanced Tracking Protection will still prevent trackers on other sites. To disable it:</p> <ol> <li>Visit the website.</li> <li>At the left of the address bar, click the <img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" width="30"> shield icon.</li> <li>At the top right of the panel, toggle off the Enhanced Tracking Protection switch <img alt="Fx91ETPbluetoggle" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" width="40">. The site will be added to your Enhanced Tracking Protection exception list, allowing trackers on it, and the page will reload automatically. <dl> <dt> <img alt="Protection panel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" width="400"> </dt> </dl></li> </ol> <p>Follow the same process to turn Enhanced Tracking Protection back on. The site will be removed from the exception list, and the page will reload automatically.</p> <div class="note"> You may encounter breakage on some sites when you’re in <strong>Strict</strong> Enhanced Tracking Protection. This is because trackers are hidden in some content. For example, a website might embed an outside video or social media post that contains trackers. To block the trackers, Firefox must also block the content itself. Trackers are often hidden in the following types of content: <ul> <li>Login fields</li> <li>Forms</li> <li>Payments</li> <li>Comments</li> <li>Videos</li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="w_report-a-broken-site">Report a broken site</h2> <div class="for" data-for="not fx123"> <p>If a broken site starts working properly again after turning off the Enhanced Tracking Protection, you can click the shield <img alt="Fx91shield-ETPoff" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> icon and select <strong>Send report</strong>. This will show the <em>Report a Broken Site</em> panel.</p> <dl> <dt> <img alt="Fx98ETP-ReportBrokenSite" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt> </dl> <p>The <span class="button">Send Report</span> button will send site related data to Mozilla, so future Firefox versions can load that site working properly with Enhanced Tracking Protection enabled for everyone. By filling the optional <strong>Describe the problem</strong> field helps us fix the problem faster.</p> </div> <div class="for" data-for="fx123"> <p>If disabling Enhanced Tracking Protection resolves issues with a broken site, consider submitting a <em>Broken Site</em> report to the Webcompat team. To do so:</p> <ol> <li>Open the <em>Report broken site</em> panel. Either: <ul> <li>Click the menu button <img alt="Fx89menuButton" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> to open the menu panel. Then, select <span class="menu">Report broken site</span>.</li> <li>Alternatively, click the <img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> shield icon at the left of the address bar and select <span class="menu">Report broken site</span>.</li> </ul></li> <li>The URL field will show up with the current tab URL, you can change it if you wish.</li> <li>Pick an option from the <em>What's broken</em> dropdown.</li> <li>Optionally, add a short description of the issue. <dl> <dt> <img alt="Fx123-Report broken site panel" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt> </dl></li> <li>To submit your report, click the <span class="button">Send</span> button.</li> <li>A success message will confirm your submission. To conclude, click <span class="button">Okay</span>. <dl> <dt> <img alt="Fx123-Report broken site panel Success message Okay" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt> </dl></li> </ol> <div class="note"> <ul> <li>The reporting tool will not work on a new tab or <em>about:</em> Firefox page.</li> <li>For Nightly and Beta channel users: You can send a detailed report using the <strong>Send more info</strong> link, located at the lower end of the <em>Report a broken site</em> panel.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <p>For more information, see <a href="">How do I report a broken site in Firefox desktop?</a></p> <h1 id="w_adjust-your-global-enhanced-tracking-protection-settings">Adjust your global Enhanced Tracking Protection settings</h1> <p>When you download Firefox, all protections included in <strong>Standard</strong> Enhanced Tracking Protection are already enabled.</p> <p>To view or change your Enhanced Tracking Protection settings for all sites, click the shield <img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> to the left of the address bar on any webpage and select <span class="menu">Protection Settings</span>. This will open the Firefox Settings <em>Privacy & Security</em> panel in a new tab.</p> <dl> <dt> <img alt="Fx108settings-ETP" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt> </dl> <div class="note"> <strong>Tip:</strong> These settings are also available from the Firefox menu:<br><span class="for" data-for="mac">In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click <span class="menu">Firefox</span> and then select <span class="menu">Preferences</span> or <span class="menu">Settings</span>, depending on your macOS version.</span><span class="for" data-for="win,linux">Click the menu button <img alt="Fx89menuButton" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> and select <span class="menu">Settings</span>.</span> Then select <span class="menu">Privacy & Security</span>. </div> <h2 id="w_standard-enhanced-tracking-protection">Standard Enhanced Tracking Protection</h2> <p>By default, Firefox blocks the following on all sites:</p> <ul> <li>Social media trackers</li> <li>Cross-site tracking cookies (other third-party cookies are isolated)</li> <li>Tracking content in <a href="">Private Windows</a> only</li> <li>Cryptominers</li> <li>Fingerprinters</li> </ul> <h2 id="w_strict-enhanced-tracking-protection">Strict Enhanced Tracking Protection</h2> <p>To further increase privacy, select <strong>Strict</strong> Enhanced Tracking Protection. This will block the following:</p> <ul> <li>Social media trackers</li> <li><span class="for" data-for="not fx132">Cross-site tracking cookies (other third-party cookies are isolated)</span><span class="for" data-for="fx132">All cross-site cookies</span></li> <li>Tracking content in all windows</li> <li>Cryptominers</li> <li>Fingerprinters</li> </ul> <p></p> <ol> <li>Click the shield <img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> to the left of the address bar on any webpage.</li> <li>Click <span class="menu">Protection Settings</span>. <dl> <dt> The Firefox Settings <em>Privacy & Security</em> panel will open. </dt> </dl></li> <li>Under <em>Enhanced Tracking Protection</em>, select <span class="menu">Strict</span>.</li> <li>Select the <img alt="reload all tabs retina" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" width="150"> button to apply your new privacy settings.</li> </ol> <p></p> <h2 id="w_custom-enhanced-tracking-protection">Custom Enhanced Tracking Protection</h2> <p>Want to block some trackers and scripts, but not others? Use <strong>Custom</strong> Enhanced Tracking Protection.</p> <ol> <li>Click the shield <img alt="Fx89ShieldIcon" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> to the left of the address bar on any webpage.</li> <li>Click <span class="menu">Protection Settings</span>. <dl> <dt> The Firefox Settings <em>Privacy & Security</em> panel will open. </dt> </dl></li> <li>Under <em>Enhanced Tracking Protection</em>, select <span class="menu">Custom</span>.</li> <li>Choose which trackers and scripts to block by selecting those checkboxes.</li> <li>Select the <img alt="reload all tabs retina" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" width="150"> button to apply your new privacy settings.</li> </ol> <p>You can also turn off all protections in <strong>Custom</strong> by deselecting all checkboxes. This allows all trackers and scripts to load.</p> <div class="for" data-for="fx120"> <h1 id="w_copy-without-site-tracking">Copy without site tracking</h1> <p>Starting with <a href="">Firefox version</a> 120, the <em>Copy without site tracking</em> feature is automatically enabled to safeguard users against URL-based tracking by stripping tracking parameters from any copied URL.</p> <h2 id="w_copy-from-the-address-bar">Copy from the address bar</h2> <p>To copy URLs from the address bar stripping any tracking parameters it may have, do the following:</p> <ol> <li>Right-click the URL you want to copy and select <span class="menu">Copy Without Site Tracking</span>.</li> <li>Paste the clean URL from the clipboard. <dl> <dt> <img alt="Copy without site tracking (address bar)" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt> </dl></li> </ol> <h2 id="w_copy-from-in-page-links">Copy from in-page links</h2> <p>To copy URLs from in-page links stripping any tracking parameters it may have, do the following:</p> <ol> <li>Right-click the URL you want to copy and select <span class="menu">Copy Link Without Site Tracking</span>.</li> <li>Paste the clean URL from the clipboard. <dl> <dt> <img alt="Copy without site tracking (in-page)" class="wiki-image frameless lazy" data-original-src="" src="" title=""> </dt> </dl></li> </ol> </div> </section> <p class="share-link"><br> Share this article: <a href=""></a></p> </article> <section id="document-vote-wrapper-narrow-screen" class="sumo-page-section"> </section> <section id="doc-contributors" class="document--contributors sumo-page-section"> <p class="help-title text-body-md">These fine people helped write this article:</p> <div class="document--contributors-list text-body-xs"> <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">AliceWyman</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Chris Ilias</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Michele Rodaro</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Mozinet</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Joni</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Marcelo Ghelman</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Lamont Gardenhire</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Jeff</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Mark Heijl</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Angela Lazar</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">PGGWriter</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Fabi</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">k_alex</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Bithiah</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Abby</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">dirkpeukert4</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Denys</a>, <a class="user secondary-color" rel="nofollow" href="">Lucas Siebert</a> </div> </section> <section class="sumo-page-section"> <div class="card card--callout is-full-width has-moz-headings"> <div class="card--callout-wrap-narrow"><img class="card--feature-img" src="" alt="Illustration of hands"> <div class="card--details"> <h3 class="card--title">Volunteer</h3> <p class="card--desc">Grow and share your expertise with others. 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