The IPv6 Forum Releases The IPv6 Security (IPsec) Ready Logo Program - Administration - IPv6 Forum

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<a href=""><img width="62" height="77" alt="IPv6 Enabled Logo" style="border-width: 0px;" SRC="/im/logos/ready_logo.jpg"></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_eng_gold.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_trainer_gold.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="150" SRC="/im/logos/v65G.jpg" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="109" SRC="/im/logos/New5G.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="120" SRC="/im/logos/FNI.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="120" SRC="/im/logos/6HoFFinal.jpg" height="77"></a> <a <a href="" target="blank"><img width="100" SRC="/im/logos/IPv6 Deploy.png" height="77"></a> <a <a href="" target="blank"><img width="100" SRC="/im/logos/IPv6-Enhanced2023.png" height="77"></a> <a <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-461"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">SOLAIRE EXPO MAROC</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Solaire.png" width="700" height="200px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Youssef.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> SOLAIRE EXPO MAROC est une plateforme B to B adéquate et cohérente pour créer, développer et présenter des solutions pour les acteurs et <br> les amateurs de l’énergie solaire et de l’efficacité énergétique, en vous permettant de : <br> Présenter vos innovations techniques et les dernières tendances, <br> Développer votre marché à l’international, en particulier au Maroc et en Afrique, <br> Concentrer tous vos RDV d’affaires en même lieu, <br> Proposer vos produits et services à un visitorat professionnel ciblé. <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Prof. Youssef Naimi, Enseignant-Chercheur chez faculté des sciences ben m'sik <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-462"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ISBCom 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Blockchain, and Communication Technologies</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Cairo1.png" width="350" height="200px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Cairo2.png" width="350" height="200px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Ahmed.jpeg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Blockchain, and Communication Technologies <br> May 10-11, 2025 <br> ElSewedy University of Technology, Egypt <br> In-Person | Online <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Courtesy: Ahmed Abdelgawad, Professor at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, United States <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-460"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Launches SRv6 Ready Logo Certification Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/SRv6Logo.png" width="700" height="200px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/SRv6pics.png" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> Silver Certification (Phase-1) to Launch in January 2025, Gold Certification (Phase-2) to Follow in March 2025 <br> SRv6 is a critical technology in modern networking due to its ability to simplify network <br> operations, enhance scalability, and support advanced use cases like network slicing and <br> 5G. By leveraging the native capabilities of IPv6, SRv6 eliminates the need for complex <br> MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) protocols, streamlining the deployment and <br> management of large-scale networks. As industries adopt 5G and IoT, SRv6 is set to play a <br> pivotal role in providing the agility and flexibility needed to meet evolving connectivity demands. <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/SRv6 Press Release.pdf" target=blank>SRv6 Press Release.pdf</a> <a <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Timothy Winters (Qa Cafe, US), ,Krishna Kumar Lhoti (CNLABS India Australia), , Liu Dong (BII China) <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-459"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The 2025 edition of MPLS & SRv6 AI Net World Congress at the Palais des Congrès de Paris.</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/SRv62025.png" width="700" height="200px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/remi.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> The 2025 edition of MPLS & SRv6 AI Net World Congress will stand from the 25th to 27th March at the Palais des Congrès de Paris. <br><br> <br> Rich Agenda <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Remi Scavenius, Founder & CEO, Upperside <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-458"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Announcing the 2024 New Internet IPv6 Hall of Famers</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2024HoF667.png" width="700" height="550px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2019v6HoF.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>The 2024 Pv6 Hall of Fame has been announced virtually</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"to recognise and celebrate the IPv6 Experts, Evangelists, IPv6 ISPs, Content Providers, Trainers, Start-Ups, Apps Developers and IPv6 Ready Logo Experts"</i></u></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy IPv6 Forum </b> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-456"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6-Driven Digital Infrastructure Summit on August 20th in Abuja, Capital of Nigeria</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/NITDA.png" width="150" height="150" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Abuja1.png" width="400" height="150" ></a> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nigeria.jpg" width="150" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Kashifu.jpeg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6-Driven Digital Infrastructure Summit></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"On behalf of the Nigeria National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and the Global IPv6 Forum, we would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to join the IPv6-Driven Digital Infrastructure Summit on August 20th at the NCC MBORA Hall in Abuja, Capital of Nigeria " stated of Mr. Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi, Director General, NITDA . ></u></b> <br><br> Download The Invitation: <a href="/dl/presentations/NITDA Invitation.pdf" target=blank>NITDA Invitation.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi (CCIE), Director General, NITDA </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-457"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Summit at the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Board (PTS)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Sweden2.png" width="200" height="150" ></a> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Sweden1.png" width="500" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/Sweden3.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Forum Summit at the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Board (PTS)></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the future-proof generation of IP addresses. We at PTS recommend you as a decision maker to introduce IPv6 as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. It is needed for digitization and communication to function in the best way in the future. ></u></b> <br> <b><i><u>"n 2024, the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Board (PTS) has been tasked by the government to promote the introduction of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) by continuing to run IPv6 forums. The IPv6 Forum is a meeting place for actors from all parts of the IPv6 value chain.></u></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Joakim Strålmark, Senior Adviser, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), Numbering & Addressing </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-455"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2024 IEEE Future Networks World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Dubai6.gif" width="700" height="250" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Ashutosh.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Craig.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2024 IEEE Future Networks World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> October 15 - 17, 2024 <br> Dubaii, United Arab Emirates. <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-452"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">CNP6 – A New IPv6 Forum Training Course for Network Developers</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Software.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Lawrence.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Forum Software Developers Program Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"CNP6 – A New IPv6 Forum Training Course for Network Developers.></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 Developers Program Press Release 2023.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 Developers Program Press Release 2023.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Lawrence Hughes, Chair, IPv6 Forum Software Developers Program Press Release </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-453"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Liu Dong recognised with the IPv6 Pioneer Award by Vint Cerf. Father of the Internet</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/PioneerLD.jpg" width="500" height="200px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Vint.jpg" width="150" height="200px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Mr. Liu Dong was awarded the IPv6 Pioneer Award by Dr. Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet and SVP and Internet Evangelist, Google <br> during a ceremony held during the IPv6 Forum Summit in 2004 to recognise his efforts for promoting the new Internet Protocol version 6. <br> Mr. Liu Dong has lead the great effort to deploy IPv6 in the first IPv6-Only network called CERNET2 before anyone else promoting to use of pure IPv6 in the largest network in the world. <br> This pioneering effort has confirmed that IPv6 can work without any dependency to IPv4. Many large networks will follow later this same route especially in the US Governments networks. <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-454"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Life Time Achievement Award to Mr. Liu Dong</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/LiuDongHoF.png" width="700" height="300px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> </TD> <TD> Mr. Liu Dong was recognised with the IPv6 Life Time Achievement Award in 2022. <br> This is a recognition for his long term outstanding investment efforts by engaging the Chinese government to deploy IPv6 in Large scale which made China number one IPv6 adopter with over 800 Million IPv6 users. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Latif Ladid, Founder, President, IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-451"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Announcing the 2023 New Internet IPv6 Hall of Famers</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2023 HoF4.gif" width="1020" height="550px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2019v6HoF.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame has been announced virtually</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"to recognise and celebrate the IPv6 Experts, Evangelists, IPv6 ISPs, Content Providers, Trainers, Start-Ups, Apps Developers and IPv6 Ready Logo Experts"</i></u></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy IPv6 Forum </b> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-449"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Second IPv6 Workshop France : "IP Networks Innovation: Trends & Challenges"</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/LOGO HORIZONTAL.png" width="150" height="150" ></a> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6_v6.png" width="450" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/JL2.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Deuxième atelier IPv6 France – Innovation des réseaux IP : tendances et défis></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Nous vous donnons rendez-vous pour le deuxième atelier de l'IPv6 en France organisé par l'IDATE, l'Arcep et l'IPv6 Forum le 7 décembre à Paris !".></u></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. JEAN-LUC LEMMENS, Président Directeur Général, iDATE. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-450"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Software Developers Program Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Software.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Lawrence.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Forum Software Developers Program Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>""The IPv6 Software Developers program will invite key software developers from industry, research and academia to work jointly on the IPv6 software and applications milestones with collaborative vision to focus its efforts to achieve the adoption the New Internet world based on IPv6" stated of Mr. Lawrence Hughes, Chairman.></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 Developers Program Press Release 2023.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 Developers Program Press Release 2023.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Lawrence Hughes, Chair, IPv6 Forum Software Developers Program Press Release </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-448"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Qatar IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Qatar1.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ali.png" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Yousouf.jpeg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Qatar IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Ali Al-Suwaidi, President of the Qatar IPv6 Council and Technical Affairs Department Director at CRA said: “CRA re-affiliation to the IPv6 Forum is a forward-looking move, ensuring the country taps into the full potential of IPv6. This upgrade is essential to stay ahead in the fast-paced digital landscape. IPv6's capabilities are crucial for handling the increasing adoption of next-gen technologies and applications, which IPv4 struggles with".></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/QatarIPv6Press.pdf" target=blank>QatarIPv6Press.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Ali Al-Suwaidi, President of the Qatar IPv6 Council and Technical Affairs Department Director at CRA and Mr. Yousef Al Majed, Vice President of the Qatar IPv6 Council and Standards and Next Generation Technology Researcher at CRA </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-446"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Kuwait IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=" "> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/KUWAIT.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Khalid.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Kuawit IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>""The Kuwait IPv6 Council will invite key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to work jointly on the Kuwait IPv6 roadmap milestones with a collaborative vision, for Kuwait to focus its efforts to achieve the adoption the New Internet world based on IPv6" stated Professor Khalid Al-Begain, Chairman.></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Kuwait IPv6 Council Press Release 2023.pdf" target=blank>Kuwait IPv6 Council Press Release 2023.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Professor Khalid Al-Begain, President Kuwait College of Science and Technology; Chairman, Kuwait IPv6 Council </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-445"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum: Certified Network Engineer IPv6 (CNE6) - Silver Training November 2023</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/CNE6.png" width="700" height="200" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Valligif.gif" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>"IPv6 Forum: CNE6 - Silver Course Training In November 2023></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> May 5, 2023 <br> ✅ Topic : CNE6 - Silver Course Training by IPv6 Forum ✅ Max. Participants : Online(First come first served) ✅ Date : 7-10/11/2023 ✅ Time : 9 A.M - 4 P.M (IST) ✅ Location : Virtual/Online </b></b> How to register? </b> Pls fill up the google form link given below. </b> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Miss Valli, IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-441"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Kenya Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Kenya IPv6 Council.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Fiona.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Council Kenya Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The IPv6 Council Kenya will attract key stakeholders from government, regulator, Telecom/ISPs, industry and academia to design the IPv6 roadmap and vision together for Kenya to embrace the New Internet World based on IPv6" stated Ms. Fiona Asonga CEO, TESPOK as its President></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Press release IPv6 Council Kenya.pdf" target=blank>Press release IPv6 Council Kenya.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Ms. Fiona Asonga CEO, TESPOK, President, Kenya IPv6 Council </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-442"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Libya IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Libya IPv6 Council.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Wafa.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Omar.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Libya IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The Libya IPv6 Council will invite key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to work jointly on the Libya IPv6 roadmap milestones with collaborative vision, for Libya to focus its efforts to achieve the adoption the New Internet world based on IPv6" stated Mrs. Wafa Elterieki as its President.t></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Libya IPv6 Council Press Release 2023 v6.1.pdf" target=blank>Libya IPv6 Council Press Release 2023 v6.1.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mrs. Wafa Elterieki, President, Libya IPv6 Council; Dr. Omar Abouabdalla, Vice President. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-443"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Ivory Coast Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Ivory Coast IPv6 Council.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Jules.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Council Ivory Coast Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The IPv6 Council Ivory Coast will attract key stakeholders from government, regulator, Telecom/ISPs, industry and academia to design the IPv6 roadmap and vision together for Ivory Coast to embrace the New Internet World based on IPv6" stated of Mr. Yao Jules Agnin as its President. ></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Press release IPv6 Council Ivory Coast.pdf" target=blank>Press release IPv6 Council Ivory Coast.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Yaojules Agnin, Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite , President, Ivory Coast IPv6 Council. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-444"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Arab IPv6 Council Launched</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ARAB.jpg" width="150" height="150" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Tunis.png" width="450" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Itidal.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Arab IPv6 Council Launched></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The Arab IPv6 Council will invite key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to work jointly on the Arab Region IPv6 roadmap milestones with collaborative vision, to focus its efforts to achieve the adoption the New Internet world based on IPv6 in view to move to IPv6-Only and sunset IPv4-NAT" stated Mrs. Itidal Hasson as its President.. ></u></b> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mrs. Itidal Hasson, President, Arab IPv6 Council. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-440"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">South Korea IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/South Korea.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Arron.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>South Korea IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The South Korea IPv6 Council will invite key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to work jointly on the South Korea IPv6 roadmap milestones with collaborative vision, for South Korea to focus its efforts to achieve the adoption the New Internet world based on IPv6" stated Mr. Arron Kim as its President..></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/South Korea Press Release.pdf" target=blank>South Korea Press Release.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Arron Kim, President, South Korea IPv6 Council. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-439"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Cyber Security Seminar 2023 at Multimedia University (MMU)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Cyber.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Nava.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Cyber Security Seminar 2023 at Multimedia University (MMU)></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Malaysia Multimedia University (MMU) with the support of IPv6 Forum Malaysia, will be organising the above seminar on 27th September 2023. Please download the leaflet below for more information.".></u></b> <br><br> Download The Leaflet: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6-Cyber-Security-Seminar-2023.pdf" target=blank>IPv6-Cyber-Security-Seminar-2023.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr Navaneethan A/L C. Arjuman, Please contact using this email address: </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-438"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IPv6 Development Report 2022 - in 2025, IPv6 Enhanced Innovation will reach 7.3 trillion US dollars.</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Roland.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/RB.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Global IPv6 Development Report 2022></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"In 2025, it is estimated that the total industry value brought by IPv6 Enhanced Innovation will reach 7.3 trillion US dollars.".></u></b> <br><br> Download The Report: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6Report.pdf" target=blank>IPv6Report.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Roland Berger, Consultancy. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-437"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Latin America (LATAM) IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/LATAMv6.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Rafael.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Zoila.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Rosa.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Azael.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Latin America (LATAM) IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>""The LATAM IPv6 Council will be winning key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to design the IPv6 roadmap and vision together for the LATAM large region to embrace the New Internet world based on IPv6," stated Mr. Rafael I. Sandoval Morales, Chair, LATAM IPv6 Council.></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/LATAM.pdf" target=blank>LATAM.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Rafael I. Sandoval Morales –Chair, LATAM IPv6 Council; Vice Chairs: Mrs. Zoila Ramos Rodriges, Mrs. Rosa Maria Delgado, Mr Azael Fernandez Alcantara. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-434"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Enhanced & 5G Global Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Malaysiav6.gif" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Sures.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Enhanced & 5G Global Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia></u></b> <br><br> Date: 22.08.2023 Place: Grand Hyatt, Kuala Lumpur <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Prof. Sures Ramadass, Chairman, IPv6 Forum, Malaysia and APAC IPv6 Council </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-435"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">International Conference on Transforming Public Utilities: "Blockchain Use-Cases over Digital Infrastructures Aligning G20 Agenda"</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/India.png" width="700" height="220px"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Satya.gif" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>International Conference on Transforming Public Utilities: "Blockchain Use-Cases over Digital Infrastructures Aligning G20 Agenda"</i></u></b> <br><br> September 1, 2023 New Delhi, India <br><br> Venue: Constitution Cub of India, Rafi Marg, New Delhi <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Dr. Satyen Gupta, NGN guru; Chairman - Bharat IPv6 Forum; Chairman - Blockchain for Productivity Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-436"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">CyberOz 2023 Engineering The Future of Cybersecurity and IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Australia2023.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Krishna.gif"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>CyberOz 2023 Engineering The Future of Cybersecurity and IPv6></u></b> <br><br> Date: September 15 - 16, 2023 <br><br> Place: UNSW Kensington Campus, Sydney, Australia </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Krishna Kumar Lahoti, Co-Chair, APAC IPv6 Council; Director - CNLABS, USA, Delhi-India </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-433"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Fellows 2023 China</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6fellows.png" width="700" height="120px"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>IPv6 Forum Fellows 2023 China: From left to right: Cai Dezhon (Chief Network Architect, Alibaba Infrastructure); Cui Yong ( Professor, Tsinghua University); Duan Xiaodong (Vice President, China Mobile Research Institute); Fu Zhiren (Vice President, China Telecom Research Institute); Li Zhenbin (Chief Protocol Expert, Huawei); Shi Weiqiang, (Vice President, ZTE); Tang Xiongyan (Vice President, China Unicom Research Institute); Wang Wei (Researcher, Computer Network Information Center, CAS); Xie Chongfeng (Senior technical expert, China Telecom Research Institute) </i></u></b> <br><br> July 6, 2023 Beijing China </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII, and VP, IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-432"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ASIA Pacific (APAC) IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/APACv6Council.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Sures.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>ASIA Pacific (APAC) IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The APAC IPv6 Council will be re-invigorating former Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Forces with new key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to further the APAC IPv6 roadmap milestones with collaborative vision, to continue our efforts in achieving the New Internet world based on IPv6, moving to IPv6-Only" stated Prof. Sures Ramadass, Chairman, APAC IPv6 Council></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/APAC IPv6-Council-Press-Release.pdf" target=blank>APAC IPv6-Council-Press-Release.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Prof. Sures Ramadass, Chairman, APAC IPv6 Council, Kuala Lumpoor, Malaysia </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-431"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">US IPv6 Council Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/USv6Council.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ralph.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>US IPv6 Council Has Been Founded></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"The US IPv6 Council will be re-initiating established key stakeholders (and opening doors for new ones) from government, industry and academia to further the US IPv6 roadmap milestones with collaborative vision, for the US to continue our efforts in achieving the New Internet world based on IPv6, moving to IPv6-Only" stated Mr. Ralph Wallace, Chairman, US IPv6 Council></u></b> <br><br> Download The Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/US IPv6 Council Press Release 2023 v6.1.pdf" target=blank>US IPv6 Council Press Release 2023 v6.1.pdf</a> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Ralph Wallace, Chairman, US IPv6 Council, Alexandria, USA </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-428"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">NIST Approves CNLABS for USGv6 Testing Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6R.jpg" width="100" height="150" ></a> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/USGv6.jpg" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Jay.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Krishna.gif"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>NIST Approves CNLABS for USGv6 Testing Program></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>CNLABS is proud to be accredited by NIST for the USGv6 program. This places us in a unique position as the only global lab to offer testing services for all major IPv6 certifications, including the IPv6 Ready Logo (Worldwide), MCMC IPv6 (Malaysia), TEC MTCTE (India), and USGv6 (USA)" says Krishna Kumar Lahoti, Director - CNLABS. ></u></b> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Jayaprakash Kumar and Krishna Kumar Lahoti, Directors - CNLABS, USA, Delhi-India </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-427"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Regional Summit, 09 May 2023- Tunis</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Arabv6.png" width="700" height="200" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Sami.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Regional Summit, 09 May 2023- Tunis></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> Tunis, May 9, 2023 <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Sami Trimech, Directeur de Développement International, ARAB INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ORGANIZATION (AICTO) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-426"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">"Fundamentals of IPv6" Free Webinar by IPv6 Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6TRaining.gif" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Valligif.gif" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>"Fundamentals of IPv6" Free Webinar by IPv6 Forum></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> May 5, 2023 <br> ✅ Topic : Fundamentals of IPv6- Free Seminar by IPv6 Forum ✅ Max. Participants : 20 (First come first served) ✅ Date : 5/5/2023 ✅ Time : 9 A.M - 4 P.M (IST) ✅ Location : Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai </b></b> How to register? </b> Pls fill up the google form link given below. </b> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Miss Valli, IPv6 Forum Malaysia in conjunction with IPv6 Education Malaysia is Sponsoring this free Seminar for Engineers. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-424"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 For UNIVERSITIES - Best Practice and Guidelines</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6En.png" width="100" height="150" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6enhanced.png" width="600" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ian.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 For UNIVERSITIES - Best Practice and Guidelines></u></b> <br><br> Download The Document: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 For Universities.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 For Universities.pdf</a> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Ian Hallissy & Colin Donohue Technological University of the Shannon TUS Midlands, Athlone Campus, Ireland </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-425"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/FNWF2023-2.gif" width="700" height="200" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Ashutosh.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Brad.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> November 13 - 15, 2023 <br> Baltimore, MD, USA <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-423"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Internet Innovator Recognized with Marconi Society - Lifetime Achievement Award</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Vint2023-1.gif" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/IPv6Forum.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Forum Honorary Chairman since 1999: Internet Innovator Recognized with Marconi Society - Lifetime Achievement Award/i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a>" <br><br> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-422"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Privacy Symposium 2023</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/PS2023.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Seb.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Venice: Privacy Symposium 2023 at the University of Venice</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>First Privacy Symposium was with 70+ Sessions and 170+ Speakers and Authorities </i></u></b> <br><br> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Sebastien Zielgler, President, IoT Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-421"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IoT Summit 2023: Workshop on Blockchain and IoT</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIoTS2023.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoTWeek2023.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Alessio.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Mithun.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2023 & IoTWeek 2023</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GIoTS 2023 Workshop on Blockchain and IoT"</i></u></b> <br><br> 19-22 June 2023 Berlin, Germany <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Workshop co-chairs: Dr. Alessio Pagani, nChain Licensing AG; Prof. Mithun Mukherjee, University of Nanjing, China </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-420"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IoT Summit & IoTWeek 2023</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIoTS2023.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoTWeek2023.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Srdjan.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2023 & IoTWeek 2023</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"NEW BRAVE DIGITAL WORLD"</i></u></b> <br><br> 19-22 June 2023 Berlin, Germany <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> <br><br> IoTWeek Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; co-Chairs and IoT Forum Board Members: Latif Ladid, Antonio Skarmeta, Srdjan Krco </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-419"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Movistar, the first operator to roll out IPv6 in its mobile network in Spain</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Telefonica.jpg" height="200" width="700" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Carlos.png" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> English: Movistar, the first operator to roll out IPv6 in its mobile network in Spain <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> </a> Spanish: Movistar, la primera operadora en desplegar IPv6 en su red móvil - Telefónica España ES ( <br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Chairman, IPv6 Council, Spain</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-418"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 enabled Blockchain Conference 2023, New Delhi, India</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6B.png" width="700" height="220px"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Satya.gif" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>IPv6 enabled Blockchain Conference 2023, New Delhi, India</i></u></b> <br><br> January 24, 2023 New Delhi, India <br><br> Download the AGENDA: <a href="/dl/presentations/BLOCKCHAIN India.pdf" target=blank>BLOCKCHAIN India.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Dr. Satyen Gupta, NGNguru; Chairman - Bharat IPv6 Forum; Chairman - Blockchain for Productivity Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-417"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 LifeTime Achievement Award to Prof. Dr. Wu Hequan</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Wu6.png" width="600" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Dr. Wu Hequan.pdf" target=blank>Dr. Wu Hequan.pdf</a> <br><br> <b> Prof. Dr. Wu Hequan received the IPv6 Lifetime Achievement Award from Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum <br> organised by Mr. Liu Dong </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-416"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2022 Global IPv6 Development & Standards Evolution Seminar - Beijing January 5, 2023</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/BII2023.jpg" width="700" height="520px"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Shine.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>2022 Global IPv6 Development - Beijing January 5, 2023 </i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"</i></u></b> <br><br> January 5, 2023 Beijing China </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum & Shine Liu, Assistant President, BII </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-414"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Blockchain Technology: Advances in Research and Applications</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Blockchain.jpg" width="200" height="200" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Owen.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Ledger Comparative Analysis</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Acces to the Book"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> for educational/teaching purposes, a pdf copy can be obtained from the author. <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy Editor: Dr. Owen Vaughan. Director Research at nChain, London, UK </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-413"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 LifeTime Achievement Award to Prof. Dr. Jun Murai.</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Jun1.jpg" width="200" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Jun2.png" width="600" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b> Prof. Dr. June Murai received the IPv6 Lifetime Achievement Award from Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum <br> during the 2022 IEEE IoT World Forum in Yokohama after his keynote. organised by Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Esaki </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-412"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">New Book: Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization: Design, Evaluation and Application (IEEE Press) 1st Edition</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Ashutoshbook.jpg" width="200" height="200" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Ashutosh.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Henning.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Mobility and Handover Optimization Book</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Acces to the paper"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> for educational/teaching purposes, a pdf copy can be obtained from the author. <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy Authors: Ashutosh Dutta, Ph.D. and Professor Henning Schulzrinne, </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-408"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Vint2.png" width="700" height="200" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Ashutosh.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Brad.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> October 12 - 14, 2022 <br> Montreal, Canada <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-407"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2022 IEEE 1st Global Emerging Technology Blockchain Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/iGETBC2022.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Gora.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Ramesh.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2022 IEEE 1st Global Emerging Technology Blockchain Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"BLOCKCHAIN and BEYOND "</i></u></b> <br><br> 07-11 November 2022, South California, USA <br><br> Global Emerging Technology Blockchain Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Gora Datta, Founding General Chair; Ramesch Ramadoss, co-Chair IEEE Bockchain Initiative; Latif Ladid, co-chair, IEEE Bockchain Initiative, Conferences/Events </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-409"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IEEEIOT2022.jpg" width="780" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Yosho.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Adam2.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Internet of Intelligent Things "</i></u></b> <br><br> 26 October–11 November 2022 // Yokohama, Japan <br><br> WF-IoT 2020 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Yoshihiro Ohba,Chief Specialist, Kioxia and Adam Drobot, Chairman, OpenTechWorks Inc., General co-Chairs </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-410"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Digitally Around the World 2022</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/DATW2022.jpg" width="350" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/DATW2022-1.jpg" width="350" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Srdjan.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>24 Hours: Connecting Over the World</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"CONNECTING THE WORLD ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> October 20 - 21, 2022 <br><br> Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by The IoT Forum Board: Sebastien Ziegler, Latif Ladid, Antonio Skarmeta, Srdjan Krco </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-404"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The Interregional Summit on “Transition to IPv6” – Tunis, 09 May 2022</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Tunisv6.png" width="200" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/aictologo.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The Interregional Summit on “Transition to IPv6” – Tunis, 09 May 2022</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>The Interregional Summit on “Transition to IPv6” – Tunis, 09 May 2022</i></u></b> <br><br> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Arab ICT Organisation </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-405"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">BSV Blockchain Convention 2022</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/BSV2022.webp" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Jimmy.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>BSV Blockchain Convention 2022</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>Dubai: May 24-26</i></u></b> <br><br> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Jimmy Nguyen, Founding President, BSV Blockchain Association </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-401"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IEEE 5G-IoT Blockchain Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Rabat4.gif" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Momo.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ladid.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Global IEEE 5G-IoT Blockchain Summit, Rabat, Capital of Morocco</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>Kick-off Summit of the newly established IEEE Morocco Blockchain Group: May 9-14th</i></u></b> <br><br> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Essaaidi, Chair, IEEE Morocco Blockchain Group; Latif Ladid, co-chair, IEEE Blockchain Initiative, (University of Luxembourg). </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-402"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IoT Summit & IoTWeek 2022</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIOTS2022.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IW2022.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Srdjan.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2022 & IoTWeek 2022</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IoT ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 20-23June 2022 Dublin, Ireland <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> <br><br> IoTWeek Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; co-Chairs and IoT Forum Board Members: Latif Ladid, Antonio Skarmeta, Srdjan Krco </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-403"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ETSI IPE (IPv6 Enhanced Innovation) ISG is at Upperside Conference 2022</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Paris.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/ETSI.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Paris: ETSI IPE (IPv6 Enhanced Innovation) ISG is at Upperside Conference 2022</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>IPv6 Enhanced Innovations such as SRv6 is the way to go for 5G, Cloud, IoT, and Blockchain</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Download the IPv6 Enhanced, Boosting the Digital Economy </i></u></b> <a href="/im/im/press/IPv6Enhanced.pdf" target=blank>IPv6Enhanced.pdf</a> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: ETSI IPE ISG </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-400"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Privacy Symposium</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Priv.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Seb.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Venice: Privacy Symposium 2022 at the University of Venice</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>First Privacy Symposium with 70+ Sessions and 170+ Speakers and Authorities </i></u></b> <br><br> <a <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Sebastien Zielgler, President, IoT Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-399"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE UAE BLOCKCHAIN 2022 Kick-Off Symposium</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/UAE2022.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Eesa.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Saeed.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ladid.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Dubai : IEEE UAE Blockchain Symposium 2022 at the University of Dubai</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>Kick-off Symposium of the newly established IEEE UAE Blockchain Group: March 9th at the University of Dubai</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Eesa Bastaki, President, University of Dubai, Symposium co-Chair; Dr. Saeed Al Dhaheri, co-Chair, IEEE UAE Blockchain Group; Latif Ladid, IEEE Blockchain Initiative, (University of Luxembourg), Co-Chair. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-398"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 for ALL: Vietnam Success Story 2021</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Vietnam.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Thuy.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 for ALL: Vietnam Success Story Report 2021</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Nguyen Hong Thang, Director of Vietnam Internet Center. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-397"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2021 Monitoring IPv6 Deployment in Web Sites (US, EU, India, WW, ME, Africa)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/NIST.png" width="700" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/ready_logo.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/DNSSEC.png" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Monitoring IPv6 Deployment in Web Sites (US, EU, India, WW, ME, Africa)</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>USA:</i></u></b> <a href=" " target="blank">" " <br> <b><i><u>Europe: </i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br> <b><i><u>India: </i></u></b> <a href=" " target="blank">" " <br> <b><i><u>Africa: </i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br> <b><i><u>Worldwide: </i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br> <b><i><u>Middle East Universities: </i></u></b> <a href=" " target="blank">" " <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-396"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Announcing the 2021 New Internet Hall of Famers</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/6HoF2021.jpg" width="1010" height="550px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2019v6HoF.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame has been announced virtually</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"to recognise and celebrate the IPv6 Experts, Evangelists, IPv6 ISPs, Content Providers, Trainers, Start-Ups, Apps Developers"</i></u></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy IPv6 Forum </b> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-395"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Dubai IEEE 5G - IoT Summit 2021 (IPv6 Enhanced Innovation)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Dubai2021.gif" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Eesa.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ladid.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Essaid.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Dubai : IEEE 5G -IoT SUMMIT 2021</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> <b><i><u>This event is co-located with the 2021 Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Eesa Bastaki, President, University of Dubai, GCAIoT Conference Chair, Latif Ladid, IEEE 5G-IoT Summit, Chair (University of Luxembourg), Co-Chair: Dr. Essaid Sabir, University of Montreal and Casablanca. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-393"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ETSI webinar “IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-Only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era”</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ETSIIPEWebinar.png" width="700" height="230" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="220" height="120" SRC="/im/logos/ETSILogo.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2021 IETSI webinar “IPv6 Enhanced Innovation: the IPv6-Only Future in the 5G, IoT & Cloud Era” </i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Two Video Presentations"</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> September 13, 2021 <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-387"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IEEE5G2021.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="420" height="120" SRC="/im/people/IEEE5GGC.png" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> October 13 - 15, 2021 <br> Montreal, Canada <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-389"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE 5G BLOCKCHAIN 2021</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/5G Blockchain.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Thomas2.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ladid.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Borja.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ramon.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Bruno.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>CITIES2030 Project: IEEE 5G BLOCKCHAIN 2021</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" </a>" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Thomas Engel, Honorary Chair, Latif Ladid, Summit General Chair (University of Luxembourg), Co-Chairs: Borja Bordel Sánchez and Ramón Alcarria (UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID); Bruno Silva, Board, IAAD </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-388"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IoT Summit 2021</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIoTS.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Mirko2.png"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2021</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IoT ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> Aug 31 - Sep 3, 2021 Dublin, Ireland <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, TPC Chair, Miro Presser, co-Chair </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-391"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">USG GSA: IPv6 Summit - Completing the Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6_ready.jpg" width="130" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/OMB.png" width="600" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Carol.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ron.gif" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Doug.png" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/JohnLee.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Summit: Completing the Transition to IPv6 ONLY</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Registration: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Carol Bales, EOP/OMB; Ron Bewtra (JMD); Douglas Montgomery (NIST); John Lee, CTO, (Internet Associates) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-392"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Africa Blockchain Week Virtual Summit 2021</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ABCW2021.png" width="800" height="250" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ladid.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Africa Blockchain Week Virtual Summit 2021</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Latif Ladid, (University of Luxembourg) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-390"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">A WEBINAR ON THE STATE OF INTERNET PROTOCOL VERSION SIX (IPV6) DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nigeria.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nigeriaweb.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Muh.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Chris.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Lagos, April 8, 2021 - A WEBINAR ON THE STATE OF INTERNET PROTOCOL VERSION SIX (IPV6) DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA <br><br> National IPv6 Migration: Challenges and Prospects for the Nigerian/Africa Digital Transformation <br><br> View Video: <a href="" target="blank"> target="blank">""</a> <br> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Muhammed Rudman, CEO, Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN) as its Chair and Mr. Chris Uwaje, Chair: Mobile Software Solutions Ltd, as its vice-chair. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-386"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">5G for CONNECTED AND AUTOMATED MOBILITY</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/5G4CAM.png" width="700" height="150" ></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Jorge.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ladid.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>5G for CONNECTED AND AUTOMATED MOBILITY (CAM)</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Jorge Pereira, Summit General Chair (Principal Officer, European Commission), Latif Ladid, Summit General Chair (University of Luxembourg) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-385"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Announcing the 2020 New Internet Hall of Fame</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/20206HoF.png" width="1000" height="550px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2019v6HoF.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame has been announced at the 20120 Global Network Technology Conference (GNTC)</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"to recognise and celebrate the IPv6 Experts, Evangelists, IPv6 ISPs, Content Providers, Trainers, Start-Ups, Apps Developers"</i></u></b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy IPv6 Forum </b> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-374"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">USG IPv6 Policy Released: for IPv6-Only Deployment by 2025</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6_ready.jpg" width="130" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/OMB.png" width="600" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Carol.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Ron.gif" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Doug.png" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/JohnLee.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Completing the Transition to IPv6 ONLY</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Carol Bales, EOP/OMB; Ron Bewtra (JMD); Douglas Montgomery (NIST); John Lee, CTO, (Internet Associates) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-383"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ETSI IPv6 Adoption White Paper</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ETSIWP.png" width="630" height="160" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/logos/ETSILogo.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>ETSI IPv6 Adoption White Paper</i></u></b> <br><br> Date: August, 2020 <br> Read the paper here: : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Editor: Gavin Craik, Senior Technical Content Officer in DDG/COM <br><br> Co-authors: Zhiruo Liu. CAICT; Chongfeng Xie, Cong Li, China Telecom; Patrick Wetterwald, Pascal Thubert, Francois Clad, Cisco; Yanick Pouffary, HPE; Giuseppe Fioccola, Xipeng Xiao, Georgios Karagiannis, Shuche$ g(Will) Liu, Huawei; Eduard Metz, KPN; Latif Ladid, University of Luxembourg; Jose Cananao, Jose Palma, Portugal Telecom; Sébastien Lourdez, Post Luxembourg; Luis M. Contreras, Telefonica. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-371"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/5G2020.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="420" height="120" SRC="/im/people/GC5G.png" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> Sep 10 - 12, 2020 <br> Bangalore, India <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-369"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2020</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIOTS2019.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Mirko2.png"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2020</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IoT ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 3-7June 2020 Dublin, Ireland <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, TPC Chair, Miro Presser, co-Chair </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-381"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Future Networked Car Needs IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ITUcar.png" width="630" height="170" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Bilel.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Future Networked Car Needs IPv6</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Download the 2020 ITU News </i></u></b> : <a href="/dl/presentations/2020ITUNews.pdf" target=blank>2020ITUNews.pdf</a> <br><br> Date: May, 2020 <br><br> Courtesy Dr. Bilel Jamussi, Chief, Study Groups Department, ITU Telecommunication Standardisation Bureau (TSB) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-380"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Free Class: History of IPv6: Bob Hinden: May 7</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/INTC.png" width="630" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Hinden.png" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Nalini.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Free Class: History of IPv6: Bob Hinden: May 7</i></u></b> <br><br> Date: May 7, 2020 <br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Bob Hinden, Co-Inventor of IPv6 <br> Nalini Elkins, Webinar Host </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-379"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">SRv6 5G Cloud Webinar</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/SRv6-2.png" width="630" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="500" height="100" SRC="/im/people/SRv6.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Transform your IP network for the 5G and Cloud Era</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Download the IPv6+ NEWS</i></u></b> : <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6+.pdf" target=blank>IPv6+.pdf</a> <br><br> Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 <br> Time: 10 am London / 11 am Paris / 5 pm Shenzhen <br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Richard Webb, Director, Research and Analysis, Omdia <br> Latif Ladid, Founder & President, IPv6 Forum <br> Alan Hu, Senior Director, Router & Carrier Ethernet Product Line, Huawei Technologies <br> Allen Tatara, Senior Manager, Webinar Events, Omdia (Moderator) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-376"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Alibaba Cloud CDN won world’s first IPv6 CDN Logo</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6 CDN.png" width="120" height="150px"></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Alibaba.png" width="520" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>Alibaba Cloud CDN successfully acquired world’s first IPv6 Enabled CDN Logo </i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"IPv6 Enabled CDN Logo certification is an IPv6 certification for CDN services. "</i></u></b> <br><br> March 18, 2020 Beijing China </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-377"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">UNH-IOL to Meet Requirements of New USGv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/UNH.png" width="530" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/carlin.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Doug.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>UNH-IOL Ramps Up Testing to Meet Requirements of Newly Published USGv6 Profile Revision</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Timothy Carlin, Senior Executive, Software Development (UNH-IOL); Douglas Montgomery (NIST) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-378"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">EuroPrivacy Academy Now Online</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/EP.png" width="500" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Europrivacy Academy is Now Online</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"EuroPrivacy Courses"</i></u></b> <br><br> Europrivacy Academy Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy Dr Sébastien Ziegler, Chairman of EuroPrivacy International Board of Experts, Luxembourg Office: European Center for Certification and Privacy, Rue Robert Stumper 7, 2557 Luxembourg </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-373"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ITU Resolutions on IPv6 - 2017 -2018</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ITU.png" width="780" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Desire.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>ITU Resolutions on IPv6 - 2017 -2018</i></u></b> <br><br> IPv6 Resolution 2018 : PP-18, Dubai, Resolution 180 <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> IPv6 Resolution 2017 : Resolution 63 from WTDC-17 <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Desire Karyabwite, Internet Protocol - IP Coordinator at ITU, Geneva Area, Switzerland </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-372"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Vint Cerf Keynote at Globecom 2019 on IEEE TV</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/VintC.png" width="780" height="230" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Vint Cerf Keynote at Globecom 2019></u></b> <br><br> 10 December 2019, Hawaii, USA <br><br> IEEE TV link : <a href=" " target="blank">" "</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-370"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoT2020.png" width="780" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Magdy.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/AdamD.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Internet of Intelligent Things "</i></u></b> <br><br> 5 - 9 April 2020, New Orleans, USA <br><br> WF-IoT 2020 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Magdy Bayoumi, General Chair, University of Louisiana at Lafayette </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-368"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Announcing the 2019 IPv6 Hall of Fame</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/20196HoF.png" width="800" height="550px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2019v6HoF.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame has been announced at the 2019 Global Network Technology Conference (GNTC)</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"to recognise and celebrate the IPv6 Experts, Evangelists, IPv6 ISPs, Content Providers, Trainers, Start-Ups, Apps Developers"</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame program has been announced during 2019 and the 2020 will be announced in April 2020<b><i><u> <br><br> Download the SixConf Manuel: <a href="/dl/presentations/6HoFPR.pdf" target=blank>6HoFPR.pdf</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-367"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2019 IEEE 5G SUMMIT Istanbul</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Turkey.png" height="150" width="150" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/5GIstanbul.png" height="150" width="550" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Seref.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>2019 IEEE 5G SUMMIT Istanbul</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>" 5G, SLICING, V2X, Autonomus Driving, Cybersecurity and 6G "</i></u></b> <br><br> June 13-14, 2019, Istanbul </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Prof. Dr. &#350;eref SA&#286;IRO&#286;LU , President, IPv6 Council, Turkey</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-366"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2019 Global Conference on IoT (GCIOT 2019)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GCIOT.png" width="350" height="150px"></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GCIOT1.png" width="350" height="150px"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Aboud.jpeg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>2019 Global Conference on IoT (GCIOT 2019)t</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>" IPv6, 5G, SDN, NFV, Cloud, IoT & Edge Computing and Blockchain "</i></u></b> <br><br> December 5-7, 2019, The Cultural and Scientific Association, Dubai </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Dr. Mohamed Aboud, IEEE Egypt TEMS Chapter Chair, Co-Founder and CEO |Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship, VP for Business Development |Ideaspace </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-365"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2019 IEEE Morocco Blockchain Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Block2.png" width="700" height="130px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Must.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2019 IEEE Morocco Blockchain Summit</i></u></b> <br><br> AMTIC, INPT, and the IEEE Morocco Section, are delighted to announce the organization of the first IEEE Morocco Blockchain Summit, Co-located with Scientific Event on IT – 4th Edition <br><br> 25 April 2019 Rabat, Morocco <br><br> Event Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Prof. Dr. Mustapha Benjillali, INPT </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-364"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">SixConf: Handy tool for teaching/learning IPv6 configuration</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/SixConf.png" width="300" height="75px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/lawrence_hughes.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> SixConf is a standalone GUI application for Windows (7, 8.1 and 10, Server 2012, 2016) that provides intuitive point-and-click viewing and management of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. It has far more capabilities than the standard address GUI management tools provided with Windows. It is ideally suited for users, system administrators and network administrators learning or deploying IPv6.. <br><br> Download the SixConf Manuel: <a href="/dl/presentations/SixConf6.pdf" target=blank>SixConf6.pdf</a> <br><br> Download the SixConf EXEC File: <a href="/dl/presentations/Setup_SixConf_v2.0.3.exe1" target=blank>Setup_SixConf_v2.0.3.exe1</a> <br><br> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Lawrence Hughes, Chief Scientist at Sixscape </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-363"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2019</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIOTS2019.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Mirko2.png"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2019</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IoT ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 17-21June 2019 Aarhus, Denmark <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, TPC Chair, Miro Presser, co-Chair </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-362"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/5G2019.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="420" height="120" SRC="/im/people/GC5G.png" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2018 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> Sep 30 - Oct 1-2, 2019 <br> Dresden, Germany <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-361"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">EU-China 5G & IoT eBOOK 3</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/EXCITING2.png" width="750" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/EXCITING.png" height="50"</a> </TD> <TD> Download the EU-China 5G IoT eBook: <a href="/dl/presentations/ebook3.pdf" target=blank>ebook3.pdf</a> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: EU China 5G - IoT Project EXCITING</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-360"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2019 Manila IPv6 & IEEE 5G-IoT Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Philv6.png" width="200" height="150px"></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Manila.jpg" width="700" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Medel.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>2019 Manila IPv6 & IEEE 5G-IoT Summit</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>" IPv6, 5G, SDN, NFV, Cloud, IoT & Edge Computing and Blockchain "</i></u></b> <br><br> September 16-17, 2019, Manila, the amazing capital city of the Philippines </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Medel Ramirez, Founder & President of IPv6 Forum Philippines </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-358"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Announcing the IPv6 Hall of Fame 2019</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/20186HoF.png" width="800" height="550px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/2019v6HoF.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame has been launched at the 2018 Global Network Technology Conference (GNTC)</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"to recognise and celebrate the IPv6 Experts, Evangelists, IPv6 ISPs, Content Providers, Trainers, Start-Ups, Apps Developers"</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>The IPv6 Hall of Fame program will be announced during 2019<b><i><u> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> Dr. Vint Cerf's video speech: <a href="" target="blank"> <br> Dr. Jun Murai's video speech: <a href=" " target="blank"> <br> Dr. Wu Hquen's video speech: </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-357"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Video Conference System: C-Lite-HD</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC="/im/logos/C-Lite1.jpg" width="800" height="200px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Sures.jpg" height=119px></a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>IPv6-based Video Conferencing at its best. ClearView Lite HD</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Full HD capabilities with minimum bandwidth, requires just 256 Kb/s</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Secured and encrypted conference setup with 128bit Kb/s</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>No installation required, for mobile & IOS using app Kb/s</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Can do Youtube streaming during the vc Kb/s</i></u></b> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Professor Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-355"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Certified Engineer Graduation Ceremony in Malaysia</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Bhaa.jpg" width="400" height="150px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Bhaa2.jpg" width="400" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Wani.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>IPv6 Certified Engineer Graduation Ceremony in Malaysia</i></u></b> <br><br> Persatuan IPv6 Malaysia (IPv6 Forum Malaysia) successfully organized the first ever IPv6 Certified Engineer Graduation of Global Country in Malaysia. <br> The function which was held on 26th July, had seen 300 graduates who completed the training through HDRF Inbase, received their certificates. <br><br> The event attended by the Founder and President of IPv6 Global Forum Prof Latif Ladid, <br> Prof Dr Sureswaran Ramadass, Emiratus Chair of IPv6 Global Forum - Education Program and, <br> Ybhg Dato' Jasri Jamaluddin Chairman of Adasta Network Sdn Bhd </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Mrs. Bhawani Wani, CEO OF Adasta Network Sdn Bhd </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-354"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2018 Global Network Technology Conference (GNTC)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GNTC.jpg" width="800" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> <b><i><u>2018 Global Network Technology Conference (GNTC)</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"SDN, NFV, IPv6, 5G, Cloud, IoT & Edge Computing and Blockchain "</i></u></b> <br><br> November 14-16, 2018, Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu Province, China </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-353"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on IoT</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/WFIoT19.png" width="780" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/AdamD.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Elfed.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Heiner.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"IoT and the Digital Revolution "</i></u></b> <br><br> 15-18 April 2019 – Limerick, Ireland <br><br> WF-IoT 2019 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Adam Drobot, Elfed Lewis; Heiner Stuettgen, Latif Ladid, co-Chairs; </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-352"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">UNH-IOL Expands Testing for USGv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6_ready_logo.png" width="130" height="120" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Doug.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Timothy.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>"IPv6 Ready Logo Program"</i></u></b> <br><br> DURHAM, N.H., July 12, 2018 – The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), <br> today announced expanded testing capabilities that meet the requirements outlined in the newly released update to the USGv6 profile <br><br> <a <br><br> Press Release: <a href="" target="blank">"" </a> <br><br> IPv6 Ready Logo Program Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Doug Montgomery, Manager, Internet and Scalable Systems Research at NIST; <br> Timothy Winters, Member of the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee and Senior Manager at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL)</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-350"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> 2018 Global IPv6 Summit in China Coverage</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/China2018.png" width="800" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> HANGZHOU, May 21-22, 2018 -- "Global IPv6 Summit 2018" ( was held in Hangzhou, China. <br> This summit was hosted by the Global IPv6 Forum, BII-CFIEC and ZHEJIANG Lab, co-hosted by the CHINA INFO 100, WASU Group and Binjiang District Government. <br> BII and the IPv6 Forum organised the: <br><br> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IPv6 SUMMIT 2018</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IPv6 ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 21-22 of May 2018 Hangzhou, Silicon valley of China <br><br> <b><i><u>BII-Global IPv6 Summit Press Coverage</i></u></b> : Download the press coverage: <a href="/dl/presentations/BII-GlobalIPv6Summit.pdf" target=blank>BII-GlobalIPv6Summit.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-349"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Turkey Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Turkey.png" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Seref.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Ankara/Luxembourg, May 2, 2018 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Turkey with the establishment of the IPv6 Council under the leadership of Prof. Dr. &#350;eref SA&#286;IRO&#286;LU Chairman; Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara, <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Turkey.pdf" target=blank>Turkey.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Prof. Dr. &#350;eref SA&#286;IRO&#286;LU , President, IPv6 Council, Turkey</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-348"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Qatar Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Qatar.png" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Jassmi.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Doha/Luxembourg, May 16, 2018 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Qatar under the leadership of Mr. Abdulla Jassmi, as its President. Mr. Jassmi is the Technical Department Manager of the Qatar Communications Regulatory Authority. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Qatar.pdf" target=blank>Qatar.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Abdulla Jassmi, President, IPv6 Council, Qatar</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-347"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">CONGRES MEDITERRANEEN DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2018</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Jdida.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> </a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Najib.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>CMT 2018</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"CONGRES MEDITERRANEEN DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2018 "</i></u></b> <br><br> 10 - 11 Mai 2018 El Jadida, Maroc <br><br> CMT'18 Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy:Co-président :Najib El KAMOUN, FS d'El Jadida, UCD, Maroc </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-346"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2018 Global IPv6 Summit in China</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/China2018.png" width="800" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> With the China Action Plan of Promoting the Deployment of the Internet Protocol (IPv6) issued and published by the <br> General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council by the end of 2017, <br> The IPv6 Forum is organising the: <br><br> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IPv6 SUMMIT 2018</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IPv6 ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 21-22 of May 2018 Hangzhou, Silicon valley of China <br><br> Global IPv6 Summit Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">""</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy of Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-345"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Liu Dong Appointed Vice President - IPv6 Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/BII20182.gif" width="500" height="75px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Liu1.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> With the China Action Plan of Promoting the Deployment of the Internet Protocol (IPv6) issued and published by the <br> General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council by the end of 2017, <br> The IPv6 Forum has appointed Liu Dong as Vice President to better coordinate and consult <br> the China Internet industry with the worldwide IPv6 best practices of the IPv6 Forum to boost the IPv6-based network into large-scale use. <br><br> Download the press release <a href="/dl/presentations/LiuDong.pdf" target=blank>LiuDong.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Liu Dong, Founder, President & CEO of BII and Vice President of IPv6 Forum </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-344"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 DNSSEC Working</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Six1.png" width="200" height="75px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Six2.png" width="200" height="75px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Six3.png" width="200" height="75px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Six4.png" width="200" height="75px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/lawrence_hughes.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Sixscape has secured their domain and the nodename with DNSSEC using DynDNS Managed DNS, plus registering the DS records with their domain registrar, which happens to be GoDaddy. <br><br> Download the Implementation Paper: <a href="/dl/presentations/sixDNSSEC.pdf" target=blank>sixDNSSEC.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Lawrence Hughes, Founder & CEO of Sixscape </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-343"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Nigerian Minister of Communications promote IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nigeria.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Minister.png" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Chris.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Lagos, November 30, 2017 - MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS - SPECIAL REMARK - BY - <br> BARRISTER ABDUR-RAHEEM ADEBAYO SHITTU, <br> HON. MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS, AT THE AFRINIC, 27TH PUBLIC POLICY MEETING AFRINIC-27, <br> HELD AT RENAISSANCE HOTEL, 38/40 ISAAC JOHN STREET, IKEJA GRA, LAGOS <br> and Mr. Chris Uwaje, Vice Chair, Nigeria IPv6 Council <br><br> Download the speech: <a href="/dl/presentations/Minister.pdf" target=blank>Minister.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>BARRISTER ABDUR-RAHEEM ADEBAYO SHITTU, HON. MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS,and Mr. Chris Uwaje, Chair: Mobile Software Solutions Ltd, and Vice-Chair IPv6 Council Nigeria </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-342"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Korea IPv6 Council consults KWATER</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Korea.png" height="100" width="550" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Kim.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> IPv6 Korea Council is consulting the Korea Internet & Security Agency services (KISA) in 2017, on IPv6 Design and Deployment Consulting since November 2017 for the Korea Water Resources Corporation. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Korea1.pdf" target=blank>Korea1.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Kim Suk Ju, President, IPv6 Council, South Korea </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-341"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Constanze Buerger wins Jim Bound Award</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Constanze.png" width="750" height="350px"> </a> <br><br> <b>From left: Latif LADID; Tahar Schaa, Management Consultant, Cassini Cosulting; Mrs. Constanze Bürger, Referent/Advisor, IT and Network Infrastructure, Federal Ministry of the Interior; Prof. Christoph Meinel, Chair, German IPv6 Council </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-339"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">GLOBALl IoT SUMMIT 2018</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIoT2.png" width="180" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Bilbao.gif" width="440" height="130" ></a> </a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2018</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IoT ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 4 - 7 June 2018 Bilbao, Spain <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, TPC Chair </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-338"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">RCS-RDS wins Jim Bound Award</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/RDC.gif" width="750" height="350px"> </a> <br><br> <b>on the left: Emanuel Popa - IP Design & Backbone Manager - on the right Liviu Pislaru - Chief Architect for IPv6 at RCS & RDS - Number 1 ISP in Romania and has 1.1 Millions IPv6 users </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-337"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Franck Martin - Jim Bound AWARD</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Franck2.jpg" width="750" height="300px"> </a> <br> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-336"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2018 IEEE 1st 5G World Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IEEE5G.png" width="700" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="420" height="120" SRC="/im/people/GC5G.png" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2018 IEEE 1st 5G World Forum</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank">"" <br><br> July 9-11, 2018 <br> Santa Clara, California, USA <br><br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-334"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2017 Swiss IPv6 Council Jim Bound AWARD</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Swiss6.png" width="750" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>from left to right: Thomas Zippo: Frank Dederichs, Bram van der Zwet, Silvia Hagen (Chair, Swiss IPv6 Council), Martin Gysi (Recipient of Award for Swisscom) </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-333"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2017 Dutch IPv6 Task Force Jim Bound Awards</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/NL2017.png" width="750" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>From Left to right: Erik Huizer, Founder & Chair, Netherlands IPv6 Task Force; Maarten Carels @ XS4ALL; Jeroen Massar and Pim van Pelt @ SixXS </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-332"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2017 LACNIC/LA IPv6 Council Jim Bound AWARD</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Lacnic2017.png" width="750" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>from left to right: Azael Fernandes, FLIP6 Chair; Max Rangel, Miguel Palacios, Manuel Aguilar (all 3 from TIGO); Fabio Fonseca (Telefonica); Aldo Carballo and Alejandro D'Egidio (Telecentro) </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-331"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">16th International Conference on WWW/INTERNET 2017</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/WWW.png" width="850" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Pedro.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>16th International Conference on WWW/INTERNET 2017</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR ALGARVE! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 18 – 20 October, 2017, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal <br><br> WWW/Internet Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Conference & Program Chair: Prof. Pedro Isaías, The University of Queensland, Australia </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-330"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2017 NAv6TF Jim Bound AWARD</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/NAv6TFAwardv1.0.png" width="750" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>From Left to right: From left to right, Stan Barber (for Google Fiber), Scott Hogg*, Jon Petersen, Benjamin Bittfield, Ravinder Shergil, Chuck Sellers <br>(representing Verizon), Stephan Lagerholm (representing T-Mobile/Cameron Byrne), Dan Torbet*, Ed Horley*,Jon Senderling, <br>Charlie Lui (representing Charter), Alan Skinner. ( * awarded for their help in putting the conference together) </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-329"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/WF-IoT2018.png" width="780" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/AdamD.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Hausi.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2018 IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"SMART CITIES & NATIONS "</i></u></b> <br><br> 5 - 8 February 2018, singapore <br><br> WF-IoT 2018 Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Adam Drobot, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Hausi Muller, TPC Chair </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-328"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2017 North American IPv6 Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/NAv6TFsummit.jpg" width="780" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Scott.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Stan.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Franckmartin.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2017 North American IPv6 Summit</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"North American IPv6 Summit to Honor Global Service Providers for IPv6 Adoption "</i></u></b> <br><br> April 25-26, 2017 Sunnyvale, CA at LinkedIN Headquarters <br><br> Summit Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Scott HOGG, Emeritus Chair, RMv6TF; Stan Barber, Google Fiber; Franck Martin, IPv6 Subject Matter Expert, LinkedIn HQ </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-326"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Pascal Thubert received his PhD Degree on his 6TiSCH Thesis </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Pascal2.gif" width="250" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Pascal1.gif" width="650" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>PhD Jury (from Left to right): Isabelle Chrisment, Thierry Turletti, Nicolas Montavont, Laurent Toutain, Pascal Thubert (PhD Recipient), GeraldineTexier (on Webex), Mischa Dohler </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-325"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">China Winners received the Jim Bound IPv6 Award</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/China5IoT6.gif" width="650" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>From Left to right: Latif LADID; Mr. Xing Li, CERNET2; Mr. Wang Jiye, STATE GRID; Mr. Chongfeng Xie, China T; Mr. Liu Dong, BII. </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-324"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">EU-China Collaboration on 5G and IoT Research</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="720" <IMG SRC="/im/logos/China1.gif" height="119px" width "750" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/EUChina5g.jpg" height="119px" width "119" ></a>></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> March 9, 2017 <br><br>JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central:</b> <br><br> The Project EXCITING (EU-China Study on IoT and 5G) is proudly announcing the first conference that will be held on March 9th, 2017 in Beijing </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by The EU-China 5G-IoT Project</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-323"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Reliance Jio received the Jim Bound IPv6 Award </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Reliance.png" width="450" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Reliance2.gif" width="450" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>Mr. Jagbir SINGH, CTO, Reliance Jio, has received the Jim Bound IPv6 Award on behalf of the Reliance IPv6 Team. </b> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-322"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Peru Jim Bound IPv6 Award 2017</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/peru2.jpg" width="300" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Peru.jpg" width="600" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b> Iván Chumo ( Presidente de la NAP) y Carlos Valdez (Viceministro de Comunicaciones). Rosa Delgado, President, Peru IPv6 Council (left)- Mr. Dennis Arma, VP Telefonica Peru (right) <br> </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-321"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> Portugal Telecom Jim Bound IPv6 Award</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/PT2017.jpg" width="300" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/PTaward.jpg" width="600" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b> Alexandre FONSECA, CTO, Portugal Telecom received the Award on behalf of the PT IPv6 Team from Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum <br> at the IEEE 5G Summit organised by the Instituto de Telecomunicações/ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-320"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 LifeTime Achievement Award to Latif Ladid</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/award.gif" width="650" height="330" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Vint.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Christine.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Lifetime Achievement Award to Latif LADID</i></u></b> <br><br> RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Latif LADID has been presented with the IPv6 Life Time Achievement Award <br> at the Gala dinner of the IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things with a laudation delivered by Christine Maxwell and Vint Cerf (by video). <br><br> Vint Cerf's Laudation video:: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Christine Maxwell's Laudation video:: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Press Release : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Vint Cerf, Honorary Chair, IPv6 Forum, Father of the Internet and VP Google and Christine Maxwell, IPv6 Forum Fellow </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-317"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">UNH-IOL Shines Spotlight on IoT Interoperabililty</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoT2.png" width="150" height="130" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoL.jpg" width="150" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/ejohnson.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Timothy.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 IoT Logo Program</i></u></b> <br><br> DURHAM, N.H., DECEMBER 8, 2016 – The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) <br> announced the launch of the Internet of Things (IoT) IP Testing Services. <br><br> Press Rlease:: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> IPv6 Ready Logo Program Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Erica Johnson, Director of IoT and co-Chiar of IPv6 Ready Logo Program and Timothy Winters, Member of the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee and Senior Manager at UNH-IOL</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-316"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Telekom Malaysia Jim Bound IPv6 Award</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/MT.jpg" width="200" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/MT1.jpg" width="600" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>Professor Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass, Emeritus Chair, Global IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Education Certification Program, Professor Dr Sellapan, Provost, <br> Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), En Kamal Hisham Kamaruddin, Head of MYREN Department, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-314"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Germany Jim BOUND AWARD 2016 Ceremony</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6de3.gif" width="200" height="250px"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6de11.gif" width="700" height="250px"> </a> <br><br> <b>Uwe Mühlender, Senior Expert, IP/Data, DTAG has received the Award on behalf of the DTAG IPv6 Team from Prof. Christoph Meinel, Chair, German IPv6 Council. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-313"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">DEUTSCHE TELEKOM Jim BOUND AWARD 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/DT.png" width="900" height="350px"> <br><br> <b>Uwe Mühlender, Senior Expert, IP/Data, DTAG has received the Award on behalf of the DTAG IPv6 Team from Prof. Christoph Meinel, Chair, German IPv6 Council. <b> </a> </TD> <TD> <b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-312"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ORANGE Jim Bound IPv6 AWARD</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Orange.png" width="900" height="350px"> <br><br> <b>Christian Jacquenet, Director of Strategy Office for IP Networks, has received the Award on behalf of the Orange IPv6 Team. <b> </a> </TD> <TD> <b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-311"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on IoT</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/WFIoT.png" width="550" height="130" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Vint.jpg" width="140" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Geoff.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Endorsed by: Vint CERF, one of the two "Fathers of the Internet"</i></u></b> <br><br> 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) <br><br> <b><i><u>"Smart Innovation for Vibrant Ecosystems"</i></u></b> <br><br> 12-14 December 2016 Reston, Virginia, USA <br><br> WF-IoT Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Geoff Mulligan, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, Chair, TPC </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-310"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global Network Technology Conference Beijing 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="720" <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GNTC.png" height="119px" width "750" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/LiuDong.jpg" height="119px" width "119" ></a>></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> December 7-9, 2016 <br><br>Sheraton Hotel Beijing:</b> <br><br> The Global Network Technology Conference (GNTC) themed with New Technology-New Architecture-New Networks : IPv6, SDN, NFV, 5G, NB-IoT, Cloud computing. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Liu Dong, Chair IPv6 Council China</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-309"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim Bound Award to UK IPv6 Council</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/UKv6.png" width="900" height="350px"> <br><br> Veronika McKiIlop, President, UK IPv6 Council has received the award at the UK IPv6 Council meeting October 31,2016 in London. </a> </TD> <TD> <b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-308"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Deployment Survey (Residential/Household Services)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6survey.png" width="750" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Jordi.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>RESULTS: IPv6 Deployment Survey (Residential/Household Services)</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> The intend of this survey is to understand some technical details about how IPv6 is being deployed world-wide. <br> <br> <b><i><u>How IPv6 is being deployed ?</i></u></b> You should ONLY continue if you provide (ISP) or obtain (customer) an IPv6 service, even if is a trial. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>This survey is funded by Mr. Jordi Palet, CTO, Consulintel </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-307"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 SURVEY</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Disrupt.png" width="750" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/joe.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Task Force Survey</i></u></b> <br> The IPv6 Forum, in support of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, seeks input to assist in the Development of Initiatives to increase IPv6 Adoption. <br> <br> <b><i><u>Call for participation: </i></u></b> The pace of IPv6 adoption today is growing at an ever increasing rate. The most recent estimates have growth at 200% per year. This is due to many reasons. This survey is focused on identifying those reasons and determining why some organizations have successfully migrated to IPv6 and some have not <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>This survey is funded by Mr. Joe Klein, President & CEO, Disrupt6 </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-306"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Tunisia Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Tunisia.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Tarek.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Tunis/Luxembourg, October 2, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Tunisia under the leadership of Dr. Tarek Bejaoui, as its President. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Tunisia.pdf" target=blank>Tunisia.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Tarek Bejaoui, President, IPv6 Council, Tunisia</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-305"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> IPv6 Share & Learn @ CommunicAsia 2017</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6SG.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/CA17.jpg" width="350" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/linus.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Share & Learn @ CommunicAsia 2017</i></u></b> <br> IPv6 Forum is honored to collaborate with CommunicAsia once again for the fourth annual IPv6 Share & Learn event. <br> <br> <b><i><u>Call for participation: </i></u></b> We welcome industry speakers to present talks at this event. Focus tracks will be on: 1. IPv6 Enabled Technologies 2. Network Strategy and Planning <br> 3. Security & Governance. For participation email to <br><br> May 23 - 25, 2017 | Singapore <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Linus Tan, Vice Chairman of IPv6 Forum Singapore Chapter </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-304"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Serbia Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/SERBIA.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Ivan.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Novi Sad/Luxembourg, September 8, 2014 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Serbia under the leadership of Mr. Ivan Nejgebauer, as its President. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Serbia.pdf" target=blank>Serbia.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Ivan Nejgebauer, President, IPv6 Council, Serbia</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-303"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">More v6 than v4 at Facebook</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/FB.jpg" width="120" height="120 px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/fb00.png" width="420" height="120 px"> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Saab.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>August 16, 2016: Today marks the first day that more people used IPv6 to access Facebook than IPv4 from the 4 major USA mobile networks.</i></u></b> <br><br> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br><br> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Paul Saab, FACEBOOK </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-302"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE IoT TsC @Globecom 2016 </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Globecom16.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/IPv6globecom.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IEEE IoT Initiative and IoT subcommittee @Globecom 2016 </i></u></b> <br><br> <br><br> Washington D.C., USA, December 7th 2016 - International Ballroom East : 11:00 - 12:30 <br><br> Globecom 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank"> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Industry Panel Organiser: Latif Ladid, Chair IEEE IoT TsC </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-301"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">EMENA-TSSL 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Emana1.png" width="150" height="100" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Emana2.png" width="450" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Serrhini.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The Europe Middle East and North Africa Conference on Technology and Security to Support Learning 2016 (EURO-MENA TSSL’2016) will take place in the wonderful Moroccan “Blue Pearl” city of Saïdia from 3 to 5 October 2016.. </i></u></b> <br><br> EURO-MENA-TSSL’2016 is a world-leading multidisciplinary conference that offers the cutting edge in academic and technological development in all fields of information systems technologies and security to support learning. <br><br> Saidia-Oujda, Morocco, from 2 to 4 of October 2016 <br><br> EMENA-TSSL 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy:Prof. Mohammed SERRHINI, General Chair, University Mohamed First Oujda Morocco. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-300"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">DeSE 2017</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/DESE.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Hani.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The 10th International Conference on the Developments on eSystems Engineering will be held from the 14th to 16th June 2017 in Paris, France. </i></u></b> <br><br> Recent years have witnessed increasing interest and development in computerised systems and procedures, which exploit the electronic media in order to offer effective and sophisticated solutions to a wide range of real-world applications. Innovation and research development in this rapidly evolving area of eSystems has typically been reported on as part of cognate fields such as, for example: Information and Communications Technology, Computer Science, Social Science and engineering. This conference, on the Developments in eSystems Engineering will act as a platform for disseminating and discussing new research findings and ideas in this emerging field <br><br> Paris, France from 14 to 16 June 2017 <br><br> ICC 2017 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy:Hani Hamdan. General Chair, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S UMR CNRS 8506),Université de Paris-Saclay, Paris, France </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-299"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ICC'17</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ICC17.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Hani.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing (ICC 2017) </i></u></b> <br><br> The aim of ICC 2017 second edition is to provide a forum for the scientists to present their latest research results and perspectives for future work in the IoT and Cloud Computing field. ICC 2017 second edition will include presentations in form of contributed papers, poster sessions, and state of the art lectures by invited keynote speakers. <br><br> Cambridge, UK, from 22 to 23 March 2017 <br><br> ICC 2017 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy:Hani Hamdan. General Chair, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (L2S UMR CNRS 8506),Université de Paris-Saclay, Paris, France </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-298"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">FiCLOUD 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ficloud.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/iawan.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud</i></u></b> <br><br> The theme of this conference is to promote the state of the art in scientific and practical research of the IoT and cloud computing. It provides a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and public sector in an effort to present their research work and share research and development ideas in the area of IoT and cloud computing. <br><br> Vienna, Austria, from 22 to 24 August 2016 <br><br> 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Professor Irfan Awan, Head School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Bradford. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-297"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Martinique Press Coverage</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Martinique.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Fay.png" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Former des opérateurs, des intégrateurs, des clients et des sociétés de service sur les enjeux d'IPv6, ses impacts sur le business et ce qu'implique la technologie de l'IPv6, <br> C'était la mission dévolue durant cinq jours à Fayçal Hadj, dans le cadre cadre balnéaire d'un hôtel du François (Martinique), le Cap Est Lagoon Resort. <br><br> Dans le club, plutôt fermé des spécialistes IT - prononcez à l'anglaise aïti - Fayçal Hadj a une place à part. Il est depuis mai 1993 CCIE 1135, entendez Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert. <br><br> Radio Caraibes International Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Fayçal Hadj, IPv6 SME, Cisco, Honorary member of the IPv6 Council Martinique</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-294"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Spain Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Spain.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Carlos.png" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Madrid/Luxembourg, July 20, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Spain with the establishment of the IPv6 Council under the leadership of Mr. Carlos Ralli Lucendo as its chairman. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 Council Spain.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 Council Spain.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Chairman, IPv6 Council, Spain</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-293"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Martinique Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Martinique.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Franck.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Martinique/Luxembourg, July 18, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Martinique with the establishment of the Martinique IPv6 Council under the leadership of Mr. Franck Pflieger as its chairman. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Martinique.pdf" target=blank>Martinique.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Franck Pflieger, Chairman, IPv6 Council, Martinique</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-292"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council South Korea Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Korea.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Kim.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Seoul/Luxembourg, July 5, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes South Korea as its next step to renew its IPv6 promotion efforts in South Korea with the establishment of the South Korea IPv6 Council under the leadership of Mr. Kim Suk Ju as its president. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 Council South Korea.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 Council South Korea.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Kim Suk Ju, President, IPv6 Council, South Korea </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-291"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim Bound IPv6 Award 2016: ::1 UK SKY</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Sky.png" width="900" height="350px"> <br><br> Veronika McKiIlop, President, UK IPv6 Council presented the award to Ian Dickinson, IPv6 Architect from Sky, at the UK IPv6 Council meeting June 30,2016 in London. </a> </TD> <TD> <b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-290"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">GLOBALl IoT SUMMIT 2017 </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/GIoT2.png" width="180" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoTw.png" width="440" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT 2017</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"GO FOR GLOBAL IoT ! "</i></u></b> <br><br> 6 - 9 June 2017 Geneva, Switzerland <br><br> GIoTS Web site : <a href=" " target="blank">" /"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Sebastien Ziegler, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, TPC Chair </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-288"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">TEMU 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Temu.jpg" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Pallis.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU)</i></u></b> <br><br> The conference will provide three-days Scientific Program with regular and invited technical papers, key-note talks, Workshops and panel sessions, as well as a contest for the Student Paper Award "Vassilios Zacharopoulos". <br><br> Heraklion, Crete, Greece, from 25 to 27 July 2016 <br><br> 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Evangelos Pallis, Associate Professor at the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Heraklion, Greece. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-287"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Kuwait Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Kuwait.jpg" height="100" width="150" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/seif.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Kuwait/Luxembourg, June 09, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Kuwait as its new chapter for its IPv6 promotion efforts with the establishment of the Kuwait IPv6 Council under the leadership of Dr. Seifedine Kadry as its president. : <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Kuwait.pdf" target=blank>Kuwait.pdf</a> <br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Seifedine Kadry, President, IPv6 Council, Kuwait </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-286"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Discover Seville IPv6 Smartcity Pilot</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Sevilla.jpg" width="450" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Carlos.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Discover Seville IPv6 Smartcity Pilot</i></u></b> <br><br> In this post we describe how an IPv6 end-to-end solution has been implemented in the whole value chain of a given Smartcity Pilot. <br><br> Sevilla, Spain, May 19, 2016. <br><br> 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: CARLOS RALLI-UCENDO Expert - IoT Digital Products & IPv6 comms, Telefonica </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-285"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2nd International Workshop on Edge Computing</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Hesso.png" width="150" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Edge.png" width="540" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Jara.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Gianluca.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>2nd International Workshop on Edge Computingt</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"Call for Papers"</i></u></b> <br><br> Submission deadline: September 7, 2016 <br><br> EdgeCom web site: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>General Chairs: Antonio J. Jara Assistant Prof. PostDoc HES-SO University, CEO of HOP Ubiquitous, Vice-chair IEEE ComSoc Internet of Things (IoT) and Gianluca Rizzo Senior Researcher at University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-284"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Internet of Vehicles and Vehicles of Internet (IoV-VoI 2016)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/VoI.png" width="450" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Frank.png" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Workshop on Internet of Vehicles and Vehicles of Internet (IoV-VoI 2016)</i></u></b> <br> Welcome to IoV-VoI 2016! The first international workshop on Internet of Vehicles and Vehicles of Internet (IoV-VoI 2016) will be held in conjunction with ACM MobiHoc 2016 <br><br> Paderborn, Germany July 5, 2016. <br><br> IoV-VoI 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Raphael Frank, Research Fellow, University of Luxembourg / SnT </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-283"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Apple Announcement: IPv6-Only Support</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/apple.png" width="250" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/logos/Apple2.png" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>May 4, 2016, Apple announced: "Starting June 1, 2016 all apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking."</i></u></b> <br><br> View announcement: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-282"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Workshop at Emergitech 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Mauritius.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Emerge.jpg" width="350" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Clarel.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Welcome to IEEE EmergiTech 2016</i></u></b> <br> The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Business Practices for the Transformation of Societies (IEEE EmergiTech 2016) <br> is the new flagship Conference of the IEEE Mauritius Subsection following the flamboyant achievement of 2013 IEEE AFRICON conference. <br> <b><i><u>IPv6: Enabling Vibrant IoT Innovation and Smart City Ecosystems </i></u></b> <br><br> August 03 - 06, 2016 | Mauritius <br><br> Emeritch 2016 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Clarel Catherine, President, IPv6 Forum Mauritius </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-281"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 IoT Logo Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6-IoT.png" width="150" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Timothy.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 IoT Logo Program</i></u></b> <br><br> The IPv6 Ready Logo Committee has started work on IoT conformance, interop testing and labelling. <br><br> Download First Outline: <a href="/dl/presentations/Finterop.pdf" target=blank>Finterop.pdf</a> <br><br> IPv6 Ready Logo Program Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Timothy Winters, Member of the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee and Senior Manager at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL)</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-280"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Montenegro Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Montenegro.jpg" height="100px" width "119" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Andrej.jpg" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Montenegro/Luxembourg, April 6, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Montenegro with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Montenegro under the leadership of Dr. Andrej Mihailovic as its President. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Montenegro.pdf" target=blank>Montenegro.pdf</a> <br><br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Andrej Mihailovic, President, IPv6 Forum Montenegro. </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-279"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 IoT InterOP</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Finterop1.png" width="150" height="130" ></a> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Finterop.png" width="540" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Serge.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Seb.jpg" </a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Future Interop Project</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Online Performance and Scalability Tests for the Internet of Things</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"F-Interop is a H2020 European research project, which aims at researching,"</i></u></b> <br><br> developing and supporting online tests for emerging standards and technologies of the Internet of Things. <br><br> Dowload Finterop Outline: <a href="/dl/presentations/Finterop.pdf" target=blank>Finterop.pdf</a> Finterop Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy by Serge Fdida, Project Coordinator; Sebastien Ziegler; Technical coordinator </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-278"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE CSCN 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/CSCN.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="110" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Tarik.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> 2016 IEEE International Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking <br> IEEE CSCN 2016 will take place in Berlin, Germany between October 31 and November 2 <br> <br><br> CSCN 2016 web site: <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Tarik Taleb, Steering Committee Chair </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-277"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Yemen Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Yemen.jpg" width="200" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Nabil1.jpg" </a> <IMG width="170" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Jalil.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> Sana’a, Yemen/Luxembourg, February 22, 2016 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Yemen with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Yemen <br> under the leadership of Mr. Nabil Abbas, CCNP, IPv6 Trainer, as its President and Mr. Abduljalil Alkubati as Vice President. <br> <br><br> Download the Press Release : <a href="/dl/presentations/Yemen.pdf" target=blank>Yemen.pdf</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b> Mr. Nabil Abbas, President; Mr. Abduljalil Alkubati, Vice President </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-276"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">AFRINIC Launches CERTI::6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/certi.png" width="250" height="130" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Afrinic.jpg" width="350" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Mukom1.jpg" </a> <IMG width="170" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Brice.png"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>certi::6 (pronounced "certi-six") is a multi-tiered program of written exams created by AFRINIC Ltd</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>"To obtain this IPv6 Certification, please visit and apply to schedule a test."</i></u></b> <br><br> launched February 16, 2016 Mauritius <br><br> CERTI::6 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> CERI::6 Press Release : <a href="/dl/presentations/certi 6.pdf" target=blank>certi 6.pdf</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy by Mukom Akong Tamon (Head of Capacity Building), Brice Behou Abba (Training Team Lead), Stephen Honlue Musa (Trainer) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-274"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">5G FORUM USA 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG width="190" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/5GUSA.jpg"></a> <a href=""> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/5G-USA.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="110" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/informa.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> 5G Forum USA 2016 <br><br> The annual 5G Forum USA brings together the key decision makers from across the full value chain to discuss use cases and explore technical challenges. Secure your place to discover how you can capitalise on opportunities offered by 5G. <br> <br><br> 5G Forum USA web site: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-273"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">UNet 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/UNet16.png" width="720" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Essaid.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Rachid.jpg"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The Second International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking</i></u></b> <br><br> May 30 - June 1, 2016 Casablanca, Morocco <br><br> UNet16 Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Essaid SABIR and Rachid El-Azouzi, co-Chairs. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-272"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">NETWORKS 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/N2016.png" width="650" height="115px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Zbigniew.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> Networks 2016 : 17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium <br><br> September 26-28, 2016, Montreal, Canada <br><br <br><br> Call for Proposals:. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Courtesy: IMSC Chair (2015-2016): Zbigniew Dziong, ÉTS (CA) <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-271"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2nd Annual IoT Global Innovation Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IoT.png" width="650" height="115px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Daniel.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> 2nd Annual IoT Global Innovation Forum 2016 <br><br> June 15-16, 2016, Barcelona, Spain <br><br <br><br> Call for Speakers currently open. Proposals due by February 12, 2016. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Courtesy: Daniel R. Coran Editor, Smart Grid Observer, | <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-270"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">3rd MEC Big Data & Smart City 2016</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Oman.png" width="650" height="115px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Nagesh.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> The 3rd MEC International Conference on Big Data & Smart City 2016 <br><br> Venue: Muscat, Oman <br><br> Date: March 15-16, 2016 <br><br> Call for Proposals <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Dr. Nagesh Poojary, Middle East College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-269"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Peru IPv6 Summit 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="720" <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Peru.png" height="100px" width "419" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Rosa.png" height="100px" width "150px" ></a> </TD> <TD> IPv6, innovación y competitividad <br><br> 24 de Noviembre del 2015 | WESTIN Hotel, Lima | 8:15am <br><br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Rosa Delgado, President, IPv6 Council Peru</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-268"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on IoT</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/WFIoT.png" width="550" height="130" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Vint.jpg" width="140" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Geoff.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Endorsed by: Vint CERF, one of the two "Fathers of the Internet"</i></u></b> <br><br> 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) <br><br> <b><i><u>"Smart Innovation for Vibrant Ecosystems"</i></u></b> <br><br> 12-14 December 2016 Reston, Virginia, USA <br><br> WF-IoT Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Geoff Mulligan, General Chair; Latif Ladid, co-Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, Chair, TPC </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-267"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Best Practices eBook 2</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="720" <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ECIAO2.png" height="100px" width "119" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/ECIAO.png" height="100px" width "100px" ></a> </TD> <TD> Download the IPv6 Best Practices eBook 2: <br><br> <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 Best Practices eBook 2.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 Best Practices eBook 2.pdf</a> <br><br> </b></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: EU China Fire Project</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-266"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2015 BEIJING Global IPv6 Summit </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="720" <IMG SRC="/im/logos/beijing2015.jpg" height="119px" width "750" ></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/LiuDong.jpg" height="119px" width "119" ></a>></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> September 7, 2015 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> Presidential Beijing <br><br> Endorsed by CNGI (China Next Generation Internet) Expert Committee, China three major carriers & CERNET, and co-hosted by IPv6 Forum & BII Group </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Liu Dong, Chair IPv6 Council China</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-265"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Yeti DNS Project</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/yetilogo.png" width="140" height="130" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Yeti.jpg" width="540" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Song.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/kato.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 only DNSSEC DNS project, one world, one name space!"</i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u>Join the Yeti IPv6 only DNSSEC DNS project"</i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> YETI Press Release : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Davey Song, CTO, IPv6 Council China at BII, Akira Kato at WIDE Project and Paul Vixie, TISF, </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-264"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The 5G Observatory</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/events/5Glogo.jpg" width="550" height="115px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/remi.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> The first edition of the 5G OBSERVATORY will take place in Paris from 8 to 9 March, 2016. <br><br> Call for Proposals <br> The list of topics is not exhaustive and authors may propose other subjects in keeping within the thematic framework. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Remi Scavenius, Founder & CEO, Upperside <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-263"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> Smart Nation Platform l 4 June 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6sing2.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/victor.jpg" height=150px></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </a></a> <br> <br> Date: 4 June 2015 <br> Time: 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm <br><br> </a></a> <br><br> </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Victor Tang, President, Singapore IPv6 Forum </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-262"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Thriving market for dwindling IP addresses is good for IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/6UK.jpg" width="200" height="120px"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Tim.jpg" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> Thriving market for dwindling IP addresses <br> is a good commercial reason to finally <br> adopt IPv6 <br><br> Read <a href="" target="blank"> </b></a>. <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> Courtesy: Dr. Tim Chown, Vice-Chair, UK IPv6 Council <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-261"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPSO CHALLENGE 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPSOC.png" width="300" height="120px"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Geoff.png" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> The top three finalists will be awarded cash prizes: <br> $10,000 FIRST PLACE <br> $5,000 SECOND PLACE <br> $2,500 THIRD PLACE <br><br> Download the Entry Requirements: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPSOCHA.pdf" target=blank>IPSOCHA.pdf</a> <br><br> visit <a href="" target="blank"> </b></a>. <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> Courtesy: Geoff Mulligan, Founder & Chairman, IPSO Alliance <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-260"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2015 IPv6 National Forum in Saudi Arabia</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="600" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/Saudi.png"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Ibra.png" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 National Forum on Thursday, 7th May 2015, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. </i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> CITC has taken major steps towards developing the Internet services in Saudi Arabia, an important part of this is the development of IPv6 adoption. <br> In this regard CITC has developed a national IPv6 Strategy, and established the IPv6 Task Force as well since 2008 <br> CITC is organizing the IPv6 National Forum on Thursday, 7th May 2015, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia <br><br> Venue: (CITC) headquarter, Alnakheel Quarter </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr.Ibraheem Al-Furaih, General Manager of Internet Services in the Communications and Information technology Commission (CITC) </b> </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-258"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">WINCOM 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/wincom.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="110" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Moha.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> The International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM’15). <br> October 20-23, 2015 | Marrakech, Morocco <br><br> Call For Papers: Deadline: May, 5, 2015 <br><br> WINCOM 2015 web site: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mr. Abdellatif Kobbane, President MobiTic / ENSIAS, Mohammed V University of Rabat </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-257"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE CSCN 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/CSCN2015.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="110" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Tarik.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> 2015 IEEE International Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking <br> IEEE CSCN 2015 will take place in Tokyo, Japan between 28 and 30 October, immediately preceding the 94th IETF meeting that will take place in the nearby Yokohama, Japan. <br> <br><br> CSCN 2015 web site: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Tarik Taleb, Steering Committee Chair </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-256"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">CommunicAsia Summit 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="600" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/CA1.jpg"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/CA2.jpg" width="200" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Surging to 5G and Beyond </i></u></b> <br><br> <b><i><u> Register here:</i></u></b> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> CommunicAsia Summit is the leading ICT industry conference in APAC. Growing annually, the 2015 event will be featuring 12 tracks and <br> 3 workshops with 200+ experts presenting and over 800+ global delegates attending. <br> Industry aligned sessions and panel discussions in Enterprise mobility, Cloud Networking, Big <br>Data, SDN and 5Gare CommunicAsia Summit’s major attractions this year. <a <br><br><br> Date: June 2 - 5, Singapore <br> <br> Marina Bay Sands, Marina Bay Sands, 10 Bay front Ave, Singapore 018956 </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-255"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/WF-IoT.png" width="350" height="130" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Vint.jpg" width="140" height="130" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Roberto.png" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Latuska.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Antonio.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Keynote Speaker: Vint CERF, one of the two "Fathers of the Internet"</i></u></b> <br><br> 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) <br><br> 14-16 December 2015 Milan, Italy <br><br> WF-IoT Web site : <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Roberto Minerva, Former Chair; Latif Ladid, General Chair; Antonio Skarmeta, Chair, TPC </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-254"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2015 CEA IPv6 PlugFest </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="300" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/CEA.jpg"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Mike.jpg" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>IPv6 Interoperability Testing</i></u></b> <br><br> Atlanta, April 20-22, 2015 <br><br> CEA and major U.S. carriers will hold an IPv6 interoperability test event for CE product teams. The carriers will set up consumer broadband <br>environments, with the CPE routers they provide to millions of U.S. homes. Engineers will be on-site to assist teams with technical issues. <br><br> For information and to register, go to <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <a <br><br> Download the CEA PlugFest Save the date & FAQ: <a href="/dl/presentations/CEA.pdf" target=blank>CEA.pdf</a> <a href="/dl/presentations/CEA FAQ.pdf" target=blank>CEA FAQ.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Mike Bergmann, Senior Direct, Technology & Standards; mbergman(@) </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-253"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2015 North American IPv6 Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG width="600" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/Rocky6.jpg"></a> <IMG width="119" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/Rocky.jpg"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Ognian2.jpg" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>Putting IPv6 To Work </i></u></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <a <b><i><u>NEW!: Register for remote access for just $30. People can watch the live video from around the world </i></u></b> <br><br> Organised by The Rocky Mountains v6 Task Force <br><br> Date: April 22-23, 2015<br> <br> Venue: Plaza Tower One 6400 S Fiddlers Green Circle Greenwood Village, CO 80111 </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Ognian Mitev, Chair of the RMv6TF </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-252"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Colombia Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Colombia.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Rafael.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Bogota/Luxembourg, February 24, 2015 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative <br> with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Colombia under the leadership of <br> Mr. Rafael I. Sandoval Morales, Fundador & CEO, IPv6 Technology SAS – Academia IPv6 | IPv6 Colombia as its Chair. <br> Rafael was advisor to the Ministry of ICT leading projects of regulation and promoting the adoption of IPv6 in Colombia <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Colombia.pdf" target=blank>Colombia.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Rafael I. Sandoval Morales, Fundador & CEO, IPv6 Technology SAS – Academia IPv6 | IPv6 Colombia as its Chair. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-251"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">APNOMS 2015 </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td height="125px" width="468px"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/APNOMS.jpg " /></a> </table> <br><br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Wang.jpg" width="125px" height="125px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> Important Dates <br><br> Abstract submission: March 20, 2015 <br><br> Paper submission: April 3, 2015 <br><br> Notification of acceptance: June 8, 2015 <br><br> Camera-ready papers due: June 29, 2015 <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> </TD> <TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Courtesy: Wang_Cheol Song, General Chair, APNOMS 2015 <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-250"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">5G World Summit 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td width="450" height="119"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/5GAms.png " / width="150" height="119"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/LTE2015.gif " / width="250" height="119"></a> </table> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/informa.png" height="85px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> The LAUNCH 5G World Summit, taking place alongside our leading LTE World Summit event in June, is already proving to be the must-attend global platform <br> bringing together the world’s mobile broadband community to discuss the future of 5G and the transition to 5G from LTE and LTE-Advanced. <br> This dedicated event will provide the perfect platform to examine the need for 5G, address what the network will look like, and how MNO’s will transition to 5G, <br> This dedicated 5G Summit will provide the perfect opportunity for forward-thinking LTE professionals representing the operator, vendor, device and analyst communities to examine the drivers for 5G, address what the network will look like, and how MNO’s will transition to 5G, <br> whilst also examining what opportunities for new business models and services will be enabled once a fully 5G mobile network is available. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> </TD> <TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-249"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Council Nigeria Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nigeria.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Muh.jpg" </a> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Chris.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Lagos/Luxembourg, February 2, 2014 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative <br> with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Nigeria under the leadership of <br> Mr. Muhammed Rudman, CEO, Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN) as its Chair <br> and Mr. Chris Uwaje, Chair: Mobile Software Solutions Ltd and 2014 WSA African Content Awardee as its vice-chair. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Nigeria.pdf" target=blank>Nigeria.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Muhammed Rudman, CEO, Internet eXchange Point of Nigeria (IXPN) as its Chair and Mr. Chris Uwaje, Chair: Mobile Software Solutions Ltd, as its vice-chair. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-248"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> IPv6 Council Estonia Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Estonia.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Truls.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Tallinn/Luxembourg, January 19, 2015 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative <br> with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Estonia under the leadership of Mr. Truls Ringkjob as its chair. <br> Clarel is Lecturer at the University of Technology Mauritius. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Estonia.pdf" target=blank>Estonia.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr. Truls Ringkjob Chair, IPv6 Council Estonia </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-247"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">5G Forum USA 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td width="450" height="119"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/5GUSA.jpg " / width="250" height="119"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/5g_forum.gif " / width="150" height="119"></a> </table> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/informa.png" height="85px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> The LTE World Series is delighted to launch our first solo 5G Forum USA, taking place 14-15th April 2015 in Palo Alto, which will bring <br> together senior executives & key decision makers from the full 5G ecosystem to discuss the future of the 5G network. <br> This dedicated event will provide the perfect platform to examine the need for 5G, address what the network will look like, and how MNO’s will transition to 5G, <br> whilst also examining what opportunities for new business models and services will be enabled once a fully 5G mobile network is available. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> </TD> <TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-246"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Internet of Things World 2015 </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td width="468px"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/events/iot-world.jpg " /></a> </table> <br><br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/informa.png" height="85px"></a> </a> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> <TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-245"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">CEA Publishes Two IPv6-based Standards Projects </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/CES.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="200" height="120" SRC="/im/people/CEA.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> CEA Publishes Two Standards Projects Featured at the 2015 International CES <br> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>CES IPv6 Working Group co-chaired by Dan Torbet, director of system engineering at ARRIS and Hans Liu, director of software architecture at D-Link Systems Inc., </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-244"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Finland: National IPv6 Launch Day on 9 June 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/Finland.jpg"></a> <IMG width="450" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/national6launch.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Klaus.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> FICORA invites providers of broadband, content and web services to participate in the national IPv6 launch held on 9 June 2015. <br> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">""</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Klaus Nieminen, Chair, National IPv6 Council </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-243"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Hall of IPv6 Fame & Shame for European Universities</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6OBS.png" height="115px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> from 177 surveyed universities, only 32 have IPv6 deployed on their web sites. Some famous universities like Oxford and Cambridge are lagging behind. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> IPv6 Deployment worldwide at Universities: <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-242"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim BOUND AWARD at 2014 Internet Week in Japan</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/Jim.jpg"></a> <IMG width="450" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/JB11.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/JB22.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/JB33.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> (1) KDDI, Mr.Satoshi Iwao, Executive Director, General Manager <br> Network Technical Development Division Technology Sector, KDDI Corporation <br><br> (2) CTC, Mr.Toshiyuki Ootaki, Associate Senior Vice President, <br> General Manager, Technology Division Chubu Telecommunications Co.Inc., <br><br> Download the KDDI AWARD: <a href="/dl/presentations/KDDI2.png" target=blank>KDDI2.png</a> <br><br> Download the CTC AWARD: <a href="/dl/presentations/CTC2.png" target=blank>CTC2.png</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy: Dr. Hiroshi Esaki, Executive Director Japan IPv6 Council </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-241"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Address Plan</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/address.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Sander1.png" </a> </TD> <TD> In an efficient IPv6 address plan, the IPv6 addressing ranges are grouped effectively and logically. <br> This has several advantages, including: <br> • Security policies are easier to implement, such as the configuration of access lists and firewalls • Addresses are easier to trace: the address contains information about the use type or location where the address is in use <br> • An efficient address plan is scalable: it can be expanded, for example, to include new locations or use types <br> • An efficient IPv6 address plan also enables more efficient network management <br> <br> • Sander Steffann, <> <br><br> Download the IPv6 Address Plan Document: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6-addressing-plan-howto.pdf" target=blank>IPv6-addressing-plan-howto.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy Sander Steffann, IPv6 Expert, Trainer and Consultant at Steffann ( ) </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-240"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">RIPE-554</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ripe.png" width="550" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/JanZorz.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Authors: <br> • Merike Käo, <> <br> • Jan Žorž, <> <br> • Sander Steffann, <> <br><br> Download the ripe-554 Document: <a href="/dl/presentations/ripe-554.pdf" target=blank>ripe-554.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Courtesy Jan Zorz, Operational Engagement Programme Manager, Internet Society </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-239"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 ROADMAP SOUTH KOREA</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Korea.gif" width="250" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Hyun.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Infinite Internet Address (IPv6) <br> Expansion Roadmap to Promote <br> a New Internet Industry <br> - Launching IPv6 based commercial service in 2014 <br><br> Download the 2014 IPv6 Roadmap Document: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6 Roadmap Korea.pdf" target=blank>IPv6 Roadmap Korea.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Hyun Kahng, Chair, IPv6 Forum-Korea </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-238"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> IPv6 Forum Mauritius Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Mauritius.jpg" width="150" height="100" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="100" SRC="/im/people/Clarel.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Port Louis/Luxembourg, September 22, 2014 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative <br> with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Mauritius under the leadership of Dr. Clarel Catherine as its first President. <br> Clarel is Lecturer at the University of Technology Mauritius. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Mauritius.pdf" target=blank>Mauritius.pdf</a> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr. Clarel Catherine, President, IPv6 Forum Mauritius </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-237"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">NETFLIX starts streaming on IPv6 in Europe</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Netflix.png" width="500" height="115px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Javed.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Netflix streams on IPv6 now since mid Sep 2014 in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. <br><br> NETFLIX web site: <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Contributor: Javed Vohra, Senior Network Engineer at Netflix </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-236"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">SixChat: A Novel v6-based End2End Chat w/o NAT</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/sixscape3.jpg" width="300" height="75px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/lawrence_hughes.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> SixChat is a new class of network application, made possible by the NAT-less IPv6 Internet. NAT on the IPv4 Internet allows only outgoing connections from applications running in private internets hidden behind a public address. Since there are ample public addresses in IPv6, there is no need for NAT, so assuming ports are open on firewalls, any node can connect directly to any other node (End2End Direct). <br><br> Download the SixChat White Paper: <a href="/dl/presentations/SixChat1.pdf" target=blank>SixChat1.pdf</a> <br><br> Download the SixChat Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/SixChat2.pdf" target=blank>SixChat2.pdf</a> <br><br> Download the IRP Press Release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IRP.pdf" target=blank>IRP.pdf</a> <br><br> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Lawrence Hughes, Founder & CTO of Sixscape </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-235"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim BOUND Award: 2014 IPv6 World Leader ::1 COMCAST</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/Jim.jpg"></a> <IMG width="250" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/Comcast.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Jason.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> Comcast Cable has enabled IPv6 since 2009 and reached 25 % of v6 traffic in its network as of June 19, 2014. <br><br> Download the AWARD: <a href="/dl/presentations/Comcast.png" target=blank>Comcast.png</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>John Jason Brzozowski, Chief Architect, IPv6 and Fellow, Comcast Cable and IPv6 Working Group Chair, Consumer Electronics Association </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-234"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">1st IEEE CONFERENCE ON NETWORK SOFTWARIZATION: NetSoft 2015</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/netsoft.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="110" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Prosper.jpg"></a> <IMG width="105" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Alex.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <br> The IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2015) <br> will be held April 13-17, 2015 in London, U.K. at the Cruciform Building of University College London (UCL). <br> NetSoft 2015 will be the first of a series of annual events established as part of the IEEE Software- <br> Defined Networks initiative of the IEEE Future Directions Committee to build an IEEE-wide community <br> in this area across multiple IEEE societies and councils <br><br> Netsoft 2015 web site: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Prime Contacts: GENERAL CO-CHAIR: Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France, TPC CO-CHAIR: Alex Galis, University College London, UK </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-233"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IoT - IPv6 Integration Handbook for SMEs</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="350" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/IoT6book.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="100" height="119" SRC="/im/people/MR.png"></a> </TD> <TD> IoT6 SME Handbook: <br> The present handbook has been written to support SMEs in the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 in order to help them addressing the Internet of Things emerging market. <br><br> IOT6 web site: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Download theIoT6 HandBook: <a href="/dl/presentations/IoT6book.pdf" target=blank>IoT6book.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Main author: Dr. Maria Rita PALATTELLA, Research Associate with SnT, at the University of Luxembourg </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-232"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ETN FETCH Project Conference: e-Learning'14</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/FETCH.png"></a> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/elearn.png"></a> <IMG width="250" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/llp2.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Taniya.jpg"></a> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Angel.png"></a> </TD> <TD> eLearnng 2014 : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING <br><br> e-Learning 2014 web site: : <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Venue: University of La Laguna, Tenerife <br><br> Date: 11-12 September 2014 <br><br> ETN FETCH Project web site: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>ETN FETCH Project Coordinators: Assoc. Prof. Em. Stoyanka Smrikarova and Prof. Angel Smrikarov, University of Ruse</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-231"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum @ ITU Telecom World 2014 </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="220" SRC="/im/logos/register.jpg" height="120"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img width="220" SRC="/im/logos/register2.jpg" height="120"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/itu14.jpg"></a> <br> <IMG width="140" height="110"SRC="/im/logos/v6f.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> </a> ITU Telecom World 2014 is the leading platform for high-level debate, networking, innovation-showcasing and knowledge-sharing for the global ICT community. Drawing on ITU's unique reach as the lead UN agency for ICT issues, World 2014 brings together public and private sectors, emerging markets and industry investors at the highest level from across the entire ecosystem . Under the theme "Future in Focus", discussions will explore the current massive disruption of the ICT sector and its implications for the future. Join us for the 1 conversation that matters in Doha, Qatar, from 07 - 10 December 2014. <br><br> ITU TELECOM World Web site: <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> The Next Big Internet Step: Moving to IPv6 to Enable Everything at ITU Telecom World 2014 <br><br> Web site: : <br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> Venue: Doha, Qatar <br><br> Date: December 7-10, 2014 <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Hosted by: IPv6 Forum & ITU </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-230"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global Forum 2014 in Geneva</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/items.png"></a> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/GF14.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Sylviane.jpg"></a> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Sebastien.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> GLOBAL FORUM 2014 : OUR PATH TO A DIGITAL CONNECTED WORLD <br> GF 2014 web site: : <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Venue: Geneva, Switzerland At the CICG <br><br> Date: November 17-18, 2014 <br><br> Download the GF 2014 press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/GF14PR.pdf" target=blank>GF14PR.pdf</a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Hosted by: Dr. Sylviane TOPORKOFF, Founder & Partner and Sébastien LEVY, Projects ICT, ITEMS International</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-229"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Future Enabler: First IPv6 Conference in Scotland</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6ed3.png" width="550" height="150" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/David.jpg" </a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Pete3.png"></a> <IMG width="120" height="120" SRC="/im/people/Ray3.png"> </a> </TD> <TD> 20th November 2014, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK <br><br> IPv6: Future Enabler 2014 is the first conference of its type in the UK and the first IPv6 <br> conference to be held in Scotland. It will provide a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange <br> and debate with experts and peers. The conference will be held in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, <br> in the centre of this historic city. Over one hundred delegates are expected to attend. <br><br> IPv6: Future Enabler 2014 will bring together leading experts and industry leaders to share their <br> extensive experience of IPv6 deployment. The event will consist of an ambitious and <br> unique programme of presentations and workshops, covering all aspects of the <br> challenges presented by the exhaustion of the IPv4 address pool and the deployment <br> of IPv6 and associated technologies. <br> <br> Web site coming soon in August: <a href=""</a> target="blank"></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by David Holder, Chair, IPv6 Task Force Scotland, Pete Swift, Head of Research and Ray Bugg, Commercial Director at Scot-Tech Engagement. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-228"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Romania Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Romania.jpg" width="150" height="120" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Liviu.jpg" </a> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/emanuel.jpg" </a> </TD> <TD> Bucharest/Luxembourg, July 24, 2014 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative <br> with the establishment of the Romanian IPv6 Forum under the leadership of Mr. Liviu Pislaru and <br> Mr. Emanuel Popa, as its President and Vice-President, respectively. Liviu and Emanuel are <br> IPv6 experts at the leading ISP RCS-RDS in IPv6 deployment in Romania. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6-Romania.pdf" target=blank>IPv6-Romania.pdf</a> <br><br> IPv6 Forum Romania Web Site, see: <a href="" target="blank"> " </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Liviu Pislaru, President and Emanuel Popa, Vice-President, </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-227"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ICT SPRING EUROPE 2014</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/ICTSpring.jpg"></a> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/ictspring2.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Kamel.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> ICT Spring Europe 2014 web site: : <br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Venue: New Conference Center Kirchberg 1, rue du fort Thungen L-1499 Luxembourg <br><br> Date: July 3-4, 2014 <br><br> Free Registration: use Code: LLD4321 <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Hosted by: Kamel Amroune Partner ICT & Finance / ICT Spring Co-founder, Farvest Group</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-226"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Sending and receiving emails over IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Linkedin.png" width="300" height="75px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Frank.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> The change to IPv6 creates new challenges to keep spam out of email. Because of the sheer size of the IPv6 space, it seems more efficient to build a domain-blocking and reputation system rather than an IP-blocking system. But how do we ensure emails over IPv6 have an authenticated domain? <br><br> View Frank's outline on this web site: <a href="" target="blank"> " </a></a> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Frank Martin, Postmaster at LinkedIn Engineering. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-225"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Facebook Towards IPv6-Only Internal Network</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/FB.jpg" width="120" height="120 px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/fb00.png" width="420" height="120 px"> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Saab.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> No need for complex dual-stack (IPv4/IPv6) deployment in your internal network. Just deploy IPv6 only in your core network and then deploy dual-stack devices on the edge of the network to interact with IPv6 and IPv4 Internet. <br><br> Download Paul Saab's presentation delivered at the IPv6 World Congress in Paris march 2014: <a href="/dl/presentations/PaulSaab.pdf" target=blank>PaulSaab.pdf</a> <br><br> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Paul Saab, FACEBOOK </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-224"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Sixscape announces The Identity Registration Protocol</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/sixscape3.jpg" width="300" height="75px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/lawrence_hughes.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> IRP is a new application layer protocol that was created to enable a new connectivity paradigm made possible by the essentially unlimited public addresses available in IPv6 – Direct Application to Application Connections. It includes a network user directory, a protocol accessible Public Key Infrastructure (think of it as PKI as a Service) and an IP address registry. Some of this functionality has been available in previous protocols (e.g. DNS, OCSP, LDAP), but IRP improves on that functionality and puts all of it together in one unified, simple to implement, secure protocol. <br><br> Download the IRP White Paper: <a href="/dl/presentations/IRP.pdf" target=blank>IRP.pdf</a> <br><br> Download the IRP Client User Guide <a href="/dl/presentations/IRPClient.pdf" target=blank>IRPClient.pdf</a> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Lawrence Hughes, Founder & CTO of Sixscape </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-223"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">First IPv6-only OpenStack Cloud </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nephose6.png" width="400" height="50" ></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/cipr.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Luxembourg/Iserlohn, Germany/Raleigh, USA, June 2, 2014 – Nephos6 deploys the first IPv6-only OpenStack based Cloud service solution in a production environment in the world. Cloud adoption and IPv6 transition are two major inflexion points that shape the evolution of IT today and are the foundation of Next Generation IT infrastructures. The envisioned target architecture combines the agility of cloud with the scalability of IPv6.. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Nephos6.pdf" target=blank>Nephos6.pdf</a> <br><br> OpenStack Grizzly on IPv6, see: <a href="" target="blank"> " </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Ciprian Popoviciu, (chip(@), Founder & CEO of Nephos6. </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-222"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Sommet Marocain sur IPv6 2014 (SMIPv6’14)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Misoc.png" height="119px"></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Leghris.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> May 20-22, 2014 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> Institut National des Postes et Télecomunications Avenue Allal El Fassi, Rabat <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Cherkaoui LEGHRIS , Task Force IPv6 et Professeur de l'enseignement sup à l'université Hassan II Mohammedia</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-221"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">5th European Summit on the Future Internet</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/SnT.png"></a> <IMG width="550" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/fis2014.png"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Bjorn.jpg"></a> <IMG width="150" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Joao.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> FIS 2014 web site: : <br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Venue: European Commission, Jean Monnet Building, Rue Alcide De Gasperi, L-2920 Luxembourg <br><br> Date: June 12-13, 2014 <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Hosted by: Prof. Dr. Björn Ottersten, Director, SnT and Dr. Joao Schwarz, Research Fellow, SnT, University of Luxembourg</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-220"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">16th International Telecom Networks 2014</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/N2014.jpg" witdth="950" height="150px"></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/AntonioT.jpg" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"> /</a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> September 17-19, 2014 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal <br><br> +++ IMPORTANT DATES & PAPER SUBMISSION +++ <br><br> Paper Submission Due: May 25, 2014 <br><br> Author Notification: June 23, 2014 </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>General Chair: António Teixeira, Aveiro University </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-219"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">UK IPv6 COUNCIL Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/6UK.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/Vero.png"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <br> <a <br><br> London/Luxembourg, April 4, 2014 -The IPv6 Forum welcomes the formation of a new IPv6 initiative with the establishment of the UK IPv6 Council under the leadership of Mrs. Veronika McKillop, as its President. <br><br> "The aim of the UK IPv6 Council is to attract key stakeholders from government, industry and academia to jointly promote IPv6 initiatives and design together the IPv6 vision and strategy for the UK to embrace the New Internet world based on IPv6" stated Mrs. Veronika McKillop, President, UK IPv6 Council. <br><br> <a </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mrs. Veronika McKillop, President, UK IPv6 Council <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-218"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Readiness Assessment Partner (iRAP) Logo Programme </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/irapp.jpg" width="100" height="100px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/irapg.jpg" width="100" height="100px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6singapore.jpeg" width="100" height="100px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Linus.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Singapore, 1 April 2014: The IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter) has announced today on its newly launch and the first in global logo programme – IPv6 Readiness Assessment Partner (iRAP) to assist the local IT services companies to develop new business opportunities with IPv6 technology. <br><br> “This program will give incentives to the System Integrator and Solution Provider to encourage their client to start planning for the implementation IPv6 Technologies in the near future, the Readiness Assessment Exercise will bring the client closer to the System Integrator and become a technologies enablement partner” said Mr Linus Tan, Vice-Chairman – IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter) Education Programme. <br><br> Web Site: <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Created by: IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter) <br> Contact: Linus Tan ( </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-217"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">NEW: IPv6 Ready CE ROUTER Logo Program </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="150" height="119"SRC="/im/logos/CE.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/hiroshi.jpg"></a> <IMG width="120" height="119" SRC="/im/people/erica.jpg"> </a> </TD> <TD> Press Release: <br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Tokyo/Boston/Luxembourg – March 19, 2014 – The IPv6 Forum and its worldwide organization <br> the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee officially announces the launch of the Interoperability <br>testing of the IPv6 Ready CE Router Logo Program <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> /</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Co-Chairs: Dr. Hiroshi Esaki, Executive Director Japan IPv6 Council and Erica Johnson, Director, UNH and IPv6 Forum Fellow</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-216"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim BOUND Award: 2014 IPv6 World Leader ::1 Belgium</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Bev62.jpg" width="900" height="350px"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-215"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim BOUND Award: 2013 IPv6 World Leader ::1 Switzerland</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/CHv62.jpg" width="900" height="350px"> </a> </TD> <TD> <b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-214"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 on low power devices(6lo)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Samita.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <b> 6lo: IPv6 over Network of Resource Constrained Nodes, A WG at IETF since Nov, 2013 <br><br> 6lo works on: <br> • IPv6-over-foo adaptation layer specifications <br><br> • Based on 6LoWPAN <br> – RFC 4944 – RFC 6282 – RFC 6775 <br><br> • Works closely with – 6man, intarea – Lwig, Core, Roll <a <br><br><br> Download the 6lo Document : <a href="/dl/presentations/6lo.pdf" target=blank>6lo.pdf</a> <br><br> <b>Samita Chakrabarti</b>, co-chair 6lo WG </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-213"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Meetup Group created by IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6singapore.jpeg" width="100" height="100px"></a> </a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Meetup.jpg" width="400" height="100"></a> <a <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Linus.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Meetup is the world's largest network of local groups. This makes it easy for anyone who is interested in IPv6 to meet up with IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter) in face-to-face events or through online group discussion. <br> Our objective of creating this group is for ICT professionals and corporate business managers in Singapore or other Southeast Asia countries who are interested to learn more about the next generation protocol - IPv6. We hope to advocate and create awareness in IPv6 technology through this platform. Professionals will gain knowledge on the IPv6 development from our upcoming initiatives and also able to share, research and discuss together with our interest group to help in increasing the adoption of the IPv6 Technologies. <br><br> Web Site: <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Created by: IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter) <br> Contact: Linus Tan ( </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-212"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Criterion Approved "IPv6 Forum Training Partner"</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Criterion.png" width="200" height="100px"></a> </a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/CC.png" height="100"></a> <a <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Srivinas.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Bangalore, India, January 16, 2014: Criterion Networking Academy, division of Criterion Networks India Private Limited and provider of hands-on trainings, certifications in emerging network technologies, announced today that its comprehensive suite of IPv6 training and certification offerings were awarded the gold certification by the IPv6 Forum. <br><br> Press Release see: <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Srinivas Vegesna, Founder & CEO, Criterion Networks India Private Limited </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-211"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">PARIS V6 WORLD CONGRESS 2015: Unleashing the Power</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/events/v6 World.png" height="115px"></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/remi.jpg" height="115px"></a> </a> </TD> <TD> <a> The fifth edition of V6 World will take place in Paris from 17 to 18 March, 2015. <br><br> The V6 World Congress will once again bring together ISPs, Enterprises, equipment vendors, and industry leaders to share their experience, skills, and knowledge of deploying IPv6 worldwide. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Remi Scavenius, Founder & CEO, Upperside <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-210"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2014 USA Global IPv6 Summit </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/UT.jpg" width="300" height="115px" ></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Tx.jpg"></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/CMax.jpg" width="180" height="180px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/vintcerf.jpg" width="220" height="180px"></a> </TD> <TD> <a> Hosted by: The University of Texas, Dallas -Richardson TX March 27-28, 2014 <br><br> Venue: The Alexander Clark Center, 800 West Campbell Road Richardson, Texas 75080 <br><br> Honored to have Dr. Vint Cerf as Keynote Speaker. <br><br> This event is free, but pre-registration is required. </i></b> <br> Web site : <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Organised by Christine Maxwell - IPv6 Fellow, now working at the University of Texas at Dallas <br> and <br> Stephan Lagerholm, Vice President, Texas IPv6 Task Force <br><br> Contact: Christine (Malina) -Maxwell </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-209"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2014 BEIJING Global IPv6 Summit </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/beijing2014.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/LiuDong.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> April 17-18, 2014 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> Presidential Beijing <br><br> Endorsed by CNGI (China Next Generation Internet) Expert Committee, China three major carriers & CERNET, and co-hosted by IPv6 Forum & BII Group </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Liu Dong, Chair IPv6 Forum China</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-207"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Sixscape announces free IPv6 Forum certified training</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/sixscape3.jpg" width="300" height="100px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/lawrence_hughes.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> This was created by Lawrence Hughes (Gold certified trainer) from content in his 2010 book “The Second Internet” and his Engineer Silver training slides. It has been brought up to date and greatly expanded. It includes Do-It-Yourself projects equivalent to the class labs he used when teaching directly. They require only open-source software and free tunneled service to deploy, and can be done on old decommissioned PCs or VirtualBox. There is no cost to use the training as much as you like. If you are an instructor, you are welcome to provide links to the site as supplementary material for your students. <br> <br> For detailed information on IPv6 Forum Silver Course, see: <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Lawrence Hughes, Founder & CEO of Sixscape </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-206"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">ITU Regulators Conference: The Need for More IP Addresses</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Abdullah.jpg" width="130px" height="130px"</a> </TD> <TD> Special Congratulations to Dr Abdullah A. Al Darrab, Governor, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), Saudi Arabia for moderating the session at the ITU Regulators Conference for setting the bar pretty high and recommending that all Regulators should mandate IPv6 in their nations. <br><br> A World of Data: The Need for More IP Addresses Author: Latif Ladid, Researcher, Next Generation Internet Technologies, University of Luxembourg Presentation: A World of Data: The Need for More IP Addresses (Presentation) <br><br> GSR Paper & Presentation web link, see: <a href="" target=blank>"</a> </b> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Dr Abdullah A. Al Darrab, Governor, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), Saudi Arabia <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-203"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Japan IPv6 Summit Series: 2013 - 2104</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6japan.png" width="700" height="100px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6_logo.jpg" width="300" height="100px"></a> </a> <a href="" target="blank"> <img src=/im/logos/iajapan.gif width="200" height=100px></a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> IPv6 Summit in TOKYO 2013 <br> Date : 25th Nov. 2013 <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Tomohiro Fujisaki, mailto:fujisaki(@) <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-202"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Network Utility Force Approved "IPv6 Forum Training Partner"</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nuf.png" width="200" height="100px"></a> </a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_course_gold.png" height="100"></a> <a <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Brandon.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> ATLANTA, GA--(Marketwired - October 01, 2013) - Network Utility Force, an international network engineering and professional services company, announced today that it has been approved as an IPv6 Forum certified training provider. "We've been designing and building production IPv6 networks since 2008, and lab testing v6 deployments for over a decade. Partnering with the IPv6 Forum to become a certified v6 training provider was the next step," stated Brandon Ross, Co-founder, CEO and Chief Network Architect of Network Utility Force. "Our training classes will not only teach the essentials of v6 by certified IPv6 Forum Gold level engineers, but also provide real-world, implementation examples and best practices, resulting from years of experience, including one of the first municipal WiFi networks with native IPv6 support in North America." <br><br> Press Release see: <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Brandon Ross, Co-founder, CEO and Chief Network Architect of Network Utility Force </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-201"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6-Enabled Security: The Shifting Security Paradigm</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Joe.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Joe Klein CISSP CISM CISA NSA-IAM/IEM IA-CMM 6Sigma … Day Job – SME Security Architecture, SRA International My Research - Longboat LLC Cyber Security SME, North American IPv6 Task Force Cyber Security SME, IPv6 Forum Cyber Security SME, IPv6 Cyber Security Task Force Contributor to: NIST SP-119, NIST SP-123, DoD MO2, MO3.x, “Planning Guide/Roadmap Toward IPv6 Adoption within the U.S. Government 2012” <br><br> Download his presentation: <a href="/dl/presentations/JoeKleinv6.pdf" target=blank>JoeKleinv6.pdf</a> </b> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Joe Klein, likes to sport the title of a Scientific Hooligan <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-200"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Deployment Best Practice by China Telecom</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Hujie.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> China telecom’s IPv6 history can be divided into 2 stages: Stage 1, from 2003 to 2010, the main tasks are technical research, test bed construction and its pilot, and the main purpose is to test and acquire experience. Stage 2, from 2011 to 2015, match the period of China government’s 12th 5-year plan, according to NDRC’s IPv6 project schedule, this stage can be divided into 2 phases: Phase 1(2011-2013) - Small scale commercial deployment; Phase 2(2014-2015) - Large scale commercial deployment <br><br> Download the paper: <a href="/dl/presentations/v6CT.pdf" target=blank>v6CT.pdf</a> </b> </a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Senior Network Engineer/ CNGI (China Next Generation Internet) Project Manager, China Telecom <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-199"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">International IPv6 Conference 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/v6nava.png" width="300" height="100px"></a> </a> <img src=/im/logos/v6nava2.jpg width="200" height=100px></a> <img src=/im/logos/v6nava3.png width="200" height=100px></a> <img src=/im/logos/v6nava4.png width="200" height=100px></a> <br><br> Date : 25 September 2013 (Wednesday) Time : 9.00 am to 5.00 pm <i>Venue : Auditorium IPS, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia <br><br> The event will be officiated by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. This international conference would feature prominent international IPv6 leaders from around the global to share their experience in their own region or country in adopting the IPv6 networks. This conference would provide the participants the closure view of the implementation components, and to share advantages and issues of implementation IPv6 within their organization. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-198"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 and Cloud: Two Major Inflection Points </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/nephose6.jpg" width="200" height="100px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/cipr.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> IPv6 and Cloud are two of several major inflection points in the evolution of IT environments, both enterprise and service provider. The IPv6 transition is all about scaling up our IP powered infrastructure as the World is rapidly approaching IPv4 address space exhaustion while the wave of Internet Of Things is rolling in. The Cloud adoption is about driving agility in our service delivery and providing the business with service options. Both transitions happen at the same time, they are complex in their own right (each touches every aspect of IT) and they are interdependent. Driving one without consideration for the other will lead to suboptimal solutions that will require expensive and impactful rework. To be blunt, Cloud will not be able to reach its promise if it is not built on top of IPv6. The current IPv4 based clouds are mere proofs of concept for the envisioned, ubiquitous cloud based services. <br><br> OpenStack Grizzly on IPv6, see: <a href="" target="blank"> " </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Ciprian Popoviciu, (chip(@), Founder & CEO of Nephose6 and Shixiong Shang and Randy Tuttle </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-196"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Firefox: Unhappy Eyeballs</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/6scape.png" width="200" height="100px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/lawrence_hughes.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> The “Happy Eyeballs” standard (RFC 6555) has helped prevent some problems where people have “broken IPv6”, by allowing browsers to connect to IPv4 if the IPv6 can’t connect within a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately, the implementation in the current Mozilla Firefox browser will almost always choose to connect over IPv4 even if IPv6 is available and there is a AAAA record published (so long as there is also an A record published). This is impeding the growth of IPv6 traffic, and may interfere with some sites that provide premium content (or content that simply won’t work over IPv4) to people who connect over IPv6. The most recent Internet Explorer browser also implements Happy Eyeballs, but most of the time if IPv6 is available, it will choose IPv6. even there, it should be possible to disable it. <br> For a demonstration of the problem (assuming you have IPv6 connectivity), If you install the “sixornot” addon in Firefox, you can see even better what is happening. <a href="" target="blank">" </a> <br> For detailed information on IPv6, including a free IPv6 Forum Silver Course, see: <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Lawrence Hughes, Founder & CEO of Sixscape </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-195"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">New IPv6 Book for Brazil</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Samuel2.png" width="120" height="150px"></a> </a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Trainer.png" height="150px"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Samuel.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> IPv6 Book web site: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br><br> IPv6 Course at UNIMEP : <a href="" target="blank">" </a></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Prof. Ms. Samuel Henrique Bucke Brito, IPv6 Forum Certified Trainer (Gold), CCDP, CCNP, CCNA-Voice, CCDA, CCNA, JNCIA-Junos Coordenador do Curso de Redes de Computadores UNIMEP - Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Brazil </b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-194"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">6Lab & Internet of Everything by Cisco</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/6lab.png" height="150px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Alain6.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> 6Lab web site: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br><br> <br> Internet of Everything web site: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br><br> The White paper itself on IoE economy is here: <a href="" target="blank"></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Published by Alain FIOCCO, Sr. Director, IPv6 High Impact Project , Cisco Systems</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-193"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> IPv6 in Moroccan Universities</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Nabil2.png" height="100px"></a> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Nabil.jpg" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> In the context of Moroccan universities, an IPv6 address plan has been established by MARWAN ( since 2006. This plan consist of dividing the Moroccan national territory to many regions, and many universities per region. Each university can have many academic institutions. MARWAN is a LIR (Local Internet Registry), and has the IPv6 prefix : 2001:4310::/32 which leads to 65536 networks (/48). MARWAN has divided the national territory up to 256 regions. As a consequence, each region has a prefix length of /40. Each region has up to 16 universities with /44 prefix length, and each university can have up to 16 academic institutes with a /48 prefix length. Under this national plan, we have suggested an IPv6 address plan for the University of Meknes (, <br><br> Nabil's web site: <a href=" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Released by Dr. Nabil Benamar, Professor of computer sciences, System theory and Informatica Laboratory, Moulay Ismail University Meknes, Morocco</b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-192"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Forthnet is in the TOP 10 IPv6-enabled ISPs in the world</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Forthnet.png" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Tassos.png" height="119px"</a> </TD> <TD> Download the Press release in English: <a href="/dl/presentations/Forthnet.pdf" target=blank>Forthnet.pdf</a> <br><br> Press Release: <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> June 15, 2013 <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Released by Anastasios Chatzithomaoglou, Manager of IP Engineering, Forthnet, Athens, Hellas</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-191"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Telefonica Leads IPv6 deployment in Latin America</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Carlos.JPG" height="119px"></a> </TD> <TD> Press Release: <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <br><br> <a <br><br> <b>Date:</b> June 6, 2013 </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Communicated by Carlos Ralli Ucendo - Product Development & Innovation (Telefónica Digital) Telefónica I+D SAU Madrid, Spain - IPv6 Blog: </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-190"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6: Switzerland is now the world's biggest adopter</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/events/Swiss.png" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Silvia2.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> Press Release: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> June 11, 2013 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> Arena, Sihlcity, Zurich, Switzerland </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Silvia Hagen, Chair. IPv6 Swiss Council</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-189"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2013 International Conference on Telecommunications</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ICT2013.png" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Aawatif.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> May 6 - 8, 2013 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> HOTEL PALACE D'ANFA 171 Bd d Anfa, MA - 20000 Casablanca, Morocco <br><br> Endorsed by IEEE, Communications Society and IPv6 Forum; Co-hosted by the University Hassan II and the GREENTIC Research Center, Casablanca, Morocco </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Organised by Aawatif Hayar, Prof. University Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-188"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Singapore: Leadership in IPv6 Deployment</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/IPv6sing.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/victor.jpg" height=150px></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </a></a> Singapore is one of a major trading hub and financial centre in the region, It is time for companies to lead the IPv6 deployment as the use of IPv6 will soon be a requirement if we are looking to tap into future growth opportunities. Companies that continue to rely solely on IPv4 with no plans to implement IPv6 in the near future risk running into a host of business challenges, from increased costs and limited websites functionality, to inhibiting critical growth opportunities in emerging markets and beyond. <br><br> Organised by IPv6 Forum (Singapore Chapter), in this IPv6 conference, you will: <br> • Understand the potential of IPv6 technology in Singapore <br> • Learn how to take leadership on IPv6 deployment <br> • Hear from the President of Global IPv6 Forum, Latif Ladid and other ICT experts on the first hand technology updates <br> • Witness on recognition and endorsement of NICF and IPv6 Forum Certification by WDA and IPv6 Forum (Global) <br> • Gain opportunity to meet like-minded industry professionals who keen on keeping abreast of the latest IPv6 technology <br> Target Audience: CIO, CTO, IT Managers/ Engineers, Training and Human Resource Managers from various industry. <br> <br> Date: 14th March 2013 <br> Time: 1.00am to 5.45pm <br><br> </a></a> <br><br> </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Victor Tang, President, Singapore IPv6 Forum </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-187"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">9th International Conference on Innovations in Info Tech</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> </a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Inno2013.gif" height=150px></a> <br><br> March 17-19, 2013. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </a></a> The ninth International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology will be held in Al-Ain during March 17-19, 2013. The United Arab Emirates University is expecting Innovations'13 to surpass its phenomenal success in 2012, when over 100 universities and organizations from around the world presented their latest scientific research results in the field of IT. Indeed, this conference has become a major attraction for the gathering of renowned international scientists, and a showcase for innovation and research in the field of IT in our region, contributing to the achievement of Abu Dhabi 2030 vision of transforming the UAE into knowledge based economy. <br> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-186"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE AFRICON 2013 in Mauritius</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ieee-africon.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Kris3.jpg" height=150px></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </a></a> The IEEE AFRICON announces the 11th edition of the IEEE Region 8 flagship conference of the African continent to be held from 9 to 12 September 2013. The conference theme is “Sustainable Engineering for a Better Future” . At a time where sustainability and green practices are considered as integral aspects of engineering practices and gaining increasing importance, the conference will provide an ideal platform for professionals, academia and industry from IEEE Region 8 and all over the world to meet and discuss the latest research works and findings. The conference, hosted by the Mauritius IEEE sub section, will feature 12 technical symposia where high quality technical papers covering a spectrum of areas, will be presented, including: <br> <br> • Sustainable Engineering, Energy and Environment, Communication Theory and Wireless Communications, Communications Networks and Security, Cloud Computing, GRIDs and Virtualization, Mobile Computing and Geo-Processing systems, Scientific Computing and Computational Engineering, E-learning and Educational Technology, Business Informatics, Software Engineering and Web Services. Amongst a few topics of discussion. <br> <br> We will have workshops / tutorials and also an Industry Forum which will bring together people from the industry which will open up new prospects and support academia in an exchange with business. We are also welcoming IEEE Industry members to participate massively with an opportunity to grow and find prospects. <br> <br> Going forward, looking at the sustainability of the internet with IPv6 is another discussion point we will be having at the conference. <br> <br> Date: 9 to 12 September 2013 <br> <br><br> </a></a> </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Conference General Chair: Kris Seeburn University of Technology, Mauritius generalchair(@) </b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-185"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Deutsche Telekom announces IPv6 Service in Croatia</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Axel-Clauberg.jpg" height=150px></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </a></a> On Dec 10th 2012, Hrvatski Telekom, Deutsche Telekom's affiliate in Croatia, has successfully launched its TeraStream trial. TeraStream is a native IPv6 network, based on an industry leading combination of cloud and networking technologies. <br> <br> IPv4 services are produced in the datacenter, delivered using IETF softwire technologies over the v6-only network. TeraStream makes efficient use of the large IPv6 address space for service differentiation. The Croatian TeraStream trial delivers access speeds of up to 1 Gb/s. <br><br> The importance of v6 was raised by Ivica Mudrinic (CEO of Hrvatski Telekom) and Claudia Nemat (DT Board Member, President of EU Operations) during their speeches - the Croatian President and three ministers were attending as well. <br><br> Vice President, IP Architecture & Design at Deutsche Telekom Headquarters, Bonn, Germany </a></a> <br><br> </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-184"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum System Administration Certification Logo Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br> <img src=/im/people/Mukom.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Sys1.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Sys2.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Sys3.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Sys4.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Afrinic.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Mukom Akong Tamon, AFRINIC’s Training Manager and lead trainer <br><br> MAURITIUS - PENANG, MALAYSIA – SAN JOSE, USA - LUXEMBOURG, November 30, 2012 – The IPv6 Forum Education Logo Program Committee releases a new program; The IPv6 Education System Administration Certification Logo Program. This program has been largely defined by Mukom Akong T. (AFRINIC) with inputs from Nishal Goburdhan (AFRINIC), Owen Delong (Huricane Electric) and Daniel Shaw (AFRINIC), to certify System Administrator Courses, Trainers and System Administrators with the Gold Logo level. <br><br> Download the Press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Sysadmin.pdf" target=blank>Sysadmin.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-183"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Security Seminar 2012, Malaysia</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/events/nav6.jpg height=119px></a> <img src=/im/events/Malaysia.jpg height=119px></a> <br><br> <i>Venue : Auditorium IPS, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia <br><br> Date : Wednesday, 28/11/2012 --- Time : 9.00 am till 5.00 pm </i> <br><br> Since more and more organization embracing the IPv6 implementation to overcome the shortage of IPv4, the biggest challenge still focused on security issues for successful IPv6 implementation. The IPv6 security issues are varies compare to IPv4. The implementation techniques to overcome these security issues in IPv6 are a lot different compare to IPv4. <br><br> This seminar is attempted to address the major security advantages and issues in the IPv6 implementation. This seminar also would highlight potential alternative solutions to overcome these issues. <br><br> Please visit the following url for more information and registration. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-182"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE GLOBECOM 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/events/Globecom2012.jpg height=119px></a> <br><br> <br><br> GLOBECOM 2012 is taking place in Anaheim in December 3-7 at the Dysneyland Hotel <br><br> 2012 theme: THE MAGIC OF GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">w </a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-181"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Workshop IPv6@Gov – January 23-24 2013 – European Commission</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br> <img src=/im/logos/IPv6@Gov.png height=210px> <img src=/im/logos/v6obs6.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/gen6.jpeg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/EUflag.gif height=119px> <br> <br><br> The IPv6 Observatory, the GEN6 project and the European Commission are jointly organizing an IPv6@Gov Workshop dedicated to the policy dialogue on the IPv6 Deployment in European Union Member States <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-180"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2012 Texas IPv6 Task Force Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/people/TXv6TF.png"></a> <br> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/SL2.JPG" height="180px"></a> </TD> <TD> <a> The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, November 19 – 20, 2012 <br><br> This event is free, but pre-registration is required. </i></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Stephan Lagerholm, Vice President, Texas IPv6 Task Force <br><br> <br><br> Contact: stephan.lagerholm(@) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-179"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Awards</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br> <img src=/im/people/Pete.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Carol.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Jane.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Ron.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Peter Tseronis .............. Carol Bales ................ Jane Coffin .............. ........ Ron Broersma <br><br> Luxembourg - Washington, D.C., November 13, 2012 - The IPv6 Forum announced the recipients of the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award and presented the awards to selected IPv6 Evangelists: Peter Tseronis, Jane, Carol and Ron Broersma. <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Yanick.jpg" height="119px"></a> </TD> <TD> <a> <br><br> Download the Press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/IPv6ForumAwards.pdf" target=blank>IPv6ForumAwards.pdf</a> <br><br> Yanick Pouffary presented the Awards in the ceremony organised by ACT-IAC to Pete, Carol and Jane and John Lee at gogoNET Live 3 to Ron. <br><br> Download the Speech: <a href="/dl/presentations/Award Ceremony Speech.pdf" target=blank>Award Ceremony Speech.pdf</a> <br><br> See Press Coverage by Carolyn Duffy Marsan, a Networking authority at Network World: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br><br> See Pictures shot by the Ceremony organiser: John Shaw Director, Shared Interest Groups & Program Events American Council for Technology (ACT) Industry Advisory Council <a href="" target="blank"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-178"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Deployment Scoreboard</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Mark3.png" height="180px"></a> </TD> <TD> IPv6 SURVEY <br><br> </i></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Mark Prior, Director, AusNOG, Internet Architect and amateur photographer, Adelaide Area, Australia <br><br> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-177"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">7th Slo regional IPv6 summit and ISOC ION meeting</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/go6.gif"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/people/jan.jpg" height="180px"></a> </TD> <TD> Ljubljana October 18 – 19 October, 2012 <br><br> Organisers: ARNES, LTFE and Go6 Institute</i></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Jan Zorz, Founder & CEO of Go6 <br><br> <br><br> Contact: Jan Zorz: jan(@) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-176"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Mukom Akong Leads the IPv6 Forum Certified AFRINIC Training</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br> <img src=/im/people/Mukom.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Trainer.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Afrinic.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Mukom Akong Tamon, AFRINIC’s Training Manager and lead trainer <br><br> 9 August 2012 –AFRINIC training program achieves IPv6 Forum Gold Certification <br><br> AFRINIC has had its training programme recognised and certified by IPv6 Forum with IPv6 Certified (Gold) Course certification. Henceforth, participants to our trainings can now have additional assurance that they are attending training that is designed according to current international standards and best practices. We are working on implementing a testing platform to award participants who pass the test IPv6 Forum Certified Engineer status. <br><br> In addition, AFRINIC’s Training Manager and lead trainer, Mukom Akong Tamon is now an IPv6 Forum Certified (Gold) Trainer. <br><br> AFRINIC currently offers numerous trainings on IPv6 targeting network engineers, systems administrators and managers. <br><br> AFRINIC is also pleased to announce the launch of its training website which is the go-to site for all information and resources related to AFRINIC training. From now on, we intend to use the website, as well as the tweeter handles @AFRINICTraining, to engage and interact with our community on training. <br><br> <b>ML: </b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <br> <b>AFRINIC Website</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <br> <b>Training Website</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-174"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Australian IPv6 Summit 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Aus6.png"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/events/Aussie6.jpg"></a> <br> </a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Mike.png" height="180px"></a> </TD> <TD> Melbourne October 17 – 19 October, 2012 <br><br> The 2011 theme is <b><i>IPv6: If you're open for business, you're ready for IPv6 </i></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Mike Biber, President, IPv6 Forum Australia <br><br> <br><br> Contact: mbiber(@) </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-173"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Inventor Rémi Després defines IPv6 Rapid Deployment (6RD) </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Remi.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <b>In November 2007 Rémi Després —who in the 1970s was one of the creators of the Transpac data network in France—proposed to Free, the second largest ISP in France, to use the 6rd mechanism he had invented to rapidly deploy IPv6. While Free had until then no short term plan to offer IPv6 service, Rani Assaf, the CTO of Free, immediately decided to implement the solution. Five weeks later, with due marketing approval and operational validation, the press release announcing that IPv6 was available to Free's customers was issued. <br> The first draft describing the 6rd mechanism and Free's deployment was submitted to IETF on 9 February 2008[6] After improvements, it was published on 24 January 2010 as informational RFC 5569.<br> In March 2010 a Working Group of the IETF approved that its latest draft on 6rd should become, after some more modifications, a standards-track RFC. In August 2010 the standards-track RFC 5969 was published. In October 2010 Comcast made 6rd software for home gateway devices available via open source for free.<br> <a <br><br><a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Dr. Rémi Després, French engineer and entrepreneur known for his contributions on Data networking. attended École Polytechnique of Paris, of which he holds an Engineer degree. At UC Berkeley, he received a master's degree and a Ph.D degree. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-172"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle"> The Canadian Government IPv6 Adoption Strategy - June 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Canada.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <b>The Government of Canada has published publically its IPv6 Adoption Strategy June 8th 2012. It is now available on the Treasury Board Secretariat main site: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br> <a <br><br> Download the CND IPv6 Presentation: <a href="/dl/presentations/CNDv6Roadmap.pdf" target=blank>CNDv6Roadmap.pdf</a> <br><br> <b>Chief Information Officer Branch Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 2745 Iris Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R5 Email: </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-171"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2013 Singapore IPv6 Innovation Competition Day </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Singapore.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/victor.jpg" height=150px></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </a></a> IDA Singapore is hosting the first Singapore IPv6 Competition to create interest in IPv6 technology among the IHLs students and to encourage participation in the competition. The objective is to develop IPv6 skills, to stimulate interest, to initiate discussions and to promote creativity around IPv6. This competition will also provide an opportunity for the students to gain hands-on experience with IPv6 technology by coming up with innovative ideas and creating various types of networking projects with the use of IPv6 effectively. <br> <br> Date: 15th March 2013 <br> Time: 8.30am to 5.00pm <br><br> </a></a> <br><br> </a></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Victor Tang, President, Singapore IPv6 Forum </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-169"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Launches the IPv6 Security Education Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="62" SRC="/im/logos/sec1.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="62" SRC="/im/logos/sec2.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="62" SRC="/im/logos/sec3.png" height="77"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG width="62" SRC="/im/logos/sec4.png" height="77"></a> <a </a> <br><br> PENANG, MALAYSIA – SAN JOSE, USA - LUXEMBOURG, May 25, 2012 – The IPv6 Forum Education Logo Program Committee releases a new program: The IPv6 Education Security Certification Logo Program. This program will certify Security Courses, Trainers and Engineers with the Gold Logo level. <br><br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/v6-sec.pdf" target=blank>v6-sec.pdf</a> <br><br> Download the Certification Requirements: <a href="/dl/presentations/v6-Sec- Requirements.pdf" target=blank>v6-Sec- Requirements.pdf</a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-168"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The US Government IPv6 Roadmap May 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/tseronis.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <b>Executive Summary: The purpose of this planning guide is to provide United States (U.S.) Federal Government agency leaders with practical and actionable guidance on how to successfully integrate Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) throughout their enterprise. This guide has been updated from the original guide published in 2009 to aid in understanding the Federal Government’s Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) history, vision, current goals, and deadlines. Based on the information found in this document, the Agency Chief Information Officer (CIO), IPv6 Transition Managers, Chief Enterprise Architects, and Chief Acquisition Officers (CAO) can assess their own agency’s current IPv6 implementation progress and develop an agency-specific plan with detailed milestones to achieve the defined IPv6 goals for FY2012 and FY2014.<br> <a <br><br> Download the USGv6Roadmap: <a href="/dl/presentations/USGv6Roadmap.pdf" target=blank>USGv6Roadmap.pdf</a> <br><br> <b>Peter Tseronis</b><br> Chairperson of the Federal IPv6 Task Force<br> Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Department of Energy </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-167"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IEEE ICC 2012 IPv6 Session</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img src=/im/events/ICC.png height="120" </a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src=/im/events/Canada.png height="120" </a> <br> <br> <br> Exploring IPv6 Industry Issues & Challenges at IEE ICC 2012 June 10-15 in Ottawa, Canada <br> <br> On Thursday, June 14, The Canadian IPv6 Task Force will have the extreme privilege of addressing the latest issues surrounding IPv6’s global deployment at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) to be held from June 10 – 15 at the newly-opened, $17 million Ottawa Convention Centre. During this session titled the “The IPv6 Internet: Impact on ISPs, Enterprise Networking & Cloud Computing,” I will join several noted, international colleagues in a lively, provocative forum designed to foster the ongoing stability and growth of Internet Protocol–based ICT within every mobile, office and home environment. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-166"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">New Co-Chairs @ Belgium IPv6 Council</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br><br> <img src=/im/people/Eric.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Carl.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Eric Vyncke & Carl Wuyts <br><br> April 17, 2012 – Dear all, <br><br> Both myself and Olivier realize that the Belgian IPv6 Council has been driven by motivated people to make the Internet within Belgium a better place with future aspirations of a knowledge culture into a new technology area. <br><br> If our government would realize the potential political and technology impact of IPv6 leadership, then hopefully after IPv6 World Launch 2012, Belgium can have the visibility of a world leading knowledge worker leadership country. <br><br> Eric Vyncke has been from the beginning the Belgian Council IPv6 CTO and served as the webmaster/statistics-master, while Carl Wuyts is responsible for the IPv6 implementation for home CPE's leading towards nearly 0.5 billion devices world-wide going forward. <br><br> I am very happy to announce that both Carl Wuyts and Eric Vyncke accepted the role of "Belgian IPv6 Council Chair" and will take responsibility as the Chair of the Belgian IPv6 Council. Olivier and myself decided to step down and serve as the leads of the Belgian IPv6 Council team for "Promotion and Technical Advisory" and will serve a role as Belgian IPv6 Council Founding Member and Belgian IPv6 Council Fellow. <br><br> Kind Regards, Gunter and Olivier Former Belgian IPv6 Council Co-Chairs. <br> <b>Website:</b> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-165"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Greece / Hellas : Ready for IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br><br> <img src=/im/people/Thassos.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Greece.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Athanassios Liakopoulos, GRNET Coordinator and Hellenic IPv6 Task Force Founding Member <br><br> April 6, 2012 –“It was demonstrated that the various public and commercial stakeholders in Greece are taking the right steps ahead”, stressed Athanassios Liakopoulos, <br><br> “ Always-on access technologies (BB, 3G-LTE,..) need globally routable IP address space provided now only by IPv6. Greece has been a pioneering nation with Thanassis and the HTFv6 members contributing to the world efforts for innovative IPv6 services“ states Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum President. <br> <b>Website:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <br> <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Greece.pdf" target=blank>Greece.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-164"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Remembering an IPv6 Pioneer: JIM BOUND</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br> <img src=/im/people/Yanick.jpg height=150px> <br><br> Yanick Pouffary is HP Distinguished Technologist; Chief Architect, HP Technology Services Office of the CTO; and HP IPv6 Global Leader. <br><br> March 2nd marked the anniversary of Jim Bound's early death. On this third year since his passing at just 58 years old, I want to remember him and his contributions to HP, to the global technology community and to the evolution of the Internet. <br><br> As “IPv6 lead plumber”, CTO of the IPv6 Forum, Chair of the North American IPv6 Task Force, and a Senior Fellow with HP (he came to HP by way of DEC and Compaq), Jim worked passionately and tirelessly on IPv6 (see the IPv6 Forum memorial notice:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a>). <br><br> <b>Read here:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-163"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Big News for IPv6: Akamai to launch IPv6 Service in April </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br><br> <img src=/im/people/Chris2.jpg height=150px> <img src=/im/logos/Akamai2.jpg height=150px> <br><br> Christian Kaufmann, Director Network Architecture at Akamai, Chairman of the AMS-IX, Executive Board Member at the RIPE NCC <br><br> March 26, Akamai carries between 20% and 30% of the Internet's Web traffic on any given day, Akamai is the world's largest content delivery network (CDN). Akamai's engineering team has been working for two years to upgrade its more than 100,000 servers in 78 countries connected by 1,900 networks to support IPv6. <br><br> <b>Read here:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-162"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">African IPv6 Task Force Has Been Formed</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br><br> <img src=/im/people/Adiel.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/AFv6.png height=119px> <br><br> Adiel A. Akplogan, CEO, AFRINIC <br><br> 21st March 2012 –As the Regional Internet Registry for Africa, AfriNIC, the African Network Information Centre, is proud to announce the launch of the African IPv6 Taskforce (AF6TF). This community driven initiative is dedicated to encourage IPv6 deployment in the African region and to serve as a regional consolidated platform for knowledge and best practice exchange. <b>Website:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <b>Contact:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <br> <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/AF6.pdf" target=blank>AF6.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-161"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">UNH-IOL Qualifies Home Gateway Vendors for World IPv6 Launch</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br><br> <img src=/im/people/Erica1.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/iol.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/cpe.png height=119px> <br><br> Erica Johnson, Director, UNH InterOperability Lab (IOL) <br><br> Durham, N.H., March 19, 2012 – The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), an independent provider of broad-based testing and standards conformance services for the networking industry, today announced the lab will provide home system integrators an opportunity to test the interoperability of their IPv6 implementations and satisfy the requirements for participation in World IPv6 Launch, during the fourth IPv6 CE (Home Router) Test Event, April 16 – April 20, 2012, at the UNH-IOL. The deadline for companies to register for the test event is April 9, 2012. <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/UNH.pdf" target=blank>UNH.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-160"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Palestine Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/Iyad.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Palestine.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Birzeit/Luxembourg, March 19, 2012 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Palestine as its newest country member with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Palestine under the leadership of Dr. Iyad Tumar as its president. <br> Dr. Iyad Tumar is assistant professor at the Faculty of information Technology at Birzeit University, Palestine. The kick-off of the IPv6 Forum Palestine will be done in the IPv6 workshop planned for April 22-23, 2012. <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Palestine.pdf" target=blank>Palestine.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-159"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Grenada Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/Brent.png height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/Grenada.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Grenada/Luxembourg, March 12, 2012 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Grenada as its newest country member with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Grenada under the leadership of Brent McIntosh as its founding president. Brent is Regional Manager-Network Services at Columbus Communications Grenada Ltd and recently certified as an IPv6 Gold engineer by the IPv6 Forum Education program.<br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Grenada.pdf" target=blank>Grenada.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-158"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap for India (First Version)</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <b>Date:</b> March 2, 2012<br> <b>Website:</b> <a href=""/ target="blank"></a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <img src=/im/people/Agarwal.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/logos/india.png height=119px> </a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> Shri R. M. Agarwal, DDG(NT) is an Indian Telecommunication Services officer presently working as Deputy Director General (Networks and Technologies) in the Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India. He has also been designated as the Central Coordinating Officer from the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, to coordinate with Government and Industry for transition from IPv4 to IPv6 in the country. He has also been nominated as Convener of recently formed India IPv6 Task Force for implementation of IPV6 in India including pilot projects across various sectors. <br><br> He has brought out IPv6 policy document “National IPv6 Deployment Roadmap” for India in July, 2010 and a Compendium on IPv6 activities in March, 2011. <br><br> R. M. Agarwal, DDG(Networks and Technologies), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-157"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Hungary Has Been Founded</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/Sandor.png height=119px> <img src=/im/people/v6h.png height=119px> <br><br> Budapest/Luxembourg, February, 2012 - The IPv6 Forum is pleased to announce the establishment of the Hungary IPv6 Forum under the leadership of Dr. Sandor IMRE as its President. Prof. Imre is the Head of the Department of Telecommunications at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Hungary.pdf" target=blank>Hungary.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-156"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2013 Arab Advisors Group’s 10th Convergence Summit </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Arab2.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Arab.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/jawad7.png"></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Under the patronage of HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of El Hassan Science City and the Royal Scientific Society. <br><br> </a></a> As the Arab Advisors Group is celebrating the Convergence Summit's 10 year anniversary, we gladly invite you to take part and enrich this year's summit with your valuable presence. The Convergence Summit will be held on June 3 & 4, 2013 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Amman. <br><br> </a></a> On this memorable occasion we would like to thank our Main Sponsor Zain Group for their continuous trust and collaboration. <br><br> The Convergence Summit 2013 highlights: • Addressed by visionary executives and industry leaders • Over 500 telecoms and media industry delegates from around the world • Interact with the Summit's speakers using the audience response system • Network with the Summit's speakers and delegates prior to the event through Arab Advisors conference online messaging system • Receive Arab Advisors' reports of your choice when you register • Free registration for operators <br><br> </a></a> For more details, please contact </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Jawad J. Abbassi, Founder and General Manager, Arab Advisors Group </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-155"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Iran Has Been Formed</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/behrooz1.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Iran.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/IPv6Iran.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Teheran/Luxembourg, January 10, 2012 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Iran as its newest country member with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Iran under the leadership of Mr. Behrouz Abbas Zadeh as President. <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Iran.pdf" target=blank>Iran.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-154"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Sweden Has Been Formed</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/Olle.png height=119px> <img src=/im/people/v6s.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Sweden.jpg height=119px> <br><br> Stockholm/Luxembourg, January 15, 2012 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Sweden as its newest country member with the establishment of the IPv6 Forum Sweden under the leadership of Mr. Olle E Johansson as President. <br> Download the press release: <a href="/dl/presentations/Sweden.pdf" target=blank>Sweden.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-153"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Smart GRID Liaison Report</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/PG.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Fellow.png height=119px> <br><br> SmartGRID IPv6 Liaison paper by IPv6 Subject Matter Expert & IPv6 Forum Liaison Representative : Patrick Grossetete, IPv6 Forum Fellow <br> Download the paper: <a href="/dl/presentations/SmartGrid.pdf" target=blank>SmartGrid.pdf</a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-152"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The IPv6 Forum Launches BOUNDv6: WORLD IPv6 INTERNET</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/Boundv6.png height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> <br> Accelerating adoption of the NEW INTERNET <br><br> NEW HAMPSHIRE- USA - TOKYO – BEIJING - LUXEMBOURG, September 7, 2011– The IPv6 Forum launches the son of Moonv6 <a href="" target="blank"> </a> which was initiated by Jim Bound († 2009) back in 2004 as the largest permanently deployed multi-vendor IPv6 network in the world led by the North American IPv6 Task Force and the University of New Hampshire - InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), Internet2, vendors, service providers and regional IPv6 Forum Task Force network pilots worldwide. <br><br> In the memory of Jim Bound, this project will be called BOUNDv6. Jim in his interview with NetworkWorld back in 2004 had the vision and the audacity to make big things happen: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <br><br> The goal of the Boundv6 network is to create a permanent multi-vendor network environment connecting initially IPv6 Ready Logo approved labs and USG approved labs where the community can test IPv6 enabled applications and devices in meaningful test scenarios which will form the base of the NEW INTERNET. <br><br> Boundv6 is targeted at Government and critical networks, Enterprise, ISPs and Apps Developers. The biggest challenge will be that all implementations will be encouraged to have security built-in on all tested cases. <br><br> Boundv6 is supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the US Government Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN). <br><br> "The Boundv6 effort will form an important adjunct to the USGv6 product testing program in helping Government agencies achieve their 2012 and 2014 IPv6 deployment mandates. NIST hopes to facilitate broader USG participation and use of the BoundV6 network to perform vital integration testing of the IPv6 enabled services necessary to achieve these goals." states Doug Montgomery, Manager Internet and Scalable Systems Research and USGv6 Project Lead, National Institute of Standards and Technology. <br><br> “IPv6 is ready for prime time, but some business models and applications are not ready for IPv6. Boundv6 presents a great opportunity for validation and testing for the next phase of implementations.” states Ron Broersma, Chief Engineer, Defence Research and Engineering Network (DREN) “IPv6 should be deployed “native” to sustain the current Internet business models worldwide. Boundv6 will lay a permanent ground for parity check of the current business models.” states Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum, Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center. Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society (ISOC) <br><br> “Moonv6 was about vendor interoperability. Boundv6 is about validating applications ensuring service parity.” Says Yanick Pouffary General Chairperson for the IPv6 Logo Programs (Ready & Enabled & Education), IPv6 Forum Fellow and NAv6TF Technology Director. <br><br> "Creating opportunities and discovering new ways to test IPv6 is important to the progression and transition process. The Boundv6 Network will enable the IPv6 industry to collaborate with labs and other participating vendors in order to ensure high quality of services and connectivity. " states Erica Johnson, Lead of the Boundv6 Project, Director, UNH-IOL, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, IPv6 Forum Fellow, USA <br><br> Full press release can bee seen here: <a href="" target="blank"> </a> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-151"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Certified Certification Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/IPv6-Certified-Certification-Gold.png height=119px></a> <img SRC=/im/logos/IPv6-Certified-Certification-Silver.png height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> BEIJING, CHINA – PENANG, MALAYSIA – SAN JOSE, USA - LUXEMBOURG, July 4, 2011– The IPv6 Forum Education Logo Program Committee releases a new program; The IPv6 Education Certified Certification Logo Program. This program will certify vendor certifications that assess IPv6 expertise per IPv6 Forum’s specification with Silver & Gold Logo levels and also requires IPv6 enabled in the Certification program website. <br><br> In order to be certified, the required exams must cover all mandatory exam topics outlined in section 3.4 in the requirement specifications document. Two levels of certification are provided by the IPv6 Forum Certified Certification program: Silver certifications will include beginner and intermediate IPv6 topics; Gold certification will include topics of all skill levels including advanced IPv6 topics. <br><br> “The large number of requests from successfully tested engineers to have their exams recognized by the IPv6 Forum Education Logo program has led us to take this program to the next level and formalize the steps to recognize the successful engineers. The IPv6 transition will happen thru these engineers.” states Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum, Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center. Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society (ISOC) <br><br> “The demand for IPv6 trained engineers has changed significantly in just the past 3-6 months. The industry needs IPv6 trained certified engineers, NOW. This next level of IPv6 Education Logo Program is absolutely needed as it is designed to certify vendors certification programs uniformly across the industry. Thus allowing more network engineers to be certified. These IPv6 certified engineers will help ensure a seamless growth of the Internet based on IPv6.” states Yanick Pouffary General Chairperson for the IPv6 Logo Programs (Ready & Enabled & Education), IPv6 Forum Fellow and NAv6TF Technology Director. <br><br> “It is obvious now that well-trained IPv6 network engineers are necessary for successful IPv6 integration and transition. The new “certified certification” initiative from IPv6 Forum Education Logo program will further promote IPv6 adoption by providing an opportunity for networking vendors to enable their certification programs “IPv6 Ready” and officially recognized.” states Liu Dong, Chair China IPv6 Council and Chair IPv6 enabled Program <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-150"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 ISP HALL OF FAME</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/6HallofFame.png height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> LUXEMBOURG, June 30, 2011– The IPv6 Forum has introduced the ISP Enabled Program which has attracted about 100 ISPs over the last 12 months. Now is the time to light up IPv6 service massively to end-users. Those ISPs offering IPv6 Service will be listed on the ISP Hall of Fame in this contest which will last until December 6, 2011. <br><br> From the 8700 organisations worldwide that have received IPv6 prefixes from the IP registries, some 50% have announced their prefixes on the routing table. However only a fraction of these have offered IPv6 service to their customers. <br><br> The World IPv6 Day has demonstrated that with IPv6 enabled service, the expected great impact could have happened. It is quite normal that ISPs would need more time to enable IPv6 service after the central IANA IP address pool depletion in February 2011. <br><br> To register your IPv6 Service in the IPv6 Service Hall of Fame, please go to the IPv6 Enabled Program to get your ISP Logo, then a proof of service deployment to your customer on your web site offering IPv6 service to your customers would be needed: <br><br> “ISPs have now the opportunity to demonstrate their pioneering work and be the first on the IPv6 Service Hall of Fame” states Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum President Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center. Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society. <br><br> “The World IPv6 day has demonstrated that the ISPs are the missing link in this evolution” states Yanick Pouffary, NAv6TF Technology Director, IPv6 Forum Fellow and IPv6 Forum (Ready & Enabled) Logo Programs Chairperson. <br><br> “The ISP Enable Program has seen steady growth. However, there is still a lot of work ahead of us to get IPv6 service around the world on equal footing, This program will give the IPv6 pioneers a chance to make immediate impact." states Liu Dong, Chair China IPv6 Council, Chair, IPv6 Enable Program. <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-149"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IRAQ IPv6 Council Has Been Formed</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/Iraq.jpg height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> Baghdad/Luxembourg, May 10, 2011 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Iraq as its newest country member with the establishment of the IPv6 Council Iraq under the leadership of his excellency Minister Allawi, Minister of Communications, as the Chairman of the IPv6 Council Iraq and Mrs. Itidal Hasoon as the co-chair.<br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Allawi.jpg" height=119px></a> </TD> <TD> <br> “Modernising the national Internet and Communication critical infrastructure is a vital political next step to sustain the growth and stability of the Internet at this juncture as the IPv4 address space has been completely depleted. IPv6 should be our strategic base platform for all networks as it provides the necessary resources and features to build superior states Minister Allawi Chair, IPv6 Council Iraq.networks”. <br><br> <br> <br><br> <br> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Minister Allawi .</b>, Chair, IPv6 Council Iraq <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-148"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2011 Kuala Lumpur Regional Conference</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC="/im/logos/kuala.jpg"></a> </a> <br><br> The core objectiveof the conference is to bring together the different stakeholders in industry, research, politics, and administration in the IPv6 field in region with a clear missionto advocate IPv6 by improving technology, market, deployment, and raise user and industry awareness of IPv6. <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Sures.jpg" height=119px></a> <br> <br> </TD> <TD> Supported by The National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6)was established by the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication (MEWC), Malaysia in March 2005 . It serves as the National Centre for IPv6 research, human resource development and monitoring of IPv6 development for Malaysia. The Malaysian government has entrusted NAv6 to develop the National IPv6 Rollout Roadmap and please visit<br><br> <br><br> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Professor Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass</b> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-147"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">European Commission IPv6 Workshop - June 17</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6-the-way-forward.jpg"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/jacques-babot.jpg"</a> </TD> <TD> <b>European Commission Call to Action on IPv6 orchestrated by Jacques Babot</b> <br><br> <a href="" target=blank>European Commission communication on IPv6 dated 27 May 2008</a> <br><br> <a href="" target=blank>IPv6 Video Clip</a> <br><br> <a href="" target=blank> European IPv6 Workshop - Brussels 17 June 2011</a> <br><br> <a href="" target=blank> IPv6 Research projects, from action to R&D</a> </TD> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-146"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Paris V6 World Congress 2013: GOING MOBILE</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/remi.jpg" height="115px"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/events/v6paris.jpg" height="115px"></a> <br> </TD> <br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Remi Scavanius, Upperside </b></i> <br><br> The third edition of V6 World will take place in Paris from 19 to 22 March, 2013. <br><br> The third edition of V6 World will take place in Paris from 19 to 22 March, 2013. The conference will place particular emphasis on the adoption of IPv6 on mobile networks, seeking presentations and individuals to serve on panels to discuss both the successes and challenges in enabling production IPv6 "by default" on mobile devices, in mobile applications, and on mobile <br><br> Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile USA or Cosmote Telecom (among other providers) will discuss their IPv6 mobile real deployments and deliberate upon their technical choices (implementation issues, IPv6 in handsets, etc). <br><br> Other sessions and panels will address home networking, cloud, security and deployment issues. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-145"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">BROADBAND FORUM AND IPv6 FORUM WORK TOGETHER </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/BBF.JPG height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> June 2, 2011, Atlanta – The Broadband Forum and the IPv6 Forum announced their cooperative effort to empower the successful adoption of IPv6 in broadband deployments worldwide, creating the ecosystem that will ensure the continued success of the Internet as new applications and user expectations grow beyond the bounds of the IPv4 protocol. The two organizations are collaborating to incorporate Broadband Forum network and testing specifications into the IPv6 Forum’s Certification Program.. <br><br> <br> “BroadbandSuite™ 4.0 is already becoming a globally accepted reference on IPv6, ensuring that the industry can address the exponentially growing device and smart gateway requirements of next generation broadband,” said Christophe Alter, Broadband Forum’s Technical Chair. “The work delivered through BroadbandSuite 4.0 allows service providers to activate IPv6 in their networks today. The IPv6 Forum’s Certification Program will ensure interoperability, allowing the industry to deploy with confidence.”. <br><br> “IPv6 represents the future of the Internet and the Broadband Forum’s work on standards and specifications is a great enabler. Working with the Broadband Forum allows us to ensure that our Certification Program meets the needs of the industry,” said Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum President and Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center, chairman of the EU IPv6 Task Force and Emeritus Trustee of the Internet Society, the organization that is running World IPv6 Day.<br> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-144"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">P&T Pioneers an IPv6 Pilot Service in Luxembourg</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/P&T.jpg height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> Luxembourg, June 1st 2011 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes and congratulates the Luxembourg main Telecom Operator P&T for its IPv6 service pilot in view of the World IPv6 Day event. This initiative has been on the agenda since the creation of the Luxembourg IPv6 Council with its vice-chair Mr. Jean-Marie Spaus, CTO of the Luxembourg P&T.Telematics of CNR. <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/spaus.jpg" height=119px></a> <br> <br> <img src=/im/logos/fis1.jpg> </TD> <TD> "I am very pleased to be the first user of the P&T IPv6 service over DSL which took me just a few clicks to light up IPv6 on my PC. This is indeed a historical moment for me personally and for Luxembourg " stated Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum President. <br><br> "We have done the necessary and careful steps to make IPv6 work. We are indeed very proud of our achievement and we will encourage the Luxembourg IPv6 community to test IPv6 with us” stated Mr Jean-Marie Spaus, CTO, P&T and vice-chair Luxembourg IPv6 Council <br><br> Come to listen to his speech at the 2nd future internet Summit June 7th. <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Mr Jean-Marie Spaus</b>,CTO, P&T and vice-chair Luxembourg IPv6 Council <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-143"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Italia Has Been Formed</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/Italia.png height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> Pisa/Luxembourg, May 28, 2011 - The IPv6 Forum welcomes Italy as its newest country member with the establishment of the Italian chapter of the IPv6 Forum, aimed at favoring IPv6 deployment in the country and chaired by Marco Sommani from the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR. <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/MarcoSommani.jpg" height=119px></a> </TD> <TD> <br> "The IPv6 Italia group should re-ignite the efforts undertaken by the Italian IPv6 Task Force targeted at stimulating IPv6 adoption and intends to become the focal point where Italian speaking people will find useful information and advice" stated Marco Sommani, Chair of IPv6 Italia. <br><br> "IPv6 is central to the continued growth and stability of the Internet and the Internet Society of Italy is pleased to promote its deployment through the support of the Italian chapter of the IPV6 Forum" stated Stefano Trumpy President of the Internet Society of Italy. <br> <br><br> <br> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Marco Sommani</b>, Chair, IPv6 Italia <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-140"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The IPv6 Forum IPsec Ready Logo Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_ipsec.png"></a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <TD> <h2>The IPv6 Forum Releases The IPv6 Security (IPsec) Ready Logo Program</h2> <b><i>Accelerating adoption and integration of IPsec and IPv6 technology solutions worldwide </i><b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br> <b>TOKYO - NEW HAMPSHIRE - LUXEMBOURG</b>, September 15th , 2010- The IPv6 Forum Ready Logo Program Committee releases the IPv6 IPsec Logo Program to promote the adoption of IPv6 to the Security Community. <br><br> A recent study on IPv6 security funded by the European Commission has determined that IPv6 and IPv4 are using the same IPsec-based security protocols and mechanisms. However, IPv6 mandates built-in IPsec making IPv6 security deployment more efficient. IPv6 provides end-to-end (e2e) transparency facilitating thereby e2e security models (i.e. using IPsec/IKE end-to-end) without NAT traversal issues, more fine grained security policies and filtering rules can be applied due to the unique end system addresses, and IPv6 offers the possibility of end-to-end identification and authentication. The summary of the European Commission white paper on the IPv6 security study can be downloaded here: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently published the “Guidelines for the secure deployment of IPv6” written by Sheila Frankel, Richard Graveman and John Pearce, security experts and authorities on this topic. As of July 2010, U.S. Government agencies require IPv6 compliant products in IT acquisitions. The document can be viewed here: <a href=" " target="blank"> </a> <br><br> IPsec was designed at the beginning for IPv6 to benefit from the e2e restoration. However, IPsec was adapted to IPv4 and was quite successfully deployed where NAT was not in the middle. IPv6 requires changing of firewall policies, i.e. multicast and ICMP traffic should not be blocked by default. Moreover, several operating systems enable IPv6 by default but users/administrators may not be aware of this, leaving temporarily room for IPv6 attacks. This requires training of network administrators now in order to get appropriate protection in place. <br><br> <b>"The IPv6 deployment should be undertaken with upfront security consideration. Some 40 IPsec implementations have passed the IPv6 Ready Logo program. This program wishes to scale up understanding and use of IPsec in all network security scenarios with greater security benefit"</b> states Latif Ladid, President of the IPv6 Forum, Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg Security & trust (SnT) center, Emeritus Trustee Internet Society. <br><br> <b>"IPv6 will facilitate and accelerate the deployment of e2e services (i.e. e-government services), requiring user-friendly security mechanisms (i.e. user authentication via certificates). Moreover, peer-to-peer based services (between unknown parties) require globally unique addressing and identification in order to support a global credential service using certificates."</b> states Wolfgang Fritsche, IPv6 security Study Coordinator and Expert on IPv6 Security at IABG <br><br> <b>"IPsec is a fundamental core building block of the communication puzzle. IPsec with IPv4 has been difficult to deploy due, in part, to the lack of globally routable IPv4 addresses and the wide use of NATs. IPsec is a mandatory part of an IPv6 implementation. This Logo recognizes implementations that have implemented IPsec. It will allow the industry to further secure its communication and infrastructure components.”</b> states Yanick Pouffary, IPv6 Forum (Ready & Enabled) Logo programs chairperson, IPv6 Forum Fellow & NAv6TF Technology Director. <br><br> <b>‘’IPsec is a key feature that will be critical for securing the IPv6 network, particularly as the number of active devices and applications increase exponentially. The IPv6 Ready Logo program for IPsec will follow the other successful IPv6 Forum Ready Logo programs in ensuring that these critical features conform to the standards and interoperate in heterogeneous networks”</b> states Erica Johnson, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, IPv6 Forum Fellow <br><br> <b>“IPsec works far better on IPv6 than on IPv4, due to the absence of NAT on IPv6 connections. IPsec is simply incompatible with the NAT found everywhere on the First Internet. NAT traversal can be used, but it complicates the implementation and adds new security issues. VPNs and secure remote access will work better than ever on the Second Internet. The final piece of the IPsec puzzle is to use IKEv2 with IPsec Digital Certificates to automate the mutual authentication process. IPv6 Ready certification of IPsec and IKEv2 will insure that these technologies work as designed.”</b> Lawrence Hughes, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer and Author of “The Second Interne <br><br> <b>"The ubiquitous computing environment is now accelerated by the trend of smart grids. In such a society, security is the most important element. It is nice to highlight IPsec, which is the key component for real ubiquitous computing."</b> states Hiroshi Miyata, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, IPv6 Forum Fellow. <br><br> To test and obtain the IPv6 IPsec Ready Logo, please visit the IPsec page: <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-138"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 World Congress, 26th-27th June 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br> <br> <img SRC="/im/events/6inform.jpg" height="210"</a> <br> <br> <br> Informa Telecoms & Media’s IPv6 World Congress will take place on 26th-27th June 2012, Hotel Husa President Park, Brussels, Belgium <br> <br> The time for IPv6 transition is now – the only option for the continued evolution and development of the internet. The transition brings key challenges to every corner of the industry and nobody can afford to be left behind. Major ISP’s and web companies will be permanently enabling IPv6 on 6th June 2012 and once again the IPv6 World Congress is perfectly timed to analyse the early results and findings from this launch day. The event will explore the drivers for upgrading to IPv6, current state of readiness within the industry, strategic challenges and obstacles on the road to IPv6 deployment, transition techniques, practical issues and the evolution of consumer devices towards IPv6. Join us in Brussels on 26th-27th June to find out more and network with senior professionals from the industry. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-135"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The IPv6 Forum Education Certification Logo Program</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_course_silver.png"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_eng_silver.png"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_course_gold.png"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_eng_gold.png"></a> <a href="" target="blank"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/cert_trainer_gold.png"></a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6_forum_logo_new.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <h2>The IPv6 Forum Launches the IPv6 Education Certification Logo Program</h2> <b><i>Accelerating adoption and integration of IPv6 in the Education Curriculum Worldwide</i><b> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <br> <b>TOKYO - BEIJING - Penang - Malayisia - New Hampshire - USA - LUXEMBOURG, September 06, 2010</b> - The <u>IPv6 Forum</u> Ready Logo Program Committee releases a new program: the IPv6 Education Certification Logo Program. This program defines and certifies courses, engineers and trainers with Silver & Gold Logo levels and requires IPv6 implementation on the web site of the education program. <br><br> A recent survey on IPv6 training and studies at universities and vendors has demonstrated that IPv6 training and courses are way too embryonic to have any critical impact. It is estimated that some 20 million engineers are working on the current Internet worldwide at ISPs, corporate and all other public and private organizations and they will need quality training on IPv6. This is a gigantic task since it’s the first upgrade of the Internet and most probably the last one for decades to come. The web site of the study can be seen here: <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b> <br><br> The IPv6 Forum Education Logo Program’s prime objective is to encourage and accelerate the education on IPv6 and promote thereby swifter adoption of IPv6 in the education curriculum and programs of the universities, research institutes, vendors and training specialists. This program is designed to increase practical engineering expertise and hands-on knowledge to tackle this large undertaking ahead of us extending thereby user confidence by demonstrating that IPv6 will be deployed by qualified engineers. <br><br> <b>”This program has been designed to prepare a wide range of players for the implementation and use of IPv6. It is intended as an aid to capacity building and a way to promote IPv6 awareness."</b> states Dr. Vint Cerf, Honorary Chair, IPv6 Forum <br><br> <b>”The IPv6 Forum wishes to recognize the IPv6 training experts for their pioneering work to be used as a precursor model encouraging the education sector in the universities and vendor training programs to adopt their quality training courses to win time and train qualified engineers to deploy IPv6 with expertise and quality."</b> states Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum, Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center. Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society (ISOC) <br><br> <b>"The IPv6 Curriculum study has abundantly demonstrated that hands-on IPv6 skills and field experience are dearly missing. Achieving parity between IPv4 and IPv6 deployment, quality expertise is the one pillar to focus on. This program is very welcome as it takes on this task globally"</b> states Jacques Babot, IPv6 Team leader, European Commission - DG INFSO, Unit F4 New infrastructure paradigms and experimental facilities FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experiments) <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-134"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Australian IPv6 Summit 2011</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/events/ipv6melbourne.jpg"></a> <br><br> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/isoc_au_logo.jpg"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6forum_au_logo.jpg"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/au_ind_logo.jpg"></a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/tony_hill.jpg" height="180px"></a> </TD> <TD> Melbourne October 17 – 19 October, 2011 <br><br> The 2011 theme is <b><i>IPv6: Learning from Experience </i></b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> Tony Hill, President ISOC Australia <br><br> <br><br> Contact: <b>Martin Lack</b> martin.lack[at] </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-133"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Leaders & Experts call for Swifter Move to IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <br><img src="/im/logos/ipv4ec_iana_en.png" ></a> <br> </a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <b>For Internet Sustained growth and Future Innovation </a> <br> </a> <br> LUXEMBOURG, February 04, 2011– The IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority- ) has allocated the last IP address blocks from the global IPv4 central address pool, ending all debates over when this would happen. </a> <br> </a> <br> <b>”The Internet has become the global communication network, now is the time to sustain its growth and stability by integrating IPv6. IPv6 adds great value to IPv4" states Dr. Vint Cerf, Honorary Chair, IPv6 Forum. </a> <br> </a> <br> <b>”The Internet is for Everyone. IPv6 represents the next stage of the Internet's evolution and will help make this vision a reality" states Lynn St.Amour, President & CEO, Internet Society </a> <br> </a> <br> <b>“The time is now! And resistance is futile” states Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum President Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center. Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-131"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 security models and dual-stack (IPv6/IPv4) implications</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/wolfgang_fritsche_iabg.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <i>Authors: Wolfgang Fritsche & Karl Mayer @ IABG </i> <br><br> This whitepaper outlines the IPv6 security models and dual-stack (IPv6/IPv4) implications, which have been identified and analyzed within a study contracted by the European Commission to IABG and EADS. It expresses the opinions of the authors and not necessarily reflects the views of the European Commission. The scope of the study was to provide an analysis and evaluation of emerging and existing private and business user scenarios regarding new security models and architectures made possible by the use of IPv6 or in the face of IPv6-IPv4 coexistence as well as IPv6 security vulnerabilities, advantages and shortcomings.<br> After having identified vulnerabilities and research gaps, recommendations for future activities were to be identified. During the study, stakeholders and experts from various research and business areas have been involved via direct contacts and via two workshops for enrichment and validation of the study results. <br><br> <b><a href="" target="blank">Download whitepaper</a></b> <br><br> Additional information can be found on the European Commission's official IPv6 website:<br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-130"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 2012: The Rubber Meets the Road</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/people/Stan_Hubbard2.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/Carol_Wilson2.jpg height=119px> <img src=/im/people/LiveReading.jpg> <br><br> Conference Moderators: Stan Hodges, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading & Carol Wilson, Chief Editor, Events, Light Reading <br><br> The Hilton New York | New York City, NY | Thursday, July 12, 2012 <br><br> Light Reading's IPv6 conference returns after a hugely successful debut last year. This year's theme, IPv6: The Rubber Meets the Road, speaks to the fact that service providers and enterprises are no longer pondering when to deploy IPv6 but are focused on how to manage this transition in a manner that is cost-effective and efficient in the short term but takes into account long-term needs and opportunities. This conference will inform the critical decisions that service providers and their customers need to make, bringing global IPv6 experts together to discuss the significant challenges inherent in this transition period, when IPv4 and IPv6 are coexisting in the network. <br><br> <b>Register for IPv6 2012: The Rubber Meets the Road</b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-129"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Join World IPv6 Launch </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <b>Date:</b> June 6, 2012<br> <b>Location:</b> Worldwide<br> <b>Website:</b> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/VintCerf.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <br><br> Major websites, ISPs and Content providors are permanently enabling IPv6 starting 6 June 2012 at 0000 UTC on their main websites:,,, and will all be reachable over IPv6 from that time. <br><br> Please join us for this launch and help accelerate the momentum of IPv6 deployment. <br><br> Dr. Vint Cerf, Founder of Internet Society (ISOC) & Honorary Chair of IPv6 Forum <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-128"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">John Chambers outlines Cisco’s commitment to IPv6</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/people/john_chambers.jpg" height="200px"></a> <br><br> With only 6% of the remaining number of IPv4 addresses available in the global pool, interest in how to effectively migrate networks to IPv6 is steadily growing. Last Friday June 11, John Chambers addressed the third annual <b><a href="" target="blank"> Google IPv6 Implementation conference</a></b>, which was opened by Vint Cerf in Mountain View. John outlined Cisco’s longstanding commitment to helping customers address this issue and build effective plans for migration. <br><br> In 2007, Cisco Distinguished Engineer Mark Townsley first issued a <b><a href="" target="blank">challenge</a></b> to this IPv6 community to eat its own dog food in its own conferences and so, appropriately enough <b><a href="" target="blank">John’s video contribution</a></b> to the conference was indeed streamed over IPv6: <br><br> <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b> <br><br> Clearly IPv4 exhaust is on the horizon, but Cisco sees IPv4 and IPv6 coexisting for quite some time. There are many variables involved, on the social, geographical, and even regional level that are affecting the speed with which customers are approaching the question. <br><br> IPv6 is a new IP protocol mandated by the federal government for compliance across all organizations, It is designed to replace IPv4, the Internet protocol currently deployed and used most extensively throughout the world. <br><br> <b><i>The benefits of IPv6 include:</i></b><br> - Simplified packet header for routing efficiency<br> - Mandatory IP Security (IPSec) implementation for all IPv6 devices<br> - Improved support for mobile IP and mobile computing devices <br> - Enhanced multicast support with increased addresses and efficient mechanisms<br> <br> Cisco has been actively engaged in running IPv6 deployment councils for the last 2 years to provide ‘customer to customer’ forums to encourage discussion about the issue and to nurture an environment where customers can share their ideas and experiences. <br><br> Please visit <b><a href="" target="blank"> Cisco’s IPv6 page</a></b> to learn more. <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-127"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPSO Alliance: Challenge</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/people/geoff_mulligan.jpg" height="100px"><IMG SRC="/im/events/ipso_logo.jpg" height="100px"></a> <br><br> Electronic Design's Bill Wong talks with Chairman Geoff Mulligan about IPSO Alliance, an open, informal and thought-leading association of like-minded organizations and individuals that promote the value of using the Internet Protocol for the networking of Smart Objects. For more information, visit <a href="" target="blank"><b>IPSO Alliance</b></a>. <br><br> <b><a href="" target="blank"></a></b> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-126"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">gogoNET LIVE! 4</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img src=/im/events/Live4.jpg height=119px></a> <br><br> <i>Presented by Bruce Sinclair, President & CEO of gogo6, the California IPv6 Task Force and the IPv6 Forum </i> <br><br> Join us November 12-14 at San Jose, California to be part of the movement to IPv6 & the Internet of Things. The conference focus is on networking for IPv6 and the Internet of Things and how the two are intrinsically related. Learn how to IPv6-enable your web services, how to introduce IPv6 into your networks to connect your customers and how IPv6 can be used to connect smart objects within a variety of IoT network types. Whether you want to use IPv6 to connect people or things come join us to learn state of the art networking technology from the experts leading the way. <br><br> To this end the high level conference agenda is: • Nov. 12: Technical hands-on workshops and tutorials. • Nov. 13: Keynote presentations and case studies. • Nov. 14: Functional presentations and product overviews. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"> </a> For questions please email: <b><i>info(at)</b></i> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-125"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">5th German IPv6 Summit & IPv6 Application Contest 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/ipv6_german_council_logo.png" height="100px"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/hpi_logo.png" height="100px"></a> <br><br> <b>On November 29-30, 2012 the 5th German IPv6 Summit will be held at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Potsdam according to the motto "IPv6 - the Growth Driver of the German Economy".</b><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> The German IPv6 Council invites applications for the<br> <b>International IPv6 Application Contest 2012</b> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/meinel_01.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <b>Prizes:</b> <br> Applications and Implementations: three major awards <br><br> <b>Deadline:</b> <br> Submission deadline for Applications and Ideas: October 31, 2012 <br><br> <b>Award Ceremony:</b> <br> November 29, 2012 during the Gala Diner </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Christoph Meinel</b>, Chair, German IPv6 Council <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-121"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Global IPv6 Summit Mexico 2011 </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/events/mexico.png" height="119px"></a> <br><br> <IMG SRC="/im/people/HarolddeDios.jpg" height="119px"></a> </TD> <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b><i>Harold de Dios Tovar, Secretary, Task Force IPv6 México ac. </b></i> <br><br> The Ministry of Communications and Transportation through the Coordination of the Information and Knowledge Society and the Organization of Task Force IPv6 Mexico A.C, are pleased to invite you to participate as a panelist of the Third International Congress, Global IPv6 Summit Mexico 2011, to be held from 6 to 10 June 2011 in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, at the Software Center Building and the Hilton Hotel of Guadalajara. <br><br> The Third edition of Global IPv6 Summit Mexico 2011 is addressed to all private or public organizations using Internet integrally in their daily activities and have as target, to promote and diffuse the recognition, the unfolding and application of IPv6 among the internet actors in Mexico, in order to undertake the necessary actions for the adoption of this Internet Protocol. Moreover it shows the local, national and regional strategies being developed and impels the transition to IPv6 in Mexico. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank">"</a> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-111"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Deploying IPv6 in Broadband Access Networks</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <b>"Must read book"</b> <br><br> <img src=/im/adverts/deploying_ipv6.jpg></a> <img src=/im/people/salman.jpeg height="100px"></a> <img src=/im/people/adeel.jpg height="100px"></a> <br><br> <b>Salman Asadullah</b>, CCIE No. 2240.Technical Leader at Cisco Systems. <br> <b>Adeel Ahmed</b>, CCIE No. 4574. Technical Leader at Cisco Systems. <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>The Real Internet starts with IPv6 supported by Broadband:</b><br> <i>The authors bring the necessary technology expertise and experience to identify the challenges and propose recommendations and solutions of great value to a world made of heterogeneous and widely un-interoperable networks designed with private addressing schemes that inhibit end to end applications and end 2 end services. Their extensive involvement in the standardisation bodies such as the IETF and knowledge spread at customer level in the design and deployment of networks especially using the new Internet Protocol are of paramount value to the reader as he can resource himself with first class knowledge to empower him to tackle the transition to IPv6 in great confidence. <br><br> Welcome to the New Two-Way Internet based on IPv6 supported by a solid first or last mile broadband access!</i> <br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-110"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Internet Evangelist promotes IPv6 to the ISP World</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <p><img width="82" height="102" alt="IPv6 Enabled Logo" style="border-width: 0px;" src="/ipv6_enabled/public/images/IPv6_Enabled_isp_original_size_green1_thumbnail.jpg"/></p> Tokyo-Luxembourg-Boston - June 22, 2009</b> - The IPv6 Forum and its sub-organization, the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee, today announced the introduction of a new IPv6 Enabled Logo Program aimed at testing and validating Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for IPv6 readiness and adoption.</font>&nbsp;<br></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri"> "</font><font color="#0070c0" size="3" face="Calibri">IPv6 needs to be integrated and offered as a service by all ISPs to sustain Internet growth and by the same token drive end-to-end innovation</font><font size="3" face="Calibri">" said <b>Dr. Vint Cerf</b>, Internet Evangelist, Google &amp; Honorary Chair, IPv6 Forum</font></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">The IPv6 Forum IPv6 Ready Logo program has clearly demonstrated the widespread support of IPv6 in products. The impressive list of vendors indicates the number of potential IPv6 users ready to use IPv6 and represents a real incentive for ISPs to enable IPv6 access for their customers.&nbsp;</font></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">The IPv6 Forum has been tracking the adoption of IPv6 at ISPs and recognized the need for a quality assurance logo program for ISPs. The creation of this new logo program will support IPv6 deployment in networks at ISPs with the goal of sustaining quality IPv6 services. </font>&nbsp;<br></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">"</font><font color="#0070c0" size="3" face="Calibri">The IPv6 Enabled ISP Logo Program will support ISPs in verifying and validating the integration of IPv6 in their networks when refreshing or building their IPv6 Internet infrastructure</font><font size="3" face="Calibri">" said <b>Latif Ladid</b>, IPv6 Forum President.</font>&nbsp;<br></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">" </font><font color="#0070c0" size="3" face="Calibri">The ISPs were the prime drivers of the IPv4 Internet and they are now even more crucial for the IPv6 Internet</font><font size="3" face="Calibri">"&nbsp; states <b>Yanick Pouffary</b>, Chair v6 Ready/Enabled Programs, NAv6TF Technology Director, IPv6 Forum Fellow.</font>&nbsp;<br></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">"</font><font color="#0070c0" size="3" face="Calibri">We recognize the fact that the market needs the IPv6 Enabled ISP Logo to accelerate the introduction of IPv6 technology</font><font size="3" face="Calibri">," said <b>Hiroshi Esaki</b>, Chairman of the IPv6 Logo Committee, Executive Director of IPv6 Promotion Council Japan and Board member of the WIDE Project. </font></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Liu Dong</b>, Chair v6 Enabled Program, China IPv6 Council, commented, "</font><font color="#0070c0" size="3" face="Calibri">We deployed this IPv6 ISP logo program to foster deployment of IPv6 for the ISP world and we are looking forward to a positive response.</font><font size="3" face="Calibri">" </font></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>About the IPv6 Forum</b></font></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">The IPv6 Forum is a world-wide consortium of leading Internet service vendors, National Research &amp; Education Networks (NRENs) and international ISPs, with a clear mission to promote IPv6 by improving market and user awareness, creating a quality and secure New Generation Internet and allowing world-wide equitable access to knowledge and technology. The key focus of the IPv6 Forum today is to provide technical guidance for the deployment of IPv6. IPv6 Summits are organized by the IPv6 Forum and staged in various locations around the world to provide industry and market with the best available information on this rapidly advancing technology. </font>&nbsp;<br></p> <p><font size="3" face="Calibri">For further information, please visit the IPv6 ISP Logo Program website: </font><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff" size="3" face="Calibri"><u><wbr>enabled</u></font></a><font size="3" face="Calibri"> </font>&nbsp;<hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-106"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Internet Evangelist promotes IPv6 to the Web World</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="/ipv6_enabled"><IMG SRC="/im/logos/ready_logo.jpg"></a> <br><br> <b>Tokyo-Luxembourg-Boston - June 8, 2009</b> - The IPv6 Forum and its sub-organization, the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee, today announced the introduction of a new IPv6 Enabled Logo Program aimed at testing and validating Web sites (WWW) for IPv6 readiness and adoption. <br><br> <b><i>"This program is a good step in the right direction. IPv6 needs to be integrated in all web sites:"</i></b> states <b>Dr. Vint Cerf</b>, Internet Evangelist, Google & Honorary Chair, IPv6 Forum <br><br> The IPv6 Forum IPv6 Ready Logo program has clearly demonstrated the widespread support of IPv6 in products. The impressive list of vendors indicates the number of potential IPv6 users ready to use IPv6 and represents a real incentive for web site owners to enable IPv6 access for their customers. <br><br> The IPv6 Forum has been tracking the adoption of IPv6 by Web sites and recognized the need for a quality assurance logo program for the Web world. The creation of the new logo program will support IPv6 deployment on Web sites with the goal of sustaining quality IPv6 solutions. <br><br> <b><i>"The launch of the IPv6 Enabled WWW Logo Program is another strategic milestone that signals good integration of IPv6 for Web sites must be sustained to build the new Internet infrastructure"</i></b> states <b>Latif Ladid</b>, IPv6 Forum President. <br><br> <b><i>"The Web was the first killer app of the IPv4 Internet and no doubt it will be one of them for the IPv6 Internet"</i></b> states <b>Yanick Pouffary</b>, NAv6TF Technology Director, IPv6 Forum Fellow and advisor to the IPv6 ready Logo program. <br><br> <b><i>"We recognize the fact that the market needs the IPv6 Enabled WWW Logo to accelerate the introduction of IPv6 technology,"</i></b> states <b>Hiroshi Esaki</b>, Chairman of the IPv6 Logo Committee, Executive Director of IPv6 Promotion Council Japan and Board member of the WIDE Project. <br><br> <b>Liu Dong</b>, Chair China IPv6 Council, commented, <b><i>"We deployed this IPv6 logo program to foster deployment of IPv6 for the Web world and we are looking forward to a positive response."</i></b> <br><br> For "free" testing and registering your web site, please visit the IPv6 Enabled WWW Logo Program website: <a href="" target=blank></a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-104"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Must read book!</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <b>IPv6 Security</b><br> <i>by Scott Hogg (Author) and Eric Vyncke (Author)</i> <br><br> <a href="" target="blank"><img src=/im/external/IPv6_Security_Book.jpg></a> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-99"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2013 Global IPv6 Summit in China</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/Beijing2013.jpg" height="119px"></a> </a> <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/LiuDong.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <b>Date:</b> April 11-12, 2013 <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing <br><br> Endorsed by CNGI (China Next Generation Internet) Expert Committee, China three major carriers & CERNET, and co-hosted by IPv6 Forum & BII Group </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>organised by Liu Dong, Chair IPv6 Forum China</b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-98"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">7th Annual North American IPv6 Summit</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <IMG width="600" height="119" SRC="/im/logos/v6NA.png"></a> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/RMv6TF_logo.jpg"></a> <br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/Ognian2.jpg" width="150" height="150px"></a> </TD> <TD> <b><i><u>The Big Shift to IPv6 is On by Default</i></u></b><br><br> <a href="" target="blank"></a> <br><br> <a <br><br> Organised by The Rocky Mountains v6 Task Force <br><br> Date: September 23-25, 2014<br> <br> Venue: Grand Hyatt Denver Colorado </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Ognian Mitev, Chair of the RMv6TF </b> <br><br> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-96"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">2nd ICT Norway 2011 IPv6 Conference in Stavanger </h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <a href="" target="blank"><img SRC=/im/logos/Norway.jpg height=119px></a> </a> <br><br> The Norwegian IPv6 Forum invites to its second IPv6 conference: IKT-Norge IPv6 konferanse 22. og 23. November 2011 <br><br> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/tw.jpg" height=119px></a> </TD> <TD> <br> "The ICT-Norway IPv6 forums main focus is speeding up the knowledge of and transition to IPv6 as IPv4 becomes unavailable. One of our mayor concerns is that the public sector seems to be failing behind in making its massive amount of online content and services available over IPv6 at the appropriate time - now.” stated Torgeir Waterhouse<br> <br><br> <b>Venue:</b> <br> Stavanger Quality Airport Hotel <br><br> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <b>Torgeir Waterhouse</b>, President, IPv6 Forum Norway <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-94"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">The US Government IPv6 Roadmap May 2012</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="8"> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/people/tseronis.jpg"></a> </TD> <TD> <b>Executive Summary: The purpose of this planning guide is to provide United States (U.S.) Federal Government agency leaders with practical and actionable guidance on how to successfully integrate Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) throughout their enterprise. This guide has been updated from the original guide published in 2009 to aid in understanding the Federal Government’s Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) history, vision, current goals, and deadlines. Based on the information found in this document, the Agency Chief Information Officer (CIO), IPv6 Transition Managers, Chief Enterprise Architects, and Chief Acquisition Officers (CAO) can assess their own agency’s current IPv6 implementation progress and develop an agency-specific plan with detailed milestones to achieve the defined IPv6 goals for FY2012 and FY2014.<br> <a <br><br> Download the USGv6Roadmap: <a href="/dl/presentations/USGv6Roadmap.pdf" target=blank>USGv6Roadmap.pdf</a> <br><br> <b>Peter Tseronis</b><br> Chairperson of the Federal IPv6 Task Force<br> Chief Techology Officer, U.S. Department of Energy </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-center z-bkey-html z-bid-71"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Ready Logo White Paper</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <TABLE> <TR> <TD> <IMG SRC="/im/logos/logo_ready_phase2.gif"> </TD> <TD> The main objective of this present document is to describe the IPv6 Forum IPv6 Ready Logo Program, to describe the IPv6 Ready Test Specifications and IPv6 Ready Logo Phase Series and to provide a FAQ.<br> The IPv6 Ready ( <a href="" target=top></a>) Logo Program provides conformance and interoperability test specifications based on open standards to support IPv6 deployment across the globe. Effective testing of IPv6 products is of critical importance in ensuring the deployment, interoperability, security and reliability of the IPv6 infrastructure. <br><br> Authors: Yanick Pouffary, Erica Johnson and Hiroshi Miyata <br><br> More information can be found <a href="" target=top>here</a>. </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <hr> </div></div> </div> <div id="theme_rightcol" class="grid_3"> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-right z-bkey-html z-bid-29"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Welcome to the IPv6 Forum</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img align=right width=80 src="/im/people/latif-ladid.png"> IPv6 Forum president Latif Ladid offers a welcome and <a href="/index.php?module=News&type=user&func=display&sid=9">introduction</a> to the IPv6 Forum. </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-right z-bkey-html z-bid-30"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">Jim Bound</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> <img align=right width=80 src="/im/people/jim_bound_2003.gif"> see <a href="/index.php?module=News&type=user&func=display&sid=38"> interview</a>.<br>Jim also led an IPv6 Forum's <a href="/index.php?module=News&type=user&func=display&sid=20">CTO Executive Committee</a>. <br><br> <center><b><a href="/index.php?module=News&type=user&func=display&sid=58">In Memoriam Jim Bound</a></b></center> <br> </div></div> <div class="z-block z-blockposition-right z-bkey-html z-bid-34"> <h3 class="theme_blocktitle">IPv6 Forum Copyrights</h3> <div class="theme_blockcontent"> IPv6 Forum Copyrights Pv6 Forum & IPv6 Ready, Enabled & Education (©) The IPv6 Forum, 1999-2024 </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="theme_footer"> <div class="slogan">Driving IPv6 Deployment</div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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