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Hokkien is under "Min". If you don't find a given lect group, look under the "Other groups" below; -- also keep in mind the "Miscellaneous" at the bottom for labels that don't refer to a topolect. ------------------------------------------ Gan ------------------------------------------ labels["贛"] = { Wikidata = "Q33475", aliases = {"贛語", "Gan"}, display = "贛語", regional_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["贛語方言"] = { aliases = {"dialectal Gan"}, Wikidata = "Q33475", -- article for Gan Chinese regional_categories = "贛", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["昌都片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Nanchang. region = "northwestern [[江西]] Province and northeastern [[Hunan]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Changdu Gan", "Changdu"}, Wikidata = {"Q3497239", "Q6789768"}, -- the first ID is for English, the second for Chinese; they need to be merged plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["大通片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Daye. region = "southeastern [[Hubei]] Province and eastern [[Hunan]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Datong Gan", "Datong"}, Wikidata = {"Q5207168", "Q6830838"}, -- the first ID is for English, the second for Chinese; they need to be merged plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["洞綏片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Dongkou. region = "southwestern [[Hunan]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Dongsui Gan", "Dongsui"}, Wikidata = "Q6762652", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["撫廣片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Fuzhou (撫州) in Jiangsi. region = "central and eastern [[江西]] Province and southwestern [[福建]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Fuguang Gan", "Fuguang"}, Wikidata = "Q6794539", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["懷嶽片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Huaining. region = "southwestern [[安徽]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Huaiyue Gan", "Huaiyue"}, Wikidata = "Q6797985", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["吉茶片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Ji'an. region = "central and southern [[江西]] Province and eastern [[Hunan]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Jicha Gan", "Jicha"}, Wikidata = "Q6844561", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["耒資片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Leiyang. region = "eastern [[Hunan]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Leizi Gan", "Leizi"}, Wikidata = "Q7212943", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["黎川話"] = { region = "[[Lichuan]] County, under the jurisdiction of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Fuzhou]] ({{m|cmn|撫州}}) in northeastern [[江西]] Province (not to be confused with the Fuzhou city in [[福建]] Province)", aliases = {"Lichuan Gan", "Lichuan"}, -- FIXME: Correct? Wikidata = "Q6794539", -- article for Fuguang Gan plain_categories = true, parent = "撫廣片", } labels["南昌話"] = { -- This is thA variety of Changdu Gan (where it is the principal dialect). region = "[[Nanchang]], capital of [[江西]] Province in south-central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Nanchang Gan", "Nanchang"}, -- FIXME: Correct? Wikidata = "Q3497239", -- article for Changdu Gan in English, Nanchang Gan in Chinese plain_categories = true, parent = "昌都片", } labels["萍鄉話"] = { region = "[[Pingxiang]], a [[prefecture-level city]] in [[江西]] Province in south-central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Pingxiang Gan", "Pingxiang"}, -- FIXME: Correct? Wikidata = "Q8053438", -- article for Yiliu Gan plain_categories = true, parent = "宜瀏片", } labels["泰寧話"] = { region = "{{w|Taining County}}, under the jurisdiction of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Sanming]] in northwastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Taining Gan", "Taining"}, -- FIXME: Correct? Wikidata = "Q6794539", -- article for Fuguang Gan plain_categories = true, parent = "撫廣片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["宜瀏片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Yichun. region = "central and western [[江西]] Province and eastern [[Hunan]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Yiliu Gan", "Yiliu"}, Wikidata = {"Q8053438", "Q6820035"}, -- the first ID is for English, the second for Chinese; they need to be merged plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["鷹弋片"] = { -- A primary branch. Principal dialect: Yingtan. region = "northeastern [[江西]] Province, in south-central [[中國]]", addl = "為贛語的主要片區之一。", aliases = {"Yingyi Gan", "Yingyi"}, Wikidata = {"Q3443012", "Q6654505"}, -- the first ID is for English, the second for Chinese; they need to be merged plain_categories = true, parent = true, } ------------------------------------------ Hakka ------------------------------------------ labels["客家"] = { def = "the {{w|Hakka Chinese}} branch of {{w|Sinitic languages|Sinitic}}", Wikidata = "Q33375", aliases = {"客家語", "客語", "客家話", "Hakka"}, display = "客家語", regional_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["客家語方言"] = { Wikidata = "Q33375", -- article for Hakka Chinese aliases = {"客語方言", "dialectal Hakka"}, regional_categories = "客家", } labels["大埔話"] = { region = "{{w|Dabu County}} in eastern [[廣東]] Province in southern [[中國]], and in [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Dabu Hakka", "Dabu"}, Wikidata = "Q19855566", plain_categories = true, parent = true, othercat = "臺灣客家語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["東莞客家語"] = { -- no alias for Dongguan as Dongguan Cantonese also exists. aliases = {"Dongguan Hakka"}, region = "東莞", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["近代客家語"] = { noreg = true, nolink = true, type = "extinct", region = "19世紀,尤其是聖經翻譯中", aliases = {"Early Modern Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q33375", -- article for Hakka Chinese plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["海陸話"] = { region = "[[Shanwei]] in [[廣東]] Province in southern [[中國]], as well as in [[臺灣]]和[[West Kalimantan]]、[[印度尼西亞]]", aliases = {"Hailu Hakka", "Hailu"}, Wikidata = "Q19855025", -- see also Q17038519 "Hailu Hakka" in Wikidata, which duplicates Q19855025 and redirects to it in Chinese Wikipedia plain_categories = true, parent = true, othercat = "臺灣客家語,海外客家語", } labels["香港客家語"] = { region = "香港", aliases = {"Hong Kong Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q2675834", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸客家語", othercat = "香港漢語", } labels["惠陽話"] = { region = "[[Huizhou]]、[[Dongguan]]和[[Shenzhen]], in east-central [[廣東]] Province in southern [[中國]], with Danshui Subdistrict ({{m|cmn|淡水街道}}) in {{w|Huiyang District}}, [[Huizhou]] as its representative dialect", aliases = {"Huiyang Hakka", "Huiyang"}, Wikidata = "Q16873881", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["Jiangxi Hakka"] = { -- -- Multiple dialects; possibly referring to Tonggu County dialect. -- plain_categories = true, --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["馬來西亞惠陽話"] = { region = "[[馬來西亞]], originating in {{w|Huiyang District}}, [[Huizhou]] in east-central [[廣東]] Province in southern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Malaysian Huiyang Hakka", "Malaysia Huiyang Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q16873881", -- article for Huiyang Hakka plain_categories = true, parent = "Southeast Asian Hakka", othercat = "Huiyang Hakka", } labels["梅縣話"] = { region = "[[Meixian]] District (similar to a county and surrounding the urban core of [[Meizhou]]), located in northeastern [[廣東]] Province; additionally, in numerous overseas countries", addl = "Meixian Hakka is the prestige dialect of Hakka.", aliases = {"Meixian Hakka", "Meixian", "Moiyan", "Moiyan Hakka", "Meizhou", "Meizhou Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q839295", plain_categories = true, parent = true, othercat = "海外客家語", } labels["非中國大陸客家語"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese outside of [[中國大陸]], including in [[香港]]和[[澳門]] due to their special history", display = "非[[中國大陸]][[w:客家語|客家語]]", aliases = {"non-Mainland Hakka", "Non-Mainland Hakka", "non-mainland Hakka"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "+,非中國大陸", } labels["北四縣話"] = { region = "[[Taoyuan]]和[[Miaoli]] in the north of [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Northern Sixian Hakka", "Northern Sixian"}, Wikidata = "Q9668261", -- article for Sixian Hakka plain_categories = true, parent = "四縣話", } labels["海外客家語"] = { prep = "outside of", region = "[[中國大陸]]、[[臺灣]]、[[香港]]和[[澳門]]", aliases = {"Overseas Hakka"}, Wikipedia = "Hakka people#Hakkas elsewhere", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸客家語", othercat = "海外漢語", } labels["饒平客家語"] = { region = "{{w|Raoping County}} in [[廣東]] as well as [[Taoyuan]]、[[Hsinchu]]、[[Miaoli]]和[[Taichung]] in [[臺灣]]", -- No Raoping alias because Chaoshan Min is also spoken. aliases = {"Raoping Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q19854038", plain_categories = true, parent = true, othercat = "臺灣客家語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["四川客家語"] = { region = "[[四川]]", aliases = {"Sichuan Hakka", "Sichuanese Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q10927759", plain_categories = true, } labels["四縣話"] = { region = "several parts of [[臺灣]], especially [[Taoyuan]]和[[Miaoli]] in the north, as well as the [[Liudui]] Region in [[Kaohsiung]]和[[Pingtung]] in the south", aliases = {"Sixian Hakka", "Sixian"}, Wikidata = "Q9668261", plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣客家語", } labels["東南亞客家語"] = { region = "[[東南亞]], stretching from [[Myanmar]] ([[Burma]]) in the northwest, to the [[菲律賓]] in the northeast, to [[印度尼西亞]] in the south", Wikipedia = {"Southeast Asian Hakka", "Hakka people#Hakkas elsewhere", "東南亞"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "海外客家語", othercat = "東南亞漢語", } labels["南四縣話"] = { region = "the [[Liudui]] Region in [[Kaohsiung]]和[[Pingtung]] in the south of [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Southern Sixian Hakka", "Southern Sixian"}, Wikidata = {"Q98095139", "Q9668261"}, -- second is article for Sixian Hakka; Q98095139 is "Southern Sixian dialect" but has no articles linked plain_categories = true, parent = "四縣話", } labels["上猶話"] = { region = "{{w|Shangyou County}} in southwestern [[江西]] Province, in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Shangyou Hakka", "Shangyou"}, Wikidata = "Q1282613", -- article for Shangyou County plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["臺灣客家語"] = { region = "臺灣", aliases = {"Taiwanese Hakka", "Taiwan Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q2391532", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸客家語", othercat = "臺灣漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["五華話"] = { aliases = {"Wuhua Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q8039107", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- Skipped: Wuluo Hakka; appears to originate in Pingtung County, Taiwan and be part of Southern Sixian Hakka, maybe -- related to the Wuluo River, but extremely obscure; can't find anything about the dialect in Google. -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["興寧話"] = { aliases = {"Xingning Hakka"}, Wikidata = "Q10894155", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["于都話"] = { region = "{{w|Yudu County}} in southern [[江西]] Province, in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yudu Hakka", "Yudu"}, Wikidata = "Q1816748", -- article for Yudu County plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["詔安客家語"] = { verb = "spoken originally", region = "{{w|Zhao'an County}} in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Zhangzhou]] in southernmost [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]; now also in [[Yunlin]] County and the city of [[Taoyuan]], in [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Zhao'an Hakka", "Yunlin Hakka", "詔安客語"}, Wikidata = "Q6703311", plain_categories = true, parent = true, othercat = "臺灣客家語", } ------------------------------------------ Jin ------------------------------------------ labels["晉"] = { Wikidata = "Q56479", aliases = {"晉語", "Jin"}, display = "晉語", regional_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["晉語方言"] = { Wikidata = "Q56479", -- article for Jin Chinese aliases = {"dialectal Jin"}, regional_categories = "晉", } labels["忻州話"] = { -- no "Xinzhou" alias; Xinzhou Wu (different Xinzhou) also exists Wikidata = "Q73119", -- article for Xinzhou (city in Shanxi) aliases = {"Xinzhou Jin"}, plain_categories = true, parent = true, -- actually in the Wutai subgroup; FIXME: add parent label } ------------------------------------------ Literary Chinese ------------------------------------------ labels["朝鮮漢文"] = { aliases = {"Korean Classical Chinese"}, Wikidata = "Q10496257", plain_categories = true, } labels["白話文"] = { aliases = {"Standard Written Chinese", "SWC", "WVC", "Written vernacular Chinese", "Written Vernacular Chinese"}, Wikidata = "Q783605", } labels["越南漢文"] = { aliases = {"Vietnamese Classical Chinese"}, Wikidata = "Q17034227", plain_categories = true, } ------------------------------------------ Mandarin ------------------------------------------ labels["官話"] = { Wikidata = "Q9192", aliases = {"Mandarin"}, regional_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["官話方言"] = { Wikidata = "Q9192", -- article for Mandarin Chinese aliases = {"dialectal Mandarin"}, regional_categories = "官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["北京官話"] = { -- A primary branch. "Beijingic" is the term used by Glottolog. Wikipedia calls this -- [[w:Beijing Mandarin (division of Mandarin)]] as opposed to [[w:Beijing dialect]] for Beijing Mandarin itself, -- but this is excessively ambiguous. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: [[w:Beijing dialect]] (with [[w:Standard Chinese]] as a child), -- [[w:Philippine Mandarin]]、[[w:Malaysian Mandarin]], Chengde dialect (承德话), Chifeng dialect (赤峰话), Hailar -- dialect (海拉尔话). region = "areas surrounding [[北京]] in northeastern [[中國]], including [[北京]] as well as parts of [[河北]] Province, [[內蒙古]] Autonomous Region, [[遼寧]] Province and [[天津]] Municipality", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Beijingic Mandarin", "Beijingic"}, Wikidata = "Q2169652", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["北京話"] = { region = "urban [[北京]]", aliases = {"Beijing Mandarin", "Beijing", "Peking", "Pekingese"}, Wikidata = "Q1147606", plain_categories = true, parent = "北京官話", } labels["中原官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: [[w:Dungan language]]、[[w:Gangou dialect]], Kaifeng dialect (开封话), -- [[w:Luoyang dialect]], Nanyang dialect (南阳话), Qufu dialect (曲埠话), Tianshui dialect (天水话), -- [[w:Xi'an dialect]]、[[w:Xuzhou dialect]], Yan'an dialect (延安话), Zhengzhou dialect (郑州话). region = "central [[中國]], specifically in [[Henan]] Province, the central parts of [[陝西]] Province in the [[Yellow River]] valley and eastern [[Gansu]] Province, as well as in southern [[Xinjiang]] Autonomous Region in far western [[中國]], due to recent migration", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Central Plains", "Zhongyuan Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q3048775", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["長春話"] = { region = "[[Changchun]], the capital of [[吉林]] Province in northeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Changchun Mandarin", "Changchun"}, Wikidata = "Q17030513", plain_categories = true, parent = "東北官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["大連話"] = { prep = "on", region = "the [[Liaodong]] Peninsula in coastal eastern [[中國]] in the city of [[Dalian]], as well as in parts of [[Dandong]] and {{w|Yikou}}", aliases = {"Dalian Mandarin", "Dalian"}, Wikidata = "Q1375036", plain_categories = true, parent = "膠遼官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["汾河片"] = { region = "[[Linfen]]和[[Yuncheng]] in the lower reaches of the {{w|Fen River}} in [[山西]] Province, as well as in [[Hancheng]] in [[陝西]] Province", aliases = {"Fenhe Mandarin", "Fenhe"}, Wikidata = "Q10379509", plain_categories = true, parent = "中原官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["甘溝話"] = { region = "{{w|Minhe Hui and Tu Autonomous County}} in far eastern [[青海]] Province; strongly influenced by the {{catlink|Monguor languages}} (Mongolic) and [[Amdo Tibetan]]", aliases = {"Gangou Mandarin", "Gangou"}, Wikidata = "Q17050290", plain_categories = true, parent = "中原官話", } labels["廣西官話"] = { -- No Guangxi alias; seems unlikely to be correct aliases = {"Guangxi Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q2609239", -- article for Southwestern Mandarin plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } labels["關中話"] = { region = "the {{w|Guanzhong}} region of central [[陝西]] Province, including the capital city [[Xi'an]]", aliases = {"Guanzhong Mandarin", "Guanzhong"}, Wikidata = "Q3431648", plain_categories = true, parent = "中原官話", } labels["桂林話"] = { -- No Guilin alias; also Guilin Pinghua, Guilin Southern Min region = "[[Guilin]] in [[廣西]] Autonomous Region in southern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Guilin Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q11111636", plain_categories = true, parent = "桂柳話", -- a variety of Southwestern Mandarin } labels["桂柳話"] = { region = "northern [[廣西]] Autonomous Region in southern [[中國]], especially in the cities of [[Guilin]]和[[Liuzhou]]", aliases = {"Guiliu Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q11111664", plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } labels["貴陽話"] = { region = "[[Guiyang]], the capital of [[Guizhou]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Guiyang Mandarin", "Guiyang"}, Wikidata = "Q15911623", plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } labels["哈爾濱話"] = { region = "[[Harbin]], the capital of [[黑龍江]] Province in northeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Harbin Mandarin", "Harbin"}, Wikidata = "Q1006919", plain_categories = true, parent = "東北官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["合肥話"] = { region = "[[Hefei]], the capital of [[安徽]] Province in central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Hefei Mandarin", "Hefei"}, Wikidata = "Q10916956", plain_categories = true, parent = "江淮官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["Hui Mandarin"] = { -- -- Hui is an ethnic group; multiple dialects depending on the city in question. -- Wikipedia = "???", -- plain_categories = true, --} labels["江淮官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: [[w:Hefei dialect]], Hainan Junjiahua (军家话), [[w:Nanjing dialect]], -- [[w:Nantong dialect]], Xiaogan dialect (孝感话), Yangzhou dialect (扬州话). region = "parts of [[江蘇]]和[[安徽]] Provinces on the north bank of the [[Yangtze]] in east-central [[中國]], as well as some areas on the south bank, such as [[Nanjing]] in [[江蘇]] Province and [[Jiujiang]] in [[江西]] Province", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Jianghuai Mandarin", "Jianghuai", "Jiang-Huai", "Jiang-Huai Mandarin", "Lower Yangtze Mandarin", "Huai"}, Wikidata = "Q2128953", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["膠遼官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: [[w:Dalian dialect]], Dandong dialect, [[w:Qingdao dialect]], Rizhao dialect, -- Weifang dialect, [[w:Weihai dialect]], Yantai dialect (烟台话). region = "coastal eastern [[中國]], specifically: on the {{w|Jiaodong Peninsula}} (from [[Yantai]] to [[Qingdao]]); in {{w|Ganyu District}} in northeastern [[江蘇]] Province; on the [[Liaodong]] Peninsula (from [[Dalian]] to [[Dandong]]); and in parts of [[黑龍江]] Province, due to migration", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Jiaoliao Mandarin", "Jiaoliao", "Jiao-Liao", "Jiao-Liao Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q2597550", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["冀魯官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: Baoding dialect (保定话), [[w:Jinan dialect]], Shijiazhuang dialect (石家庄话), -- [[w:Tianjin dialect]]. region = "coastal eastern [[中國]], specifically: [[河北]] Province; the western part of [[山東]] Province; and parts of [[黑龍江]], due to migration", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Jilu Mandarin", "Jilu", "Ji-Lu", "Ji-Lu Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q516721", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["濟南話"] = { region = "[[Jinan]], the capital of [[山東]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jinan Mandarin", "Jinan"}, Wikidata = "Q6202017", plain_categories = true, parent = "冀魯官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["昆明話"] = { region = "[[Kunming]], the capital of [[Yunnan]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Kunming Mandarin", "Kunming"}, Wikidata = "Q3372400", plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } labels["蘭銀官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: Lanzhou dialect (兰州话), Xining dialect (西宁话), Yinchuan dialect (银川话). region = "[[Lanzhou]] and elsewhere in [[Gansu]] Province; [[Yinchuan]] and generally in the northern part of [[寧夏]] Autonomous Region; and more recently in northern [[Xinjiang]] Autonomous Region", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Lanyin Mandarin", "Lanyin", "Lan-Yin Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q662754", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["蘭州話"] = { region = "[[Lanzhou]], the capital of [[Gansu]] Province in central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Lanzhou Mandarin", "Lanzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q10893628", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘭銀官話", } labels["柳州話"] = { region = "[[Liuzhou]] in north-central [[廣西]] Autonomous Region in southern [[中國]]", Wikidata = "Q7224853", plain_categories = true, parent = "桂柳話", -- a variety of Southwestern Mandarin } labels["洛陽話"] = { region = "[[Luoyang]] and nearby parts of [[Henan]] Province, in central-eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Luoyang Mandarin", "Luoyang"}, Wikidata = "Q3431347", plain_categories = true, parent = "中原官話", } labels["馬來西亞華語"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese in [[馬來西亞]]", aliases = {"Malaysian Mandarin", "Malaysia Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q13646143", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞官話", othercat = "馬來西亞漢語", } labels["牟平話"] = { region = "[[Muping]] District in the prefecture-level city of [[Yantai]] in northeastern [[山東]] Province, in northeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Muping Mandarin", "Muping"}, -- there is also a Muping in Sichuan but it's not clear if it has a dialect Wikidata = {"Q281015", "Q15914589"}, -- articles for Muping District and for Denglian Mandarin (which includes Yantai and Muping varieties) plain_categories = true, parent = "膠遼官話", } labels["南京話"] = { region = "[[Nanjing]], capital of [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"南京官話", "Nanjing Mandarin", "Nanjing", "Nanjingese", "Nanjingnese"}, Wikidata = "Q2681098", plain_categories = true, parent = "江淮官話", } labels["南通話"] = { -- A subvariety of Tongtai (Tairu) Mandarin, which is a variety of Jianghuai (Lower Yangtze) Mandarin. -- On the English Wikipedia, 'Nantong dialect' redirects to [[w:Tong-Tai Mandarin]]. -- no Nantong alias; Nantong Wu also exists aliases = {"Nantong Mandarin"}, region = "[[Nantong]] in southeastern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", Wikidata = "Q10909110", plain_categories = true, parent = "通泰話", } labels["東北官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: [[w:Changchun dialect]]、[[w:Harbin dialect]], Qiqihar dialect (齐齐哈尔话), -- [[w:Shenyang dialect]]. region = "{{w|Northeast China}}, including the provinces of [[遼寧]]、[[吉林]]和[[黑龍江]] but excluding the [[Liaodong]] Peninsula", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Northeastern Mandarin", "northeastern Mandarin", "NE Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q1064504", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["非中國大陸官話"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese outside of [[中國大陸]], including in [[香港]]和[[澳門]] due to their special history", display = "非[[中國大陸]][[w:官話|官話]]", aliases = {"Non-Mainland Mandarin", "非中國大陸官話"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "+,非中國大陸", } labels["海外官話"] = { prep = "outside of", aliases = {"非中國大陸官話", "Overseas Mandarin"}, region = "[[中國大陸]]、[[臺灣]]、[[香港]]和[[澳門]]", Wikipedia = "海外漢語", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸官話", othercat = "海外漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["菲律賓華語"] = { prep = "by", region = "{{w|Chinese Filipino}}s in the [[菲律賓]]", aliases = {"Philippine Mandarin", "Philippines Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q7185155", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞官話", othercat = "菲律賓漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["青島話"] = { region = "[[Qingdao]] and nearby towns, in [[山東]] Province in coastal eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Qingdao Mandarin", "Qingdao"}, Wikidata = "Q7267815", plain_categories = true, parent = "膠遼官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["瀋陽話"] = { region = "[[Shenyang]], the capital of [[遼寧]] Province in northeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Shenyang Mandarin", "Shenyang"}, Wikidata = "Q7494349", plain_categories = true, parent = "東北官話", } -- We use 'Singapore Mandarin' not 'Singaporean Mandarin' despite the Wikipedia article both to match all the other -- Singapore language varieties (which say 'Singapore' not 'Singaporean') and because the form with 'Singapore' seeems -- actually more common in Google Scholar. labels["新加坡華語"] = { prep = "by", region = "{{w|Chinese Singaporeans}}s in [[新加坡]]", aliases = {"Singapore Mandarin", "Singaporean Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q1048980", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞官話", othercat = "新加坡漢語", } labels["東南亞官話"] = { region = "[[東南亞]], stretching from [[Myanmar]] ([[Burma]]) in the northwest, to the [[菲律賓]] in the northeast, to [[印度尼西亞]] in the south", aliases = {"Southeast Asian Mandarin"}, Wikipedia = {"Overseas Chinese", "東南亞"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "海外官話", othercat = "東南亞漢語", } labels["西南官話"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Dialects per Wikipedia: Changde dialect (常德话), [[w:Chengdu dialect]]、[[w:Chongqing dialect]], Dali dialect -- (大理话), Guiyang dialect (贵阳话), [[w:Kunming dialect]], Liuzhou dialect (柳州话), [[w:Wuhan dialect]], -- [[w:Xichang dialect]], Yichang dialect (宜昌话), Hanzhong dialect (汉中话). region = "the provinces of [[Hubei]]、[[四川]]、[[Guizhou]]、[[Yunnan]], and the Mandarin-speaking areas of [[Hunan]]、[[廣西]] Autonomous Region and southern [[陝西]]", addl = "為官話的主要分支之一。", aliases = {"Southwestern Mandarin", "southwestern Mandarin", "Upper Yangtze Mandarin", "Southwest Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q2609239", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["臺灣華語"] = { region = "[[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Taiwanese Mandarin", "Taiwanese Mandarin", "Taiwan Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q262828", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸官話", othercat = "臺灣漢語", } labels["天津話"] = { region = "[[天津]] in coastal eastern [[中國]] as well as [[Sabah]] in [[馬來西亞]]", aliases = {"Tianjin Mandarin", "Tianjin", "Tianjinese", "Tianjinese Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q7800220", plain_categories = true, parent = "冀魯官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["通泰話"] = { region = "east-central [[江蘇]] Province in [[Nantong]]和[[Taizhou]]", aliases = {"Tongtai Mandarin", "Tongtai", "Tairu Mandarin", "Tairu"}, Wikidata = "Q7820911", plain_categories = true, parent = "江淮官話", } labels["烏魯木齊話"] = { region = "[[Ürümqi]], the capital of [[Xinjiang]] Autonomous Region in far northwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Ürümqi Mandarin", "Ürümqi", "Urumqi Mandarin", "Urumqi"}, Wikidata = "Q10878256", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘭銀官話", } labels["萬榮話"] = { region = "[[Wanrong]] County in southern [[山西]] Province in central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wanrong Mandarin", "Wanrong"}, -- Wanrong County in Shanxi; there is a Wanrong Township (mountain indigenous township) -- in Hualien County, Taiwan, mostly inhabited by Taiwan Aborigines Wikidata = "Q10379509", -- article on Fenhe Mandarin plain_categories = true, parent = "汾河片", -- a variety of Central Plains Mandarin } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["威海話"] = { region = "[[Weihai]] and environs, in eastern [[山東]] Province in coastal eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Weihai Mandarin", "Weihai"}, Wikidata = "Q3025951", plain_categories = true, parent = "膠遼官話", } labels["武漢話"] = { region = "[[Wuhan]], the capital of [[Hubei]] Province in central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wuhan Mandarin", "Wuhan", "Hankou", "Hankow"}, Wikidata = "Q11124731", plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", -- actually belongs to the Wutian variety of Southwestern Mandarin } labels["西安話"] = { region = "[[Xi'an]], the capital of [[陝西]] Province in central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xi'an Mandarin", "Xi'an"}, Wikidata = "Q123700130", -- currently a redirect to [[w:Guanzhong dialect]] plain_categories = true, parent = "關中話", -- a variety of Central Plains Mandarin } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["西昌話"] = { region = "[[Xichang]], in far southern [[四川]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xichang Mandarin", "Xichang"}, Wikidata = "Q17067030", plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } labels["西寧話"] = { region = "[[Xining]], the capital of [[青海]] Province in northwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xining Mandarin", "Xining"}, Wikidata = "Q662754", -- article on Lanyin Mandarin plain_categories = true, parent = "蘭銀官話", } labels["新疆官話"] = { -- Depending on where in Xinjiang, either a variety of Lanyin Mandarin or Central Plains Mandarin. region = "[[Xinjiang]] Autonomous Region; in the north, including varieties of {{catlink|Lanyin Mandarin}} and in the south, including varieties of {{catlink|Central Plains Mandarin}}", aliases = {"Xinjiang Mandarin", "Xinjiang"}, Wikidata = "Q93684068", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["徐州話"] = { region = "[[Xuzhou]] in northwestern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xuzhou Mandarin", "Xuzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q8045307", plain_categories = true, parent = "中原官話", } labels["揚州話"] = { region = "[[Yangzhou]] in central [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yangzhou Mandarin", "Yangzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q11076194", plain_categories = true, parent = "江淮官話", } labels["銀川話"] = { region = "[[Yinchuan]], capital of [[寧夏]] Hui Autonomous Region in north-central [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yinchuan Mandarin", "Yinchuan"}, Wikidata = {"Q125021069", "Q662754"}, -- second is article on Lanyin Mandarin; "Yinchuan Mandarin" has its own Wikidata item Q125021069 but has no links plain_categories = true, parent = "蘭銀官話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["雲南官話"] = { region = "[[Yunnan]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", -- "Yunnan" as alias seems unlikely to be correct aliases = {"Yunnan Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q10881055", plain_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } ---------------------- Sichuanese ---------------------- -- The following violates normal conventions, which would use "Sichuan Mandarin". But it matches the 'Sichuanese' -- language. labels["四川"] = { def = "[[Sichuanese]], a variety of {{catlink|Southwestern Mandarin]] spoken in [[四川]] Province and [[重慶]] (a {{w|direct-administered municipality), as well as the adjacent regions of neighboring provinces, such as [[Hubei]]、[[Guizhou]]、[[Yunnan]]、[[Hunan]]和[[陝西]]", aliases = {"四川話", "四川官話", "Sichuanese", "Sichuan"}, display = "四川話", Wikidata = "Q2278732", regional_categories = true, parent = "西南官話", } labels["成都話"] = { region = "[[Chengdu]], the capital of [[四川]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Chengdu Sichuanese", "Chengdu", "Chengdu Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q11074683", plain_categories = true, parent = "成渝話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["成渝話"] = { region = "northern and eastern [[四川]] Province, the northeastern part of the {{w|Chengdu Plain}}, several cities or counties in southwestern [[四川]] ([[Panzhihua]], {{w|Dechang}}, {{w|Yanyuan}}, {{w|Huili}} and {{w|Ningnan}}), southern [[陝西]] Province and western [[Hubei]] Province", addl = "It is a primary branch of Sichuanese and is named after the principal cities of [[Chengdu]]和[[重慶]] (based on the former {{w|Yu Prefecture}}).", aliases = {"Chengyu Sichuanese", "Chengyu", "Chengyu Mandarin", "Chengdu-Chongqing", "Chengdu-Chongqing Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q5091311", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["重慶話"] = { region = "[[Chonqing]], a {{w|direct-administered municipality}} in western [[中國]]", aliases = {"Chongqing Sichuanese", "Chongqing", "Chongqing Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q15902531", plain_categories = true, parent = "成渝話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["樂山話"] = { region = "[[Leshan]] in [[四川]] Province, in southwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Leshan Sichuanese", "Leshan", "Leshan Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q6530337", plain_categories = true, parent = "岷江話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["岷江話"] = { region = "the [[Min]] River in [[四川]] Province or along the [[Yangtze]] in the southern and western parts of the {{w|Sichuan Basin}}, in southwestern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Sichuanese.", aliases = {"Minjiang Sichuanese", "Minjiang", "Minjiang Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q6867767", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["仁富小片"] = { region = "the lower reaches of the {{w|Tuo River|Tuo}} and [[Min]] Rivers in the {{w|Sichuan Basin}} in central-southern [[四川]] Province", addl = "It is a primary branch of Sichuanese and is named after {{w|Renshou County}} and {{w|Fushun County, Sichuan|Fushun County}}.", -- Jianggong is used by zhwiki. aliases = {"Renfu Sichuanese", "Renfu", "Renfu Mandarin", "Renshou-Fushun", "Renshou-Fushun Mandarin", "Renshou-Fushun Sichuanese", "Jianggong", "Jianggong Mandarin", "Jianggong Sichuanese"}, Wikidata = "Q10883781", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["雅棉話"] = { region = "an area surrounding and to the southwest of [[Ya'an]] in central [[四川]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Sichuanese and named after the city of [[Ya'an]] and {{w|Shimian County}} to the southwest.", aliases = {"Yamian Sichuanese", "Yamian", "Yamian Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q56243639", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["自貢話"] = { region = "[[Zigong]] in southeastern [[四川]] Province in southwestern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zigong Sichuanese", "Zigong", "Zigong Mandarin"}, Wikidata = "Q8071810", plain_categories = true, parent = "仁富小片", } ------------------------------------------ Min ------------------------------------------ labels["閩"] = { def = "a broad group of {{w|Sinitic languages}} spoken in most of [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]; in nearly all of coastal [[臺灣]]; in coastal eastern [[廣東]] Province; on the [[Leizhou]] Peninsula in southernmost [[廣東]] Province; on [[Hainan]] Island south of [[廣東]]; in isolated pockets in southern [[浙江]] Province; and in overseas communities across [[東南亞]] as well as [[Japan]], the [[United States]]和[[Canada]]", aliases = {"閩語", "Min"}, display = "閩語", Wikidata = "Q56504", regional_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["閩中"] = { region = "the {{w|Sha River}} valley in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Sanming]] in central mountainous [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]], consisting of the [[county-level city]] of [[Yong'an]], the urban {{w|Sanyuan District|Sanyuan}} and {{w|Meilie District}}s of [[Sanming]], and the {{w|Shaxian District}} (formerly {{w|Sha County}})", aliases = {"閩中語", "Central Min", "Min Zhong"}, display = "閩中語", Wikidata = "Q56435", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿山閩語", } labels["沿海閩語"] = { def = "{{catlink|閩語}}的一個分支,分布在[[福建]]中北部內陸地區,分布在[[福建]]、[[海南]]、[[廣東]]東部及南部沿海、[[浙江]]東南部等地、[[臺灣]]、[[馬來西亞]]、[[新加坡]]等地,以及[[日本]]、[[加拿大]]、[[美國]]的華裔、臺裔社群。", addl = "沿海閩語的使用者佔了閩語使用者的大多數,但其多樣性也比{{catlink|沿山閩語}}來得低。", aliases = {"Coastal Min", "coastal Min"}, Wikidata = "Q20667215", parent = "閩語", } -- The following violates normal conventions, which would use "Hainanese Min' or 'Hainan Min'. But it matches the -- 'Hainanese' language and Wikipedia. labels["海南"] = { region = "使用者分布於[[海南島]]東部、南部、西南地區的沿海,在[[新加坡]]、[[馬來西亞]]、[[泰國]]、[[印度尼西亞]]、[[柬埔寨]]和[[越南]]的海南裔{{w|海外華人}}社區,以及[[美國]]、[[加拿大]]、[[澳大利亞]]、[[法國]]、[[英國]]、[[荷蘭]]、[[德國]]、[[日本]]、[[韓國]]、[[俄羅斯]]、[[以色列]]、[[阿拉伯聯合酋長國]]、[[新加坡]]、[[馬來西亞]]、[[泰國]]、[[印度尼西亞]]、[[柬埔寨]]和[[越南]]的海南裔{{w|海外華人}}社群也有使用。", addl = "海南語的分類地位尚存爭議,有些人視其為{{catlink|閩南語}}的一支,有人將其視作{{catlink|沿海閩語}}的一個獨立分支,也有人將其和{{catlink|雷州話}}合稱為{{w|瓊雷話}},前者稱瓊文片、後者稱雷州片,二者共同作為沿海閩語的一個分支。", aliases = {"海南話", "Hainanese", "Hainan Min", "Hainanese Min", "Hainan Min Chinese"}, display = "海南話", Wikidata = "Q934541", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿海閩語", } labels["沿山閩語"] = { def = "{{catlink|閩語}}的一個分支,分布在[[福建]]中北部內陸地區。", addl = "儘管沿山閩語使用者僅佔閩語使用者的不到10%,但與{{catlink|沿海閩語}}相比,沿山敏與的多樣性更高。", aliases = {"Inland Min", "inland Min"}, Wikidata = "Q20667237", parent = "閩語", } labels["雷州"] = { region = "the {{w|Leizhou Penisula}}, particularly the [[county-level city]] of [[Leizhou]]; {{w|Mazhang}} District and parts of [[Xiashan District]] of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Zhanjiang]]; {{w|Xuwen County}} and most parts of [[Suixi County, Guangdong|Suixi County]] in [[Zhanjiang]]; as well as by migrants in [[香港]]、[[澳門]]、[[臺灣]]、[[新加坡]]、[[馬來西亞]]、[[印度尼西亞]] and the [[United States]]", aliases = {"雷州話", "Leizhou Min", "Leizhou"}, display = "雷州話", Wikidata = "Q1988433", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿海閩語", } ---------------------- Puxian Min ---------------------- labels["莆仙"] = { prep = "between", region = "[[:Category:Southern Min Chinese|Southern Min]]和[[:Category:Eastern Min Chinese|Eastern Min]] territory in coastal [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]], especially in the urban parts of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Putian]] and in {{w|Xianyou County}}; in some parts of [[Fuzhou]]和[[Quanzhou]]; in {{w|Wuqiu Township, Kinmen County}}, under the jurisdiction of [[臺灣]]; and {{w|Overseas Chinese|overseas}} in [[Malayia]]、[[印度尼西亞]]和[[新加坡]]", aliases = {"莆仙語", "Puxian Min", "Puxian", "Pu-Xian Min", "Pu-Xian", "Xinghua", "Hinghwa"}, display = "莆仙語", Wikidata = "Q56583", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿海閩語", } labels["莆田話"] = { region = "[[中國]][[福建省]]東部[[莆田市]]的城區", aliases = {"Putian Puxian Min", "Putian"}, Wikidata = "Q18748007", plain_categories = true, parent = "莆仙語", } labels["仙遊話"] = { region = "[[中國]][[福建省]]東部[[莆田市]][[仙遊縣]]的城區", aliases = {"Xianyou Puxian Min", "Xianyou"}, Wikidata = "Q18748008", plain_categories = true, parent = "莆仙語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["邵將"] = { region = "an area centered on the western part of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Nanping]] in northwest [[福建]] Province, specifically in {{w|Guangze County}}, western {{w|Shunchang County}} and the [[county-level city]] of [[Shaowu]], as well as {{w|Jiangle County}} under the jurisdiction of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Sanming]]", addl = "The classification of Shaojiang Min is disputed, as it is transitional between {{catlink|Northern Min Chinese}} and {{catlink|Gan Chinese}}.", aliases = {"邵將語", "邵將話", "Shaojiang Min", "Shaojiang"}, display = "邵將語", Wikidata = "Q3431451", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿山閩語", } labels["中山閩語"] = { def = "{{catlink|沿海閩語}}底下的一組群體,由三個分布於[[廣東省]][[中山市]]的方言島組成", addl = "這三種方言可能並不是一個[[分支]]。一些學者,例如{{w|包擬古}},認為[[:Category:隆都話|隆都話]]和[[:Category:南蓢話|南蓢話]]屬於{{catlink|閩東語}},而[[:Category:三鄉話|三鄉話]]屬於{{catlink|閩南語}}。", -- No alias for Zhongshan because there is also Zhongshan Cantonese. aliases = {"Zhongshan Min"}, display = "中山閩語", Wikidata = "Q8070958", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿海閩語", } ---------------------- Eastern Min ---------------------- labels["閩東"] = { def = "a branch of the {{w|Sinitic languages}} spoken in eastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]], as well as in parts of extreme southern [[浙江]] Province to the north of Fujian and in the [[Matsu]] Islands (belonging to [[臺灣]])", aliases = {"閩東語", "Eastern Min", "Min Dong"}, display = "閩東語", Wikidata = "Q36455", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿海閩語", } labels["閩東語方言"] = { aliases = {"dialectal Eastern Min", "dialectal Min Dong"}, Wikidata = "Q36455", -- article for Eastern Min regional_categories = "閩東", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["長樂話"] = { region = "[[Changle]] District, an urban district of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Fuzhou]], the capital of [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Changle Eastern Min", "Changle"}, Wikidata = "Q19856351", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["福安話"] = { -- The representative variety of Funing Eastern Min. region = "the urban part of the [[county-level city]] of [[Fu'an]] in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Fu'an Eastern Min", "Fu'an"}, Wikidata = "Q7216573", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["福鼎話"] = { region = "most parts of the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Fuding}} in far northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Fuding Eastern Min", "Fuding", "Tongshan", "Tongshan Eastern Min"}, Wikidata = "Q19853248", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["福寧片"] = { -- A primary branch; should possibly be called North Eastern Min. region = "most parts of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Ningde]] in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]] (except for {{w|Gutian County}} and {{w|Pingnan County, Fujian|Pingnan County}})", aliases = {"Funing Eastern Min", "Funing"}, Wikidata = "Q18943896", plain_categories = true, parent = "閩東語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["福清話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of [[Fuqing]] in eastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Fuqing Eastern Min", "Fuqing"}, Wikidata = "Q15895753", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["侯官片"] = { -- A primary branch; should possibly be called South Eastern Min. -- Other varieties of Fuzhou (Houguan) Eastern Min not given entries here because they have no associated Wikipedia -- articles or Wikidata entries: -- Minhou Eastern Min -- Youxi Eastern Min -- Dai Yunshan Eastern Min -- Yongtai Eastern Min -- Pingnan Eastern Min -- Pingtan Eastern Min -- Luoyuan Eastern Min region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Fuzhou]] and environs, in eastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]; also the offshore [[Matsu]] Islands (belonging to [[臺灣]]), and overseas in [[泰國]]、[[新加坡]]、[[馬來西亞]]和[[印度尼西亞]]", addl = "Here, ''Fuzhou'' is used in the broad sense, corresponding to the Wikipedia article on {{w|Fuzhou dialect}} and sometimes given the technical name of ''Houguan Eastern Min''. The prestige form, spoken in central urban Fuzhou, can be found under {{catlink|Urban Fuzhou Eastern Min}}.", aliases = {"Fuzhou Eastern Min", "Fuzhou", "Houguan Eastern Min", "Houguan"}, -- Of the following two, the first one is for [[w:Fuzhou dialect]], which describes the broad sense of the -- "Fuzhou dialect", which is the same as Houguan; the second one is for [[w:zh:侯官片]] = "Houguan subgroup". -- The narrow sense of "Fuzhou dialect" uses the label "Urban Fouzhou Eastern Min". Wikidata = {"Q35571", "Q18943758"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "閩東語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["古田話"] = { region = "{{w|Gutian County}} in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]; also found overseas in the city of {{w|Sibu}} and the town of {{w|Sitiawan}} in [[馬來西亞]]", aliases = {"Gutian Eastern Min", "Gutian"}, Wikidata = "Q18944085", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["連江話"] = { region = "{{w|Lianjiang County}} in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Lianjiang Eastern Min"}, -- No alias for Lianjiang because there's also another Lianjiang (廉江). Wikidata = "Q19856291", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蠻講"] = { -- A primary branch. Has some influences from Wu, but usually classified as Eastern Min. -- Chinese Wikipedia distinguishes between "Manjiang" (蛮讲) and "Manhua" (蛮话) and claims they are two -- distinct varieties, but I think this is based on confusion; for example, they both have the same ISO 639-6 -- code "maua", and the English Wikipedia specifically asserts that both 蛮讲 and 蛮话 are the same. region = "parts of far southeastern [[浙江]] Province bordering [[福建]] Province; specifically, {{w|Taishun County}} and {{w|Cangnan County}} (part of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Wenzhou]]) and parts of {{w|Qingyuan County, Zhejiang|Qingyuan County}} (part of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Lishui]])", addl = "The Manjiang varieties show significant influence from {{catlink|Wu Chinese}}, to the extent that some researchers have classified them as Wu. They also have significant subtratal influences, perhaps from a formerly spoken [[Austronesian]] or [[Kra-Dai]] language.", aliases = {"Manjiang Eastern Min", "Manjiang", "Manhua Eastern Min", "Manhua", "Mango Eastern Min", "Mango"}, Wikidata = "Q3431721", plain_categories = true, parent = "閩東語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["馬祖話"] = { region = "the [[Matsu]] Islands, under the jurisdiction of [[臺灣]] but offshore from {{w|Lianjiang County}} in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", addl = "The Matsu variety is close to the {{catlink|Lianjiang Eastern Min}} variety.", aliases = {"Matsu Eastern Min", "Matsu"}, Wikidata = "Q19599280", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["閩清話"] = { region = "{{w|Minqing County}} in eastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Minqing Eastern Min", "Minqing"}, Wikidata = "Q48897247", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["寧德話"] = { region = "urban areas of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Ningde]] in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Ningde Eastern Min", "Ningde"}, Wikidata = "Q18941249", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["壽寧話"] = { region = "[[中國]][[福建]]省東南的{{w|壽寧縣}}", aliases = {"Shouning Eastern Min", "Shouning"}, Wikidata = "Q19852223", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["福州話"] = { -- The representative variety of Fuzhou (Houguan) Eastern Min. region = "urban areas of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Fuzhou]] in eastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Urban Fuzhou Eastern Min", "Urban Fuzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q35571", plain_categories = true, parent = "侯官片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["霞浦話"] = { region = "[[Xiapu]] County in coastal northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xiapu Eastern Min", "Xiapu"}, Wikidata = "Q15899756", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["柘榮話"] = { region = "{{w|Zherong County}} in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zherong Eastern Min", "Zherong"}, Wikidata = "Q19852850", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["周寧話"] = { region = "{{w|Zhouning County}} in northeastern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhouning Eastern Min", "Zhouning", "Zhoudun", "Zhoudun Eastern Min"}, Wikidata = "Q19852132", plain_categories = true, parent = "福寧片", } ---------------------- Northern Min ---------------------- labels["閩北"] = { def = "a branch of the {{catlink|Inland Min}} languages spoken in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Nanping]] in northwestern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"閩北語", "Northern Min", "Min Bei"}, display = "閩北語", Wikidata = "Q36457", regional_categories = true, parent = "沿山閩語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["崇安話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Wuyishan, Fujian|Wuyishan}} (formerly Chong'an County) in northwestern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Chong'an Northern Min", "Chong'an", "Wuyishan Northern Min", "Wuyishan"}, Wikidata = "Q19855654", plain_categories = true, parent = "西溪片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["東溪片"] = { -- A primary branch. Maybe should be called East Northern Min. Note here that Dongxi is 東溪 (dōngxī); here dōng -- means "east", but the second xī does not mean "west" but more like "stream" or "creek". -- No Wikidata link or Wikipedia entry for this plain_categories = true, parent = "閩北語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["西溪片"] = { -- A primary branch. Maybe should be called West Northern Min. Note here that Xixi is 西溪 (xīxī); here the first -- xī means "west", but the second xī does not mean "west" but more like "stream" or "creek". -- No Wikidata link or Wikipedia entry for this plain_categories = true, parent = "閩北語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["建甌話"] = { -- The representative variety of Dongxi Northern Min. region = "the [[county-level city]] of [[Jian'ou]] in northern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jian'ou Northern Min", "Jian'ou"}, Wikidata = "Q6191447", plain_categories = true, parent = "東溪片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["建陽話"] = { -- The representative variety of Xixi Northern Min. region = "[[Jianyang]] District of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Nanping]] in northwestern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jianyang Northern Min", "Jianyang"}, Wikidata = "Q16930647", plain_categories = true, parent = "西溪片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["南平話"] = { aliases = {"Nanping Northern Min", "Nanping"}, Wikidata = "Q68534", -- the entry for the city of Nanping; currently no article for the lect plain_categories = true, parent = "東溪片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["松溪話"] = { region = "{{w|Songxi County}} in northern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Songxi Northern Min", "Songxi"}, Wikidata = "Q19855892", plain_categories = true, parent = "東溪片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["政和話"] = { region = "{{w|Zhenghe County}} in northern [[福建]] Province in southeast [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhenghe Northern Min", "Zhenghe"}, Wikidata = "Q19855758", plain_categories = true, parent = "東溪片", } ---------------------- Southern Min ---------------------- labels["閩南"] = { aliases = {"閩南語", "Southern Min", "Min Nan"}, display = "閩南語", Wikidata = "Q36495", regional_categories = true, track = true, parent = "沿岸閩語", } labels["閩南語方言"] = { aliases = {"dialectal Southern Min", "dialectal Min Nan"}, Wikidata = "Q36495", -- article for Eastern Min regional_categories = "閩南", } labels["大田"] = { region = "[[Datian]] County in central [[Fujian]] Province in southeastern [[China]]", aliases = {"大田話", "Datian Min", "Datian"}, display = "大田話", Wikidata = "Q19855572", regional_categories = true, parent = "閩南語", othercat = "大田話詞元", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["海陸豐"] = { region = "[[Haifeng]] County and {{w|Lufeng, Guangdong|Lufeng City}} in eastern [[Guangdong]] Province in southern [[China]]", aliases = {"海陸豐話", "海陸豐閩語", "Hailufeng", "Haklau Min", "Hoklo Min", "Haklau", "Hoklo"}, display = "海陸豐話", Wikidata = "Q120755728", regional_categories = true, parent = "閩南語", othercat = "海陸豐話詞元", } labels["龍巖"] = { region = "urban [[Longyan]] in southwestern [[Fujian]] Province in southeastern [[China]]", display = "龍巖話", aliases = {"龍巖話", "龍巖閩語", "Longyan Min", "Longyan", "Longyan Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q6674568", regional_categories = true, parent = "閩南語", othercat = "龍巖話詞元", } labels["三鄉"] = { region = "the town of [[Sanxiang]], in [[Zhongshan]] in the southern part of [[Guangdong]] Province in southern [[China]]", display = "三鄉話", aliases = {"三鄉話", "三鄉閩語", "Sanxiang Min", "Sanxiang"}, Wikidata = "Q7420769", regional_categories = true, parent = "閩南語,中山閩語", othercat = "三鄉話詞元", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["浙南"] = { aliases = {"浙南閩語", "Zhenan Min", "Zhenan"}, display = "浙南閩語", Wikidata = "Q3846710", regional_categories = true, parent = "閩南語", othercat = "浙南閩語詞元", } ---------------- Hokkien ---------------- labels["泉漳"] = { region = "[[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國大陸]]; [[臺灣]]; and {{w|Overseas Chinese|overseas}} in various countries", country = "China,Taiwan,Singapore,Malaysia,the Philippines,Indonesia,Cambodia,Myanmar,Hong Kong,Thailand,Brunei", aliases = {"泉漳話", "泉漳片", "Hokkien"}, display = "泉漳話", Wikidata = "Q1624231", regional_categories = true, parent = "閩南語", othercat = "Hokkien lemmas", } labels["安溪話"] = { region = "{{w|Anxi County}} in the prefecture-level city of [[Quanzhou]] in southern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Anxi Hokkien", "Anxi"}, Wikipedia = "zh:安溪县#語言文化", Wikidata = "Q613673", -- Anxi County plain_categories = true, parent = "泉州話", } labels["長泰話"] = { region = "[[Changtai]] District in the prefecture-level city of [[Zhangzhou]] in southeastern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Changtai Hokkien", "Changtai"}, Wikipedia = "Changtai, Zhangzhou#Local Dialect", Wikidata = "Q1062148", -- [[w:Changtai, Zhangzhou]] plain_categories = true, parent = "漳州話", } labels["新竹臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Hsinchu]] in northwestern [[臺灣]]", -- Following info from [[w:Taiwanese_Hokkien#Quanzhou–Zhangzhou inclinations]]. addl = "It is a mixed [[:Category:Quanzhou Hokkien|Quanzhou]]-[[:Category:Zhangzhou Hokkien|Zhangzhou]] variety similar to {{catlink|Tong'an Hokkien}}.", aliases = {"Hsinchu Hokkien", "Hsinchu"}, Wikipedia = "zh:新竹市#語言", plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", } labels["惠安話"] = { region = "[[Hui'an]] County in southern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Hui'an Hokkien", "Hui'an"}, Wikidata = "Q16241797", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Same as Medan Hokkien? labels["印度尼西亞福建話"] = { region = "[[印度尼西亞]], especially in the city of [[Medan]] in [[North Sumatra]]", country = "Indonesia", aliases = {"Indonesian Hokkien", "Indonesia Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q6805114", -- article for Medan Hokkien plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞福建話", othercat = "印度尼西亞漢語", } labels["晉江話"] = { region = "the city of [[Jinjiang]], near [[Quanzhou]] in the southern part of [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jinjiang Hokkien", "Jinjiang"}, Wikidata = "Q2251677", -- article for Quanzhou Hokkien plain_categories = true, parent = true, -- or Quanzhou Hokkien? } labels["高雄臺灣話"] = { -- Taiwanese. Per [[w:Taiwanese_Hokkien#Quanzhou–Zhangzhou inclinations]], mixed Quanzhou-Zhangzhou dialect -- similar to Amoy accent. region = "[[Kaohsiung]] in southern [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Kaohsiung Hokkien", "Kaohsiung"}, Wikipedia = "Kaohsiung#Languages", plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", } labels["金門話"] = { region = "[[Kinmen]] County, a group of [[Taiwanese]] islands off the coast of [[Mainland China]], near [[Xiamen]] (although in {{w|Wuqiu, Kinmen|Wuqiu Township}}, {{catlink|Puxian Min}} is spoken)", addl = "Mostly derived from {{catlink|Quanzhou Hokkien}}.", aliases = {"Kinmenese Hokkien", "Kinmen Hokkien", "Kinmenese", "Kinmen"}, Wikidata = "Q56278342", Wikipedia = "金門#語言", plain_categories = true, parent = "廈門話", } labels["鹿港臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Lukang]] Township in [[Changhua]] County, [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Lukang Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q701693", -- article on Lukang Township plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", -- Following info from [[w:Taiwanese_Hokkien#Quanzhou–Zhangzhou inclinations]]. othercat = "泉州話", } labels["馬來西亞福建話"] = { region = "馬來西亞", addl = "There are two markedly different varieties: {{catlink|Southern Malaysian Hokkien}} (based on {{catlink|Quanzhou Hokkien}}) and {{catlink|Penang Hokkien}} (based on {{catlink|Zhangzhou Hokkien}}).", aliases = {"Malaysian Hokkien", "Malaysia Hokkien"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞福建話", othercat = "馬來西亞漢語", } labels["馬公臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Magong]], the seat of [[Penghu]] County (the [[Pescadores]] Islands) in [[臺灣]])", aliases = {"Magong Hokkien", "Magong"}, Wikidata = "Q701428", -- article on Magong city in Penghu County plain_categories = true, parent = "澎湖臺灣話", } labels["棉蘭福建話"] = { region = "[[Medan]], the capital city of [[North Sumatra]] province in [[印度尼西亞]]", aliases = {"Medan Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q6805114", plain_categories = true, parent = "印度尼西亞福建話", othercat = "漳州話", } labels["非中國大陸泉漳話"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese outside of [[中國大陸]], including in [[香港]]和[[澳門]] due to their special history", display = "非[[中國大陸]][[w:泉漳片|泉漳話]]", aliases = {"non-Mainland Hokkien", "Non-Mainland Hokkien", "non-mainland Hokkien"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "+,非中國大陸", } labels["海外泉漳話"] = { prep = "outside of", region = "[[中國大陸]]、[[臺灣]]、[[香港]]和[[澳門]]", aliases = {"Overseas", "Overseas Hokkien"}, Wikipedia = "Hoklo people#Diaspora", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸", othercat = "海外漢語", } labels["庇能福建話"] = { region = "{{w|馬來半島}}西北部的[[檳城]]州,本地話稱作[[庇能]]", aliases = {"檳城福建話", "庇能", "檳城", "Penang Hokkien", "Penang"}, Wikidata = "Q11120689", plain_categories = true, parent = "馬來西亞福建話", othercat = "漳州話", } labels["澎湖臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Penghu]] County in [[臺灣]], also known as the [[Pescadores]] Islands", addl = "Mostly derived from {{catlink|Tong'an Hokkien}}.", aliases = {"Penghu Hokkien", "Penghu"}, Wikipedia = "Penghu#Language", plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", } labels["咱人話"] = { region = "[[Manila]] in the [[菲律賓]]", country = "the Philippines", aliases = {"菲律賓福建話", "Philippine Hokkien", "PH Hokkien", "Ph Hokkien", "PH", "PHH", "Philippines Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q3236692", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞福建話", othercat = "Quanzhou Hokkien,Philippine Chinese", } labels["泉州話"] = { region = "the city of [[Quanzhou]] and surrounding area, in the southern part of [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Quanzhou Hokkien", "Quanzhou", "Chinchew", "Choanchew"}, Wikidata = "Q2251677", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["三峽臺灣話"] = { region = "{{w|Sanxia District}}, in the southwestern part of [[New Taipei]]、[[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Sanxia Hokkien", "Sanxia"}, Wikidata = "Q570349", -- article on Sanxia District (in New Taipei City) plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", } -- We use 'Singapore Hokkien' not 'Singaporean Hokkien' despite the Wikipedia article both to match all the other -- Singapore language varieties (which say 'Singapore' not 'Singaporean') and because the form with 'Singapore' seeems -- actually more common in Google Scholar. labels["新加坡福建話"] = { region = "新加坡", aliases = {"Singapore Hokkien", "Singaporean Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q3846528", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞福建話", othercat = "新加坡漢語", } labels["東南亞福建話"] = { region = "[[東南亞]], stretching from [[Myanmar]] ([[Burma]]) in the northwest, to the [[菲律賓]] in the northeast, to [[印度尼西亞]] in the south", Wikipedia = {"Southeast Asian Hokkien", "Hoklo people#Diaspora", "東南亞"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "海外泉漳話", othercat = "東南亞漢語", } labels["南馬來西亞泉漳話"] = { region = "central and southern {{w|Peninsular Malaysia}}", aliases = {"Southern Malaysian Hokkien", "Southern Malaysia Hokkien", "Southern Peninsular Malaysian Hokkien", "Southern Peninsular Malaysia Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q7570322", plain_categories = true, parent = "馬來西亞福建話", othercat = "泉州話", } labels["臺中臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Taichung]], in central [[臺灣]]", -- No alias for Taichung because there's also Taichung Mandarin ([[w:zh:台中腔]]). addl = "Mostly derived from {{catlink|Zhangzhou Hokkien}}.", -- per [[w:Taiwanese_Hokkien#Quanzhou–Zhangzhou inclinations]] aliases = {"Taichung Hokkien"}, Wikidata = "Q245023", -- article on Taichung plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", othercat = "漳州話", } labels["臺南臺灣話"] = { -- Per [[w:zh:臺灣話#方言差]], part of "臺南混合腔" = "Tainan mixed dialect". region = "[[Tainan]], in southern [[臺灣]]", aliases = {"Tainan Hokkien", "Tainan"}, Wikipedia = "zh:臺南市#語言", Wikidata = "Q140631", -- article on Tainan plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", } labels["臺北臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Taipei]], the capital of [[臺灣]], in the north", addl = "It is a mixed [[:Category:Quanzhou Hokkien|Quanzhou]]-[[:Category:Zhangzhou Hokkien|Zhangzhou]] variety similar to {{catlink|Tong'an Hokkien}}.", -- per [[w:Taiwanese_Hokkien#Quanzhou–Zhangzhou inclinations]] aliases = {"Taipei Hokkien", "Taipei"}, Wikidata = "Q1867", -- article on Taipei plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", } labels["臺灣話"] = { region = "臺灣", aliases = {"Taiwanese Hokkien", "Taiwanese Southern Min", "Taiwanese Min Nan", "Taiwan Hokkien", "Taiwan Southern Min", "Taiwan Min Nan"}, Wikidata = "Q36778", plain_categories = true, track = true, parent = "非中國大陸泉漳話", othercat = "臺灣漢語", } labels["同安話"] = { -- Per [[zh:同安区#語言]], one of four main dialects of Hokkien in the southern Fujian region, -- along with Quanzhou, Zhangzhou and Xiamen. But that doesn't quite make sense, as Tong'an is part of Xiamen. region = "[[Tong'an]] District of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Xiamen]] in southeastern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Tong'an Hokkien", "Tong'an"}, Wikipedia = "zh:同安区#語言", Wikidata = "Q1025342", plain_categories = true, parent = "廈門話", } labels["廈門話"] = { region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Xiamen]] and surrounding area, in southeastern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xiamen Hokkien", "Xiamen", "Amoy"}, Wikidata = "Q2705752", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["宜蘭臺灣話"] = { region = "[[Yilan]] County in northeastern [[臺灣]]", addl = "It is relatively pure {{catlink|Zhangzhou Hokkien}}.", -- per [[w:zh:臺灣話]] aliases = {"Yilan Hokkien", "Yilan"}, Wikipedia = "zh:漳州话#與其他閩南語方言的比較", Wikidata = "Q237258", -- Yilan County, Taiwan plain_categories = true, parent = "臺灣話", othercat = "漳州話", } labels["永春話"] = { region = "[[Yongchun]] County in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Quanzhou]] in southeastern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]; also {{w|Overseas Chinese|overseas}} in [[臺灣]]、[[馬來西亞]]、[[新加坡]]、[[印度尼西亞]]、[[菲律賓]]、[[Brunei]]和[[Myanmar]]", aliases = {"Yongchun Hokkien", "Yongchun"}, Wikidata = "Q65118728", plain_categories = true, parent = "泉州話", } labels["詔安泉漳話"] = { region = "{{w|Zhao'an County}} in southernmost [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhao'an Hokkien"}, Wikipedia = "zh:詔安縣#詔安閩南語", plain_categories = true, parent = "漳州話", } labels["漳平話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Zhangping}} in southwestern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhangping Hokkien", "Zhangping"}, Wikidata = "Q15937822", plain_categories = true, parent = "漳州話", } labels["漳州話"] = { region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Zhangzhou]] and surrounding areas, in southern [[福建]] Province in southeastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhangzhou Hokkien", "Zhangzhou", "Changchew"}, Wikidata = "Q8070492", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } ---------------- Teochew ---------------- -- The following violates normal conventions, which would use "Teochew Southern Min" or possibly "Teochew Min". But it -- matches the 'Teochew' full language. labels["潮州"] = { -- TODO: 大語言改成潮汕話 Wikidata = "Q24841591", -- article for [[w:Chaoshan Min]]; not [[w:Teochew dialect]], which is a dialect of this language aliases = {"潮州話", "Teochew"}, display = "潮州話", regional_categories = true, track = true, } labels["潮州話"] = { aliases = {"Chaozhou"}, Wikidata = "Q36759", plain_categories = true, } labels["揭陽話"] = { aliases = {"Jieyang"}, Wikidata = "Q26323", -- article for Jieyang in Guangdong, China plain_categories = true, } labels["非中國大陸潮州話"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese outside of [[中國大陸]], including in [[香港]]和[[澳門]] due to their special history", display = "非[[中國大陸]][[w:潮州話|潮州話]]", aliases = {"Non-Mainland Teochew", "non-mainland Teochew"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "+,非中國大陸", } labels["海外潮州話"] = { prep = "outside of", region = "[[中國大陸]]、[[臺灣]]、[[香港]]和[[澳門]]", aliases = {"Overseas Teochew"}, Wikipedia = "潮州人", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸潮州話", othercat = "海外漢語", } labels["坤甸潮州話"] = { -- spoken in West Kalimantan, Indonesia aliases = {"Pontianak Teochew"}, Wikidata = "Q14168", -- article for Pontianak; "Pontianak Teochew" has its own Wikidata entry Q106560423, but it has no links plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞潮州話", othercat = "坤甸漢語", } labels["新加坡潮州話"] = { aliases = {"Singapore Teochew", "Singaporean Teochew"}, Wikipedia = "潮州人#Teochew immigration to Singapore", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞潮州話", othercat = "新加坡漢語", } labels["東南亞潮州話"] = { region = "[[東南亞]], stretching from [[Myanmar]] ([[Burma]]) in the northwest, to the [[菲律賓]] in the northeast, to [[印度尼西亞]] in the south", aliases = {"Southeast Asian Teochew"}, Wikipedia = {"潮州人", "東南亞"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "海外潮州話", othercat = "東南亞漢語", } labels["泰國潮州話"] = { aliases = {"Thai Teochew", "Thailand Teochew"}, Wikipedia = "華裔泰國人#語言", plain_categories = true, parent = "東南亞潮州話", othercat = "泰國漢語", } ------------------------------------------ Pinghua ------------------------------------------ labels["平話"] = { aliases = {"Pinghua", "Ping"}, Wikidata = "Q2735715", regional_categories = true, } labels["桂林平話"] = { Wikidata = "Q84302463", -- article for Northern Pinghua; redirects in both English and Chinese to Pinghua article aliases = {"Guilin Pinghua"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "桂北平話", } labels["南寧平話"] = { Wikidata = "Q84302019", -- article for Southern Pinghua; redirects in both English and Chinese to Pinghua article aliases = {"Nanning Pinghua"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "桂南平話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["桂北平話"] = { Wikidata = "Q84302463", -- redirects in both English and Chinese to Pinghua article plain_categories = true, parent = "Pinghua", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["桂南平話"] = { Wikidata = "Q84302019", -- redirects in both English and Chinese to Pinghua article plain_categories = true, parent = "Pinghua", } ------------------------------------------ Wu ------------------------------------------ labels["吳"] = { Wikidata = "Q34290", aliases = {"吳語", "Wu"}, display = "吳語", regional_categories = true, } labels["吳語方言"] = { Wikidata = "Q34290", -- article for Wu Chinese regional_categories = "吳", } -- labels["Zhejiang"] = { -- -- several dialects of different subgroups -- aliases = {"Zhejiang"}, -- Wikipedia = "Zhejiang", -- plain_categories = true, -- } ---------------------- Northern Wu ---------------------- -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["安吉話"] = { region = "{{w|Anji County}} in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Anji Wu", "Anji"}, Wikidata = "Q111270089", plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["長興話"] = { region = "[[Changxing]] County in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Changxing Wu", "Changxing"}, Wikidata = "Q111269900", plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["常州話"] = { region = "the city of [[Changzhou]] in southern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]], along with surrounding areas", aliases = {"Changzhounese Wu", "Changzhou Wu", "Changzhou", "Changzhounese"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Changzhounese Wu'. display = "常州話", Wikidata = "Q1021819", plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", } labels["丹陽話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Danyang}} in southern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is on the border between Wu Chinese (to the south) and Mandarin Chinese (to the north).", aliases = {"Danyang Wu", "Danyang"}, Wikidata = "Q925293", -- article for Danyang, Jiangsu plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["德清話"] = { region = "[[Deqing]] County in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Deqing Wu", "Deqing"}, Wikidata = "Q109343820", plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["富陽話"] = { region = "parts of {{w|Fuyang District}} in the city of [[Hangzhou]], the capital of [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]; located in the northwest part of the province", addl = "The dialect geography in Fuyang District is complex, with multiple dialects from distinct groupings spoken in close proximity and several dialect islands.", aliases = {"Fuyang Wu", "Fuyang"}, Wikidata = "Q125503323", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["海寧話"] = { region = "{{w|Haining}}, a [[county-level city]] in northern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Haining Wu", "Xiashi", "Xiashi Wu", "Haining"}, Wikidata = "Q286266", -- article for Haining city plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["海鹽話"] = { region = "{{w|Haiyang County, Zhejiang|Haiyang County}} in northern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Haiyan Wu", "Haiyan"}, Wikidata = "Q1334198", -- article for Haiyan prefecture plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } labels["杭州話"] = { region = "the city of [[Hangzhou]] in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]], and its immediate suburbs", addl = "It is an isolated variety of Northern Wu with heavy influence from Northern Mandarin lects due to migration during the {{w|Southern Song dynasty}}, but without significant influence from the nearby {{catlink|江淮官話}} lects.", aliases = {"Hangzhounese Wu", "Hangzhou", "Hangzhounese", "Hangzhou Wu"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Hangzhounese Wu'. display = "杭州話", Wikidata = "Q5648144", plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } labels["湖州話"] = { region = "the urban ({{w|Wuxing District}}) and suburban ({{w|Nanxun District}}) parts of [[Huzhou]] in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Huzhounese Wu", "Huzhou", "Huzhou Wu", "Huzhounese"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Huzhounese Wu'. display = "湖州話", Wikidata = "Q15901269", plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["江陰話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of [[Jiangyin]] in southeast [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jiangyin Wu", "Jiangyin"}, Wikidata = "Q6191803", plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", -- but transitional to Sujiahu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["嘉興話"] = { region = "the urban {{w|Xiuzhou District|Xiuzhou}} and {{Nanhu District}}s of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Jiaxing]] in far northern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jiaxing Wu", "Jiaxing"}, Wikidata = "Q30130993", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["偒傣話"] = { region = "the town of {{w|lang=zh|金汇镇|Jinhui}} in the suburban [[Fengxian]] District of [[上海]], in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jinhui Wu", "Jinhui", "Dangdai Wu", "Dangdai", "Dônđäc"}, Wikidata = "Q16259341", plain_categories = true, parent = "上海郊區話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["金壇話"] = { region = "{{w|Jintan District}} of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Changzhou]] in southern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jintan Wu", "Jintan"}, Wikidata = "Q15904190", plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["金鄉話"] = { region = "[[Cangnan]] County in far southern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is an exclave of Northern Wu surrounded by [[:Category:Southern Min languages|Southern Min]] varieties.", aliases = {"Jinxiang Wu", "Jinxiang"}, Wikidata = "Q2427960", plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["靖江話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of [[Jingjiang]] in southeast [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "The current urban center of Jingjiang uses a {{catlink|江淮官話}} variety, but the Wu variety is still spoken in the rural coastal parts, thus gaining the nickname {{lang|zh|老岸話}} ('Old Coast Speech')", aliases = {"Jingjiang Wu", "Lao'an", "Jingjiang", "Lao'an"}, Wikipedia = "zh:老岸话", -- no Wikidata item yet plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["臨安話"] = { region = "{{w|Lin'an District}}, an urban district of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Hangzhou]], the capital of [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]; located in the northwest part of the province", aliases = {"Lin'an Wu", "Lin'an"}, Wikidata = "Q1022464", -- article for Lin'an District (part of the prefecture-level city of Hangzhou) plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } labels["臨紹小片"] = { region = "much of north-central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]], including especially the central part of the city of [[Shaoxing]] as well as parts of [[Hangzhou]] south of the [[Qiantang]] River.", aliases = {"Linshao Wu", "Linshao", "Lin-Shao Wu", "Lin-Shao"}, Wikidata = "Q7489194", -- article for Shaoxing dialect, the representative variety plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } labels["寧波話"] = { region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Ningbo]] in northeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Ningbonese Wu", "Ningbonese", "Ningbo Wu", "Ningbo", "Ningponese"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Ningbonese Wu'. display = "寧波話", Wikidata = "Q3972199", plain_categories = true, parent = "甬江小片", } labels["太湖片"] = { region = "the city of [[上海]] as well as southern [[江蘇]] Province, northern [[浙江]] Province and southeastern [[安徽]] Province", addl = "It is a primary branch of {{w|Wu Chinese}}. Notable cities where Northern Wu is spoken include [[上海]]、[[Suzhou]]、[[Hangzhou]]、[[Shaoxing]]、[[Ningbo]]、[[Zhoushan]]、[[Wuxi]]和[[Changzhou]].", aliases = {"北部吳語", "Northern Wu", "Taihu", "Taihu Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q7675988", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["老廣德話"] = { region = "southeastern {{w|Guangde}}, a [[county-level city]] in the southeastern portion of [[安徽]] Province, bordering northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is an exclave of {{catlink|Northern Wu}}, surrounded by New Guangde (a {{catlink|江淮官話}} variety) and {{catlink|Xuanzhou Wu}}.", aliases = {"Old Guangde Wu", "Old Guangde", "Southeast Guangde Wu", "Southeast Guangde"}, Wikidata = "Q7084146", plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["老郎溪話"] = { region = "parts of northern and northwestern {{w|Langxi County}} and northwen {{w|Guangde}}, in southeastern [[安徽]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Old Langxi Wu", "Old Langxi", "Lao Langxi Wu", "Lao Langxi"}, Wikidata = "Q15911930", plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["毗陵小片"] = { region = "much of southern [[江蘇]] Province (including especially the city of [[Changzhou]]) as well as a few parts of southeastern [[安徽]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is noteworthy for acting as a transitional area between {{catlink|江淮官話}} and Northern Wu.", aliases = {"Piling Wu", "Piling"}, Wikidata = "Q1021819", -- article for Changzhou dialect plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } labels["沙地話"] = { region = "[[Chongming]] Island, [[Haimen]] District of the city of [[Nantong]], and the city of {{w|Qidong, Jiangsu|Qidong}} in southeastern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]], as well as in some areas of the city of {{w|Zhangjiagang}}", aliases = {"Shadi Wu", "Shadi", "Chongming", "Chongming Wu", "Qihai", "Qihai Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q6112340", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["上海話"] = { region = "much of [[上海]] in eastern [[中國]], including suburban and rural regions", addl = "Entries here include terms used in urban Shanghai.", aliases = {"Shanghainese Wu", "Shanghai Wu", "Shanghainese"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Shanghainese Wu'. display = "上海話", Wikidata = "Q36718", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["上虞話"] = { region = "{{w|Shangyu District}} in northeastern [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Shangyu Wu", "Shangyu"}, Wikidata = "Q125503340", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["紹興話"] = { region = "the central {{w|Yuecheng District}} of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Shaoxing]] in northeastern [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Shaoxing Wu", "Shaoxing", "Shaoxingnese", "Shaoxingnese Wu", "Shaoxingese", "Shaoxingese Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q7489194", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["嵊州話"] = { region = "{{w|Shengzhou}}, a [[county-level city]] in eastern [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Shengzhou Wu", "Shengzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q11054430", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["松江話"] = { region = "[[Songjiang]] District, a suburban district of [[上海]], in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Songjiang Wu", "Songjiang"}, Wikidata = "Q662380", -- article for Songjiang district plain_categories = true, parent = "上海話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蘇嘉湖小片"] = { region = "the city of [[上海]] as well as adjacent areas to the north (in southern [[江蘇]] Province) and the south (in northern [[浙江]] Province)", addl = "It is named after the cities of [[Suzhou]] (''Su''), [[Jiaxing]] (''Jia'') and [[上海]] (''Hu''). It also encompasses the varieties spoken in [[Wuxi]]、[[Changshu]]和[[Nantong]].", aliases = {"Sujiahu Wu", "Sujiahu", "Su-Jia-Hu Wu", "Su-Jia-Hu", "Suhujia Wu", "Suhujia", "Su-Hu-Jia Wu", "Su-Hu-Jia"}, -- not Suzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Wikidata = "Q17036256", -- display = "[[w:Suzhou dialect|Su]][[w:zh:嘉興話|jia]][[w:Shanghainese|hu]] [[w:Wu Chinese|Wu]]", plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } labels["蘇州話"] = { region = "the city of [[Suzhou]] and adjacent parts of southeastern [[江蘇]] Province and parts of [[上海]], in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Suzhounese Wu", "Suzhou", "Suzhounese", "Suzhou Wu"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Suzhounese Wu'. display = "蘇州話", Wikidata = "Q831744", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["苕溪小片"] = { region = "nearly all of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Huzhou]] in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]], as well as parts of [[Jiaxing]]、[[Hangzhou]] (in [[浙江]] Province) and [[Suzhou]] (in [[江蘇]] Province)", aliases = {"Tiaoxi Wu", "Tiaoxi"}, Wikidata = "Q110104620", plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["桐廬話"] = { region = "{{w|Tonglu County}} in northwestern [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Tonglu", "Tonglu"}, Wikidata = "Q18654008", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["桐鄉話"] = { region = "{{w|Tongxiang}}, a [[county-level city]] in northern [[浙江]] Province, bordering [[江蘇]] Province to the north, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Tongxiang Wu", "Tongxiang", "Tongxiang dialect"}, Wikidata = "Q1204548", -- article for Tongxiang prefecture plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["上海郊區話"] = { region = "中國上海市除市中心(即黃浦江西岸、蘇州河以南的上海市區,又稱[[浦西]])外的地區", addl = "This is an areal label term, that is to say, lects included here do not descend from a common ancestor that doesn't include other lects.", aliases = {"Suburban Shanghai Wu", "Suburban Shanghainese", "Suburban Shanghai", "Bendihua"}, Wikipedia = "Shanghainese#Classification", plain_categories = true, parent = "上海話", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["無錫話"] = { region = "the city of [[Wuxi]] in southern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wuxi Wu", "Wuxi"}, Wikidata = "Q2325035", plain_categories = true, parent = "蘇嘉湖小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蕭山話"] = { region = "{{w|Xiaoshan District}}, an urban district of [[Hangzhou]] in northwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]], and in the village of Jiangdong in {{w|Qiantang District}} of [[Hangzhou]]", aliases = {"Xiaoshan Wu", "Xiaoshan"}, Wikidata = "Q60993472", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["新昌話"] = { region = "{{w|Xinchang County}} in east-central [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Xinchang Wu", "Xinchang"}, Wikidata = "Q11082821", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["宜興話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Yixing}} in southern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yixing Wu", "Yixing"}, Wikidata = "Q125503370", plain_categories = true, parent = "毗陵小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["甬江小片"] = { region = "most areas of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Ningbo]] as well as the entire [[Zhoushan]] archipelago, in northeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yongjiang Wu", "Yongjiang"}, Wikidata = "Q15503785", plain_categories = true, parent = "太湖片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["餘杭話"] = { region = "{{w|Yuhang District}} of the city of [[Hangzhou]], the capital of [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yuhang Wu", "Yuhang"}, Wikidata = "Q109414979", plain_categories = true, parent = "苕溪小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["舟山話"] = { region = "the [[Zhoushan]] archipelago in northeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhoushan Wu", "Zhoushan"}, Wikidata = "Q58324", -- article on the prefecture-level city of Zhoushan plain_categories = true, parent = "甬江小片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["諸暨話"] = { region = "{{w|Zhuji}}, a [[county-level city]] in north-central [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Zhuji Wu", "Zhuji"}, Wikidata = "Q18119187", plain_categories = true, parent = "臨紹小片", } ---------------------- Southern Wu ---------------------- -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["百丈口話"] = { region = "{{w|lang=zh|百丈镇_(泰顺县)|Baizhang Township}} in [[Taishun]] County in southern [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a [[dialect island]] surrounded by {{catlink|Jujiang Wu}} speakers and is increasingly endangered, with less than 1,000 speakers remaining.", aliases = {"Baizhang Wu", "Baizhang", "Xialu Wu", "Xialu"}, Wikidata = "Q125500187", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["昌北話"] = { region = "{{w|Lin'an District}} (formerly the northern part of {{w|lang=zh|昌化县_(浙江省)|Changhua County}}, hence the name) in [[Hangzhou]], the capital of [[浙江]] Province in the northern part, in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a divergent subvariety of {{catlink|Xuanzhou Wu}} with significant vocabulary influences from the {{w|Jixi County}} variety of {{w|Huizhou Chinese}} and from Mandarin.", aliases = {"Changbei Wu", "Changbei"}, Wikidata = "Q125500172", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Taigao Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["處衢片"] = { region = "the [[prefecture-level city|prefecture-level cities]] of [[Quzhou]]和[[Lishui]] in southwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]; some parts of southern [[Wenzhou]] in southern Zhejiang; [[Shangrao]]和[[Yushan]] Counties in northeastern {{w|Jiangxi}} Province, bordering [[浙江]]; and the northern part of the [[prefecture-level city|prefecture-level cities]] of [[Ningde]]和[[Nanping]] in northern [[福建]] Province, bordering [[浙江]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Wu Chinese and is named after the component lects {{catlink|Quzhou Wu}} (spoken in [[Quzhou]]) and {{catlink|Chuzhou Wu}} (spoken in [[Lishui]]).", aliases = {"Chuqu Wu", "Chuqu"}, Wikidata = "Q5116499", plain_categories = true, parent = "南部吳語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["處州話"] = { region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Lishui]] in southwestern [[浙江]] Province and {{w|Wuyi County}} to the north, as well as {{w|Pucheng County, Fujian|Pucheng County}} in far northern [[福建]] Province", addl = "It is named after the historical {{m|zh|處州|tr=Chǔzhōu}} Prefecture (see {{w|lang=zh|處州}}), which largely coincided with the modern-day boundaries of Lishui.", aliases = {"Chuzhou Wu", "Chuzhou"}, -- Undefined in Chinese Wikipedia plain_categories = true, parent = "處衢片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["東陽話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Dongyang}} in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Dongyang Wu", "Dongyang"}, Wikidata = "Q109417928", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Yiyong Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["杜澤話"] = { region = "{{w|Qujiang, Quzhou|Qujiang District}} of the city of [[Quzhou]] in western [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is named after the town of Duze ({{m|zh|杜泽}}).", aliases = {"Duze Wu", "Duze"}, Wikidata = "Q125500167", plain_categories = true, parent = "龍衢小片", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["高淳話"] = { region = "{{w|Gaochun District}} in southernmost [[Nanjing]] in southwestern [[江蘇]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Gaochun Wu", "Gaochun"}, Wikidata = "Q17035529", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Taigao Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["虹橋話"] = { region = "central [[Yueqing]] in southeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Hongqiao Wu", "Hongqiao"}, Wikidata = "Q15933359", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["厚岸話"] = { region = "the western countryside of {{w|Jing County, Anhui|Jing County}} (including, for example, the town of {{w|Taohuatan}}) in southern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Hou'an Wu", "Hou'an"}, Wikidata = "Q10911034", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Shiling Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["江山話"] = { region = "{{w|Jiangshan}}, a [[county-level city]] in western [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jiangshan Wu", "Jiangshan"}, Wikidata = "Q6112693", plain_categories = true, parent = "Shangshan Wu", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["涇縣話"] = { region = "rural parts of {{w|Jing County, Anhui|Jing County}} (including, for example, the town of {{w|lang=zh|茂林镇_(泾县)|Maolin}}) in southern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "The majority of Jing County speaks {{catlink|江淮官話}}, while the western countryside instead speaks {{catlink|Hou'an Wu}}.", aliases = {"Jingxian Wu", "Jingxian"}, Wikidata = "Q11151690", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Tongjing Wu cluster } -- One of the clusters (xiǎopiàn) of Wuzhou Wu, which aren't well-established. ---- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["Jinlan"] = { -- aliases = {"Jinlan Wu", "Jinlan"}, -- -- Undefined in Chinese Wikipedia -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "婺州片", --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["金華話"] = { region = "[[Jinhua]] (especially the eastern {{w|Wucheng District|Wucheng}} and {{w|Jindong District|Jindong}} Districts), in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jinhua Wu", "Jinhua", "Jinhuanese", "Jinhuanese Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q13583347", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Jinlan Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["九華話"] = { region = "{{w|lang=zh|九华乡_(衢州市)|Jiuhua Township}} in {{w|Kecheng District}} in [[Quzhou]] in western [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Jiuhua Wu", "Jiuhua"}, Wikidata = "Q125503368", plain_categories = true, parent = "龍衢小片", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["莒江話"] = { region = "northeastern {{w|Taishun County}} in far southern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It has characteristics of both {{catlink|Oujiang Wu}} and {{catlink|Chuqu Wu}} and is only provisionally assigned to Oujiang Wu.", aliases = {"Jujiang Wu", "Jujiang"}, Wikidata = "Q125503367", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", -- possibly? also has characteristics of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蘭溪話"] = { region = "urban [[Lanxi]], a [[county-level city]] in west-central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Lanxi Wu", "Lanxi"}, Wikidata = "Q17059873", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Jinlan Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["麗水話"] = { -- NOTE: Chuzhou was a historical administrative division that includes modern day Lishui &amp; Wuyi, -- and is a proposed top-level division of Wu. Pucheng, Fujian is majority Wu-speaking. region = "parts of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Lishui]] in southern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]], including the central {{w|Liandu, Lishui|Liandu District}}, {{w|Jingning She Autonomous County}}, {{w|Qingtian County}} and {{w|Yunhe County}}", aliases = {"Lishui Wu", "Lishui", "Lishuinese"}, Wikidata = "Q58294", -- article on the prefecture-level city of Lishui in Zhejiang plain_categories = true, parent = "處州話", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["龍衢小片"] = { region = "{{w|Kecheng District}}, {{w|Qujiang District}} and {{w|Longyou County}}, in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Quzhou]] in southwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Longqu Wu", "Longqu"}, Wikidata = "Q125503353", plain_categories = true, parent = "處衢片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["龍游話"] = { region = "{{w|Longyou County}} in west-central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Longyou Wu", "Longyou"}, Wikidata = "Q15908274", plain_categories = true, parent = "龍衢小片", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["南極話"] = { region = "{{w|lang=zh|南极乡|Nanji Township}} and nearby areas, in the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Ningguo}} in southeastern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Nanji Wu", "Nanji"}, Wikidata = "Q10908223", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Taigao Wu cluster } -- One of the clusters (xiǎopiàn) of Taizhou Wu, which aren't well-established. ---- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["Nantai"] = { -- aliases = {"Nantai"}, -- -- Undefined in Chinese Wikipedia -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "台州片", --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["老宣州話"] = { region = "parts of northern, western and southern {{w|Xuanzhou District}} (e.g. the town of {{w|lang=zh|溪口镇 (宣城市)|Xikou}}) in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Xuancheng]] in southeastern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "This variety only remains in certain scattered parts of Xuanzhou District, which is majority {{catlink|江淮官話}}-speaking.", aliases = {"Old Xuanzhou Wu", "Old Xuanzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q15914865", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Tongjing Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["甌江片"] = { -- A primary branch. region = "the lower reaches of the {{w|Oujiang River|Oujiang}}, {{w|Feiyun River|Feiyun}} and {{w|Aojiang River}} basins in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Wenzhou]] in southeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]], as well as in some towns in [[Lishui]]和[[Taizhou]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Wu Chinese.", aliases = {"Oujiang Wu", "Oujiang"}, Wikidata = "Q710218", -- article for Wenzhounese plain_categories = true, parent = "南部吳語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["磐安話"] = { region = "{{w|Pan'an County}} in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Pan'an Wu", "Pan'an"}, Wikidata = "Q55695855", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Yiyong Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蒲城甌語"] = { region = "four villages in the walled {{w|lang=zh|蒲壮所城|Puzhuangsuo City}} in Pucheng Township, {{w|Cangnan County}} in the southernmost part of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Wenzhou]] in southeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a dialect island of Wu Chinese surrounded by {{w|Zhenan Min}} speakers, and is not to be confused with {{catlink|Pucheng Wu}}, a variety of {{catlink|Chuqu Wu}} (rather than {{catlink|Oujiang Wu}}) spoken in a different Pucheng ({{w|Pucheng County, Fujian|Pucheng County}} in [[福建]] Province).", aliases = {"Pucheng Oujiang Wu", "Pucheng Ou", "Pucheng Auish"}, Wikidata = "Q125503350", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["浦城話"] = { -- no "Pucheng" alias because per Wikipedia, Northern Min (Shibei dialect) is also spoken region = "the northern part of {{w|Pucheng County, Fujian|Pucheng County}} in far northern [[福建]] Province, bordering [[浙江]] Province, in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Pucheng Wu"}, addl = "Not to be confused with {{catlink|Pucheng Oujiang Wu}}, a variety of {{catlink|Oujiang Wu}} (rather than {{catlink|Chuqu Wu}}) spoken in a different Pucheng (Pucheng Township, {{w|Cangnan County}}, in [[浙江]] Province).", Wikidata = "Q125503346", plain_categories = true, parent = "處州話", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["青田話"] = { region = "{{w|Qingtian County}} in southeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Qingtian Wu", "Qingtian"}, Wikidata = "Q2074456", plain_categories = true, parent = "處州話", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["衢州話"] = { region = "[[Quzhou]] in southwestern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Quzhou Wu", "Quzhou", "Quzhounese", "Quzhounese Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q6112429", Wikipedia = "zh:处衢片", -- no Wikidata item for this and not connected to Q6112429 plain_categories = true, parent = "龍衢小片", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["瑞安話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of [[Rui'an]] in southeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Rui'an Wu", "Rui'an"}, Wikidata = "Q4415352", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["上饒話"] = { region = "{{w|Yushan County}} and {{w|Guangfeng District}} of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Shangrao]] in northeastern [[江西]] Province", aliases = {"Shangrao Wu", "Shangrao", "Shangraonese", "Shangraonese Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q363479", -- Shangrao, a prefecture-level city in Jiangxi plain_categories = true, parent = "Shangshan Wu", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["Shangshan Wu"] = { region = "parts of western [[浙江]] Province and northeastern [[江西]] Province in eastern [[中國]], including the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Jiangshan}}, {{w|Changshan County}} and {{w|Kaihua County}} in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Quzhou]]; {{w|Suichang County|Suichang}}, {{w|Songyang County|Songyang}} and {{w|Qingyuan County, Zhejiang|Qingyuan Counties}} and the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Longquan}} in the prefecture-level city of [[Lishui]]; and {{w|Yushan County}} and {{w|Guangfeng District}} in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Shangrao]]", aliases = {"Shangshan Wu", "Shangshan"}, -- Undefined in Chinese Wikipedia plain_categories = true, parent = "處衢片", } -- One of the clusters (xiǎopiàn) of Xuanzhou Wu, which aren't well-established. ---- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["石陵小片"] = { -- aliases = {"Shiling Wu", "Shiling"}, -- Wikidata = "Q15923670", -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "宣州片", --} labels["南部吳語"] = { Wikipedia = "吴语#语言分区", aliases = {"Southern Wu"}, plain_categories = true, } -- One of the clusters (xiǎopiàn) of Xuanzhou Wu, which aren't well-established. ---- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["太高小片"] = { -- aliases = {"Taigao Wu", "Taigao"}, -- Wikipedia = "zh:宣州片#太高小片", -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "宣州片", --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["太平話"] = { region = "the eastern and southern countryside of {{w|Huangshan District}} (the former {{w|lang=zh|太平县_(安徽省)|Taiping County}}) in the northern part of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Huangshan]] in southern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Taiping Wu", "Taiping", "Old Taiping Wu", "Old Taiping"}, Wikidata = "Q10941478", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Taigao Wu cluster } -- Per [[User:ND381]], there is not a single Urban Taizhou Wu lect. Who knows, then, what Wikidata item Q3972406 -- ([[w:Taizhou dialect]]) corresponds to, if anything. -- -- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["Urban Taizhou"] = { -- aliases = {"Urban Taizhou"}, -- Wikidata = "Q3972406", -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "Nantai Wu", -- a variety of Taizhou Wu --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["台州片"] = { -- A primary branch. Called "Taizhou Wu" in Wikipedia, distinct from "Taizhou dialect"; but these names are too -- ambiguous. We have provisionally adopted "Taizhou Wu" for the larger group and "Urban Taizhou Wu" for the dialect -- of the urban area of Taizhou city. Per English Wikipedia, has the following varieties: -- Taizhou dialect -- Linhai dialect -- Sanmen dialect -- Tiantai dialect -- Xianju dialect -- Huangyan dialect -- Jiaojiang dialect -- Wenling dialect -- Yuhuan dialect -- Yueqing dialect -- Ninghai dialect region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Taizhou]] and environs, in eastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Wu Chinese.", aliases = {"Taizhou Wu", "Taizhou"}, Wikidata = "Q7676678", plain_categories = true, parent = "南部吳語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["湯溪話"] = { region = "the western part of {{w|Wucheng District}} in [[Jinhua]] in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]] (including the town of {{w|Tangxi, Jinhua|Tangxi}}), as well as in the southwest corner of the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Lanxi, Zhejiang|Lanxi}}", aliases = {"Tangxi Wu", "Tangxi"}, Wikidata = "Q11136233", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["天台話"] = { region = "{{w|Tiantai County}} in eastern [[浙江]] in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Tiantai Wu", "Tiantai"}, Wikidata = "Q85809509", plain_categories = true, parent = "台州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Beitai Wu cluster } -- One of the clusters (xiǎopiàn) of Xuanzhou Wu, which aren't well-established. ---- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["銅涇小片"] = { -- aliases = {"Tongjing Wu", "Tongjing"}, -- Wikidata = "Q17028746", -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "宣州片", --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["銅陵話"] = { region = "the urban area of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Tongling]] in southern [[Anhui]] Province in eastern [[China]], and in suburban {{w|lang=zh|大通镇_(郊区)|Datong Town}}", aliases = {"Tongling Wu", "Tongling"}, Wikidata = "Q15909611", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Tongjing Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["文成話"] = { region = "{{w|Wencheng County}} in the southwestern part of the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Wenzhou]] in southern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wencheng Wu", "Wencheng"}, Wikidata = "Q7982335", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", } labels["溫州話"] = { region = "urban {{w|Lucheng, Wenzhou|Lucheng District}} in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Wenzhou]] in southeastern [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wenzhounese Wu", "Wenzhounese", "Wenzhou Wu", "Wenzhou"}, -- FIXME: Consider removing the following exception and letting it display as 'Wenzhounese Wu'. Wikidata = "Q710218", plain_categories = true, parent = "甌江片", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蕪湖縣話"] = { -- Jianghuai Mandarin is also spoken in the city of Wuhu. region = "the former {{w|Wuhu County}} (now {{w|Wanzhi District}}) in the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Wuhu]] in southeastern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wuhu Wu", "Wuhu County", "Wuhu County Wu"}, Wikidata = "Q15911448", plain_categories = true, parent = "宣州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Tongjing Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["武義話"] = { region = "the northern part of {{w|Wuyi County, Zhejiang|Wuyi County}} in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Wuyi Wu", "Wuyi"}, Wikidata = "Q11124837", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Yiyong Wu cluster } labels["婺州片"] = { -- A primary branch. Per English Wikipedia, has the following varieties: -- Jinhua dialect -- Lanxi dialect -- Pujiang dialect -- Yiwu dialect -- Dongyang dialect -- Pan'an dialect -- Yongkang dialect -- Wuyi dialect -- Jiande dialect region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Jinhua]] and environs, in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Wu Chinese.", aliases = {"Wuzhou Wu", "Wuzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q2779891", plain_categories = true, parent = "南部吳語", } labels["宣州片"] = { -- A primary branch. Per English Wikipedia, has the following varieties: -- Xuancheng -- Tong–Jing -- Tongling dialect -- Jing County dialect -- Fanchang dialect -- etc. -- Shi–Ling -- Shitai dialect -- Lingyang (陵阳) dialect -- etc. -- Tai–Gao -- Taiping dialect -- Gaochun dialect -- etc. region = "the [[prefecture-level city]] of [[Xuancheng]] and environs, in southeastern [[安徽]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", addl = "It is a primary branch of Wu Chinese.", aliases = {"Xuanzhou Wu", "Xuanzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q1939756", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["義烏話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of [[Yiwu]] in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yiwu Wu", "Yiwu"}, Wikidata = "Q15898526", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Yiyong Wu cluster } -- One of the clusters (xiǎopiàn) of Wuzhou Wu, which aren't well-established. ---- FIXME: Category missing. --labels["Yiyong"] = { -- aliases = {"Yiyong Wu", "Yiyong"}, -- -- Undefined in Chinese Wikipedia -- plain_categories = true, -- parent = "婺州片", --} -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["永康話"] = { region = "the [[county-level city]] of {{w|Yongkang}} in central [[浙江]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yongkang Wu", "Yongkang"}, Wikidata = "Q11132026", plain_categories = true, parent = "婺州片", -- per zhwiki, in the Yiyong Wu cluster } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["玉山話"] = { region = "{{w|Yushan County}} in northeastern [[江西]] Province in eastern [[中國]]", aliases = {"Yushan Wu", "Yushan"}, Wikidata = "Q17040715", plain_categories = true, parent = "Shangshan Wu", -- a variety of Chuqu Wu } ------------------------------------------ Xiang ------------------------------------------ labels["湘"] = { aliases = {"湘語", "Xiang"}, display = "湘語", Wikidata = "Q13220", regional_categories = true, } labels["湘語方言"] = { aliases = {"dialectal Xiang"}, Wikidata = "Q13220", -- article on Xiang Chinese regional_categories = "湘", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["長沙話"] = { aliases = {"Changsha Xiang", "Changsha"}, Wikidata = "Q3044809", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["衡陽話"] = { aliases = {"Hengyang Xiang", "Hengyang"}, Wikidata = "Q20689035", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["衡州片"] = { aliases = {"Hengzhou Xiang", "Hengzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q20689035", -- article on Hengyang Xiang plain_categories = true, } labels["婁底話"] = { aliases = {"Loudi Xiang", "Loudi"}, Wikidata = "Q10943823", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["新湘語"] = { aliases = {"New Xiang"}, Wikidata = "Q7012696", plain_categories = true, } labels["老湘語"] = { aliases = {"Old Xiang"}, Wikidata = "Q7085453", plain_categories = true, } labels["雙峰話"] = { aliases = {"Shuangfeng"}, Wikidata = "Q10911980", plain_categories = true, } ------------------------------------------ Yue ------------------------------------------ labels["粵"] = { -- A variety of Yuehai Yue. -- TODO: ????? aliases = {"粵語", "Cantonese"}, display = "粵語", Wikidata = "Q9186", regional_categories = true, } labels["粵語方言"] = { aliases = {"dialectal Cantonese"}, Wikidata = "Q9186", -- article on Cantonese regional_categories = "粵", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["地佬話"] = { -- A subvariety of Yulin Yue, a variety of Goulou Yue. aliases = {"Bobai Yue", "Bobai"}, Wikidata = "Q4934549", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["大鵬話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guanbao Cantonese, a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard Cantonese). aliases = {"Dapeng Cantonese", "Dapeng Yue", "Dapeng"}, Wikidata = "Q1939845", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["東莞話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guanbao Cantonese, which is a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard -- Cantonese). aliases = {"Dongguan Cantonese", "Dongguan Yue", "Dongguan"}, Wikidata = "Q97351966", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["防城話"] = { -- A variety of Qinlian Yue. aliases = {"Fangcheng Yue", "Fangcheng"}, Wikidata = "Q85885018", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["高陽片"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Gaozhou dialect -- Yangjiang dialect aliases = {"Gaoyang Yue", "Gaoyang"}, Wikidata = "Q2812583", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["勾漏片"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Yulin dialect -- Bobai dialect -- Guangning dialect -- Huaiji dialect -- Fengkai dialect -- Deqing dialect -- Yunan dialect -- Shanglin dialect -- Binyang dialect -- Tengxian dialect aliases = {"Goulou Yue", "Goulou"}, Wikidata = "Q5588322", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["莞寶話"] = { -- A variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch including standard Cantonese). aliases = {"Guanbao Cantonese", "Guanbao Yue", "Guanbao"}, Wikidata = "Q13530474", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["廣府話"] = { -- A variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch including standard Cantonese). This variety includes standard -- Guangzhou Cantonese as a subvariety. aliases = {"Guangfu Cantonese", "Guangfu", "Guangfu Yue"}, plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. -- labels["廣西粵語"] = { -- -- Multiple Yue subgroups spoken in Guangxi -- -- Guangxi alias not correct as there are multiple languages spoken in Guangxi -- aliases = {"Guangxi Yue"}, -- Wikipedia = "Guangxi", -- plain_categories = true, -- } labels["廣州話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guangfu Cantonese, a variety of Yuehai Yue. The prestige variety of Cantonese. aliases = {"Guangzhou Cantonese", "Guangzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q9186", -- article for "Cantonese" plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["貴縣話"] = { -- A variety of Goulou Yue. aliases = {"Guixian Yue", "Guixian"}, Wikidata = "Q15926547", plain_categories = true, } labels["香港話"] = { -- A subvariety of Cantonese (in the narrow sense), a variety of Yuehai Yue. aliases = {"Hong Kong Cantonese", "HKC", "香港粵語"}, Wikidata = "Q5894342", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸粵語", othercat = "香港漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["化州話"] = { -- A variety of Wuhua Yue. aliases = {"Huazhou Yue"}, Wikidata = "Q9484916", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["九江話"] = { -- A subvariety of Sanyi Cantonese, which is a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard -- Cantonese). aliases = {"Jiujiang Cantonese", "Jiujiang Yue", "Jiujiang"}, Wikidata = "Q6203399", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["澳門話"] = { -- A subvariety of Cantonese (in the narrow sense), a variety of Yuehai Yue. aliases = {"Macau Cantonese", "Macao Cantonese", "Macanese Cantonese"}, Wikidata = "Q113659847", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸粵語", othercat = "澳門漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["馬來西亞粵語"] = { -- A subvariety of Cantonese (in the narrow sense), a variety of Yuehai Yue. aliases = {"Malaysian Cantonese", "Malaysia Cantonese"}, Wikidata = "Q56272241", parent = "東南亞粵語", othercat = "馬來西亞漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["南寧白話"] = { -- A subvariety of Yongxun Yue. aliases = {"Nanning Cantonese", "Nanning Yue", "Nanning Baihua"}, -- no "Nanning" alias because other varieties are spoken in Nanning, such as Southern Pinghua Wikidata = "Q48928038", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["南頭話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guanbao Cantonese, which is a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard -- Cantonese). Formerly spoken by residents of [[w:Nantou (historic town)]], a former walled city in Shenzhen. aliases = {"Nantou Cantonese", "Nantou Yue"}, -- no "Nantou" alias because Nantou is also a city in Taiwan Wikidata = "Q110110348", plain_categories = true, } labels["非中國大陸粵語"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese outside of [[中國大陸]], including in [[香港]]和[[澳門]] due to their special history", display = "非[[中國大陸]][[w:粵語|粵語]]", aliases = {"non-Mainland Cantonese", "Non-Mainland Cantonese", "non-mainland Cantonese"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "+,非中國大陸", } labels["海外粵語"] = { prep = "outside of", aliases = {"Overseas Cantonese"}, region = "[[中國大陸]]、[[臺灣]]、[[香港]]和[[澳門]]", Wikipedia = "Cantonese people#19th–20th century: Turmoil and migration", plain_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸粵語", othercat = "海外粵語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["欽廉片"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Plain Speech -- Beihai dialect -- Qinzhou dialect -- Fangcheng dialect -- Lingshan downtown dialect -- Transitional dialets -- Naamhong dialect -- Tanka dialect (not the same as Tanka Cantonese given above as a Yuehai Yue variety; per Wikipedia, Tanka -- Cantonese is the "absolute Tanka accent" spoken by the elderly, while young and middle aged people speak -- a Tanka dialect that is mixed with Beihai Plain Speech) -- Overseas-Chinese Plain Speech -- Saanhau dialect -- Lianzhou dialect -- Nga dialect -- Coastal dialects (possibly a Min Chinese variety?) -- Lingshan dialect -- Xiaojiang dialect -- Slanlap dialect aliases = {"Qinlian Yue", "Qinlian"}, Wikidata = "Q7267753", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["三邑話"] = { -- A variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch including standard Cantonese). aliases = {"Sanyi Cantonese", "Sanyi Yue", "Sanyi", "Nanpanshun Cantonese", "Nanpanshun Yue", "Nanpanshun"}, plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["石岐話"] = { -- A subvariety of Xiangshan Cantonese, which is a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard -- Cantonese). aliases = {"Shiqi Cantonese", "Shiqi Yue", "Shiqi"}, Wikidata = "Q836038", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["新加坡粵語"] = { -- A subvariety of Cantonese (in the narrow sense), a variety of Yuehai Yue. aliases = {"Singapore Cantonese", "Singaporean Cantonese"}, Wikipedia = "Chinese Singaporeans#Cantonese", parent = "東南亞粵語", othercat = "新加坡漢語", } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["四邑片"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Taishanese -- Xinhui dialect -- Siqian dialect -- Guzhen dialect -- Enping dialect -- Kaiping dialect aliases = {"Siyi Yue", "Siyi"}, Wikidata = "Q2391679", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["東南亞粵語"] = { region = "[[東南亞]], stretching from [[Myanmar]] ([[Burma]]) in the northwest, to the [[菲律賓]] in the northeast, to [[印度尼西亞]] in the south", aliases = {"Southeast Asian Cantonese"}, Wikipedia = {"Cantonese people#19th–20th century: Turmoil and migration", "東南亞"}, plain_categories = true, parent = "海外粵語", othercat = "東南亞漢語", } -- The following violates normal conventions, which would use "Taishan Yue" or "Taishanese Yue". But it matches the -- current 'Taishanese' full language. If (as proposed by [[User:Wpi]]) we demote Taishanese to an etym-only variety -- of Siyi Yue, we should consider renaming to Taishan Yue or Taishanese Yue. labels["台山"] = { -- A variety of Siyi Yue. aliases = {"台山話", "Taishanese", "Toishanese", "Toisanese", "Hoisanese"}, display = "台山話", Wikidata = "Q2208940", regional_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["蜑家話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guangfu Cantonese, a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard Cantonese). -- Spoken by the [[w:Tanka people]], an ethnic group traditionally living on junks in coastal parts of southern -- China. aliases = {"Tanka Cantonese", "Tanka Yue", "Tanka", "Danjia Cantonese", "Danjia Yue", "Danjia", "Shuishang Cantonese", "Shuishang Yue", "Shuishang"}, Wikidata = "Q7211307", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["圍頭話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guanbao Cantonese, which is a variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch that includes standard -- Cantonese). Spoken by older residents of Shenzhen. aliases = {"Weitou Cantonese", "Weitou Yue", "Weitou", "Bao'an Cantonese", "Bao'an Yue", "Bao'an"}, Wikidata = "Q846599", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["吳化片"] = { -- A primary branch. -- Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Wuchuan dialect -- Huazhou dialect aliases = {"Wuhua Yue"}, -- no alias for Wuhua as Wuhua may refer to another place altogether. Wikidata = "Q8038858", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["香山話"] = { -- A variety of Yuehai Yue (the primary branch including standard Cantonese). aliases = {"Xiangshan Cantonese", "Xiangshan Yue", "Xiangshan"}, plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["西關話"] = { -- A subvariety of Guangfu Cantonese (the variety of Yuehai Yue that includes standard Cantonese). aliases = {"Xiguan Cantonese", "Xiguan Yue", "Xiguan"}, Wikidata = "Q8044409", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["新會話"] = { -- A variety of Siyi Yue. aliases = {"Xinhui Yue", "Xinhui"}, Wikidata = "Q97168096", plain_categories = true, } labels["陽江話"] = { -- A variety of Gaoyang Yue. -- no alias for Yangjiang as Yangjiang Hakka also exists. aliases = {"Yangjiang Yue"}, Wikidata = "Q65406156", plain_categories = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["邕潯片"] = { -- A primary branch, or possibly a subvariety of Yuehai Yue (Cantonese proper). -- Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Nanning dialect -- Yongning dialect -- Guiping dialect -- Chongzuo dialect -- Ningmin dialect -- Hengxian dialect -- Baise dialect aliases = {"Yongxun Yue", "Yongxun"}, Wikidata = "Q8054950", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["粵海片"] = { -- A primary branch, which includes standard Cantonese. Per English Wikipedia, has the following lects: -- Guangfu dialects -- Guangzhou dialect -- Hong Kong dialect -- Macau dialect -- Xiguan dialect -- Wuzhou dialect -- Tanka dialect -- Sanyi / Nanpanshun dialects -- Nanhai dialect -- Jiujiang dialect -- Xiqiao dialect -- Shunde dialect -- Xiangshan dialect -- Shiqi dialect -- Sanjiao dialect -- Guanbao dialect -- Dongguan dialect -- Bao'an dialect (Waitau) aliases = {"Yuehai Yue", "Yuehai"}, Wikidata = "Q8060260", plain_categories = true, parent = true, } -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["玉林話"] = { -- A variety of Goulou Yue. aliases = {"Yulin Yue", "Yulin"}, Wikidata = "zh:Q15942798", -- [[w:Yulin dialect]] also exists but redirects to [[w:Goulou Yue]]. plain_categories = true, } ------------------------------------------ Other groups ------------------------------------------ -- FIXME: Category missing. labels["儋州話"] = { aliases = {"Danzhou Chinese", "Danzhou"}, Wikidata = "Q2578935", plain_categories = true, } labels["東干"] = { aliases = {"東干語", "Dungan"}, display = "東干語", Wikidata = "Q33050", regional_categories = true, } labels["甘肅東干語"] = { aliases = {"Gansu Dungan"}, display = "[[甘肅]][[w:東干語|東干語]]", plain_categories = true, } labels["徽"] = { aliases = {"徽語", "Huizhou", "Huizhou Chinese"}, display = "徽語", Wikidata = "Q56546", regional_categories = true, } labels["畲"] = { aliases = {"畲話", "Shehua", "She Chinese", "She"}, display = "畲話", Wikidata = "Q24841605", regional_categories = true, } labels["瓦鄉"] = { aliases = {"瓦鄉話", "Waxiang"}, display = "瓦鄉話", Wikidata = "Q2252191", regional_categories = true, } labels["粵北土話"] = { aliases = {"Yuebei Tuhua"}, Wikidata = "Q1920769", plain_categories = true, } labels["湘南土話"] = { aliases = {"Xiangnan Tuhua"}, Wikidata = "Q17031342", plain_categories = true, } ------------------------------------------ Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------ labels["華裔美國人 (1980年以前)"] = { aliases = {"American (&amp;ndash;1980)", "America 1", "United States 1", "USA 1", "US 1"}, Wikidata = "Q1516704", -- article on History of Chinese Americans regional_categories = true, parent = "美國", } labels["華裔美國人 (1980年以後)"] = { aliases = {"American (1980&amp;ndash;)", "America 2", "United States 2", "USA 2", "US 2"}, Wikidata = "Q1516704", -- article on History of Chinese Americans regional_categories = true, parent = "美國", } labels["北美洲"] = { aliases = {"North America", "North American"}, display = "[[加拿大]]和[[美國]]", regional_categories = {"加拿大", "美國"}, parent = "海外", } -- the remaining labels moved from [[Module:labels/data/regional]] labels["澳大利亞"] = { aliases = {"Australia", "AU", "Australian"}, Wikipedia = "澳大利亞華人", regional_categories = "澳大利亞", parent = "海外", } labels["不列顛"] = { aliases = {"Britain", "Brit", "British", "Great Britain"}, Wikipedia = "華裔英國人", regional_categories = "不列顛", parent = "海外", } labels["英國"] = { aliases = {"UK", "United Kingdom"}, Wikipedia = "華裔英國人", regional_categories = "英國", parent = "海外", } labels["汶萊"] = { aliases = {"Brunei"}, Wikipedia = "汶萊華人", regional_categories = "汶萊", parent = "東南亞", } labels["加拿大"] = { aliases = {"Canada", "Canadian"}, Wikipedia = "華裔加拿大人", regional_categories = "加拿大", parent_label = "北美洲", } -- LOCALIZATION: 文言文 labels["古典"] = { noreg = true, aliases = {"Classical", "classical"}, Wikipedia = "文言文", regional_categories = true, } labels["古巴"] = { aliases = {"Cuba", "Cuban"}, Wikipedia = "古巴華人", regional_categories = "古巴", parent = "海外", } labels["法國"] = { aliases = {"France", "French"}, Wikipedia = "華裔法國人", regional_categories = "法國", parent = "海外", } labels["西班牙"] = { aliases = {"Spain", "Spanish"}, Wikipedia = "西班牙華人", regional_categories = "Spanish", parent = "Overseas", } labels["香港"] = { aliases = {"Hong Kong"}, Wikipedia = "香港語文", regional_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸", } labels["印度尼西亞"] = { aliases = {"Indonesia", "Indonesian"}, Wikipedia = {"Language and overseas Chinese communities#Indonesia", "Chinese Indonesians"}, regional_categories = "印度尼西亞", parent = "東南亞", } labels["日本"] = { aliases = {"Japan"}, Wikipedia = "Chinese people in Japan", regional_categories = "日本", parent = "海外", } labels["澳門"] = { aliases = {"Macau", "Macao", "Macanese"}, Wikipedia = true, regional_categories = "澳門", parent = "非中國大陸", } labels["中國大陸"] = { aliases = {"Mainland China", "Mainland", "mainland", "mainland China", "PRC"}, Wikipedia = true, regional_categories = true, } labels["馬來西亞"] = { aliases = {"Malaysia", "Malaysian"}, Wikipedia = "馬來西亞華人", regional_categories = "馬來西亞", parent = "東南亞", } labels["墨西哥"] = { aliases = {"Mexico", "Mexican"}, Wikipedia = "墨西哥華人", regional_categories = "墨西哥", parent = "海外", } labels["丹東"] = { aliases = {"Dandong"}, Wikipedia = true, regional_categories = true, } labels["甘肅"] = { aliases = {"Gansu"}, Wikipedia = "甘肅省", regional_categories = true, } labels["蒙古"] = { aliases = {"Mongolia"}, Wikipedia = "Ethnic Chinese in Mongolia", regional_categories = "蒙古", parent = "海外", } labels["緬甸"] = { aliases = {"Myanmar", "Myanmarese", "Burma", "Burmese"}, Wikipedia = "Chinese people in Myanmar", regional_categories = true, parent = "東南亞", } labels["非中國大陸"] = { prep = "by", region = "ethnic Chinese outside of [[中國大陸]], including in [[香港]]和[[澳門]] due to their special history", display = "非[[中國大陸]][[w:漢語|漢語]]", aliases = {"Non-Mainland", "non-mainland"}, regional_categories = true, parent = true, } labels["海外"] = { prep = "之外", aliases = {"Pontianak"}, region = "[[中國大陸]]、[[香港]]、[[澳門]]、[[臺灣]]之外", Wikipedia = "海外華人", regional_categories = true, parent = "非中國大陸", } labels["菲律賓"] = { aliases = {"Philippines", "Philippine"}, Wikipedia = "菲律賓華人", regional_categories = "菲律賓", parent = "東南亞", } labels["坤甸"] = { aliases = {"Pontianak"}, Wikipedia = {"Language and overseas Chinese communities#Indonesia", "Chinese Indonesians"}, regional_categories = true, parent = "印度尼西亞", } labels["新加坡"] = { aliases = {"Singapore", "Singaporean"}, Wikipedia = "新加坡華人", regional_categories = true, parent = "東南亞", } labels["韓國"] = { aliases = {"South Korea", "South Korean"}, Wikipedia = "朝鮮半島華人", regional_categories = "南韓", parent = "海外", } labels["東南亞"] = { aliases = {"Southeast Asia", "Southeast Asian", "SEA"}, Wikipedia = "海外漢語", regional_categories = "東南亞", parent = "海外", } labels["臺灣"] = { aliases = {"Taiwan", "Taiwanese"}, Wikipedia = true, regional_categories = "臺灣", parent = "非中國大陸", } labels["泰國"] = { aliases = {"Thailand", "Thai"}, Wikipedia = "華裔泰國人", regional_categories = "泰國", parent = "東南亞", } labels["美國"] = { aliases = {"US", "U.S.", "United States", "United States of America", "USA", "America", "American"}, -- America/American: should these be aliases of 'North America'? Wikipedia = "History of Chinese Americans", regional_categories = "美國", parent = "北美洲", } labels["越南"] = { aliases = {"Vietnam", "Vietnamese"}, Wikipedia = "越南華人", regional_categories = "越南", parent = "東南亞", } ------------------------------------------ Miscellaneous non-lectal ------------------------------------------ labels["obs-std"] = { display = "[[Appendix:漢語術語表#obs-std|在標準漢語中已棄用]]", pos_categories = "有棄用詞義的詞", } -- This label is kept distinct from obs-std for now because previously there were two templates -- {{zh-obsolete}} (mapped to 'obs-std') and {{zh-no-solo}} (mapped to 'no-solo'), but the difference -- isn't clear so we display and explain them the same way. Eventually all uses need to be audited and -- cleaned up. labels["no-solo"] = { display = "[[Appendix:漢語術語表#no-solo|在標準漢語中已棄用]]", pos_categories = "有棄用詞義的詞", } labels["hist-dict"] = { display = "[[Appendix:漢語術語表#hist-dict|僅見於歷史詞典]]", pos_categories = "有棄用詞義的詞", } return require("Module:labels").finalize_data(labels) </pre> <!-- NewPP limit report Parsed by mw‐web.codfw.main‐59986f9cc4‐b9bh4 Cached time: 20250305041656 Cache expiry: 2592000 Reduced expiry: false Complications: [] CPU time usage: 0.079 seconds Real time usage: 0.109 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 23/1000000 Post‐expand include size: 5687/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 6/100 Expensive parser function count: 2/500 Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 0/5000000 bytes Lua time usage: 0.043/10.000 seconds Lua memory usage: 2589917/104857600 bytes Number of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report 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