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</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="sorted-news-list px-3"> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">The rising tide of sand mining: A growing threat to marine life</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> In the delicate balancing act between human development and protecting the fragile natural world, sand is weighing down the scales on the human side. </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Earth Sciences </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 1 hour ago </p> </div> <div 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class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Environment </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 2 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">Modeling study suggests Amazon rainforest is more resilient than assumed</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> The impending loss of the Amazon rainforest due to deforestation has concerned scientists, activists, and citizens all over the globe. Natural habitats sustaining the region's incomparable biodiversity and important carbon ... </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Earth Sciences </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 2 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">Research on vanishing coastlines in Egypt offers solutions for protecting coastal cities, including those in California</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> A new USC study reveals a dramatic surge in building collapses in the ancient Egyptian port city of Alexandria, directly linked to rising sea levels and seawater intrusion. </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Earth Sciences </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 2 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>1</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> Countries around the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy, according to a new study published in the journal Environmental Research Communications. </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Environment </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 3 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>5</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">Scientists discover unexpected decline in global ocean evaporation amid rising sea temperatures</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> A study published in Geophysical Research Letters has challenged the conventional understanding of the relationship between global warming and ocean evaporation. A research team from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and ... </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Earth Sciences </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 3 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>84</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">Environmental groups challenge approval of central Idaho gold mine still needing permits</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> A coalition of environmental groups sued the Trump administration this week to try to thwart the approval of the Stibnite Gold Project, a planned gold and antimony mine in Central Idaho. </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Environment </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 5 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">An encroaching desert threatens to swallow Mauritania's homes and history</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> For centuries, poets, scholars and theologians have flocked to Chinguetti, a trans-Saharan trading post home to more than a dozen libraries containing thousands of manuscripts. </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Environment </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 9 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>0</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex flex-column ie-flex-1"> <h3 class="mb-1 mb-lg-2"><a class="news-link" href="">UK peatland fires are supercharging carbon emissions as climate change causes hotter, drier summers</a></h3> <p class="mb-1 pr-1"> A new study led by the University of Cambridge has revealed that as our springs and summers get hotter and drier, the UK wildfire season is being stretched and intensified. More fires, taking hold over more months of the ... </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info mt-lg-3 mt-2"> <div class="article__info-item mr-auto"> <div class="text-low text-uppercase"> <p> Earth Sciences </p> </div> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <span class="mr-3"></span> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"> 17 hours ago </p> </div> <div class="article__info-item mr-3"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>2</span></p> </div> <div class="article__info-item"> <svg class="article__info-icon"> <use xlink:href="" x="0" y="0"></use> </svg> <p class="text-uppercase text-low"><span>8</span></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="sorted-article"> <div class="d-flex"> <figure class="sorted-article-figure"> <a href=""> <img data-src="" src=""alt=""> </a> </figure> <div class="sorted-article-content d-flex 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