Manifesto | Tighten

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We’d both worked for years in organizations where developers lacked meaningful support and arbitrary deadlines were set by someone else, often without our input. We felt trapped in a cycle where the only way to meet expectations was to work endlessly, which left us burnt out and on the brink of leaving the profession. But a few intense conversations rekindled our passion for the actual craft of software development, and surfaced a shared belief that ran counter to what we had experienced: businesses should exist to serve people. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> We imagined that there might be a better way to run a company, where the primary purpose was to provide a space for people to care for one another, and the actual work output was a crucial but secondary purpose. So we set out to create the company we would want to work for. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> The question that remained was whether a company like this could actually turn a profit. But if our stated purpose was to help people live better lives, and we are very good at our jobs, lots of great and talented people should want to work with us. So we should be successful, right? </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> We ran the experiment for a few years, picking up lots of ideas along the way, and generally seeing what we could get away with. Bit by bit, we dropped the parts we hated and replaced them with ones that we liked. We stopped estimating time, and started giving and expecting trust. We stopped tracking individual hours and started putting in a good day’s work. We stopped agreeing to high-stakes deadlines. We scrapped the dumb parts of Agile and focused on agility itself. We stopped working overtime. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> We discovered that rather than producing average results in a feel-good context, the experiment produced <em>exceptional</em> results. Building structures around caring for people actually <em>correlated</em> with financial and reputational success. We weren’t shocked that it worked, but we were shocked that it worked <em>this well</em>. Looking back, it shouldn’t have been such a surprise. People like feeling supported and appreciated. They hate being treated like “resources” or fungible units of labor. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Importantly, caring for someone doesn’t mean just saying nice things — it also means having the hard conversations, those which are most beneficial to their growth. It turns out that when every person is heard and supported, our values and practices align and we make <em>incredible shit</em>. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> We’ve come to believe that a people-focused team full of healthy, growing individuals who communicate and empathize well with each other produces better results than anyone else. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> This realization is only the beginning. Implementing it has been hard at times, but it’s mostly been a really fun adventure with a bunch of the most fabulous people we’ve ever met. What follows is meant to be fun too. It’s the advice we wish we someone had given us. It’s a manifesto, so we won’t mince words. Take the parts that interest you, with a healthy pinch of salt, and leave the rest. </p> <h3 class="text-4xl sm:text-6xl md:text-6xl font-serif font-extralight mb-8 lg:mb-12 border-t border-t-charcoal-60 pt-16 mt-16 text-yellow"> Team </h3> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="team--hire-people-not-workers"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">01</span> Hire people, not workers </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Hiring well is hard. But it’s impossible to make a great company without terrific people. Hire people you actually want to spend time with. A strong team can overcome a bad project or two, but a bad hire might be fatal to that same team. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Put time and energy into building a hiring process that places value not just on technical ability, but also on things like: </p> <ul class="pb-8 pl-8 leading-loose list-disc list-inside marker:text-yellow md:text-lg md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15"> <li>curiosity</li> <li>creativity</li> <li>self-education</li> <li>empathy</li> <li>observantness</li> <li>intuition</li> <li>active listening</li> <li>professional candor</li> <li>a growth mindset</li> </ul> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> You can teach programming (or design, or project management, or just about any other skill), but you can’t teach someone how to be good and decent. Look for people who aren’t afraid to express a strong preference, or admit to having failed at something in the past, or ask a question that might make them look foolish. In particular, never, ever hire people who are stubbornly preoccupied with proving their own competence. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Build a pipeline of potential hires long before you need them. Be constantly talking to people you find intriguing or different, in person and on the internet, and cultivate professional friendships with them. Look outside your friend and affinity and comfort circles for these folks. When you encounter a great person who isn’t yet qualified for a certain position, consider hiring them as an apprentice, and help them round out their skills on the job, or offer a mentorship to help them get apprentice-ready. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="team--create-a-place-for-your-people-to-thrive-and-grow"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">02</span> Create a place for your people to thrive and grow </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Before you hire people, create a space where they can thrive. After you hire those people, continuously cultivate and prune your environment and policies to better serve the team you have and the team you hope to have. Getting these amazing people in the door is only half the battle; giving them an incredible experience is the other. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Every big decision should be made with your team’s security, growth, family life, physical and mental health, and stress level in mind. Each of these aspects of life is under assault by the fetish of hustle culture, particularly in the U.S. Be the antidote to this. Doing right by your team yields the best results, and helps tremendously with employee retention, but that’s not why you should do it. You should do it because it’s the right thing to do. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="team--build-culture"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">03</span> Build culture </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Employees’ outside interests are the raw material of company culture. Fill your team with people who have all sorts of wild and diverse extracurricular interests, and give them opportunities to share their passions on company time. Team building exercises are dull with people who never do anything but work, but can be super engaging with a whole crew of fabulous weirdos willing to nerd out about things you’ve never even heard of, or breathe new life to something you thought was boring by going super deep. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Once you have a team on board, the culture belongs to them. Lead with values and policies at a high level, and in individual interactions at a low level, but let the culture itself develop organically. Nobody likes hackneyed corporate mumbo jumbo or corny rah-rah crap. When they have ideas for how to make things quirky and fun, just participate. Don’t be too heavy-handed at the tiller. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Great people tend to stick around in engaging, dynamic environments, and bail quickly from banal, life-sucking ones with no clear purpose. Talk to and listen to your team, as people, then try to create a place that these people, in particular, will find energizing. </p> <h3 class="text-4xl sm:text-6xl md:text-6xl font-serif font-extralight mb-8 lg:mb-12 border-t border-t-charcoal-60 pt-16 mt-16 text-yellow"> Methodology </h3> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="methodology--be-agile-not-necessarily-agile"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">01</span> Be agile, not (necessarily) Agile </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> The Agile Industrial Complex, as Matt often refers to it, has convinced the programming world that agility means adopting a certain set of dogmatic practices that use words like “standup” and “Scrum Master” and “velocity.” There is nothing wrong per se with these practices and systems, and they can be valuable when used appropriately. But they aren’t required for great work to get done. </p> <div class="py-6 lg:py-8"> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 text-base md:text-lg"> When we talk about agility, we mean exactly what a non-programmer would expect us to mean: being light on your feet and able to change directions on a dime. Athletes are agile. They adapt fluidly, in real-time, to dynamic situations, using fundamentals to guide their moment-to-moment decisions. </p> </div> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Be agile. Find the tools and practices (whether they’re a part of Agile or not) that allow you to remain flexible and respond quickly and easily to changing requirements. Focus on frequent and candid communication with clients, and choose programming ideologies (like YAGNI and KISS) that commit the minimum code and architecture required to build what you’re making right now, without trying to plan six steps down the road. Ship early, ship often, get meaningful client feedback, and iterate. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="methodology--rethink-estimation"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">02</span> Rethink estimation </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> A ton of ink has been spilled on this topic, so we’ll try to be brief here: Don’t estimate. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> <strong>Reason #1:</strong> It’s impossible to do accurately. In a collective 50 years of software development, we’ve never met anyone who can consistently estimate a meaningful cluster of programming tasks to within an acceptable threshold of accuracy. When a process fails this consistently, it’s time to scrap it. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> <strong>Reason #2:</strong> It’s wasteful. Why spend time on a failed process that could be spent doing the actual work? There’s no good reason. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> <strong>Reason #3:</strong> It puts unhealthy pressure on programmers, which makes them stressed out and miserable. Every time a task takes longer than your estimate feels like a micro-failure. This accrues to make programmers feel like there’s something wrong with them, when we want them to feel creative, engaged, and happy. Out it goes. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> But people are stubborn. They desperately seek clarity, so they endlessly try to rephrase or reframe the idea of estimation. A "t-shirt size" or "just a ballpark" or "just a high-level sense... I won’t hold you to it". Don’t do it. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> If you have to give them <i>something</i>, give them an order of magnitude: "hours", "days", or "weeks". The estimate is usually for someone other than the person asking (e.g. a boss, a customer, a grantor, an investor), so you’ll have to help them figure out how to sell it. This isn’t easy, but it’s honest, human work, whereas making up numbers to appease someone does them a disservice. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="methodology--develop-culture-not-just-processes"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">03</span> Develop culture, not just processes </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> When they help standardize workflows, ensure adherence to requirements, or save time, processes are good. Processes are great at helping to factor out boring, repetitive things. Processes are less good at encouraging behavioral change, but sometimes when we want to encourage a behavior we assume creating a new process is the only way. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Developing a culture — a shared set of beliefs, values and practices — is harder than developing processes, but culture’s impact can be more lasting, more consistent, and more naturally integrated than process. If every member of your team values accessibility, for example, they’ll consider accessibility throughout an entire project, not just at the final step when your process dictates an accessibility check. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="methodology--respect-team-members-time"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">04</span> Respect team members’ time </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Programmers need large blocks of uninterrupted time to do their best work. In theory, that sounds pretty easy to provide. Today, however, this need must be forcefully defended, or the programmer’s day will magically fill with meetings, check-ins, drive-bys, micro-distractions, chat pings, and 100 other types of interruption, all of which stand in direction opposition to deep, meaningful work getting done. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> This is true for many kinds of deep work, but it's especially true for programming. Programming requires the practitioner to hold multiple pieces of information in their head in the crucial moments before those ideas can coalesce and pass through the keyboard. When they're interrupted, a programmer has to gather all those pieces together again when they return to the task, costing precious time and jeopardizing key insights. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> When you see a server in a restaurant delivering a giant tray of precariously balanced dishes, do you walk up and tickle their nose? No, you give them a wide berth and let them do their job, lest all those carefully prepared dishes come crashing to the ground. Same with programmers. Don’t interrupt a programmer unless it’s actually important. Create structures where their communication tasks can be performed in the in-between moments, when they aren’t deep under the hood. Make sure everyone understands what constitutes "important enough to interrupt". </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="methodology--hold-way-fewer-meetings"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">05</span> Hold (way) fewer meetings </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> If you do client work, you’ll need a kickoff meeting for a new project, and you’ll probably need a regular meeting to deliver work. And some times you just need to get two people on a quick Zoom call to hash something out in a way that's faster and more collaborative than would be possible async. Beyond that, meetings should be steadfastly and ruthlessly eliminated, including the ubiquitous Daily Standup. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Meetings are costly (add up the hourly rate of every person in the meeting some time), disruptive (ugh, I was so close to a breakthrough, but I have a meeting), and have a nasty tendency to self-replicate (the last part of most meetings is scheduling the next meeting). In too many organizations, scheduling a meeting is used to give the illusion that work is getting done, when in fact the opposite is true: Nobody is getting anything done, because they are in meetings all day. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Experiment (either actually, or in your mind) with canceling every single meeting for a week, or a month. Did you get any less work done? </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="methodology--don-t-shy-from-conflict"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">06</span> Don’t shy from conflict </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Every conflict offers a choice: This moment can be an opportunity for growth, or a chance to perpetuate unhealthy patterns by leaving crucial truths unspoken. Addressing conflict directly and honestly is good and healthy, in every area of life, and work is no exception. If there is something difficult that needs to be said to a colleague and you fail to say it, you have harmed your colleague in service of your own comfort. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> By the same token, not every critique or suggestion you have for that colleague is <em>actually</em> important. Most, in fact, are not. Take great care in deciding which of these to communicate (particularly to direct reports or people junior to you), then do so with care and kindness, remembering you likely aren’t so perfect yourself either. </p> <h3 class="text-4xl sm:text-6xl md:text-6xl font-serif font-extralight mb-8 lg:mb-12 border-t border-t-charcoal-60 pt-16 mt-16 text-yellow"> Clients </h3> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="clients--remember-clients-are-people-too"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">01</span> Remember: Clients are people too </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Build a culture of deep care and respect for the human beings at your clients. Approach each new client relationship with the goal of finding out what truly matters to them. Show them you want to understand by asking clarifying questions and checking back in with them on their big goals. If you sense stress or pressure, try to get to its source by talking to the person closest to the source. This approach positions you as a trusted partner for your client, who cares about their needs, and provides meaningful counsel in service of their goals. Be a partner, not an order-taker. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Treat clients not as sources of revenue, but groups of human beings with real problems that need solving. If your company can help with these problems, tell them. If you can’t, or you aren’t sure, or a certain need comes up against a growth edge of your firm, tell them that too. Focus on delivering maximum value for your client, even if this doesn’t mean maximum revenue in the short term. A client who trusts you and is happy to have worked with your company is far more valuable than one you juiced for maximum revenue. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="clients--demand-and-deserve-their-trust"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">02</span> Demand (and deserve) their trust </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> If your client thought highly enough of your company to hire you, and you’ve treated them with respect, candor, and care throughout the relationship, you deserve their trust. There’s a certain type of person who feels it’s their job to be skeptical of outside vendors. On occasion they will subtly imply you’re not doing a good enough job, not working fast enough, or that you’ve been somehow less than honest. Don’t stand for it. Environments that lack a foundation of trust will eventually make your employees miserable. Politely but firmly tell this person that in order to do great things together, you require their trust. If they react poorly, or simply don’t agree, show your team you care for them by finding a new client who can extend trust. </p> <h3 class="text-4xl sm:text-6xl md:text-6xl font-serif font-extralight mb-8 lg:mb-12 border-t border-t-charcoal-60 pt-16 mt-16 text-yellow"> Community </h3> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="community--give-back-to-the-community-that-taught-you"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">01</span> Give back to the community that taught you </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Modern programmers, especially those working with open source tools, learn and grow largely through free resources, and we use free software every day in our day jobs. A company that profits from the work of educators and open source contributors owes it to the community to contribute back, whether financially or otherwise. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> Give financial support to creators with Patreons and GitHub sponsor pages. Give educational support by teaching through podcasts, conference talks, and blog posts. Give code support by contributing to open source libraries you use, or writing and releasing your own. Support conferences, meetups, free bootcamps, and other community projects. Use the power, influence, time, and money that come from having a company to uplift and empower the community that enables you to do the work in the first place. </p> <h4 class="anchor-link text-2xl sm:text-3xl lg:text-4xl font-serif font-extralight mt-8 mb-2 lg:mb-4 cursor-pointer text-yellow" id="community--help-create-the-community-you-want-to-be-a-part-of"> <span class="anchor-hover-indicator hidden font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40">#</span> <span class="hidden sm:inline font-mono word-spacing-tight font-semibold text-base text-charcoal-40 w-12 pointer-events-none">02</span> Help create the community you want to be a part of </h4> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> It's easy to point out when the communities we're in don't look the way we want, whether it comes to diversity, financial support, educational opportunities, or anything else. But as companies and organizations with financial and time resources, we actually have a chance to shape our communities to be the way we want instead of simply complaining about what they're not. </p> <p class="leading-loose md:leading-loose text-charcoal-15 py-3 lg:py-4 text-base md:text-lg"> The best programming communities are those which are good for the people inside them (and the people who are joining). That means they're welcoming, friendly, collaborative, healthy, and safe. As leaders in our communities we can use our time, energy, and money to help this come to fruition. </p> </div> </div> <script> const anchorLinks = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('anchor-link')); => { const indicator = anchor.getElementsByClassName('anchor-hover-indicator')[0]; anchor.addEventListener('click', function handleClick(event) { location.hash = `#${}`; }); anchor.addEventListener('mouseover', function handleMouseover() { indicator.classList.add('sm:inline'); }); anchor.addEventListener('mouseout', function handleMouseover() { indicator.classList.remove('sm:inline'); }); }); </script> <div class="bg-cream-400"> <div class="px-6 md:px-16 lg:px-28 py-10 md:py-16 lg:py-24"> <div class="max-w-screen-2xl mx-auto flex flex-col xl:flex-row"> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="font-serif font-extralight text-charcoal-80 text-6xl lg:text-7xl xl:text-8xl pb-10"> Hey, <br class="hidden lg:block">let’s talk. </div> </div> <div class="flex-1 light"> <div x-data="contactForm()" class="py-0 mb-24 text-charcoal-80"> <div class="max-w-5xl mx-auto"> <form action="" method="POST" x-show="! submitted" @recaptcha-submitted.window="submitForm" > <div class="mb-20 grid grid-cols-2 gap-y-10 sm:gap-y-6 gap-x-10 sm:mb-12"> <div class="relative col-span-2 lg:col-span-1 text-charcoal-80 focus-within:text-black"> <label for="first_name" class="flex items-center justify-between absolute left-0 -bottom-8 sm:bottom-0 pb-2.5 block text-sm sm:text-lg font-serif" :class="hasError('first_name') ? 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