ADW: Chelus fimbriatus: INFORMATION

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Its range also extends west to Equador and Peru, and east into the eastern Amazon river basin. It also occurs on the island of Trinidad.</p> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> has been reportedly introduced into the drainage canals of southeast Florida, though a self-sustaining breeding population has not been confirmed. This introduction may be due to carelesness associated with the pet trade. Possible detrimental effects on Florida's native habitat have not yet been noted or investigated (Ernst and Barbour 1989, Espenshade 1990, USGS Biological Research Division 1999).</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Biogeographic Regions</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020915000403">neotropical</a> <ul> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145365">native</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="habitat">Habitat</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> prefers shallow, slow moving, turbid bodies of water such as rivers, blackwater streams, swamps, and marshes. The brackish waters of the lower Amazon basin are also inhabited. Soft muddy bottoms are prefered. <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is totally aquatic and rarely moves over land (Ernst and Barbour 1989, Espenshade 1990).</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate "> <li class="keywords-header">Habitat Regions</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145598">tropical</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145747">freshwater</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate "> <li class="keywords-header">Aquatic Biomes</li> <li> <span>lakes and ponds</span> </li> <li> <span>rivers and streams</span> </li> </ul> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Wetlands</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145363">marsh</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145679">swamp</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="physical_description">Physical Description</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is almost surreal in appearance, and at first glance may resemble a pile of debris. Younger animals are salmon pink to reddish-brown in coloration with black to green mottling. As <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">C. fimbriatus</span> matures, the pinkish hues are replaced by faded yellow, washed out browns, oranges, and greys. The carapace has three lengthwise knobby keels. Algae may cover much of the carapace causing the animal to virtually disappear into its surroundings. A fairly large turtle, <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">C. fimbriatus</span> may reach a carapace length of nearly 45 cm. The head is broadly triangular with large lateral flaps of skin. Several hypotheses have been proposed on the possible functions of these flaps. It is known that the flaps have nerves that respond to various stimuli, including motion in the surrounding water. Tubercles on the head near the corners of the mouth and neck, and barbels on the chin, also are reported to have sensory nerves, possibly used in detecting water vibrations and other external stimuli. The snout has evolved into a long protuberance used as a snorkel, minimizing the turtle's movement as only the tip of the snout emerges form the water during respiration. The back of the eyes are lined with a tapetum lucidum, a visual adaptation which reflects light. This is seen also in other nocturnal reptiles. Despite this, <span class="taxon-name">C.fimbriatus</span> has extremely poor eyesight. This turtle can sense auditory stimuli obtained through a well developed tympanum on both sides of the head. <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is a poor swimmer with legs adapted for walking on the bottom of their muddy habitats. Hatchlings and juveniles can swim awkwardly. Adults rarely leave the bottom of shallow pools and streams. <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is only sexually dimorphic after reaching maturity. Males have a concave plastron and rather long, thick tails; females have a flatter plastron and smaller tails. With tail extended, the male's vent (anal opening) is beyond the posterior edge of the carapace; the female's vent is under the edge of the carapace (Alderton 1988, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Kirkpatrick 1992).</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate "> <li class="keywords-header">Other Physical Features</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020916131519">ectothermic</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020916125902">heterothermic</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145642">bilateral symmetry</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Sexual Dimorphism</li> <li> <span>sexes shaped differently</span> </li> </ul> <ul class="aside block-grid donthyphenate one-up"> <li> <dl> <dt>Range length</dt> <dd>45 (high) cm</dd> <dd class="english">17.72 (high) in</dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="reproduction">Reproduction</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Prior to mating, male <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> will repetitively extend the head toward the female while opening and closing the mouth.</p> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Movement of the lateral flaps on the head has been observed during this courtship ritual, as well as a hyperextension of the legs from the shell.</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Mating System</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145840">polygynous</a> </li> </ul> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Eggs are laid from October through December in the upper Amazon regions. Unlike most Amazonian turtles, which nest in open sandy places, mata matas may excavate their nests in decaying vegetation at the forest edge The eggs are about 3.5 centimeters in diameter and are almost spherical. One clutch may contain 12 to 28 eggs which have a relatively long incubation period. Incubation periods of around 200 days incubated at 28 to 29 degrees Celsius have been noted for captive individuals. (Ernst and Barbour 1989, Espenshade 1990).</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Key Reproductive Features</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145554">iteroparous</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145584">seasonal breeding</a> </li> <li> <span>gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate)</span> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145786">sexual</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145546">fertilization</a> <ul> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145427">internal</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145572">oviparous</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="aside block-grid donthyphenate three-up"> <li> <dl> <dt>Breeding interval</dt> <dd>Breeding occurs once yearly.</dd> </dl> </li> <li> <dl> <dt>Breeding season</dt> <dd>Breeding and egg-laying occur from October through December.</dd> </dl> </li> <li> <dl> <dt>Range number of offspring</dt> <dd>12 to 28</dd> </dl> </li> <li> <dl> <dt>Average gestation period</dt> <dd>200 days</dd> </dl> </li> </ul> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Young mata matas hatch from their eggs and emerge from the nest on their own, there is no parental care.</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Parental Investment</li> <li> <span>no parental involvement</span> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="lifespan_longevity">Lifespan/Longevity</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">There is little information on the longevity of these animals in the wild. In captivity they may live up to 15 years.</p> <ul class="aside block-grid donthyphenate one-up"> <li> <dl> <dt>Typical lifespan<br /><span>Status: captivity</span></dt> <dd>15 (high) years</dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="behavior">Behavior</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Mata matas rarely bask and spend most of their time under water, with the exception of females hauling out onto land to nest. Because of their relatively weak limbs, <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">C. fimbriatus</span> prowl the muddy bottoms of their habitat, and seldom, if ever, swim. This is a solitary species that rarely interacts with members of its own species except when breeding. They are active during the day and night.</p> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Physical characteristics of this turtle correlate closely to its behavioral characteristics. Resembling a pile of debris and using slow and deliberate motions, mata matas blend easily into the surrounding habitat (Ernst and Barbour 1989, Espenshade 1990).</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Key Behaviors</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020914213156">natatorial</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145414">diurnal</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145503">nocturnal</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145472">motile</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145585">sedentary</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145381">solitary</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="communication">Communication and Perception</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Mata matas have poor vision, but seem to have excellent tactile and auditory senses. The complex folds of skin on their bodies may hold sensory nerves that help to detect motion (see Physical description).</p> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Male mating displays involve touch and physical displays.</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate "> <li class="keywords-header">Communication Channels</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145694">visual</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145500">tactile</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Perception Channels</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145500">tactile</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145852">vibrations</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145606">chemical</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="food_habits">Food Habits</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is primarily carnivorous. Its diet consists mainly of fish, and aquatic invertebrates. The mandibles are not attached medially, and the relatively weak jaws are unsuited for seizing and chewing prey. <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> must rely on well developed neck musculature and the hyoid apparatus in the throat. When a potential prey item comes within range of the turtle, the turtle will strike out and open its mouth. Large amounts of water, and the prey item, are sucked in by the low pressure that is created. The mouth is then closed and excess water is expelled. The prey item is swallowed whole. While foraging, <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">C. fimbriatus</span> may trawl the water making lateral movements with its neck and head; at other times the turtles remain still and simply wait for fish or invertebrates to approach. <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> has also been observed to herd fish into a restricted area and confine them before feeding. The cryptic appearance of <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">C. fimbriatus</span> contributes to its efficiency as a predator; the various neck fringes and algae growth may entice unwary fish to approach in search of food-- and before the prey are even aware of the turtle's presence, it is already too late to escape (Alderton 1988, Ernst and Barbour 1989, Espenshade 1990, Kirkpatrick 1992).</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate "> <li class="keywords-header">Primary Diet</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145419">carnivore</a> <ul> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145838">piscivore</a> </li> <li> <span>eats non-insect arthropods</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Animal Foods</li> <li> <span>fish</span> </li> <li> <span>aquatic or marine worms</span> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="predation">Predation</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Mata matas avoid predation by being cryptic and through their large size and thick carapace.</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Anti-predator Adaptations</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020913232730">cryptic</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="ecosystem_roles">Ecosystem Roles</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">Mata matas are important predators of small fish and aquatic invertebrates in the ecosystems in which they live.</p> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="economic_importance_positive">Economic Importance for Humans: Positive</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is sometimes collected and sold in the pet trade, and is also captured and eaten by people, though its odd and unappetizing appearance may sometimes save it from the soup pot. As with all organisms, mata matas play a role in the functioning of their local ecosystem.</p> <ul class="keywords donthyphenate last"> <li class="keywords-header">Positive Impacts</li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020914111019">pet trade</a> </li> <li> <a class="gloss" href="#20020904145418">food</a> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="economic_importance_negative">Economic Importance for Humans: Negative</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">If <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> became established in southeast Florida, research would be needed to determine the impact, if any, it might have on native fauna.</p> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="conservation_status">Conservation Status</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> has no special status. However with rapid destruction of its native habitat, this may not hold true in the future.</p> <ul class="aside block-grid donthyphenate three-up"> <li> <dl> <dt> <a class="external-link" href="">IUCN Red List</a> </dt> <dd> <span>No special status</span> </dd> </dl> </li> <li> <dl> <dt> <a class="external-link" href="">US Federal List</a> </dt> <dd> <span>No special status</span> </dd> </dl> </li> <li> <dl> <dt> <a class="external-link" href="">CITES</a> </dt> <dd> <span>No special status</span> </dd> </dl> </li> </ul> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="comments">Other Comments</h3> <p audience="advanced intermediate">TAXONOMY:</p> <p audience="advanced intermediate"><span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is a member of the Suborder Pleurodira; the side-necked turtles, and is in the family Chelidae ("snake-necked turtles"). Pleurodira bend their neck to the side when pulling it under the edge of the carapace rather than retracting it directly inward, as seen in the Cryptodira, or hidden-necked turtles. <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> is the sole species in its genus. Although variation in skin and shell color, and in shell shape has been observed, no subspecies are yet identified. The common name "matamata" is said to have the meaning "I kill" in one of the South American native languages. The name <span rank="Species" class="taxon-link rank-species">Chelus fimbriatus</span> was given by Mertens and Muller in 1934, meaning "fringed turtle".</p> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="contributors">Contributors</h3> <p>Benjamin Davidson (author), Michigan State University, James Harding (editor), Michigan State University. </p> </section> <section class="offscreen"> <h3 id="glossary">Glossary</h3> <div id="20020915000403"> <dl> <dt>Neotropical</dt> <dd> <p>living in the southern part of the New World. In other words, Central and South America.</p> <p align="center"> <img alt="World Map" src="/images/worldmap.2001.jpg" /> </p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145642"> <dl> <dt>bilateral symmetry</dt> <dd> <p>having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Synapomorphy of the Bilateria.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145419"> <dl> <dt>carnivore</dt> <dd> <p>an animal that mainly eats meat</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145606"> <dl> <dt>chemical</dt> <dd> <p>uses smells or other chemicals to communicate</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020913232730"> <dl> <dt>cryptic</dt> <dd> <p>having markings, coloration, shapes, or other features that cause an animal to be camouflaged in its natural environment; being difficult to see or otherwise detect.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145414"> <dl> <dt>diurnal</dt> <dd> <ol class="arabic simple"> <li>active during the day, 2. lasting for one day.</li> </ol> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020916131519"> <dl> <dt>ectothermic</dt> <dd> <p>animals which must use heat acquired from the environment and behavioral adaptations to regulate body temperature</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145546"> <dl> <dt>fertilization</dt> <dd> <p>union of egg and spermatozoan</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145418"> <dl> <dt>food</dt> <dd> <p>A substance that provides both nutrients and energy to a living thing.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145747"> <dl> <dt>freshwater</dt> <dd> <p>mainly lives in water that is not salty.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020916125902"> <dl> <dt>heterothermic</dt> <dd> <p>having a body temperature that fluctuates with that of the immediate environment; having no mechanism or a poorly developed mechanism for regulating internal body temperature.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145427"> <dl> <dt>internal fertilization</dt> <dd> <p>fertilization takes place within the female's body</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145554"> <dl> <dt>iteroparous</dt> <dd> <p>offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) and across multiple seasons (or other periods hospitable to reproduction). Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes).</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145363"> <dl> <dt>marsh</dt> <dd> <p>marshes are wetland areas often dominated by grasses and reeds.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145472"> <dl> <dt>motile</dt> <dd> <p>having the capacity to move from one place to another.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020914213156"> <dl> <dt>natatorial</dt> <dd> <p>specialized for swimming</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145365"> <dl> <dt>native range</dt> <dd> <p>the area in which the animal is naturally found, the region in which it is endemic.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145503"> <dl> <dt>nocturnal</dt> <dd> <p>active during the night</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145572"> <dl> <dt>oviparous</dt> <dd> <p>reproduction in which eggs are released by the female; development of offspring occurs outside the mother's body.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020914111019"> <dl> <dt>pet trade</dt> <dd> <p>the business of buying and selling animals for people to keep in their homes as pets.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145838"> <dl> <dt>piscivore</dt> <dd> <p>an animal that mainly eats fish</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145840"> <dl> <dt>polygynous</dt> <dd> <p>having more than one female as a mate at one time</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145584"> <dl> <dt>seasonal breeding</dt> <dd> <p>breeding is confined to a particular season</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145585"> <dl> <dt>sedentary</dt> <dd> <p>remains in the same area</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145786"> <dl> <dt>sexual</dt> <dd> <p>reproduction that includes combining the genetic contribution of two individuals, a male and a female</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145381"> <dl> <dt>solitary</dt> <dd> <p>lives alone</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145679"> <dl> <dt>swamp</dt> <dd> <p>a wetland area that may be permanently or intermittently covered in water, often dominated by woody vegetation.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145500"> <dl> <dt>tactile</dt> <dd> <p>uses touch to communicate</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145598"> <dl> <dt>tropical</dt> <dd> <p>the region of the earth that surrounds the equator, from 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145852"> <dl> <dt>vibrations</dt> <dd> <p>movements of a hard surface that are produced by animals as signals to others</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div id="20020904145694"> <dl> <dt>visual</dt> <dd> <p>uses sight to communicate</p> </dd> </dl> </div> </section> <section class="hyphenate"> <h3 id="references">References</h3> <p id="c920f6fd3376d6b86d1861fc4ddebada">Alderton, .. 1988. <span style="font-style: italic">Turtles and Tortoises of the World</span>. New York: Facts-On-File Pub.. </p> <p id="21f421d572eb27b3c4f92665e1261a9d">Ernst, .., .. Barbour. 1989. <span style="font-style: italic">Turtles of the World</span>. Washington, D.C., and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. </p> <p id="146d3f4fc323049b116513b0ebaaa5fe">Espenshade, .. May 1990. Matamata, Chelus fimbriatus. <span style="font-style: italic">Tortuga Gazette</span>, 26:(5): 3-5. </p> <p id="978e4917b74e4fedf15bc9cfd5987160">Kirkpatrick, .. 1992. The Matamata. <span style="font-style: italic">Reptile and Amphibian Magazine</span>, Sept/Oct, 1992: 34-39. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="span2_5 right sidebar"> <div class="well" id="pocket-guide-link"> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="icon-download icon-white" style="vertical-align: bottom"></i> ADW Pocket Guides on the iOS App Store! </a> <p>The Animal Diversity Web team is excited to announce ADW Pocket Guides!</p> <p> <a href="/news/5009059054038197651/">Read more...</a> </p> </div> <h2 class="offscreen">Search</h2> <div id="site-search"> <form action="/search" method="GET"> <label for="q" class="offscreen">Enter search text</label> <input value="" id="q" name="q" class="span12" size="15" type="text" placeholder="Search ADW" /> <button class="btn"> <i class="icon-zoom-in"></i> <span class="offscreen">Search</span> </button> <p style="max-height: 35px"> <label for="feature-list" class="offscreen">Search in feature</label> <select size="1" name="feature" 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