Cost-benefit analysis: 5 steps to turn data into smarter choices

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14.449 51.551 14 51 14 z M 55 14 C 54.449 14 54 14.449 54 15 C 54 15.551 54.449 16 55 16 C 55.551 16 56 15.551 56 15 C 56 14.449 55.551 14 55 14 z M 30 19 C 29.449 19 29 19.449 29 20 C 29 20.551 29.449 21 30 21 C 30.551 21 31 20.551 31 20 C 31 19.449 30.551 19 30 19 z M 50 19 C 49.449 19 49 19.449 49 20 C 49 20.551 49.449 21 50 21 C 50.551 21 51 20.551 51 20 C 51 19.449 50.551 19 50 19 z M 27 21 C 26.449 21 26 21.449 26 22 C 26 22.551 26.449 23 27 23 C 27.551 23 28 22.551 28 22 C 28 21.449 27.551 21 27 21 z M 53 21 C 52.449 21 52 21.449 52 22 C 52 22.551 52.449 23 53 23 C 53.551 23 54 22.551 54 22 C 54 21.449 53.551 21 53 21 z M 18 28 C 13.592874 28 10 31.592874 10 36 C 10 40.407126 13.592874 44 18 44 C 22.407126 44 26 40.407126 26 36 L 26 35 L 25.796875 35 C 25.282076 31.084164 22.052768 28 18 28 z M 62 28 C 57.592874 28 54 31.592874 54 36 C 54 40.407126 57.592874 44 62 44 C 62.275445 44 62.548001 43.986375 62.816406 43.958984 C 64.695246 43.767248 66.384373 42.920314 67.652344 41.652344 C 69.101453 40.203235 70 38.203563 70 36 L 70 35 L 69.796875 35 C 69.282076 31.084164 66.052768 28 62 28 z M 18 30 C 21.326874 30 24 32.673126 24 36 C 24 39.326874 21.326874 42 18 42 C 14.673126 42 12 39.326874 12 36 C 12 32.673126 14.673126 30 18 30 z M 62 30 C 65.326874 30 68 32.673126 68 36 C 68 39.326874 65.326874 42 62 42 C 58.673126 42 56 39.326874 56 36 C 56 35.79207 56.010859 35.587095 56.03125 35.384766 C 56.337112 32.349828 58.881056 30 62 30 z M 40 35 C 35.041484 35 31 39.041484 31 44 C 31 48.958516 35.041484 53 40 53 C 44.958516 53 49 48.958516 49 44 L 49 43 L 48.796875 43 C 48.275261 38.532432 44.604108 35 40 35 z M 40 37 C 43.877484 37 47 40.122516 47 44 C 47 47.877484 43.877484 51 40 51 C 36.122516 51 33 47.877484 33 44 C 33 40.122516 36.122516 37 40 37 z M 18 46 C 10.306206 46 4 52.306206 4 60 L 4 64 L 26.269531 64 C 25.457834 65.84109 25 67.868987 25 70 L 25 74 L 55 74 L 55 71 L 55 70 C 55 67.868987 54.542166 65.84109 53.730469 64 L 76 64 L 76 60 C 76 52.306206 69.693794 46 62 46 C 55.158556 46 49.446319 50.988522 48.257812 57.503906 C 45.884282 55.926028 43.045242 55 40 55 C 36.954758 55 34.115718 55.926028 31.742188 57.503906 C 30.553681 50.988522 24.841444 46 18 46 z M 18 48 C 24.245162 48 29.37815 52.832416 29.921875 58.941406 C 28.934708 59.842395 28.067924 60.868215 27.347656 62 L 6 62 L 6 60 C 6 53.397794 11.397794 48 18 48 z M 62 48 C 68.602206 48 74 53.397794 74 60 L 74 62 L 52.652344 62 C 51.932076 60.868215 51.065292 59.842395 50.078125 58.941406 C 50.62185 52.832416 55.754838 48 62 48 z M 40 57 C 47.153388 57 53 62.846612 53 70 L 53 72 L 27 72 L 27 70 C 27 62.846612 32.846612 57 40 57 z M 8 58 C 7.449 58 7 58.449 7 59 C 7 59.551 7.449 60 8 60 C 8.551 60 9 59.551 9 59 C 9 58.449 8.551 58 8 58 z M 12 58 C 11.449 58 11 58.449 11 59 C 11 59.551 11.449 60 12 60 C 12.551 60 13 59.551 13 59 C 13 58.449 12.551 58 12 58 z M 16 58 C 15.449 58 15 58.449 15 59 C 15 59.551 15.449 60 16 60 C 16.551 60 17 59.551 17 59 C 17 58.449 16.551 58 16 58 z M 20 58 C 19.449 58 19 58.449 19 59 C 19 59.551 19.449 60 20 60 C 20.551 60 21 59.551 21 59 C 21 58.449 20.551 58 20 58 z M 24 58 C 23.449 58 23 58.449 23 59 C 23 59.551 23.449 60 24 60 C 24.551 60 25 59.551 25 59 C 25 58.449 24.551 58 24 58 z M 28 58 C 27.449 58 27 58.449 27 59 C 27 59.551 27.449 60 28 60 C 28.551 60 29 59.551 29 59 C 29 58.449 28.551 58 28 58 z M 52 58 C 51.449 58 51 58.449 51 59 C 51 59.551 51.449 60 52 60 C 52.551 60 53 59.551 53 59 C 53 58.449 52.551 58 52 58 z M 56 58 C 55.449 58 55 58.449 55 59 C 55 59.551 55.449 60 56 60 C 56.551 60 57 59.551 57 59 C 57 58.449 56.551 58 56 58 z M 60 58 C 59.449 58 59 58.449 59 59 C 59 59.551 59.449 60 60 60 C 60.551 60 61 59.551 61 59 C 61 58.449 60.551 58 60 58 z M 64 58 C 63.449 58 63 58.449 63 59 C 63 59.551 63.449 60 64 60 C 64.551 60 65 59.551 65 59 C 65 58.449 64.551 58 64 58 z M 68 58 C 67.449 58 67 58.449 67 59 C 67 59.551 67.449 60 68 60 C 68.551 60 69 59.551 69 59 C 69 58.449 68.551 58 68 58 z M 72 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class="post-full post tag-cfo tag-finance tag-financial-operations tag-finance-metrics "> <section class="post-full-content CFO"> <header class="post-full-header"> <div class="post-full-header-wrapper"> <section class="post-full-meta"> <time class="post-full-meta-date" datetime=" 2025-02-17">17 February 2025</time> <span class="reading-time">9 min read</span> </section> <h1 class="post-full-title">Cost-benefit analysis: 5 steps to turn data into smarter choices</h1> <section class="post-full-meta"> <a href="/tag/cfo/">CFO</a> </section> <div class="post-author-with-linkedin-wrapper"> <div class="post-author-wrapper"> <section class="post-full-authors"> <section class="author-card"> <a href="/author/sabrinthia/"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="/content/images/size/w300/2022/04/me.jpeg" alt="Sabrinthia Donnelly" /> <section class="author-card-content"> <h4 class="author-card-name">Sabrinthia Donnelly</h4> <div class="post-full-footer-right"> <div class="author-card-button">Read More</div> </div> </section> </a> </section> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="post-full-image" style="background-image: url(/content/images/2025/02/FA_Website_Article_Images_Doodles--6-.png);"> </div> </header> <div class="post-content"> <aside class="toc-container"> </aside> <p>Not sure where to start with cost-benefit analysis?</p><p>We hear you.&nbsp;</p><p>With so many complex factors to identify and monetize, it can be hard to know which costs and benefits to focus on first – or how to accurately quantify them.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="" loading="lazy" width="498" height="213"></figure><p>If you want to learn more about what cost-benefit analysis is and how to do it, keep reading as we dive into five key steps to streamline your financial evaluations and drive smarter decisions. 🧠&nbsp;</p><h2 id="what-is-meant-by-cost-benefit-analysis"><strong>What is meant by cost-benefit analysis?</strong>&nbsp;</h2><p>Cost benefit analysis attempts to lay out an objective framework for any major spending or investment choice by asking two vital questions:</p><p>1. Do the expected benefits outweigh the expected costs over time?&nbsp;</p><p>2. And if so, by how much relative to other alternatives?</p><p>It provides the needed structure for breaking down decisions into defined costs and benefits that can be systematically assessed.&nbsp;</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Cost-benefit analysis definition" loading="lazy" width="2000" height="2500" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 2160w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><h2 id="what-is-the-main-goal-of-using-a-cost-benefit-analysis-%F0%9F%8E%AF"><strong>What is the main goal of using a cost-benefit analysis?</strong> 🎯</h2><p>The main goal of doing a cost-benefit analysis is to determine whether the benefits of a potential project or decision outweigh the costs. </p><p>Put simply, it answers the question – <em>is this project or task worth it?</em></p><p>To get that answer, you've got to weigh all the possible outcomes, which involves lining up the good, the bad, and everything in between. </p><p>And yes, that means you need to sift through the options and choose the one that brings the most value <em>without</em> weighing you down with excessive costs. </p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">Scenario planning: Navigate uncertainty with confidence</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">Learn about the key benefits of scenario planning and how it can be integrated into strategic and financial planning cycles.</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Cesar Gomez Nieto</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt="" onerror=" = 'none'"></div></a></figure><hr><h2 id="how-do-you-calculate-cost-and-benefit-analysis">How do you calculate cost and benefit analysis?</h2><p>A cost-benefit analysis balances the cost of an action against its potential benefits, providing a clear financial comparison to guide decision-making. </p><p>To calculate cost and benefit analysis, there are several steps you must follow (see below). However, in terms of <a href="" rel="noreferrer">metrics</a>, the most critical aspect is accurately quantifying and then comparing the total costs against the total benefits. </p><p>Here’s how you can do it (<em>we'll get into the steps of the cost-benefit analysis process in more detail in the next section</em>):</p><ol><li><strong>Quantify costs</strong>: First, list all the costs associated with the project or decision and assign a monetary value to each one. </li><li><strong>Quantify benefits</strong>: Similarly, identify all potential benefits (both tangible and intangible). Again, assign a monetary value to each benefit.</li><li><strong>Total the costs and benefits</strong>: Add up all the quantified costs to get a total cost figure. Do the same for the benefits to get a total benefits figure.</li><li><strong>Calculate net benefits</strong>: Subtract the total costs from the total benefits. This calculation will give you the net benefit (or net cost, if the costs exceed the benefits) of the project or decision.</li></ol><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="cost benefit analysis example" loading="lazy" width="1755" height="2194" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1755w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><ol start="5"><li><strong>Additional analysis</strong>: To deepen the analysis, you might consider metrics like the benefit-cost ratio (BCR). To calculate this, you must divide the total benefits of a project by its total costs.</li></ol><p>The formula looks something like this:</p><blockquote class="kg-blockquote-alt"><strong>BCR = Total Benefits / Total Costs&nbsp;</strong></blockquote><h3 id="what-is-a-good-cost-benefit-ratio"><strong>What is a good cost-benefit ratio?</strong></h3><p>A BCR greater than <strong>1.0 </strong>indicates that the project's benefits exceed its costs, suggesting it's a financially viable option.&nbsp;On the other hand, a BCR less than <strong>1.0 </strong>means the costs outweigh the benefits, signaling a potential reconsideration of the project.</p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">12 proven strategies for managing liquidity</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">Liquidity management is about ensuring your company always has enough cash, not just for the daily grind but also for tempting growth opportunities. It’s a financial balancing act that involves…</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Sabrinthia Donnelly</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt="" onerror=" = 'none'"></div></a></figure><p></p><p></p><hr><h2 id="5-steps-of-the-cost-benefit-analysis-process"><strong>5 steps of the cost-benefit analysis process&nbsp;</strong></h2><p>Not every approach to cost-benefit analysis will be the same. But there tends to be five vital steps (or variations of these steps) that most will follow when carrying out the analysis.</p><p>These steps are:</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Steps of cost-benefit analysis" loading="lazy" width="1740" height="564" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1740w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"></figure><p>Now, let’s explore each step in more detail:</p><h3 id="1-establish-the-framework-for-analysis"><strong>1. Establish the framework for analysis</strong></h3><p>Kick things off by setting clear objectives and defining the scope of your analysis. This sets the stage for everything that follows, ensuring you're working within a structured and focused context.&nbsp;</p><p>Most of the planning takes place during this stage and there’s some questions you need answers to, such as:</p><p><strong>What’s the purpose of the cost-benefit analysis?</strong></p><p>For example, is it to help determine whether your company should move forward with a new software development project? </p><p>Or perhaps you want to assess the feasibility of the company's expansion into a new market, weighing the potential increase in customer base and revenue against the marketing and operational setup costs.</p><p>Whatever the case - zone in on the main purpose of the cost-benefit analysis to help maintain focus throughout the process. </p><p><strong>What's the timeline?</strong></p><p>Your timeline is important. A short-term cost-benefit analysis could involve assessing the financial impact of running a promotional campaign over the course of three months, while a long-term analysis might look at the benefits and costs of a major infrastructure project planned to unfold over the next 10 years. Decide on your timeline as early in the process as possible.</p><p>It's important to set both your goals and objectives at this stage too. Having a clear goal in mind will help during the next step. You’ll also need to choose how you’ll measure and compare costs and benefits and what metric you’ll use.</p><p></p><hr><h3 id="2-identify-all-relevant-costs-and-benefits"><strong>2. Identify all relevant costs and benefits</strong></h3><p>Now, list out all the potential costs – think materials, labor, time, and benefits, like increased revenue, efficiency gains, or intangible perks. This step is crucial; missing something here can skew your entire analysis.&nbsp;</p><p>And while you’re busy listing out all of those potential costs, don’t forget to consider the benefits too! These could be tangible, like increased revenue and efficiency gains, or intangible, like enhanced brand reputation or employee satisfaction.&nbsp;</p><p>Costs (and benefits) typically include:&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Direct costs:</strong></p><ul><li>Materials and supplies needed for a project.</li><li>Labor costs, including salaries, wages, and benefits for employees directly involved.</li><li>Equipment costs, whether it's purchasing or leasing necessary machinery.&nbsp;</li></ul><p><strong>Possible benefits:</strong></p><ul><li>Increased revenue from sales growth, new customers, or market expansion.</li><li>Enhanced productivity, leading to more output with the same or fewer inputs.</li></ul><p></p><hr><p><strong>Indirect costs:</strong>&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Overhead expenses like utilities, rent for facilities, and administrative staff salaries.</li><li>Maintenance and operational costs that keep the project running.</li><li>Depreciation of equipment and technology used in the project.&nbsp;</li></ul><p><strong>Possible benefits:</strong></p><ul><li>Long-term savings from improved processes or technology upgrades.</li><li>Boosted brand value and stronger market positioning that can lead to indirect revenue growth.</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><hr><p><strong>Intangible costs:</strong></p><ul><li>Negative impact on brand reputation or employee morale.</li><li>Potential loss of customer loyalty or market share.</li></ul><p><strong>Possible benefits:</strong></p><ul><li>Customer satisfaction that could translate into loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.</li><li>Improved employee well-being and job satisfaction, potentially leading to higher retention rates.</li></ul><p></p><hr><p><strong>Opportunity costs:</strong>&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Potential revenue lost by choosing one project over another.</li><li>The value of alternative uses of time and resources that are diverted from other activities.</li></ul><p><strong>Possible benefits:</strong></p><ul><li>The project selected may offer a strategic advantage.</li><li>Allocating time and resources to the chosen initiative could streamline operations or improve product quality.</li><li>The decision might open up avenues for partnerships, collaborations, or even acquisitions.</li></ul><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">Data storytelling for FP&amp;A</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">What do Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Nikki Glaser have in common? They all excel in storytelling...and you can do (yes, even as a finance professional!). Here’s how…</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Mathew Reynders</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt="" onerror=" = 'none'"></div></a></figure><p></p><hr><h3 id="3-quantify-costs-and-benefits"><strong>3. Quantify costs and benefits</strong></h3><p>Assign a monetary value to each <a href="" rel="noreferrer">cost</a> and benefit you've listed. This might require some digging into market rates, historical data, or expert forecasts, but it's worth the effort to get the most accurate picture possible.</p><p>By quantifying the financial elements of your cost-benefit analysis, you'll lay the groundwork for making decisions that are both financially sound <em>and</em> strategically smart.&nbsp;</p><p>Remember, consistency is key when you're crunching the numbers—make sure you're using the same currency and time frame across <em>all</em> elements for a coherent analysis.</p><p></p><hr><h3 id="4-calculate-net-benefits-and-compare-alternatives"><strong>4. Calculate net benefits and compare alternatives</strong></h3><p>It's time to do the math.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="" loading="lazy" width="498" height="337"></figure><p>Subtract the total costs from the total benefits to find the net benefit of each option. This comparison is the heart of your analysis—it shows you which choices give you the <em>most</em> financial upside.</p><p>But remember, it's not just about the final figure. Take the time to understand the <a href="" rel="noreferrer">story <em>behind</em> the numbers</a>.</p><p>Which option has the highest net benefit?</p><p>Does it align with your strategic goals?</p><p>Are there any non-financial factors that might influence your choice?&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Here's a tip: </strong>When comparing alternatives, consider using a <a href="" rel="noreferrer">sensitivity analysis</a>. This will help you see how changes in key assumptions affect your net benefit.</p><p>For example, what if material costs rise by 10% or the projected revenue falls short? </p><p>By testing these scenarios, you'll get a sense of how robust your findings are and whether one option might be safer than another in the face of uncertainty.</p><hr><figure class="kg-card kg-bookmark-card"><a class="kg-bookmark-container" href=""><div class="kg-bookmark-content"><div class="kg-bookmark-title">6 zero-based budgeting myths debunked</div><div class="kg-bookmark-description">A zero-based budget (ZBB) is a budgeting method where you allocate every dollar earned to a specific category or expense. You start with a blank slate - zero - each time you budget, rather than tweaking your past budget.</div><div class="kg-bookmark-metadata"><img class="kg-bookmark-icon" src="" alt=""><span class="kg-bookmark-author">Finance Alliance</span><span class="kg-bookmark-publisher">Sabrinthia Donnelly</span></div></div><div class="kg-bookmark-thumbnail"><img src="" alt="" onerror=" = 'none'"></div></a></figure><p></p><p></p><hr><h3 id="5-make-recommendations-based-on-findings"><strong>5. Make recommendations based on findings</strong></h3><p>Armed with your calculations, you can now recommend the most financially sound option. Your findings should support a clear path forward, providing a compelling case for why your chosen alternative stands out among the rest.</p><p>Keep in mind that a cost-benefit analysis balances the cost of an action against its potential benefits. This balance is crucial in guiding your recommendations.</p><p>As you make your recommendations, be transparent about your assumptions and the potential risks involved. Highlight how the benefits of your chosen option outweigh the costs, not just in monetary ways but also in terms of meeting strategic objectives or other non-financial benefits.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Tailor your recommendations to your audience. </strong>Whether it's a board of directors, a team of executives, or another decision-making body, make sure your presentation of findings resonates with their priorities and concerns. </p><p>This will help ensure that your cost-benefit analysis is not just a set of numbers, but a persuasive tool for making informed and strategic decisions.</p><hr><h2 id="what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-cost-benefit-analysis"><strong>What are the pros and cons of cost-benefit analysis?</strong></h2><p>Doing cost-benefit analysis has some clear upsides when done right.</p><p>First, it lifts decision making above gut reactions by forcing an objective, data-driven approach. In other words, it takes the guesswork out of decisions. Instead of making important choices based on feelings, you make them based on facts because you’re relying on hard data.</p><p>Cost-benefit analysis is known for breaking down big, complicated decisions into manageable chunks. Vague what-if scenarios turn concrete through tallying costs and benefits for direct comparisons.</p><p>Sometimes, the most crucial factors are the ones you don't see right away. This process shines a light on those hidden elements, ensuring nothing is overlooked.</p><p>Of course, cost-benefit analysis has limitations that deserve transparency too. Precisely projecting all variables years out can prove difficult, raising risk that hypotheticals skew off base.</p><p>Results can also depend heavily on the quality of baseline data and formulas used and as you know, faulty inputs lead to faulty outputs. If your input data is off, your conclusions will be too. So, it’s vital to double-check your numbers.</p><hr><h2 id="finance-alliance-pro-membership">Finance Alliance Pro Membership</h2><p>Tired of feeling stagnant in your FP&amp;A career? Take control and unlock your true potential with the <strong>Finance Alliance Pro Membership </strong>and:</p><ul><li><strong>Engage in high-level discussions</strong>&nbsp;with peers, sparking&nbsp;innovative ideas&nbsp;and&nbsp;expanding your perspective.</li><li><strong>Sharpen your skills</strong>&nbsp;with access to&nbsp;advanced financial analysis tools&nbsp;and&nbsp;expert-curated resources.&nbsp;️</li><li><strong>Unlock exclusive career opportunities</strong>&nbsp;within a network of&nbsp;<strong>industry leaders.</strong></li></ul><p><strong>Don't just survive your career, <em>thrive</em> in it.</strong> </p><p><strong>Join Finance Alliance Pro Membership today!</strong> 🎓</p><div class="kg-card kg-button-card kg-align-center"><a href="" class="kg-btn kg-btn-accent">Sign Up</a></div> </div> <aside class="post-upgrade-cta hidden-upgrade"> <div class="post-upgrade-cta-content"> <img src="/content/images/2024/07/android-chrome-192x192.png" alt="Finance Alliance icon" class="site-logo" /> <h2>Like what you see? 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Our guide will help you to optimize the capital deployed and help transform your financial strategy into a powerful catalyst for real business growth....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> </ul> <span class="reading-time">7 min read</span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/cfo-summit-london-november-2024-ondemand-video/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/12/CFO-Summit---November-2024-2.png" alt="CFO Summit London November 2024 | OnDemand" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-paid" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/cfo-summit-london-november-2024-ondemand-video/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <h2 class="post-card-title">CFO Summit London November 2024 | OnDemand</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Catch up with all the sessions from the CFO Summit London 2024, with sessions from the likes of Muller, ISS Facilities, Credit Suisse &amp; more....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> </ul> <span class="reading-time"></span> </footer> </div> </article> <article class="post-card"> <a class="post-card-image-link" href="/cfo-summit-boston-october-2024-ondemand-video/"> <img class="post-card-image" src="/content/images/size/w800/2024/12/CFO-Summit---October-2024.png" alt="CFO Summit Boston October 2024 | OnDemand" /> </a> <div class="post-card-content"> <div class="post-visibility-paid" href="/signin">Members-only</div> <a class="post-card-content-link" href="/cfo-summit-boston-october-2024-ondemand-video/"> <header class="post-card-header"> <h2 class="post-card-title">CFO Summit Boston October 2024 | OnDemand</h2> </header> <section class="post-card-excerpt"> <p>Catch up on the sessions from the CFO Summit and FP&amp;A Summit in Boston, including speakers from TD Bank, Justworks, Stop &amp; Shop, and many more....</p> </section> </a> <footer class="post-card-meta"> <ul class="author-list"> </ul> <span class="reading-time"></span> </footer> </div> </article> </div> </aside> </aside> </article> </div> </main> <div class="floating-header"> <div class="floating-header-logo"> <a href=""> <img src="/content/images/size/w100/2024/07/android-chrome-192x192.png" alt="Finance Alliance icon" /> <span>Finance Alliance</span> </a> </div> <span class="floating-header-divider">&mdash;</span> <div class="floating-header-title">Cost-benefit analysis: 5 steps to turn data into smarter choices</div> <div class="floating-header-share"> <a class="floating-header-share-tw" href=";url=" onclick=", 'share-twitter', 'width=550,height=235');return false;"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true" class="r-18jsvk2 r-4qtqp9 r-yyyyoo r-16y2uox r-8kz0gk r-dnmrzs r-bnwqim r-1plcrui r-lrvibr r-lrsllp"><g><path d="M18.244 2.25h3.308l-7.227 8.26 8.502 11.24H16.17l-5.214-6.817L4.99 21.75H1.68l7.73-8.835L1.254 2.25H8.08l4.713 6.231zm-1.161 17.52h1.833L7.084 4.126H5.117z"></path></g></svg> </a> <a class="floating-header-share-fb" href="" onclick=", 'share-facebook','width=580,height=296');return false;"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M19 6h5V0h-5c-3.86 0-7 3.14-7 7v3H8v6h4v16h6V16h5l1-6h-6V7c0-.542.458-1 1-1z"/></svg> </a> <a class="floating-header-share-linkedin" href="" onclick=", 'share-facebook','width=580,height=496');return false;"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.1, SVG Export Plug-In . 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