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&#39;phenotypicFeatures&#39; to PXF in bff-pxf-plot - Changed { id =&gt; &#39;NCIT:NA0000&#39;, label =&gt; &#39;NA&#39; } to { id =&gt; &#39;NCIT:C126101&#39;, label =&gt; &#39;Not Available&#39; } 0.12 2024-10-18T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Added UTF-8 encoding for writing alignment text files - Added parser to guess labels for variables without a key.label 0.11 2024-09-29T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Added support for BFF pedigrees (excluded by default via regex in config) - Discarded &#39;_id|datasetId&#39; keys using regex in config - Used sprintf in &#39;Average Path Length&#39; at &lt;graph_stats.txt&gt; for CPAN test compliance 0.10 2024-08-07T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Fixed UTF-8 printing issue for primary_key in STDOUT - Added native support for interpretations nested properties up to 2D in PXF 0.09 2024-05-04T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Enhanced the csv2pheno-ranker&#39;s guessing mechanism for array fields; now evaluates all rows instead of just the first one - New module added: lib/Pheno/Ranker/ - Introduced option --cytoscape-json to generate graphs compatible with Cytoscape - Added option --graph-stats to compute basic statistics using the Graph CPAN module - Updated cpanfile and Makefile.PL to include the Graph module 0.08 2024-04-24T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Added Unicode support to csv2pheno-ranker - Introduced --array-separator option in csv2pheno-ranker with default &#39;\|&#39; - Fixed option --age to be used with BFF/PXF formats only 0.07 2024-04-22T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Excluded keys with {} or [] values (e.g. subject.vitalStatus: {}) - Precompiled regex patterns where possible - Schema validation errors related to weights are now directed to STDERR - Added support for keys with non-word characters (e.g., &quot;Survey.Timestamp.1&quot;) 0.06 2024-04-06T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Renamed --primary-key to --primary-key-name and --set-primary-key to --generate-primary-key in csv2pheno_ranker for clarity - Changed from perl:5.36-bullseye to perl:stable-bullseye in Dockerfile - Excluded &#39;NA&#39;, &#39;NaN&#39;, undef, {}, and [] from coverage_stats counts - Froze a few modules in requirements.txt 0.05 2024-03-19T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Implemented sprintf in jaccard function for FreeBSD CPAN test compliance - Added utils/bff_pxf_plot to create PNG with stats - Updated Dockerfile - Ensured termination with an error if primary_key is unset for any object 0.04 2023-12-26T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Added List::MoreUtils to cpanfile/Makefile.PL - Added error when --include-terms does not exist in cohort(s) - Added t/die.t for the above condition (+others) - Refactored code in .t and .pm to enhance readability and maintainability - Spiced up die/warn messages with bold-colored text - Added utils/barcode to deal with QR codes (+Dockerfile and t) - csv2pheno-ranker now accepts .tsv (sep \t) - Fixed stringification of weights (read from YAML) on JSON export - Added flag --similarity-metric-cohort - Added terms &#39;procedures,exposures&#39; to bff-pxf-simulator 0.03 2023-11-27T00:00:00Z (Manuel Rueda &lt;;) - Updated for optimized performance with datasets over 5,000 rows - Cleaned up matrix.txt by removing trailing tab characters - Refined STDERR messages for clearer communication - Introduced a TODO in t/sim.t (test 3) for future improvement (fails in ~10% of CPAN) - Streamlined setup by removing Carton instructions from Note: Versions &lt;= 0.02 were primarily for testing deployment on CPAN. </code></pre> </main> <div class="content-pagination"> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer-container"> <div class="footer-social"> <div class="footer-link footer-logo"> <a href="/"> <img src="/static/images/metacpan-logo.svg" alt="MetaCPAN" /> </a> </div> <a class="footer-social-link" href=""> <i class="fab fa-github-square"></i> </a> <a class="footer-social-link" href=""> <i class="fab fa-mastodon"></i> </a> </div> <div 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