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PharmaSources offers a diverse range of API pharmaceutical ingredients. These APIs are the fundamental substances that provide the desired therapeutic effects in finished pharmaceutical products. We facilitate access to a comprehensive API products list, connecting pharmaceutical companies with the essential ingredients they need to develop and manufacture effective medications.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="api_p part2">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The sub-categories of ' + + ' (APIs) at PharmaSources encompass a diverse range of options, including chemical synthesis, plant extraction, biotechnology, and an extensive API products list. These categories showcase the breadth of API pharmaceutical offerings, reflecting advancements in science and innovation. Explore our comprehensive selection to find APIs tailored to your specific requirements, contributing to the growth of the pharmaceutical industry.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="api_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + ' products?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources collaborates with a network of trusted suppliers to provide a wide range of ' + + ' (APIs) to the pharmaceutical industry. Our partners offer high-quality API products from various categories, ensuring access to a diverse and extensive API products list. With a commitment to excellence, we connect pharmaceutical companies with reliable sources of API pharmaceutical ingredients to support their research, development, and manufacturing needs.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="api_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' (API) products available through PharmaSources cater to a global market, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += 'Our offerings, including a comprehensive API products list, serve pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers around the world. With a focus on quality and reliability, we connect API pharmaceutical ingredients to major sales markets internationally, ensuring that pharmaceutical companies can access the essential components they need for their research, development, and production processes.</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="api_p part5">'; part += '<h2>How do APIs differ from inactive ingredients?</h2>'; part += '<p>' + + ' (APIs) differ from inactive ingredients, also known as excipients, in their intended functions within pharmaceutical products. APIs are the primary components responsible for the pharmacological effects and therapeutic actions of the medication. They provide the desired therapeutic benefits and contribute to the intended physiological response when administered.</p>'; part += '<p>On the other hand, inactive ingredients or excipients are substances added to pharmaceutical formulations for various purposes such as ensuring proper formulation, enhancing stability, improving taste, aiding in drug delivery, and providing bulk or texture. Excipients do not have pharmacological effects on their own and are used to facilitate the manufacturing, administration, and overall quality of the final pharmaceutical product.</p>'; part += '<p>In summary, APIs are the active substances that provide the therapeutic effect, while excipients are the inert substances used to support the formulation and delivery of the medication. </p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="api_p part6">'; part += '<h2>How do APIs interact with the body?</h2>'; part += "<p>APIs("+ + ") interact with the body by binding to specific proteins or enzymes, triggering biochemical reactions. This interaction leads to therapeutic effects, such as receptor activation, enzyme inhibition, and modulation of cellular processes. APIs' specific mechanisms determine their effects and therapeutic outcomes.</p>"; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="api_p part7">'; part += '<h2>What role does API purity play in pharmaceutical development?</h2>'; part += '<p>High API purity is essential to avoid impurities that could affect safety, efficacy, and consistency of pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="api_p part8">'; part += '<h2>How do APIs contribute to personalized medicine?</h2>'; part += "<p>APIs("+ + ") sourced from PharmaSources play a significant role in advancing personalized medicine through their diverse applications and tailored formulations. Here's how APIs contribute to personalized medicine:</p>"; part += "<p>Targeted Therapies: APIs can be designed to specifically target the molecular mechanisms underlying a patient's condition. This precision allows for more effective treatment with minimal side effects. </p>"; part += "<p>Genetic Variability: APIs can be utilized to develop drugs that consider an individual's genetic makeup. Genetic testing helps identify optimal treatments based on genetic variations that affect drug metabolism and response.</p>"; part += "<p>Dosage Optimization: Personalized APIs enable fine-tuning of dosages based on a patient's unique characteristics, such as age, weight, genetics, and metabolism. This ensures optimal therapeutic outcomes.</p>"; part += "<p>Combination Therapies: APIs enable the creation of combination therapies that address multiple aspects of a patient's condition simultaneously, enhancing treatment efficacy and minimizing resistance.</p>"; part += '<p>Rare Diseases: APIs can be developed to target rare and orphan diseases, where personalized treatments are especially critical due to limited patient populations.</p>'; part += "<p>Pharmacogenomics: APIs can be tailored to patients' genetic profiles, ensuring compatibility and efficacy while minimizing adverse reactions.</p>"; part += '<p>Biomarker-Based Treatments: APIs can be integrated with biomarkers to identify patients who are most likely to respond positively to a treatment, avoiding unnecessary therapies.</p>'; part += "<p>Patient-Specific Formulations: APIs allow for customized formulations, such as modified-release drugs, to suit patients' needs, improving drug delivery and adherence.</p>"; part += '<p>Reduced Adverse Effects: APIs designed for individual patients reduce the risk of adverse effects and toxicity, enhancing patient safety and comfort.</p>'; part += "<p>Enhanced Outcomes: By addressing patients' unique characteristics, APIs contribute to better treatment outcomes, faster recovery, and improved quality of life.</p>"; part += "<p>Predictive Modeling: APIs can be used to develop predictive models that assess a patient's response to treatment options, guiding healthcare providers in making informed decisions.</p>"; part += "<p>Incorporating APIs from PharmaSources into personalized medicine strategies empowers healthcare professionals to tailor treatments to each patient's specific needs, maximizing the benefits of pharmacotherapy while minimizing risks and adverse effects. This approach revolutionizes healthcare by shifting from a one-size-fits-all model to a patient-centric, precision medicine paradigm.</p>"; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if(is_zk == '') { part += '<div class="api_b api_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; }else{ part += '<div class="api_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".api_p").filter(":lt(8)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".api_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } } else if ( == 2535) { if ($(".aep_b").hasClass('aep_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="aep_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The sub-categories of ' + + ' on PharmaSources include a variety of essential components for the pharmaceutical industry. These encompass equipment such as air compressors, steam generators, and other related supporting tools, contributing to efficient production processes and specialized production environments.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="aep_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + ' products?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources connects you with 8000+ pharmaceutical suppliers offering various sub-categories of ' + + '. These suppliers provide essential tools, catering to the pharmaceutical industry\'s needs for efficient production and specialized environments.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="aep_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on PharmaSources are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="aep_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Why are air compressors important in pharmaceutical production?</h2>'; part += '<p>Air compressors play a crucial role in pharmaceutical production for several reasons:</p>'; part += '<p>Pneumatic Conveying: Compressed air is used to move powders, granules, and other materials through pneumatic conveying systems, ensuring precise and controlled transfer of materials between production stages.</p>'; part += '<p>Packaging: Compressed air is essential for operating pneumatic packaging machinery, enabling the precise filling, sealing, and labeling of pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<p>Instrumentation and Control: Air compressors provide the necessary air pressure for pneumatic control systems, ensuring accurate operation of valves, actuators, and other process control devices.</p>'; part += '<p>Cleaning and Drying: Compressed air is utilized for cleaning and drying equipment, containers, and surfaces, maintaining hygiene and preventing contamination in the pharmaceutical manufacturing environment.</p>'; part += '<p>Aseptic Processes: In aseptic environments, sterile compressed air is used to maintain a clean and particle-free atmosphere during critical processes, reducing the risk of microbial contamination.</p>'; part += '<p>Tablet Coating: Air compressors are used to supply air for tablet coating processes, ensuring even distribution of coatings on pharmaceutical tablets for uniform quality.</p>'; part += '<p>Quality Control: Compressed air is used for analytical instruments and quality control processes, such as particle size analysis, contributing to accurate testing and analysis of pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<p>Lab Applications: Air compressors are utilized in laboratory settings for various applications, including the operation of laboratory equipment, analytical instruments, and research processes.</p>'; part += '<p>Efficiency and Automation: Compressed air powers automated processes and machinery, enhancing production efficiency and reducing manual labor requirements.</p>'; part += '<p>Process Control: Compressed air is used in pneumatic control systems to regulate the movement of fluids and materials, ensuring precision and consistency in production.</p>'; part += '<p>In pharmaceutical production, maintaining the purity, quality, and precision of processes is essential. Air compressors provide the clean and controlled air supply needed to achieve these objectives, contributing to the overall success of pharmaceutical manufacturing while adhering to stringent quality and safety standards.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="aep_p part5">'; part += '<h2>What is the role of steam generators in the pharmaceutical industry?</h2>'; part += '<p>Steam generators play a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry due to their versatile applications and benefits:</p>'; part += '<p>Sterilization: Steam generators are essential for autoclaving and sterilization processes. They produce high-temperature steam required to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, ensuring the sterility of equipment, instruments, and pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<p>Decontamination: Steam is effective in decontaminating surfaces and equipment. Steam generators are used to produce steam for cleaning and decontaminating production areas, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.</p>'; part += '<p>Cleaning-in-Place (CIP): Steam generators provide the steam needed for CIP processes, effectively cleaning equipment and pipelines to maintain sanitary conditions and prevent product contamination.</p>'; part += '<p>Humidification: Controlled humidification using steam generators helps maintain the required humidity levels in cleanrooms and controlled environments, promoting ideal conditions for pharmaceutical production and storage.</p>'; part += '<p>Drying: Steam is used for drying equipment, containers, and packaging materials before filling to prevent moisture-related product degradation and contamination.</p>'; part += '<p>Heat Transfer: Steam generators provide a reliable source of heat for various processes, such as heating reactors, distillation columns, and other equipment used in pharmaceutical synthesis and formulation.</p>'; part += '<p>Extraction and Purification: Steam distillation is employed to extract essential oils, active compounds, and plant extracts used in pharmaceutical formulations, ensuring efficient separation and purification.</p>'; part += '<p>Energy Source: Steam generators are used as a source of energy for steam-powered machinery, including steam-driven pumps, agitators, and mixers used in various production processes.</p>'; part += '<p>Production of Purified Water: Steam generators contribute to the production of purified water, which is a critical ingredient in pharmaceutical formulations and required for various manufacturing processes.</p>'; part += '<p>Controlled Temperature Environments: Steam generators maintain controlled temperature environments in various pharmaceutical processes, ensuring consistency and precision in reactions and formulations.</p>'; part += '<p>Dissolution Testing: Steam is used in dissolution testing of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules to simulate the conditions they encounter in the human body, aiding in drug release analysis.</p>'; part += '<p>The pharmaceutical industry demands high levels of cleanliness, sterility, and precision. Steam generators provide the necessary steam for various critical processes, helping ensure product quality, safety, and compliance with regulatory standards. Their versatile applications make them indispensable for pharmaceutical manufacturers striving to produce safe and effective pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="aep_p part6">'; part += '<h2>Are these ' + + ' products compliant with industry standards?</h2>'; part += '<p>Yes, the ' + + ' products offered by PharmaSources are designed and manufactured to comply with industry standards. These standards ensure that the equipment meets the necessary requirements for safety, quality, and performance in pharmaceutical production environments. Compliance with industry standards is crucial to maintaining product quality, adhering to regulatory guidelines, and ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical processes. PharmaSources collaborates with reputable manufacturers to provide ' + + ' products that meet or exceed industry standards, giving pharmaceutical companies confidence in the reliability and effectiveness of the equipment for their production needs.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if(is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="aep_b aep_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; }else{ part += '<div class="aep_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".aep_p").filter(":lt(6)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".aep_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } } else if ( == 3001) { if ($(".msp_b").hasClass('msp_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="msp_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The sub-categories of ' + + ' span diagnostic tools like imaging machines and lab equipment, treatment devices such as surgical instruments, monitoring equipment for patient health tracking, and protective gear like masks and gowns. Acquiring these items from PharmaSources, a reliable medical equipment supplier, ensures a comprehensive and up-to-date medical equipment list for healthcare facilities. </p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="msp_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + ' products?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources connects healthcare providers with a vast network of reputable medical equipment suppliers, facilitating access to a comprehensive medical equipment list. These suppliers offer a wide range of medical supplies, including various types of ' + + ', to meet the diverse needs of healthcare facilities and professionals.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="msp_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="msp_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Are the ' + + ' provided by PharmaSources compliant with quality and safety standards?</h2>'; part += '<p>Yes, the ' + + ' provided by PharmaSources are sourced from reputable suppliers who adhere to strict quality and safety standards. Many of these suppliers hold certifications such as ISO and CE, ensuring that the medical equipment offered meets industry-regulated quality and safety criteria.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="msp_p part5">'; part += '<h2>Can I request a customized quote for specific medical equipment needs?</h2>'; part += '<p>Absolutely. PharmaSources allows you to request customized quotes from suppliers for the specific medical equipment you require. This helps you obtain competitive pricing tailored to your needs.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="msp_p part6">'; part += '<h2>Do the medical equipment suppliers offer international shipping?</h2>'; part += '<p>Yes, many of the medical equipment suppliers on PharmaSources offer international shipping services. You can discuss shipping options and costs with the suppliers directly.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="msp_p part7">'; part += '<h2>Is there a support team available to assist with inquiries and orders on PharmaSources?</h2>'; part += '<p>Yes, PharmaSources has a dedicated support team that can assist you with inquiries, orders, and any issues you may encounter during the procurement process. Feel free to reach out to them for assistance.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="msp_b msp_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="msp_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".msp_p").filter(":lt(7)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".msp_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 162) { if ($(".ae_b").hasClass('ae_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="ae_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The sub-category of active pharmaceutical ingredients manufacturing equipment covers diagnostic tools such as the chemical reaction equipment, API purification equipment, recycling equipment, API storage equipment, etc. Obtaining these items from PharmaSources, a reliable active pharmaceutical ingredients equipment supplier, ensures a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of active pharmaceutical ingredients equipment for pharmaceutical facilities. On, list of API manufacturing equipment supplies are available in the following subcategories: </p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="ae_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality active pharmaceutical ingredients equipment suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional active pharmaceutical ingredients equipment list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to active pharmaceutical API manufacturers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="ae_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The API manufacturing equipment supplies on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="ae_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What is ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>' + + ' is a necessary instrument for manufacturing APIs, and ' + + ' includes several different types.</p>'; part += '<p>reactor</p>'; part += '<p>A reactor is a vessel made of metal due to its ability to resist corrosion, degradation and reactions with the products inside. It also contains accessories such as temperature monitoring systems, gauges and various indicators. Their main purpose is to monitor manufacturing processes and internal chemicals. Reactors are primarily used to carry out reactions between chemicals by mixing a liquid chemical with another liquid or a liquid chemical with a solid. Some reactors are equipped with motor-driven agitators or mixers for the mixing process.</p>'; part += '<p>One of the features of these reactors is a temperature control system that provides specific temperatures. Because, in API manufacturing, certain chemicals require specific temperatures to react and produce the desired results.</p>'; part += '<p>filter</p>'; part += '<p>Filtration equipment is used to separate impurities from products. Examples of impurities include starting materials, reagents, catalysts and by-products.</p>'; part += '<p>Filtration passes a liquid through a filtration assembly containing the required filter. As liquid passes through the filter, the filter media retains impurities. The size of the impurities that can be filtered out depends on the capacity of the filter.</p>'; part += '<p>drying</p>'; part += '<p>Drying is the method of removing water or moisture from liquid substances after the filtration process. Drying is performed because some APIs are used in solid form and must be converted from liquid to solid.</p>'; part += '<p>The design or drying must be optimized so that the residual material contains the exact ratio of moisture to solid matter.</p>'; part += '<p>crystallizer</p>'; part += '<p>A crystallizer is a device that converts solid particles into crystal form. The main reason for the crystallization process is that most solid particles have low solubility in water, which can cause difficulties in the drug manufacturing process. Convert solid forms into crystals to cope with this difficulty.</p>'; part += '<p>Crystallization occurs when a product solution is mixed with solvents or chemicals to change its pH or solubility.</p>'; part += '<p>Package</p>'; part += '<p>Packaging is the final stage of API manufacturing, where the final API product is packaged in packaging materials. The most common packaging material is barrels because the API is required and supplied in large quantities, and barrels can be easily supplied.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="ae_b ae_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="ae_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".ae_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".ae_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 75) { $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The natural extract sub-category covers animal and plant extracts, cosmetic extracts, food and beverage extracts, etc. These items are sourced from trusted natural extract supplier PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="'+ pc_url +'"></a>, natural extract list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); }else if ( == 25) { if ($(".i_b").hasClass('i_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="i_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The intermediate sub-category includes, advanced intermediate, chiral ' + + ', etc. These items are sourced from trusted intermediate supplier. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of intermediate. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="'+ pc_url +'"></a>, intermediate list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="i_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="i_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="i_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Why you need intermediate?</h2>'; part += '<p>Pharma ' + + ' must meet stringent criteria of purity, safety, and efficacy. Any ' + + ' or deviations from desired specifications can compromise the safety and effectiveness of the final pharmaceutical product. Therefore, the production and purification of ' + + ' demand the utmost precision and quality control.</p>'; part += '<p>Furthermore, pharma ' + + ' have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry\'s cost structure. Efficient synthesis of these ' + + ' can substantially reduce manufacturing costs, making medications more affordable and accessible to patients worldwide.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="i_b i_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="i_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".i_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".i_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 800) { if ($(".v_b").hasClass('v_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="v_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + ' products?</h2>'; part += '<p>The veterinary pharmaceuticals products sub-category includes, feed additives, ' + + ' API, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' products compaines. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="v_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="v_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="v_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Why you need ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>' + + ' pharmaceuticals products serve a dual purpose: enhancing animal health and supporting the livelihoods of those involved in animal care. ' + + ' professionals rely on these products to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases and conditions in animals, ultimately improving their quality of life. Furthermore, the availability of effective ' + + ' pharmaceuticals is vital for maintaining the safety and sustainability of the food supply chain by ensuring the health and well-being of livestock. </p>'; part += '<p>The research and innovation undertaken by ' + + ' pharmaceutical companies not only advance animal healthcare but also contribute to the broader field of medicine. Many of the discoveries and developments in ' + + ' pharmaceuticals have direct applications in human medicine, fostering a cross-pollination of knowledge and techniques.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="v_b v_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="v_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".v_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".v_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 230) { if ($(".tm_b").hasClass('tm_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="tm_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="tm_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="tm_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="tm_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What is ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>' + + ' also known as Chinese medicine equipment covers a broad spectrum of instruments and ' + + ', designed to extract, refine, and package herbal formulations that lie at the heart of TCM therapies. These machines utilize various techniques such as steam distillation or hot water extraction to yield concentrated herbal extracts used in TCM treatments.</p>'; part += '<p> Additionally, ' + + ' includes drying and granulation equipment, essential for transforming freshly harvested herbs into convenient forms like powders, pills, or capsules. These processes not only enhance the shelf life of TCM products but also make them more accessible and user-friendly.</p>'; part += '<p>Chinese medicine equipment also extends to modern diagnostic and analytical tools, which aid TCM practitioners in understanding the underlying patterns of disharmony in their patients. This includes advanced imaging techniques, pulse and tongue analysis devices, and laboratory equipment for examining bodily fluids and tissues.</p>'; part += '<p>Furthermore, automation and computerized systems are becoming increasingly integrated into TCM equipment, streamlining production processes and quality control. These innovations improve the consistency and standardization of TCM products while ensuring adherence to safety and regulatory standards.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="tm_b tm_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="tm_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".tm_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".tm_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 282) { if ($(".fe_b").hasClass('fe_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="fe_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The pharmaceutical ' + + ' list encompasses systems for liquid handling, measurement, and control. Automated liquid dispensing and monitoring devices ensure accuracy and reproducibility in drug formulation, contributing to batch-to-batch consistency and compliance with regulatory standards.</p>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="fe_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="fe_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="fe_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What is application of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The application of ' + + ' in the pharmaceutical industry is multifaceted and crucial to the production of safe and effective medications. The pharmaceutical industry relies on a comprehensive ' + + ' list, with Microfiltration playing a pivotal role in ensuring product quality and patient safety.</p>'; part += '<p>Microfiltration, one of the key components of pharmaceutical ' + + ', is employed in various stages of drug development and production. Its primary application is the removal of particulate matter and microorganisms from pharmaceutical fluids, such as drug formulations, solvents, and process intermediates. This process is essential for achieving the highest levels of purity and sterility in pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="fe_b fe_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="fe_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".fe_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".fe_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 212) { $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' list encompasses systems for liquid handling, measurement, and control. Automated liquid dispensing and monitoring devices ensure accuracy and reproducibility in drug formulation, contributing to batch-to-batch consistency and compliance with regulatory standards.</p>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); }else if ( == 801) { if ($(".pm_b").hasClass('pm_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="pm_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="pm_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="pm_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="pm_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What are the types of pharmaceutical ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The type of ' + + ' employed in pharma packaging, also known as pharmaceutical packaging, is a diverse array of substrates and forms chosen to meet the specific requirements of various drug products. These materials play a critical role in preserving the integrity, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceuticals. The selection of ' + + ' is determined by factors such as the nature of the drug, regulatory compliance, and the intended use of the product. Common ' + + ' used in pharmaceutical packaging include:</p>'; part += '<p>Glass: Glass vials and ampoules are widely used due to their impermeability and suitability for drugs that are sensitive to light and air.</p>'; part += '<p>Plastic: Various types of plastics, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and PVC, are used for bottles, containers, and blister packs. They offer versatility, cost-effectiveness, and ease of manufacturing.</p>'; part += '<p> Aluminum Foil: Aluminum foil is often used for blister packaging, providing an effective barrier against moisture, light, and gases.</p>'; part += '<p>Paper and Cardboard: These materials are employed for packaging secondary containers, such as cartons, labels, and package inserts. They can be printed with essential product information.</p>'; part += '<p>Metal: Metal cans and tubes are used for ointments, creams, and some oral medications, offering protection and durability.</p>'; part += '<p>Polymers: Specialized polymer films and laminates are used for unit dose packaging and pouches. They provide a combination of durability and flexibility.</p>'; part += '<p>Rubber and Elastomers: Rubber stoppers and closures are used for vials, offering an airtight seal.</p>'; part += '<p>Tamper-Evident Features: Various materials and techniques are employed to create tamper-evident packaging, ensuring product safety and integrity.</p>'; part += '<p>Child-Resistant Packaging: ' + + ' may incorporate child-resistant features, such as special closures, to prevent accidental ingestion by children.</p>'; part += '<p>Desiccants and Sorbents: These materials are used to protect pharmaceuticals from moisture and maintain product stability.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="pm_b pm_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="pm_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".pm_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".pm_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 243) { if ($(".wpe_b").hasClass('wpe_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="wpe_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="wpe_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="wpe_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="wpe_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What are the types of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>Water purification machines can be categorized based on their core technologies, with some notable types including:</p>'; part += '<p>Filtration Systems: Employing porous media, membranes, or screens, these systems physically separate impurities from water, ranging from sand and sediment removal to advanced microfiltration and ultrafiltration.</p>'; part += '<p>Chemical Treatment: ' + + ' utilizes chemicals like chlorine, ozone, or UV disinfection to kill or inactivate harmful microorganisms and pathogens, ensuring the water is safe for consumption.</p>'; part += '<p>Reverse Osmosis Units: These systems employ a semipermeable membrane to remove a wide range of contaminants, including salts, heavy metals, and organic compounds.</p>'; part += '<p>Distillation Units: Water is heated to vapor, and then condensed back into liquid form, effectively removing impurities that do not vaporize at the same temperature.</p>'; part += '<p>Ion Exchange Systems: Utilizing resin beads, these systems selectively remove ions, such as hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium), in water, enhancing its quality.</p>'; part += '<p>Desalination Equipment: Essential in regions with saline water sources, desalination processes, including multi-effect distillation and reverse osmosis, are employed to convert seawater into freshwater.</p>'; part += '<p>The choice of ' + + ' depends on the specific water source, quality objectives, and regulations in place. These systems must adhere to stringent quality standards and regulatory guidelines to ensure the treated water meets established safety and quality standards. </p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="wpe_b wpe_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="wpe_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".wpe_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".wpe_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 178) { if ($(".pe_b").hasClass('pe_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="pe_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="pe_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="pe_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="pe_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Introduction to main machine types</h2>'; part += '<p>Medicine Filling Machines: These automated marvels ensure precise and uniform dosage in each pill, capsule, or vial. Their efficiency is paramount in guaranteeing consistent therapeutic results.</p>'; part += '<p>Infusion or Injection Medicine Machinery: Vital for administering parenteral drugs, these devices offer sterile and controlled delivery, a fundamental requirement in life-saving treatments.</p>'; part += '<p>Sterilization Equipment: A cornerstone in pharmaceutical safety, these units provide the necessary sterilization and decontamination processes, upholding the integrity of the drug throughout its journey.</p>'; part += '<p>Isolators: Invaluable for handling high-risk materials, isolators protect operators and ensure the containment of potent substances, crucial for both worker safety and product quality.</p>'; part += '<p>Pharmaceutical Milling Machinery: These specialized machines play a pivotal role in reducing particle size, enhancing drug dissolution and absorption, and promoting the overall efficacy of medications.</p>'; part += '<p>Bottle Conveyor and Washer: Ensuring the cleanliness and integrity of drug containers, these systems are essential in safeguarding product quality from production to the patient\'s hand.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="pe_b pe_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="pe_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".pe_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".pe_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 262) { if ($(".re_b").hasClass('re_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="re_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="re_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="re_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="re_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What is the types of ' + + ' products</h2>'; part += '<p>Pharmaceutical ' + + ' encompasses a range of specialized products designed to meet the stringent temperature and storage requirements for pharmaceuticals. These vital products include air conditioning systems, cold storage units, compressors, and low-temperature refrigeration systems. Each category serves a distinct purpose within the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring the safety, efficacy, and integrity of medications, vaccines, and other pharmaceutical products.</p>'; part += '<p>Air Conditioning Systems: While not exclusively pharmaceutical ' + + ', air conditioning systems play an important role in maintaining controlled environments in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, labs, and storage areas. They help regulate temperature and humidity, ensuring consistent conditions for pharmaceutical production and storage.</p>'; part += '<p>Pharmacy Refrigerators: Pharmacy refrigerators are designed to store pharmaceuticals within a specific temperature range, typically 2°C to 8°C. They feature precise temperature control and often include alarms and monitoring systems to maintain the integrity of medications.</p>'; part += '<p>Vaccine Refrigerators: Vaccine refrigerators are specialized pharmaceutical ' + + ' designed to store vaccines at the recommended temperature range, typically between 2°C to 8°C. They are equipped with digital controls and monitoring systems to ensure the stability of vaccines.</p>'; part += '<p>Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers: These freezers are essential for the long-term storage of extremely temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, capable of maintaining temperatures as low as -80°C or even lower. They are vital for preserving biologics, research materials, and certain medications.</p>'; part += '<p>Cryogenic Freezers: Cryogenic freezers are used for ultra-low-temperature storage, often reaching or exceeding -150°C. These freezers are crucial for preserving biological samples, including stem cells and biopharmaceutical materials.</p>'; part += '<p>Stability Chambers: Stability chambers provide controlled environmental conditions to assess the stability of pharmaceutical products. They can replicate a range of temperature and humidity conditions to determine the shelf life and quality of pharmaceuticals over time.</p>'; part += '<p>Transport Refrigeration Units: These units are designed for the safe transport of pharmaceuticals, ensuring that products remain within the required temperature range during transit. They are essential for maintaining the integrity of medications and vaccines while in transport.</p>'; part += '<p>Laboratory Refrigerators and Freezers: In pharmaceutical research and development, laboratory refrigerators and freezers are used to store samples, reagents, and test materials at specific temperatures, including ultra-low temperatures when necessary.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="re_b re_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="re_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".re_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".re_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 802) { if ($(".l_b").hasClass('l_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="l_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="l_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="l_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="l_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What are the types of ' + + ' products</h2>'; part += '<p>Pharmacy Refrigerators: These units are specifically designed for the storage of pharmaceuticals within a controlled temperature range, typically between 2°C to 8°C. They are equipped with precise temperature controls, alarms, and monitoring systems to ensure the integrity of medications.</p>'; part += '<p>Vaccine Refrigerators: Vaccine refrigerators are tailored to store vaccines within the recommended temperature range, typically 2°C to 8°C. They incorporate digital controls and monitoring systems to maintain the stability of vaccines.</p>'; part += '<p>Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers: These freezers are essential for the long-term storage of extremely temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals, capable of maintaining temperatures as low as -80°C or even lower. They are critical for preserving biologics, research materials, and certain medications.</p>'; part += '<p>Cryogenic Freezers: Cryogenic freezers are used for ultra-low-temperature storage, often reaching or exceeding -150°C. These freezers are crucial for preserving biological samples, stem cells, and biopharmaceutical materials.</p>'; part += '<p>Stability Chambers: Stability chambers provide controlled environmental conditions to assess the stability of pharmaceutical products over time. They can replicate a range of temperature and humidity conditions to determine the shelf life and quality of pharmaceuticals.</p>'; part += '<p>Transport Refrigeration Units: These units are designed for the safe transport of pharmaceutical products, ensuring that products remain within the required temperature range during transit. They are essential for maintaining the integrity of medications and vaccines during transport.</p>'; part += '<p>Laboratory General Equipment: This category includes general-purpose laboratory equipment that may include refrigeration capabilities. These may include laboratory refrigerators, freezers, or temperature-controlled storage solutions for research and development purposes.</p>'; part += '<p>Life Science Instruments: While not exclusively refrigeration equipment, life science instruments can include refrigerated components such as incubators, shakers, and centrifuges, designed for life science applications in research, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical development.</p>'; part += '<p>Analytical Instruments: These instruments are used in pharmaceutical quality control and analysis. While not refrigeration equipment themselves, they may be housed within temperature-controlled environments to ensure accuracy and reliability in testing.</p>'; part += '<p>Laboratory Consumables: These include items like vials, ampoules, and containers designed for the storage and transport of pharmaceutical products, often requiring temperature-controlled conditions to maintain product integrity. </p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="l_b l_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="l_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".l_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".l_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 355) { if ($(".fc_b").hasClass('fc_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="fc_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="fc_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="fc_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="fc_p part4">'; part += '<h2>What are the types of fine chemicals</h2>'; part += '<p>Pharmaceutical fine chemicals encompass a diverse group of chemical compounds that play a crucial role in drug development, manufacturing, and research. These chemicals are typically characterized by their high purity and stringent quality control standards. They can be broadly categorized into several types, including reagents, regulated fine chemicals, and other fine chemicals.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>'; part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="fc_p part5">'; part += '<h2>Reagents:</h2>'; part += '<p>Reagents are essential in various laboratory and industrial processes. In the pharmaceutical industry, they are used for research, quality control, and as intermediates in drug synthesis. Common examples include solvents, acids, bases, and analytical standards. Reagents are vital for the development and testing of pharmaceutical products, ensuring accurate and reproducible results in experiments and analyses.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="fc_p part6">'; part += '<h2>Regulated Fine Chemicals:</h2>'; part += '<p>Regulated fine chemicals are subjected to strict regulatory oversight due to their critical role in pharmaceutical production and patient safety. This category includes active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients, which are essential components of drug formulations. APIs are the biologically active substances in medications, while excipients are the inert substances used to formulate the final drug product. These chemicals must meet stringent quality, safety, and efficacy standards established by regulatory agencies like the FDA and EMA.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="fc_b fc_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="fc_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".fc_p").filter(":lt(6)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".fc_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 471) { if ($(".cm_b").hasClass('cm_t')) { is_zk = ''; } $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="cm_p part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="cm_p part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="cm_p part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } part += '<div class="cm_p part4">'; part += '<h2>Why you need pharma custom manufacturing service?</h2>'; part += '<p>Pharma custom manufacturing services are essential for several reasons in the pharmaceutical industry:</p>'; part += '<p>Specialized Expertise: Custom manufacturing service providers have specialized knowledge and expertise in various aspects of pharmaceutical production, such as API synthesis, formulation development, and quality control. They can offer insights and capabilities that may not be readily available within a pharmaceutical company.</p>'; part += '<p>Efficiency: These services often have well-established processes and infrastructure for pharmaceutical manufacturing. By outsourcing certain aspects of production to custom manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies can increase efficiency and reduce operational costs.</p>'; part += '<p>Flexibility: Custom manufacturing services can adapt to the unique needs of each pharmaceutical product. Whether it\'s a specific dosage form, a complex chemical synthesis, or a niche product, custom manufacturers can tailor their processes to meet these requirements.</p>'; part += '<p>Regulatory Compliance: Custom manufacturers typically stay up to date with the latest regulatory requirements and quality standards. This ensures that products are manufactured in compliance with industry regulations, reducing the risk of regulatory issues or product recalls.</p>'; part += '<p>Cost-Effectiveness: Outsourcing production to custom manufacturers can be cost-effective, as it allows pharmaceutical companies to avoid large capital investments in manufacturing infrastructure and equipment. It also enables them to scale production up or down as needed.</p>'; part += '<p>Focus on Core Competencies: By leveraging the capabilities of custom manufacturing services, pharmaceutical companies can concentrate on their core competencies, such as research, development, and marketing, while leaving the manufacturing processes to experts in the field.</p>'; part += '<p>Risk Mitigation: Custom manufacturing services can help mitigate risks associated with manufacturing, such as equipment maintenance, process validation, and supply chain management. This reduces the likelihood of production interruptions or quality issues.</p>'; part += '<p>Speed to Market: Custom manufacturers can expedite the production process, enabling pharmaceutical companies to get their products to market more quickly, which can be crucial in the competitive pharmaceutical industry.</p>'; part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; if (is_zk == ''){ part += '<div class="cm_b cm_t" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_t.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">Less</div>'; } else{ part += '<div class="em_b" style="background: url(/static/web/image/jt_b.png) no-repeat right;background-size: 25px 25px;text-align: right;padding-right: 30px;font-size: 18px;color: gray;cursor: pointer">More</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); if (is_zk == ''){ //展开 $(".cm_p").filter(":lt(4)").show(); }else{ //收起 $(".cm_p").filter(":lt(3)").show().end().filter(":gt(2)").hide(); } }else if ( == 104) { $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); }else if ( == 29) { $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + ' products?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' products sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' products companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + ' products. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' products list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + ' products?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' products suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' products inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' products on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); }else if ( == 248) { $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); }else if ( == 776) { $('.part').empty(); if ( != 0) { var pc_url = ""; part += '<div class="part1">'; part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>The ' + + ' sub-category includes, nucleic acid, cell, reagent, etc. These items are sourced from trusted ' + + ' companies. PharmaSources, ensuring a comprehensive, high-quality supplier. For the latest needs of ' + + '. At <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + pc_url + '"></a>, ' + + ' list:</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part2">'; part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + '?</h2>'; part += '<p>PharmaSources has a supply chain network with quality ' + + ' suppliers, providing easy access to ' + + ' inventory. These suppliers provide fully functional natural extracts list, PharmaSources provide a range of equipment supply services to natural extracts suppliers.</p>'; part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } if ( != 0) { part += '<div class="part3">'; part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in'; var count =; var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>'; part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' part += '</div>'; } $('.part').append(part); } else { $('.part').empty() // var part1 = part2 = part3 = ''; part += '<div class="part1">'; if ( { // $('.part1').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<h2>What are the sub-categories of ' + + '?</h2>' part += '<p>' var part1href = ""; part += 'On <a class="ablue" target="_blank" href="' + part1href + '"></a>, diverse ' + + ' is available under these sub-categories:' part += '</p>' } part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + v.cat_name + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' // $('.part1').append(part1); } part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="part2">'; if ( { // $('.part2').empty(); if ( != 0) { part += '<h2>Who is supplying the ' + + ' products?</h2>' part += '<p>' var part2href = ""; part2href = part2href.replace('prams_replace', part2href = part2href.replace('id_replace',; part += 'Among the 8,000+ pharmaceutical suppliers on, the following are the popular <a href="' + part2href + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + + ' suppliers</a> who specialized in providing quality Water Purification Equipments:' part += '</p>' } part += '<ul>' $.each(, function (i, v) { part += '<li><a href="' + v.url + '" target="_blank">' + + '</a></li>' }) part += '</ul>' part += '<div style="clear: both"></div>' // $('.part2').append(part2); } part += '</div>'; part += '<div class="part3">'; // console.log( if ( != 0) { // $('.part3').empty(); part += '<h2>Where are the major sales markets?</h2>' part += '<p>' part += 'The ' + + ' on are supplying all around the world, including the markets in' var count = var j_count = 0; $.each(, function (i, v) { if ((count - 1) == j_count) { part += ' and <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>.' } else if ((count - 2) == j_count) { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>' } else { part += ' <a href="' + v.url + '" class="ablue" target="_blank">' + v.limit_name + '</a>,' } j_count++ }) part += '</p>' part += ' <div style="clear: both"></div>' // $('.part3').append(part3); } part += '</div>'; $('.part').append(part); } } $('.turnback').remove(); if( !== 'index'){ $('.fl_anq1').prepend('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="cd_lv left turnback" data-id="''">< return</a>'); } $('.loading').hide(); if({ $(".w-2 h1").text( } $(".w-2 div").empty(); if({ $(".w-2 div").append('<p style="line-height: 20px;margin:15px 0 0 0">''</p>') } if({ $('.category').empty(); var category = ''; $.each(,function(i,v){ if(v.count == 0){ category += '<li style="cursor: default;color:#ddd"><a style="cursor: default;color:#ddd"'; if( =={ category += 'class="on" ' ; } category += 'data-id="''" data-count="" href="javascript:void(0);"><span>'+v.cat_name+' <font class="num"></font></span></a></li>'; }else{ category += '<li><a '; if( =={ category += 'class="on" ' ; } category += 'data-id="''" data-count="" href="javascript:void(0);"><span>'+v.cat_name+' <font class="num"></font></span></a></li>'; } }) $('.category').append(category) } console.log(postData['search']); if(postData['search']['searchKey'] || postData['search']['catid'] || postData['search']['type'] || postData['search']['orders'] || postData['search']['shopLimit']|| postData['search']['Medicine']){ getProductsNum(postData); } $('.pro_lb1').empty(); $('.pro_lb2').empty(); $('.bread_cat').empty(); $('.page').empty(); // var productsData = sortData( // console.log(productsData);return false; var bread_cat = ''; if({ $.each(,function(i,v){ $.each(v,function(j,k){ bread_cat += '>' bread_cat += '<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-id="'+j+'">'+k+'</a>' }) }) } $('.bread_cat').append(bread_cat); var item_keyword = ''; $.each(,function(i,v){ // $('.count_all_li').css({'padding':'20px','margin-bottom':'20px'}).empty().append(countall); item_keyword += '<li>'; if (!('limits' in ||[0] == 12){ item_keyword += '<div '; if(common.getCookie('selectInquiry')!='on'){ item_keyword += 'style="display:none"'; } item_keyword += 'class="batch_box batch_checkbox" >' + '<input value="''" class="batch_input" id="my-id03'+i+'" type="checkbox" '; pid_arr = common.getArray(select_pid); if(pid_arr.indexOf( != -1){ item_keyword += 'checked="checked"'; } item_keyword += '><label for="my-id03'+i+'"></label></div>'; item_keyword += ' <div class="txtk1"><div class="imgk img_d">'; var route = ""; route = route.replace('prams_replace',v.title_seo) route = route.replace('id_replace',; 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var route = ""; route = route.replace('prams_replace', item_keyword += '<a href="'+route+'" class="cd_a_lv2">Send Inquiry</a></div>'; } item_keyword += '</li>' }) var item = ''; $.each(,function(i,v){ // $('.count_all_li').css({'padding':'20px','margin-bottom':'20px'}).empty().append(countall); item += '<li>'; if (!('limits' in ||[0] == 12){ item += '<div '; if(common.getCookie('selectInquiry')!='on'){ item += 'style="display:none"'; } item += 'class="batch_box batch_checkbox" >' + '<input value="''" class="batch_input" id="my-id'+i+'" type="checkbox" '; pid_arr = common.getArray(select_pid); if(pid_arr.indexOf( != -1){ item += 'checked="checked"'; } item += '><label for="my-id'+i+'"></label></div>'; item += ' <div class="txtk1"><div class="imgk img_d">'; var route = ""; route = route.replace('prams_replace',v.title_seo) route = route.replace('id_replace',; item += '<a href="'+route+'">'; if(v.picture){ item += '<img src="'+v.picture+'!200" alt="'+v.title+'">' }else{ item += '<img src="/static/web/image'+'/supplier/default.png'+'" alt="'+v.title+'">'; 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It may take a while.Please be patient.</p></li>' }else{ countall_li = '' } $('.pro_lb1').prepend(countall_li); $('.pro_lb1').css('display','block').append(item_keyword).append(item) }else if([0] == 28){ if( &&[0] != 'y'){ var countall_li = '<li class="count_all_li2"><p>We have revealed part of the results for you. <br><font style="font-weight: bold;color:#4fc2b8;cursor:pointer" class="count_all">Click here</font> to view all the results. It may take a while.Please be patient.</p></li>' }else{ countall_li = '' } $('.pro_lb1').prepend(countall_li); $('.pro_lb2').css('display','block').append(item_keyword).append(item) } // 分页+ var current_page = parseInt( var last_page = parseInt( var per_page = parseInt( var total = parseInt( getPages(current_page,last_page,per_page,total); }, error:function () { $('.loading').hide(); } }) } $(document).ready(function(){ if(common.getCookie('selectInquiry')=='on'){ $(".batch_box").show(); $('.checkbox_bottom').show(); } $('.batch_checkbox').each(function () { $(this).height($(this).closest('li').height()); }); Array.prototype.indexOf = function(val) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == val) return i; } return -1; }; Array.prototype.remove = function(val) { var index = this.indexOf(val); if (index > -1) { this.splice(index, 1); } }; if(common.getCookie('selectInquiry')=='on'){ $(".batch_box").show(); $('.checkbox_bottom').show(); } select_pid = common.getCookie('selectPid'); 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