Frequently Asked Questions | Learn about 1% for the Planet
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w-button">What is 1% for the Planet?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon active" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq1" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions. We advise on giving strategies, certify donations and amplify the impact of our network.<br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="45ba04c2-21ce-e7dc-5986-9653cb1a65de" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq2" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Where is 1% for the Planet located?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq2" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Our global headquarters is located in Burlington, VT and we have remote staff in multiple locations around the world.<br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="45ba04c2-21ce-e7dc-5986-9653cb1a65e7" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq3" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Is 1% for the Planet a registered nonprofit?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq3" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Yes, we are a registered 501c3 nonprofit.<br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="45ba04c2-21ce-e7dc-5986-9653cb1a65f0" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq4" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What is 1% for the Planet's mission?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="give" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">We accelerate smart environmental giving.<br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="45ba04c2-21ce-e7dc-5986-9653cb1a65f9" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq5" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How does the 1% for the Planet model work?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq5" aria-controls="" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">1% for the Planet business members give at least 1% of their annual sales directly to approved environmental partners.<br /><br />Members can support approved environmental partners by donating the equivalent of 1% of sales through a combination of monetary, in-kind and approved promotional expenses. <br /><br />We guide and support this giving and provide credible third party certification. <a href="/donate">Anyone can donate to us</a> to support our operations and the growth of our movement. We encourage consumers to look for our logo when purchasing products or services.<br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="45ba04c2-21ce-e7dc-5986-9653cb1a6602" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq6" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How big is the 1% for the Planet network?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq6" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-dyn-list"> <div role="list" class="w-dyn-items"> <div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"> <div class="inline">Today, 1% for the Planet is a growing, global network of more than </div> <div class="inline">4872</div> <div class="inline"> businesses supporting thousands of environmental partners in more than 100 countries.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="4b8ef973-9727-28ec-31e3-191682495ff8" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq7" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How much has the 1% for the Planet network given back to the environment?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq7" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-dyn-list"> <div role="list" class="w-dyn-items"> <div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"> <div class="inline">Our members have given over $</div> <div class="inline">672</div> <div class="inline">,000,000 to environmental partners since 2002.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div data-w-id="59149413-afbd-587f-857c-43e1894d5beb" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq7" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Does 1% for the Planet process member donations to environmental partners?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq1" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">No. 1% for the Planet does not send donations from members to their environmental partners. All members donate directly to the environmental partner(s) of their choosing, selected from our <a href="">network of vetted environmental organizations</a> and send us the receipts—so we can verify all donations and ensure that our logo is a seal of credibility. <br /><br />1% for the Planet does accept donations to support our work certifying member giving. <a href="/donate">You can donate to our work here.</a><br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq8" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">If I have a question, whom should I contact?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq8" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Please send general inquiries to <a href=""></a><br /></div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border ember"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faq9" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Where can I find 1% for the Planet online?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faq9" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">In addition to our website at, you can find us on the following social media channels: <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">Twitter</a>, <a href="">Instagram</a>, <a href="">LinkedIn</a> and <a href="">YouTube</a>.<br /></div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-ix="fade-up-1" id="membership" class="accordion js-accordion faqs margin-top-d60px-m100px"> <h2 class="heading-2">Membership</h2> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="f00efc9d-b869-34c6-d62a-4338cd2629ef" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header first"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm1" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How do we join 1% for the Planet?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm1" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Joining is easy. When you are ready, <a href="/join-control">complete our non-binding join form</a>. Once we have your responses, a business membership specialist will be in touch via email with next steps. Those next steps include reviewing and signing a membership agreement, which outlines the commitment that you make as a member, and paying annual membership dues.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="f00efc9d-b869-34c6-d62a-4338cd2629f8" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm2" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How quickly can we join 1% for the Planet?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm2" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Often we are able to onboard new business members in a matter of a few days. We are happy to work with you to join at any point in your fiscal year. Once you complete the <a href="/join-control">join form</a>, it may take a few business days for our team to begin and complete your onboarding process, especially during busier times of the year. We look forward to hearing from you!</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="f00efc9d-b869-34c6-d62a-4338cd262a01" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm4" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How much does it cost to be a 1% for the Planet Member?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm4" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">1% for the Planet members pay annual membership dues on a sliding scale based on revenue. Dues automatically count toward a member’s 1% giving commitment. See our <a href="/membership-dues">Annual Membership Dues Chart</a>. Members of 1% for the Planet align their business with our global environmental network, leverage our globally recognized logo, utilize our annual third-party certification confirming their 1% commitment, and support 1% for the Planet’s mission. Members also have access to tools and resources that help set their business apart. 1% for the Planet is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. As such, we rely on membership dues payments and donations to help support our people, our work and fuel our impact.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="2d5750bb-c208-b698-deaf-7d5a6af5f653" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm6" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What does revenue mean?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm6" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">The 1% commitment is based on your actual earned revenue each year. For most businesses that is their gross revenue. However, we do account for returns, discounts, and allowances, such that the 1% commitment is based on your real, earned revenue. For most US businesses this is Part I, line 3 of their Schedule C.<br /><br />We also exempt clear pass through costs from the revenue calculation. For example, a marketing agency that places paid ads on their client's behalf; the client reimburses the agency, but that reimbursement may show up part of their gross revenue, even though it’s not actually part of the compensation received from the client, it’s a reimbursement and therefore not a part of earned revenue.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="0c8734c9-905b-89ef-fb0a-1b3f448e3c4f" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm7" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Are 1% for the Planet donations tax deductible?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm7" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">We recommend checking with your accountant or tax advisor in your country of residence prior to making a donation to understand any tax consequences.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="341a9d96-ee89-933c-cebb-cfc3995a827a" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm8" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How can we connect with businesses and or environmental partners in the 1% for the Planet network?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm8" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">The 1% for the Planet network is a great means of creating partnerships. Whether it is connecting businesses with the best nonprofits or enabling members to work together, we are always ready to help facilitate these kinds of relationships. In addition to direct connections, we host events that allow for face-to-face networking as well as additional virtual opportunities.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="350c230a-c68d-c42a-8e00-038a49e137d7" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm9" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">We're a very private company. Do I need to tell 1% for the Planet how much money my company made?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm9" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">To complete certification and fulfill membership requirements, we require that members provide proof of revenue as well as proof of donation(s). Our standard membership agreement includes confidentiality clauses and privacy protection.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="68278233-6b62-8373-2b27-9b54f33d4062" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm10" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">If I have a membership question, whom should I contact?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm10" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">If you are a potential new member, please email <a href=""></a>. If you are a current member, please reach out to your account manager, or <a href="">email our membership team.</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="75191045-20fc-0302-85f4-534c25320d49" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm11" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How do we choose an environmental partner?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm11" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Members meet the 1% commitment by giving directly to <a href="">in-network environmental partners</a> of their choice. How, when, and what donations are made throughout the year is flexible. Each member customizes a giving strategy that works best for their business and maximizes their positive impact.<br /><br />Members can browse our approved in-network environmental partners via our <a href="">directory</a> and <a href="">network map</a>. Members can also find giving suggestions in our <a href="/stories">blog posts</a>, our Member Resource Center, and the “Ways to Give” section of their member portal. <br /><br />If you are already supporting an environmental partner in our network, you can continue to support them as part of your 1% commitment. For members looking for an easy and impactful way to give back, we provide an all-in-one donation option via the <a href="/planet-impact-fund">Planet Impact Fund</a> which combines impact investments and grants to drive positive change for our planet and future generations.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="add25f46-01d6-a61a-d4fb-5483b8571197" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm12" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What if I want to support an organization that is not in the 1% for the Planet network?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm12" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Members must meet their 1% commitment by donating directly to our approved <a href="">in-network environmental partners</a>.<br /><br />If you are interested in supporting an out-of-network organization that you think meets our <a href="/environmental-partners">environmental partner eligibility guidelines</a>, members can recommend it to us via the “Suggest Partner” form in the member portal. After you submit a recommendation, our team will carefully vet the organization. We will notify you when our assessment is complete to let you know if the organization has been approved or unapproved.If approved, giving to that organization can count toward your 1% commitment. If unapproved, giving to that organization can not count toward your 1% commitment.Member recommendations are essential to our global network growth. Our network is always evolving and our team works hard to bring on new, vetted organizations that meet certain criteria and drive real, measurable environmental outcomes.You can also review our <a href="#environmental-partners">Environmental Partner FAQ’s here</a>.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="5bb7d880-aa12-829a-2b66-27fad23943ce" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm13" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How do you value donations?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm13" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black inline w-richtext"> <p>Meet your 1% commitment by giving directly to <a href="">in-network environmental partners</a> of your choice. How, when, and where you make your donations throughout the year is flexible. You customize a giving strategy that works best for your business and maximizes your positive impact.</p> <h3><strong>Required:</strong></h3> <p>At least half of your commitment must be met in monetary donations to in-network environmental partners.</p> <h3><strong>Flexible:</strong></h3> <p>The remaining half of your commitment can be met with a custom combination of the following that works best for you:</p> <h3><strong>In-kind product or service donations to in-network environmental partners</strong></h3> <ul role="list"> <li>Product donations are valued at fair market value.</li> <li>Service donations or pro bono work are valued at your normal billable rate.</li> <li>Discounted products are valued at the discounted rate.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>Time spent volunteering with in-network environmental partners</strong></h3> <ul role="list"> <li>Valued at $29.95 (USD) per hour per employee. Alternatively, we will value volunteer time at your average employee hourly rate, or a range of rates, for different types of employees, should you choose to provide that information.</li> </ul> <h3><strong>1% for the Planet Advertising Donations</strong></h3> <ul role="list"> <li>i.e. Ad spend from marketing campaigns that feature 1% for the Planet. Valued at the actual ad spend of the marketing campaign. </li> <li><em>Ads must be pre-approved by our Brand & Marketing team prior to campaign launch.</em> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="4dc7b63a-344e-b7e8-e90e-5ad7f69897ec" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm14" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How do I calculate my 1% commitment?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm14" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>At the end of your fiscal year, you will take your confirmed total sales revenue and calculate 1% of that amount.</p> <p>Example: $100,000 USD total revenue x .01 = a commitment of $1000 USD</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="142cf2a2-748c-99b0-8d8a-5ac6790bcfac" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm15" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">When do I certify?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm15" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>Within 120 days of your fiscal year ending (approximately 4 months).</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="50a7763e-c646-b698-3640-83501b861d0c" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm17" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What if my total revenue for the year is $0 USD or negative, how do I complete certification?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm17" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>Members are still required to submit a proof of revenue document showing that no revenue was accrued for the last fiscal year to complete their certification. If your total revenue is zero or less, your membership dues will fulfill your 1% commitment.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border pacific"> <div data-w-id="ceaaf33b-c340-c4f1-369a-99fffe6ced25" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqm18" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Having trouble finding the answer to your question?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqm18" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p><a href="/contact">Contact us</a><a href="/contact">.</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-ix="fade-up-1" id="environmental-partners" class="accordion js-accordion faqs margin-top-d60px-m100px"> <h2 class="juniper">Environmental Partners</h2> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div data-w-id="5886cea8-6008-4caf-467d-52139bc6eff1" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header first"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe1" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What does it mean to be a 1% for the Planet® Environmental Partner?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe1" aria-expanded="false" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>1% for the Planet Environmental Partners are carefully vetted organizations and programs that have proven alignment with 1% for the Planet’s Impact Areas. Environmental Partners are organizations working for the benefit of people and the environment, with missions that span across a wide range of impacts, from ensuring vulnerable communities have rights to land to reducing the environmental impact of cities. Read more about 1% for the Planet Impact Areas. </p> <p>1% for the Planet Members make support <strong><em>directly</em></strong> to approved environmental partners and can certify donations as part of their annual commitment. To view 1% for the Planet’s network of environmental partners, search the <a href="">directory</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div data-w-id="5886cea8-6008-4caf-467d-52139bc6effa" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe2" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How does an organization become a 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe2" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p><strong>Organizations can only enter the network after being recommended by a 1% for the Planet Business Member seeking to support them.</strong> Members can recommend environmental organizations to apply to the 1% for the Planet network via the <a href="">member portal</a>. Organizations that have been recommended to the network will receive a link to 1% for the Planet’s partnership application.</p> <p>Being recommended by a 1% for the Planet Member does not guarantee admission to the 1% for the Planet Environmental Partners network. To determine <a href="/environmental-partners">eligibility</a> for our network, organizations must pass 1% for the Planet’s partnership assessment.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div data-w-id="5886cea8-6008-4caf-467d-52139bc6f003" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe3" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How are organizations vetted for the 1% for the Planet Environmental Partners network?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe3" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p><strong>To determine eligibility for the 1% for the Planet Environmental Partners network, organizations must satisfy the following:</strong></p> <p>1. <strong>Get recommended</strong> to join the network by a business member intending to support you.</p> <p>2. <strong>Pass a partnership assessment</strong>, consisting of:</p> <p>A. <strong>Proof of eligible registration status</strong>. This is inclusive of most countries’ “nonprofit” or “charitable” tax registration statuses, as well as various other statuses that limit business activity by guarantee of public benefit or social/environmental goals. Examples include, but are not limited to:<em> </em></p> <p><strong>United States of America<br /></strong>501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(6) <br />State-level tax-exempt organization <br />Fiscally sponsored organization<br /><br /><strong>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland<br /></strong>Charity (<em>Charity Commission, NICC, and OSCR</em>)<br />Community Interest Company<br /><br /><strong>Australia<br /></strong>Charity (<em>ACNC registration</em>) <br />Not-for-profit and tax-exempt entity (e.g. <em>incorporated association</em>)<br />Public company limited by guarantee <br /><br /><strong>Canada<br /></strong>Charity <br />Not-for-profit and tax-exempt entity operating federally or within their province (e.g. <em>Society, not-for-profit corporation</em>)<br /><br /><strong>Hong Kong<br /></strong>Charitable Institution<br /><br /><strong>Switzerland<br /></strong>Association (<em>Verein</em>)<br />Foundation (<em>Stiftung</em>)<br /><br /><strong>Netherlands (Kingdom of the)<br /></strong>Not-for-profit association (<em>Verenigingen</em>)<br />Not-for-profit foundation (<em>Stichting</em>)<br />Public benefit organization (<em>ANBI</em>)<br /><br /><strong>Germany<br /></strong>Association (<em>Verein</em> or <em>e.V.</em>)<br />Foundation (<em>Stiftung</em>)<br />Limited liability not-for-profit corporation (e.g. <em>gGmbH</em>)<br /><br /><strong>Japan<br /></strong>Public interest association or foundation (<em>Koueki Shadan Houjin, Koeki Zaidan Houjin</em>) <br />Specified not-for-profit corporation (<em>tokutei hieiri katsudo hojin</em>) <br />Social welfare corporation<br /><br /><strong>Mexico<br /></strong>Not-for-profit entity or authorized donee (<em>donatarias autorizada</em>) such as civil association (<em>asociación civil</em>) or civil society organization (<em>organización de sociedad civil</em>)</p> <p>B. <strong>Details on organizational structure and history</strong>, including legal compliance, geography of operations, and mission statement.</p> <p>C. <strong>Alignment of mission </strong>to one or more of 1% for the Planet’s Impact Area Targets. <em>Organizations that have no clear relevance to environmental impacts as described above, as well as causes that deny human rights or increase marginalization or injustices, are ineligible.</em></p> <p>D. <strong>Program budget details</strong>: an organization with two-thirds or more of its programs budget aligned with our Impact Areas can earn full “Environmental Partner” status. Organizations that do not meet this two-thirds rule can still earn “Environmental Program” status for any specific aligned program it hosts.</p> <p>E. <strong>Screening</strong> for financial and organizational corruption, criminality, false promotions, or greenwashing.</p> <p><em>Once organizations complete the partnership assessment, please allow two weeks before reaching out to inquire about the status of your assessment. </em></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div data-w-id="5886cea8-6008-4caf-467d-52139bc6f00c" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe4" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Are there fees associated with becoming a 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe4" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">There are no fees associated with being a 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div data-w-id="5886cea8-6008-4caf-467d-52139bc6f015" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe5" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Where can I view the terms and conditions for 1% for the Planet Environmental Partners?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe5" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents w-richtext"> <p><a href="/environmental-partner-mou">Here is 1% for the Planet’s Environmental Partner Agreement</a>. Organizations must agree to the terms and conditions to establish partnership. Please contact <a href=""></a> with any questions.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div data-w-id="5886cea8-6008-4caf-467d-52139bc6f01e" class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe6" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What are the expectations of being a 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe6" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>1% for the Planet aims to keep partnerships as low-lift as possible. That being said, we do ask organizations to complete a few steps to keep their account up to date. </p> <p>1% for the Planet requests that environmental partners update and maintain their <a href="">public-facing directory</a> page and annually update their Impact Questionnaire. Once approved as an official 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner, organizations can access the Impact Questionnaire and other resources within the <a href="">portal</a>. We encourage environmental partners to be very familiar with the partner portal and keep all information updated.</p> <p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe7" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What is 1% for the Planet’s role in supporting environmental partners? </a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe7" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>1% for the Planet serves as a connector, certifier and amplifier—not a grantor. Our team uses various tools to understand the work and impact of our environmental partners network in an effort to make connections with business members.</p> <p>The best way to leverage your partnership with 1% for the Planet is to complete your organization’s Impact Questionnaire. The Impact Questionnaire is a powerful tool to help our team identify, connect and promote environmental partners in the 1% for the Planet network. The Impact Questionnaire informs our staff on the scope of your work and impact. </p> <p>1% for the Planet Members make support <em>directly</em> to approved environmental partners. Members identify environmental partners to support through various tools and services offered by 1% for the Planet. This includes the 1% for the Planet <a href="">directory</a>, <a href="/stories">blog</a>, or through 1% for the Planet’s partnership advising service which aims to provide business members with custom partner recommendations that align with their giving goals. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe8" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">What responsibilities do environmental partners have to 1% for the Planet Members who have supported them?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe8" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>1% for the Planet Members make support <strong><em>directly</em></strong> to approved environmental partners and then members submit official receipts for certification by 1% for the Planet. The details and parameters of partnership are determined directly between environmental partners and members. Members and environmental partners are responsible for determining the grounds of the partnership. </p> <p>When support is made, 1% for the Planet asks that environmental partners acknowledge 1% for the Planet Member’s support with a copy of donation receipts, signed acknowledgment letters, or proof of donation as you would for any support. We ask that this acknowledgment be made for both monetary and non-monetary (in-kind products, services, volunteering, and approved promotional support) giving options.</p> <p>Environmental partners are not responsible for confirming donations with 1% for the Planet; that is the responsibility of the member. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe9" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How do environmental partners receive support from 1% for the Planet Members?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe9" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>When a member chooses to support an environmental partner, they will do so <strong><em>directly</em></strong> in the form of monetary or non-monetary giving options. Members and environmental partners are responsible for determining the grounds of the partnership. Members are not required to to publicize any aspect of their commitments, givings, or partnerships.</p> <p>Members identify environmental partners to support in a number of ways, including searching within the <a href="">1% for the Planet directory</a>, browsing <a href="/stories">blogs</a>, or through various network communications where members have the opportunity to learn about partners such as Slack, Global Social Hours, Global Summit, monthly newsletters etc.</p> <p>The number one way to leverage your partnership with 1% for the Planet and become more visible to 1% for the Planet Members is to complete your organization’s Impact Questionnaire, which can be completed in the <a href="">portal</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe10" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Is there an average donation amount 1% for the Planet Environmental Partners can expect to receive from members?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe10" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black">Becoming a 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner does not guarantee any support, but partnership does make you eligible to receive donations from 1% for the Planet members. There is no expected donation amount that 1% for the Planet Environmental Partners can expect to receive from their partnership. Members of varying revenues make up the 1% for the Planet member network and each relationship between members and environmental partners will be unique.</div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe11" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How are businesses held accountable for their 1% annual commitment?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe11" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>1% for the Planet Members make support <strong><em>directly</em></strong> to approved environmental partners. Once support is made, members certify donations as part of their annual commitment.</p> <p>1% for the Planet staff support members each fiscal year in the annual certification of their 1% commitment. During the certification period, businesses confirm total revenue by providing proof of revenue documentation (a tax document, letter from an accountant, or bookkeeping report) and documentation of donations (copy of donation receipts, signed acknowledgment letters, or proof of donation) from approved environmental partners. These documents are reviewed by our certification team to confirm that 1% of total revenue was donated.</p> <p>Continued membership is contingent on completing this annual process and submitting these documents.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe12" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">How can environmental partners refer businesses to join 1% for the Planet?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe12" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>Businesses can be directed to our <a href="/join-control">join page</a> and prompted to fill out a non-binding join form that will put interested businesses in touch with our team!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion__item js-accordion-item bottom-border juniper"> <div class="accordion-header js-accordion-header second"><a aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="faqe13" href="#" class="accordion-title black w-button">Whom do I contact if I have a question about environmental partners?</a><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" width="15" class="js-accordion-icon" /></div> <div data-ix="hide-on-load" id="faqe13" class="accordion-body js-accordion-body"> <div class="accordion-body__contents black w-richtext"> <p>Please send questions to <a href=""></a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-w-id="3821b4ea-5ff3-ea30-216c-a5cbb0b19bea" class="footer"> <footer id="footer-content" class="footer-section-content mod--footer w-clearfix"><a href="#footer-policies" class="footer-skip-link w-inline-block"> <div>Skip to footer policies</div> </a> <div data-w-id="3821b4ea-5ff3-ea30-216c-a5cbb0b19bec" class="footer-content-wrapper mod--footer w-clearfix"> <div class="footer-columns-wrapper mod--1"> <div class="footer-column footer-email-sign-up-container"><a href="/" class="logo-link-footer mod--footer w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="eager" width="179" alt="1% for the Planet White Veritcal Logo" class="footer-logo" /></a> <div class="footer__form-wrap"> <div> <h2 id="subscribe-footer" class="footer__form-title">Subscribe to our newsletter:</h2> <div class="footer__form-block w-form"> <form id="wf-form-Footer" name="wf-form-Footer" data-name="Footer" method="get" data-webflow-hubspot-api-form-url="" class="modal-pop-up-form" data-wf-page-id="6582045fb87a7216c4c279cb" data-wf-element-id="3821b4ea-5ff3-ea30-216c-a5cbb0b19bf5"><input class="footer__form---input w-input" data-wfhsfieldname="FormTextInput-2" autocomplete="email" maxlength="256" name="email-field" data-name="email field" aria-labelledby="subscribe-footer" placeholder="Email address" type="email" id="email-field" required="" /> <div class="form__btn"> <div form-submitted="anim" class="overflow-hidden mod--submit active"> <div data-anim="arrows" class="form__btn-arrows"><img alt="" loading="eager" src="" class="form__btn-arrow mod--2" /><img alt="" loading="eager" src="" class="form__btn-arrow" /></div> </div> <div class="form__submit-result-wrap"> <div form-submitted="anim" class="form__submit-result active"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="form__submit-result-ico" /></div> </div><input type="submit" data-wait="Please wait..." class="form__submit w-button" value="Submit" /> </div><input type="hidden" name="hutk" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="ipAddress" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="pageUri" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="pageId" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="pageName" value="" /> </form> <div class="footer__form-success w-form-done"> <div>Thanks! 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