Indigenous health
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Find information about health care services and non-insured health benefits (NIHB), careers, how to fight drug and substance use, environmental health, food safety and how to have a healthy pregnancy."> <meta name="dcterms.description" content="Indigenous Services Canada. 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Persons registered under the <cite>Indian Act</cite> who live or who have recently lived in BC, or who belong to a First Nation located in BC, should refer to the <a href="" rel="external">FNHA's Cybersecurity Incident website</a> for further information. </p> </section> <div class="row"> <aside class="col-md-12 well"> <div class="col-md-3"> <h2 class="mrgn-tp-0 h4">Most requested</h2> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <ul class="lst-spcd small colcount-md-2"> <li><a href="/eng/1568396042341/1568396159824">Jordan's Principle</a></li> <li><a href="/eng/1574784515492/1574784549876#a2">Drug benefit list</a></li> <li><a href="/eng/1578079214611/1578079236012">NIHB program updates</a></li> <li><a href="/eng/1584644191845/1584644225993">Contact First Nations and Inuit health</a></li> <li><a href="">Clinical Practice Guidelines</a></li> <li><a href="/eng/1581964230816/1581964277298">Coronavirus and Indigenous communities</a></li> </ul> </div> </aside> </div> <section> <h2 class="wb-inv">Services and information</h2> <div class="wb-eqht row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1702413346060/1702413367705">Empowering health professionals against anti-Indigenous racism in health systems</a></h3> <p>Explore training, resources and best practices that will help you take action against anti-Indigenous racism. Learn more about the Government of Canada's response and progress made to end anti-Indigenous racism in health systems.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1572537161086/1572537234517">Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Inuit</a></h3> <p>Learn about the NIHB program and how to access it. Also search for important health-related resources, contact information and the Drug benefit list.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1721757090410/1721757116817">Indigenous health care in Canada</a></h3> <p>Roles of governments, health transformation, co-developing new distinctions-based legislation and the Indigenous Health Equity Fund.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1572630536227/1572630697929">Nursing careers</a></h3> <p>Find information on the types of nursing positions available in remote or isolated First Nations communities and apply now.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1581895601263/1581895825373">Health care services for First Nations and Inuit</a></h3> <p>Access the First Nations and Inuit home and community care program, health services and nursing care. Also find support for former students of Indian Residential Schools.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1576088923626/1576088963494">Indigenous mental health</a></h3> <p>Learn how to strengthen and maintain positive mental health and help prevent suicide in Indigenous communities. </p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1578494486629/1578494542175">Substance use in Indigenous communities</a></h3> <p>Learn about community-based programs to help reduce and prevent problematic use of alcohol, drugs, solvents and other substances.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1571758376158/1571758630526">Family health</a></h3> <p>Family health programs, healthy eating, vaccinations, air quality in your home, pregnancy.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1569867927914/1569867958318">Diseases that may affect First Nations and Inuit communities</a></h3> <p>Understand the diseases and health conditions First Nations and Inuit are at risk for. Also get facts on programs to help prevent and manage illness.</p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1583778972319/1583779072912">Environmental public health and Indigenous communities</a></h3> <p>Environmental public health programs and services that protect First Nations and Inuit communities from risks within the natural and built environment. </p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <section> <h3 class="h5"><a href="/eng/1647957846434/1647957881461">Communication resources for community health and safety</a></h3> <p>Communications resources on topics related to community health and safety that can be shared with or adapted to your community.</p> </section> </div> </div> </section> <!-- START PAGE FEEDBACK WIDGET --> <div class="row row-no-gutters mrgn-tp-xl"> <div class="col-sm-7 col-lg-6"> <section class="gc-pg-hlpfl provisional"> <div class="well mrgn-bttm-0"> <form id="gc-pg-hlpfl-frm" action="#" method="post" autocomplete="off"> <input type="hidden" name="institutionopt" value="Institution acronym - required - must use same value EN and FR"> <input type="hidden" name="themeopt" value="Indigenous peoples"> <input type="hidden" name="language" value="Language - required - use EN or FR"> <input type="hidden" name="pageTitle" value="Page title EN - required"> <input type="hidden" name="submissionPage" value="Page URL - required"> <input type="hidden" name="sectionopt" value=""> <input type="hidden" id="helpful" name="helpful" value="Yes"> <div class="gc-pg-hlpfl-btn"> <div class="row row-no-gutters"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-7 mrgn-tp-sm"> <h2 class="mrgn-tp-sm h5">Did you find what you were looking for?</h2> </div> <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-5 text-right"> <button id="btnyes" type="submit" value="Yes" class="btn btn-primary">Yes</button> <button id="btnno" type="button" class="btn btn-primary mrgn-lft-sm nojs-hide">No</button> </div> </div> </div> <p class="h3 hidden nojs-show">If not, tell us why:</p> <div class="gc-pg-hlpfl-no nojs-show"> <fieldset> <legend class="h4 mrgn-tp-0 mrgn-bttm-md">What was wrong?</legend> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem1"> <input name="problem" id="problem1" type="radio" value="I can't find the information" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="I can't find the information-Je ne peux pas trouver l'information" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> I can't <strong>find</strong> the information </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem2"> <input name="problem" id="problem2" type="radio" value="The information is hard to understand" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="The information is hard to understand-L'information est difficile 脿 comprendre" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> The information is hard to <strong>understand</strong> </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem3"> <input name="problem" id="problem3" type="radio" value="There was an error / something didn't work" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="There was an error or something didn't work-Il y avait une erreur ou quelque chose ne fonctionnait pas" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> There was an error or something <strong>didn't work</strong> </label> </div> <div class="radio"> <label for="problem4"> <input name="problem" id="problem4" type="radio" value="Other reason" data-gc-analytics-wtph-value="Other reason-Autre raison" data-gc-analytics-collect="notPrivate"> Other reason </label> </div> </fieldset> <label for="problem6" class="mrgn-bttm-0">Please provide more details</label> <p class="small"> <strong>You will not receive a reply. 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