Bazaarvoice Status - Feeds system update

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For the default background (#ffffff) and default css_border_color (#e0e0e0), use the luminosity of the default background with a magic number to arrive at the original outage-field background color (#f4f5f7). I used the formula Target Color = Color * alpha + Background * (1 - alpha) to find the magic number of ~0.08. For darker css_body_background_color, luminosity values are lower so alpha trends toward becoming transparent (thus outage-field background becomes same as css_body_background_color). */ background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.31); /* outage-field border-color alpha is inverse to the luminosity of css_body_background_color. That is to say, with a default white background this border is transparent, but on a black background, it's opaque css_border_color. */ border-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.0); } /* CSS REDS */ /* CSS REDS */ /* CSS REDS */ /* CSS REDS */ /* CSS REDS */ /* CSS REDS */ /* CSS REDS */ .layout-content.status.status-index .status-day .update-title.impact-critical a, .layout-content.status.status-index .status-day .update-title.impact-critical a:hover, .layout-content.status.status-index .page-status.status-critical, .layout-content.status.status-index .unresolved-incident.impact-critical .incident-title, .flat-button.background-red { background-color:#F03F5A; } .layout-content.status-index .components-statuses .component-container.status-red:after, .layout-content.status-full-history .month .incident-container .impact-critical, .layout-content.status-incident .incident-name.impact-critical, .layout-content.status.status-index .incidents-list .incident-title.impact-critical a, .status-red .icon-indicator, .incident-history .impact-critical, .components-container .component-inner-container.status-red .component-status, .components-container .component-inner-container.status-red .icon-indicator { color:#F03F5A; 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} .layout-content.status.status-index .unresolved-incident.impact-minor .updates, .layout-content.status.status-index .scheduled-incidents-container { border-color:#5C677D; } /* CSS BLUES */ /* CSS BLUES */ /* CSS BLUES */ /* CSS BLUES */ /* CSS BLUES */ /* CSS BLUES */ .layout-content.status.status-index .status-day .update-title.impact-maintenance a, .layout-content.status.status-index .status-day .update-title.impact-maintenance a:hover, .layout-content.status.status-index .page-status.status-maintenance, .layout-content.status.status-index .unresolved-incident.impact-maintenance .incident-title, .layout-content.status.status-index .scheduled-incidents-container .tab { background-color:#4C60F6; } .layout-content.status-index .components-statuses .component-container.status-blue:after, .layout-content.status-full-history .month .incident-container .impact-maintenance, .layout-content.status-incident .incident-name.impact-maintenance, .layout-content.status.status-index .incidents-list .incident-title.impact-maintenance a, .status-blue .icon-indicator, .incident-history .impact-maintenance, .components-container .component-inner-container.status-blue .component-status, .components-container .component-inner-container.status-blue .icon-indicator { color:#4C60F6; } .layout-content.status.status-index .unresolved-incident.impact-maintenance .updates, .layout-content.status.status-index .scheduled-incidents-container { border-color:#4C60F6; } /* CSS GREENS */ /* CSS GREENS */ /* CSS GREENS */ /* CSS GREENS */ /* CSS GREENS */ /* CSS GREENS */ /* CSS GREENS */ .layout-content.status.status-index .page-status.status-none { background-color:#00D0B4; } .layout-content.status-index .components-statuses .component-container.status-green:after, .status-green .icon-indicator, .components-container .component-inner-container.status-green .component-status, .components-container .component-inner-container.status-green .icon-indicator { color:#00D0B4; } /* CSS LINK COLOR */ /* CSS LINK COLOR */ /* CSS LINK COLOR */ /* CSS LINK COLOR */ /* CSS LINK COLOR */ /* CSS LINK COLOR */ a, a:hover, .layout-content.status-index .page-footer span a:hover, .layout-content.status-index .timeframes-container .timeframe:not(.active):hover, .layout-content.status-incident .subheader a:hover { color:#00D0B4; 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The process is currently ongoing, and no issues have been reported so far. We will provide an update at the specified time or as soon as any new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 22nd, 2024, 7:00PM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732280402000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>22</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>07:00</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 20th and 21st within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds scheduled for November 22nd are on track to be delivered by 2:00 AM CST on the same day. The process is currently ongoing, and no issues have been reported so far. We will provide an update at the specified time or as soon as any new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 22nd, 2024, 7:00AM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732240112000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>21</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>19:48</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 20th and 21st within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 22nd are on track to be delivered by November 22nd, 2:00 AM CST. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 21st, 2024, 7:00PM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732193396000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>21</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:49</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 18th, 19th and 20th within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 20th were been delivered within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 21st are on track to be delivered by November 21st, 2:00 AM CST. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 21st, 2024, 7:00AM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732151964000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>20</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>19:19</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Monitoring </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 18th and 19th within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 20th are delayed by 6.5 hours and are expected to be delivered by November 20th, 8:30 AM CST. The bulk feeds from November 21st are on track to be delivered by November 21st, 2:00 AM CST. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 20th, 2024, 7:00PM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732107609000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>20</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>07:00</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">The bulk feeds from November 20th have experienced a delay of 6.5 hours and are now expected to be delivered by November 20th, 8:30 AM CST. The process is still ongoing, and no issues have been reported at this time. We will provide an update at the designated time or as soon as any new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 20th, 2024, 7:00AM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732064766000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>19:06</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 18th and 19th within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 20th are delayed by 6.5 hours and are expected to be delivered by 20th Nov, 8:30 AM CST. Bazaarvoice confirms that the discrepancies in our system have been resolved. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 19th, 2024, 7:00PM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732039002000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>11:56</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 18th and 19th within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 20th are delayed by 6.5 hours and are expected to be delivered by November 20th, 8:30AM CST. Bazaarvoice confirms that the discrepancies in our system have been resolved. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 20th, 2024, 12:00PM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1732021130000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>19</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>06:58</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">As last verified by the team, processing are on track as of now and is expected to be delivered by 19th Nov, 8:00 AM UTC.<br /><br />Summary:The 17th feeds All feeds have been delivered.<br /><br />The 18th feeds All feeds have been delivered within the expected timeframe.<br /><br />The 19th feeds processing are on track as of now and is expected to be delivered by 19th Nov, 8:00 AM UTC.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 19th, 2024, 7:00 am CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1731984949000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>20:55</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 18th within the expected timeframe. The bulk feeds from November 19th are on track to be delivered tomorrow. Our engineering team has been analyzing discrepancies in our system since the incident was reported.<br />We expect this discrepancy to be resolved by tomorrow. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 18th, 2024, 9:00 PM CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1731961342000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>14:22</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Identified </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice has successfully delivered all bulk feeds from November 17th. The bulk feeds from November 18th are still on track to be delivered today. The Data Storage Team has been analyzing discrepancies in Athena since the incident was reported.<br />We expect this discrepancy to be resolved by tomorrow. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 18th, 2024, 3:00pm CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1731939545000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>18</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>08:19</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice is actively investigating the issue. The Bulk Team encountered cluster failures caused by inconsistent data in the Full Stash delivered on November 16, 2024.<br /><br />Summary: The platform-client dataset included in the November 16 Full Stash contained duplicate or inconsistent data, which led to failures in the bulk clusters.<br /><br />Impact: The delay in delivering today's bulk feeds has increased. Initially estimated at 16 hours, the delay has now extended to 22 hours due to these failures. The updated expected delivery time is November 18, 3:00 AM UTC.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 18th, 2024, 7:00 am CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1731890481000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>17</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>18:41</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Update </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice is preparing for the Bulk feeds system update on November 16th 00:00 CST. The export Feeds, DCE, and SEO feed will be delayed. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 17th, 2024, 7:00 pm CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1731708777000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>16:12</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <div class="row update-row"> <div class="update-title span3 font-large"> Investigating </div> <div class="update-container span9"> <div class="update-body font-regular"> <span class="whitespace-pre-wrap">Bazaarvoice is preparing for the Bulk feeds system update on November 16th 00:00 CST. The export Feeds, DCE, and SEO feed will be delayed. We will provide an update at the designated time below or when new information becomes available.<br /><br /><b>NEXT UPDATE:</b><br />November 16th, 2024, 6:00 am CST<br /><br />[1270]<br /><br />If you have any questions, please contact Bazaarvoice Support via any of the methods included below:<br /><br /><b>PHONE:</b><br />AMERICAS: 888 984 1381 (toll-free) / 866 522 9227, Option 4 (toll-free)<br />UNITED KINGDOM: 0800 368 0991 (toll-free)<br />FRANCE: 08 05 08 94 80 (toll free)<br />GERMANY: 0800 188 8904 (toll-free)<br />REST OF EMEA: +44(0)20 8080 1100, Option 4<br />AUSTRALIA: 1300 089 962 (toll-free)<br />APAC (OTHER THAN AUSTRALIA): 061 2 9362 2200, Option 4<br /><br /><b>SUPPORT COMMUNITY:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> from the homepage or help menu, and select "Open a Case" to submit a case with your question.<br /><br /><b>CHAT:</b><br />Sign in to <a href="">Portal</a>, select <b>Access the Support Community</b> and select the "Live Chat" button in the bottom right of your screen (available 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CDT on regular US business days and 8:30am - 5:00pm GMT on regular UK business days and 9am - 5pm AEST on regular APAC business days)</span> </div> <div class="update-timestamp font-small color-secondary"> Posted <span class="ago" data-datetime-unix="1731679027000"></span>Nov <var data-var='date'>15</var>, <var data-var='year'>2024</var> - <var data-var='time'>07:57</var> CST </div> </div> </div> <!-- affected components --> <div class="components-affected font-small color-secondary border-color"> This incident affects: Legacy (PRR) Platform (Feed Processing) and Conversations Platform (Feed Processing). </div> </div> <div class="page-footer border-color font-small"> <a href="/"><span style="font-family:arial">&larr;</span> Current Status</a> <span class="color-secondary powered-by"><a class="color-secondary" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href=";utm_content=SP-notifications&amp;utm_medium=powered-by&amp;utm_source=inapp">Powered by Atlassian Statuspage</a></span> </div> </div> <div class="custom-footer-container"> <!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice start --> <script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" data-domain-script="013c3ee7-3c9c-488e-b27c-3d6445e309e4"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function OptanonWrapper() { } </script> <!-- OneTrust Cookies Consent Notice end --> <div style="color:#ffffff; padding:20px 45px 20px;">Key</div> </div> </div> <div class="modal hide fade modal-open-incident-subscribe" id="subscribe-modal-ydds1gq355zn" style="display: none" data-js-hook="incident-subscription-modal" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="incident-subscription-dialog-header" aria-describedby="incident-subscription-dialog-description" aria-modal="true"> <form class="modal-content" id="subscribe-form-ydds1gq355zn" action="/subscriptions/incident.json" accept-charset="UTF-8" data-remote="true" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="incident_code" id="incident_code" value="ydds1gq355zn" autocomplete="off" /> <div class="modal-header"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="close" data-js-hook="incident-modal-close" aria-label="close" role="button">×</a> <h4 id="incident-subscription-dialog-header"> Subscribe to Incident </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p style="margin-bottom:25px" id="incident-subscription-dialog-description"> Subscribe to updates for <strong>Feeds system update</strong> via email and/or text message. 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data-otp-enabled="false" >Croatia (+385)</option> <option value="cy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Cyprus (+357)</option> <option value="cz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Czech Republic (+420)</option> <option value="dk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Denmark (+45)</option> <option value="dj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Djibouti (+253)</option> <option value="dm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominica (+1)</option> <option value="do" data-otp-enabled="false" >Dominican Republic (+1)</option> <option value="eg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Egypt (+20)</option> <option value="sv" data-otp-enabled="false" >El Salvador (+503)</option> <option value="gq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Equatorial Guinea (+240)</option> <option value="ee" data-otp-enabled="false" >Estonia (+372)</option> <option value="et" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ethiopia (+251)</option> <option value="fo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Faroe Islands (+298)</option> <option value="fj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Fiji (+679)</option> <option value="fi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Finland/Aland Islands (+358)</option> <option value="fr" data-otp-enabled="false" >France (+33)</option> <option value="gf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Guiana (+594)</option> <option value="pf" data-otp-enabled="false" >French Polynesia (+689)</option> <option value="ga" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gabon (+241)</option> <option value="gm" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gambia (+220)</option> <option value="ge" data-otp-enabled="false" >Georgia (+995)</option> <option value="de" data-otp-enabled="false" >Germany (+49)</option> <option value="gh" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ghana (+233)</option> <option value="gi" data-otp-enabled="false" >Gibraltar (+350)</option> <option value="gr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greece (+30)</option> <option value="gl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Greenland (+299)</option> <option value="gd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Grenada (+1)</option> <option value="gp" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guadeloupe (+590)</option> <option value="gu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guam (+1)</option> <option value="gt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guatemala (+502)</option> <option value="gn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guinea (+224)</option> <option value="gy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Guyana (+592)</option> <option value="ht" data-otp-enabled="false" >Haiti (+509)</option> <option value="hn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Honduras (+504)</option> <option value="hk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hong Kong (+852)</option> <option value="hu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Hungary (+36)</option> <option value="is" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iceland (+354)</option> <option value="in" data-otp-enabled="false" >India (+91)</option> <option value="id" data-otp-enabled="false" >Indonesia (+62)</option> <option value="iq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Iraq (+964)</option> <option value="ie" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ireland (+353)</option> <option value="il" data-otp-enabled="false" >Israel (+972)</option> <option value="it" data-otp-enabled="false" >Italy 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data-otp-enabled="false" >Liechtenstein (+423)</option> <option value="lt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Lithuania (+370)</option> <option value="lu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Luxembourg (+352)</option> <option value="mo" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macao (+853)</option> <option value="mk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Macedonia (+389)</option> <option value="mg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Madagascar (+261)</option> <option value="mw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malawi (+265)</option> <option value="my" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malaysia (+60)</option> <option value="mv" data-otp-enabled="false" >Maldives (+960)</option> <option value="ml" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mali (+223)</option> <option value="mt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Malta (+356)</option> <option value="mq" data-otp-enabled="false" >Martinique (+596)</option> <option value="mr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritania (+222)</option> <option value="mu" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mauritius (+230)</option> <option value="mx" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mexico (+52)</option> <option value="mc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Monaco (+377)</option> <option value="mn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mongolia (+976)</option> <option value="me" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montenegro (+382)</option> <option value="ms" data-otp-enabled="false" >Montserrat (+1)</option> <option value="ma" data-otp-enabled="false" >Morocco/Western Sahara (+212)</option> <option value="mz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Mozambique (+258)</option> <option value="na" data-otp-enabled="false" >Namibia (+264)</option> <option value="np" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nepal (+977)</option> <option value="nl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Netherlands (+31)</option> <option value="nz" data-otp-enabled="false" >New Zealand (+64)</option> <option value="ni" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nicaragua (+505)</option> <option value="ne" data-otp-enabled="false" >Niger (+227)</option> <option value="ng" data-otp-enabled="false" >Nigeria (+234)</option> <option value="no" data-otp-enabled="false" >Norway (+47)</option> <option value="om" data-otp-enabled="false" >Oman (+968)</option> <option value="pk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Pakistan (+92)</option> <option value="ps" data-otp-enabled="false" >Palestinian Territory (+970)</option> <option value="pa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Panama (+507)</option> <option value="py" data-otp-enabled="false" >Paraguay (+595)</option> <option value="pe" data-otp-enabled="false" >Peru (+51)</option> <option value="ph" data-otp-enabled="false" >Philippines (+63)</option> <option value="pl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Poland (+48)</option> <option value="pt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Portugal (+351)</option> <option value="pr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Puerto Rico (+1)</option> <option value="qa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Qatar (+974)</option> <option value="re" data-otp-enabled="false" >Reunion/Mayotte (+262)</option> <option value="ro" data-otp-enabled="false" >Romania (+40)</option> <option value="ru" data-otp-enabled="false" >Russia/Kazakhstan (+7)</option> <option value="rw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Rwanda (+250)</option> <option value="ws" data-otp-enabled="false" >Samoa (+685)</option> <option value="sm" data-otp-enabled="false" >San Marino (+378)</option> <option value="sa" data-otp-enabled="false" >Saudi Arabia (+966)</option> <option value="sn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Senegal (+221)</option> <option value="rs" data-otp-enabled="false" >Serbia (+381)</option> <option value="sc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Seychelles (+248)</option> <option value="sl" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sierra Leone (+232)</option> <option value="sg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Singapore (+65)</option> <option value="sk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovakia (+421)</option> <option value="si" data-otp-enabled="false" >Slovenia (+386)</option> <option value="za" data-otp-enabled="false" >South Africa (+27)</option> <option value="es" data-otp-enabled="false" >Spain (+34)</option> <option value="lk" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sri Lanka (+94)</option> <option value="kn" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Kitts and Nevis (+1)</option> <option value="lc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Lucia (+1)</option> <option value="vc" data-otp-enabled="false" >St Vincent Grenadines (+1)</option> <option value="sd" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sudan (+249)</option> <option value="sr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Suriname (+597)</option> <option value="sz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Swaziland (+268)</option> <option value="se" data-otp-enabled="false" >Sweden (+46)</option> <option value="ch" data-otp-enabled="false" >Switzerland (+41)</option> <option value="tw" data-otp-enabled="false" >Taiwan (+886)</option> <option value="tj" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tajikistan (+992)</option> <option value="tz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tanzania (+255)</option> <option value="th" data-otp-enabled="false" >Thailand (+66)</option> <option value="tg" data-otp-enabled="false" >Togo (+228)</option> <option value="to" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tonga (+676)</option> <option value="tt" data-otp-enabled="false" >Trinidad and Tobago (+1)</option> <option value="tn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Tunisia (+216)</option> <option value="tr" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turkey (+90)</option> <option value="tc" data-otp-enabled="false" >Turks and Caicos Islands (+1)</option> <option value="ug" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uganda (+256)</option> <option value="ua" data-otp-enabled="false" >Ukraine (+380)</option> <option value="ae" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Arab Emirates (+971)</option> <option value="gb" data-otp-enabled="false" >United Kingdom (+44)</option> <option value="us" data-otp-enabled="false" selected>United States (+1)</option> <option value="uy" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uruguay (+598)</option> <option value="uz" data-otp-enabled="false" >Uzbekistan (+998)</option> <option value="ve" data-otp-enabled="false" >Venezuela (+58)</option> <option value="vn" data-otp-enabled="false" >Vietnam (+84)</option> 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