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The project ran from May 2018 to October 2023." /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Norwegian Institute of Public Health" /> <meta property="og:url" content='' /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="fb:admins" content="598201156" /> <meta name="description" content="CO-CREATE is a large research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme as part of the response to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic. The project ran from May 2018 to October 2023." /> <meta name="pageID" content="197853" /> </head> <body id="go-to-top"> <div class="skip-to-main-content"> <a href="#main">Skip to main content</a> </div> <div id="app" v-cloak> <fhi-header-main :is-front-page="false" :is-search-page="false" :menu-links='null' :menu-items='[ { "childItems": [ { "childItems": [], "isSelected": false, "isTransportPage": false, "name": "Childhood Immunisation Programme", "url": "/en/va/childhood-immunisation-programme/", "id": 45329 }, { "childItems": [], "isSelected": false, "isTransportPage": false, "name": "Vaccines for adults", "url": "/en/va/vaccines-for-adults/", "id": 88167 }, { "childItems": [], "isSelected": false, "isTransportPage": false, "name": "Travel advice and travel vaccines", "url": "/en/in/travel/", "id": 196638 }, { "childItems": [], "isSelected": false, "isTransportPage": false, "name": "Influenza vaccine", "url": "/en/va/influenza-vaccine/", "id": 69640 }, { "childItems": [], 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</ul> <!-- Intro --> <p class="font-normal text-md md:text-ingress mt-4"> CO-CREATE is a large research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme as part of the response to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic. The project ran from May 2018 to October 2023. </p> </article> </template> <template #rightcolumn> <!-- Main image - desktop --> <figure class="print:hidden mb-10 hidden lg:block"> <img class="w-full h-auto rounded-2xl w-full" src="/globalassets/bilder/studier/co-create/co-create-300.png?preset=rightcolumn&width=500&rmode=crop" alt="Co-create logo" /> </figure> </template> </fhi-column-layout> <!-- Block area --> <div><div class="fhi-contentarea is-large"> <!-- List Block (Tema: Manuell sideoversikt) --> <section class="article--body-override h-full"> <fhi-block-cards :use-show-all-button="true" :model='{ "elementsInRow": 4, "visibleRows": 1, "totalElements": 4, "translations": { "showMore": "Show more", "showAll": "See all" } }'> <template #title> Featured </template> <template #content> <div class="search-list-item"> <!-- BaseEditorialPage partial --> <div class='flex lg:flex-col lg:justify-start justify-between flex-col sm:flex-row border border-grayblue-125 h-full rounded-2xl relative bg-white transition-colors hover:bg-grayblue-40 hover:border-grayblue-325 article--body-override w-full'> <a href="/en/li/studies/co-create/what-is-co-create/" title="What is CO-CREATE" class="absolute inset-0 focus-visible-outline outline-offset-0 rounded-2xl"> <div class="sr-only">What is CO-CREATE</div> </a> <figure class="lg:max-w-full lg:min-w-auto max-w-full sm:max-w-[34%] w-full min-w-[34%]"> <img class="object-cover min-h-full w-full md:h-48 lg:h-64 lg:rounded-b-none lg:rounded-t-[0.9rem] h-48 rounded-b-none rounded-t-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-l-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-r-none rounded-2xl w-full" src="/globalassets/bilder/studier/co-create/ungdom_med_cocreatelogo_shutterstock_1097315282.jpg?preset=mainbodywidth&maxwidth=970&width=970" alt="Ungdom med co-create logo" title="Photo: Shutterstock" /> </figure> <div class="p-4 md:p-5 overflow-hidden w-full"> <div class='flex items-start flex-row w-full font-normal text-base md:text-md'> <span class="overflow-hidden hyphens-auto">What is CO-CREATE</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="search-list-item"> <!-- BaseEditorialPage partial --> <div class='flex lg:flex-col lg:justify-start justify-between flex-col sm:flex-row border border-grayblue-125 h-full rounded-2xl relative bg-white transition-colors hover:bg-grayblue-40 hover:border-grayblue-325 article--body-override w-full'> <a href="/en/li/studies/co-create/youth-involvement/" title="Youth Involvement" class="absolute inset-0 focus-visible-outline outline-offset-0 rounded-2xl"> <div class="sr-only">Youth Involvement</div> </a> <figure class="lg:max-w-full lg:min-w-auto max-w-full sm:max-w-[34%] w-full min-w-[34%]"> <img class="object-cover min-h-full w-full md:h-48 lg:h-64 lg:rounded-b-none lg:rounded-t-[0.9rem] h-48 rounded-b-none rounded-t-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-l-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-r-none rounded-2xl w-full" src="/globalassets/bilder/studier/co-create/healthy-voices-small.png?preset=mainbodywidth&maxwidth=970&width=970" alt="HEALTHY VOICES logo" /> </figure> <div class="p-4 md:p-5 overflow-hidden w-full"> <div class='flex items-start flex-row w-full font-normal text-base md:text-md'> <span class="overflow-hidden hyphens-auto">Youth Involvement</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="search-list-item"> <!-- BaseEditorialPage partial --> <div class='flex lg:flex-col lg:justify-start justify-between flex-col sm:flex-row border border-grayblue-125 h-full rounded-2xl relative bg-white transition-colors hover:bg-grayblue-40 hover:border-grayblue-325 article--body-override w-full'> <a href="/en/li/studies/co-create/new-tools/" title="Tools by CO-CREATE" class="absolute inset-0 focus-visible-outline outline-offset-0 rounded-2xl"> <div class="sr-only">Tools by CO-CREATE</div> </a> <figure class="lg:max-w-full lg:min-w-auto max-w-full sm:max-w-[34%] w-full min-w-[34%]"> <img class="object-cover min-h-full w-full md:h-48 lg:h-64 lg:rounded-b-none lg:rounded-t-[0.9rem] h-48 rounded-b-none rounded-t-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-l-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-r-none rounded-2xl w-full" src="/contentassets/9d59d59f99da4a75be359248ce2a8b8a/cc_kids_table_close_2.png?preset=mainbodywidth&maxwidth=970&width=970" alt="Illustrasjon av barn rundt et bord" /> </figure> <div class="p-4 md:p-5 overflow-hidden w-full"> <div class='flex items-start flex-row w-full font-normal text-base md:text-md'> <span class="overflow-hidden hyphens-auto">Tools by CO-CREATE</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="search-list-item"> <!-- BaseEditorialPage partial --> <div class='flex lg:flex-col lg:justify-start justify-between flex-col sm:flex-row border border-grayblue-125 h-full rounded-2xl relative bg-white transition-colors hover:bg-grayblue-40 hover:border-grayblue-325 article--body-override w-full'> <a href="/en/li/studies/co-create/co-create-final-conference/" title="CO-CREATE Final Conference" class="absolute inset-0 focus-visible-outline outline-offset-0 rounded-2xl"> <div class="sr-only">CO-CREATE Final Conference</div> </a> <figure class="lg:max-w-full lg:min-w-auto max-w-full sm:max-w-[34%] w-full min-w-[34%]"> <img class="object-cover min-h-full w-full md:h-48 lg:h-64 lg:rounded-b-none lg:rounded-t-[0.9rem] h-48 rounded-b-none rounded-t-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-l-[0.9rem] sm:rounded-r-none rounded-2xl w-full" src="/contentassets/25e522cd270a400e820700d437aab4de/cc_fc_1_1_2_800_800_s_c1.jpg?preset=mainbodywidth&maxwidth=970&width=970" alt="Bilde av alle deltakerne på sluttkonferansen for CO-CREATE i Brussel, oktober 2023." /> </figure> <div class="p-4 md:p-5 overflow-hidden w-full"> <div class='flex items-start flex-row w-full font-normal text-base md:text-md'> <span class="overflow-hidden hyphens-auto">CO-CREATE Final Conference</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> </fhi-block-cards> </section></div><div class="fhi-contentarea is-large"> <!-- Row Block --> <div class="my-16 article--body-override"> <div class="grid gap-6 grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-3"> <div> <!-- ShortcutBlock --> <div 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