Web Technologies used by

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Announcements, useful information, the exchange rates of banks of Aktau, weather and temperature of the water in the Caspian Sea.</div></div><p class=si_bg>Description on Homepage<br clear=all><div class=si_tech>Top 100k among all websites</div><p class=si_bg>Popularity rank<br clear=all><br><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Server-side Programming Language</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>PHP is a scripting language for creating websites.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">PHP</a> 8.1.32<br><span class=si_hint>version 8.1.31 used until recently</span><br><span class=si_hint>20% of sites use a newer version</span><br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Client-side Programming Language</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented, cross-platform scripting language, often used within web pages.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">JavaScript</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">JavaScript Library</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating and Ajax interaction. Originally developed by John Resig.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">jQuery</a> 3.7.1<br><span class=si_hint>0% of sites use a newer version</span><br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Web Server</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Nginx (pronounced as "engine X") is a lightweight open source web server developed by Igor Sysoev.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Nginx</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Web Panel</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Plesk is a commercial web panel running on Windows and Linux.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Plesk</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Operating System</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Linux is a Unix-like open source operating system originally developed by Linus Torvalds.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Linux</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Web Hosting Provider</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p> is a Kazakh domain registrar and web hosting provider.</div><p class=si_tech><a href=""></a> <br clear=all><span style="display:block;text-align:right;color:#666;font-size:85%;padding-top:4px">hosting info partly based on data from, <a href="" rel=nofollow>see details</a></span><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Data Center Provider</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p> is a Kazakh domain registrar and web hosting provider.</div><p class=si_tech><a href=""></a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Email Server Provider</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Gmail is the email service provided by Google.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Gmail</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">SSL Certificate Authority</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) is a US-based SSL certificate authority.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Sectigo</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">JavaScript Content Delivery Networks</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The CDNJS is a content distribution network, hosting a large number of JavaScript libraries, provided by CloudFlare.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">CDNJS</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>unpkg is a JavaScript content delivery network for libraries that use the npm package manager.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">unpkg</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The jQuery CDN hosts copies of the jQuery library, provided by MaxCDN.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">jQuery CDN</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Traffic Analysis Tools</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Google Analytics is a free service to get detailed statistics about the visitors of a website, provided by Google. This includes the Ads conversion tracking and the Floodlight services.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Google Analytics</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Yandex.Metrica is a free web analytics system combining customizable reporting tools with behavioral analytics.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Yandex.Metrica</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>LiveInternet is a Russian web access counter service.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">LiveInternet</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Advertising Networks</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The Google Advertising network consists of AdSense, DoubleClick and other services.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Google Ads</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>AdFox is a Russian advertising network owned by Yandex.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">AdFox</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Tag Manager</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The Google Tag Manager is a Google service to support webmasters to manage tags on their websites.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Google Tag Manager</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Social Widgets</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The WhatsApp share button allows users to share content with their WhatsApp contacts.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">WhatsApp</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Facebook Social Plugins provide a way for Facebook users to share web pages with their friends.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Facebook</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>A Twitter/X Button allows a Twitter user to post a tweet from the visited site.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Twitter/X</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The VKontakte (or VK) share button lets website visitors share content on the Russian social network.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">VKontakte</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>A Telegram sharing button is a way to let users forward content from websites to their contacts on Telegram.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Telegram</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Site Elements</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>External Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">External CSS</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Inline Cascading Style Sheets define style rules directly within an (X)HTML element using the style attribute.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Inline CSS</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Session cookies are temporary cookies, which are deleted when the user closes the browser.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Session Cookies</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>HttpOnly cookies are used only in the HTTP protocol and not in client side scripts, which may increase security.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">HttpOnly Cookies</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Secure cookies are used only via an encrypted connections, which may increase security.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Secure Cookies</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Brotli is a lossless compression algorithm developed by Google.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Brotli Compression</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The websites redirects visitors to its www subdomain, e.g. from to</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Default subdomain www</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The websites redirects visitors to use SSL encryption, e.g. from to</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Default protocol https</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Structured Data Formats</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>The Open Graph protocol, originally developed by Facebook, is an RDFa-based format that enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Open Graph</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a method of encoding Linked Data using JSON.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">JSON-LD</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Twitter/X Cards enable automatic attachment of photos, videos and media elements to tweets.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Twitter/X Cards</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Generic RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes) is RDFa without further specialization.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Generic RDFa</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Markup Language</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">HTML5</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Character Encoding</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is backwards compatible with ASCII.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">UTF-8</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Image File Formats</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a lossless compression image format, suitable to store graphics with uniformly colored areas, and originally introduced as a free, open-source successor of GIF.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">PNG</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression method suitable to store photographic images.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">JPEG</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">SVG</a> <br clear=all><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a lossless compression image format, originally introduced by CompuServe and suitable to store graphics, logos and simple animations.</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">GIF</a> <br><span class=si_hint>used on inner pages</span><br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Top Level Domain</a></div><div class="si_tech si_tech_np"><p>Kazakhstan</div><p class=si_tech><a href="">.kz</a> <br clear=all><div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Server Location</a></div><p class=si_tech><a href="">Kazakhstan</a> <div class=si_h><p class=si_h><a href="">Content 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