CINXE.COM Frequently asked questions

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Now what?</a></li> <li><a href="#4">How do I search by ISBN, publisher, keywords, or bookseller location?</a></li> <li><a href="#5">I had a problem buying a book from a bookseller. What do I do?</a></li> </ul> <hr> <dt id="1">Can I sell you my books?</dt> <dd><p>If you live in the United States, and are selling recently in-print books, you can try our <a href="">buyback search engine</a>. Otherwise, please check with a local used book store. You may also want to look into selling your books on person-to-person marketplaces like, eBay, or</p> </dd> <dt id="2">How much are my books worth?</dt> <dd><p>We don't appraise books. Your local used or rare book dealers may be able to give you referrals to professional appraisal services.</p> <p>The value of a book depends on the book's rarity, importance, and collector's demand, as well as its condition and ownership history. The following websites can help you evaluate the value of your books:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Appraising Collectible Books (Littera Scripta)</a></li> <li><a href="">Your Old Books</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt id="3">I couldn't find the book I wanted. Now what?</dt> <dd><p>There's no one magic solution; some ideas you may want to consider include:</p> <ul> <li>Try running your search again later</li> <li>Contact the original publisher</li> <li>Contact the author</li> <li>Work with a professional book search service (ask your local used book seller for a referral)</li> <li>Talk to booksellers specializing in your subject area</li> <li>Consult a librarian for help</li> <li>Try searching on a general search engine like Google</li> <li>Double-check your data</li> </ul> </dd> <dt id="4">How do I search by ISBN, publisher, keywords, or bookseller location?</dt> <dd><p>From the homepage, click the link labeled "Show more options..." to run a search by ISBN or keywords. You can enter the name of the publisher in the keywords field. There is no way to search by bookseller location at this time, although searches do take the cost of shipping into account.</p> </dd> <dt id="5">I had a problem buying a book from a bookseller. What do I do?</dt> <dd><p>If you attempted to buy the book from a small bookseller via a book listings service like <a href="">AbeBooks</a>, then you should contact the listings service for help. If you bought the book directly from a bookseller, contact the bookseller's customer service department. If the bookseller is a member of a trade organization with a stated code of ethics like the <a href="">International League of Antiquarian Booksellers</a> (ILAB), then you can often contact the trade organization with grievances. Otherwise, unless you can find a suitable arrangement, you may want to contact a third party like the <a href="">Better Business Bureau</a>.</p> </dd> </div> </div> <!-- end page-sidebar-table-content-area --> </div></div> <!-- end first block of first row, yui-b and yui-main --> <!-- second block of first main row --> <div class="yui-b"> <div id="page-sidebar-table-sidebar-area"> <div align="left" class="right-bar"> <h4><a href="">Help</a></h4> <ul> <li class="unlinked"><a class="unlinked" title="Frequently asked questions about">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Find out what booksellers means when they write things like '8vo' or 'chipping'">Glossary</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end page-sidebar-table-sidebar-area --> </div> <!-- end yui-b --> </div> <!-- end yui grids body: bd --> </div> <!-- end yui grids div width from begin --> <div id="ft"> <!-- yui grids footer --> <div id="footer" class="robots-nocontent"> <table id="footer-sitemap-link-lists" class="footer-child"><tr class="footer-flex"> <td class="footer-sitemap-link-column"> <p><a href="" title=""><strong>Book search</strong> </a></p> <p> <a href="" >ISBN search</a> </p><p> <a href="" title="Find cheap college textbooks">Textbooks</a> </p><p> <a href="" title="Search for signed, autographed, and inscribed books">Signed books</a> </p><p><a href="">Textbook buyback</a> </p> </td> <td class="footer-sitemap-link-column"> <p><a href="" title="How to use the web site -- FAQs and tips"><strong>Help</strong> </a></p> <p> <a class="unlinked" title="Frequently asked questions about">FAQ</a> </p><p> <a href="" title="Find out what booksellers means when they write things like '8vo' or 'chipping'">Glossary</a> </p> </td> <td class="footer-sitemap-link-column"> <p><a href="" title="Information about and the folks who run it"><strong>About</strong> </a></p> <p> <a href="" title="A list of listings services and booksellers works with">Our booksellers</a> </p><p> <a href="" >For the press</a> </p><p> <a href="" title="What the media has been saying about">Media mentions</a> </p> </td> <td class="footer-sitemap-link-column"> <p><a href="" title="Find out how to interact with the folks at"><strong>Interact</strong> </a></p> <p> <a href="" title="How to link to, including specific searches">Link to us</a> </p><p> <a href="" >Feedback</a> </p><p> <a href="" title="Find out about's email mailing lists">Mailing lists</a> </p> </td> <td class="footer-sitemap-link-column"> <p><a href="" title=""><strong>Articles</strong> </a></p> <p> <a href="" title="Popular out of print searches"> Report</a> </p> </td> <td class="footer-sitemap-link-column"> <p><a href="" title=""><strong>Preferences</strong> </a></p></td> </tr></table> <!-- start websites line --> <div class="footer-child"> <div id="footer-websites-block" class="footer-flex"> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> </div> <!-- end websites line --> <!-- start language mode line --> <div id="footer-language-landing-pages-block" class="footer-flex"> <div class="footer-language-left footer-flex"> <div class="footer-language-description"> Search for books in...&nbsp; </div> </div> <div class="footer-language-right footer-flex"> <a href="">Any Language</a>&nbsp; <a href="">Dutch</a>&nbsp; <a href="">French</a>&nbsp; <a href="">German</a>&nbsp; <a href="">Italian</a>&nbsp; <a href="">Spanish</a>&nbsp; </div> </div> <!-- end language mode line --> <!-- start legal line --> <div id="footer-legal-block" class="footer-flex footer-small"> <span> &copy; 1997-2024 <a href=""></a>&reg; </span> <a href="">Conditions of use</a> <a href="/about/dmca/">DMCA</a> <a href="">Privacy policy</a> </div> <!-- end legal line --> </div> </div> <!-- end footer --> <!-- SI:/hn=p-10-0-3-230/hp=12/cp=6/mu=47/la=0.4/df=47/bx=2amdepyc7.2200.7883/up=111/ --> <!-- TM:/TOsi=0.05/ABsh1=0.00/ABsh2=0.00/TOga=0.00/ --> </div> <!-- end ft --> </body> </html>

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