The Seventh International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2024)

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The conference offers a unique platform for researchers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs to share new research results, novel policy developments, and practical implementation experiences regarding all aspects of interaction between humans, natural resources, ecosystems, special climates or unique geographic zones, and the earth." /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style.css?v=1.1.6" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/Style_Subpage.css?v=1.1.6" /> <style> .KS-div div:first-child,.KS-div div:last-child{ width:inherit; } #content ol li{ list-style-type:inherit; margin-left:22px; } .D-table { border-collapse:collapse; } .D-table a{ color:#000; } .D-table tr td,.D-table tr th{ border:1px solid #000; } </style> <script src="JS/animate.js?v=1.0.2"></script> <script src="JS/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> <script> var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function () { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })(); </script> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <div id="header"> <div id="menubar"> <div class="MP-fixed"> <div class="MP-click"> <div> <div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="JuZhong"> <span class="logo"><img src="img/bg/logo.png?v=1.0.1" alt="IWEG2024" /></span> <ul id="menu" class="toggle menu_En"> <li id="liDefault"><a href="Default.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Home">Home</a></li> <li> <a href="#">Call fors </a> <ul class="show show_En"> <li id="liCFP"><a href="CFP.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Call for Paper">Call for Papers</a></li> <li id="liCFSS"><a href="SS.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Conference Schedule">Call for Special Sessions</a></li> </ul> </li> <li id="liCommittee"><a href="Committee.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Committee">Committee</a></li> <li id="liCH"><a href="CH.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - History">History</a></li> <li id="liRF"><a href="RF.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Registration"> Registration</a></li> <li id="liVenue"><a href="Venue.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Venue">Venue</a></li> <li id="liFQA"><a href="FQA.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - FQA">FAQ </a></li> <li id="liDefaultCn"><a href="DefaultCn.aspx" title="IWEG2024">中</a> <span class="MP_span">|</span> <a href="Default.aspx" title="IWEG2024">En</a></li> <li class="nav-rigth"> <a class="h1" href="" title="Online Submission system " target="_blank">Online Submission System </a> </li> <!-- put class="current" in the li tag for the selected page - to highlight which page you're on --> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="MP_LunBo"> <!-- 左侧按钮 --> <a href="javascript:;" class="arrow-l">< </a> <!-- 右侧按钮 --> <a href="javascript:;" class="arrow-r">></a> <!-- 核心的滚动区域 --> <ul> <li> <img src="img/banner/banner1.png" alt="IWEG2024" /> </li> <li> <img src="img/banner/banner3.jpg?v=1.0.1" alt="IWEG2023" /> </li> <li> <img src="img/banner/banner2.jpg" alt="IWEG2023" /> </li> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> <!-- 小圆圈 --> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="site_content" class="JuZhong"> <div id="content"> <section> <div class="bgColor JuZhong"> <h2 class="h1">About IWEG2024 </h2> <p> 2024 The Seventh International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2024) will be <del>held during November 22-24, 2024 in Shanghai, China</del> <span style="color: red;">changed to online meeting on November 22-23, 2024</span>, co-organized by League of Database Technology of Gansu Province, Lanzhou City University, Gansu Mining Area Pollution Control and Ecological Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center, Academy of Urban Development of Gansu Province, Academy of Eco Xi’an, Lanzhou Smart City Research Institute, Gansu Agricultural University and Wuhan Institute of Technology.<br /> Since its inception in 2018, IWEG conferences were successfully held for last five years, Hangzhou (2018, 2019), online (2020), Hangzhou (2021), and online (2022,2023), attracted delegates from more than 10 countries and regions including China, the United States, UK, Portugal, Poland, Kuwait, Russia, and Malaysia etc. <br /> All submissions will be peer reviewed by 2-3 reviewers and evaluated based on originality, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. All accepted full papers will be published by conference proceedings, and publication will submit it for indexing.<br /> As an annual international conference, IWEG aims at being a fast and efficient platform for researchers and scholars worldwide to discuss recent developments in the area of Environment and Geoscience regarding all aspects of interaction between humans and natural resources, ecosystems, special climates or unique geographic zones, and the earth. <br /> On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals to participate in IWEG2024. </p> </div> </section> <div class="clear"></div> <section class="JuZhong section_Index"> <h2 class="h1">Publication and Index </h2> <p> <img src="img/bg/Conference Series.jpg?v=1.0.1" alt="IWEG2024 - Conference Series" /> <strong>Journal of Physics: </strong>Conference Series ( <i>IOP Publishing: JPCS</i>)<br /> <strong>Online ISSN:</strong> 1742-6596<br /> <strong>Print ISSN:</strong> 1742-6588<br /> <strong>Index:</strong> Submitted for indexing by <span style="color:#0000ff;">EI Compendex, Scopus, CNKI</span>, etc. </p> <p> <img src="img/bg/jees.jpg?v=1.0.1" alt="IWEG2024 - Conference Series" /> <strong>Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences</strong><br /> <strong>Online ISSN:</strong>2661-3190<br /> <strong>Index:</strong> Submitted for indexing by <span style="color:#0000ff;">Engineering Village-GEOBASE, Scopus, CNKI</span>, etc. </p> </section> <div class="clear"></div> <section> <div class="JuZhong"> <h2 class="h1">IWEG News</h2> <ol type="1"> <li> IWEG2023 proceedings were published online at: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Journal of Physics: Conference Series"></a> and indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus. <img src="img/bg/hot.gif" /> </li> <li>IWEG2023 was successfully held on July 15-16, 2023, <a href="CO.aspx">conference overview</a>.</li> <li>IWEG2023 is listed as <a href="" target="_blank">Journal of Physics: Conference Series–Forthcoming volumes</a> in the 4th quarter 2023. <img src="img/bg/hot.gif" /></li> <li>IWEG2023 calls for papers in hot. Welcome to join us as keynote speakers, attendees and paper contributors! <img src="img/bg/hot.gif" /></li> <li>IWEG2022 was successfully held on July 16-17 2022, <a href="" target="_blank">conference overview</a>. IWEG2022 proceedings were published online at: <a href="" target="_blank" title="IWEG2022 proceedings were published online"></a>. IWEG2022 proceedings were indexed by Scopus.</li> <li>IWEG2021 was successfully held during July 17-19, 2021 in Hangzhou, China. Conference Overview: <a href="" title="IWEG2021 - Conference Overview" target="_blank"></a>. IWEG2021 proceedings were published online at: <a href="" title="IWEG2021 proceedings were published online" target="_blank"></a>. IWEG2021 proceedings were indexed by Scopus.</li> <li>IWEG2020 proceedings were indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus and CPCI. IWEG2020 was successfully held online during June 18-20, 2020. And IWEG2020 proceedings were published online at: <a href="" title="IWEG2023 - IOPSclence" target="_blank"></a>.</li> <li>IWEG2019 proceedings were indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus. IWEG2019 was held during July 17-19, 2019 in Hangzhou, China.</li> <li>IWEG2018 was successfully held during June 15-17, 2018 in Hangzhou, China. IWEG2018 proceedings were published online.</li> </ol> </div> </section> <section> <div class="JuZhong OR_div"> <h2 class="h1">History Keynote Speakers (<a class="D_KS_a" href="HKS.aspx" title="IWEG2024 Keynote Speech ">Click to View More</a>) </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <p> <img src="img/KS/IWEG/Prof. Youmin Chen.jpg" alt="Prof. Youmin Chen" /> <span class="prof2"> Prof. Youmin Chen <br /> <span class="prof2-1">Professor</span> </span><br /> <span class="prof1"> Henan University, China </span> </p> <p> <img src="img/KS/IWEG/Prof. Tianpeng Gao.jpg" alt="Prof. Tianpeng Gao" /> <span class="prof2"> Prof. Tianpeng Gao <br /> <span class="prof2-1">Professor</span> </span><br /> <span class="prof1">Dean of School of Biological & Environmental Engineering of Xi'an University, China...... </span> </p> </div> </section> <div class="clear"></div> <br /> </div> <div id="sidebar_container"> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_2"> <h2 class="MP-tu"> Important Dates </h2> <p> <strong>Conference Date: November 22-24, 2024</strong> </p> <p style="font-size:16px;"> <strong>Submission Deadline: November 10, 2024</strong> </p> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_2"> <h2 class="MP-tu"> Submission and Participation </h2> <p> <a href="Submission.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Submission Guidelines"><strong>Submission Guidelines</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="PG.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Participant Guidelines"><strong>Participant Guidelines</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="WenJian/Participant Application Form of IWEG2024.xlsx" title="IWEG2024 - Application Form"><strong>Application Form</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="KS.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Keynote Speakers"><strong>Keynote Speakers</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="CP.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Conference Program"><strong>Conference Program</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="OR.aspx" title="IWEG2024 - Our Reviewers"><strong>Our Reviewers</strong></a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_2"> <h2 class="MP-tu"> Download Center </h2> <p> <a href="WenJian/IWEG2024 CFP Flyer.jpg" title="IWEG2024 - Call for Paper Flyer" target="_blank"><strong>Call for Paper Flyer</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="WenJian/IWEG-template.docx" title="IWEG2024 - Paper Template"><strong>Paper Template</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="WenJian/Participant Application Form of IWEG2024.xlsx" title="IWEG2024 - Application Form"><strong>Application Form</strong></a> </p> <p> <a href="WenJian/CPXSourceList.xlsx" title="IWEG2024 - EI Compendex Source List"><strong>EI Compendex Source List</strong></a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_2"> <h2 class="MP-tu"> Contact Us </h2> Website:<br /> Email:<br /> QQ: 2480591137<br /> Tel/WeChat: +86-13554040743<br /> (Office time 9:00 - 18:00, Time zone: GMT+8; Monday to Friday) </div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_2"> <h2 class="MP-tu"> WeChat Public Account </h2> <img src="img/bg/IWEG.jpg" alt="WeChat Public Account" /> </div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="sidebar_2"> <h2 class="MP-tu"> Sponsors </h2> <img src="img/bg/Gansu Province Think Tank Alliance.png" alt="Gansu Province Think Tank Alliance" /><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/bg/LANZHOU.jpg" alt="" /></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/bg/Gansu.jpg" alt="" /></a><br /> <img src="img/bg/Gansu Urban Development Research Institute.jpg" alt="Gansu Urban Development Research Institute" /><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/bg/Academy.jpg" alt="" /></a><br /> <img src="img/bg/Lanzhou Smart City.jpg" alt="Lanzhou Smart City" /><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/bg/GAU.png" alt="" /></a><br /> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/bg/Wuhan Institute of Technology.png" alt="Wuhan Institute of Technology" /></a><br /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <section> <div class="JuZhong section_CH"> <div id="demo"> <div id="offset"> <div id="demo1"> <div class="blok"> <h2>IWEG 2023</h2> <div class="owl-demo7 owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2023/1.jpg" alt="IWEG2023" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2023/2.jpg" alt="IWEG2023 " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2023/3.jpg" alt=" IWEG2023 " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2023/4.jpg" alt="IWEG2023 " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2023/5.jpg" alt="IWEG2023 " /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="blok"> <h2>IWEG 2022</h2> <div class="owl-demo6 owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2022/1.jpg" alt="IWEG2022" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2022/2.jpg" alt="IWEG2022 " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2022/3.jpg" alt=" IWEG2022 " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2022/4.jpg" alt="IWEG2022 " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2022/5.jpg" alt="IWEG2022 " /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="blok"> <h2>IWEG 2021</h2> <div class="owl-demo5 owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/1.jpg" alt="IWEG2021 - Keynote Speech by Chen Youmin" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/2.jpg" alt="IWEG2021 - Ding Long's keynote speech " /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/3.png" alt=" IWEG2021 Group photo" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/4.jpg" alt="IWEG2021 Opening" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/5.jpg" alt="IWEG2021 Tao Xiaxin's keynote speech" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/6.jpg" alt="IWEG2021 Live discussion 3" /> </div> </div> <div class="item2"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2021/7.jpg" alt="IWEG2021 Opening1" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="blok"> <h2>IWEG 2020</h2> <div class="owl-demo2 owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2020/1.jpg" alt="Conference" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2020/2.jpg" alt="Hangzhou" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2020/3.jpg" alt="IWEG" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2020/4.jpg" alt="Geoscience" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="blok"> <h2>IWEG 2019</h2> <div class="owl-demo3 owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2019/1.jpg" alt="Environmental Science" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2019/2.jpg" alt="IWEG2019" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2019/3.jpg" alt="International Symposium on Environment and Earth Sciences" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2019/4.jpg" alt="Get together in Hangzhou" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="blok"> <h2>IWEG 2018</h2> <div class="owl-demo4 owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2018/1.jpg" alt="Science and Technology Development" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2018/2.jpg" alt="IWEG2018 International Conference on Environment and Earth Sciences" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2018/3.jpg" alt="IWEG2018 Environmental Science" /> </div> </div> <div class="item1"> <div class="tupi1"> <img src="img/Live_pictures/2018/4.jpg" alt="IWEG2018 Earth Science" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="demo2"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <link rel="stylesheet" href="JS/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="JS/owl-carousel/owl.theme.css" /> <script src="JS/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //主页最下面的历史图片 window.addEventListener('load', function () { const e2 = $(".owl-demo2"); function owls2(e2) { e2.owlCarousel({ navigation: true, singleItem: true, transitionStyle: "fade", autoPlay: 3200, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, afterLazyLoad: true }); } const e3 = $(".owl-demo3"); function owls3(e3) { e3.owlCarousel({ navigation: true, singleItem: true, transitionStyle: "fade", autoPlay: 3400, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, afterLazyLoad: true }); } const e4 = $(".owl-demo4"); function owls4(e4) { e4.owlCarousel({ navigation: true, singleItem: true, transitionStyle: "fade", autoPlay: 3600, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, afterLazyLoad: true }); } const e5 = $(".owl-demo5"); function owls5(e5) { e5.owlCarousel({ navigation: true, singleItem: true, transitionStyle: "fade", autoPlay: 3000, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, afterLazyLoad: true }); } const e6 = $(".owl-demo6"); function owls6(e6) { e6.owlCarousel({ navigation: true, singleItem: true, transitionStyle: "fade", autoPlay: 2800, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, afterLazyLoad: true }); } const e7 = $(".owl-demo7"); function owls7(e7) { e7.owlCarousel({ navigation: true, singleItem: true, transitionStyle: "fade", autoPlay: 2600, stopOnHover: true, navigation: false, pagination: false, afterLazyLoad: true }); } owls4(e4); owls3(e3); owls5(e5); owls2(e2); owls6(e6); owls7(e7); }) </script> </section> <div class="clear"></div> <p class="MP-p1">Copyright © 2023 The Seventh International Workshop on Environment and Geoscience (IWEG 2024) All rights reserved.</p> <div class="Back_Top"> <strong>︽</strong><br /> 顶部 </div> </div> </body> </html>

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