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It uses machine learning to deliver precise and up-to-date search results quickly to members of the public who are sourcing information on government websites.</p> </div> <div class="feature-hero-banner-headers-btn-container row is-multiline"> <a type="button" class="feature-hero-banner-headers-button-get-started col is-12-mobile" href="/products/categories/productivity-tools/searchsg/features-roadmap" >Features of SearchSG</a> <a class="feature-hero-banner-headers-button-cta col is-12-mobile" href="" target="_blank" >Try Out SearchSG </a> </div> </div> <div class="layout-product-home-banner-image-container col is-12-mobile is-12-tablet is-12-desktop"> <img src="/assets/img/products/searchsg/searchsg-dashboard.png" class="layout-product-home-banner-image" > </div> </div> <div class="overview-subsection-container row is-multiline"> <div class="feature-section-header-container col is-12-mobile is-3-widescreen is-3-fullhd"> <p class="feature-section-header-title">Key Benefits</p> </div> <div class="overview-subsection-sub-container col is-12-mobile is-12-tablet is-12-desktop is-9-widescreen is-9-fullhd"> <div class=" feature-card-container-default-content " > <div class="feature-h2-p-container"> <h2 class="feature-h2-p-h2">Enhanced citizen search experiences</h2> <p class="feature-h2-p-p"><p>Through machine learning, SearchSG allows citizens to enjoy efficient and effective information retrieval from government websites. This also builds trust in the reliability of government websites.</p> </p> </div> </div> <script> function cardRedirect(href) {, '_blank'); } </script> <div class=" feature-card-container-default-content " > <div class="feature-h2-p-container"> <h2 class="feature-h2-p-h2">Advanced search capabilities</h2> <p class="feature-h2-p-p"><p>These search capabilities can support information retrieval from common government content formats.</p> </p> </div> </div> <script> function cardRedirect(href) {, '_blank'); } </script> <div class=" feature-card-container-default-content " > <div class="feature-h2-p-container"> <h2 class="feature-h2-p-h2">Increased productivity and cost savings</h2> <p class="feature-h2-p-p"><p>This is achieved through the automation of content crawling, tagging, and updating which allows accurate search results to be generated at a minimal cost and effort.</p> </p> </div> </div> <script> function cardRedirect(href) {, '_blank'); } </script> <div class=" feature-card-container-default-content " > <div class="feature-h2-p-container"> <h2 class="feature-h2-p-h2">Customisable features and search UI</h2> <p class="feature-h2-p-p"><p>These allow search findings to be presented in a style that matches government branding and style guides.</p> </p> </div> </div> <script> function cardRedirect(href) {, '_blank'); } </script> <div class=" feature-card-container-default-content " > <div class="feature-h2-p-container"> <h2 class="feature-h2-p-h2">Minimal onboarding effort</h2> <p class="feature-h2-p-p"><p>SearchSG can be integrated into government websites through the incorporation of just two lines of code.</p> </p> </div> </div> <script> function cardRedirect(href) {, '_blank'); } </script> </div> </div> <div class="statistic-section-container row is is-multiline"> <div class="feature-section-header-container col is-12-mobile is-3-widescreen is-3-fullhd"> <p class="feature-section-header-title">Statistics</p> </div> <div class="feature-stats-container row is-multiline"> <div class="feature-stats-sub-container"> <p class="feature-stats-figures"> 50 </p> <p class="feature-stats-descriptor"> Websties Onboarded </p> </div> <div class="feature-stats-sub-container"> <p class="feature-stats-figures"> 4.8M </p> <p class="feature-stats-descriptor"> Searches Processed </p> </div> <div class="feature-stats-sub-container"> <p class="feature-stats-figures"> 66.94% </p> <p class="feature-stats-descriptor"> Clickthrough Rate </p> </div> <div class="feature-stats-sub-container"> <p class="feature-stats-figures"> 100% </p> <p class="feature-stats-descriptor"> Service Uptime </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Refer to main.js for interactivity --> <div id="feedback" class="feature-feedback-container"> <div class="feature-feedback-sub-container"> <div>Was this article useful?</div> <div class="feedback__thumb"> <div class="sgds-buttons feature-feedback-button-container"> <button class="sgds-button is-outlined js-thumbs-up"> <span class="sgds-icon sgds-icon-thumbs-up" title="thumbs-up" alt="thumbs-up" role="img" aria-label="thumbs-up" ></span> Yes </button> <button class="sgds-button is-outlined js-thumbs-down"> <span class="sgds-icon sgds-icon-thumbs-down" title="thumbs-down" alt="thumbs-down" role="img" aria-label="thumbs-down" ></span> No </button> </div> </div> <!-- Modal that shows page is useful --> <div class="sgds-modal is-fullwidth is-maxmediumwidth js-feedback-useful-modal" id="feedback-modal-useful-yes" aria-labelledby="developer portal feedback" role="dialog" > <div class="sgds-modal-background js-close-feedback-modal"></div> <div class="sgds-modal-card"> <header class="sgds-modal-card-head"> <div class="sgds-modal-card-title" id="sgds-modal-title"> Did this page help you? 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