CERN Document Server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:opensearch=""> <channel> <title>CERN Document Server</title> <link></link> <description>CERN Document Server latest documents</description> <language>en</language> <pubDate>Thu, 27 Feb 2025 02:35:07 GMT</pubDate> <category></category> <generator>Invenio</generator> <ttl>360</ttl> <atom:link rel="self" href="/rss?f=author&ln=ru&p=Shore%2C+P" /> <opensearch:totalResults>8</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:startIndex>1</opensearch:startIndex> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>25</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <image> <url></url> <title>CERN Document Server</title> <link></link> </image> <atom:link rel="search" href="" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Content Search" /> <textInput> <title>Search </title> <description>Search this site:</description> <name>p</name> <link></link> </textInput> <item> <title>Evaluation of the performance variation of porous air pads on discontinuous surfaces</title> <link></link> <description>A new high accuracy position measurement system has been developed. It measures the position of a 0.1 mm diameter copper-beryllium wire that informs alignment of energy beams in advanced particle accelerators. This new measurement system employs air pads to provide precision and friction free rotation of a sensor. To enable the measuring system to be positioned over the wire, a slot is required in the measuring device rotor. To optimise the design of this measuring system it was necessary to understand the performance of the air pads as they pass over the gaps (slots) in the rotor. This paper describes modelling and experiments that were performed to gain understanding of air pad performance when encountering such a surface gap. Particularly, an analytical model of the variation of load of a 20 mm x 40 mm porous air pad during the passing of a 1.5 mm wide slotted surface. Subsequent experimentation revealed that the general behaviour of the load variation had been captured effectively. The results of this analysis reveal that air pads of this size can reliably pass above an opening of this size with about 14% reduction in force. The results and the methodology presented in this paper can be used as an effective basis for future designs and studies.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Sanz, C</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Morantz, P</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Lunt, A J G</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore, P</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Chérif, A</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schneider, J</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Mainaud-Durand, H</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Steffens, N</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 15 Jan 2020 05:01:08 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>Thermal effects compensation and associated uncertainty for large magnet assembly precision alignment</title> <link></link> <description>Big science and ambitious industrial projects continually push technical requirements forward beyond the grasp of conventional engineering techniques. An example of these are the extremely tight micrometric assembly and alignment tolerances required in the field of celestial telescopes, particle accelerators, and the aerospace industry. Achieving such extreme requirements for large assemblies is limited, largely by the capability of the metrology used, namely, its uncertainty in relation to the alignment tolerance required. The current work described here was done as part of Maria Curie European research project held at CERN, Geneva. This related to future accelerators requiring the spatial alignment of several thousand, metre-plus large assemblies to a common datum within a targeted combined standard uncertainty $(u_{c}^{tg}(y))$ of 12 μm. The current work has found several gaps in knowledge limiting such a capability. Among these was the lack of uncertainty statements for the thermal error compensation applied to correct for the assembly's dimensional instability, post metrology and during assembly and alignment. A novel methodology was developed by which a mixture of probabilistic modelling and high precision traceable reference measurements were used to quantify the uncertainty of the various thermal expansion models used namely: Empirical, Finite Element Method (FEM) models and FEM metamodels. Results have shown that the suggested methodology can accurately predict the uncertainty of the thermal deformation predictions made and thus compensations. The analysis of the results further showed how using this method a ‘digital twin’ of the engineering structure can be calibrated with known uncertainty of the thermal deformation behaviour predictions in the micrometric range. Namely, the Empirical, FEM and FEM metamodels combined standard uncertainties $(u_{c}(y))$ of prediction were validated to be of maximum: 8.7 μm, 11.28 μm and 12.24 μm for the studied magnet assemblies.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Doytchinov, I</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore, P</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Nicquevert, B</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Tonnellier, X</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Heather, A</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Modena, M</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 09 Oct 2019 04:01:06 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>Micro-scale finishing of the surface and form of a Ti-6Al-4V lightweight rotor obtained by laser powder bed fusion used for air bearing</title> <link></link> <description>The European Organisation for Nuclear Research, CERN, is in the process of designing and testing parts for the next generation of linear accelerators. In order to operate the experiments, the pre-alignment precision of the components of the two opposing accelerating complexes has placed increased demands on part tolerances, which are now approaching the micrometre. In order to meet these demanding requirements, improvements are necessary to the build processes, machining parameters and post-manufacture characterisation stages. One of the most promising methods for the production of these parts is Laser Powder Bed Fusion, and as such, this paper focuses on the manufacture of the lightweight air bearing rotor component and the micro-scale tolerance machining required by this part. The results demonstrate that despite being able to initially machine the part to a form tolerance approaching 2 μm, subsequent notch cutting and the release of residual stresses from the part obtained by Laser Powder Bed Fusion induces an 18 μm part misalignment which is larger than the tolerance limits of 5 μm required for operation. This demonstrates that further minimisation and understanding of the residual stresses induced during machining are required to facilitate the effective manufacture of high precision components of this type.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Sanz, Claude</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Gerard, Romain</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Morantz, Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Chérif, Ahmed</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore, Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Mainaud-Durand, Hélène</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Lunt, Alexander J G</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 08 Oct 2019 06:15:15 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>A rotary mount for positioning a stretched wire axis within a coordinate measurement machine</title> <link></link> <description>The European Organisationfor Nuclear Research(CERN)is studying future colliders for increasing the chances of new discoveries. Among themthere isthe Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Thiselectron-positron collider with a sub-micrometric beam size wouldrequirea pre-alignment of its thousands of elements withintolerances at the micron level.For this, atestbench where thepre-alignmentis performed in one single series of measurements using a stretched wire as a referenceis being considered.This study is the focus of the PACMANproject, a study on Particle Accelerator Components’Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale. This projectis a Marie-Skłodowska Curie Program supported by the European Commission (FP7 Program) [1].This series of measurements consists in the alignment ofa stretched wire at the theoretical position of the beamineach collider element, followed by its location with respect to references positioned outside the element.The challenge is to measure the form error of this wire with 0.1 μm accuracy and its position with 0.5 μm precision on aCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). For this purpose, a non-contact sensor is being mounted on a support so that it can rotate. This paper introduces the requirementsfor this support and the sensor: no magnetic fields created, high accuracy on the positioning, low error motion, open on the side; and it describes and discusses the technical solutions: from the material to use to the bearings, including the kind of sensor.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Cherif, A</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Mainaud, H</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Morel, F</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Morantz, P</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore, P</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schneider, J</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Steffens, N</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Sanz, C</dc:creator> <pubDate>Sat, 29 Jun 2019 04:49:27 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>Form measurement of a 0.1 mm diameter wire with a chromatic confocal sensor, with associated uncertainty evaluation</title> <link></link> <description>The accurate characterisation of a copper–beryllium wire with a diameter of 0.1 mm is one of the steps to increase the precision of future accelerators’ pre-alignment. Novelties in measuring the wire properties were found in order to overcome the difficulties brought by its small size. This paper focuses on an implementation of a chromatic-confocal sensor leading to a sub-micrometric uncertainty on the form measurements. Hence, this text reveals a high-accuracy metrology technique applicable to objects with small diameters: it details the methodology, describes a validation by comparison with a reference and specifies the uncertainty budget of this technique.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Sanz, Claude</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Giusca, Claudiu</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Morantz, Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Marin, Antonio</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Chérif, Ahmed</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schneider, Jürgen</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Mainaud-Durand, Hélène</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore, Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Steffens, Norbert</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 23 Oct 2018 05:44:47 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>Application of probabilistic modelling for the uncertainty evaluation of alignment measurements of large accelerator magnets assemblies</title> <link></link> <description>Micrometric assembly and alignment requirements for future particle accelerators, and especially large assemblies, create the need for accurate uncertainty budgeting of alignment measurements. Measurements and uncertainties have to be accurately stated and traceable, to international standards, for metre-long sized assemblies, in the range of tens of µm. Indeed, these hundreds of assemblies will be produced and measured by several suppliers around the world, and will have to be integrated into a single machine. As part of the PACMAN project at CERN, we proposed and studied a practical application of probabilistic modelling of task-specific alignment uncertainty by applying a simulation by constraints calibration method. Using this method, we calibrated our measurement model using available data from ISO standardised tests (10360 series) for the metrology equipment. We combined this model with reference measurements and analysis of the measured data to quantify the actual specific uncertainty of each alignment measurement procedure. Our methodology was successfully validated against a calibrated and traceable 3D artefact as part of an international inter-laboratory study. The validated models were used to study the expected alignment uncertainty and important sensitivity factors in measuring the shortest and longest of the compact linear collider study assemblies, 0.54 m and 2.1 m respectively. In both cases, the laboratory alignment uncertainty was within the targeted uncertainty budget of 12 µm (68% confidence level). It was found that the remaining uncertainty budget for any additional alignment error compensations, such as the thermal drift error due to variation in machine operation heat load conditions, must be within 8.9 µm and 9.8 µm (68% confidence level) respectively.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Doytchinov, Iordan Petrov</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Tonnellier, Xavier</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore, Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Nicquevert, Bertrand</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Modena, Michele</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Mainaud Durand, Helene</dc:creator> <pubDate>Fri, 23 Mar 2018 10:41:58 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>New potential for the Leitz Infinity Coordinate Measuring Machine</title> <link></link> <description>The following study is realised within the frame of the PACMAN project: a study on Particle Accelerator Components Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale, which is a Marie Curie program supported by the European commission and hosted by CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research). The aim of this program is to develop and build a pre-alignment bench on which each component is aligned to the required level in one single step using a stretched wire. During the operation, the centre of the stretched wire is aligned with the magnetic axis of the magnet. Then, the position of the wire is measured to the highest possible accuracy using a 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Leitz PMM-C Infinity from HEXAGON Metrology. The research described in this paper is two-fold: on one hand we apply a strong magnetic field to the head of the CMM and evaluate its influence on the measurement accuracy; on the other hand we measure the position</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Sanz, Claude</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">a</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Cherif, Ahmed</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">MAINAUD DURAND , Hélène</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schneider, Jurgen</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Steffens, Norbert</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Morantz , Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Shore , Paul</dc:creator> <pubDate>Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:53:07 GMT</pubDate> <dc:date xmlns:dc="">2015-06-01</dc:date> <dc:source xmlns:dc="">CERN-ACC-2015-0078</dc:source> <guid></guid> <media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">2015</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc="">0078</dc:hasVersion> </item> <item> <title>CHARACTERISATION AND MEASUREMENT TO THE SUB-MICRON SCALE OF A REFERENCE WIRE POSITION: CARACTERISATION ET MESURE SUB-MICROMETRIQUE DE LA POSITION D’UN FIL DE REFERENCE</title> <link></link> <description>L’étude suivante est réalisée dans le cadre du projet PACMAN (a study on Particle Accelerator Components Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometre scale) : une étude sur la métrologie et l’alignement à l’échelle nanométrique des composants d’un accélérateur de particules. C’est un programme Marie Curie supporté par la Commission Européenne et hébergé par le CERN. Le but de ce programme est de faire travailler en équipe de jeunes chercheurs sur le développement d’un banc de pré-alignement pour l’accélérateur linéaire CLIC (Compact Linear Collider). Sur ce banc, chaque composant sera aligné au niveau requis en une seule opération basée sur l’utilisation d’un fil tendu. Pendant cette opération, le fil matérialisera les axes magnétiques et électriques des composants, c’est-à-dire qu’il sera à la position théorique du faisceau de particules. Puis il servira de référence et la position de son axe sera mesurée avec autant de précision que possible par une machine de mesure tridimensionnelle. La recherche présentée dans ce papier est en deux parties : la première vise à présenter les propriétés du fil nécessaires au projet qui ont été mesurées, tandis que différents capteurs potentiels pour le banc final se trouvent dans la seconde.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">SANZ , Claude</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">CHERIF , Ahmed</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">MAINAUD DURAND , Hélène</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">MORANTZ , Paul</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">SHORE , Paul</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 23 Jul 2015 08:49:38 GMT</pubDate> <dc:date xmlns:dc="">2015-09-22</dc:date> <dc:source xmlns:dc="">CERN-ACC-2015-0075</dc:source> <guid></guid> <media:thumbnail xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">2015</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc="">0075</dc:hasVersion> </item> </channel> </rss>