Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association • CMCFA
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Agreement</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="main"> <div class="content"> <div class="header"> <h1 class="logo"> <span class="cmc">cmc</span><span class="fa">fa</span> • <span class="fa">ap</span><span class="cmc">cmc</span> </h1> <h1>Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association</h1> </div> <p>The Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association represents academic faculty at the <a href="">Royal Military College of Canada</a>, <a href="">Royal Military College St. Jean</a>, and the <a href="">Canadian Forces College</a>. </p> <p>The Association is a member of the <a href="">Canadian Association of University Teachers</a>, the <a href="">Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations</a>, and the <a href="">National Joint Council</a>.</p> <h2>CMCFA • News</h2> <div id="news"> <h3> Bargaining Bulleting 2022 #2</h3> <h4> 9 September 2024 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee Chair</h4> <p>We are providing you with an update on bargaining with respect to our collective agreement.</p> <a href="articles\2024-09-09.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> RMC Budget Cuts & UT Workload</h3> <h4> 16 June 2024 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>This message outlines potential violations of the UT Collective Agreement resulting from the changes to the teaching plan that were announced during the RMC Principal’s Town Hall for faculty on Monday, 3 June 2024. At the Town Hall, the Principal and Vice-Principal announced many changes to our previously approved teaching plans for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. These changes included: </p> <a href="articles\2024-06-16.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Solidarity Request for AMPL</h3> <h4> 8 June 2024 • CMCFA Chief Negotiator</h4> <p>Please do not cross the picket lines at McGill without a “picket pass” if you are attending Congress. Please see the message from Canadian Associations of University Teachers (CAUT) below:</p> <a href="articles\2024-06-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> RMC Travel Restrictions</h3> <h4> 1 May 2024 • CMCFA Chief Negotiator</h4> <p>The RMC Principal provided an update (below) on 1 May 2024 after her email sent Tuesday, 23 April 2024, announcing the following changes to our terms and conditions of employment:</p> <a href="articles\2024-04-23.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Terminable Allowance and Other Pay Issues</h3> <h4> 15 November 2023 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>We have received confirmation from the Employer that most payments of the Terminable Allowance were issued in October. The Pay Centre completed their final verification, and any missing employees will be issued the Terminable Allowance for their pay on 22 November 2023.</p> <a href="articles\2023-11-15.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Concerns over Changes to the Travel Approval Process</h3> <h4> 1 September 2023 • CMCFA Chief Negotiator</h4> <p>We are are aware that the administration is communicating changes to the travel approval process. As we all know, travel is an important part of our work as university professors and we wish to protect our ability to carry out this important aspect of our work.</p> <a href="articles\2023-09-01.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Seeking Two CMCFA Exec Members-at-Large</h3> <h4> 28 August 2023 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>The CMCFA Executive Committee sends our hearty congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Scott and Dr. Pierre Jolicoeur for their appointments as Dean of Science and Dean SSH, respectively, and we thank them both for their service on the CMCFA Executive as Members-at-Large. As a result, we are seeking interested members to complete their terms of office on the Executive, as per s. V(8) of the CMCFA constitution:</p> <a href="articles\2023-08-28.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> ATI and Search/Selection Committees</h3> <h4> 11 July 2023 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>We received several queries related to whether the personal notes and emails of search/selection committees for senior administrative positions fall within the <em>Access to Information Act</em> (<em>ATIA</em>).</p> <a href="articles\2023-07-11.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Double Increments and Leave</h3> <h4> 28 June 2023 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>The Employer has agreed to allow those who were on maternity, parental, or medical leave for more than six (6) months of the 2021-2022 academic year to bring forward their contributions to teaching, research, service, and professional standing during that year for consideration in the current assessment process for 2022-2023. UTs who were on maternity, parental, or medical leave for six (6) months or fewer in 2021-2022 should have had all their contributions to teaching, research, service, and professional standing during that year considered in the performance assessment process for that year (2021-2022).</p> <a href="articles\2023-06-28.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Call for nominations - Prizes and Scholarships</h3> <h4> 10 March 2023 • CMCFA Interim President</h4> <p>The CMCFA is pleased to announce calls for nominations for the CMCFA Solidarity Award and for the Faculty Dependents’ Scholarship Plan.</p> <a href="articles\2023-03-10.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Interim Dean of Studies Search at RMCSJ</h3> <h4> 12 December 2022 • CMCFA Interim President</h4> <p>The CMCFA is concerned about the potential violation of collegial governance and infringement on academic freedom resulting from the search for an Interim Dean of Studies at the Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMCSJ). The RMCSJ administration has rejected the recommendation of a search committee to assign a CMCFA member, and has opted to reopen the search to solicit candidates who are not university faculty members of the UT classification.</p> <a href="articles\2022-12-12.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Employee Assistance Program and Mental Health</h3> <h4> 30 November 2022 • CMCFA Web Master</h4> <p>Members of the CMCFA can avail themselves of the DND Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which supports employee health, well-being and productivity. Members and their dependants who are experiencing personal or work-related issues can benefit from a variety of services, such as Crisis & Short-Term Counselling Services, Peer Support and a Digital Wellness Library.</p> <a href="articles\2022-11-30.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Statement on Equity Ameliorative Initiatives</h3> <h4> 15 November 2022 • CMCFA Interim President</h4> <p>The CMCFA supports an institutional commitment to ameliorating the conditions of individuals or groups that are disadvantaged because they belong to the four designated groups under the Employment Equity Act or to other equity seeking groups. This support extends to the recent call for Vice-Principal Academic at RMC. This initiative is an important contribution to inclusivity in the RMC leadership.</p> <a href="articles\2022-11-15.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Legality of the Call for VPA Candidates</h3> <h4> 31 October 2022 • CMCFA Interim President</h4> <p>Following questions from our members, the CMCFA reached out to our legal counsel for an opinion on the legality of the recent call for candidates for the Vice-Principal Academic (VPA) position, specifically its restriction of the position to members of the four federally designated groups (women; Indigenous persons; persons with disabilities; and members of visible minorities). The CMCFA was advised that this call for VPA candidates is entirely consistent with RMC’s non-discrimination obligations. It forms part of a broader ameliorative or special program intended to improve the condition of disadvantaged individuals or groups, and thus would survive scrutiny under either the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Employment Equity Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. </p> <a href="articles\2022-10-31.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Bargaining Bulletin 2022 #1</h3> <h4> 8 September 2022 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee Chair</h4> <p>This is the first update of the 2022 round of collective bargaining. Here you will find information on the CMCFA Bargaining Committee, the timeline as we currently know it and upcoming changes to the Public Service Health Care Plan.</p> <a href="articles\2022-09-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Update on RMC Principal Search</h3> <h4> 6 September 2022 • CMCFA Interim President</h4> <p>The process of appointment for the RMC Principal is progressing, albeit slowly. As you know, the Principal of RMC is a Governor in Council appointment and its process must be approved by the Prime Minister before it can begin. We are told that this should take place as soon as Parliament is back in session, and hopefully by the end of September.</p> <a href="articles\2022-09-06.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Concerns with Management of Vacation Leave</h3> <h4> 6 June 2022 • CMCFA Vice-President</h4> <p>UTs received an undated “Interim Process for Management of UT Vacation Leave – Leave Year 2022/23” in late May. The CMCFA has many concerns with the process. Here are the top four: </p> <a href="articles\2022-06-06.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Seeking Temporary CMCFA Exec Members</h3> <h4> 5 June 2022 • CMCFA Vice-President</h4> <p>You may be interested to know that we amended our Constitution at the Annual General Meeting to allow for temporary appointments to fill-in for members of the Executive who proceed on leave for extended periods. We are therefore seeking interested members to join the Executive when three of our colleagues serving on the CMCFA Executive will be proceeding on sabbatical leave from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023:</p> <a href="articles\2022-06-05.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Updated CMCFA Executive Membership</h3> <h4> 4 June 2022 • CMCFA Vice-President</h4> <p>Following our CMCFA Annual General Meeting (AGM) of 27 May 2022, there have been many changes to the composition of the CMCFA Executive Committee. We would like to offer our most sincere thanks to those whose term on Executive comes to an end, namely:</p> <a href="articles\2022-06-04.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Bargaining Engagement</h3> <h4> 18 February 2022 • Chair of CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>As you may know, our current Collective Agreement expires on June 30, 2022; it is time to turn our attention to issues of bargaining. </p> <a href="articles\2022-02-18.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Performance Assessment of UTs on Code-Protected Leave</h3> <h4> 8 February 2022 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>The CMCFA has received the following guidance from Treasury Board on how UTs on Code-protected leave (leave that is protected by the Canadian Human Rights Act, such as maternity, parental, or medical leave) are to be assessed. Please note that this applies only to those who were on leave for less than 6 months of the academic year; Treasury Board has yet to decide how UTs who were on Code-protected leave for more than 6 months are to be evaluated.</p> <a href="articles\2022-02-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Scholarship Plan - Call for Applications</h3> <h4> 26 January 2022 • CMCFA Secretary</h4> <p>The 2021-2022 CMCFA Dependents’ Scholarship Award Deadline has been extended to 01 March 2022. Due to reduced travel as a result of the pandemic, the Executive has voted unanimously to offer an additional scholarship this year, up to three scholarships of $1000, instead of the normal two. Those applicants who have been unable to participate in extra-curricular activities in either school or community due to the pandemic are encouraged to apply but should provide a statement explaining this fact in their application.</p> <a href="articles\2022-01-26.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Vacation Leave Letters from RMC Principal</h3> <h4> 23 December 2021 • CMCFA Vice-President</h4> <p>The CMCFA has been made aware that the RMC Principal recently sent letters encouraging some UTs to take “as much vacation leave as your teaching schedule permits” which interestingly enough does not show concern for other aspects of a UT’s activity such as service or research. Some members have expressed concerns about the dichotomy in messaging warning UTs to respect the vacation leave provisions of the collective agreement (CA) while having to do additional work to pivot to online teaching for the Winter semester on short notice. </p> <a href="articles\2021-12-23.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> 2021-2022 CMCFA Dependents’ Scholarship Award</h3> <h4> 08 December 2021 • CMCFA Secretary</h4> <p>The 2021-2022 CMCFA Dependents’ Scholarship Award application deadline has been extended from 31 October 2021 to 01 March 2022. </p> <a href="articles\2021-12-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Represented on CAUT Francophones' Committee</h3> <h4> 3 November 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>It is with great pleasure that I announce Kodjo Moglo’s appointment by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Executive to the CAUT Francophones’ Committee for a period of 3 years. This is great news for our members and even greater news for CAUT.</p> <a href="articles\2021-11-03.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Reminder of Call for interest: Academic Colleague Position</h3> <h4> 1 November 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>At the last Faculty Board (4 Oct 2021), the Principal issued a call for interest for the Council of Ontario Universities’ Academic Colleague position, to be nominated and elected at the next Faculty Board (3 Nov 2021). The Terms of Reference were distributed with the October FB materials, and the Principal confirmed that the position comes with one course relief.</p> <a href="articles\2021-11-01.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Winter Teaching Posture at RMC</h3> <h4> 31 October 2021 • CMCFA Vice-President</h4> <p>The CMCFA has been discussing the teaching posture (remote delivery or in-person) for the Winter 2022 semester with management since early October 2022, particularly in discussions between the RMC Vice-Principal Academic (VPA) for management, on the one hand, and Sylvain Leblanc and Charles-Philippe Courtois for the CMCFA, on the other. A joint survey for RMC faculty was developed to understand faculty’s perspectives on and preferences for remote delivery or on-site teaching in the Winter, but the CMCFA and Management ultimately could not agree on the questions to be asked.</p> <a href="articles\2021-10-31.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Update: Mandatory vaccine policy for public service members</h3> <h4> 6 October 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>Earlier today, the public service employer published their vaccine policy. The policy requires that all employees must be fully vaccinated by October 29 or they will be placed on administrative leave without pay on November 15 until they meet the employer’s vaccination requirement. Those with valid human rights exemptions (for example medical and religious) may be accommodated through means such as telework, rapid testing and increased health and safety requirements.</p> <a href="articles\2021-10-06.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Academic Freedom and Electronic Course Management Systems</h3> <h4> 15 September 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>With the start of another semester of remote teaching, the CMCFA would like to remind faculty of our position on academic freedom as it relates to electric course management systems (such as but not limited to Moodle). It is the CMCFA’s position that all of a UT’s course materials, regardless of their format or their stage of revision (including but not limited to drafts or working copies, archived copies, final or “live” versions of courses), belong to the UT and are protected by academic freedom. In the same way that a Dean, Head or Chair is not permitted to enter professors’ offices and inspect the contents of their filing cabinets, academic freedom protects professors’ records from involuntary inspection, collection or approval by the administration, whether they are hard copy records or records developed for electronic course management systems.</p> <a href="articles\2021-09-15.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Extension of Deadline for Applications for Promotion</h3> <h4> 14 September 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>Message from the RMC Principal and Chair of Promotion Committees to 2021 Promotion Applicants, posted here to ensure maximum distribution to CMCFA Members.</p> <a href="articles\2021-09-14.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Update: Mandatory Vaccination Policy</h3> <h4> 13 September 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>Dear Colleagues. This is to inform you that Treasury Board is postponing further consultation on the mandatory vaccination policy. A first round of consultation has occurred, but they will wait before they do a second round.</p> <a href="articles\2021-09-13.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Additional compensation secured for late implementation of the collective agreement</h3> <h4> 1 September 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>Dear Colleagues. You may have noticed an additional payment of $1,000 with an annotation of “<em>Damages - Late CAI</em>“ under the <strong>Entitlements and Deductions</strong> section of your Phoenix Pay Stub dated 2021/09/01. This is the result of the negotiation of additional compensation for every member who was covered by the UT Collective Agreement when it was signed in 2019, plus even more compensation for any members who faced significant delays in having the terms of the new agreements applied to them.</p> <a href="articles\2021-09-01.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> New Vaccination Requirement for Public Service Employees Returning to the Workplace</h3> <h4> 17 August 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>Dear Colleagues. The heads of all the bargaining agents in the federal public service met on August 15, 2021 to discuss the unexpected announcement on August 13, 2021 of the new vaccination requirement for public service employees returning to the workplace. As you may have seen in the official announcement from DND, which Nathalie Filion-Poitras distributed on the RMC network on the afternoon of August 16, 2021 the employer is still figuring out how this policy will be implemented, and consultation with the bargaining agents has only begun.</p> <a href="articles\2021-08-17.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Government of Canada to require vaccination of federal workforce and federally regulated transportation sector</h3> <h4> 14 August 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>The Government of Canada issued a news release indicating that it will require vaccination of federal workforce and federally regulated transportation sector.</p> <a href="articles\2021-08-14.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Human Rights Code-Protected Grounds Leave and Double Increments</h3> <h4> 13 August 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>The Interim Performance Appraisal Process (dated 1 June 2021) states that “Performance appraisals for UTs who have been away for protected grounds during Academic Year 2020/21 will be completed, once a determination from TBS on the way forward is received.” However, some UTs on code-protected leave (e.g. maternity, parental, or medical leave) have received their increment letters indicating that they have been assessed as “satisfactory.” The CMCFA has confirmed that UTs on code-protected leave have not yet been assessed. According to the Principal, </p> <a href="articles\2021-08-13.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Joint Committee on Teaching-Load Distribution (JCTLD)</h3> <h4> 16 July 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p> Dear Faculty of the Canadian Military Colleges. The Joint Committee on Teaching-Load Distribution (JCTLD) would like to inform you of the status of the committee and its efforts to examine workload at the CMCs. The Terms of Reference for the committee require that the JCTLD “consult current and former department heads, appropriate representatives from management, and other members of the broader faculty to determine the current and historical policies and practices related to the distribution of teaching workload at the colleges.” Accordingly, all faculty members will have the opportunity to confer with the committee. </p> <a href="articles\2021-07-16.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Extension of Deadline for Notice of Intention to Apply for Promotion</h3> <h4> 6 July 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>Message from the RMC Principal and Chair of Promotion Committees, posted here to ensure maximum distribution to CMCFA Members.</p> <a href="articles\2021-07-06.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Promotion Applications</h3> <h4> 2 July 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>Dear members. As you know, the deadline to submit a notice of intent to apply for promotion this year is Monday July 5, 2021. It has come to our attention that some UTs may be under the impression that the only teaching and research contributions that will be considered for promotion are those that occurred at the Canadian Military Colleges since the applicant became a UT. This is inaccurate, as all teaching and research contribution since the last promotion will be considered, in accordance with the Career Progression Management Framework for University Teaching (UT).</p> <a href="articles\2021-07-02.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Newsletter</h3> <h4> 30 June 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>In this newsletter: Executive Vacancy, Performance Assessment Process, Hiring Process, Management of Vacation Leave, Joint Committee on Teaching-load Distribution</p> <a href="articles\2021-07-01.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> RMC 2021 Fall Teaching Schedule</h3> <h4> 30 June 2021 • CMCFA Executive</h4> <p>Dear members. Thank you to those who responded to the request for feedback on the proposed return to the 08:00 - 16:30 schedule. There were very few questions or concerns raised on this issue. Responses addressed advantages and disadvantages for both options, primarily concerning childcare issues either at the start of the day or at the end of the day. </p> <a href="articles\2021-06-30.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Department Heads, Management, and Academic Freedom</h3> <h4> 7 June 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>Dear Colleagues. You may have received a statement from your Dean that “department heads are management” by virtue of their supervisory roles in performance assessment and approval of leave. The message includes the following quotation from a Labour Relations Officer:</p> <a href="articles\2021-06-07.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Membership Fees Reimbursement for UTs under PDA</h3> <h4> 3 June 2021 • CMCFA Grievance Committee</h4> <p>After discussions with the Principal, the CMCFA has received confirmation that membership fees will once again be paid from Operations and Maintenance (O&M) funds as part of our professional development allowance (PDA) under the Collective Agreement (CA). Many members expressed concerns about reimbursements of membership fees using funds from the salary and wage envelope (SWE),</p> <a href="articles\2021-06-03.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Sabbatical Leave MOA for AY2021-2022</h3> <h4> 2 June 2021 • CMCFA Chair of Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>We are pleased to announce that the CMCFA has successfully negotiated a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOA) with Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) on sabbatical leave, specifically on the implementation of Article 18 of the collective agreement. Given the ongoing uncertainty that exists due to COVID-19, which may impact sabbatical research plans, UTs can now defer sabbatical leave if they become eligible for such leave on 1 July 2021 or 1 January 2022. Note that service accrued will be counted toward the next sabbatical. Finally, while we cannot predict any future glut of sabbatical applications, the Employer is committed to reviewing applications in a reasonable and fair manner, as per Article 18.14 of the collective agreement. </p> <a href="articles\2021-06-02.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Requested Amendment to Vacation MOA</h3> <h4> 10 February 2021 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>Further to the Principal’s email dated 8 February 2021 regarding vacation leave, I can confirm that the Association’s requested amendment to the vacation MOA has been denied and that the MOA will expire on March 31, 2021. As the Principal’s message states, members are encouraged to “do their best in fulfilling the MOA.” For some, this will be possible. For others, it will not be. It is my understanding that there is no intention on management’s part to put anyone on forced leave, and that this message is sent solely out of concern for faculty’s health and well-being. As such, the Association supports this message.</p> <a href="articles\2021-02-10.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Dependents' Scholarship Recipients</h3> <h4> 20 January 2021 • CMCFA Executive Committee</h4> <p>We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020-2021 CMCFA Dependents’ Scholarship Award. Congratulations to Pauline Jolicoeur, Kate Leblanc and Anna Leuprecht. In accordance with the Scholarship Committee’s recommendation, the Association granted three awards this year, rather than the usual two. This was made possible thanks to a reduction in the Association’s travel expenses as a result of the pandemic. </p> <a href="articles\2021-01-20.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Simplified process for claiming home office expenses</h3> <h4> 15 December 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>As you may be aware, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is streamlining the process for deducting home office expenses for tax purposes by allowing employees working from home to claim a Home Office Expense Deduction of up to $400 in the 2020 tax year, without the need to track detailed expenses or the need for their employer to provide a signed form (T2200).</p> <a href="articles\2020-12-15.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> COVID-19 Vacation Leave MOA</h3> <h4> 12 December 2020 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>You have likely seen the email from the RMC Principal of 11 December 2020 regarding vacation leave. This message accords with DND’s latest direction that managers should not schedule forced leave for employees, in recognition of the mental health impacts that forced leave might have, especially during the holidays. The Principal has assured the CMCFA that he will not be placing our faculty on leave at this time.</p> <a href="articles\2020-12-12.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Winter 2021 Schedule Survey</h3> <h4> 4 December 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>The CMCFA conducted a survey of the 161 faculty members (including deans, sessionals, and military faculty) teaching in the first and last periods of the winter term. Based on the 116 responses we received, we recommended a 0900-1730 schedule for the winter. </p> <a href="articles\2020-12-04.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA News Bulletin</h3> <h4> 30 November 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>A CMCFA News bulletin is available, covering the following topics: Remote Teaching Survey, On-site Teaching, Increment Process, COVID-19 Sabbatical MOU, CDARP Accommodations, Call for Grievance Officers and Update on Previous items.</p> <a href="articles\2020-11-30.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> OCUFA Report on COVID-19 Pandemic</h3> <h4> 24 November 2020 • CMCFA Equity Officer</h4> <p>The ongoing pandemic has caused disruptions in how university faculty carry out their professional duties. This fall, OCUFA commissioned a survey to gather the experiences of faculty members across the province to evaluate the impact of adjustments (like moving course delivery online) on the experience and quality of university education in the province. Unsurprisingly, the results reveal a perception of decline in education quality, and a marked increase in stress and difficulty adjusting on the part of faculty members. </p> <a href="articles\2020-11-24.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Executive Assistant Job Posting</h3> <h4> 23 November 2020 • CMCFA Web Master</h4> <p>The CMCFA is sad to announce the departure of its Executive Assistant, Louise Ford, who will be retiring in February 2021 after more than ten years with the CMCFA. She will be sorely missed. We must therefore recruit a new CMCFA Executive Assistant.</p> <a href="articles\2020-11-23.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Academic Dates for December 2020 and January 2021</h3> <h4> 10 November 2020 • CMCFA Web Master</h4> <p>The following, dealing with Fall 2020 undergraduate marks submission, was distributed to the members of Faculty Board by email on behalf of the Principal on November 10, 2020.</p> <a href="articles\2020-11-10.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> AY 2021-2022 Sabbatical Leave Applications</h3> <h4> 25 October 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>It has come to our attention that some UTs may be discouraged from applying for sabbatical leave in Academic Year 2021-2022 because such applications may not be approved. The CMCFA encourages all UTs who are eligible for sabbatical leave and are considering it during Academic Year 2021-2022 to apply by the deadline of 1 November 2020 in order to ensure that any deferral of a sabbatical by the Employer will be counted as service and credited towards the next sabbatical leave. UTs may also request to cancel their sabbatical leave application up to four months prior to the start of the the leave.</p> <a href="articles\2020-10-25.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA News Bulletin</h3> <h4> 10 October 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>A CMCFA News bulletin is available, covering the following topics: CMCFA Scholarship Committee, Joint-Load Distribution Committee, Modified Faculty Assessment Report, Flexible Work Agreement, Zoom licences and PDA, COVID-related topics under discussion with management, Copyright statement on Moodle and Employer policies highlighted at the AGM of 23 Sept 2020.</p> <a href="articles\2020-10-10.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Promotion Application Deadline - Second Extension</h3> <h4> 15 September 2020 • CMCFA Secretary</h4> <p>The Principal of RMC has further amended the deadline extension for promotion applications. Please see the e-mail below that was sent to individual candidates. We publish the message here to help ensure that it reaches all candidates.</p> <a href="articles\2020-09-15.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Promotion Application Deadline Extension</h3> <h4> 10 September 2020 • CMCFA Vice-President</h4> <p>The Principal of RMC has sent the following message to UTs who have submitted a notice of intent to apply for promotion in 2020. We publish the message here to help ensure that it reaches all UTs.</p> <a href="articles\2020-09-10.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> OCUFA statement in support for the scholar strike for racial justice</h3> <h4> 8 September 2020 • Chair of CMCFA Equity Committee</h4> <p>Members of the CMCFA are by extension members of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA). We are forwarding to you OCUFA’s statement regarding the planned “Scholar Strike” to protest systemic racism. </p> <a href="articles\2020-09-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Change to the RMC (Kingston) Undergraduate Teaching Schedlue</h3> <h4> 31 July 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>As you have seen from the Principal’s e-mail, Management has decided to change the normal RMC undergraduate teaching schedule in the Fall to 09:00-17:30 in order to accommodate the 10% of undergraduate students who live on the West Coast. As you know, this decision was made without consulting the faculty at large, and the decision to change the RMC undergraduate teaching schedule at all (originally to 10:00-18:30) was made without consultation with the CMCFA. It is only after the decision was announced on 21 July 2020 that Management agreed to discuss the matter with the Faculty Association, and only upon our insistence. </p> <a href="articles\2020-07-31.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Personal E-mails and Access to Information</h3> <h4> 23 July 2020 • CMCFA Legal Officer</h4> <p><em>We have received the following question from a CMCFA member: Are personal e-mails used for work communications subject to Access to Information requests?</em></p> <a href="articles\2020-07-23.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Notice of Intent - UT Promotions</h3> <h4> 16 July 2020 • RMC Principal</h4> <p>An extension has been granted for the submission of notices of intent to apply for promotion.</p> <a href="articles\2020-07-16.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Message from Outgoing CMCFA President, Jean-Marc Noël</h3> <h4> 8 July 2020 • CMCFA Executive Committee</h4> <p>The CMCFA Executive Committee is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Helen Luu of the Department of English, Culture and Communication as President of the CMCFA and the appointment of Dr. Barbara Falk of Canadian Forces College Toronto as Chair of the Bargaining Committee. Both of these appointments result from the appointment of our outgoing President, Dr. Jean-Marc Noël of the Department of Physics and Space Science to the position of Dean of Graduate Studies at RMC in Kingston. In accordance with our Constitution, both Dr. Luu and Dr. Falk have been appointed until the end of Dr. Noël’s original term of office in 2022.</p> <a href="articles\2020-07-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Memoranda of Understanding - COVID19</h3> <h4> 17 June 2020 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>The CMCFA has been negotiating aspects of our terms and conditions of employment affected by COVID-19 with the employer. Consequently, we have entered into Memoranda of Understanding (MOAs) with the employer regarding various aspects of our work.</p> <a href="articles\2020-06-17.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> COVID-19 Information for CMCFA Members</h3> <h4> 25 May 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>The COVID-19 virus has wide-ranging implications for UTs, as it does for all including faculty, federal public service employees and Canadians as a whole. The CMCFA receives information dealing with COVID-19 from various sources, and we will endeavor to post it here as soon as possible. The latest update is dated 25 May 2020.</p> <a href="articles\2020-05-25.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CMCFA Membership to the FQPPU</h3> <h4> 15 May 2020 • CMCFA President</h4> <p> On February 6-7, 2020, our colleague Laurence Piché attended the 98th meeting of the Federal Council of the FQPPU (<em>fédération québécoise des professeures et professeurs d’université</em>). One of the first items on the agenda was the membership of the CMCFA (members from RMC Saint-Jean) to the FQPPU. We are pleased to inform you that the vote for our membership was unanimous. </p> <a href="articles\2020-05-15.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> CDARP - Terms of Reference and Results from 2014-2018</h3> <h4> 8 November 2019 • CMCFA President</h4> <p>Many UTs apply for funds from the Canadian Defence Academy Research Program (CDARP). Documents associated with CDARP were recently released under the Access to Information Act.</p> <a href="articles\2019-11-08.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> New Collective Agreement in Effect</h3> <h4> 16 September 2019 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>We are pleased to tell you that the new collective agreement has been signed by all parties. The employer confirms that the collective agreement came into effect on 30 August 2019, although it may take some time for it to be published on-line. Many of the provisions of the <a href="">previous collective agreement</a> are still in effect, and members can consult the <a href="../../dox/2019-07-12-Tentative-Agreement.pdf">tentative agreement</a> until the new version is published.</p> <a href="articles\2019-09-16.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Ratification of Tentative Agreement</h3> <h4> 18 August 2019 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>The CMCFA membership voted to ratify the tentative agreement regarding the new collective agreement on-line and during meetings held at RMCSJ and RMC on 13 and 14 August 2019 respectively. We expect the new collective agreement to be signed toward the end of August 2019.</p> <a href="articles\2019-08-18.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Ratification Vote Details</h3> <h4> 2 August 2019 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>The CMCFA membership will hold a vote to ratify the new collective agreement. The details are contained below.</p> <a href="articles\2019-08-02.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Tentative Settlement Reached between CMCFA and TBS</h3> <h4> 17 July 2019 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>The CMCFA and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat have reached a tentative agreement for the UT group, following a collective bargaining session which took place from June 3 to July 12, 2019.</p> <a href="articles\2019-07-17.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Canadian Military Colleges Faculty Association v. Treasury Board (Department of National Defence), 2019 FPSLREB 45 - Summary</h3> <h4> 21 June 2019 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>On April 17, 2019, the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (the “Board”) released a decision addressing an unfair labour practice (“ULP”) complaint that was filed by the CMCFA on September 21, 2015.</p> <a href="articles\2019-06-21.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Federal Public Sector Labour and Employment Board Decision: Lukits v. Treasury Board</h3> <h4> 20 March 2019 • CMCFA Grievance Committee</h4> <p>On March 13, 2019 the Federal Public Sector Labour and Employment Board (the “Board”) released its long-awaited decision in this matter. The decision deals with a grievance filed by CMCFA member, Dr. Steven Lukits, a UT in the English department at the Royal Military College of Canada (“RMC”). Dr. Lukits filed the grievance after he was ordered by the RMC Principal, Dr. Harry Kowal, to hand over his course notes in compliance with an ATI (Access to Information) request.</p> <a href="articles\2019-03-20.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Bargaining Bulletin: Issue 2018-1</h3> <h4> 28 January 2019 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>Please see the <a href="../dox/2019-01-28-2018-1_CMCFA_Bargaining_Bulletin.pdf">CMCFA Bargaining Bulletin: Issue 2018-1</a>.</p> <h3> CMCFA Tuition Scholarship Award</h3> <h4> 12 January 2019 • Louise Ford</h4> <p>We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2018–2019 CMCFA Tuition Scholarship Award is Amir Jnifene.</p> <h3> Tentative Settlement Reached between CMCFA and TBS</h3> <h4> 28 June 2018 • CMCFA Bargaining Committee</h4> <p>The CMCFA and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat have reached a tentative agreement regarding the UT group, following a collective bargaining session which took place from June 26 to June 28, 2018.</p> <a href="articles\2018-06-28.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> <h3> Federal Public Sector Labour and Employment Board Decision: Hurley v. Treasury Board</h3> <h4> 2 May 2018 • CMCFA Grievance Committee</h4> <p>On April 26, 2018 the Federal Public Sector Labour and Employment Board (the “Board”) released its long-awaited decision in this matter. The decision deals with a grievance filed by CMCFA member, Dr. Michael Hurley, a former UT in the English department at the Royal Military College of Canada (“RMC”). Dr. Hurley filed the grievance after RMC Principal, Dr. Harry Kowal, refused to approve his three-part retirement plan.</p> <a href="articles\2018-05-02.html" class="pure-button">more...</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script src="../js/ui.js"></script> </body> </html>