American Cars That Really Aren't American
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Please use a <a href="">supported version</a> for the best MSN experience. </div> </div> <div id="maincontent"> <div id="main" data-region="main"> <div class="content"> <h1>American Cars That Really Aren't American</h1> <a href="" title="u.s. news and world report"> <img alt="" src="//"/> </a> <span class="auth"> By John Vincent </span> <span> of <a href="">U.S. News and World Report</a></span> <span> | </span> <img alt="American Cars That Really Aren’t American<p>Nothing exemplifies America more than the rumble of a 707-horsepower Dodge Challenger Hellcat or the pride we feel in the Ford GT supercar. Bad news though, they’re not American. We need to thank our friends from north of the border and fly the Canadian maple leaf in their honor.</p><p>Many of the vehicles that we think are U.S.-made come from across our borders, including one from Australia that proudly wears a Chevy bow tie. There will soon be an SUV with a Buick nameplate arriving from China, and we already have a Jeep that hails from Italy.</p><p>If any of these foreign-born cars or trucks on the following slides gets your attention, check them out further in our listings of <a href="">Best Cars</a>, then look for special <a href="">lease</a> and <a href="">finance deals</a> on our site. Before you head to the dealer, use our <a href="">Best Price Program</a> so you don’t pay too much for your dream ride.</p>" height="373" src="//" title="American Cars That Really Aren’t AmericanNothing exemplifies America more than the rumble of a 707-h... - John Vincent / U.S. News & World Report" width="624"/> <div class="navigation"> <span class="prev disabled"> <a href="#">< PREVIOUS SLIDE</a> </span> <span class="slidetext">SLIDE 1 of 15</span> <span class="next"> <a href="">NEXT SLIDE ></a> </span> </div> <h2>American Cars That Really Aren't American</h2> <div class="richtext"> <p>Nothing exemplifies America more than the rumble of a 707-horsepower Dodge Challenger Hellcat or the pride we feel in the Ford GT supercar. Bad news though, they’re not American. We need to thank our friends from north of the border and fly the Canadian maple leaf in their honor.</p><p>Many of the vehicles that we think are U.S.-made come from across our borders, including one from Australia that proudly wears a Chevy bow tie. There will soon be an SUV with a Buick nameplate arriving from China, and we already have a Jeep that hails from Italy.</p><p>If any of these foreign-born cars or trucks on the following slides gets your attention, check them out further in our listings of <a href="">Best Cars</a>, then look for special <a href="">lease</a> and <a href="">finance deals</a> on our site. Before you head to the dealer, use our <a href="">Best Price Program</a> so you don’t pay too much for your dream ride.</p> </div> <span class="attribution">© John Vincent / U.S. News & World Report</span> </div> </div> <div id="aside" data-region="aside"> <div class="nextcontentitem"> <h3> <h2> <span>Up Next</span> </h2> </h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/web/20160603122032/"> <img alt="Mercedes Benz G350 d Professional front end in water" height="72" src="//" title="Mercedes Benz G350 d Professional front end in water - Provided by MotorTrend" width="96"/> <h4>Mercedes G350 d Professional Brings the G-Wagen Back to its Roots</h4> <span> <img alt="" height="16" src="//" width="16"/> Motor Trend </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section class="topxitem"> <h4>Most Popular</h4> <ul> <li data-aop="combined>topxmodule" class="rich-header"> <a href="/web/20160603122032/"> <div class="topheadline-container"> <img alt="‘Property Brothers’ Star Jonathan Scott Avoids Charges in Fargo Bar Fight" height="240" src="//" title="‘Property Brothers’ Star Jonathan Scott Avoids Charges in Fargo Bar Fight - Provided by TheWrap" width="300"/> <div class="headline-container"> <span class="truncate">‘Property Brothers’ Star Jonathan Scott Avoids Charges in Fargo Bar Fight</span> <div class="regular-attribution-text attribution"> <img alt="TheWrap" height="16" src="//" title="TheWrap - TheWrap" width="16"/> TheWrap </div> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li data-aop="combined>topxmodule" class="nonrich-header"> <a href="/web/20160603122032/"> <img alt="FILE - In this Feb. 4, 2007 file photo, Prince performs during the halftime show at the Super Bowl XLI football game at Dolphin Stadium in Miami. 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