Mixed subplots in JavaScript

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var x = unpack(rows, 'Elev'); var trace2 = { x: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), type: 'histogram', hoverinfo: 'x+y', showlegend: false, xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y2', marker: { color: 'red' }}; var trace3 = { geo: 'geo3', type:'scattergeo', locationmode: 'world', lon: unpack(rows, 'Longitude'), lat: unpack(rows, 'Latitude'), hoverinfo: 'text', text: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), mode: 'markers', showlegend: false, marker: { size: 4, color: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), colorscale: 'Reds', opacity: 0.8, symbol: 'circle', line: { width: 1 } } }; var data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]; var layout = { paper_bgcolor: 'black', plot_bgcolor: 'black', title: {text: 'Volcano Database: Elevation'}, font: {color: 'white'}, colorbar: true, annotations: [{ x: 0, y: 0, xref: 'paper', yref: 'paper', text: 'Source: NOAA', showarrow: false }], geo3: { domain: { x: [0, 0.45], y: [0.02, 0.98] }, scope: 'world', projection: { type: 'orthographic' }, showland: true, showocean: true, showlakes: true, landcolor: 'rgb(250,250,250)', lakecolor: 'rgb(127,205,255)', oceancolor: 'rgb(6,66,115)', subunitcolor: 'rgb(217,217,217)', countrycolor: 'rgb(217,217,217)', countrywidth: 0.5, subunitwidth: 0.5, bgcolor: 'black' }, scene: {domain: { x: [0.55, 1], y: [0, 0.6] }, xaxis: { title: { text: 'Status' }, showticklabels: false, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'white' }, yaxis: { title: { text: 'Type' }, showticklabels: false, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'white' }, zaxis: { title: { text: 'Elev' }, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'white' } }, yaxis2: { anchor: 'x2', domain: [0.7, 1], showgrid: false }, xaxis2: { tickangle: 45, anchor: 'y2', ticksuffix: 'm', domain: [0.6, 1]}, }; Plotly.newPlot(&quot;myDiv&quot;, data, layout, {showLink: false}); }); </code></pre> </div> </div> <div class="twelve columns"> <form style="margin-bottom: 35px; font-weight: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;" action="" method="POST" target="_blank"> <input type="hidden" name="data" value="{&quot;title&quot;:&quot;Plotly.js Mixed Subplots&quot;,&quot;html&quot;:&quot;&lt;head&gt;\n\t&lt;!-- Load plotly.js into the DOM --&gt;\n\t&lt;script src=''>&lt;/script&gt;\n\t&lt;script src=''>&lt;/script&gt;\n&lt;/head>\n\n&lt;body&gt;\n\t&lt;div id='myDiv'&gt;&lt;!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV --&gt;&lt;/div&gt;\n&lt;/body&gt;&quot;,&quot;js&quot;:&quot;d3.csv(&#39;;, function(err, rows){\n function unpack(rows, key) {\n return { return row[key]; });\n }\n\nvar trace1 = {\n x: unpack(rows, &#39;Status&#39;),\n y: unpack(rows, &#39;Type&#39;),\n z: unpack(rows, &#39;Elev&#39;),\n marker: {\n size: 2,\n color: unpack(rows, &#39;Elev&#39;),\n colorscale: &#39;Reds&#39;,\n line: {color: &#39;transparent&#39;}\n },\n mode: &#39;markers&#39;,\n type: &#39;scatter3d&#39;,\n text: unpack(rows, &#39;Country&#39;),\n hoverinfo: &#39;x+y+z+text&#39;,\n showlegend: false\n};\n\nvar x = unpack(rows, &#39;Elev&#39;);\n\nvar trace2 = {\n x: unpack(rows, &#39;Elev&#39;),\n type: &#39;histogram&#39;,\n hoverinfo: &#39;x+y&#39;,\n showlegend: false,\n xaxis: &#39;x2&#39;,\n yaxis: &#39;y2&#39;,\n\t marker: {\n\t\t color: &#39;red&#39;\n\t}};\n\nvar trace3 = {\n geo: &#39;geo3&#39;,\n type:&#39;scattergeo&#39;,\n locationmode: &#39;world&#39;,\n lon: unpack(rows, &#39;Longitude&#39;),\n lat: unpack(rows, &#39;Latitude&#39;),\n hoverinfo: &#39;text&#39;,\n text: unpack(rows, &#39;Elev&#39;),\n mode: &#39;markers&#39;,\n showlegend: false,\n marker: {\n size: 4,\n color: unpack(rows, &#39;Elev&#39;),\n colorscale: &#39;Reds&#39;,\n opacity: 0.8,\n symbol: &#39;circle&#39;,\n line: {\n width: 1\n }\n }\n};\n\nvar data = [trace1, trace2, trace3];\n\nvar layout = {\n paper_bgcolor: &#39;black&#39;,\n plot_bgcolor: &#39;black&#39;,\n title: {text: &#39;Volcano Database: Elevation&#39;},\n font: {color: &#39;white&#39;},\n colorbar: true,\n annotations: [{\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n xref: &#39;paper&#39;,\n yref: &#39;paper&#39;,\n text: &#39;Source: NOAA&#39;,\n showarrow: false\n }],\n geo3: {\n domain: {\n x: [0, 0.45],\n y: [0.02, 0.98]\n\t\t },\n scope: &#39;world&#39;,\n projection: {\n type: &#39;orthographic&#39;\n },\n showland: true,\n showocean: true,\n showlakes: true,\n landcolor: &#39;rgb(250,250,250)&#39;,\n lakecolor: &#39;rgb(127,205,255)&#39;,\n oceancolor: &#39;rgb(6,66,115)&#39;,\n subunitcolor: &#39;rgb(217,217,217)&#39;,\n countrycolor: &#39;rgb(217,217,217)&#39;,\n countrywidth: 0.5,\n subunitwidth: 0.5,\n bgcolor: &#39;black&#39;\n },\n\tscene: {domain: {\n x: [0.55, 1],\n y: [0, 0.6]\n },\n xaxis: {\n title: {\n text: &#39;Status&#39;\n },\n showticklabels: false,\n showgrid: true,\n gridcolor: &#39;white&#39;\n },\n yaxis: {\n title: {\n text: &#39;Type&#39;\n },\n showticklabels: false,\n showgrid: true,\n gridcolor: &#39;white&#39;\n },\n zaxis: {\n title: {\n text: &#39;Elev&#39;\n },\n showgrid: true,\n gridcolor: &#39;white&#39;\n }\n\t\t\t },\n\tyaxis2: {\n\t\tanchor: &#39;x2&#39;,\n domain: [0.7, 1],\n showgrid: false\n\t},\n\txaxis2: {\n tickangle: 45,\n anchor: &#39;y2&#39;,\n\t ticksuffix: &#39;m&#39;,\n domain: [0.6, 1]},\n};\n\nPlotly.newPlot(\&quot;myDiv\&quot;, data, layout, {showLink: false});\n\n});\n&quot;}"> <input style=" float: right; border-radius: 4px;" class="codepen-submit" type="submit" value="Try It On CodePen!"> </form> <div style="max-width: 100%; margin: auto" id="myDiv_1"></div> <script> d3.csv('', function(err, rows){ function unpack(rows, key) { return { return row[key]; }); } var trace1 = { x: unpack(rows, 'Status'), y: unpack(rows, 'Type'), z: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), marker: { size: 2, color: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), colorscale: 'Reds', line: {color: 'transparent'} }, mode: 'markers', type: 'scatter3d', text: unpack(rows, 'Country'), hoverinfo: 'x+y+z+text', showlegend: false }; var x = unpack(rows, 'Elev'); var trace2 = { x: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), type: 'histogram', hoverinfo: 'x+y', showlegend: false, xaxis: 'x2', yaxis: 'y2', marker: { color: 'red' }}; var trace3 = { geo: 'geo3', type:'scattergeo', locationmode: 'world', lon: unpack(rows, 'Longitude'), lat: unpack(rows, 'Latitude'), hoverinfo: 'text', text: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), mode: 'markers', showlegend: false, marker: { size: 4, color: unpack(rows, 'Elev'), colorscale: 'Reds', opacity: 0.8, symbol: 'circle', line: { width: 1 } } }; var data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]; var layout = { paper_bgcolor: 'black', plot_bgcolor: 'black', title: {text: 'Volcano Database: Elevation'}, font: {color: 'white'}, colorbar: true, annotations: [{ x: 0, y: 0, xref: 'paper', yref: 'paper', text: 'Source: NOAA', showarrow: false }], geo3: { domain: { x: [0, 0.45], y: [0.02, 0.98] }, scope: 'world', projection: { type: 'orthographic' }, showland: true, showocean: true, showlakes: true, landcolor: 'rgb(250,250,250)', lakecolor: 'rgb(127,205,255)', oceancolor: 'rgb(6,66,115)', subunitcolor: 'rgb(217,217,217)', countrycolor: 'rgb(217,217,217)', countrywidth: 0.5, subunitwidth: 0.5, bgcolor: 'black' }, scene: {domain: { x: [0.55, 1], y: [0, 0.6] }, xaxis: { title: { text: 'Status' }, showticklabels: false, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'white' }, yaxis: { title: { text: 'Type' }, showticklabels: false, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'white' }, zaxis: { title: { text: 'Elev' }, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'white' } }, yaxis2: { anchor: 'x2', domain: [0.7, 1], showgrid: false }, xaxis2: { tickangle: 45, anchor: 'y2', ticksuffix: 'm', domain: [0.6, 1]}, }; 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