March 2014 - World Rowing

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18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 31, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> At this course, 14 years ago, the rowing world was delighted by iconic races like the final of the men&#39;s pair, when FISA&#39;s president-elect Jean-Christophe Rolland (FRA) won after holding a sprint that began at the 1000m mark. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="BT000194" src="/uploads/files/f3821c56371fb533784309faa71082b5.JPG"></figure> <p> There was also the career-ending men&#39;s four race of Steve Redgrave of Great Britain that earned Redgrave his fifth consecutive Olympic gold medal. In the women&#39;s single sculls Ekaterina Karsten of Belarus and Rumyana Neykova of Bulgaria ended their final in a photo finish that awarded Karsten the gold medal.</p> <p> Today the World Cup moved through repechages with rowers enjoying flat water, mild temperatures and overcast skies.<br /> The lightweight men&#39;s single sculls repechage saw three emerging rowing nations make it through to the final. Vietnam&#39;s Linh Nguyen Van won the race after a first-half battle with Hong Kong&#39;s Wai Kin Wong. Australia2 and Vanuatu also made it through.</p> <p> The fastest qualifying time in the two repechages of the lightweight women&#39;s single sculls was Jin Ji Yoo of Korea1. Ji Yoo will be joined in Sunday&#39;s final by Miao Wang of China2 and two Australian crews, Sarah Pound and Annabel Gibson.</p> <p> Repechage One of the women&#39;s pair was a tightly fought race between China2 and Canada2. In the final sprint Canada got the edge with Natalie Mastracci and Susanne Grainger moving to the final with the fastest qualifying time. Both Mastracci and Grainger raced in Canada&#39;s women&#39;s eight at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships where they took bronze. China1, China2 and United States1 also mad</p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T8099" src="/uploads/files/3bdf7f9000c702570b96c5c5d023c4b5.JPG"></figure> <p>e it through to the final.</p> <p> A pile of top names contested the repechage of the women&#39;s double sculls. Leading the way were the 2013 World Champions, Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite of Lithuania. Following the Lithuanians were 2013 World Champions in the women&#39;s quad, Annekatrin Thiele and Julia Richter of Germany. Then Carling Zeeman and Antje von Seydlitz-Kurzbach, from the 2013 Canadian silver medal women&#39;s quad, had to battle with Denmark&#39;s top sculling boat. These are the four crews that qualified for Sunday&#39;s final.</p> <p> Going out hard at the start did not pay off for the Netherlands2 boat of Olivier Siegelaar in the repechage of the men&#39;s single sculls. After 1500m Siegelaar stopped rowing. This gave the rest of the crews the opportunity of racing in Sunday&#39;s final. Mindaugas Griskonis of Lithuania had the fastest time with Netherlands3, China and Australia2 also going to the final.</p> <p> Olympic title aside, Mirka Knapkova of the Czech Republic found herself coming third in the repechage of the women&#39;s single sculls after two Chinese scullers stormed to first and second. Jingli Duan was first in a very respectable time of 7:34 and Yan Jiang was second and just a fraction of a second ahead of Knapkova. China3, Weiwei Zhu also qualified for the final. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T8257" src="/uploads/files/b7ca4390edd2530fd1cf5f2b33203043.JPG"></figure> <p> Hats off to Hong Kong&#39;s Kwong Wing Chow and Chiu Mang Tang. They won the repechage of the lightweight men&#39;s single sculls when they got the better of Australia2 of William and Timothy Day to finish first. These are the two boats that will contest the final on Sunday.</p> <p> Sunday&#39;s finals begin at 8:32 (Sydney time) on 30 March 2014.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11442 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11442"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Australia strong in Sydney World Cup heats</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 31, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> Today saw World Champions being showed up with the Dutch men&#39;s four finishing second to a storming Australian crew. Australia did it again in the women&#39;s double sculls when they beat World Champions Lithuania to the line.</p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Pair (M2-) &#8211; Race for Lanes</strong><em></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T7303" src="/uploads/files/8ccb25ce3603e3bd4abe36981c32b297.JPG"></figure> <p></em></p> <div> &nbsp;The 2013 bronze medallists, Rogier Blink and Mitchel Steenman of the Netherlands showed that they were the crew to beat. The Dutch took the lead over New Zealand&#39;s Thomas Murray and Alex Kennedy. Murray and Kennedy come from the 2013 under-23 World Champion men&#39;s eight, which they will also be racing at this regatta. Murray and Kennedy held on to the leading Dutch but did not have enough push to get their boat out in front. Blink and Steenman will race in Sunday&#39;s final with the confidence of knowing they can beat the other crews in this field.</p> <p> <em>Results: NED1, NZL, CHN2, CHN1, AUS</em></div> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s Pair (W2-) &ndash; Heats</strong><br /> New Zealand took bronze in the women&#39;s pair at last year&#39;s World Championships. Rebecca Scown was in the boat. For Sydney, Scown has a new partner, former Olympic quad sculler Louise Trappitt, and they raced in <strong>Heat One</strong>. The duo, continuing on from an impressive result in their country&#39;s recent time trials, dominated the field. Scown and Trappitt will go to Sunday&#39;s final in a centre lane and the potential favourites.</p> <p> In <strong>Heat Two</strong> Christine Roper and Ashley Brzozowicz of Canada led the way to have an easy win. Both Roper and Brzozowicz come from Canada&#39;s top ranking women&#39;s eight and if they stay in the pair for this season they will be a crew to watch. The Canadians now join New Zealand in the final. All other crews will return to race the repechage on Saturday.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: NZL, CAN</em></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight Men&#39;s Single Sculls (LM1x) &#8211; Heats</strong><br /> In <strong>Heat One</strong> Tiexin Wang took off like a rocket and never looked back. Wang has quite a rowing pedigree behind him having rowed internationally in many boat classes, including the open men&#39;s double sculls and the lightweight men&#39;s double sculls as well as the lightweight men&#39;s four at the London 2012 Olympic Games. At the end Wang had recorded the fastest qualifying time and also formed a huge margin over the rest of the field who will now need to race in Saturday&#39;s repechage.</p> <p> Richard Coakley of Australia made easy work of <strong>Heat Two</strong>. This looks good for the final for Coakley who is rowing for Australia for the first time. Coakley was part of the Irish lightweight four at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: CHN, AUS1</em></p> <p> <strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T7459" src="/uploads/files/27eaf4ebd876b9e1646f60d2dc154f7f.JPG"></figure> <p>Lightweight Women&#39;s Single Sculls (LW1x) &#8211; Heats</strong></p> <p> With 12 boats entered this is one of the more popular boat classes for Sydney. The winner only from each of the two heats qualified directly to the finals and in <strong>Heat One</strong> it was Wenyi Huang that earned the spot. Huang is the London 2012 Olympic Games silver medallist from the lightweight women&#39;s double sculls and one of China&#39;s top scullers at present. All other crews have to return for Saturday&#39;s repechage.</p> <p> Despite Huang&#39;s Olympic medal skill, it was fellow-team mate, Dandan Pan (CHN3) who recorded the fastest qualifying time. Pan won <strong>Heat Two</strong> in a time of 7:57. Pan last rowed internationally in the open women&#39;s double sculls and she will now face Huang in the final on Sunday. This final is likely to be a crowd favourite when these two scullers go head to head.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: CHN1, CHN3</em></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Four (M4-) &ndash; Race for Lanes</strong><br /> This race did not bring medals, but it brought a lot more for the crews on the water. For Australia, it was not only about taking on the World Champions, the Netherlands, but also about proving to Australian selectors that they had got it right (or wrong) when picking the crews.</p> <p> The Netherlands has had to change one member of their World Champion crew, with Vincent van der Want stepping into the boat. At the start Australia1 got into the lead and remained there for the entire race. A slow start by the Dutch saw them playing catch-up, but they ran out of water with Australi</p> <p> a1 crossing the line in first. These crews will race for the medals on Sunday.<br /> <em>Results: AUS1, NED, AUS4, NZL, AUS2, AUS3</em><br /> &nbsp;</p> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> <strong>Men&#39;s Double Sculls (M2x) &#8211; Race for Lanes</strong></div> <p><figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T7523" src="/uploads/files/ef5ca9ddb05060b45db3e91488b50b8a.JPG"></figure> </p> <div> Two of the medallists from the 2013 World Rowing Championships were here, but it was Australia1 of Girdlestone and Belonogoff that had the lead and held it to the end. Lithuania, who took silver in 2013 pushed past Italy (2013 bronze medallists) to take second. The real race will be the one for the medals on Sunday.</p> <p> <em>Results: AUS1, ITA, LTU, AUS2, DEN, USA</em></p> <p> <strong>Women&#39;s Double Sculls (W2x) &#8211; Heats</strong><br /> The crowd gave huge support to Olympia Aldersey and Sally Kehoe of Australia1 who raced to first in <strong>Heat One</strong>. This first gave them a win over World Champions Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite of Lithuania. The Lithuanian&#39;s did a huge push at the end and nearly caught Aldersey and Kehoe, but it was just a few strokes too late.</div> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Heat Two</strong> recorded a slower winning time than Heat One with Julia Lier and Mareike Adams of Germany2 having a relatively easy time of it against a hard-working Canadian boat.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: AUS1, GER2</em></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight Women&#39;s Double Sculls (LW2x) &#8211; Race for Lanes</strong><br /> Despite winning on this very same course a year ago, Julia Edward and Lucy Strack of New Zealand could not pull it off in today&#39;s race for lanes. Instead it was Ella Flecker and Georgia Nesbitt of Australia1 who showed the way. Times, however, were close and it will definitely be a great final on Sunday.<br /> <em>Results: AUS1, NZL, AUS2, CZE</em></p> <p> <strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T7639" src="/uploads/files/78d3f304af8c9f24d71b68ce9558d14f.JPG"></figure> <p></strong></p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Single Sculls (M1x) &ndash; Heats</strong></p> <p> The two heats in the men&#39;s single sculls saw Australia&#39;s Nicholas Purnell not only win <strong>Heat Two</strong> but also record the fastest qualifying time. Purnell moved into the single last year after spending the majority of his rowing career in team boats. His first place finish was over World Championship finallist, Mindaugas Griskonis of Lithuania. Griskonis, in second, will have to return for Saturday&#39;s repechage.</p> <div> In <strong>Heat One</strong> three Dutch crews took on Olympian Liang Zhang of China. Dirk Uittenbogaard of the Netherlands1 had the best race and will go directly to the final on Sunday.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: NED1, AUS1</em></p> <p> <strong>Women&#39;s Single Sculls (W1x) &#8211; Heats</strong><br /> This much anticipated boat class opened with two of the 2013 World Championship medallists facing each other. <strong>Heat One</strong> had Emma Twigg (NZL) and Mirka Knapkova (CZE) meeting for the first time this season. Twigg showed the form that indicated she is well primed following her national team trials. Taking off quickly at the start Twigg had open water over the rest of the field through the middle of the race. Knapkova, who sat in third for the first half of the race, then opened up a sprint at the end. Twigg, however, remained in the lead to qualify for Sunday&#39;s final.</p> <p> But the real highlight for this mainly Australian crowd was Kim Crow lining up in <strong>Heat Two</strong>. The reigning World Champion and London double Olympic medallist raced a crowd-pleasing race by leading from start to finish and recording the fastest qualifying time. The cheer for Crow at the finish is only an indication of what will be heard when she races in the final on Sunday.<br /> All other crews will get a second chance to make it to the final in Saturday&#39;s repechage.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: NZL, AUS</em></p> <p> <strong>Lightweight Men&#39;s Double Sculls (LM2x) &#8211; Heats</strong><br /> Last season Eleftherios Konsolas and Spyridon Giannaros of Greece showed that they were stepping up in the world of elite rowing. They finished the season off by winning the lightweight men&#39;s quadruple sculls at the World Championships after racing some of the season in the double. Today Konsolas and Giannaros made easy work of <strong>Heat One</strong> to finish first and qualify with the fastest time. In second, CHN1 also made it directly to the final.</p> <p> <strong>Heat Two</strong> saw a second crew qualify for the final. China2 of Hui Li and Deming Kong had to battle against Hong Kong and Australia1 before crossing the line in first. But the Chinese margin was tiny with Australia just 0.06 of a second back. These two crews go directly to the final.</p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: GRE, CHN1, CHN2, AUS1</em></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Quadruple Sculls (M4x) &#8211; Race for Lanes</strong><br /> China&#39;s young crew overtook a fast starting Australia2 to get in front. Australia2 did not seem too concerned amongst these three boats (Australia1 withdrew).&nbsp; In the final 250m China picked up their rating with Australia2 reacting back.<br /> In the last 50m Australia chose to let the Chinese go. China will now face Australia1 in the final along with the rest of the field.</p> <p> <em>Results: CHN, AUS2, RUS</em></p> <p> <strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T7922" src="/uploads/files/b4142c446f52cc30e28e3980f6fd6ca6.JPG"></figure> <p>Women&#39;s Quadruple Sculls (W4x) &#8211; Race for Lanes</strong></div> <div> Australia won this event last year at the Sydney World Rowing Cup and two of the crew have remained in the boat. But this year Australia was up against World Champions, Germany (with two changes to the crew).<br /> Germany had the lead at the start by little more than a bow ball and the two boats remained locked together through the middle of the race, with Poland close behind and very much on the pace. These three boats were still stroke-for-stroke&nbsp; coming into the final sprint. Australia and Germany then pushed away from Poland and in the charge for the line there was nothing in it.<br /> At the end Australia earned bragging rights by finishing just 0.16 of a second ahead of Germany.</p> <p> <em>Results: AUS, GER, POL, VIE</em></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Eight (M8+) &#8211; Race for Lanes</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T7970" src="/uploads/files/74b73e41892aeed758581ac68ac8d4c1.JPG"></figure> <p> Australia is focussing on the eight and they have put together a top boat. Just to prove their worth, the Australian number one boat took off in the lead. But there was very little in it at the start. Australia1 then managed to get a very slight lead over the Netherlands with New Zealand holding onto the pace.<br /> The Dutch showed their sprint and challenged for first. Australia1 tried to attack back, but the Netherlands had the lead.</p> <p> <em>Results: NED, AUS1, NZL, AUS2, CHN</em></div> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11445 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11445"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Twigg knocks off Crow in season opener</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 31, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> The women&#39;s single scull was not the only race to see the World Champions finish out of the gold medal spot. The women&#39;s double sculls, men&#39;s four and women&#39;s quadruple sculls all saw the best crews from 2013 change medal colour.</p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T8684" src="/uploads/files/f75b9fee0bd896a67482c856219defc4.JPG"><figcaption>Slovenia, the Netherlands and Canada compete in the repechage of the men&#8217;s quadruple sculls at the 2013 World Rowing Championships in Chungju, Korea.</figcaption></figure> <p><strong>Lightweight Men&#39;s Single Sculls (LM1x) &#8211; Final</strong><br /> Tiexin Wang of China led the entire race to pick up the gold medal. Wang was at the 2012 Olympic Games in the lightweight men&#39;s four, an event that second placed Richard Coakley of Australia1 raced in at the 2008 Olympics. This is Coakley&#39;s first season rowing for Australia as he formerly competed for Ireland.</p> <p> Coakley held on to Wang through the body of the race, but was under no threat for his silver medal spot and chose not to sprint the finish to challenge the Chinese leader. Wang held a high rating through the body of the race and was at 35 strokes per minute when he came into the finish. Jackson Harrison of Australia2 finished third.</p> <p> Credit must go to Linh Nguyen Van of Vietnam. Nguyen Van who comes from a small rowing development programme, won his repechage yesterday and was sitting in third place for most of this race. His fourth-place finish is credit to him and his coach.<br /> <em>Results: CHN, AUS1, AUS2, VIE, HKG2, VAN</em></p> <p> <span><span>Tiexin Wang &#8211; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;The rowing was maybe not as consistent for me because I have been training hard. I&rsquo;m going to be in France for the second World Rowing Cup.</p> <p> Richard Coakley &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;I knew the Wang (CHN) would be quick. The plan was to stay with him or move past but he was too quick today&rdquo;</p> <p> Jackson Harrison &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;I sort of knew my final place. I kept contact with the others for most of it. I took up the rate half a stroke and was able to push through at the end. It (overtaking 3rd) gave me a confidence boost at the end.&rdquo;</span></span></p> <p> <strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T8711" src="/uploads/files/0fda47458607871ab54231b6c26b5574.JPG"></figure> <p>Lightweight Women&#39;s Single Sculls (LW1x) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <p> This boat class was one of the best contested at this regatta and after coming through to the final by&nbsp; finishing well in their heats, it looked as if the three Chinese crews may be the ones to beat. After being silver medallist in the lightweight women&#39;s double sculls at the London 2012 Olympic Games, Wenyi Huang of China1 had the best pedigree.</p> <p> Huang did not disappoint and the sculler rowed her own race by starting off well within the pack before working her way up to the head of the field. Huang recorded nearly even splits throughout the race indicating her consistent boat speed.</p> <p> Dandan Pan of China3 came through into second after starting off at the back of the field while Miao Wang of China2 led for the first half of the race but was overtaken by both Pan and Huang in the third 500 of the race.<br /> <em>Results: CHN1, CHN3, CHN2, AUS1, AUS2, KOR1</em></p> <p> <span>Wenyi Huang &#8211; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;It was a good race. I tried my best. I like Australia; the air is good and it is very beautiful. I will go to Europe for the second World Rowing Cup.&rdquo;</p> <p> Dandan Pan &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;The race went according to plan. It was easy to adjust to the weather and to control my weight in the warm weather.&rdquo;</p> <p> Miao Wang &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &nbsp;&ldquo;I&rsquo;m very happy. We are a great team in China, we always train together.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Quadruple Sculls (M4x) &ndash; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="IMGL0262" src="/uploads/files/04c35b9af910ba605e597a78530d36a6.JPG"></figure> <p> In the race for lanes two days ago China took first. Australia1, however, did not race as members of the crew have also been competing in their country&#39;s national championships over the week of the Sydney International Rowing Regatta. Today Australia1 of Linke, Hudson, Girdlestone and Belonogoff took off in the lead and never looked back.</p> <p> China slotted into second with Australia2 doing their best to catch the two leading crews. Australia has regularly fared well in the men&#39;s quad but the top crew at this regatta is a brand new configuration of athletes. One thing is for sure, they are strong and they are ready to race.</p> <p> At the line Australia1 had held off China and China had held off Australia2 with Russia coming through at the back of the field.<br /> <em>Results: AUS1, CHN, AUS2, RUS</em></p> <p> <span>Nick Hudson &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;This is my return season after London. We didn&rsquo;t train together as a quad until yesterday- but there was this amazing feeling. We came into the race with this confidence. It&rsquo;s an honour to be picked in the Australian team and to have a world rowing cup on home ground. Winning the gold was perfect.&rdquo;</p> <p> Zhiyu Lui &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;The race went according to plan. The weather is very good for us and it was easy to acclimatise. We are looking forward to World Rowing Cup II in France.&rdquo;</p> <p> James McRae&nbsp; &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;It&rsquo;s a bit more familiar to me (being in the quad). I tried something a bit different for a while, but it&rsquo;s good to be back in a team.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Women&#39;s Quadruple Scull (W4x) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T8774" src="/uploads/files/3d4e9a3a0ff3d1d8e523101bf1d47f4e.JPG"></figure> <p> In the race for lanes two days ago Australia finished first. Australia won the quad at last year&#39;s Sydney World Cup, but have brought together a new crew for this season. This crew includes three-time Olympian Kerry Hore. Hore medalled at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and had remained a regular in the quad for much of her rowing career.</p> <p> At the start Germany had the lead. The Germans are the reigning World Champions, but have had two changes to the crew since their 2013 win. They were second in the race for lanes and today they did their best by getting out to an early lead. A push by the Australians around the 700m mark put Germany into second. The German&#39;s, however, were not giving up and went through the middle of the race neck-and-neck with Australia.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> Australia did just enough to stay ahead of Germany and control the race to finish first. Hore, Hall, Edmunds and Cleary looked very relieved at the finish while Germany looked exhausted. Poland came in third with Vietnam, made up of lightweight rowers, coming through in fourth.<br /> <em>Results: AUS, GER, POL, VIE</em></p> <p> <span>Jessica Hall &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;It went exactly to plan. We were committed to each other especially through the middle. Selection for the World Championships is in 3 weeks and we want to stay together as a quad. We have a really good dynamic. We knew if we could beat Germany it would put us in good stead going forward. They are definitely the ones to beat.&rdquo;</p> <p> Marie-Catherine Arnold &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We hoped to push from the middle (of the race), then the Australians went past but we couldn&rsquo;t close the gap.&rdquo;</p> <p> Magdalena Fularczyk &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;We always train in Europe. We came over a week or two ago. The weather here is good. It feels hot because in Poland it&rsquo;s still below zero.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Pair (M2-) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T8818" src="/uploads/files/28d5ddb1df11fc3b669a540e74e38f6b.JPG"><figcaption>Andrew Campbell Jr of the United States after winning the A-final of the under 23 lightweight men&#8217;s single sculls at the 2013 World Rowing Under 23 Championships in Linz-Ottensheim, Austria.</figcaption></figure> <p> Don&#39;t ask Thomas Murray and Alex Kennedy of New Zealand about their compatriots and dominators of the men&#39;s pair, Eric Murray and Hamish Bond. Thomas Murray is not related and the pair is not the boat they will be rowing this season. Murray and Kennedy are part of the New Zealand under-23 men&#39;s eight who will race later today and the pair is more of a training boat for them.</p> <p> With that Murray and Kennedy showed their skill in the pair by slotting into second behind last year&#39;s bronze medallists in the pair, Rogier Blink and Mitchel Steenman of the Netherlands. Blink and Steenman rated an aggressive 42 at the start and were already in the lead by the 100m mark.</p> <p> For the rest of the race Blink and Steenman, who have been based and training in Australia for the past seven weeks, slowly moved away from the New Zealanders. This turned the race into a procession as China2 (Zengxin Yang and Dongjian Li) slotted just a bit back into third. China2, though, had to keep an eye out for China1 who weren&rsquo;t far behind.</p> <p> Blink and Steenman looked comfortable at 35 while Kennedy and Murray were at 37 in the final sprint and looked shorter through the water. The order did not change with the Netherlands scoring the gold medal.<br /> <em>Results: NED, NZL, CHN2, CHN1, AUS</em></p> <p> <span>Mitchel Steenman &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;It has been a good experience coming to Australia. We have been here for 7 weeks. We had 2 races at the Australian Championships and 2 races here at the World Rowing Cup. It was good having the racing at the end of a long training camp because it helps with the boredom.&rdquo;</p> <p> Thomas Murray &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We wanted to be closer to the Dutch, but they were too strong.&rdquo;</p> <p> Dongjian Li &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;We trained really hard here with the other teams. We really enjoyed training here in Sydney and it&rsquo;s a great start to our season to have medal.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Women&#39;s Pair (W2-) &ndash; Final</strong><br /> The top boats coming through from Friday&#39;s heats were New Zealand&#39;s Louise Trappitt and Rebecca Scown and Canada1 of Christine Roper and Ashley Brzozowicz. Roper and Brzozowicz come from Canada&#39;s bronze medal World Championship eight, while Scown has been in New Zealand&#39;s women&#39;s pair since 2009, notching up an Olympic bronze medal along the way. Trappitt is new to the pair this year.</p> <p> At the start Canada1 took the lead with Scown and Trappitt in second. Coming through the 750m mark, Scown and Trappitt got the lead and it seemed to knock Canada off their game. As the Canadian&#39;s slipped back, the Canada2 boat of Natalie Mastracci and Susanne Grainger as well as Min Zhang and Tian Miao of China1 closed on Canada1.</p> <p> With 500m left, Zhang and Miao were in second place with Mastracci and Grainger following in third. Meanwhile Scown and Trappitt, moving away at the head of the field, had taken full ownership of this race.<br /> <em>Results: NZL, CHN1, CAN2, CAN1, USA</em></p> <p> <span>Louise Trappitt &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;It is our first international race in the pair, so it was good to come out with the win. We have been selected through to the World Championships.&rdquo;</p> <p> Min Zhang &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We tried our best and we are very happy. We train all year in warm weather so it hasn&rsquo;t been a problem&rdquo;.</p> <p> Natalie Mastracci &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;Training is back and forth all the time with our teammates. It was really good to race against them and the other competitors. It makes it feel like home.&rdquo;</span><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Four (M4-) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T8947" src="/uploads/files/663fd82f140948e81a100e5b0aab32c8.JPG"><figcaption>The French men&#8217;s eight rowing in the first 250m of the race for lanes at the 2013 World Rowing Cup II in Eton Dorney, Great Britain</figcaption></figure> <p> This race grabbed the interest of the crowd. The World Champions (the Netherlands) and the world silver medallists (Australia) were racing. Australia1 had the early lead with the crew of Moore, Hill, Turrin and Lloyd leading the way. The Dutch, who have had two changes to their World Champion boat, came out at the start a bit slower and sat in third behind Australia&#39;s second crew.</p> <p> Going through the middle of the race Australia still owned the top two positions, but both boats must have been wary of the Dutch sprint that brought them to gold at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships. With that knowledge Australia1 and Australia2 led the field into the final sprint. Then the Dutch began to push. Their winter training had done nothing to harm that big push and Australia2 could not hold them off.</p> <p> At the line Australia1, rating 37, remained in control, the Dutch took second and Australia2 were third.<br /> <em>Results: AUS1, NED, AUS2, NZL, AUS3, AUS4</em></p> <p> <span>Alex Lloyd &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;We knew we had to get out to a quick start to get ahead of the Netherlands because they come home strong. There are a lot of guys vying for just 4 spots in the crew and it shows in the standard of the fours in the race today. We are lucky we get to row with people we enjoy hanging around with.&rdquo;</p> <p> Vincent Van Der Want &#8211; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve been here for 7 weeks. This has been a wonderful race at the end of our time in Australia in perfect weather. I&rsquo;m new in the crew so we&rsquo;re still building our foundations. We&rsquo;re going home for the Netherlands nationals and The Holland Bakker race.&rdquo;</p> <p> Joshua Dunkley-Smith &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;Right at the beginning we did badly and it went bad for the rest of the race. The trials are in a few weeks it will be good to start training again soon to prepare.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T9005" src="/uploads/files/4135b505ce9ac2365d235cf8d211cfda.JPG"></figure> <p>Lightweight Men&#39;s Double Sculls (LM2x) &ndash; Final</strong></p> <p> The heats two days ago showed that Eleftherios Konsolas and Spyridon Giannaros of Greece had very good boat speed and that they would be the crew to beat. They rated 43 out of the blocks and got their boat in front by the 200m mark. This is rather unusual in the lightweight double where very tight races are common.</p> <p> China1 of Xiaoxiong Li and Tianfeng Dong followed in second holding a tight race with the rest of the field. By the middle of the race Konsolas and Giannaros had broken away from the field and were rowing their own race out in front. The Greeks won the lightweight men&#39;s quad last year after spending most of the season on the double.</p> <p> Coming through to the last 500m Li and Dong remained in a tight fight with Perry Ward and Adam Kachyckyj of Australia1 and China&#39;s second boat. Li and Dong sprinted hard to hold on to second and close the gap on Greece. Australia1, rating 41 at the finish, earned the third place spot.<br /> <em>Results: GRE, CHN1, AUS1, CHN2, HKG1, AUS2</em></p> <p> <span>Eleftherios Konsolas &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;It was a hard race, we got out at the start but the others, especially China and Australia, closed in the last 500 meters. I got a kangaroo shaved into the back of my head in Athens- I had to show the guy a picture of what a kangaroo looks like.&rdquo;</p> <p> Tianfeng Dong &ndash; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;The race went as planned. The middle of the race wasn&rsquo;t great but we had a good start and a good finish. The weather has been great for training.&rdquo;</p> <p> Adam Kachycky &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;We tussled the whole way with the two other Chinese teams. We are still fatigued from the interstate (regatta) yesterday.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T8959" src="/uploads/files/fc217e4d27630d9f4d0f3aedcb9b9130.JPG"></figure> <p>Lightweight Women&#39;s Double Sculls (LW2x) &ndash; Final</strong></p> <p> The race for lanes two days ago saw Australia1 of Ella Flecker and Georgia Nesbitt finish first. Today was a very different story. The experienced Hannah Every-Hall and her partner Maia Simmonds of Australia2 got out in front and never looked back.</p> <p> Every-Hall and Simmonds finished third in the race for lanes, but they must have been holding something up their sleeve for today. By the middle of the race Every-Hall and Simmonds had a boat length over New Zealand and Australia1, who were vying for the silver medal spot. Every-Hall and Simmonds were definitely giving something for the Australian selectors to think about as they remained the dominant boat in this race.</p> <p> Strack and Edward did a big push and got ahead of Flecker and Nesbitt. In the final sprint Every-Hall and Simmonds remained on fire and looked to have another gear, rating up to 35. Strack and Edward were at 37, while Flecker and Nesbitt, at 33, look tired. Every-Hall and Simmonds won.<br /> <em>Results: AUS2, NZL, AUS1, CZE, KOR1, KOR2</em></p> <p> <span>Hannah Every-Hall &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;The race was just fun. This was the first year I&rsquo;ve come back and it is hard work, but I&rsquo;ve just wanted to make it fun and Maia helped make it fun and that was the key. With the Australian Nationals during the week- we just wanted to build towards this race and so we just did just enough to get through some races. My husband is the reason I&rsquo;m still here. He believes in me more than I believe in myself I think and he makes everything possible.&rdquo;</p> <p> Lucy Strack &ndash; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve been working on things in the summer that we wanted to put into play in this regatta and we know what we want to work on when we go home.&rdquo;</p> <p> Ella Flecker &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;It was good to have a few races leading up to this. We had nationals on Wednesday and Saturday. We both did really well in the Victoria Cup and it was nice to follow that up with this.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Double Sculls (M2x) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T9024" src="/uploads/files/24cf04ad045ed1b57630394549f4a442.JPG"></figure> <p> After a false start all crews got away cleanly with Italy&#39;s Francesco Fossi and Romano Battisti rating 42 to get their bow ball in front. But last year&#39;s silver medallists, Lithuania (Rolandas Mascinskas and Saulius Ritter) were holding on and they got to the first 500m mark first by keeping their stroke rate at 38. It looked like they had no intention of settling and they remained at a high rating through to the 1000m mark.</p> <p> Fossi and Battisti, who are the 2013 World Championship bronze medallists, realised that they would have to rate high to stay in the medals and they followed the Lithuanian lead. Coming through in third was Australia1 of Cameron Girdlestone and Alexander Belonogoff. Girdlestone and Belonogoff had already won gold earlier in the day in the men&#39;s quadruple sculls.</p> <p> As these crews came into the final sprint, Lithuania proved that they still had something left for the finish. Rating 40, Mascinskas and Ritter remained out in front leaving a huge battle to go on between Australia1 and Italy. The Australians had the better sprint and snatched the silver medal out of Italy&#39;s hands.<br /> <em>Results: LTU, AUS1, ITA, USA, AUS2, DEN</em></p> <p> <span>Rolandas Mascinskas &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;It was a good race, a good first step towards the World Championships. We are a little bit jet-lagged, we&rsquo;ve only been here 3 days and so it&rsquo;s like rowing in the night-time. Now, in Lithuania, we have pretty top level men&rsquo;s and woman&rsquo;s double sculls. It used to be always 8s and 4s for the last 120 years but now it seems to be all about doubles.&rdquo;</p> <p> Alexander &ldquo;Sasha&rdquo; Belonogoff &ndash; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We had a good field. Our goal was to give our best performance. We&rsquo;ve been rowing together for one month and this was good preparation for the future.&rdquo;</p> <p> Francesco Fossi &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;Our next international race will be in Italy at Piedoluco at the Memoria d&rsquo;Aloja. This is our first race of the year. We didn&rsquo;t do as well as we hoped but it&rsquo;s a good start to the year.&rdquo;</span><br /> &nbsp;<br /> <strong>Women&#39;s Double Sculls (W2x) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="IMGL0385" src="/uploads/files/fc882710b6b0fe046ff81a0e8c635e50.JPG"></figure> <p> Denmark got out very quickly, but by the first 500m mark the Australia1 boat of Olympia Aldersey and Sally Kehoe was in the lead. Kehoe won the junior single back in 2003 and has been plugging away on the senior team ever since. Aldersey comes to the double from racing in the women&#39;s quad in 2013. The duo settled into a 35 stroke rate pace to hold the lead.</p> <p> Sitting in second was Julia Lier and Mareike Adams of Germany2, they are both part of Germany&#39;s very successful women&#39;s sculling squad. This pushed the World Champions, Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite of Lithuania into third. The Lithuanians did not have the fastest of starts, but they are well known for their ability to find a bit more speed at the finish, so the race was far from over.</p> <p> With 300m left to row Kehoe and Aldersey lifted their rating knowing that the Lithuanians would be coming. And they did. Vistartaite and Valciukaite were sprinting at 41 and had already overtaken Lier and Adams, but they had a long way to go to catch Australia.</p> <p> Kehoe and Aldersey got there first, with Vistartaite and Valciukaite taking second, and Lier and Adams in third. Another World Champion crew had been beaten.<br /> <em>Results:AUS1, LTU, GER2, GER1, CAN, DEN</em></p> <p> <span>Olympia Aldersey &ndash; GOLD<br /> &ldquo;Last year&rsquo;s results were a bit of a surprise, this year we&rsquo;re rowing a different boat, but we tried to bring the same mentality. Sally Kehoe has been really great; she been giving me good advice and I&rsquo;ve learned a lot from her. Having Kim (Crow) has been good for women&rsquo;s sculling in Australia. She&rsquo;s the world&rsquo;s best and we use her achievements as a benchmark. Kim is really supportive and is always encouraging us to get as close to her results as possible.&rdquo;</p> <p> Donata Vistartaite &ndash; SILVER<br /> &ldquo;We are a little disappointed about not winning because everyone wants to win, but this is our first race so it&rsquo;s not too bad to get second. We arrived Wednesday and we&rsquo;ve had one training session on the water and we are still jetlagged.&rdquo;</p> <p> Mareike Adams &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &ldquo;The race went perfectly; it went exactly according to plan. It was exactly how we practiced it. It&rsquo;s great to be here, Australia is very beautiful.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Single Sculls (M1x) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T9133" src="/uploads/files/b15cd287b5e219f47d1f96cd20e4d70e.JPG"></figure> <p> Mindaugas Griskonis of Lithuania looked to have the highest rating at the start, but it was not enough to get him into the lead. Instead it was Nicholas Purnell of Australia1 and Dirk Uittenbogaard of Netherlands1 who led the way.</p> <p> Purnell was Australia&#39;s single sculler for the first time in 2013 and through his career he has raced in a variety of boats, but it looked as if Purnell had gone out too hard. By the middle of the race Purnell was visibly fading leaving Uittenbogaard to take over the lead.</p> <p> Uittenbogaard was rowing beautifully. He comes from his country&#39;s quad and his long flowing strokes looked like they would sustain him for many more kilometres. Rhys Grant of Australia2 and Griskonis then put in the most effort to chase Uittenbogaard. But the Dutch man was unstoppable.</p> <p> In the sprint for the finish Uittenbogaard remained in front with Griskonis pushing past Grant who was at 43 strokes per minute. China&#39;s Liang Zhang started to move in the sprint and had just enough energy to put pressure on the leaders. These results may surprise.<br /> <em>Results: NED1, LTU, CHN, AUS2, NED3, AUS1</em></p> <p> <span>Dirk Uittenbogaard &ndash; GOLD<br /> &quot;This is my second 2km of the year. The first was the heat. We had training camp for 7 weeks before this and I think that was the best preparation. I love the nature here in Australia. For us it feels like the amazon, there&#39;s so much wildlife.&rdquo;</p> <p> Mindaugas Griskonis &ndash; SILVER<br /> &quot;I arrived on Wednesday so I&#39;m still very jet lagged. It&rsquo;s been difficult to adjust. The weather is great and Australia is very beautiful.&rdquo;</p> <p> Zhang Liang&nbsp; &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &quot;I started training very early in winter to prepare for this competition. I&rsquo;m very satisfied with my result today.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Women&#39;s Single Sculls (W1x) &ndash; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T9170" src="/uploads/files/2d6572c11081ed474daabf77568cd731.JPG"></figure> <p> This race was nothing short of the race of the regatta. World Champion Kim Crow has become the darling of Australian rowing after having Olympic success in 2012 and winning all of her races in 2013. Today Crow faced the silver and bronze medallists from 2013 &#8211; Emma Twigg of New Zealand and Mirka Knapkova of the Czech Republic.</p> <p> Crow decided to take full charge of the race at took off at a cracking pace. By 350m Crow already had clear water on the rest of the field and a two length lead by 500m. This must have given her a huge psychological advantage as she continued to move away from Twigg in second.</p> <p> Knapkova never really featured in the heats two days ago and had to race a repechage yesterday. Occasionally suffering from back problems, it looked like Knapkova was not racing at full power.<br /> Coming into the last 500m Crow still had a handy lead. With 350m to go, Twigg started her burst as she tried to close the gap on Crow. Rating 36, then up to 39, Twigg was moving closer to the leader with every stroke. Crow, at 34, looked like she was running out of steam but she still had the lead. Twigg moved closer and closer and on the very last stroke Twigg overtook Crow to win gold.</p> <p> Watch interview here: <a href=";">;</a></p> <p> <em>Results:NZL, AUS, CHN1, CZE, CHN2, CHN3</em></p> <p> <span>Emma Twigg &ndash; GOLD<br /> &quot;It&#39;s a great feeling to be first across the line, there&#39;s nothing like a bit of trans-Tasman rivalry. I felt that (Kim) was tiring in the last 1000m so I had a go.&rdquo;</p> <p> Kim Crow &ndash; SILVER<br /> &quot;It was a good race. I went out hard and came home well, a good tough race.&rdquo;</p> <p> Jingli Duan &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &quot;I&#39;m very satisfied about how my race turned out. I&rsquo;m very confident about my future races.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> <strong>Men&#39;s Eight (M8+) &#8211; Final</strong></p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T9254" src="/uploads/files/8abe469e2db66517284780799aec8c39.JPG"></figure> <p> Australia wrapped up a very successful regatta with a win in the men&#39;s eight. The smooth looking crew got out to the lead at the start and never really gave the Netherlands any room to catch up. New Zealand, from the back of the field, came through in a gallant effort and overtook Australia2 to win the bronze, with the Netherlands having to settle for silver.<br /> Results:AUS1, NED, NZL AUS2, CHN</p> <p> <span>David Webster (cox) &ndash; GOLD<br /> &quot;Considering we&#39;ve only rowed the 8 twice it was a great effort from the boys especially backing up after a long week. We did what we needed to do up against a good Dutch crew&quot;.</p> <p> Peter Wiersum (cox) &#8211; SILVER<br /> &quot;It was a hard race and the Australians were solid. We had great training here and the great weather helps. Next we&#39;re going to Belgrade for the European Championships&quot;.</p> <p> Caleb Shepherd (cox) &#8211; BRONZE<br /> &quot;This is a whole new level compared to the under-23 world champs &#8211; this is the elite. The principals are the same, but we really just had to push the standard. Now we&#39;re going to get ready for World Cup in Lucerne and the next under-23 world champs.&rdquo;</span></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11444 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11444"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Season opener sees World Champions struggle</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 31, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> The headline race, the women&#8217;s single sculls, had all three 2013 World Champion medallists racing against each other with Emma Twigg of New Zealand turning it into a nail-biting finish. Current World Champion Kim Crow of Australia had a clear lead for the majority of the race, but a closing sprint by Twigg saw the New Zealander win on the final stroke. Twigg&#8217;s time of 7:25 was the closest time of the day to the World Cup Best Time.</p> <p> Another World Champion boat fell when Olympia Aldersey and Sally Kehoe of Australia won the women&#8217;s double sculls. World Champions, Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite of Lithuania closed on the Australians at the end of the race but had to accept the silver medal. Lithuania fared better in the men&#8217;s double sculls with Rolandas Mascinskas and Saulius Ritter finishing first over Australia and Italy.</p> <p> The World Champion Dutch men&#8217;s four ended up in second after 2013 silver medallists, Australia rowed a solid race from the head of the field to take first place honours. The crew of Angus Moore, Alexander Hill, Spencer Turrin and Alexander Lloyd will be a crew to watch this season. Many of the Australian rowers also took part in a week of racing at the Sydney International regatta course that included the country&#8217;s national championships.</p> <p> Despite being World Champions in the women&#8217;s quadruple sculls, Germany rowed to second behind Australia. Germany had two changes to the 2013 winning crew and they could not match the speed of Australia who led for the entire race.</p> <p> Australia made the most of their home course advantage to take medals in nine of the 14 finals. Of these medals, six were gold, two were silver and one was bronze. This gave Australia the top spot on the World Rowing Cup medals table with 72 points. New Zealand followed in second place with 37 points. New Zealand&#8217;s success included two gold medals. two silvers and a bronze. China finished just one point behind New Zealand with 36 points. The Chinese success included three silver and three bronze medals.</p> <p> For full results, click <em><strong><a href="">here</a></strong></em>.<br /> To watch videos of the races, click <em><strong><a href="">here</a></strong></em>.<br /> For a full race report., click <em><strong><a>here</a></strong></em>.</p> <p> The World Rowing Cup series was launched in 1997 and consists of a series of three events. The overall World Rowing Cup winners are determined after the third event. The next World Rowing Cup will be in Aiguebelette (FRA) from 20-22 June and the final World Rowing Cup of the season will be in Lucerne (SUI), 11-13 July 2014.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11446 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11446"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Boys in the New Zealand men&#8217;s eight boat</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 29, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> Kennedy and pair partner Tom Murray are representing New Zealand in the men&rsquo;s pair at the 2014 World Rowing Cup in Sydney, Australia. But when asked about their goals in the pair, both are coy. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T7296" src="/uploads/files/86f1fc05ce863ce8e652e616c7c093a7.JPG"></figure> <p> &ldquo;I think they (Bond and Murray) have got a pretty good hold, so it&rsquo;s not a short term goal for us, but it is in the back of my mind that they have to retire eventually. The pair is one of my favourite boats in rowing, so for now I&rsquo;m enjoying the opportunity,&rdquo; says Murray.</p> <p> Kennedy and Murray&#39;s main focus in Sydney is the men&rsquo;s eight. The eight came together at the beginning of the 2013 international season when coach Ian Wright sat them down and asked them to write down their age, indoor rowing time, height and best rowing result. &ldquo;He collected the papers and said, &lsquo;right, we are going to be the weakest, smallest, youngest boat at the under-23 championships, so I am going to work you really, really hard.&rsquo; And that&rsquo;s what we did,&rdquo; says Kennedy.</p> <p> The boat first raced internationally at last year&rsquo;s World Rowing Cup in Sydney, just two weeks after coming together. &ldquo;We got beat. From then on, we decided we didn&rsquo;t want to lose anymore,&rdquo; Kennedy says.&nbsp; The nine of them put their heads down and continued training. &ldquo;We rowed as many kilometres as we could. Getting to the very bottom of what you can do, it really brings you together.&rdquo;</p> <p> It worked. The New Zealand men&rsquo;s eight stormed through the finish line at the World Rowing Under 23 Championships in first place. The line-up has stayed exactly the same and they are back again this year to compete at the first World Rowing Cup.</p> <p> &ldquo;The Dutch eight is here and the Australian eight is really strong, so we would like to see how we compare,&rdquo; says Kennedy. The eight will approach this season similar to last year, using every race as an opportunity to prove themselves.</p> <p> Kennedy and Murray were both formerly rugby players who tried to juggle both sports before switching to rowing full time. &ldquo;I loved rugby,&rdquo; says Murray, &ldquo;but the rowing coaches wouldn&rsquo;t let up. I&rsquo;ve never been the most powerful, but I just try to take everything the coaches say and row technically the best I can.&rdquo;</p> <p> Kennedy says that he was inspired by Rob Waddell and the Evers-Swindell twins, who &ldquo;really changed rowing in New Zealand.&rdquo; </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T7960" src="/uploads/files/37fad21664c3ede17916557604200252.JPG"></figure> <p> Kennedy and Murray will compete in the A-final of the men&rsquo;s pair 30 March at 9:28 (Sydney time) and the men&rsquo;s eight just two hours later.</p> <p> The young Kiwi men&rsquo;s eight will compete again later this year at the second and third World Rowing Cups and the World Rowing Under 23 Championships. This group of nine who get along in what they call &ldquo;controlled chaos&rdquo; will set their sights on the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. &nbsp;</p> <p> Follow the Kiwi eight on Facebook <em><strong><a href="">here</a></strong></em>.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11447 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11447"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Brothers in coxing</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 29, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p><figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_Q7T7272" src="/uploads/files/952936fe7276b4ecd3d4a214297da6cf.JPG"></figure> <p>The two Australians have both coxed internationally and have both been selected to represent Australia in 2014. David will have the reins of the men&#39;s eight, while Tim is steering the lightweight men&#39;s eight and men&#39;s coxed pair.</p> <p> Three years older than Tim, David took up rowing first when he was in high school. &quot;I wanted to boss people around and I was pretty decent from the start,&quot; says David.</p> <p> &quot;I followed in David&#39;s footsteps,&quot; says Tim. &quot;I was already around so much because of David.&quot;</p> <p> The step up to the national team is about getting results and being noticed. David, 26, first made the national team in 2009 when he coxed the under-23 men&#39;s eight to a fourth-place finish. He then moved up to the senior team as cox of the lightweight men&#39;s eight and men&#39;s coxed pair. This earned David two World Championship titles and two silver medals. In 2012 David went up against Toby Lister to cox the Olympic men&#39;s eight. Lister won out leaving David with a drive to be the cox for Rio 2016. In 2013 David moved one step closer by making it into the seat of the senior men&#39;s eight.</p> <p> Following a similar path, Tim also started out coxing the men&#39;s eight at the World Rowing Under-23 Championships, a couple of years after David.&nbsp; Tim&#39;s crew were seventh. The following year the under-23 crew steered by Tim won bronze. Last year Tim made the senior team and joined David at the World Rowing Championships, coxing the lightweight men&#39;s eight to a silver medal.</p> <p> At the Sydney World Rowing Cup, Tim is coxing the Australian men&#39;s eight second boat while David is coxing the first Australian eight.</p> <p> Tim readily admits that David has more experience and with both of them based at the same rowing centre, Victoria Institute of Sport (VIS) in Melbourne, they keep an eye on what each other are doing. They have rowing scholarships and both are studying at university. Also at VIS is women&#39;s coxswain Lizzy Patrick, and the three of them often get together to &ldquo;talk coxing.&rdquo;</p> <p> &quot;We do a peer review amongst ourselves,&quot; says Tim. &quot;A lot of focus is put on the athletes and the coxswains are a second thought,&quot; says David. &quot;The coach pushes all of us to get the best out of ourselves and Tim keeps me and Lizzy on our toes.&quot;</p> <p> David and Tim readily talk rowing with each other, but when they&#39;re both home for a family dinner their mother has set a rule to try and minimise the rowing talk. &quot;She loves rowing, but the ins and outs get a bit boring,&quot; says David. &quot;It&#39;s good to have a break and talk about normal stuff.&quot;</p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="_Q7T7963 small" src="/uploads/files/9263f2c061ae9ca2776477d31c7b8561.jpg"></figure> <p> So are the brothers constantly trying to knock each other out of the coxswain&#39;s seat? The response is respectful. Tim readily admits that David has the greater experience and, &quot;is ranked above me.&quot; But for the Rio Olympics the brothers are likely to be going head-to-head to make the men&#39;s eight boat.</p> <p> &quot;Coming so close to (getting to go to) London and missing out, I now want to stay in the boat and go all of the way to Rio,&quot; says David.</p> <p> &quot;I&#39;m going to push him for a spot for Rio,&quot; says Tim, &quot;and I&#39;m also aiming for Tokyo (2020).&quot;</p> <p> &quot;You&#39;ve got to be confident in your skills especially if others are coming,&quot; says David. &quot;You&#39;ve got to back yourself and you&#39;ve got to fight tooth and nail to hold onto the seat.&quot;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11448 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-para-rowing" id="post-11448"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Para-Rowing</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Olympic and Paralympic qualification systems confirmed for Rio</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 27, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> The changes made from the London 2012 Olympic qualification system reflect FISA&#39;s attention to the major principles of the Olympic Games &#8211; excellence, universality and gender equity. The resulting qualification system is a reflection of these principles and sees the female participation rate increase as well as opportunities for increased universality.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p> The number and type of boat classes and total number of quota places remain the same, as directed by the IOC. The modifications are the number of boats allocated in each of the 14 Olympic boat classes. The number of boats for women has been increased in the women&#39;s single sculls, pair, double sculls and lightweight double sculls. To accommodate these increases, the number of boats for men has been reduced in the men&#39;s single sculls, quadruple sculls and eight.</p> <p> In addition, and in line with the IOC and FISA&rsquo;s principle of universality, Oceania has been added to the Asian Continental Olympic Qualification Regatta. Oceania includes the island nations of the southern Pacific but excludes Australia and New Zealand. At this qualification regatta, the number of boats qualifying in the men&#39;s single sculls will increase by one and the number of boats qualifying in the women&#39;s single sculls will increase by two. &nbsp;</p> <p> There will also be a European Continental Olympic Qualification Regatta and this regatta includes the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in addition to European nations. This regatta will be held in conjunction with the Final Olympic Qualification Regatta which is open to all nations.</p> <p> FISA president Denis Oswald says that the changes in the Olympic qualification system move rowing closer to the goal of equality for men and women as well as achieve greater participation at the Olympic regatta for more National Olympic Committees around the world.</p> <p> &ldquo;It is very important for our sport to grasp the Olympic ideals of greater universality and equal opportunity. With our new qualification system, we are moving in the right direction.&rdquo; &nbsp;</p> <p> Qualification for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games begins next year at the 2015 World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette (FRA). For the Olympics, this will be followed by FISA Continental Olympic Qualification regattas and Final Olympic Qualification Regatta in Lucerne (SUI) in May 2016. For the Paralympics, the Final Paralympic Qualification Regatta will be announced shortly.</p> <p> For more details click <a>here</a>.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11450 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-coaches" id="post-11450"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Coaches</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">A coach to remember &#8211; Igor Grinko</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 27, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> Grinko leaves behind an extensive legacy through his work in the Soviet Union, then to the United States, and on to China before returning to the United States. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="Igor Grinko" src="/uploads/files/b55d641641d7532a9f183af2dcbe239f.JPG" /></figure> <p> Along the way Grinko coached many teams to international medals, with some of the most memorable being the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games United States men&#8217;s quadruple sculls silver medal and Estonia&#8217;s Jueri Jaanson&#8217;s silver medal in the men&#8217;s single sculls at the 2004 Athens Olympics.</p> <p> Born in Vilnius, Lithuania, he then moved to Kiev, Ukraine where he started rowing as a 12-year-old. His home club was Dynamo Kiev. Grinko became a top rower before switching to coaching under the former Soviet Union sports system. He became the Soviet Union sculling coach and led the Soviets to 14 Olympic and World Championship medals. Grinko was then hired by the United States in 1991 to be the national team sculling coach. He remained in the United States before moving to China in 2004 to prepare Chinese rowers for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.</p> <p> Grinko was known for his dry humour, memorable one-liners, a brutal training programme and radiant blue eyes. Every athlete who was coached by Grinko has an &#8216;Igor story.&#8217; &nbsp;</p> <p> Not long after Grinko moved to the United States, he was watching one of the country&#8217;s top women scullers, Alison Townley, while she was training on the indoor rowing machine. Brad Lewis described Grinko&rsquo;s reaction in the LA Times in June 1991, &#8220;&#8230; Deciding she wasn&#8217;t working hard enough, he waved his arms, trying to make himself understood. Finally, in frustration, he took out his Russian/English dictionary, thumbed through it until he found the word he wanted and then shouted: &#8216;Suffer!&#8217;&rdquo;&nbsp; Suffer remained one of his favourite words.</p> <p> One of Grinko&#8217;s former US athletes, Brian Jamieson won silver at the 1996 Olympics and described on an Igor memory, &#8220;Every time we saw him after our silver medal effort in 1996, Igor would scold, nag and pester us&mdash;&#8221;why did you not believe me? I tell you, you could have been Olympic champions! You just need go 2.2 seconds faster.&#8221; And (mimicking us), &#8220;oh Igor, I see now&hellip; you were right!&#8221;</p> <p> &#8220;&rsquo;Igor&#8217;s demands were simple,&rsquo; adds Jamieson. &lsquo;He asked for a full and unconditional commitment &#8211; to his way of rowing, his view of racing and his training regimen. Everything else &#8211; family, job, fun &#8211; would wait.&rsquo;&#8221;</p> <p> His sessions at the Olympic Training Centre in Colorado Springs were monumental, with the focus on taking advantage of altitude, while doing intense repetitive weight lifting. His belief in the benefits of volume &#8211; on and off the water &#8211; became the signature that all of his athletes knew intimately.</p> <p> Described by Unites States coach Mike Teti as the &#8216;eternal optimist,&#8217; when Grinko moved to coach in China he was told that it was scientifically proven that Chinese men were not made for rowing. His response, &#8220;I told them they were wrong.&#8221;</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11451 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11451"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Top rowing nations to compete at World Rowing Cup in Sydney</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 27, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p><figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="World Rowing Cup, Sydney (AUS) sunrise" src="/uploads/files/Penrith_sunrise.jpg"></figure> <p>Host nation Australia is boating the biggest team followed by a large contingent from New Zealand, China and the Netherlands. The regatta has also attracted crews from other top rowing nations including Canada, United States, Italy, Germany, Denmark and Lithuania.</p> <p> Running from 28-30 March, this is the second time that Sydney has hosted the World Rowing Cup and also the second time that it has been staged in the Southern Hemisphere.</p> <p> Four World Champion crews will be lining up as well as a number of medallists from the 2013 World Rowing Championships. The World Champions coming to Sydney are the Dutch men&#39;s four, Germany&#39;s women&#39;s quadruple sculls, Lithuania&#39;s women&#39;s double sculls and Australia&#39;s Kim Crow in the women&#39;s single sculls.</p> <p> Crow will tackle one of the toughest races of the regatta. The women&#39;s single has attracted all three medallists from the 2013 World Rowing Championships including silver medallist Emma Twigg of New Zealand and bronze medallist and reigning Olympic Champion Mirka Knapkova of the Czech Republic. Crow, who is hoping to continue her 2013 winning streak, will be a favourite in front of the local crowd.</p> <p> The Chinese have entered crews in eight of the 14 boat classes including two-time Olympian Liang Zhang in the men&#39;s single sculls and Weiwei Zhu, a finalist in the women&#39;s double sculls at the London Olympic Games, in the women&#39;s single sculls.</p> <p> The lightweight women&#39;s single sculls has attracted the most entries with 14 boats lining up. Both the women&#39;s pair and the women&#39;s double sculls have attracted 11 entries with the women&#39;s double including World Champions Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite of Lithuania.</p> <p> The World Rowing Cup is being held in conjunction with the Sydney International Rowing Regatta which includes the Australian Open Rowing Championships, the King&#39;s &#038; Queen&#39;s Cups Interstate Regatta and the Australian Open Schools Rowing Championships. This will make it Australia&#39;s largest rowing event and showcase the sport from school level through to the elite World Cup level.</p> <p> For the full list of entries, click <em><strong><a href=";event_id=10411100000017">here</a></strong></em>.<br /> Live streaming of the Sunday final races will be available on and will also be broadcast on Fox Sports Australia as well as television channels worldwide, details to be announced next week.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-11452 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-elite" id="post-11452"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Who to Watch: 2014 World Rowing Cup I</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">March 27, 2014</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p> The regatta begins on Friday 28 March at the Sydney International Regatta course in Penrith with the first round of racing taking place in 16 boat classes. Racing continues on 29 March with repechages and B-finals followed by finals on Sunday 30 March.</p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s Pair (W2-)</strong></p> <p> Australia has packed this field with talent and chosen Charlotte Sutherland and Lucy Stephan as their number one crew. Sutherland and Stephan come from the under-23 World Champion women&#39;s four. The United States has entered two new combinations with Agatha Nowinski and Kara Kohler the crew to watch. Nowinski has moved up from the under-23 team while Olympic medallist Kohler has been a regular on the US national team since 2010.</p> <p> Canada&#39;s Christine Roper and Ashley Brzozowicz have both had success in their country&#39;s eight so the pair will be a smooth transition for them. The main contender for the gold medal, however, is likely to be the New Zealand boat of Rebecca Scown and Louise Trappitt. Scown won bronze in this event at the London 2012 Olympics and bronze again at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships. Olympian from the quad, Trappitt earned her seat in the pair with Scown after having a notable team trial earlier this month.</p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Pair (M2-)</strong></p> <p> It will be hard to look past Rogier Blink and Mitchel Steenman of the Netherlands in the pair. Blink and Steenman took the bronze at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships and their smooth, relaxed rowing style is likely to set them in good stead when they compete in Sydney.</p> <p> In the absence of World and Olympic Champions, Hamish Bond and Eric Murray of New Zealand, the New Zealand crew has been made up of Thomas Murray and Alex Kennedy. The pair raced to gold in the men&#39;s eight at last year&#39;s World Rowing Under 23 Championships. The duo will also be racing in the eight at this regatta.</p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s Double Sculls (W2x)</strong></p> <p> The Maria Sharapova and Anna Kournikova of the rowing world, Lithuania&#39;s Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite spent the 2013 season winning gold and charming their followers. They became World Champions at Chungju and also picked up gold at the European Rowing Championships. In Sydney the duo will come in as hot favourites. </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="_O4N1220" src="/uploads/files/8f69bfd48db3538bba182ee3d59fc2e7.JPG"></figure> <p> Vistartaite and Valciukaite, however, will not have an easy ride as they face a pool of talent. Poland is sending Magdalena Fularczyk and Natalia Madaj. Fularczyk picked up bronze in the double at the London 2012 Olympics and is now partnered with Madaj, a former junior champion in the women&#39;s single. The duo started last season by finishing second at the European Rowing Championships. They then joined their country&#39;s quadruple sculls to win bronze at the World Rowing Championships in Chungju.</p> <p> World Champions from the quad, Julia Richter and Annekatrin Thiele, are racing for Germany and there is no denying Thiele&#39;s sculling talent. Keep an eye out too for Canada. Carling Zeeman and Antje Von Seydlitz-Kurzbach won silver last year in the quad. Then there is the Australian double of Sally Kehoe and Olympia Aldersey. Also up there is two-time Olympian Kehoe has teamed up with 2012 under-23 champion Aldersey.</p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Double Sculls (M2x)</strong></p> <p> Rolandas Mascinskas and Saulius Ritter of Lithuania have been together since under-23 days and right from the beginning of their partnership they have struck success. Mascinskas and Ritter made it into the final at the London 2012 Olympics and then last year secured a well-deserved silver medal at the World Rowing Championships. This is Mascinskas and Ritter&#39;s first trip to Sydney and they will sit in the starting blocks as the favourites.</p> <p> The Lithuanian&#39;s, however, had better watch out for Italy. Francseco Fossi and Romano Battisti took bronze last year finishing just over a second behind Mascinskas and Ritter at the World Rowing Championships. Both boats will be ready to test their winter training improvements.</p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Four (M4-)</strong></p> <p> A steady progression by the Netherlands in 2013 saw them strike gold at the World Rowing Championships in Chungju. In Chungju in a race that came down to a fiercely fought battle with the Australians. For Sydney, the Dutch have arrived with their same World Champion line up of Meylink, Hendriks, Versluis and Luecken to again go up against Australia, but this time on Australia&#39;s home water.</p> <p> Since last season Australia has been doing some mixing and matching with their four. For Sydney they have spread their 2013 silver medal crew over two boats. These two boats will not only be there to challenge the Dutch but also to prove their worth in making the 2014 Australian national team. Also tucked into the Australian contingent is 2008 Olympic Champion from the men&#39;s double sculls David Crawshay. This race will definitely be a highlight for the local crowds.</p> <p> <strong>Lightweight Women&rsquo;s Double Sculls (LW2x)</strong></p> <p> Crossing the Tasman Sea to take on the contestants in the lightweight women&#39;s double are Julia Edward and Lucy Strack of New Zealand. The duo won this race in Sydney a year ago and then went on to finish fifth at the 2013 World Rowing Championships. Edward is also one half of the crew that currently owns the World Best Time in this boat class.</p> <p> New Zealand&#39;s stiffest competition is likely to come from Australia. The Australians have entered two boats with one including the very accomplished Hannah Every-Hall. The 36-year-old mother last raced internationally in the final of the London Olympic Games. She is back and teamed up with Maia Simmonds who was second in this event at Sydney last year before competing for Australia in the lightweight double at the World Rowing Championships.</p> <p> <strong>Lightweight Men&rsquo;s Double Sculls (LM2x)</strong></p> <p> The global financial crisis made rowing in Greece challenging but it doesn&#39;t seem to have slowed down Spyridon Giannaros and Eleftherios Konsolas. The duo became World Champions in the lightweight men&#39;s quadruple sculls at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships in Chungju after a season that had them also performing well in the double. Giannaros and Konsolas will be aiming to hoist the Greek flag in the boat class that saw Greece gain Olympic success for the first time in Athens. Their main competition is likely to come from Australia and China.</p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s Quadruple Sculls (W4x)</strong></p> <p> Germany has retained a strong position in the women&#39;s quadruple sculls for a number of years and they keep it as their priority women&#39;s sculling boat. At the London 2012 Olympics they finished second and at the World Rowing Championships in Chungju they took gold. This puts the crew easily in the spot of the favourites at this regatta. The crew has just one change from the 2013 boat with Lisa Schmidla joining Julia Richter, Annekatrin Thiele and Britta Oppelt.</p> <p> The main competition for Germany is likely to come from Poland. The Poles finished third at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships and it looks like the quad has become one of Poland&#39;s priority boats. &nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Quadruple Sculls (M4x)</strong></p> <p> A real mixture of youth and talent make up the crews in this boat class. All are new line ups and the feel is one of team testing with coaches working out their best combinations. Australia has entered two crews who will no doubt take advantage of their local knowledge. Alexander Belonogoff is stroking the boat and comes from racing the double in 2013.</p> <p> Russia and China will be aiming to challenge the Australians and make the most of this early season international race environment.</p> <p> <strong>Women&rsquo;s Single Sculls (W1x)</strong> </p> <figure class="archive float-right"><img alt="kim crow" src="/uploads/files/6f36d4d89e047ce4e03223345f27cf17.jpg"><figcaption>Kim Crow on her way to taking the Ladies Trophy at the 2013 Holland Beker regatta</figcaption></figure> <p> Perhaps the most anticipated boat class of the regatta, the women&#39;s single sculls features all three medallists from the 2013 World Rowing Championships. World Champion Kim Crow will have the upper edge as she comes into the 2014 season unbeaten from 2013 and, on top of that, Crow has the home advantage. Emma Twigg of New Zealand took silver last year after finishing fourth at the London Olympics. Twigg is aiming to continue this upward advance. &nbsp;</p> <p> Then there is Olympic Champion and 2013 bronze medallist Mirka Knapkova of the Czech Republic. Knapkova is known for changing her game plan and surprising her competition and this will play well for her in Sydney. The race will act as a sneak preview to the 2014 season.</p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Single Sculls (M1x)</strong></p> <p> Among Lithuania&#39;s small but exceedingly successful group of elite rowers is Mindaugas Griskonis. Griskonis has been his nation&#39;s main single sculler ever since his junior days a decade ago. At the London Olympics, he finished eighth and last year at the World Rowing Championships Griskonis was in the A-final. The main competition for Griskonis may come from China&#39;s Liang Zhang. Two-time Olympian Zhang last raced internationally at the London Olympics and all eyes will be on his progress over this past year.</p> <p> Keep an eye out too for Australia&#39;s Nicholas Purnell. Purnell has been a regular on the Australian national team since 2009 and last year he moved to the single to race at the World Rowing Championships.</p> <p> <strong>Men&rsquo;s Eight (M8+)</strong> </p> <figure class="archive float-left"><img alt="BM(" src="/uploads/files/e0ea0c3199c8a82e2fb78217f4e99a45.jpg"></figure> <p> Australia is boating an eight chock-full of talent including members of last year&#39;s silver medal men&#39;s four. It is a very different crew to the one that finished seventh at last year&#39;s World Rowing Championships and in front of a home crowd, against another Australian eight, this crew will want to have a strong showing. But New Zealand and the Netherlands will not make it easy for Australia. The Netherlands were fifth last year while New Zealand is lining up their under-23 World Champion boat. There is no doubt the outcome of this race will be debated.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <div class="pagination-wrapper section-inner"> <hr class="styled-separator pagination-separator is-style-wide" aria-hidden="true" /> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><span class="prev page-numbers placeholder" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true">&larr;</span> <span class="nav-prev-text">Newer <span class="nav-short">Posts</span></span></span><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">1</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">2</a> <a class="next page-numbers" href=""><span class="nav-next-text">Older <span class="nav-short">Posts</span></span> <span aria-hidden="true">&rarr;</span></a></div> </nav> </div><!-- .pagination-wrapper --> </main><!-- #site-content --> <div class="footer-nav-widgets-wrapper header-footer-group"> <div class="footer-inner section-inner"> <aside class="footer-widgets-outer-wrapper"> <div class="footer-widgets-wrapper"> <div class="footer-widgets column-one grid-item"> <div class="widget widget_search"><div class="widget-content"><form role="search" method="get" class="search-form" action=""> <label for="search-form-2"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Search for: </span> <input type="search" id="search-form-2" class="search-field" placeholder="Search &hellip;" value="" name="s" /> </label> <input type="submit" class="search-submit" value="Search" /> </form> </div></div> <div class="widget widget_recent_entries"><div class="widget-content"> <h2 class="widget-title subheading heading-size-3">Recent Posts</h2><nav aria-label="Recent Posts"> <ul> <li> <a href="">Global Canal Rowing Action Concludes in Baku, Azerbaijan, on the Occasion of COP29</a> </li> <li> <a href="">2024 World Rowing Women鈥檚 Crew of the Year &#8211; Romania鈥檚 eight</a> </li> <li> <a href="">World Rowing paves the way for Beach Sprint Rowing at LA28 with attribution of World Championships to Brazil and China for 2025 and 2026</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Coastal Champs take on Challenge Prince Albert II</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Where are they now? 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