OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic</title></head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#3030c0" vlink="#3030c0"> <table width="100%" cellpadding=5 cellspacing=2> <!--Item: OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic file: 1--><tr> <td bgcolor=#c0ffb0 valign=top align=center rowspan=5 width=32> <img src="../bags/cat.gif" alt=(Category) width=32 height=27> </td> <!--wide--><td colspan=1 ><a name="file_1"> </a> <img src="../bags/cat-small.gif" alt="(Category) " border=0 width=18 height=14><b>OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic</b></a></td></tr> <tr><!-- next Part --><!--wide--><td colspan=1 bgcolor=#f0d0f0><!-- This text is untranslated from the original; any errors are in the original text. --> <div align="center"> <b>Welcome to the OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic.</b> </div> <p> This is an interactive <i>Frequently Asked Questions</i> system. <br> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next Part --><!--wide--><td colspan=1 bgcolor=#b0e0ff>This FAQ-O-Matic has the following main categories:<br> <a href="3.html"><img src="../bags/cat-small.gif" alt="(Category) " border=0 width=18 height=14>General LDAP FAQ</a><br> <a href="2.html"><img src="../bags/cat-small.gif" alt="(Category) " border=0 width=18 height=14>OpenLDAP Software FAQ</a><br> <a href="4.html"><img src="../bags/cat-small.gif" alt="(Category) " border=0 width=18 height=14>OpenLDAP Developer's FAQ</a> <br></td></tr> <tr><!-- next Part --><!--wide--><td colspan=1 bgcolor=#f0d0f0><!-- This text is untranslated from the original; any errors are in the original text. --> Please see the <a href="" >FAQ-O-MATIC Users' Guide</a> for details on how to use this interactive system. <br> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next Part --><!--wide--><td colspan=1 ><font size="-1">[<a href="/faq/index.cgi?_insert=answer&cmd=addItem&file=1">New Answer in "OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic"</a>]</font></td></tr> </table> <table><!-- Sibling links --> </table> This document is: <a href=""></a><br> <!--footer box at bottom of page with common links --> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0d0f0"> <tr><td><table width="100%"> <tr> <td></td> <td>[<a href="/faq/index.cgi?cmd=searchForm&file=1">Search</a>]</td> <td>[<a href="/faq/index.cgi?cmd=appearanceForm&file=1">Appearance</a>]</td> <td>[<a href="/faq/index.cgi?_recurse=1&file=1">Show This <em>Entire</em> Category<!-- not --></a>]</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan=4 align=center> This is a <a href="">Faq-O-Matic</a> 2.721.test. </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> <FONT COLOR="#808080" FACE="Arial,Verdana,Helvetica"><SMALL>© Copyright 1998-2013, <A HREF="">OpenLDAP Foundation</A>, <A HREF=""></A></SMALL></FONT> </body></html>